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CodiumAI PR Agent (Free)

A hosted deployment of PR-Agent, aiming to help developers review pull requests faster and more efficiently
333 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free plan available.

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CodiumAI PR-Agent is an open-source tool aiming to help developers review pull requests faster and more efficiently. It automatically analyzes the pull request and can provide several types of feedback.

This Github App is a deployment of the PR-Agent OSS project, funded and hosted by CodiumAI for free usage.

Please be aware that pull request data may be used to train models, aimed at enhancing the user experience.

See for usage instructions.

CodiumAI PR Agent (Free) screenshot

Plans and pricing

You may use the CodiumAI hosted PR-Agent app for free

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CodiumAI PR Agent (Free) is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


A hosted deployment of PR-Agent, aiming to help developers review pull requests faster and more efficiently
333 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free plan available.