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698 lines (609 loc) · 34.8 KB

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698 lines (609 loc) · 34.8 KB

The Milk Factory

The hottest shake shop in town!

What is The Milk Factory?

The Milk Factory is a venture where we allow customers to create contracts to order customised milk products, for example milkshakes. The customer can customise things like fat and sugar content, chocolate type, other extras and supplements.

Contracts can be one-off, or subscriptions limited for a given duration, auto-extendable or not.

With a subscription you pay for say 10 per year and you can claim them when you want. This is done using a requisition order.

Depending upon the product, there are certain specialities, like our index based products which become cheaper / more expensive year on year, depending upon raw product costs.

Technology Concept & Architecture

In this project we shall investigate an architecture which is based on something akin to MVC, but not just for the UI, rather for the entire landscape.

Architectural Principles & Guidelines

  • The landscape into microservice based
  • Writing is done using commands over Kafka, apart from the UI which uses REST. This is to increase robustness but also to allow services that are under load to fetch work when they are ready, rather than being bombarded with requests.
  • Reading is done via REST. In order to increase robustness, we can use self containment (data replication).
  • Where the UI uses REST when writing, e.g. in order to start a process step, this could be replaced by a web socket sending commands to the backend, but we prefer REST+SSE over WebSockets because of browser, infrastructure and security limitations
  • We attempt to use principles of the MVC pattern (and relations), as the event driven nature seems to be a good fit with the Kafka backbone
  • The view uses a controller to execute a process step
  • The controller updates the model (e.g. rows in the database)
  • The controller emits an event after updating the model
  • We prefer orchestration to choreography, i.e. we have one service which delegates to many services, rather than the services delegating to each other. We do this so that we can easily track the process state in the orchestator.
  • The event which the controller emits contains the updated model parts, so that the orchestrator can update its copy of the model - this is different than MVC in a UI where reading the model is cheap, and allows us to avoid expensive REST calls back to microservices in order to re-read data which we just had in memory.
  • We use Kafka rather than HTTP for transportation
  • We have a concept of commands, where a service demands something be done, and events, where a service publishes that something has been done
  • The orchestrator can be the browser, but could also be a back end service doing background processing, for example one doing recurring billing
  • Services communicate on a single topic, in order to guarantee order, which can be very important during process execution
  • Decoupled services communicate over their own topics. Services may be decoupled because they have no direct dependencies on other services within the main process.
  • Microservices are grouped into applications
  • Microservices are cut along functional (business) subjects
  • UIs are built as single page applications (SPAs), but are all grouped within the web component, just because this is a small enough project.
    • The sales UI is a SPA with orchestation and state in the browser
    • The recurring billing process is modelled with a backend orchestator which keeps its state in a global KTable, rather than say rocksdb or mysql
  • Reading via REST is ok, but writing should always occur via Kafka to ensure no writes are ever lost
  • All writes should be done idempotently, e.g. by updating rather than blindly inserting, and not failing if something is already deleted

Applications & Microservices

  • contracts
    • contracts themselves including contract components and products, releases and profiles used to initialise draft contracts
    • additional information
    • pricing
  • dsc
    • discounts
    • surcharges
    • conditions
  • billing
  • partners
    • partners, including addresses and partner relationships (to contracts, orders, etc.)
  • cases (human workflow, including tasks)
  • organisation
    • organisation, security, staff, users, tokens
  • output
  • requisition orders
  • search
  • approvals
  • notes
  • distribution
  • organisation including staff and roles


  • Sales
    • sell contract
      • create draft
      • modify draft
      • select partner (either new, or existing, must comply with data used to create the draft, e.g. country)
      • offer contract
      • accept offer
      • optional approval
      • organise distribution if this is a one-off contract
    • terminate contract
    • replace contract
  • Billing
    • initial, as well as recurring
  • Requisition Order
    • choose component
    • organise distribution
  • Organisation
    • staff started
    • staff quit
    • security updated
  • Distribution
    • ...


Also known as entry points, process components or UIs.

