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SwiftPuLP wraps the Python Linear Programming PuLP module, using a similar style to create and solve models.


Solving a Linear Programming consists of creating a model of the problem using variables, linear functions and constraints, solving this model and returning a result.

The building blocks of the core model are:

  • A Variable has a unique name, a domain, and optional minimum and maximum bounds.

    A Domain specifies a range of values (real, integer or binary), subject to optional bounds restrictions.

    See: Using Variables

  • A LinearFunction represents a linear combination of zero or more variables, i.e. it has a form like a ∗ x + b ∗ y + c, where x and y denote variables, a and b are the coefficients (aka factors) and c is the constant.

    A Term refers to a variable with its factor.

    See: Using linear functions

  • A LinearConstraint compares a linear function with a constant.

    The Comparison operators include: less than or equal to, equal to, greater than or equal to.

    See: Using linear constraints

  • A Model has an optional Objective, which is a linear function, and an Optimization goal. A model may also specify zero or more linear constraints.

    The optimization goals include: minimize and maximize.

    See: Using models

  • A Solver computes the best values for the decision variables based on the model's objective, optimization goal and constraints.

    The solver returns an optional Result with a Status and a dictionary of variable name - value pairs.

    See: Using solvers

    The CBCSolver bypasses conversion to and from Python, and directly calls the CBC executable, communicating via files for model and solution.

Type overview

protocol LinearExpression {}

class Variable {}

struct LinearFunction {}

struct LinearFunction.Term {}
struct LinearConstraint {}

struct Model {}

struct Solver {}

struct Solver.Result {}

struct CBCSolver {}

enum Variable.Domain {}
enum LinearConstraint.Comparison {}
enum Model.Optimization {}

enum Solver.Status {}

enum ValidationError {}

Helper functions

The Function enum contains helper functions.

See: Helper functions


Example 1: Solving a sudoku

Based on the The Sudoku Problem Formulation for the PuLP Modeller.

Authors: Antony Phillips, Dr Stuart Mitchell
edited by Nathan Sudermann-Merx

The Swift model can be found in SudokuTests. It closely mirrors the PuLP model. It has no objective function, and only binary constraints.


Much of the code is similar (apart from some refactoring to make it more testable), except for a few points.

  1. In the Python example the 'boxes' variable is created by list comprehension with 4 'for' variables.

    Boxes = [    
        [(3 * i + k + 1, 3 * j + l + 1) for k in range(3) for l in range(3)]
        for i in range(3)
        for j in range(3)

    This is both concise and readable: variables i and j identify a box in the Sudoku grid, while variables k and l identify cells within the boxes.

    Mirroring this declaratively in Swift results in the following (using zero-based coordinates).

    let ranges = Pairs(0...2, 0...2)
    let boxes = { i, j in { k, l in (3 * i + k, 3 * j + l) }}
  2. The 'choices' variable in Python is created using a utility class method on LpVariable.

    choices = LpVariable.dicts("Choice", (VALS, ROWS, COLS), cat="Binary")

    The following variant with nested arrays is used in SudokuTests.

    choices = { v in { r in
   { c in
                Variable("Choice_\(v)_\(r)_\(c)", domain: .binary)
  3. Performance compared to native Python PuLP is heavily impacted by the conversion between Swift and Python data structures. The CBCSolver negates this overhead by directly using PuLP's default CBC solver.

Example 2: Wedding seating planning illustrating set partitioning optimization

Based on A set partitioning model of a wedding seating problem.

Authors: Stuart Mitchell 2009

The Swift model can be found in WeddingSeatingTests. It mirrors the PuLP model. It has an objective function, and uses only binary variables.

Example 3: Production planning

Based on A Two Stage Production Planning Problem.

Authors: Louis Luangkesorn 2019

The Swift model can be found in ProductionPlanningTests.


SwiftPuLP depends on the Collections and PythonKit packages. It also uses CharacterSet from Foundation.

The test target depends on the Algorithms package.


SwiftPuLP needs PuLP to be installed and may require the PYTHON_LIBRARY environment variable to be set.

To use the CBCSolver the CBC_PATH environment variable must be set to the CBC executable.


SwiftPuLP was tested on macOS Big Sur 11.6 with XCode 13.1, Python 3.9.7 and PuLP 2.5.1.


Work in progress, but able to run some simple optimization problems.