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284 lines (211 loc) · 5.49 KB

30 Days JavaScript Challenge by Chai or Code

Day 1: Variables and Data Types:

Topics Covered

  1. Variable Declaration

    • var
    • let
    • const
  2. Data Types

    • String
    • Number
    • Boolean
    • Object
    • Array

Day 2: Operators:

Topics Covered

  1. Arithmetic Operators
    • Addition (+)
    • Subtraction (-)
    • Multiplication (*)
    • Division (/)
    • Modulus (%)

2.Assignment Operator

  • Add and Assign (+=)
  • Subtract and Assign (-=)
  • Equal (=)
  • Strict Equal (===)
  • Not Equal (!=)

3.Logical Operator

  • Logical AND (&&)
  • Logical OR (||)
  • Logical NOT (!)

4.Ternary Operator

  • conditon ? exp1 : exp2

Day 3: Control Structures:

Topics Covered

  1. Conditional Statements

    • if
    • else
    • else if
    • switch
  2. Ternary Operator

    • conditon ? exp1 : exp2

Day 4: Loops:

Topics Covered

  1. Loops

    • for
    • while
    • do...while
    • nested loop
  2. Control Statement

    • break
    • continue

Day 5: Functions:

Topics Covered

  1. Function Declaration
  2. Function Expression
  3. Arrow Function
  4. Function Parameters and Default Values
  5. Higher-Order Function

Day 6: Arrays:

Topics Covered

  1. Array Creation and Access

  2. Array Methods (Basic)

    • push()
    • pop()
    • shift()
    • unshift()
  3. Array Methods (Intermidiate)

    • map()
    • filter()
    • reduce()
  4. Array Iteration

    • for
    • forEach
  5. Multi-Dimensional Array

Day 7: Objects:

Topics Covered

  1. Object Creation and Access
  2. Object Methods
  3. Nested Objects and Array of Object
  4. this keyword
  5. Object Iteration

Day 8: ES6+ Features:

Topics Covered

  1. Template Literals
  2. Destructuring
  3. Spread & Rest Operator
  4. Default Parameters
  5. Enhanced Object Literals

Day 9: DOM Manipulation

Topics Covered

  1. Selecting
  2. Modifying
  3. Creating elements
  4. Removing elements
  5. Updating attributes/classes
  6. Event handling

Day 10: Event Handling

Topics Covered

  1. Basic Event Handling
  2. Mouse Event
  3. Keyboard Event
  4. Form Event
  5. Event Delegation

Day 11: Promises and Async and Awaits

Topics Covered

  1. Understanding Promises
  2. Creating Promises
  3. Chaining Promises
  4. async/await
  5. Fetching data from APIs
  6. Concurrent Promises

Day 12: Error Handling

Topics Covered

  1. try-catch
  2. Finally Block
  3. Custom Error Objects
  4. Handling errors in Promises
  5. Graceful error handling in fetch API

Day 13: Modules

Topics Covered

  1. Creating and exporting modules
  2. Named and Default Exports
  3. Importing Entire Modules
  4. Using Third-Party Modules
  5. Modules Bundling

Day 14: Classes

Topics Covered

  1. Class Defination
  2. Class Inheritance
  3. Static Methods and Properties
  4. Getters and Setters
  5. Private Fields

Day 15: Closures

Topics Covered

  1. Understanding Closures
  2. Practical Closure
  3. Closure in Loops
  4. Module Pattern
  5. Memorization

Day 16: Recursion

Topics Covered

  1. Basic Recursion
  2. Recursion with Array
  3. String Manipulation with Recursion
  4. Recursive Search

Day 17: Data Structures

Topics Covered

  1. Linked List
  2. Stack
  3. Queue
  4. Binary Tree

Day 18: Algorithms

Topics Covered

  1. Sorting Algorithms
  2. Searching Algorithms
  3. String Algorithms
  4. Array Algorithms

Day 19: Regular Expressions

Topics Covered

  1. Basic Regular Expressions
  2. Character Classes & Quantifiers
  3. Grouping and Capturing
  4. Assertions and Boundaries
  5. Practical Applications

Day 20: LocalStorage and SessionStorage

Topics Covered

  1. Understanding LocalStorage
  2. Using LocalStorage
  3. Using SessionStorage
  4. Understanding SessionStorage
  5. Comparing LocalStorage and SessionStorages

Day 21: LeetCode Easy

Solved Problem on

  1. Two Sum
  2. Reverse Integer
  3. Palindrome Number
  4. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  5. Valid Parentheses

Day 22: LeetCode Medium

Solved Problem on

  1. Add Two Numbers
  2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Character
  3. Container with Most Water
  4. 3Sum
  5. Group Anagrams

Day 23: LeetCode Hard

Solved Problem on

  1. Median of Two Sorted Array
  2. Merge k Sorted Lists
  3. Trapping Rain Water
  4. N-Queens
  5. Word Ladder

Day 24: Project 1: Weather App

Day 25: Project 2: Movies Search App

Day 26: Project 3: Chat Application

Day 27: Project 4: Task Management App

Day 28: Project 5: Ecommerce Website

Day 29 & 30: Project 6: Soical Media Dashboard