diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 7a6deb668..139818b03 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ FROM alpine
RUN apk --update add ca-certificates curl
RUN mkdir /lib64 && \
ln -s /lib/libc.musl-x86_64.so.1 /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 && \
- mkdir -p /root/.kube
+ mkdir -p /root/.kube && \
+ mkdir -p /tmp/istio
COPY --from=bd /meshery-istio /app/
COPY --from=bd /istio /app/istio
COPY --from=bd /istio.tar.gz /app/
COPY --from=bd //github.com/layer5io/meshery-istio/scripts /app/scripts/.
COPY --from=bd /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
-ENV ISTIO_VERSION=istio-1.5.1
# USER appuser
CMD ./meshery-istio
diff --git a/istio/client.go b/istio/client.go
index 17d21132a..10d300ab4 100644
--- a/istio/client.go
+++ b/istio/client.go
@@ -132,77 +132,10 @@ func monkeyPatchingToSupportInsecureConn(data []byte) []byte {
return data1
-// Kubeconfig is structure of the kubeconfig file
-type Kubeconfig struct {
- APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion,omitempty" json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
- Clusters []struct {
- Cluster struct {
- CertificateAuthorityData string `yaml:"certificate-authority-data,omitempty" json:"certificate-authority-data,omitempty"`
- Server string `yaml:"server,omitempty" json:"server,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"cluster,omitempty" json:"cluster,omitempty"`
- Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"clusters,omitempty" json:"clusters,omitempty"`
- Contexts []struct {
- Context struct {
- Cluster string `yaml:"cluster,omitempty" json:"cluster,omitempty"`
- Namespace string `yaml:"namespace,omitempty" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
- User string `yaml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"context,omitempty" json:"context,omitempty"`
- Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"contexts,omitempty" json:"contexts,omitempty"`
- CurrentContext string `yaml:"current-context,omitempty" json:"current-context,omitempty"`
- Kind string `yaml:"kind,omitempty" json:"kind,omitempty"`
- Preferences struct {
- } `yaml:"preferences,omitempty" json:"preferences,omitempty"`
- Users []struct {
- Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
- User struct {
- Exec struct {
- APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion,omitempty" json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
- Args []string `yaml:"args,omitempty" json:"args,omitempty"`
- Command string `yaml:"command,omitempty" json:"command,omitempty"`
- Env []struct {
- Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
- Value string `yaml:"value,omitempty" json:"value,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"env,omitempty" json:"env,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"exec,omitempty" json:"exec,omitempty"`
- AuthProvider struct {
- Config struct {
- AccessToken string `yaml:"access-token,omitempty" json:"access-token,omitempty"`
- CmdArgs string `yaml:"cmd-args,omitempty" json:"cmd-args,omitempty"`
- CmdPath string `yaml:"cmd-path,omitempty" json:"cmd-path,omitempty"`
- Expiry time.Time `yaml:"expiry,omitempty" json:"expiry,omitempty"`
- ExpiryKey string `yaml:"expiry-key,omitempty" json:"expiry-key,omitempty"`
- TokenKey string `yaml:"token-key,omitempty" json:"token-key,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"config,omitempty" json:"config,omitempty"`
- Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"auth-provider,omitempty" json:"auth-provider,omitempty"`
- ClientCertificateData string `yaml:"client-certificate-data,omitempty" json:"client-certificate-data,omitempty"`
- ClientKeyData string `yaml:"client-key-data,omitempty" json:"client-key-data,omitempty"`
- Token string `yaml:"token,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"user,omitempty,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty,omitempty"`
- } `yaml:"users,omitempty" json:"users,omitempty"`
// writeKubeconfig creates kubeconfig in local container
func writeKubeconfig(kubeconfig []byte, contextName string, path string) error {
- yamlConfig := Kubeconfig{}
- err := yaml.Unmarshal(kubeconfig, &yamlConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- yamlConfig.CurrentContext = contextName
- fmt.Printf("%+v\n", yamlConfig)
- d, err := yaml.Marshal(yamlConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Printf(string(d))
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, d, 0600)
