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95 lines (65 loc) · 3.32 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (65 loc) · 3.32 KB

GitHub license Code Style: Prettier


Author's note:

This extension is my way of giving back / saying thanks to the open-source community. If you are an open-source contributor then I take it as you already thanked. :)

Otherwise if you wanna express yourself you can buy me a coffee. Or you can just rate the extension. Whatever fits your budget.

Contributing to the source

  • Report a bug ("properly").
  • Tell me about your desired features.
  • Create a pull request (against the development branch or master (if you sure your your PR is ready to be deployed)).
  • Documentation related improvements (ex.:typos) are only accepted as issues, not as PRs.

Clone Repo

It is recommended to create a push hook:

cp ./resources/githooks/pre-push ./.git/hooks/pre-push

Content of .git/hooks/pre-push file:

echo "pre-push hook:"
set -e -x
npm audit --production
npm run compile
npx mocha ./out/test/Documentation.test.js ./out/test/ESLint.test.js


nvm use
npm install


Since the big refactoring I had no time to adjust the tests :(

After installing:

npm test


After test:

  1. Open the folder in VSCode: code ..
  2. Let task npm watch run in the background.
  3. VSCode "Run" / Debug page: Select Manual cpp.
  4. Start debugging.
  5. Add your folder to the newly opened VSCode's workspace. (Or change launch.json's Manual cpp to the folder which is intended to be debugged and the start.)

Issues are tipically related to file operations:

Publishing to market

If you think your changes worth of a release add a new version entry to file without a date. CI will publish it automatically.


VSCode API Change tracking tool

curl "${LAST_CHECKED_VERSION}/src/vscode-dts/vscode.d.ts" \
--output "./out/latest_checked.vscode.d.ts" && \
curl "" \
--output "./out/latest.vscode.d.ts" && \
bcomp "./out/latest_checked.vscode.d.ts" "./out/latest.vscode.d.ts"



    1. run skipped directly; 2. run skipped by parent; see status: not resetted, shouldn't be