copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-04-25 |
colocation, connectivity, provider, Dedicated, Hosting, locations, PoP, datacenter, data, center, contract, addendum |
direct-link |
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{: #how-to-order-ibm-cloud-direct-link-dedicated-hosting}
Identify your colocation and connectivity requirements, and work with the {{}} sales team to finalize and execute a contract and technical addendum.
{{}} executes a build order with the colocation provider for the requested environment and services. Deployment typically is completed within 30 days from when the build order is placed.
When the build of your colocation cage is complete, the process to interconnect between your colocation cage and the {{}} POD environment's XCR gear will follow the ordering process for IBM Cloud Direct Link Dedicated, starting at Step 3.
{: #dedicated-hosting-locations}
The table below shows which IBM Cloud datacenters are able to accept customers for Dedicated Hosting:
Region | Site ID | City | Site Type | Site Partner | Site Address |
Americas | DAL03 | Dallas | PoP | Equinix | 1950 N. Stemmons |
Americas | DAL09 | Richardson | DC | DLR | 900 Quality Way |
Americas | DAL10 | Irving | DC | QTS | 6431 Longhorn Dr. |
Americas | DAL12 | Richardson | DC (AZ2) | DLR | 907 Security Row |
Americas | DAL13 | Carrollton | DC (AZ3) | CyrusOne | 1649 Frankford Rd. |
Americas | MON01 | Drummond | DC | Colo-D | 2525 Rue Canadien |
Americas | SAO01 | Sao Paulo | DC | Ascenty | Rua Presbitero Plinio Alves de Souza, 757 J. Ermida II, Jundial |
Americas | SAO02 | Sao Paulo | PoP | Equinix | Alameda Araguaia |
Americas | SJC02 | San Jose | PoP | Equinix | 11 Great Oaks Way |
Americas | SJC03 | Santa Clara | DC | DLR | 1100 Space Park Drive |
Americas | TOR01 | Markham | DC | DLR | 371 Gough Rd. |
Americas | WDC02 | Ashburn | PoP | Equinix | 21715 Filigree Ct |
Americas | WDC04 | Ashburn | DC (AZ1) | DLR | 44060 Digital Loudoun Plaza (Bldg K) |
APAC | MEL01 | Melbourne | DC | DLR | 72 Radnor Drive, Deer Park |
APAC | SYD01 | Sydney | DC (AZ1) | Global Switch | 400 Harris Street aka 273 Pyrmont St. Ultimo |
APAC | SYD02 | Sydney | PoP | Equinix | 47 Bourke Rd |
APAC | SYD04 | Sydney | DC(AZ2) | DLR | 4 Eden Park Drive |
APAC | SYD05 | Sydney | DC (AZ3) | Equinix | 200 Bourke Rd |
APAC | SNG01 | Jurong East | DC | DLR | 29a International Business Park, S180 |
APAC | SNG02 | Ayer Rajan | PoP | Equinix | 20 Ayer Rajan Crescent Industrial Park |
APAC | TOK01 | Shinagawa-ku | PoP | Equinix | Shinagawa-ku |
APAC | TOK02 | Koto-ku | DC (AZ1) | AT Tokyo | Koto-ku |
EMEA | AMS02 | Amsterdam | PoP | Equinix | Larrderhoogtweg 57 |
EMEA | FRA02 | Frankfurt | DC (AZ1) | Zenium | Leonhard - Heisswolf Str. 4 |
EMEA | FRA03 | Frankfurt | PoP | Equinix | Larchenstrasse 110 |
EMEA | LON02 | Chessington | DC | DLR | Fountain Court |
EMEA | LON03 | Slough | PoP | Equinix | 8 Buckingham Ave |
EMEA | LON06 | London | DC (AZ3) | Zenium | 12 Liverpool Rd |
EMEA | PAR02 | Paris | PoP | Equinix | 114 Rue Ambroise Croizat |
If you require the exact address for Tokyo, please contact your Direct Link offering management or sales team. {:note}