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Upgrade Guide Legacy Version

Olivier Biot edited this page May 20, 2023 · 1 revision

This page list the public APIs change between melonJS legacy release (up to version 9.x). To be noted that we always provide backward compatibility as much as possible by providing method wrapping on public deprecated API(s).

Important: melonJS uses Semantic Versioning, which means that only MAJOR version (e.g. moving from 9.x.x to 10.x.x) will introduce breaking API changes. For any other MINOR or PATCH version, melonJS API provides seamless upgrade.

Legacy Version

8.0.x to 9.1.x (Stable)

  • Tilemap: me.levelDirector has been renamed to me.level, together with the functions loadLevel(), reloadLevel(), nextLevel() and previousLevel, respectively renamed to load(), reload(), next() and previous()
  • Shape: translateV() is now deprecated and available through a single translate() method accepting both numerals or vector as parameter(s)
  • Shape: containsPoint() and containsPointV() are now deprecated and available through a single contains() method accepting numerals, vector, or other similar shape object as parameter(s)
  • Container: following the rewrite of bound management in the 9.0 version, childBounds is now deprecated. If you need to access the Container bounds object, use the getBounds() methods as for any other renderable object.
  • Renderer : WebGL2 is now the default mode when using the WebGL renderer (use preferWebGL1 = true when calling if you need to force WebGL1)
  • Entity: me.CollectableEntity and me.LevelEntity are now deprecated and replaced respectively by more generic me.Collectable and me.Trigger objects that do not extend me.Entity anymore
  • has been renamed to

7.1.x to 8.0.x (Stable)

  • Physic : is now a specific container (as opposed to a generic me.Container object) that will manage all related physic updates, and that contains properties and instances used by the physic simulation such as the global gravity setting or the quadtree used for broadphase.
  • Physic : gravity for physic bodies is now defined globally under, and can be scaled individually using me.Body.gravityScale. As a consequences me.sys.gravity is now deprecated and when set will automatically change the value of Similarly the gravity property of me.Body is replaced by me.Body.gravityScale that allows specifying individually to which degree a specific body is affected by the world gravity.

before (now deprecated) :

// change default gravity value globally
me.sys.gravity = 0.98;

// change gravity value for a specific physic body
this.body.gravity = 0;

now :

// change default gravity value globally, 0.98);

// change gravity value for a specific physic body
this.body.gravityScale = 0;
  • Physic : me.Body.addShapesFromJSON has been renamed to me.Body.fromJSON

  • Input : melonJS will now automatically release any registered event on a renderable as soon as the object is destroy. This does not break any API nor throw any exception as calling this one twice or combined with releasePointerEvent will fail silently if an event is already released, but as events will automatically released and in order for object recycling and event registration to work properly, registerPointerEvent should not be called from the object constructor but from the onResetEvent method or similar.

  • Timer : all fps and related timing properties previously under me.sys have been moved to either me.timer or :

  • me.sys.fps -> me.timer.maxfps, to specify the maximum display refresh rate
  • me.sys.updatesPerSecond ->, that specify at which rate the game world is updated (can be lower or higher than the display refresh rate)
  • me.sys.interpolation -> me.timer.interpolation, to enable/disable frame interpolation
  • video : the options.wrapper element from the video init parameters, that is used to indicate the DOM element where to hold the canvas in the HTML file, has been renamed to options.parent.

7.0.0 to 7.1.0 (Stable)

  • video : and me.Renderer.scaleCanvas() are deprecated and replaced by as the two former methods were actually redundant and doing basically the same thing.
  • Renderable : distanceToPoint(), and angleToPoint() are now deprecated and have been merged respectively with the distanceTo() and angleTo method.

6.4.0 to 7.0.0

  • CocoonJS : following the service shutdown ( the support for CocoonJS has been removed from melonJS
  • Renderer : although not a API change, the renderer selection is now set to AUTO by default (Attempt WebGL first, with fallback to Canvas). The WebGL renderer is now stable since several releases, and offer multiple advantages over the Canvas one, including both higher performances and additional features (e.g. shader, color tinting, ...)
  • WebGL Shaders : the shader implementation has been rewritten to allow for a much more generic approach, and ease the use of custom shader with the Compositor. Custom shaders can now be created by extending or using the base me.GLShader object as follow :
// create a basic shader
var myShader = new me.GLShader(
    // WebGL rendering context
    // vertex shader
        "void main() {",
        "    gl_Position = doMathToMakeClipspaceCoordinates;",
    // fragment shader
        "void main() {",
        "    gl_FragColor = doMathToMakeAColor;",
 // use the shader
  • video : although more for internal usage, has been deprecated and replaced by that will now properly return the parent container position and size. Additionally a method has been added that allows end-user to rebuild the internal coordinates cache in case the page or parent layout is programmatically modified without triggering a resize or orientationchange event.

  • error : me.Error is deprecated and replaced by the standard Error object.

