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2019-04-01 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip}
{: #getting-started-eirini}
{{}} (CFEE) is a cloud platform for hosting apps and services in the cloud. {{}} makes it easy to scale apps as consumption grows, simplifying the runtime, middleware, and infrastructure so that you can focus on developing apps. {: shortdesc}
This getting started tutorial shows how to create an {{}} from the Eirini technical preview plan, add users, create an organization and spaces, deploy apps, and bind those apps to services. See Eirini project for information about the Eirini incubator project from the Cloud Foundry Foundation.
{: #permissions}
You need the correct access policies before creating instances of the {{}}. For more information, see Permissions.
Step 1: Ensure that the {{}} account can create infrastructure resources
{: #accountprep-environment}
CFEE instances are deployed into Kubernetes worker nodes from the Kubernetes Service. Prepare your IBM Cloud account to ensure that it can create the infrastructure resources necessary for a CFEE instance.
{: #create-environment}
Before you create your CFEE, make sure that you are in the {{}} account where you want to create the environment, and that you have the required access policies (step 1 above).
Open the {{}} catalog.
Locate the {{}} service in the catalog and click it to open the overview page for the service. That first page provides an overview of the main features of the service. Click Continue.
Configure the CFEE instance to be created:
- Select the Eirini Technical preview plan.
- Enter a Name for the CFEE instance.
- Select a Resource group under which the environment is grouped. Only those resource groups to which you have access in the current IBM Cloud account will be listed in the Resourouce groups dropdown, which means that you need to have permission to access at least one resource group in the account to be able to create an CFEE.
- Select the Geography and Location where the service instance is to be provisioned. See the list of available provisioning locations and data centers{: new_window}
by geography for CFEE and supporting services.
CFEE instances are provisioned on a Kubernetes cluster. Cloud Foundry cells are provisoned within worker zones in the Kuberentes cluster. You can configure the location, hardware and encryption of the cluster:
- Select the hardware isolation for the Kubernetes cluster:
- Virtual-shared: Infrastructure resources in the cluster, such as the hypervisor and physical hardware, are distributed between you and other IBM customers, but each worker node is single-tenant to you.
- Virtual-dedicated: The worker nodes in the cluster are hosted on infrastructure that is devoted to your account.
- Data in the cluster are encrypted by default. You have the option of turning off Encrypt local disk.
- Select the Geography and Region where the Kubernetes cluster willl be provisioned.
- Select the Zone where the Kubernetes worker nodes will be deployed. Available VLANs are automatically retrieved for the selected zones. If no available VLANs are available, they will be created automatically. Starting in CFEE v2.2.0, CFEE instances can operate behind an isolated network. You can provision a CFEE instance into an isolated network by selecting private VLANs in the isolated network. Once the CFEE is created, the IP addresses for the CFEE's Compose for PostgreSQL and Cloudant Object Storage instances, as well as for the Application Load Balancers (ALBs) of the Kubernetes cluster must be routed in the isolated network by the network administrator for the CFEE to become operational.
Once the CFEE is crated, the Kubernetes cluster into which the environment is provisioned will appear (like any other resource in your IBM Cloud account) in the {{}} dashboard. For more information, see Kubernetes Service documentation.
- Select the hardware isolation for the Kubernetes cluster:
Configure the capacity of the CFEE:
- Select the Number of cells for the CFEE. These are the application cells that will host the applications deployed into the CFEE.
- Select the Node size, which determines the capacity of the Cloud Foundry cells (CPU and memory) .
In addition to the application cells that you specify above, additional Control Plane cells are created and reserved for the operation and control of the Cloud Foundry platform in your CFEE.
Note: We recommend that VLAN spanning be enabled if the worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster are provisioned on different subnets. Worker nodes on different subnets may prevent connectivity among them if VLAN spanning is disabled. See VLAN spanning documentation for more information.
In the Compose for PostgreSQL fields, select one of the public organizations, then select one of the spaces available in that organization. The instance of the Compose for PostgreSQL instance will be provisioned in the selected space. The Compose for PostgreSQL service is a required dependency of the CFEE service.
Note: Under Compose for PostgreSQL only organizations in the location where you intend to provision the CFEE instance (step 4 above) and to which you have access, are available for selection. Within a specific organization, only spaces to which you have developer access are available for selection.
The Order Summary in the right-hand side of the page reflects the cost of the CFEE instance and the ancillary services along with the estimated monthly total.
Click Create, which opens the environment dashboard and indicates the creation progress and status.
Note: Once the creation process has started, a table row for the CFEE is shown in the {{}} dashboard, in the Resource List, and in the Cloud Foundry Environments dashboard. The status in the table row indicates when creation is completed.
The automated process that creates the environment deploys the infrastructure into a Kubernetes cluster and configures it to make it ready for use. The process takes 90 - 120 minutes.
