Scope, Priority
A user should be able to post tweets
- A tweet can be 124 characters long
- A tweet can attach a picture
- A tweet can attacha video
A user should be able to retweet
A user should be able to Like, Comment on a tweet and share a tweet
A user should have access to a feed.
- The feed can be ordered by latest
- The feed can be ordered by most relevant
A user should be notified when a tweet is received
A user should be notified when the feed has new content
A user should be able to search other users, tweets
A user should be able to receive notifications
A user should be able to follow other users.
Any user can access another users Page and see the latest Tweets, Replies, Likes for that user.
A user should be able to change their setting. (name, bio description, picture...)
A user should be able to send private message and receive private message
Priority 1-10 message12, settings11
Users: 1B Average post per day: 5 post per day per user (User with more or less) Average news feed lookup: 5 times per day per user
- Scalability
- Availability (Up 99.999 9.9999. 1 minute per year down)
- Fault-Tolerant
- Performant (Fast)
- Cost??
Users 1B -userid -username -bio description ...
Tweets -tweetid -content -resource -resoruceType(IMAGE,PICTURE,LINK)
Followers (Graph DB... Distributed Graph) -followeruserid -followeduserid
Notification -userid -message
Feed -userid -listofposts -creationdate -status (NEW, PARTIALY_READ, FULLY_READ)
1B * ~1000 Characters * 4 Bytes = 4TB for user
1B * 5 * 200 Characters = 1TB per day of new Tweets
Followers ... TB
Each user has 100 followers... = 1B * 100 * 100 Characters * 4 Bytes = 40TB per day
(possibly a smaller message),aBjTYNhjpOhC4eF62_7bCg
-Grokking the System Design - Design Gurus
-System Design Interview - Alex Xu
-Designing Data Intensive Applications- Martin Kleppmann
-Funamentals of Software Architecture - Neil Ford, Mark Richards
-Software Architecture the Hard Parts - Neil Ford, Mark Richards
-System Design Primer -
-Blog Article
- Gaurav Sen
- System Design Interview
- Exponent
- Tech Dummies with Narandra
- ByteByteGo