Python Package for parsing annotated data files and instantiating instances of VO Data Model Classes.
Currently supports
- VOTable serializations with
- VODML Mapping syntax annotation
- VODML Meta-model classes
- VodmlDescriptor base class
- Composition class
- Attribute class
- Reference class
- BaseType class
- InstanceID class
- Reference Wrapper classes (Single & Row references)
- model classes are defined in terms of these
- parser instantiates them
- Base classes for readers
- Document
- InstanceRegistry
- Reader
- Reader for VOTable serializations
- Interprets VOTable and VODML Mapping Syntax to VOTable(Document)
- Generates instances of VO Data Model classes
- notes
- parse_column() extracts column name from FIELD;
- parse_constant() does NOT do that for PARAM;
- TypeRegistry: maps VODML type identifiers (vodml-id) to Python Model Classes
- VO: decorator associates Python Class to vodml-id (see Model classes)
- Class specs for various IVOA Data Models
- notes
- test subdirectory is NOT TEST CODE, but rather TEST MODELS
- Adapters translate Model Class instances to some other, presumably more user-friendly, type
- Act on Model instance, so independent of interpretation code So, adapters can be tested separately from the parser stuff.
- Current adapters
- coords:Point -> Astropy SkyCoord
- coords:TimeStamp -> Astropy Time
- cube:NDPoint -> CubePoint with enhanced axes (VOAxis), and associated plotters
- TimeSeries class
- converts Cube to TimeSeries assigning independent 'time' axis
- plot method
- plots cube instance as TimeSeries
Developed in conda 'vodml' environment and requires pytest
$ conda create -n vodml -c ivoa rama jovial
$ conda activate vodml
$ conda install pytest
Clone and/or update repository
$ git clone
$ git pull origin
$ cd rama
Build and install the python module
$ python install
Run test suite
$ pytest --pyargs rama