User is able to share videos
User is able to watch videos on the FYP
User is able to watch vdeos on "Following" Page
User is able to Comment on the videos
User is able to like the videos
User is able to authicate
User is able to create account
User is able to modify profile and setting configuration. Private account. Change name, change location.
The username cannot change
- User is able to livestream
- Chat in the livestream
- send stickers in livestream
1B Users
Availablity. 99.999% (Redundancy, Replication ) Computer: Mutliple server, node, cluster Storage: Eventual consistency
- Cost
- Deployability
- Sustaibility, modularityh, extendibility
CAP Theorem:
Sacrifice Consistency for Availability
RDBMS. ACID properties.
Instagram, Netflix, Facebook
NoSQL -> Cassandra,
Banq Consistency, Stock Market
LMAX System (One node) No Partition - Stock market
Capapcity Estiamtes:
- 1B Users
User Data: -Username -DOB -CreationDate -LastLogin
1B x 100KB = 100 TB Mistake
-Statistics -Comments -Likes
Video Data:
1 video per user per day on average?
1B vidoes per day shared
10 MB?
10 PB per day shared
7 Gb per minute 100 MB Per second
Video MetaData:
- Title
- Description
- Creation data
- CreatorId
- VideoId Mistake
UserId Follower UserId
DataLake with Statistics Video watch time etc. Likes watch etc. ML - Analytics
Grocking - System Design Alex XU - System design interview Youtube Videos
excalidraw.com/ alidraw.com/