With MeanFi transferring money is easy and inexpensive. As a global decentralized financial platform, you can send instant payments anywhere in the world at almost zero cost. You can configure single payments to send now or schedule them in the future as well as set up money streams for recurrent payments with the desired payment rate per hour, day, month, and more.
{% hint style="info" %} Connect your Solana Wallet first since the app needs it to initiate the transfers, payroll payments, and money streams. {% endhint %}
- Navigate to Transfers menu item
- **Click **on Create new transfer
- **Select **option for One-Time Payment
- Once you click Next you will get to a form where you will fill in specific information to make the payment.
- Solana address for the recipient
- Amount and **Token **to send
- Schedule Date (it will be pre-populated with today's date, which will send immediately)
- Adding **Notes **is optional
- Once you click Next you will get to a form where you will fill in specific information to make the payment.
- Navigate to Transfers menu item
- **Click **on Create new transfer
- **Select **option for Repeating Payment
- Once you click Next you will get to a form where you will fill in specific information to create the repeating payment.
- Solana address for the recipient
- Amount and **Token **to send
- **Rate and Frequency **
- Schedule Date (it will be pre-populated with today's date, which means it will start streaming money immediately)
- The** amount** to fund this money stream
- Adding **Notes **is optional