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Issue Tracking with plain Markdown for GIT and Mercurial.

In short: You are missing the git clone or hg clone respectively for your tickets from GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, or some other services (see below) where we already have this for code and wiki?

You need issue tracking which works for distributed and potentially disconnected situations together with your distributed version control GIT or Mercurial and e.g. also your distributed wiki editing through GIT or Mercurial as well?

Then this here is for you!

It is not intended for large, permanently online or connected teams and heavy flows of tickets though, since you will be having only one file with plain Markdown with your issues - and optionally other stuff - collected in it.

The currently open issues of TrackDown itself can be found here and here.

The corresponding roadmap is placed here and here.


While TrackDown does not define an issue related workflow, it has some intended workflow elements which are supported:

The issues are defined and maintained in a single Markdown file following the format given here.

The GIT post-commit hook or Mercurial commit hook of TrackDown reads the commit messages and modifies that issue collection if your commit messages relate to some of the issues.

Additionally a roadmap file is automatically maintained for your tickets. This roadmap file groups the issue's headlines in groups according to their version label and illustrated progress counting issues in progress and resolved issues.

The issue collection this way is held local on your machine and not remote in the database of a tracking system. (Which is something also Fossil supports.) Like with the source code, it is pushed to remote repositories if needed (or possible). The simple Markdown format and the usage of GIT or Mercurial as a backend support distributed, shared editing and later merging of the issues and the related notes in the issue collection. (This is where the parallel with Fossil ends).

The Format

While sticking to only partly structured Markdown the following elements should be maintainable with TrackDown:

  • ID
  • Title
  • Status
  • Commits
  • Target Version
  • Severity
  • Affected Versions
  • Description
  • Comments

These fields are mapped to the following source structure

  ## ID Title (status)

  *Target Version (optional)* - Currently assigned to: `me` (optional)

  ### severity (optional) priority (optional)

  affected versions: 1.0, 1.1 (optional)

  ### Description (optional)


  ### Comments (optional)

  comments (structured)

  ### Commits (auto generated)

  The headline commits at level three is optional. The commit messages are 
  inserted just as the last part of the issue's level two text area.

The really fixed non optional parts of this are

  ## ID Title (status)

  (Commit messages inserted here before the next ticket)

Field Values


Any combination of (english) upper- and lower-case letters and digits.


Any expressible in Markdown.


Anything expressible in Markdown. Automatically set values are "in progress" if you start committing for a certain ID and "resolved", if you are using a prefix of "fixes ID" or "resolves ID".

Other intended values include "new", where the issue is just files, and "closed" when the solution is brought into production.

Target Version

Only digits, letters and dots. No spaces allowed.


Anything expressible in Markdown.

Affected Versions

Anything expressible in Markdown. Is expected to describe which version are affected by the issue (if this is possible to say).


Anything expressible in Markdown.


Anything expressible in Markdown.


There are two ways to setup TrackDown: Have the issues file integrated in your source code repository, or place it in a arbitrary place of your chosing.

The first - default - way is to use it in a separate branch of your source code repository. It is kept visible and editable through a symbolic link at the root level of the source code repository. Of course this file is touched automatically via commits to your sourcecode through the (post-)commit hook of TrackDown.

The second way is to use the file at a different location - e.g. in the wiki of the project instead of the source code repository, which is described later.

In both cases the automatically maintained roadmap file resides next to the issue collection file.

Initialize the Repository

If you want to track the issues in a TrackDown branch of your source code repository and not in any other location of your chosing, you need to modify the GIT or Mercurial repository accordingly. Your source code repository must contain at least one commit for this to work.

To initialize your source code repository this way, call the script init

This creates the TrackDown branch for the issue tracking. For GIT respositories, you have to manually propagate this thread to your upstream repositories.

git push origin trackdown

TrackDown does not interfere with your remote workflow for any version control system: Also for Mercurial the trackdown branch will only show up in the remote repositories if you push it.

hg push

Initialization must only be executed once for a repository including all of its forks and clones.

If you want to use the issue collection file from a different location than the special TrackDown branch, leave out this step.

Repository Integration

Regardless of the location of the issue collection file, for each clone of the repository you have to set up the TrackDown tooling to be able to use it integrated with your source code commits.