6.3.0 to 6.4.0

  • me.WebGLRenderer.Texture and me.CanvasRenderer.Texture have been merged into a single me.Renderer.Texture object. this does not really break the current API as the me.Renderer.Texture reference was already available before as a global reference for Texture object, but me.WebGLRenderer.Texture and me.CanvasRenderer.Texture are now only aliases and will be removed in the future.

6.2.0 to 6.3.0


  • drawShape() is deprecated and has been replaced by a fill() and stroke() methods (for backward compatibility, calling drawShape() will call the stroke() method to replicate previous behaviour).

6.1.0 to 6.2.0


  • me.ScreenObject is now deprecated and replaced by me.Stage (me.ScreenObject still available as an alias for backward compatibility)


  • me.Font and me.BitmapFont are now deprecated and replaced by me.Text and me.BitmapText (former objects are still available to guarantee backward compatibility). The new me.Text and me.BitmapText objects are now much more generic, can be added directly to a container, and their corresponding bounding boxes are now properly computed. Additionally it allows melonJS to add support for the Text Object Feature introduced recently in Tiled.

6.0.0 to 6.1.0

no breaking API changes

5.x.x to 6.0.0

  • API update to sandbox all previous language extension under the me namespace :

    • Array.prototype.random -> me.utils.array.random()
    • Array.prototype.remove
    • Array.prototype.weightedRandom -> me.utils.array.weightedRandom()
    • Error.extend -> me.Object.extend
    • Function.prototype.defer -> me.utils.array.defer()
    • Number.prototype.clamp -> me.Math.clamp()
    • Number.prototype.degToRad -> me.Math.degToRad()
    • Number.prototype.radToDeg -> me.Math.radToDeg()
    • Number.prototype.random -> me.Math.random()
    • Number.prototype.randomFloat -> me.Math.randomFloat()
    • Number.prototype.weightedRandom -> me.Math.weightedRandom()
    • Number.prototype.round -> me.Math.round()
    • Number.prototype.sign -> safe Math.sign ES6 polyfill
    • Number.prototype.toHex
    • String.prototype.contains -> String.prototype.includes
    • String.prototype.isBoolean -> me.utils.string.isBoolean()
    • String.prototype.isNumeric -> me.utils.string.isNumeric()
    • String.prototype.toHex -> me.utils.string.toHex()
    • String.prototype.trim -> safe ES6 polyfill
    • String.prototype.trimLeft -> me.utils.string.trimLeft()
    • String.prototype.trimRight -> me.utils.string.trimRight()
    • window.onReady, deprecated and replaced by me.device.onReady
    • window.throttle -> `me.utils.function.throttle()

Physic Body

  • me.body.gravity is now a me.Vector2d object, allowing to define gravity on both axis
  • Solid bodies now defines a new me.Body.force property allowing to automatically apply a force or acceleration
  • me.Body.accel and me.Body.setVelocity are now deprecated and to be replaced by me.Body.force


  • me.device.getPixelRatio() has been removed, and replaced by a me.device.devicePixelRatio property that can directly be used.

  • the camera system now supports damping for smoother movement. On top of the new damping property, the me.Viewport.follow(target, axis, damping) function accepts an optional third parameter to specify a damping value between 0 and 1.
  • the base me.Viewport class has been renamed to me.Camera2d to prepare for future changes. stays however as the main reference to the game viewport.

5.0.x to 5.1.0 (Stable)


  • window.onReady has been deprecated, in favor of me.device.onReady. This is to ensure that melonJS is contained as much as possible under the me namespace.


  • isKinematic is now true by default except for me.Entity, me.Container and me.GUI objects. Which means that if you use me.Renderable as a base for a custom object responding to collision or pointer event, you will need to set it back to false within the constructor.

4.x.x to 5.0.x (Stable)


  • the orientation related functions have been updated to match the new draft Orientation API; as a consequence, current device orientation can be now obtained through the me.device.getScreenOrientation() function. The former me.device orientation property has been removed as it was relying on a deprecated Orientation API.


  • remove a set of deprecated items : argument type for me.input.bindGamepad(), mousewheel event, and MS prefixed Pointer Event
  • melonJS will now provide a me.Pointer object to callback (when registering on pointer event), instead of providing the corresponding Event Object. Implementation is still backward compatible as most of the useful standard properties are provided directly through me.Pointer

3.x.x to 4.0.x (Stable)


  • the me.BitmapFont has been greatly improved, and now supports non fixed font size. The caveat is however that a new font data is now required when calling the constructor, but the rest of the API did not change. See here for a quick guide on how to generate and use the new format.


