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generalization of FTC2 (#1446)
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* generalization of FTC2

- for continuous function on unbounded intervals


Co-authored-by: IshiguroYoshihiro <[email protected]>
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affeldt-aist and IshiguroYoshihiro authored Feb 18, 2025
1 parent 800800c commit f29e974
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Showing 6 changed files with 221 additions and 15 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,17 @@

- in `normedtype.v`:
+ lemmas `ninfty`, `cvgy_compNP`
- in `normedtype.v`
+ global hint to automatically apply `interval_open`

- in `sequences.v`:
+ lemma `seqDUE`
+ lemma `nondecreasing_telescope_sumey`

- in `ftc.v`:
+ lemma `ge0_continuous_FTC2y`
+ lemma `Rintegral_ge0_continuous_FTC2y`
+ lemma `le0_continuous_FTC2y`

- new file `measurable_realfun.v`
+ with as contents the first half of the file `lebesgue_measure.v`
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions Makefile.common
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,15 +138,14 @@ coq2html:
gsed -i 's/Analysis_stdlib/mathcomp\.analysis_stdlib/'
gsed -i 's/\//\./g'
../coq2html/coq2html \
find . -not -path '*/.*' -name "*.v" -or -name "*.glob" | xargs ../coq2html/coq2html \
-hierarchy-graph \
-dependency-graph \
-title "Mathcomp Analysis" \
-d html/ -base mathcomp -Q theories analysis \
-coqlib \
-external mathcomp.ssreflect \
-external mathcomp.algebra \
$(find . -not -path '*/.*' -name "*.v" -or -name "*.glob")
-external mathcomp.algebra

rm -f */*.glob
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions theories/convex.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ have [c2 Ic2 Hc2] : exists2 c2, x < c2 < b & (f b - f x) / (b - x) = 'D_1 f c2.
have [|z zxb fbfx] := MVT xb derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 xbf _ cvg_left))/cvg_at_right_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
by exists z => //; rewrite fbfx -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have [c1 Ic1 Hc1] : exists2 c1, a < c1 < x & (f x - f a) / (x - a) = 'D_1 f c1.
Expand All @@ -224,11 +224,10 @@ have [c1 Ic1 Hc1] : exists2 c1, a < c1 < x & (f x - f a) / (x - a) = 'D_1 f c1.
have [|z zax fxfa] := MVT ax derivef.
apply/(derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 axf cvg_right _))/cvg_at_left_filter.
have := derivable_within_continuous HDf.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
rewrite continuous_open_subspace//.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= ax.
exists z; first by [].
rewrite fxfa -mulrA divff; first exact: mulr1.
by rewrite subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
by rewrite fxfa -mulrA divff ?mulr1// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
have c1c2 : c1 < c2.
by move: Ic2 Ic1 => /andP[+ _] => /[swap] /andP[_] /lt_trans; apply.
have [d Id h] :
Expand All @@ -242,10 +241,10 @@ have [d Id h] :
have [|z zc1c2 {}h] := MVT c1c2 derivef.
apply: (derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within (And3 h _ _)).
+ apply: cvg_at_right_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic1).1 (lt_trans _ (andP Ic2).2).
+ apply: cvg_at_left_filter.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//; last exact: interval_open.
move: cDf; rewrite continuous_open_subspace//.
by apply; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= (andP Ic2).2 (lt_trans (andP Ic1).1).
exists z; first by [].
rewrite h -mulrA divff; first exact: mulr1.
Expand Down
168 changes: 162 additions & 6 deletions theories/ftc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,39 @@ From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality fsbigop signed reals ereal.
From mathcomp Require Import topology tvs normedtype sequences real_interval.
From mathcomp Require Import esum measure lebesgue_measure numfun realfun.
From mathcomp Require Import lebesgue_integral derive charge.
From mathcomp Require Import itv real_interval lebesgue_integral derive charge.

(* # Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the Lebesgue Integral *)
(* # Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Consequences *)
(* *)
(* NB: See for an introduction to HB concepts and commands. *)
(* This file provides lemmas about derivation and integration. It contains in *)
(* particular a proof of the first fundamental theorem of calculus for the *)
(* Lebesgue integral and its consequences, in particular a corollary to *)
(* compute the integral of continuous functions, integration by parts, by *)
(* substitution, etc. *)
(* *)
(* This file provides a proof of the first fundamental theorem of calculus *)
(* for the Lebesgue integral. We derive from this theorem a corollary to *)
(* compute the definite integral of continuous functions. *)
(* Reference: *)
(* - R. Affeldt, Z. Stone. A Comprehensive Overview of the Lebesgue *)
(* Differentiation Theorem in Coq. ITP 2024 *)
(* *)
(* Examples of lemmas (with `F` and `G` antiderivatives of `f` and `g`): *)
(* - `continuous_FTC2`: $\int_a^b f(x)dx = F(b) - F(a)$ *)
(* - `{ge0,le0}_continuous_FTC2y`: $\int_a^\infty f(x)dx = \ell - F(a)$ with *)
(* $\lim_{x\to\infty}F(x)=\ell$ and $f$ non-negative or non-positive *)
(* - `integration_by_parts`: *)
(* $\int_a^b F(x)g(x)dx = F(b)G(b) - F(a)G(a) - \int_a^b f(x)G(x)dx$ *)
(* - `integration_by_substitution_{decreasing,increasing}`: *)
(* $\int_{F(b)}^{F(a)} G(x)dx = \int_a^b -G(F(x))f(x)dx$ *)
(* with $F$ decreasing, *)
(* $\int_{F(a)}^{F(b)} G(x)dx = \int_a^b G(F(x))f(x)dx$ *)
(* with $F$ increasing *)
(* *)
(* Detailed documentation: *)
(* ``` *)
(* partial1of2 f == first partial derivative of f *)
(* f has type R -> T -> R for R : realType *)
(* parameterized_integral mu a x f := \int[mu]_(t \in `[a, x] f t) *)
(* ``` *)
(* *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,6 +790,143 @@ rewrite -EFinB -cE -GbFbc /G /Rintegral/= fineK//.
exact: integral_fune_fin_num.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma ge0_continuous_FTC2y (f F : R -> R) a (l : R) :
(forall x, a <= x -> 0 <= f x)%R ->
{within `[a, +oo[, continuous f} ->
F x @[x --> +oo%R] --> l ->
(forall x, a < x -> derivable F x 1)%R -> F x @[x --> a^'+] --> F a ->
{in `]a, +oo[, F^`() =1 f} ->
(\int[mu]_(x in `[a, +oo[) (f x)%:E = l%:E - (F a)%:E)%E.
move=> f_ge0 cf Fxl dF Fa dFE.
have mf : measurable_fun `]a, +oo[ f.
apply: open_continuous_measurable_fun => //.
by move: cf => /continuous_within_itvcyP[/in_continuous_mksetP cf _].
rewrite -integral_itv_obnd_cbnd// itv_bnd_infty_bigcup seqDU_bigcup_eq.
rewrite ge0_integral_bigcup//=; last 3 first.
- by move=> k; apply: measurableD => //; exact: bigsetU_measurable.
- by rewrite -seqDU_bigcup_eq -itv_bnd_infty_bigcup; exact: measurableT_comp.
- move=> x/=; rewrite -seqDU_bigcup_eq -itv_bnd_infty_bigcup/=.
by rewrite /= in_itv/= => /andP[/ltW + _]; rewrite lee_fin; exact: f_ge0.
have dFEn n : {in `]a + n%:R, a + n.+1%:R[, F^`() =1 f}.
apply: in1_subset_itv dFE.
apply: subset_trans (subset_itvl _) (subset_itvr _) => //=.
by rewrite bnd_simp lerDl.
have liml : limn (EFin \o (fun k => F (a + k%:R))) = l%:E.
apply/cvg_lim => //.
apply: cvg_EFin; first exact: nearW.
apply/((cvg_pinftyP F l).1 Fxl)/cvgryPge => r.