  • Internal
    • Sales
    • Search
    • Partner view
    • Contract view
    • Requisition orders
    • Billing?
  • External
    • My Account - an overview of a customers contracts and requisition orders
    • Sales - purchasing new products or making changes to existing contracts by replacing them


    select component.ID 
    from mfcontracts.T_COMPONENTS component, mfcontracts.T_CONTRACTS contract 
    where contract.STATE = 'RUNNING' 
      AND component.CONTRACT_ID = contract.ID
      AND component.PARENT_ID is null
      AND contract.STARTTIME = '2021-12-17 00:00:00.000'
limit 10;

select price.CONTRACT_ID, price.STARTTIME, price.PRICE, price.TAX 
from mfpricing.T_PRICES price, mfcontracts.T_COMPONENTS component, mfcontracts.T_CONTRACTS contract 
where price.COMPONENT_ID = component.ID
  AND component.CONTRACT_ID = contract.ID 
  AND contract.STATE = 'RUNNING' 
  AND component.PARENT_ID is null
  AND contract.STARTTIME = '2021-12-17 00:00:00.000'
limit 10;

docker run -it --rm mysql mysql -h --port 30300 -u root -p
docker run -it --rm mysql mysql -h --port 30300 -u root -p
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "general_log%";
| Variable_name    | Value                           |
| general_log      | OFF                             |
| general_log_file | /var/lib/mysql/a1a9fa654596.log |
2 rows in set (2.29 sec)

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

# using the filename above =>
docker-compose -f dc-base.yml exec kdc-mysql tail -f /var/lib/mysql/a1a9fa654596.log

# afterwards:
SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF';

Headers, Topcs, Command, Events

  • Headers
    • requestId for tracking a request through the landscape (one per browser request, propagated downstream; set in common.js)
    • sessionId for tracking a session through the landscape (one per spa, set by spa upon initialisation; used for propagating errors)
    • either event or command describing what kind of record it is. Events may also contain the originalCommand attribute which led to their publication.
  • Topics
    • billing-commands
    • billing-events
    • billing-internal-state (used to track the state of a selection and of contracts within it)
    • contracts-event-bus (generic for all closely-coupled components)
    • contracts-internal-es (for async load into ES)
    • cases-commands
    • cases-events
    • errors (for error propagation back to the client)
    • organisation-events (events about changes to the organisation)
    • partners-commands
    • partners-events
    • partners-internal-es (for async load into ES)
    • waitingroom01 (a place for records to do wait for 1 second, before retrying)
    • waitingroom10 (a place for records to do wait for 10 seconds, before retrying)
  • Commands (all have the attribute "command" at root level)
    • CREATE_CASE (cases-commands)
    • CREATE_TASK (cases-commands)
    • UPDATE_TASK (cases-commands)
    • COMPLETE_TASKS (cases-commands)
    • CREATE_PARTNER_RELATIONSHIP (partners-commands)
  • Events (all have the header "event")
    • DRAFT (contracts-event-bus)
    • OFFERED_DRAFT (contracts-event-bus)
    • APPROVED_CONTRACT (contracts-event-bus)
    • ADDED_DSC_FOR_DRAFT (contracts-event-bus)
    • UPDATED_PRICES_FOR_DRAFT (contracts-event-bus)
    • PRICES_READ_FOR_GROUP_OF_CONTRACTS (contracts-event-bus)
    • CHANGED_CASE (cases-events)
    • ERROR (errors)
    • SECURITY_MODEL (organisation-events)
    • SELECTED_FOR_BILLING (billing-internal)
    • BILL_CREATED (billing-events)
    • TODO all the other billing events/commands



Worth alerting on:

  • EH00* TODO
  • SEC-001 no process steps / roles found in security model that are capable of calling $fqMethodName. If this method is called, it will always end in a security exception. To resolve this issue, update the security model or delete the method, if it is no longer required.
  • SEC-002 TODO
  • SEC-003 TODO
  • KAF001 If this occurs, then something is no longer working with request scoped state management
  • KAF002 something failed in the consumer that needs to be investigated. probably at startup rather than during polling.
  • BSA00* Billing Application had a fatal error, and threw a record away, in order to avoid shutting down