  • Canvas & WebGL renderer functions prepareSurface(), clearSurface() and blit() have been respectively renamed to clear(), clearColor() and flush.
  • clearColor() function now only takes 2 arguments (a color, and optional boolean to allow or not transparency). This allows simplifying the api (and be closer from the WebGL one) and also align both renderer (for the clearColor function).
  • a getColor() function has been added to match the existing setColor() one, returning the current fill and stroke style.
  • the WebGL renderer now has a verbose flag, that allows to display additional details as to what the renderer is doing. The flag is now off by default (as opposed to the previous behavior, where the renderer was always outputting additional messages)


  • me.Renderable objects now have a new currentTransform property that defines the renderable transformation matrix. this can be used for more "advanced" transformation use cases (on top of the existing functions), or to retrieve the current object transformation matrix.
  • the me.Sprite angle property has been removed in favor of the new transformation matrix based implementation. If you now need to apply an angle to your renderable, use mySprite.currentTransform.rotate().
  • Transformation can now be automatically applied for me.Renderable, through the autoTransform flag. Once enabled, the engine will automatically apply any transformation set (through currentTransform) when calling the renderable draw() function. this is currently off by default for end-user defined objects.
  • me.AnimationSheet has been merged into me.Sprite, providing a single object for both static and animated objects. me.AnimationSheet still exists for backward compatibility purpose, but is nothing more than an alias, so you can just safely rename all your me.AnimationSheet objects to me.Sprite

3.0.x to 3.1.x (Stable)


  • in order the simplify and minize the amount of code required to launch a melonJS game, the mobile optimisation tricks we previously had in the boilerplate have been moved directly into the melonJS codebase, shrinking down the "bootstrap" code to its bare minimum :
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onReady(function onReady() {


  • the debug panels will now automatically register themselves upon loading, which means that the following code is not required anymore in your game.js file :
// add "#debug" to the URL to enable the debug Panel
if ( === true) {
    window.onReady(function () {
        me.plugin.register.defer(this, me.debug.Panel, "debug", me.input.KEY.V);


  • The bindGamepad function has been improved to allow binding of axes. Note that the function is still backward compatible with the 3.0.x API and will still accept the old parameter definition (it is recommended to follow the new parameter signature, as the deprecated one will be removed in future versions)

before (now deprecated) :

me.input.bindGamepad( 0, me.input.GAMEPAD.BUTTONS.FACE_1, me.input.KEY.X);

now :

        code: me.input.GAMEPAD.BUTTONS.FACE_1


  • the me.loader.preloader function now takes two additional (and optional) parameters that allow to directly specify the unload callback and if you want to switch to the built-in loading screen/state (default being yes). Note that both the following examples are still working, this just provide a shorter way to perform the same operation

before :

// set all resources to be loaded
me.loader.onload = this.loaded.bind(this);

// set all resources to be loaded

// load everything & display a loading screen

now :

// load all assets and switch to the default loading screen
me.loader.preload(game.assets, this.loaded.bind(this));


  • the behavior of the me.state.change function has changed as nothing will now happen if you try to change again to the current state. If you need/want to call again the current state screen object onResetEvent function, you can do so using me.state.current().onResetEvent(); (and eventually call as well if required).

2.1.x to 3.0.x (stable)


  • String.contains and Number.sign have been respectively replaced by their ES6 equivalent : String.includes and Math.sign


  • Object.extend has been renamed to me.Object.extend, to fix compatiblity issues with other framework also modifying the base javascript Object (e.g. Facebook SDK, Underscore/loadash)
  • plugins are now registered to me.plugins to prevent collisions within the me.plugin namespace


  • renderables are now using a 3d Vector for position, using the z axis for layer ordering, which means that the z value is now available as a component of the renderable pos property. This applies to all objects derivating from the me.Renderable class, including me.Entity.
  • Default value for the anchor point has been changed to the center [0.5, 0.5]


  • renderable are now positioned respectively to its anchor and the Entity's body anchor. Default value have also been changed to the center [0.5, 0.5]


  • me.input.mouse has been renamed to me.input.pointer; this is more consistent with the melonJS input/pointer API, as this object can not only represent a mouse, but also a pen or a finger.
  • the me.event.MOVEMOVEevent name has been renamed tome.event.POINTERMOVE, as well to be more consistent with the pointer API.


  • object containers now have an auto-depth feature that will automatically increment a child z value when added.

TMX / Level

  • has been removed; if you need any information on the current level please use (or any container in which you loaded your level) to get a reference to the "live" loaded level (instantiated objects, layers, etc...), or me.LevelDirector.getCurrentLevel() to get a reference to the current level definition (level size, amount of objects, etc...)
  • me.ImageLayer is now drawn relative to the viewport boundary, and can be anchored appropriately
  • the me.TMXTileMap.moveToCenter and me.TMXTileMap.reset methods have been removed

2.0.x to 2.1.x (stable)


  • Most keyword and name lookups have been made case-sensitive. This affects file names, pooling, and container child searches. If you need case-INsensitive container child searches, me.Container.getChildByProp and friends now accepts RegExp values."name", /case-insensitive/i);


  • Renamed spritewidth/-height to framewidth/frameheight in me.Sprite, me.AnimationSheet and me.ImageLayer; this will clarify the api and limit confusion with the property name usage.

  • In an effort to normalize class constructor in melonJS, constructor signatures have been update to follow the following pattern : (x, y, settings), with settings being an object containing additional parameters (please see related documentation for further details).

As an example, the following will now create a new me.Sprite object :

// create a static Sprite Object
var mySprite = new me.Sprite(100, 100, {
    image: "mySpriteImage"

and the following a new me.AnimationSheet object :

// standalone image
var animationSheet = new me.AnimationSheet(0, 0, {
  image: "animationsheet",
  framewidth: 64,
  frameheight: 64
  • The me.Font API has been changed to accept a Renderer reference (as opposed to a Context2D reference previously) to better match the me.BitmapFont API, but also to be compatible with the WebGL renderer:
    • me.Font#measureText
    • me.Font#draw
    • me.Font#drawStroke


  • me.CanvasRenderer and me.WebGLRenderer are now classes that can be instantiated with the new keyword. This allows creating renderer objects that can be passed to any draw method; the draw will be performed to the destination renderer instead of the screen renderer.

  • the has been refactored to be more flexible in terms of arguments. It now requires 3 parameters: width, height and a list of properties for the various options, all of them being optional :

// init the video with a 640x480 canvas, 480, {
    wrapper: "screen", 
    scale: 'auto', 
    maintainAspectRatio: true, 
    transparent: true
  • the video me.sys.scalingInterpolation setting, that is used to enable or disable anti-aliasing, has been renamed to antiAlias and is now available as part of the here above list of video option settings.

  • me.TextureAtlas has been renamed to The Texture class no longer supports sprite-sheet-in-texture-atlas; games should now use textures with each frame identified by its own atlas region.

  • has been renamed to

  • has been updated to accept vertex and fragment shader GLSL source arguments.


  • me.Matrix3d has been removed; please use me.Matrix2d instead.

1.1.x to 2.0.x

Collision Handling

  • world shape-based collision system : the former tile-based collision system has been replaced by the same SAT implementation used for entities. World collision shapes can be defined in Tiled using all standard objects like polygon (only convex with clockwise winding), ellipse, and polyline. Have a look at the Platformer example for details. You need to replace your "collision" tile layer with a "collision" object layer; the name is important.

  • entities now automatically respond to collision, based on the return value of the me.Entity.onCollision callback (returns false by default, meaning "Do not respond to this collision") Due to this change, the body instance no longer needs an onCollision callback; move it to your Entity class.

  • the me.collision.check function signature has changed: It now only takes two arguments: obj, and optionally respObj. Multiple collision checks are always performed; the onCollision callback is always called on both objects for every collision pair; and a response object will always be populated and provided to the onCollision callbacks.

  • the old*() functions are no longer available, superseded by me.collision.check()

  • platform tiles are no longer supported. They are implemented in the Platformer example by using the new collision response customization. Here's the relevant code

  • ladder tiles are also no longer supported. If you need to implement ladders in your game, this forum post might help get you started:

  • is no more.

  • old (undocumented, deprecated, for-backward-compatibility-only) properties on the collision response object have been removed: x, y, type, obj. Please use the documented properties instead:


  • as me.Body now supports multiple shapes, few function signature have been modified to reflect this change. Most noticeably, the getShape() function now takes an index as argument that allows to return the shape specified at the given Index.
  • a removeShape() and removeShapeAt() function have also been added allowing to manipulate the list of active shapes for a body.


  • me.PolyShape has been renamed to me.Polygon. Its constructor also no longer has a fourth closed parameter; polygons are always closed shapes.


  • all fill* and stroke* methods have removed the color and lineWidth parameters. Use the new setColor() and setLineWidth() methods.


  • the me.Sprite.resize() function has been renamed to me.Sprite.scale() in order to avoid confusion with the me.Rect resize function. By default, when scaling a renderable, the associated me.Rect object will keep the size of the original sprite.

  • removed strokeLine(), was a duplicate of drawLine().


  • me.Entity properties related to collision state have been removed: onslope, onladder, disableTopLadderCollision, canBreakTile, onTileBreak, and the private collisionMap have all been fully retired. These properties and features can now be reimplemented through clever use of the onCollision callback, as described above.

  • the flipX/flipYhave been removed from me.Entity and me.Body, as these are pure renderable function (shape objects do not support these functions), and are now available only through the entity renderable child component. So in a custom me.Entity object, you would flip via: this.renderable.flipX(true);


  • A "floating child" within a "non-floating container" will disappear when the screen is scrolled. In 1.1.x and older, there was a bug that allowed non-floating containers to always be within the viewport. This bug is now fixed, but it also means the previous HUD pattern needs to be changed so that the HUD (container) is floating, instead of its children.

Random Numbers

The Number.prototype.random() function has been fixed to follow the standard JavaScript Math.random() in regard to its exclusive range. It will no longer return the max value provided, but instead max-1. You can offset this by adding 1 to the max number if you want it to be inclusive:

// melonJS 1.1.x and older
Number.prototype.random(0, 2); // return a random number; one of 0, 1, 2

// melonJS 2.0.0
Number.prototype.random(0, 3); // return a random number; one of 0, 1, 2

This fixes a bug that makes it very easy to overflow array bounds by accident. E.g. The following now works as expected:

// Select a random frame
this.curFrame = this.frames[Number.prototype.random(0, this.frames.length)];

In older versions, you would have to subtract 1 from the array length to make this kind of access safe.