by near do rewrite -lerBlDl; exact: nbhs_infty_ger.
transitivity (\sum_(0 <= i <oo) ((F (a + i.+1%:R))%:E - (F (a + i%:R))%:E)).
transitivity (\sum_(0 <= i <oo)
\int[mu]_(x in seqDU (fun k => `]a, (a + k%:R)]%classic) i.+1) (f x)%:E).
apply/cvg_lim => //; rewrite -cvg_shiftS/=.
under eq_cvg.
move=> k /=; rewrite big_nat_recl//.
rewrite /seqDU addr0 set_itvoc0// set0D integral_set0 add0r.
apply: cvg_toP => //; apply: is_cvg_nneseries => n _.
rewrite integral_ge0//= => x []; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[/ltW + _] _.
by rewrite lee_fin; exact: f_ge0.
apply: eq_eseriesr => n _.
rewrite seqDUE/= integral_itv_obnd_cbnd; last first.
apply: (@measurable_fun_itv_oc _ _ _ false true).
apply: open_continuous_measurable_fun => //.
move: cf => /continuous_within_itvcyP[cf _] x.
rewrite inE/= in_itv/= => /andP[anx _].
by apply: cf; rewrite in_itv/= andbT (le_lt_trans _ anx)// lerDl.
apply: continuous_FTC2 (dFEn n).
- by rewrite ltrD2l ltr_nat.
- have : {within `[a, +oo[, continuous f}.
apply/continuous_within_itvcyP => //.
by move: cf => /continuous_within_itvcyP[].
apply: continuous_subspaceW.
apply: subset_trans (subset_itvl _) (subset_itvr _) => //=.
by rewrite bnd_simp lerDl.
- split => /=.
+ move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[anx _].
by apply/dF; rewrite (le_lt_trans _ anx)// lerDl.
+ move: n => [|n]; first by rewrite addr0.
have : {within `[a + n.+1%:R, a + n.+2%:R], continuous F}.
apply: derivable_within_continuous => /= x.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[aSn _].
by apply: dF; rewrite (lt_le_trans _ aSn)// ltrDl.
by rewrite ltrD2l ltr_nat ltnS => /(_ (ltnSn _))[].
- have : {within `[a + n%:R + 2^-1, a + n.+1%:R], continuous F}.
apply: derivable_within_continuous => x.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[aSn _].
by apply: dF; rewrite (lt_le_trans _ aSn)// -addrA ltrDl ltr_wpDl.
suff: (a + n%:R + 2^-1 < a + n.+1%:R)%R by move=> /[swap] /[apply] => -[].
by rewrite -[in ltRHS]natr1 addrA ltrD2l invf_lt1// ltr1n.
rewrite nondecreasing_telescope_sumey.
- by rewrite addr0 EFinN; congr (_ - _).
- by rewrite liml.
- apply/nondecreasing_seqP => n; rewrite -subr_ge0.
have isdF (x : R) : x \in `]a + n%:R, a + n.+1%:R[ -> is_derive x 1%R F (f x).
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[anx _].
rewrite -dFE; last by rewrite in_itv/= andbT (le_lt_trans _ anx)// lerDl.
rewrite derive1E.
by apply/derivableP/dF; rewrite (le_lt_trans _ anx)// lerDl.
have [| |r ranaSn ->] := MVT _ isdF.
+ by rewrite ltrD2l ltr_nat.
+ move : n isdF => [_ |n _].
+ have : {within `[a, +oo[, continuous F}.
apply/continuous_within_itvcyP; split => // x.
rewrite in_itv/= andbT => ax.
by apply: differentiable_continuous; exact/derivable1_diffP/dF.
by apply: continuous_subspaceW; rewrite addr0; exact: subset_itvl.
+ apply: @derivable_within_continuous => x.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[aSnx _].
by apply: dF; rewrite (lt_le_trans _ aSnx)// ltrDl.
+ move: ranaSn; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[/ltW anr _].
rewrite mulr_ge0//; last by rewrite subr_ge0 lerD2l ler_nat.
by rewrite f_ge0// (le_trans _ anr)// lerDl.
Unshelve. end_near. Qed.