To start using TrackDown for the respective clone you have to issue use

when using the TrackDown branch in the source code repository or use <path/to/>

like in use ../wiki/

when using TrackDown with the issue collection file at a different location. Automatic commit and push (see below) will be switched off in the latter case.

This creates (git or hg ignored) links and in the root directory of your project pointing to the issue collection file and the roadmap. Additionally it will configure a post-commit hook for GIT or a commit hook for Mercurial respectively.

After this step you can edit the issue collection file following the format mentioned above.

Commands in the Commit Messages

TrackDown is supposed to read the commit messages when not used as a plain mirror and interpret the contents as potential commands for the modification of alongside you work.

When using GIT, TrackDown relies on an implementation, which is capable of executing the script hooks, which is - as opposed to Mercurial - not the case for all implementations.

JGit is lacking this (for the post commit hooks used here), and as a result NetBeans and Eclipse cannot use this mimik! With Eclipse you might be lucky using the nightly builds of JGit (Version 4.6 an up).

Right now TrackDown understands only two commands in the commit messages.

refs #id[,id...]

Reference the commit in the list of commits at the end of the issue text.

git commit -m "refs #MYID - comment" files...

This command changes the state to "in progress" from anything like new, nothing, or even resolved. If the commit relates to more than one issue, the issues can be separated by commas.

git commit -m "fixes #ONEID,ANOTHERID - comment" files...
(Future work: lifts the issue up to the top of the list)

resolves|resolve|fixes #id[,id...]

Reference the commit in the list of commits at the end of the issue text.

git commit -m "fixes #MYID - comment" files...

This command changes the state to "resolved" from anything like new, nothing, or in progress. If the commit relates to more than one issue, the issues can be separated by commas.

git commit -m "fixes #ONEID,ANOTHERID - comment" files...
(Future work: moves the issue to the top the part of the list where the resolved issues reside)

Command Line Tools

In addition to the init and integration tools, the following commands are available:


Provided that the issues in the issue collection file are marked with version labels like suggested, the command roadmap

prints out a complete roadmap of the project sorted by "target versions" in Markdown format.

The term "target version" could also be read as "release" or "sprint" or anything which describes your development process best.


The command ls is used to show all issues marked for a given "target version" like in ls 1.1

where all issues intended to be completed in "target version" 1.1 are listed.

The term "target version" could also be read as "release" or "sprint" or anything which describes your development process best.

My Tickets

The command mine

lists all issues in the issue collection, which are marked with a

*Version 1.0* - Currently assigned to: `me`

The me placeholder in the case is taken - in that order - from

  • the first parameter on the command line
  • The me entry in the .trackdown/config file
  • The local user name from the environment variable $USER

Optionally you can add a path to an issue collection file as an additional parameter like in mine ../wiki/

or mine UserName ../wiki/

Show Issue Collection Changes Status

To show the current state of the local editing of the issue collection and roadmap file, even if they reside in a special TrackDown branch and are only used as symbolic links in the source code repository, a shortcut command is available, giving a brief summary of the Mercurial or GIT state if the issue collection and roadmap file. status

Quick Sync of Issue Collection and Roadmap

Most times the editing changelog of the issue collection file and roadmap file don't present too much additional information for which is already held in the commit messages of the source code and the issue collection file itself.

In such situations you can use the shortcut command sync to bring the issue collection and roadmap file on your machine and the remote repository in sync. sync

Copy Milestone/Release Contents

The comman copy is used to extract the issues related to a given milestone, release, version, or whatever your terinology might be to a separate file named after the given parameter. So copy 1.1

copies all notes for the issues marked with "1.1" as a version marker to a separate file to obtain release notes and get the resolved issues from the base issue collection file for your current work.


The command issues

lists all potential issues in the issue collection. Potential means in this case, that there may be some false positives if there are additional elements in your issue collection file, which might be interpreted as issues.

Optionally you can add a path to an issue collection file as a parameter like in issues ../wiki/


The source repository contains a directory named .trackdown.

This directory contains a file named config. There are some options in this file, which you might want to change.

Example config file for TrackDown:

  me=My Name

Auto Commit all Issue Collection Changes

Automatically commits the new change to the trackdown branch. If you didn't change the default location where your source code repository contains the a trackdown branch, you will want to leave the unchanged with the default value true.