1.0.x to 1.1.x

Inheritance Changes

The inheritance logic has changed substantially, and is now based on Jay's fast inheritance micro library. You will need to re-work your game to use the new changes, otherwise you will get many many errors. Presently in 1.0.x and previous, you would extend a base class and call the base methods like so:

var myRenderable = me.Renderable.extend({
  init : function() {
    this.parent(new me.Vector2d(0, 0), 50, 50);

To make performance improvements and enforce better rules you now need to invoke a _super method. Passing the base class itself, a string representing the method name, and an array of the arguments:

var myRenderable = me.Renderable.extend({
  init : function() {
    this._super(me.Renderable, 'init', [new me.Vector2d(0, 0), 50, 50]);

Note that parent properties can still be referenced as per 1.0.x.

var myClass = Object.extend({
  init : function() {
    this.myProp = 10;

var myClassTwo = myClass.extend({
  init : function() {
    this._super(myClass, 'init');
    console.log(this.myProp); // outputs 10

When extending another class, you must define an init method, even if you simply keep it empty:

var myRenderable = me.Renderable.extend({
  init : function() {}

Not passing an init will throw an exception.

Note that in the hash you pass to it, only methods can be defined, not properties. If you need to define a property, do so in the init method (constructor):

var myRenderable = me.Renderable.extend({
  // wont work
  radius: 10,
  init : function() {
    this._super(me.Renderable, 'init', [new me.Vector2d(0, 0), 50, 50]);

var myRenderable = me.Renderable.extend({
  init : function() {
    this._super(me.Renderable, 'init', [new me.Vector2d(0, 0), 50, 50]);
    // correct
    this.radius = 10;

If you do pass a property in the hash, it will raise an exception.

AnimationSheet now accepts x, y and a settings hash to its constructor.

// this is the new constructor
var animationSheet = new me.AnimationSheet(200, 55, {
    image: me.loader.getImage('player'),
    spritewidth: 55,
    spriteheight: 55

// the old constructor
var animationSheet = new me.AnimationSheet(200, 55, me.loader.getImage('player'), 55, 55);


The base renderable class now accepts x & y integer values over a me.Vector2d instance. Example:

var myRenderable = new me.Renderable(0, 20, 50, 50);

Renderable objects now all implements the two following functions, replacing the former onResetEvent and onDestroyEvent callbacks :

  • onActivateEvent, that is triggered when the object is "born" into the world, and where you can do things like setting its initial position, animation, health, register pointer event handlers, and other state information.
  • onDeactivateEvent, triggered when the world is destroyed, and where you should do things like deregistering pointer events, and unsubscribing from minpubsub. callback works the same as pre-1.0.0

In 1.0.x, the callback for changed from "called when sound clip ends" to "called to inform you of the audio clip's internal ID after it is created". This is of limited use, and just exposes some of the internals.

1.1.0 fixes this broken behavior and goes back to being called when the sound clip ends. If you want to get the sound ID for any reason, there's a new oncreate callback that you can pass to as the fifth parameter which works like callback did in 1.0.x.

Entity Object Design change

  • the previous entity object design has been re-structured using a composition approach (as opposed to the previous inheritance based design), which will provide a more modular approach, but will also enable faster execution time by lowering the amount of properties per object.
  • Entity now has a new me.Body child object that will hold all physic/collision related properties and functions, and where are also defined all collision shapes (introduced in 1.0.x) :
     |__ me.Body
             |____ me.Shapes[]
     |__ me.Renderable

you can also read more about the key benefits of this new design by reading the following article :

  • to better highlight this change during the old 'me.ObjectEntity' object has been renamed to 'me.Entity'

Collision check and collision filtering

  • The collision algorithm has been "upgraded" with a full SAT based one, which now allows for polygon based collision detection, and for more accurate collision response. The previous collision check function has therefore been deprecated and replaced by a new me.collision.check() function.

  • Refined collision filtering is now possible through the usage of me.body.setCollisionMask() function (that defines what should collide with what) and the me.body.collisionType property that replace the previous me.Entity.type one and defines the entity body type (see me.collision.types for a full list of possible type). By default, all entities are set to collide with any other entities.

