This github repository contains the code underlying the CrispRVariantsLite Shiny-based web app, which accompanies the main CrispRVariants package. This web app is primarily available from the Robinson lab web server at University of Zurich from the following link: CrispRVariantsLite. Instructions are given in the start up page of the app.
Example ZIP files (and corresponding TXT files with description of genome location and/or guide+PAM sequence) for the different entry points can be found in the /examples/ directory. If retrieving these files from the github repo, be sure to click on 'Raw' or 'View Raw'.
The CrispRVariantsLite web app can be run locally, after installation of the necessary R packages (see below) and well as the command line tools: samtools, bwa mem and the indices for the organism of interest. After all this is completed, clone a version of this repository, set up the symbolic links (see the makelinks file) in the data/genome and data/txdb directories of the cloned repository and then the app can be run from the R console as:
#install.packages("shiny") # only needed if 'shiny' package is not already installed
shiny::runApp( "/dir/to/CrispRVariantsLite/local/clone")
The following packages will be needed by the web app:
biocLite( c("CrispRVariants", "GenomicFeatures",
"AnnotationDbi", "GenomicRanges",
"IRanges", "Rsamtools", "Biostrings") )
The web application makes calls to bwa mem and samtools. Therefore, for every organism of interest, a bwa index will need to be created from the genome sequence. These need to be copied (or preferably, symbolically linked) to the data/genome directory; similarly, TxDb objects need to be saved to the data/txdb directory of the app. The convention used is that all the files ending in .fa in the data/genome are presented to the user in the dropdown menu of the web application. Importantly, the TxDB objects in the data/txdb directory must be named with the same prefix but a .sqlite extension. That is, if you are working with the hg19 genome, the application is expecting hg19.fa (and hg19.fa.XXX for all the bwa indices) in the data/genome directory and hg19.sqlite in the data/txdb directory.