In other scenarios you may switch it to false.

Auto Push all Issue Collection Commits

Automatically pushes after each commit to the upstream repository. If you didn't change the default locations where your source code repository is the upstream repository of your issue collection you will want to leave the unchanged with the default value true.

In other scenarios you may switch it to false. E.g. if the issue collection is part of your project wiki then automatic pushing might lead to remote operations, which is not desirable.

Online commit summary prefix

With some GIT backends it is possible to obtain summary with changes and commit message online for every commit. To use this facility place a prefix in the config file where hash of a commit can be appended to for a valid link for that commit.

It TrackDown discovers common GIT services it tries to automatically discover the correct prefix für URLs pointing to single commits.

Username for assignments

To allow to work with the user assignment of tickets, the name as used in the issue collection file can be added here, so that listing of tickets for the current user is possible.

The assignment will no automatically added to the ticket if that user uses a commit message related to a ticket, but just the progress flag will be set.


Just copy the files from bin/ to a place on your $PATH for now. Perhaps we will add something more convenient later. For some functions - especially in the area of issue tracker mirror - jq needs to be installed.

Of course this way the remaining Windows users are locked out.

A symbolic link td to the script is recommended for easier use.


TrackDown relies on a GIT or Mercurial installation available on the path when used with distributed version control as the backend. The mirror feature in turn heavily relies in an installation of jq available through your path.


TrackDown is tested to work with Ubuntu 12.04 and newer. It is expected to work on similar Linux systems and MacOS systems.

There are no plans to support Windows systems except where Un*x like layers as cygwin are in use.

Related Projects

I only came accross relates projects which have certain limitations or are unmaintained. In each case the limitations have an extent that kept me from using these systems except for very small or test projects.

Fossil SCM

What I liked about fossil is, that it brings the three core elements of development

  • Source Code
  • Documentation or Notes (Wiki)
  • Issues

local to my machine for distributed development or disconnected situations.

You don't have to maintain backups since the remote instances are your backups of the source code, wiki, and ticketing state.

It does not have a wiki capable of shared editing with later merging like the GIT based wikis of GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket.

Also it is not possible to the contents of the wiki outside the Fossil context e.g. for a documentation web site, since you cannot export the wikis raw data. (Yes, Fossil provides means to usr the wiki directly as a documentation site system, which is similar but not exactly the same.)

The drawback is, that it does all these things by creating a nearly closed shop system not open to re-use of these elements and not open to external tooling outside the Fossil scripting facility.

Additionally I have to keep the Fossil internal web server running for each repository I am using, to be able to read the notes and issues for a project.

Also there is only poor IDE support for Fossil right now, with the exception of Support for Idea and my own small plug-in for NetBeans mirrored here.

Bitbucket a brilliant tool for Open Source or small projects.
It has decent VCS solutions, a wiki which can be used distributed through GIT. In the past they were a brilliant backend for TrackDown with both VCS solutions, since they also provided support for Mercurial, which was abandoned mid 2020.

The only thing I'm missing is the distributed offline work for ticketing.

So in this case it is possible to leave out the ticketing of Bitbucket and use TrackDown with Bitbucket as the GIT based storage backend. And this is exactly what TrackDown was designed for. For migration purposes or if the limited issue tracking within is sufficient, the mirroring feature might come in handy.

Atlassian themselves recommends using Jira.


GitHub is the obvious solution used in so many GIT powered projects together with a GIT based wiki (as opposed to Bitbucket and GitLab the Wiki is a flat folder - be warned) and many other usefull details.

The only thing I'm missing is the distributed offline work for ticketing.

So in this case it is possible to leave out the ticketing of GitHub and use TrackDown with GitHub as the GIT based storage backend. And this is exactly what TrackDown was designed for.

As an alternative you can at least mirror the issues from GitHub to have the notes with you and now the issue IDs for offline code commits. Or you can use the mirroring steps for migration purposes.


GitLab not only is a good online solution but also is a piece of on premises software (like Bitbucket for the renamed git-Part - not hg.). It's wiki is also GIT based wiki and it comes with a wealth of other integration and usefull tools and details.

