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h2. Basic Setup

Follow these simple steps, and you'll have your app auto-updating asap.

These steps apply to Xcode 4. If you're still on Xcode 3, read Instructions (Xcode 3).

h3. 1. Add the Sparkle framework to your project

  • First, we'll link the Sparkle framework to your target: ** Drag Sparkle.framework into the Frameworks folder of your Xcode project. ** Be sure to check the "copy items into the destination group's folder" box in the sheet that appears. ** Make sure the box is checked for your app's target in the sheet's Add to targets list. ** If your app is garbage collected, use the Sparkle.framework in the "With Garbage Collection" folder of Sparkle's distribution.
  • Now we'll make sure the framework is copied into your app bundle: ** Click on your project in the Project Navigator. ** Click your target in the project editor. ** Click on the Build Phases tab. ** Click the Add Build Phase button at the bottom and choose Add Copy Files. ** Click the disclosure triangle next to the new build phase. ** Choose Frameworks from the Destination list. ** Drag Sparkle.framework from the Project Navigator left sidebar to the list in the new Copy Files phase.

h3. 2. Set up a Sparkle updater object

  • Open up your MainMenu.nib.
  • Choose View -> Utilities -> Object Library…
  • Type "Object" in the search field under the object library (at the bottom of the right sidebar) and double click an Object in the object library list.
  • Click the Object that was just added (in the left sidebar of the document editor)
  • Choose View -> Utilities -> Identity Inspector.
  • Type SUUpdater in the Class box of the Custom Class section in the inspector.
  • If you'd like, make a "Check for Updates…" menu item in the application menu; set its target to the SUUpdater instance and its action to checkForUpdates:.
  • These instructions only work for .app bundles, because the SUUpdater instance instantiated in the nib will always be the sharedUpdater, which updates the hosting .app bundle. If you want to update a non-app bundle, such as a Preference Pane, see "Updating a Bundle": for alternative instructions.

h3. 3. Segue for security concerns

  • Since Sparkle is downloading executable code to your users' systems, you must be very careful about security.
  • To let Sparkle be sure an update came from you (instead of a malicious attacker), you must do one of two things: ** Include a "DSA signature": of the SHA-1 hash of your published update file. ** Deliver your update and your appcast through SSL.
  • Signing your updates is easy. Start by making yourself a pair of DSA keys; Sparkle includes a tool to help: ** (from the Sparkle distribution root):
    ruby "Extras/Signing Tools/generate_keys.rb" ** You can use the keys this tool generates to sign your updates. ** Back up your private key (dsa_priv.pem) and keep it safe. You don't want anyone else getting it, and if you lose it, you won't be able to issue any new updates. ** Add your public key (dsa_pub.pem) to the Resources folder of your Xcode project. ** Add a SUPublicDSAKeyFile key to your Info.plist; set its value to your public key's filename—unless you renamed it, this will be dsa_pub.pem.

h3. 4. Publish your appcast

  • Sparkle uses appcasts to get information about software updates.
  • An appcast is an RSS feed with some extra information for Sparkle's purposes.
  • Make a copy of the sample appcast included in the Extras directory of the Sparkle distribution.
  • Read the sample appcast to familiarize yourself with the format, then edit out all the items and add one for the new version of your app by following the instructions at "Publishing an Update":
  • Upload your appcast to a webserver.
  • Add a SUFeedURL key to your Info.plist; set its value to the URL of your appcast.
  • Remember that your bundle must have a "properly formatted": CFBundleVersion key in your Info.plist.

h3. 5. Test Sparkle out

  • Make sure the version specified for the update in your appcast is greater than the CFBundleVersion of the app you're running.
  • Run your app, then quit: Sparkle doesn't ask the user about updates until the second launch, in order to make your users' first-launch impression cleaner.
  • Run your app again. The update process should proceed as expected.

h3. Next steps

That's it! You're done! You don't have to do any more. But you might want to:

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