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2017, 2018, 2019
limitations, VRF, account-to-account, VPN, BGP, fees, contract, Exchange, Connect, Dedicated, Hosting

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Known Limitations

{: #known-limitations}

First, this section covers limitations that apply to all three {{}} Direct Link offerings, and then it details some limitations of each offering individually.

General IBM Cloud Direct Link Limitations

{: #general-ibm-cloud-direct-link-limitations}

  • Each IBM Cloud Direct Link connection requires a unique order. If you require multiple connections, please open an IBM Cloud Direct Link order for each connection.
  • The {{}} services network is not accessible directly from your remote networks.
  • {{}} will not permit customers to back haul traffic between their remote sites across the {{}} backbone. The IBM Cloud Direct Link product is meant to let your remote networks communicate privately with your {{}} infrastructure.
  • IBM Cloud Direct Link requires you to use a VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) instance.
  • VRF is not fully compatible with the {{}} SSL and IPSec VPN services.
  • VRF is not compatible with {{}} account-to-account VLAN spanning.
  • IBM Cloud Direct Link requires BGP in order to establish the routes to a customer's remote network.
  • Changes to the IBM Cloud Direct Link infrastructure must be made between 8AM and 5PM, U.S. Central time zone.

IBM Cloud Direct Link Exchange and Direct Link Connect Limitations

{: #ibm-cloud-direct-link-exchange-and-direct-link-connect-limitations}

  • Customers are responsible for any fees associated with reaching the POP from a remote network and any fees incurred with the Cloud Exchange provider.
  • {{}} will not co-locate any customer equipment in our network POPs. Customers must work with their provider to determine whether they need to co-locate any equipment in the facility where the {{}} network PoP exists.
  • Direct Link Cloud Exchange availability varies between locations. Customers can contact their IBM Cloud account manager to confirm current or future availability.

IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated Limitations

{: #ibm-cloud-direct-link-dedicated-limitations}

  • The {{}} fees for IBM Cloud Direct Link dedicated cover the cost of port termination on the {{}} infrastructure. Customers are responsible for any fees associated with reaching the PoP from a remote network and any cross-connects needed within the PoP facility. {{}} will not order a cross-connect on any customer's behalf.
  • {{}} will not co-locate any customer equipment in our network PoPs. Customers must work with their provider to determine whether they need to co-locate any equipment in the facility where the {{}} network PoP exists.

IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated Hosting Limitations

{: #ibm-cloud-direct-link-dedicated-hosting-limitations}

  • IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated Hosting requires a specific contract between {{}} and the customer. This contract outlines the terms and conditions for the product, the pricing for the colocation environment, and the term commitment for the services. A 6-, 9-, or 12-month contract is required.
  • Provider connectivity is limited to the On-Net providers of the selected data center.