copyright | lastupdated | ||
2019-01-25 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip}
{: #domains}
Learn about domains{: new_window} and how they work in Cloud Foundry.
There are two types of Cloud Foundry domains:
- Shared domains available to any application in any space within the {{}}. To access the shared domains go to the Domains page in the left navigation pane of the UI (under Operations).
- Private domains available only to applications and spaces within a specific organization. To access the domains within an organization, go to the Organizations page in the left navigation pane of the UI, open the organization, and go to the Domains tab.
{: #create-domains}
To create a shared domains, go to Domains in the left navigation pane of the {{}}.
To create a private domain, go to the Organizations page in the left navigation pane of the UI, open the organization, and go to the Domains tab.
Once in the Domains page (for shared domains) or in the Domains tab of a specific organization (for private domains) click Create domain to create a domain, and enter a unique name.
Note: Domain names must be unique accross the entire scope of the {{}}. That is, a private domain cannot take the name of any shared or private domain within a given {{}}
You can also create a shared domain from the Cloud Foundry CLI by issuing the following command:
cf create-shared-domain <domain name>
{: pre}
You can create a private domain from the Cloud Foundry CLI by issuing the following command:
cf create-domain my-org <domain name>
{: pre}
Note: Domains created from the Cloud Foundry CLI will be reflected in UI immediately but may take up to 1 hour to become effective.
To delete a domain, go to the menu located at the far right of the table row corresponding to the domain you want to delete, and select Delete domain.
You can also delete a shared domain from the CLoud Foundry CLI by issuing the following command:
cf delete-shared-domain <domain name>
{: pre}
cf delete-domain my-org <domain name>
{: pre}
{: #upload-certificates}
You can upload an SSL certificate for a domain (shared or private). Click Upload in the table row corresponding to the domain to which the certificate is being added, select the file containing the certificate and the file containing the private key.