Active development!
Feel free to explore, but this code base is usuable at the moment.
I'm developing a high-performance C++ backtesting engine designed to analyze financial data and evaluate multiple trading strategies at scale.
I'm extracting results and creating various graphs for trend analyses using SciPy for calculations and Plotly for visualization.
Read more results on
This backtesting engine can pull tick data from local files or from a Postgres database. I'm using QuestDB.
For Ubuntu/Debian systems: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
On Red Hat Linux (RHEL) systems: yum install postgresql-devel
For Mac Homebrew: brew install postgresql
For OpenSuse: zypper in postgresql-devel
For ArchLinux: pacman -S postgresql-libs
cd ./external/libpqxx
mkdir -p build
cd ./build
cmake ..
./configure CXXFLAGS="-std=c++20 -O3"
Xcode - Link Binary with Libraries (Source & Test)
Xcode - Headers Path (for libpqxx and nlohmann/json)
Xcode - Library Path
sh ./scripts/
sh ./scripts/
sh ./scripts/