  • the new me.body.setCollisionMask function can also now be used to disable collision detection for a specific object, by clearing the specified filter : this.body.setCollisionMask(me.collision.types.NO_OBJECT);

Shape object changes

  • me.Ellipse now takes the given coordinates in the constructor as the ellipse center point (as opposed to the top-left coordinates), width and height specifying the "horizontal" and "vertical" diameter of the ellipse.
  • All shape objects (me.Rect, me.PolyShape, me.Ellipse) now accept x & y integers over a me.Vector2d instance. Example:
var myRect = new me.Rect(100, 100, 50, 50);
var myEllipse = new me.Ellipse(50, 50, 10, 15);

Object name changes

on top of the new me.Entity object here above described, the following class names have been change :

  • me.SpriteObject has been renamed to me.Sprite
  • me.ObjectContainer has been renamed to me.Container

Video changes

The method that you call at the beginning of your game now has an additional parameter, placed in the 2nd spot. It only accepts one value for now, but this is in prep for 1.2.0 changes to support WebGL. So update your method call as such:'screen', 800, 600, true, 'auto')

Changes to:'screen',, 800, 600, true, 'auto')

Also note that the me.CanvasRenderer object is passed to the draw calls of all the objects added to the world container and other subsequent containers. This means if you are doing anything like:

draw : function (context) {
  context.fillStyle = '#f00';
  context.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

That will no longer work as expected. As a simple work around, you can grab the context directly:

draw : function (renderer) {
  var context = renderer.getContext();
  context.fillStyle = '#f00';
  context.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

But then you are still stuck on the canvas renderer when we implement the WebGL renderer for 1.2.0. So try to use the methods on me.CanvasRenderer when possible:

draw : function (renderer) {
  renderer.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100, '#f00');

We will continue to add new drawing functions to the canvas render to support things like line drawing. Anything really fancy, you're probably better off drawing to a canvas to create a texture. Or you can stick with the canvas renderer entirely.

getSystemCanvas getSystemContext getScreenCanvas getScreenContext methods

If you used any of the above, the equivalents are now on the renderer:; // getSystemCanvas; // getSystemContext;;

New Error classes for error handling

Pre-1.1.0 versions would throw exceptions using a string. While this does the job, it isn't easy to do proper error handling. Now we expose new classes that can be used to handle errors with fine-grained control.

All exceptions extend the base class me.Error. Here is the class hierarchy for the exception classes:

  • me.Error
    • me.Body.Error
    • me.loader.Error
    • me.Renderable.Error
      • me.Container.Error
      • me.Entity.Error
    • me.TextureAtlas.Error
    • me.Vector2d.Error

And here is an example using the error classes for fine-grained error handling:

try {
    // Do something which throws an exception ...
catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof me.Entity.Error) {
        // Handle Entity errors ...
    else if (e instanceof me.Container.Error) {
        // Handle Container errors ...
    else {
        // Raise other errors to the next handler in the call stack.
        throw e;

For additional reading on these changes, also check out the wonderful post by Andre Antonio Schmitz

0.9.1x to 1.0.x

  • Callback no longer works as expected. See #515 for details. Here is a workaround that will allow callback to work as it did pre-1.0.0:
function play(soundName, loop, callback, volume) {
    var soundId = -1;
    function saveSoundId(id) {
        soundId = id;

    function endSound(id) {
        if (id === soundId) {
        }"end", endSound);

    var sound =, loop, saveSoundId, volume);
    sound.on("end", endSound);
    return sound;

Just call this play function in place of, and it will work as expected!

  • Object update() function now has a dt parameter that provides the elapsed time since the last update in milliseconds. If you do redefine the function in your own object, be sure to pass the parameter when calling the parent function. Example:
update : function(delta) {
    if(this.vel.x != 0 || this.vel.y != 0) {
        return true;
    return false;
  • Obsolete functions under the namespace (like add, remove, sort objects) have been removed as they are now accessible in a more standard way through the me.ObjectContainer API (and ultimately
  • me.ObjectContainer.getEntityBy* style function have been renamed to a corresponding getChildBy* function
  • the function has been renamed to
  • the me.utils.RGBToHex() and me.utils.HexToRGB() functions have been removed and replaced by equivalent function in the new me.Color class.
  • me.SpriteObject.flicker() function now takes the total duration input in milliseconds (as opposed to frame count in the previous version). This is now fully aligned with other functions in melonJS also taking a duration parameter as input.
  • has been renamed to as delete is a reserved keyword and was causing issues with some IDEs.
  • the viewport bounds are now defined as a rectangle (as opposed to previously as just width and height), and the related setBounds function has been modified to allowing defining the new rectangular bounds.
  • viewport bounds are now set to Infinity, instead to the viewport size. This will however only affect non TMX based games, as when loading a Tiled level, melonJS will automatically adjust the viewport bounds to the map/level size.
  • Entity's collisionBox properties have been replaced by a more "standardized" approach. Collisions boxes are now defined through Shape objects, and accessible through the addShape, setShape, getShape functions. Collision shape object position is now also relative to their parent object.
  • melonJS now properly support non rectangular shapes (Ellipse and Polygon), although AABB collision detection is still performed using the corresponding bounding rect (using the also new getBounds functions).
  • Now obsolete/deprectated updateColRect and adjustSize functions have been removed, as related properties can now directly be set on shape object, as shown below : before (<0.9.11) :
// update the hit box
this.updateColRect(20,32, -1,0);

now (1.0.0):

// update the collision shape rect
var shape = this.getShape();
shape.pos.x = 20;
shape.resize(32, shape.height);
  • the possibility to add a ScreenObject to the world container has been removed. This was a hack-ish implementation, inducing multiple small bugs difficult to fix (as more or less opposed to the engine philosophy). If you were using this feature, please use instead the more standard Renderable update/draw pattern (check out the redesigned default Loading Screen if you need an example).