Useful log searches

("*Exception*" or "ERROR" or "WARN") AND NOT ensureUserIsContractHolder AND NOT EH004a AND NOT CONES001

Cypress Testing

npx cypress open
npx cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/partner_spec.js" --headless --browser chrome


  • bug in portal-sales when creating second draft - never get other session related data
  • not only TTL in order to throw out ancient stuff, but also check if the sync timestamp is older than that which is in the DB, prolly best not to write it.
    • that has an impact on performance, because we now ALWAYS need to read before we write, in order to check if we should write.
  • refactor aweful persistence spread out in contracts
    • prolly best to not write to redis immediately, but to a request scoped bean, which writes to redis during commit!
  • make contracts send command to pricing, rather than sending it from dsc, so contracts is the orchestrator
  • add condition if too much vanilla and show it on the screen
  • make portal a little prettier / responsive
  • persist user actions to a new table, so others can view the draft?
  • add a condition, if a user based discount has been set! => rule based!
  • add displaying C to sales and portal
  • add conditions to DscConsumer
  • delete DSC where componentId is no longer in model, otherwise we'd have orphans hanging around
  • add signature to tasks => if manual discount is above a certain amount, then john has to approve it and such tasks are always displayed
  • upgrade libraries
  • arch principals - use a single topic to ensure ordering, that way, we could say update discounts and are sure anything they'd depend on happened first
    • also always write the draft via the draft service. (we have to update the syncTimestamp; we have to load components for the downstream services)
  • measure what's so slow with ES contract creation/updates
  • measure what's so slow with neapel
    • seems to be the DB! => in-memory and redis are super quick
  • after approving, the task isnt made to disappear in the contract UI
    • we dont subscribe to sse on the contracts page!
    • same after offering draft!
  • check async tracing now works - it does, but cases SQL isnt traced. BUT it is when creating a task. maybe it's related to flush time? UGLY
  • why is REST request traced twice? how come not connected?! => jaxrs contrib ignores existing spans and adds a parent based on headers
  • billing stream with tracing see TODO in streaming application
  • spans from browser => debug and see what headers are set when calling downstream. or look for jeager web?
  • cron job for jaeger
  • nginx + http2
  • grafana parameterisation
  • add kafka metrics from applications (prod/consumers/streams) to grafana
  • billing: send event back to sales UI so that the customer can pay directly for the first billed period
  • link from billing application back into contracts
  • billing
    • billing - stopping => send control command to inform that a selection has been cancelled and it is to be ignored (all pods need to listen to this topic!)
    • tombstone records and compaction, including deleting jobs from UI
  • display existing draft so that you can continue working from there
  • change from external to internal, if you arent sure and need a consultation
  • add createdAt/By to all entities and order partner relationships by that and load only the latest ones
  • sales uis should use a state object which is appended to when events arrive, and it is used to determine what buttons etc become available
    • actually, thats kinda cool, coz cypress just has to wait til it can click the buttons?
  • timestamp - if we attempt to insert but a new version has already been applied, we need to ignore it and log it for alerting. or fail with an error? why not just use optimistic locking. whats on my bit of paper?
    • SEE "must be processed by time X" below!
  • pep, pip?, pdp
  • put some stuff into internal package in lib - does kotlin have support for this so that you cannot access it outside of the module?
  • use qute for other SPAs: bookmarks
  • security: do a view of all methods, and the roles and therefore the users which can run them
  • finish security.html
  • add accepting and do validation of prices at that point. TRANSPORT still with kafka!
  • add the ability to fix errors, so that the user isnt blocked.
  • call the contract validation service when we load the draft, and provide problems to the client
  • (TTL) "Must be processed by time X" as a header on messages, after which they are disposed of, since we know the UI will deal with the timeout: in online processes the user will get a timeout. At that stage you don't want to have to say, hey no idea whats still going to happen, rather we want to have a determinate state which can be reloaded and allow the user to restart from there
  • add the analagous timeout in the UI
  • after sales
    • terminate
    • cancel
    • etc
  • component config inheritance - but only certain stuff makes sense, the rest doesnt
  • component config deviations in cases where the sales team needs to specifically deviate from a normal customisation and it needs to be explicitly mentioned in the contract
  • remove support for string messages in the pimp interceptor
  • calendar to select startTimestamp (rename start to startTimestamp too, coz of conflict in UI)
  • add action to execute when task is completed or started (ie open UI, or do something)
  • create contract pdf?
  • requisition orders
  • components diff for warning user after changing to a different product release
  • additional info - to hang stuff external to the contract onto components
  • error handling -
  • use noArgs for jpa => in pom, but hot deploy doesnt work with mods to entity class
  • quarkus extension for lib in order to avoid reflection when loading @Secure - a) it wasnt working and b) this is a killer: Local Quarkus extension dependency will not be hot-reloadable

Further reading


  • sends a useful model around on the event bus, so that we have guaranteed order
  • causal consistency is best according to j.boner and the reactive book, and we get that using a kafka parition (which guarantees order) and allowing multiple event types
  • ui only uses event source for updating - we only update relevant part of ui
  • MVC but with microservices
  • error handling - timeouts? anything else?
    • error topic - acts as a DLQ, but also one for sending errors back to the client
  • kafka interfaces are analagous to rest interfaces.
    • security? check jwt on incoming message?
  • publish product limits with rest versus we publish them in the initial draft. they are set inside the component definitions
  • process step validation of consistency: use a coordinated timestamp to ensure all records are consistent. lets call it a consistencyTimestamp
  • Waiting room for retryable errors: topics where consumer delays. Works because everything in the topic needs to wait longer than the first one. 10 sec topic has consumers that wait that long and their consumer config allows that. Send to waiting room contains a header so it knows where to send it back to
  • Retryable vs non retryable. Unique constraint, validation, illegal argument are non retryable. Anything else?
  • validation of some process steps is done with online rest calls so that we can ensure that we dont allow inconsistent cases to be processed beyond a certain point. the user has to fix any problems before we allow them to continue
  • syncTimestamp vs having a substate in the contract which gets updated if there are errors - its analagous to always calling services with OUR key and not relying on getting their key, which we may not get if the response fails to arrive
  • when creating partner relationships, we send as much info in the command as possible, so that eg the selection of the sales rep can be done in the right place, namely the partner service
  • publishing security data when it changes, or when org starts up
    • fetching security data during startup or lazily if that fails, so that we can check jwts based on processes
  • internet performs badly
  • state in kafka for billing
    • no transactions, so everything has to be side-effect free
    • you really have to think hard about failure and what to do when something is sent multiple time
    • you really need to think about concurrency and async updating of state => the solution presented here doesnt require locks, but fails if the state isnt yet replicated in the store. with a sync app, we'd be sure it was.
  • timing issues related to using kakfa to monitor state
    • either we create monitoring events that update the state, but that can mean that the state being read during a process step is not the latest, because the business command that we sent to say the pricing component was processed before the state event sent to the global ktable, and during preparation of the next process step, we end up using an out of date state
    • or we create a truly linear process in which the output of the ktable is used as a business command to calculate prices, but we need to be careful, since the structure of the pricing command should be responsibility of the pricing component. we end up with perhaps a more tightly coupled system that we want, or at least have to take good care to avoid it with suitable mappings.
    • why not just stick state in a synchronously written store or even a db? it's unlikely to be less available than a local rocksdb, or is it? even if its dedicated?
      • or for that matter, writing to the local rocksdb? well, if there are several pods, you'd need to make sure they are all updated
      • so you end up with the same pattern and associated problems
      • => the solution appears to be like that for all timing issues - use a point to point process to ensure you don't end up with concurrency problems!
      • the next problem you have though is that you need to keep the state for the entire group! you can't keep it per contract, because if you do that, you end up with state that may not yet be up to date, because the contract state is created async to the group state, when you re-key and process downstream
    • no this doesnt work - i just spent the evening rewriting the billing component and there is no way to subscribe to a GKT like there is with a ktable->stream => so you have no guarantee that the state is written and available when the pricing result returns. not only that, you might be processing the pricing result on a difference node, so it might be available on a different node, but not yet on this one. you need to use a state store that is clusterable and capable of telling you that the result is now available on all nodes, so that the next attempt to read, will never fail, eg cassandra or a normal DB. or you can send the entire model around, but that isnt loosely coupled :-(
  • we could store a syncTimestamp for each part of a contract on the contract, rather than on the individual rows, denomralised like we currently do. it might even be faster that way. and we wouldnt need to make remote calls to validate when we offer the draft
  • search results are used to create contract tiles, so that we dont need to go bother our operations DBs.
    • partners should be too, but havent done that yet.
    • contract view is based on a cache - kinda like CQRS - in order to also unload operations db
    • using graphql in that view, so that other subscribers can query what they want

the five tenets of global data consistency

  • async communication for writing data

    • realised with kafka
    • pull principle, so that the system isnt overloaded
  • use automated retry for non-business errors

    • realised with the waiting room with a suitable back off strategy
    • which allows for a self healing system
  • error propagation back to the initiator

    • realised with the sessionId and web component which filters data and returns it to the right browser
  • timeouts and "must be processed by"

    • and the ability to reload and fix problems, e.g. recalculating discounts and prices
  • sync timestamp in order to be able to determine when data is not globally consistent

    • eg upstream we committed, but downstream we ran into a problem (business or technical)
    • validation before important process steps: partners may already exist beforehand and they are loosely coupled to the sales system, so it doesnt make sense to use a syncTimestamp for them => just check existance


    • why microservices?
      • an abstraction
      • easier to understand where problem is because a service is smaller than a monolith
      • one monolithic db goes down, it all goes down. costly to run such a large db
      • separation of concerns
        • modularity + encapsulation
      • scalability: horizontal + workload paritioning
      • virtualisation + elasticity (automated ops + on demand provisioning)
      • for netflix, a microservice includes the client lib+cache
      • rest call potential problems: network latency, congestions, logical failure, scaling failure, timeouts, human error/deployment
        • handling timeouts, fallbacks, fail fast, feedback
        • FIT fault injection testing
      • critical microservices => the path which MUST run for the most basic availability. ensure those services fail less
      • netflix builds client libs to avoid duplicated code. dodgy, since teams operate code they dont own, and a bug will cause failure in many services
      • api gateway, like their central orchestator?
      • oracle doesnt offer eventual consistency, cassandra however does, like kafka - so long as one node is running, you can continue, albeit at a risk
        • hmm... entirely true? its clustered after all
      • dont let offline run on operations db, but on replications. partition clients?
      • client has encrypted state which is sent with requests and can be used in callback. why encrypted and why only for fallback?

Create Elastic Search Indices

For nested docs, see this first:

Kibana searches:

components:{ componentDefinitionId: CardboardBox }
components:{ configs:{ name: FAT_CONTENT AND value: 1.8 } }
start:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]

Check existing:

curl -X GET ""
curl -X GET ""
curl -X GET ""

Delete existing:

curl -X DELETE ""
curl -X DELETE ""
curl -X DELETE ""

Create new:

curl -X PUT "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "settings" : {
        "index" : {
            "number_of_shards" : 10,
            "number_of_replicas" : 1
    "mappings" : {
        "properties": {
            "contractId": { "type": "keyword" },
            "partnerId": { "type": "keyword" },
            "totalPrice": { "type": "double" },
            "productId": { "type": "text" },
            "createdAt": { "type": "date", "format": "date_hour_minute_second" },
            "createdBy": { "type": "text" },
            "start": { "type": "date", "format": "date_hour_minute_second" },
            "end": { "type": "date", "format": "date_hour_minute_second" },
            "state": { "type": "text" },
            "metainfo": { "type": "text" }

The following index is a cache backing and doesn't need to be searchable. In fact we want it to be as fast as possible. We use nested since we don't care about individual property mappings, and index:no to tell it not to bother mapping fields.

curl -X DELETE ""

curl -X PUT "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "settings" : {
        "index" : {
            "number_of_shards" : 10,
            "number_of_replicas" : 1
    "mappings" : {
        "properties": {
            "contract": { "type": "object", "enabled": false },
            "discountsAndSurcharges": { "type": "object", "enabled": false },
            "conditions": { "type": "object", "enabled": false }

Partner mapping uses a custom analyser:

curl -X DELETE ""

curl -X PUT "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "settings" : {
        "index" : {
            "number_of_shards" : 10,
            "number_of_replicas" : 1
        "analysis": {
            "filter": {
                "english_stop": {
                    "type":       "stop",
                    "stopwords":  "_english_"
                "english_stemmer": {
                    "type":       "stemmer",
                    "language":   "english"
                "german_stop": {
                    "type":       "stop",
                    "stopwords":  "_german_"
                "german_stemmer": {
                    "type":       "stemmer",
                    "language":   "light_german"
                "french_elision": {
                    "type":         "elision",
                    "articles_case": true,
                    "articles": [
                      "l", "m", "t", "qu", "n", "s",
                      "j", "d", "c", "jusqu", "quoiqu",
                      "lorsqu", "puisqu"
                "french_stop": {
                    "type":       "stop",
                    "stopwords":  "_french_"
                "french_stemmer": {
                    "type":       "stemmer",
                    "language":   "light_french"
            "analyzer": {
                "ants_analyzer": {
                    "tokenizer": "standard",
                    "filter": [
    "mappings" : {
        "properties": {
            "partnerId": { "type": "keyword" },
            "firstName": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
            "lastName": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
            "dob": { "type": "date", "format": "strict_date" },
            "email": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
            "phone": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
            "type": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
            "addresses": {
                "type": "nested",
                "properties": {
                    "street": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
                    "houseNumber": { "type": "text" },
                    "postcode": { "type": "text" },
                    "city": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
                    "state": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
                    "country": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "ants_analyzer" },
                    "type": { "type": "text" }

Running tips

cd web
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5005

cd ../contracts
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5006

cd ../pricing
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5007

cd ../partners
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5008

cd ../billing
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5010

cd ../dsc
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx400m"
mvn quarkus:dev -Ddebug=5011

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
export JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/java-11-sdk
mvn --version


docker run -it --network kafka-data-consistency_default --rm redis:6.2.1-alpine redis-cli -h -p 30580
AUTH default supersecretpsswr
config get *
set mykey hello
get mykey

Update Jaeger Dependencies:

# => Why is the Dependencies page empty?
#  The Dependencies page shows a graph of services traced by Jaeger and connections between them.
#  However, if you are using a real distributed storage like Elasticsearch, it is too expensive to scan all the data 
#  in the database to build the service graph. Instead, the Jaeger project provides “big data” jobs that can be used 
#  to extract the service graph data from traces:
# - the older Spark job that can be run periodically
# - the new (experimental) streaming Flink jobs that run continuously and builds the service graph in smaller time intervals
docker run --rm --env STORAGE=elasticsearch --env ES_NODES= jaegertracing/spark-dependencies

Kibana searches:


Primevue + Primeflex


Hmmm... not really needed ATM since we access using root:

CREATE USER 'mf'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
CREATE DATABASE mfcontracts CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mfcontracts.* TO mf@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';
CREATE DATABASE mfpricing CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mfpricing.* TO mf@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';
CREATE DATABASE mfcases CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mfcases.* TO mf@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';
CREATE DATABASE mfpartners CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mfpartners.* TO mf@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';
CREATE DATABASE mfbilling CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mfbilling.* TO mf@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'the_password';

kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic billing-events
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic billing-internal-state-groups
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic billing-internal-state-jobs
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic billing-internal-stream
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic mf-billing-streamapplication-billing-store-groups-changelog
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic mf-billing-streamapplication-billing-store-jobs-changelog
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --zookeeper --delete --topic mf-billing-streamapplication-billing-store-groups-repartition

kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 5 --topic billing-internal-state-jobs
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --alter --topic billing-internal-state-jobs --zookeeper --config cleanup.policy=compact

kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 5 --topic billing-internal-state-groups
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --alter --topic billing-internal-state-groups --zookeeper --config cleanup.policy=compact

kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 5 --topic billing-internal-stream
kafka_2.12-2.7.0/bin/ --alter --topic billing-internal-stream --zookeeper --config cleanup.policy=compact
