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McHorse edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 15 revisions

This section is dedicated to frequently asked questions and also a list of known bugs.

If you run into other problems, which aren't described here, make sure to let me know.

Is Blockbuster multiplayer compatible?

Kind of. It does supports player recording in multiplayer, but the way custom model system implemented is not the most multiplayer-friendly. In order to get custom models from the server, players must manually execute /model request command to download all custom models and skins (or you can enable a config option that says download models on player log in). Unfortunately, OBJ model downloading wasn't implemented in 1.4.9 (because I forgot about it), and there are few limitations hardcoded in Minecraft's core that doesn't allow sending very big packets.

I cannot make my skin appear on my actor. They're black and purple. I'm using Minecraft 1.11.2. Help?

If you're using Blockbuster for Minecraft 1.11.2, then you need to rename your skins to lowercase. Minecraft code that is responsible for mapping the texture location lowercases the path to the texture, thus converting path from skins/MySkin.png to skins/myskin.png which isn't exist.

Simply rename all of your skins to lowercase names. AlfredTheBUTTLER.png should be renamed to alfredthebuttler.png.

I got my skin working on an actor, but it looks very weird! Help?

I guess, You put your skin into wrong skins folder. 64 by 64 pixels skins go to alex/skins. 64 by 32 pixels skins to got steve/skins.

Blockbuster keeps crashing! Help?

It might be either a bug, or incorrect version of Metamorph. Before submitting a bug report, make sure you're using the correct version of Metamorph with Blockbuster mod.

To check out which version of Metamorph you need, check the change log on GitHub or extract blockbuster.jar (using any unzip app/program) and open file with a text editor.

I recorded my actor killing my other actor. He didn't died. Help?

The actor didn't died, because actors always deal 2.0 damage, no matter which weapons they hold. So, if you killed your actor in 4 blows (i.e. on average 5.0 damage per hit), then you need to either:

  1. Stop using that OP weapon and actually hit the actor 10 times and pretend he died.
  2. Or, kill him in recording, figure out the tick at which actor was killed (using either /record search command or Aperture's camera editor), and add a damage action using this command:
/record add %filename_of_recording% %your_tick% damage {Damage:20}

Where %filename_of_recording% is recording ID, and %your_tick% is that tick which you found using described methods above. This command will deal 20.0 damage to that actor (which should kill it).

I recorded my actor hitting somebody else, and when I try to make it hit me, the actor doesn't deal me any damage. Help?

I'm not sure why exactly this happens, but it looks like peaceful difficulty disables any damage that comes from mobs (including actors). Change your difficulty to easy to make your actor hit survival players.

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