  • melonJS will now respect the object size as defined in Tiled when parsing/creating related object in the game world, as opposed to previously where the object corresponding shape for collision was automatically adjusted based on the sprite size; and as a consequence, the width and height properties (in the settings dictionnay) are now mandatory when manually creating an entity. This allows to make objects less dependent to their renderable components, and will ease potential integration with physic engine, but also to more easily define the collision shape directly from Tiled (without having to programmatically modify it if necessary)

  • minPubSub resume and restart events will now pass the elapsed time during pause or stop time as a parameter to the callback function

  • the me.Rect.set() and me.Font.set() functions have been renamed respectively to me.Rect.setShape() and me.Font.setFont(), to avoid any conflicts with parent functions (when using inheritance)

  • the me.entityPool API has been renamed to me.pool, as not only entities can be used with object pooling, and related functions have also been updated to be shorter and less confusing :

    • me.pool.add -> me.pool.register (as this was never about adding object, but about registering them)
    • me.pool.newInstanceOf -> me.pool.pull (as an instance is pulled of the pool, instead of being creating)
    • me.pool.freeInstance -> me.pool.push (as the object instance is pushed back in the pool for recycling)
  • the deprecated and duplicated collide() and collideType functions have been removed from ObjectEntity and These functions are now (officially) only available using the world object : &

  • the me.Vector2d.scale() function has been updated to now accept scalar values. To multiply a vector by another vector please use the new 'me.Vector2d.scaleV()` function.

  • following the standardization of the pointer event at the W3C, melonJS now only accepts, when supported, the standard Pointer Event list. This allows to present an unique API from a high-level perspective, while supporting other event model (iOS, legacy mouse event) through the already present fallback mechanism.

  • The visible property has been removed from me.Renderable. Now if you do not want a renderable object to be visible, the recommended way is either to actually remove the object from the stage, or make it fully transparent (using setOpacity).

0.9.9 to 0.9.1x

  • No API Change

0.9.8 to 0.9.9

  • the function has been removed and superseed by a function, that will also now enable/disable antialiasing option when required. To update your code just replace the current (for example) var ctx =, 20); by var ctx =, 20));

  • sorting capabilities have been improved and melonJS now features built-in algorithm for sorting on z, x or y values. To configure the sorting algorithm, just set the sortOn property to the desired value. For example, to sort on y value, add the following before loading any levels : = "y";

  • melonJS now auto-sort objects when added into the game world, which means that by default, you do not need anymore to call the sort function ! auto-sorting can however be temporary disabled if required (e.g. when adding a batch of several objects)

  • the animationspeed property and animationspeed parameter of the addAnimation function, now both define the delay between frames in terms of milliseconds (as opposed to framecount, in previous version)

  • the tween code has been updated to the last official r11 version. Besides new added functions, Easing constants EaseNone, EaseIn, EaseOut and EaseInOut have been renamed to None, In, Out and InOut.

  • a new me.device object has been added that contains device capabilities flag and device specific events management (device motion/orientation). As a consequence, accelerometer events are now managed through me.device (as opposed to me.input), and all read-only capabilities flag from me.sys have been moved to me.device. A particular point of attention is on the previous me.sys.isMobile flag that is now me.device.isMobile as this one is commonly used (especially in the previous boilerplate html file). Also, the me.sys.gyro capability detection flag has been renamed to me.device.hasAccelerometer.

  • the obsolete me.sys.cacheImage setting has been removed as it was not bringing any real benefits.

  • me.Viewport.screenToWorld and me.Viewport.worldToScreen have been respectively renamed to me.Viewport.localToWorld and me.Viewport.worldToLocal.

  • melonJS now automatically and properly manage high-DPI devices, which means that the following lines from the previous boilerplate html file must be removed :

// Retina viewport settings
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
        "width=device-width, initial-scale=0.5, maximum-scale=0.5, user-scalable=0"
  • me.Rect.getRect() has been renamed to me.Rect.getBounds()

  • The ImageLayer implementation is now relying on the minpubsub messaging system to keep it synchronized with any viewport changes. As a consequence, it is highly recommended to use the dedicated me.Viewport.move(x, y) function when manually changing the viewport position rather than manually updating the position vector.

  • me.HUD and me.HUD_Object have been removed in favor of the new me.ObjectContainer class. A full implementation is available in the Platformer Example.

0.9.7 to 0.9.8

  • the tps data type used when preloading "Atlas" file has been redefined into a generic json data type (Atlas file format supported in melonJS are anyway JSON based formatted).