The only thing I'm missing is the distributed offline work for ticketing.

So in this case it is possible to leave out the ticketing of GitLab and use TrackDown with GitLab as the GIT based storage backend. And this is exactly what TrackDown was designed for.

As an alternative you can at least mirror the issues from GitLab to have the notes with you and now the issue IDs for offline code commits.

Gitea and Gogs

Intended for on premises use as a GIT based solution for Code and Wiki together with an issue tracking section, it is also available in some public online incarnations like CodeBerg.

Of course Gitea can be used as a TrackDownstorage backend or mirroring source.

We also expect the related Gogs project to be still usable in the same way.


A few years ago a colleague stated that he is running a local VM for each project, he is involved with, to take notes, track issues, and maintain source code.

Of course this does not imply shared use of the Trac service or disconnected use.

Also while Trac is a brilliant tool, this leaves me with the necessity to maintain the locally running instances and take backups of them in addition to the project VCS and source code repositories. This is not the case for the GIT based solutions in this list, which have a remote repository as a backup wiki and source code.

Other VCS Services

A small list of tested backends for TrackDown which don't support any kind of issue tracking but Code and Wiki with the VCS:


Unlike Blogdown where you again start a server - but this time on localhost, MDWiki just runs in your browser to view Markdown files nicely formatted locally.


The output of TrackDown looks pretty usable in this setup and gives a good overview of the issues as the roadmap.

When you also use GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket Wikis, MDWiki has a different understanding, how links should be interpreted. To get a fully compatible local and remote viewing setup for these cases, a patched version of MDWiki exists on GitHub.

Unmaintained related Projects

These seem to address similar issues, but are not under active development

Migration and Offline Mirroring

To facilitate the use of TrackDown, the option of migrating an existing base of tickets is of course helpful. The choice, which systems are taken as a data source for such a migration is driven by personal needs.

GitHub Offline Mirror

For disconnected situations which TrackDown is supposed to support, it is possible to connect a workspace to its GitHub issue tracker and mirror tickets for offline use.

The mirror - of course - is not intended for changeing the issues in the issue collection file. State changes will most likely be triggered on GitHub by your commit messages or manually, after which a call of the mirroring script can be helpfull.

Instead of use issue github to setup the mirror connection. github <projectname> <owner> <apitoken>

Afterwards anytime you can connect to the GitHub system, collect the current mirror state to you local issue collection file and the roadmap. mirror

Additionally - since you now are on your command line and perhaps don't want to switch windows every second - there is a remote command to issue commands on the remote mirroring source system.

You have to provide the issue-id and the id of the user, which is also always exported to the issue collection file to facilitate this.

The commands available are

  • assign to assign issues to users remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ
  • comment to comment issues remote comment 68 "Just a comment"
Adding comment "Just a comment" to issue 68

GitLab Offline Mirror

For disconnected situations which TrackDown is supposed to support, it is possible to connect a workspace to its GitLab issue tracker and mirror tickets for offline use.

The mirror - of course - is not intended for changeing the issues in the issue collection file. State changes will most likely be triggered on GitLab by your commit messages or manually, after which a call of the mirroring script can be helpfull.

Instead of use issue gitlab to setup the mirror connection. gitlab <apitoken> <projectname> [https://<>]

If you ommit the url prefix, is used. The project name must be given without any group or user addition.

Afterwards anytime you can connect to the GitLab system, collect the current mirror state to you local issue collection file and the roadmap. mirror

Additionally - since you now are on your command line and perhaps don't want to switch windows every second - there is a remote command to issue commands on the remote mirroring source system. remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ

You have to provide the issue-id and the id of the user, which is also always exported to the issue collection file to facilitate this.

The commands available are

  • assign to assign issues to users remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ
  • comment to comment issues remote comment 68 "Just a comment"
Adding comment "Just a comment" to issue 68
  • assign to assign issues to users

  • milestone to put issues into milestones

Gitea Offline Mirror

For disconnected situations which TrackDown is supposed to support, it is possible to connect a workspace to its Gitea issue tracker and mirror tickets for offline use.

Setup parameters default to values from the Git repository your current local directory points to.