Lemma Rintegral_ge0_continuous_FTC2y (f F : R -> R) a (l : R) :
(forall x, a <= x -> 0 <= f x)%R ->
{within `[a, +oo[, continuous f} ->
F x @[x --> +oo%R] --> l ->
(forall x, a < x -> derivable F x 1)%R -> F x @[x --> a^'+] --> F a ->
{in `]a, +oo[, F^`() =1 f} ->
(\int[mu]_(x in `[a, +oo[) (f x) = l - F a)%R.
move=> f_ge0 cf Fxl dF Fa dFE.
by rewrite /Rintegral (ge0_continuous_FTC2y f_ge0 cf Fxl dF Fa dFE) -EFinD.

Lemma le0_continuous_FTC2y (f F : R -> R) a (l : R) :
(forall x, a <= x -> f x <= 0)%R ->
{within `[a, +oo[, continuous f} ->
F x @[x --> +oo%R] --> l ->
(F x @[x --> a^'+] --> F a) ->
(forall x, (a < x)%R -> derivable F x 1) ->
{in `]a, +oo[, F^`() =1 f} ->
\int[mu]_(x in `[a, +oo[) (f x)%:E = l%:E - (F a)%:E.
move=> f_ge0 cf Fl Fa dF dFE; rewrite -[LHS]oppeK -integralN/=; last first.
rewrite adde_defN ge0_adde_def => //=; rewrite inE.
rewrite oppe_ge0 le_eqVlt; apply/predU1P; left.
apply: integral0_eq => /= x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ax _].
by rewrite funeposE -EFin_max; congr EFin; exact/max_idPr/f_ge0.
apply: integral_ge0 => /= x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ax _].
by rewrite funenegE -fine_max// lee_fin le_max lexx orbT.
rewrite (@ge0_continuous_FTC2y (- f)%R (- F)%R _ (- l)%R).
- by rewrite oppeB// EFinN oppeK.
- by move=> x ax; rewrite oppr_ge0 f_ge0.
- move: cf => /continuous_within_itvcyP[cf fa].
rewrite continuous_within_itvcyP; split; last exact: cvgN.
by move=> x ax; exact/continuousN/cf.
- exact: cvgN.
- by move=> x ax; exact/derivableN/dF.
- exact: cvgN.
- move=> x ax; rewrite derive1E deriveN.
by rewrite -derive1E dFE.
by apply: dF; move: ax; rewrite in_itv/= andbT.

End corollary_FTC1.

Section integration_by_parts.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/normedtype.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1294,6 +1294,7 @@ End open_closed_sets.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (closed _) => now apply: closed_ge : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (closed _) => now apply: closed_le : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (closed _) => now apply: closed_eq : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (open _) => now apply: interval_open : core.

Section at_left_right.
Variable R : numFieldType.
Expand Down
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions theories/sequences.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -364,6 +364,20 @@ End seqD.
#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 1.2.0", note="renamed to `nondecreasing_bigsetU_seqD`")]
Notation eq_bigsetU_seqD := nondecreasing_bigsetU_seqD (only parsing).

Lemma seqDUE {R : realDomainType} n (r : R) :
(seqDU (fun n => `]r, r + n%:R]) n = `]r + n.-1%:R, r + n%:R])%classic.
rewrite seqDU_seqD; last first.
apply/nondecreasing_seqP => k; apply/subsetPset/subset_itvl.
by rewrite bnd_simp lerD2l ler_nat.
move: n => [/=|n]; first by rewrite addr0.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => x /= /[!in_itv] /=.
- by move=> [] /andP[-> ->] /[!andbT] /= /negP; rewrite -ltNge.
- move=> /andP[rnx ->].
rewrite andbT; split; first by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ rnx)// lerDl.
by apply/negP; rewrite negb_and -ltNge rnx orbT.

(** Convergence of patched sequences *)

Section sequences_patched.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1461,6 +1475,32 @@ Lemma congr_lim (R : numFieldType) (f g : nat -> \bar R) :
f = g -> limn f = limn g.
Proof. by move=> ->. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_telescope_sumey (R : realType) n (f : nat -> R) :
limn (EFin \o f) \is a fin_num ->
{homo f : x y / (x <= y)%N >-> (x <= y)%R} ->
\sum_(n <= k <oo) ((f k.+1)%:E - (f k)%:E) = limn (EFin \o f) - (f n)%:E.
move=> fin_limf ndf.
have nd_sumf : {homo (fun i => \sum_(n <= k < i) ((f k.+1)%:E - (f k)%:E)) :
k m / (k <= m)%N >-> k <= m}.
apply/nondecreasing_seqP => m; apply: lee_sum_nneg_natr => // k _ _.
by rewrite -EFinB lee_fin subr_ge0 ndf.
(ereal_sup (range (fun m => \sum_(n <= k < m) ((f k.+1)%:E - (f k)%:E)%E))).
by apply/cvg_lim => //; exact: ereal_nondecreasing_cvgn.
transitivity (limn ((EFin \o f) \- cst (f n)%:E)); last first.
apply/cvg_lim => //; apply: cvgeB.
- exact: fin_num_adde_defl.
- by apply: ereal_nondecreasing_is_cvgn => x y xy; rewrite lee_fin ndf.
- exact: cvg_cst.
have := @ereal_nondecreasing_cvgn _ _ nd_sumf.
rewrite -(cvg_restrict n (EFin \o f \- cst (f n)%:E)) => /cvg_lim <-//.
apply: congr_lim; apply/funext => k/=.
case: ifPn => //; rewrite -ltnNge => nk.
under eq_bigr do rewrite EFinN.
by rewrite telescope_sume// ltnW.

Lemma eseries_cond {R : numFieldType} (f : (\bar R)^nat) P N :
\sum_(N <= i <oo | P i) f i = \sum_(i <oo | P i && (N <= i)%N) f i.
Proof. by apply/congr_lim/eq_fun => n /=; apply: big_nat_widenl. Qed.
Expand Down

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