Your short, descriptive title Summary Motivation Goals Non-Goals Proposal User Stories (Optional) Story 1 Story 2 Notes/Constraints/Caveats (Optional) Risks and Mitigations Design Details Test Plan Prerequisite testing updates Unit tests Integration tests Feature Enablement and Rollback How can this feature be rolled out in a live cluster? Does enabling the feature change any default behavior? Can the feature be disabled once it has been rolled out (i.e. can we roll back the enablement)? Monitoring Requirements How can an operator determine if the feature is in use by workloads? How can someone using this feature know that it is working for their instance? Events Event Reason: API .status Condition name: Other field: Other (treat as last resort) Details: Are there any missing metrics that would be useful to have to improve observability of this feature? Dependencies Does this feature depend on any specific services running in the cluster? Drawbacks Alternatives