This is a rough schedule of the topics we will cover. However, we may not get to all topics, depending on progress throughout the semester and student interests. The order roughly follows the presentation in Prof. Onno Pols’ notes, but it is subject to changes as the course progresses.
N.B.: The notes provided here are intended to complement, not substitute other sources. You are strongly encouraged to consult books (e.g., Kippenhahn et al. 2012) and Prof. Onno Pols’ notes.
- Discuss syllabus and learning outcomes
- Go over some basics (magnitudes, parallaxes, solar quantities: Mo, Ro, Lo, stellar lifetimes)
- Discuss project, show list
- Discuss expectations and grading rubrics for course and project
Aim: Introduce color-magnitude diagrams, theoretical HR diagram, and how they relate to each other. Review some black body radiation and the basics of spectral formation to introduce spectral types.
Aim: Introduce the concept of binarity of stars as something not exotic. Walk through some classes of binaries based on how we observe them (astrometric, visual, spectroscopic, eclipsing) and how they can be used for empirical mass determination.
Aim: Introduce the mass conservation and hydrostatic equilibrium equations of stellar evolution. Re-discuss the assumption of spherical symmetry. Introduce the dynamical timescale(s). Brief introduction to MESA-web.
Aim: Introduce Polytropic and ideal gas equation of state.
Aim: Introduce the Virial theorem in various forms. Demonstrate that stars “become hotter as they lose energy”.
Aim: Introduce other relevant equations of state
- Degenerate and non-relativistic gas
- Degenerate and relativistic gas
- Radiation-dominated EOS
Aim: Energy transport in radiative layers, the third stellar structure equation for non-polytropic models, and local energy conservation
Aim: discuss opacity, Rosseland mean opacities, atomic physics and other sources of opacity in a star
Aim: Introduce convective instability, mixing length theory, and its limitations
Aim: Introduce basics of nuclear energy generation through fusion, recall basic quantum mechanics elements, Gamow peak
Aim: Introduce pp chain, CN-NO bi-cycle, 3α burning, and later burning phases.
Aim: discuss neutrino physics relevant to stars, cooling processes and thus complete the physics needed for 1D stellar evolution calculation. Introduce general principles of stellar structure and evolution codes and population synthesis.
Guest lecturer: Dr. Aldana Grichener
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Koushik Sen
(Notes from previous semester: Notes)
Guest Lecturer: Prof. Conny Aerts from KU Leuven
Participation from Steward Observatory and NOIR lab will be encouraged
Aims: discuss in more detail the following:
- outer boundary conditions
- Saha equation
- line formation region
- line broadening mechanisms
Aim: discuss the evolution of stars in an in-class activity based on
models precomputed by the students
Aim: discuss the evolution of stars in an in-class activity based on
models precomputed by the students
Aim: discuss the evolution of stars in an in-class activity based on
models precomputed by the students
Aim: discuss the evolution of stars in an in-class activity based on
models precomputed by the students
Aim: Introduce the nomenclature for supernovae, discuss the physics of core-collapse and the formation of compact objects
Aim: introduce gravitational wave formation scenario (isolated binary and dynamical assembly), discuss some known uncertainties.
Aim: students will present a topic in stellar evolution to the class. The details of the schedule will be communicated on D2L
Aim: students will present a topic in stellar evolution to the class. The details of the schedule will be communicated on D2L
Aim: students will present a topic in stellar evolution to the class. The details of the schedule will be communicated on D2L
Aim: students will present a topic in stellar evolution to the class. The details of the schedule will be communicated on D2L
Aim: students will present a topic in stellar evolution to the class. The details of the schedule will be communicated on D2L
Extra time can be used as backup