The mirror - of course - is not intended for changeing the issues in the issue collection file. State changes will most likely be triggered on the Gitea instance in use by your commit messages or manually, after which a call of the mirroring script can be helpfull.

Instead of use issue gitea to setup the mirror connection. gitea <apitoken> <projectname> [https://<>]

If you ommit the url prefix and no values can be derived from your current working directory, is used.

Afterwards anytime you can connect to the Gitea system, collect the current mirror state to you local issue collection file and the roadmap. mirror

Additionally - since you now are on your command line and perhaps don't want to switch windows every second - there is a remote command to issue commands on the remote mirroring source system.

You have to provide the issue id and the id of the user, which is also always exported to the issue collection file to facilitate this.

The commands available are

  • assign to assign issues to users remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ
  • comment to comment issues remote comment 68 "Just a comment"
Adding comment "Just a comment" to issue 68

It is expected that this also works for Gogs backends as well. Offline Mirror

For disconnected situations which TrackDown is supposed to support, it is possible to connect a workspace to its issue tracker and mirror tickets for offline use.

Some of my stalled projects reside therer and I already did an export of the issue tracker contents, which support, and now added the offline mirror capabililties to this tool for smother migration away from the prorietary issue tracker.

The mirror again is not intended for changeing the issues in the issue collection file. State changes will most likely be triggered on by your commit messages or manually, after which a call of the mirroring script can be helpfull.

Instead of use issue github to setup the mirror connection. bitbucket <projectname> <owner> <app-password>

Afterwards anytime you can connect to the system, collect the current mirror state to you local issue collection file and the roadmap. mirror

In the case of, the mirror script has to ask for you password on, if you leave out the app password. App passwords can be generated in the personal settings.

Additionally - since you now are on your command line and perhaps don't want to switch windows every second - there is a remote command to issue commands on the remote mirroring source system.

The commands available are

  • assign to assign issues to users remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ
  • comment to comment issues remote comment 68 "Just a comment"
Adding comment "Just a comment" to issue 68


For historical reasons my Tangram project used Redmine some time ago and customers also use Redmine. So there are two scenarios where some interfacing would be helpful.

In addition the roadmap outline of TrackDown is very much inspired by the Redmine roadmap page.

Offline mirror

Since I'm - sad enough - not in the position to tell my enterprise scale customers which ticketing systems to use, there is still the need to have the issue descriptions, ticket ID, target versions, affected versions and even the roadmap available offline.

For an offline mirror without the capability to change the status of tickets, the following setup workflow is used instead of the steps given above:

Instead of use issue redmine to setup the mirror connection. redmine <apikey> <projectname>[,<projectname>...] https://<>/

Afterwards anytime you can connect to the Redmine system, collect the current mirror state to you local issue collection file and the roadmap. mirror

Additionally - since you now are on your command line and perhaps don't want to switch windows evey second - there is a remote command to issue commands on the remote mirroring source system. remote comment XYZ "Hi there."
Adding comment "Hi there." to XYZ remote assign 68 XYZ
Assigning 68 to user XYZ

You have to provide the id of the user - not its name, which is also always exported to the issue collection file to facility this.


When you think this information mirrored right now is sufficient to cut the ties, you can setup the created issue collection and roadmap as the repository and do a use.

The full migration is not covered by a command yet and setting up the mirrored data in the special TrackDown branch or any other locaion of your chosing must be accomplished manually. The needed steps include:

Latest Mirror

Get the latest mirrored data. mirror

Remove Mirror Configuration

rm -rf .trackdown

Initialize Trackdown

Special Branch Flavour: init use
mv .git/trackdown/ # or .hg .git/trackdown/ # or .hg

Custom location - e.g. wiki

mv ../wiki/ ../wiki/ use ../wiki/
(cd wiki; git add  # or hg

Clean Up

Since the mirroring collects as much data as possible, it might be a good idea to separate already closed releases or milestones from the currently relevant issues in the issue collection. Use the copy command to do so: copy Milestone1

And now use the remaining issues as the new collection and add the separated issues as a chages/changelog part to your documentation.

mv ../wiki/ ../wiki/
(cd ../wiki ; git add # or hg

Of course this cannot only be done for mirror issue collections and is e.g. used for trackdown itself like for release 1.0 in this and this file.