<SwidgetLoader />
Central component to load Swidgets from external sources.
Every app that consumes Swidgets, should be built as "host" with
npm run build:host
interface ISwidgetLoaderProps {
name: string;
errorFallback?: (error: Error) => React.ReactNode;
loadingPlaceholder?: React.ReactNode;
url: string;
props?: object;
uniqueId?: string;
Name of the Swidget. Must match the name of the application that is loaded with the JS.
errorFallback?: (error: Error) => React.ReactNode
Fallback Component, that is rendered, if the Swidget can't be loaded. Error message passed als parameter.
loadingPlaceholder?: React.ReactNode
Loader component, can override the default loader.
url: string
URL of the Swidget-JS.
props?: object
Properties, that are passed into the Swidget.
uniqueId?: string
Unique ID of the Swidget. Should be set, if more Swidgets with same name are loaded. This property is used to map the swidget-routes into the routing-hash and should not be random (reload should always result in same ID for a swidget in a certain position).