YAML Parser
(1)This small and simple plugin parses a YAML file and returns the flattend object in the outputs.
Required The file (including path) to the YAML. (e.g., "test_gae.yaml","./configs/config.yml")
Optional If you want only one value from the YAML file then you can set the key. The value will be saved into the "result" outputs variable
Optional (Default: "_") The delimiter which is used at nested objects. "." as delimiter only works for "export_to_envs"
Optional (Default: "true") Save the values into the outputs variable
Optional (Default: "false") Save the values into the envs
Dynamically built depending on your YAML file content.
uses: the-coding-turtle/[email protected]
directory: "config.yaml"
flour: "200g"
water: "100ml"
will be saved in the outputs variable "recipe_flour" and "recipe_water"
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