git clone [email protected]:mars-research/DRAMHiT.git --recursive
If Nix is not installed, install Nix.
curl -L | sh
Use nix shell.
All the dependencies should be available in the nix shell now.
sudo apt install libnuma-dev libboost-program-options-dev cmake libabsl-dev libcapstone-dev
- Apply constant frequency, enable hugepages, and disable hardware prefetching.
- Set all cpus to run at a constant frequency
- Enable hugepages (both 2MiB and 1GiB)
- Disable hardware prefetching
./scripts/ off
- (Optional)Enable/disable hyperthreading
- Setup build directory
cmake -S . -B build
- Build
cmake --build build/
On command line, install and start ccmake
sudo apt install cmake-curses-gui
sudo ./build/dramhit
Run all tests.
ctest --test-dir=build
Run individual test binary. For example, the hashmap test: