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Syntactic Details

This document was originally hosted at and was written by Drew Davidson from the University of Kansas.

This section described the syntax of the Alia language.


The basic syntax of Alia is designed to evoke a simplified variant C. Alia is a block-structured language, with most blocks delimited by curly braces. Variables and functions may be declared in the global scope, most statements and declarations are delimited semicolons.

Notable Differences from C

While the canonical reference for Alia syntax is its context-free grammar, there are a couple of "standout" points which deserve special attention for their deviation from C:

  • Declarations are not allowed to have initializers. Thus, int answer = 42; is illegal in Alia. Instead, initialization must be a separate statement, i.e. int answer; answer = 1;.

  • Statements besides declarations are not allowed in the global scope (i.e. outside of a function body). Thus

    int i;
    i = 4;

    is not a legal program, but

    int i;
    void function(){
      i = 4;

    is legal.

  • Variables can have a function type. For example,

    int a(int arg){ }
    int b(int arg){ }
    int main(){
    	fn (int)->int functionRef;
    	functionRef = a;
    	functionRef = b;

    Is a legal program.

  • There are no input/output streams, and no stream operators. Instead of writing code like std::cout << "hello"; or std::cin >> age, Alia uses the output and input tokens, respectively. Thus, you'd write code like output "hello"; or input age;.

Context-Free Grammar for Alia

Grammar for Alia programs:

program         ::= globals

globals         ::= globals varDecl SEMICOL
                |   globals fnDecl
                | /* epsilon */

varDecl         ::= type id

type            ::= primType
                |   FN fnType

primType        ::= INT
                |   BOOL
                |   VOID

fnType          ::= LPAREN typeList RPAREN ARROW type
                |   LPAREN RPAREN ARROW type

typeList        ::= type
                |   typeList COMMA type

fnDecl          ::= type id LPAREN RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY
                |   type id LPAREN formals RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY

formals         ::= formalDecl
                | formals COMMA formalDecl

formalDecl	::= type id

stmtList        ::= stmtList stmt SEMICOL
                |   stmtList blockStmt
                |   /* epsilon */

blockStmt       ::= WHILE LPAREN exp RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY
                | FOR LPAREN stmt SEMICOL exp SEMICOL stmt RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY
                | IF LPAREN exp RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY
                | IF LPAREN exp RPAREN LCURLY stmtList RCURLY ELSE LCURLY stmtList RCURLY

stmt            ::= varDecl
                | assignExp
                | id POSTDEC
                | id POSTINC
                | INPUT id
                | OUTPUT exp
                | RETURN exp
                | RETURN
                | callExp

exp             ::= assignExp
                | exp MINUS exp
                | exp PLUS exp
                | exp TIMES exp
                | exp DIVIDE exp
                | exp AND exp
                | exp OR exp
                | exp EQUALS exp
                | exp NOTEQUALS exp
                | exp GREATER exp
                | exp GREATEREQ exp
                | exp LESS exp
                | exp LESSEQ exp
                | NOT exp
                | MINUS term
                | term

assignExp       ::= id ASSIGN exp

callExp         ::=  id LPAREN RPAREN   // fn call with no args
                | id LPAREN actualsList RPAREN  // with args

actualsList     ::= exp
                | actualsList COMMA exp

term            ::= id
                | INTLITERAL
                | STRINGLITERAL
                | TRUE
                | FALSE
                | LPAREN exp RPAREN
                | callExp
                | MAYHEM

id              ::= ID