Once CFEE is created you will receive multiple emails confirming the provisioning of the CFEE and supporting services, as well as emails notifying you of the status of the corresponding orders.
When you create a CFEE instance, there are three additional supporting service instances created in the same IBM Cloud account. Those supporting service instances are named after the CFEE instance name. Hence, creating a CFEE results in a total of four service instances created in the IBM Cloud account:
- CFEE instance ("cfeename").
- Kubernetes cluster ("cfeename-cluster"). The cluster provides the infrastructure into which the CFEE instance is provisioned.
- Cloud Object Storage instance ("cfeename-cos"). The instance is used to store data generated during the creation of the CFEE application containers (e.g. uploaded application packages, buildpacks, and compiled executables).
- Compose for PosgreSQL instance ("cfeename-postgres"). The instance is used to store Cloud Foundry data on the CFEE instance (e.g., auditing application deployment, start and stop events; keeping records of CFEE user membership, organizations, spaces, applications and service connections).
{: #create-orgsandspaces}
After you create the {{}}, see Creating organizations and spaces for information on how to structure the environment by creating organizations and spaces. Apps in an {{}} are scoped within specific spaces. In turn, a space exists within a specific organization. Members of an organization share a quota plan, apps, services instances, and custom domains.
When you create an organization you assign a quota to it. The quota sets limits on the resources (memory, cpu, etc.) available for that organization. You can assign a different quota at a later time. There is a set of pre-configured quotas available in every CFEE, but you can also create your own custom quotas in the Quotas page of the CFEE user interface. You can make a custom quota the Default quota by invoking the Copy to default action from the quota's menu, which copies the values of the custom quota into the default quota.
Note: The Cloud Foundry organizations page available from the Manage > Account > Cloud Foundry orgs menu located in the top IBM Cloud header is intended exclusively for public IBM Cloud organizations, not for CFEE organizations. CFEE organizations are managed within the Organizations page of an CFEE instance. Open the CFEE user interface and click the Organizations page to create and manage organizations for that CFEE.
{: #add-users}
Add users to those organizations and spaces under specific role assignments controlling their level of access. Before users can be added as members of organizations and spaces in an CFEE, those users must have prior access to the CFEE instance. See Permissions.
{: #deploy-apps}
When you're ready, you can deploy the app with the {{}} command line interface. View the list of deployed applications in the user interface, either in the context of a specific CFEE space, or globally across all CFEE instances. You can also start, stop, or delete applications from those views.
{: #service-instances}
Create services or Add existing services available in the IBM Cloud account. Once a service instance is available in a CFEE space, you can bind it to CFEE applications deployed in that space.
{: #bind-apps}
Bind your app to a service instance alias in order to use the service's functions.
In the Cloud Foundry dashboard{: new_window} you can see a consolidated view of all the applications and services, both public and enterprise. Once in the Cloud Foundry dashboard, click Public in the left navigation pane to see the public applications and services available in the IBM Cloud account. Click on Enterprise to see all the CFEE environments, applications deployed into CFEE spaces, and services available to CFEE spaces.
{: #install-stratos}
The Stratos Console is an open source web-based tool for working with Cloud Foundry. The Stratos Console application can be optionally installed and used in a specific CFEE environment to manage its organizations, spaces, and applications.
Users with IBM Cloud administrator or editor roles in the CFEE instance can install the Stratos Console application in that CFEE instance.
To install the Stratos Console application:
- Open the CFEE instance where you want to install the Stratos console.
- Click Install Stratos Console on the overview page. The button is visible only to users with administrator or editor permissions to that CFEE instance.
- In the Install Stratos Console dialog, select an installation option. You can install the Stratos application either in a Cloud Foundry cell or in the Kubernetes cluster. Select a version of the Stratos console and the number of instances of the application to install. If you install the Stratos console app in a Cloud Foundry cell, you are prompted for the organization and space where to deploy the application.
- Click Install.
The application takes about 5 minutes to install. Once installation is complete, a Stratos Console button appears in place of the Install Stratos Console button on the overview page. The Stratos Console button launches the console and is available to all users with access to the CFEE instance. Organization and space membership assignments may limit what a user can see and manage in the Stratos console.
To start the Stratos console:
- Open the CFEE instance where the Stratos console was installed.
- Click Stratos Console on the overview page.
- The Stratos console is opened in a separate browser tab. When you open the console for the first time, you're prompted to accept two consecutive warnings because of self-signed certificates.
- Click Login to open the console. No credentials are required since the application uses your {{}} credentials.
{: #additional-resources}
You can perform some administrations tasks in a CFEE usig ibmcloud CFEE
CLI commands. The commands allow you to get information about a CFEE instance, as well as to manage its organizations and spaces. See IBM Cloud CLI CFEE command reference{: new_window} .
You can find videos with in-depth discussions and demonstrations on various CFEE topics in the CFEE video playlist{: new_window} .
Information on the CFEE API's in the CFEE API documentation{: new_window} .