  • me.input.touches has been renamed to me.input.changedTouches, to "match" with the available touch information of the corresponding event (iOS event model)

  • the me.Rect.containsPoint() function has been renamed to me.Rect.containsPointV(), in order to indicate that the expected parameter is a me.Vector2d object. The former ``me.Rect.containsPoint()` now expect two integer as parameter.

  • the me.input.registerMouseEvent and me.input.releaseMouseEvent have been removed to me.input.registerPointerEvent and me.input.releasePointerEvent in order to be more generic in terms of naming

0.9.6 to 0.9.7

  • default alignment for me.BitmapFont has been changed to 'left', in order to be inline with me.Font and the corresponding default CSS text align property.

  • new me.Font.textBaseline and default set to 'top', to match default behavior of me.BitmapFont. Y-coordinate now points to the top of the text by default, instead of the alphabetic baseline (as in CSS default).

  • the me.BitmapFont.measureText function now takes context as first parameter, as for the me.Font.measureText function

  • New class me.Renderable for implementing objects that may draw to the screen.

  • me.ObjectEntity does not inherit anymore from me.AnimationSheet; me.SpriteObject or me.AnimationSheet can now be set through the new renderable property.

  • me.Renderable objects position are now set based on the corresponding me.ObjectEntity container anchor point. With default position being (around) the center of the me.ObjectEntity. To change the default anchor point value you can for example use the following to align the me.Renderable object to the center-bottom line of the entity : me.ObjectEntity.anchorPoint.set(0.5, 1.0);

  • me.InvisibleEntity has been removed, as following previous changes, this can now be achieved using a me.ObjectEntity without a renderable component.

  • me.TMXTileMap, me.TMXLayer and friends now inherit from me.Renderable. The width and height properties now measure the layer size in pixels (replaces the old realwidth and realheight properties). And the cols and rows properties now measure layer size in tiles (replaces the old width and height properties).

  • me.ImageLayer.offset is now me.ImageLayer.pos

  • me.Viewport.shake() accepts duration parameter in milliseconds instead of frames.

  • Objects added to the game engine with must be inside the viewport to update/draw. If you need to force an object to update, regardless if it is outside the viewport, you can set the new alwaysUpdate property on the object to true.

  • me.ObjectEntity collidable property is now also used, when resolving collision, to determine if the object should collide with the environment (was previously only used for entities against entities collision detection).

0.9.5 to 0.9.6

  • no API change

0.9.4 to 0.9.5

  • me.GUI_Object :
    the onClicked() function has been renamed to onClick()

  • me.sys.scale :
    is now a me.Vector2d object, allowing the engine to use different scaling factor on both X and Y axis`.

  • floating object :
    Floating objects drawing position is now automatically managed by the engine. Which means that were previously you had to manually take care of positioning your object using screen coordinates (by subtracting the viewport position), the position vector will now be directly interpreted as screen or world coordinates, based on the object floating property.

  • and
    following the recent added scaling features, functions to get a reference to the system canvas and corresponding context have been renamed to and

  • me.ObjectEntity.checkCollision() has been replaced by me.ObjectEntity.collide(Boolean)
    the function also takes an optional parameter to specify if melonJS should check for multiple collision.

  • the me.ObjectEntity.visible property is now used to control if the object has to be drawn (end-user visibility flag). If you need to check if the object is currently visible in the viewport, please use the inViewport property.

  • Parallax Layers :
    The previous (hackish) parallax layer implementation has been rewritten using the new Image Layer feature available in Tiled 0.9.0.

0.9.3 to 0.9.4

  • Map rendering : melonJS added a dynamic layer rendering feature (configurable globally or per layer through Tiled by adding the preRender property in your layer property list). Layers are now using the dynamic renderer by default (while previous version of melonJS was using off-screen rendering)

0.9.2 to 0.9.3

  • no API change

0.9.1 to 0.9.2

  • ObjectEntity.updateMovement() function :
    In the previous version of melonJS, the updateMovement() function was returning a Boolean, indicating if the player velocity changed (final velocity different from 0) :
// check & update player movement
var updated = this.updateMovement();
// update animation if updated
if (updated)
    // update objet animation
    return true;
return false;

In the 0.9.2 version of melonJS, the updateMovement() function now returns a collision “vector”, giving you indication on how you collided with the environment (the level itself, not other entities). Assuming that you don’t need that information, if you just want to upgrade you existing game, the simple solution is to do the following :

// check & update player movement
// update animation if updated
if (this.vel.x!=0 || this.vel.y!=0)
    // update objet animation
    return true;
return false;

As you can see, we replaced the updated variable by a check on (this.vel.x!=0 || this.vel.y!=0), and since this what was returned by the updateMovement() in the previous version, it gives us exactly the same behavior.

in melonJS 0.9.2, the fade effect are now taking as input a duration in ms, where it was in framecount for the previous version :

before :

// set a fade transition effect
me.state.transition("fade","#000000", 30); // 30 frame

now :

// set a fade transition effect
me.state.transition("fade","#000000", 500); // 500ms

0.9.0 to 0.9.1

  • no API change