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Enrico Tassi edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 11 revisions

We collect here common pitfalls and their solutions, patterns and tricks.

  • Non Forgetful Inheritance is a nasty problem which can arise if a hierarchy is badly designed.
  • Feather Factories are like factories but a bit quicker to declare.
  • Missing Join is an error about an invariant HB wants you to keep. This page explains how to make HB happy.
  • Abstraction Barriers are a useful tool to tame performance problems and define a clear API for the client of a library.
  • [Postulate Factories][HbDeclare] in a section with HB.declare (also useful to test a new structure)
  • Error Message FAQ. Ideally, error messages should be self explanatory... sometimes they are not.
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