Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ActiveThreadCount | int? | The number of active threads in the NiFi. | [optional] |
TerminatedThreadCount | int? | The number of terminated threads in the NiFi. | [optional] |
Queued | string | The number of flowfiles queued in the NiFi. | [optional] |
FlowFilesQueued | int? | The number of FlowFiles queued across the entire flow | [optional] |
BytesQueued | long? | The size of the FlowFiles queued across the entire flow | [optional] |
RunningCount | int? | The number of running components in the NiFi. | [optional] |
StoppedCount | int? | The number of stopped components in the NiFi. | [optional] |
InvalidCount | int? | The number of invalid components in the NiFi. | [optional] |
DisabledCount | int? | The number of disabled components in the NiFi. | [optional] |
ActiveRemotePortCount | int? | The number of active remote ports in the NiFi. | [optional] |
InactiveRemotePortCount | int? | The number of inactive remote ports in the NiFi. | [optional] |
UpToDateCount | int? | The number of up to date versioned process groups in the NiFi. | [optional] |
LocallyModifiedCount | int? | The number of locally modified versioned process groups in the NiFi. | [optional] |
StaleCount | int? | The number of stale versioned process groups in the NiFi. | [optional] |
LocallyModifiedAndStaleCount | int? | The number of locally modified and stale versioned process groups in the NiFi. | [optional] |
SyncFailureCount | int? | The number of versioned process groups in the NiFi that are unable to sync to a registry. | [optional] |