Encompass - lightweight multi-coin client
Encompass consolidates support for various currencies into one wallet. It is a BIP-0044-compliant multi-currency wallet based on Electrum. This Encompass client uses Electrum servers of supported currencies to retrieve necessary data, so no "Encompass server" is necessary.
Homepage: https://maza.club/encompass
- Most users are encouraged to run provided release packages for their system
- Installation from source requires python knowledge, and knowledge of package managers on your system
- Non-Developers wishing to compile & install from source are encouraged to use the provided build system instructions are in contrib/encompass-release/README.md
- pyqt4
- pip
- modules listed in requirements.txt
pyqt4 must be installed by your system package manager. pip is recommended for python module dependencies installation,
- Windows
- we recommend macports for installing/building Encompass
sudo port install py27-pyqt4 sudo port install py27-pip
- we recommend macports for installing/building Encompass
- Linux
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools python-pip
- Ubuntu
Use pip to install all dependencies:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
- OSX users please note, brew, macports, and Apple each install their own python interpreters, ensure that you use the correct version of pip. For macports this is usually in /opt/local/bin/pip-2.7
Use pyrcc4 to build the icons:
pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py
If you do not have pyrcc4 on your system, you may need to install the PyQt4-devel or pyqt4-dev-tools package first.
Then to run Encompass from the source directory:
You can view additional debugging messages with:
./encompass -v
If you wish to install Encompass on your system, you can run it from any directory:
sudo python setup.py install
Installation from source on Linux is straightforward. Installation from source on Windows is possible, but not actively supported Installation from source on OSX is possible, users should modify ./encompass to point to the correct python installation (i.e. macports) before installation
OSX users will likely find it easiest to build Encompass.app, and run that. on macports:
/opt/local/bin/python2.7 setup.py py2app
Resulting Encompass.app is found in the dist/ directory.
To start Encompass from your web browser, see http://electrum.org/bitcoin_URIs.html
See contrib/encompass-release/README.md
See lib/chains/README.md.