+ err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, kubeconfig, 0600)
if err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/addons/grafana.yaml b/istio/config_templates/addons/grafana.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e46d54ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/addons/grafana.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9019 @@
+# Source: grafana/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ labels:
+ helm.sh/chart: grafana-5.3.5
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/version: "7.0.5"
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+ name: grafana
+ namespace: istio-system
+# Source: grafana/templates/configmap.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+ name: grafana
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ helm.sh/chart: grafana-5.3.5
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/version: "7.0.5"
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+ grafana.ini: |
+ [analytics]
+ check_for_updates = true
+ [grafana_net]
+ url = https://grafana.net
+ [log]
+ mode = console
+ [paths]
+ data = /var/lib/grafana/data
+ logs = /var/log/grafana
+ plugins = /var/lib/grafana/plugins
+ provisioning = /etc/grafana/provisioning
+ datasources.yaml: |
+ apiVersion: 1
+ datasources:
+ - access: proxy
+ editable: true
+ isDefault: true
+ jsonData:
+ timeInterval: 5s
+ name: Prometheus
+ orgId: 1
+ type: prometheus
+ url: http://prometheus:9090
+ dashboardproviders.yaml: |
+ apiVersion: 1
+ providers:
+ - disableDeletion: false
+ folder: istio
+ name: istio
+ options:
+ path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio
+ orgId: 1
+ type: file
+ - disableDeletion: false
+ folder: istio
+ name: istio-services
+ options:
+ path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio-services
+ orgId: 1
+ type: file
+# Source: grafana/templates/service.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ name: grafana
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ helm.sh/chart: grafana-5.3.5
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/version: "7.0.5"
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+ type: LoadBalancer
+ ports:
+ - name: service
+ port: 3000
+ protocol: TCP
+ targetPort: 3000
+ selector:
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+# Source: grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: grafana
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ helm.sh/chart: grafana-5.3.5
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/version: "7.0.5"
+ app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ strategy:
+ type: RollingUpdate
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: grafana
+ app: grafana
+ annotations:
+ checksum/config: fe7e580c8af3062a70a8dfda740e0ae1daa655c20dd5b94e78bdd09a79b9b5cb
+ checksum/dashboards-json-config: 01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b
+ checksum/sc-dashboard-provider-config: 01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b
+ spec:
+ serviceAccountName: grafana
+ securityContext:
+ fsGroup: 472
+ runAsGroup: 472
+ runAsUser: 472
+ containers:
+ - name: grafana
+ image: "grafana/grafana:7.0.5"
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: config
+ mountPath: "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini"
+ subPath: grafana.ini
+ - name: storage
+ mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana"
+ - name: dashboards-istio
+ mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio"
+ - name: dashboards-istio-services
+ mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio-services"
+ - name: config
+ mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasources.yaml"
+ subPath: datasources.yaml
+ - name: config
+ mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/dashboardproviders.yaml"
+ subPath: dashboardproviders.yaml
+ ports:
+ - name: service
+ containerPort: 3000
+ protocol: TCP
+ - name: grafana
+ containerPort: 3000
+ protocol: TCP
+ env:
+ value: "true"
+ value: "Admin"
+ value: "false"
+ value: "-"
+ value: "-"
+ livenessProbe:
+ failureThreshold: 10
+ httpGet:
+ path: /api/health
+ port: 3000
+ initialDelaySeconds: 60
+ timeoutSeconds: 30
+ readinessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /api/health
+ port: 3000
+ resources:
+ {}
+ volumes:
+ - name: config
+ configMap:
+ name: grafana
+ - name: dashboards-istio
+ configMap:
+ name: istio-grafana-dashboards
+ - name: dashboards-istio-services
+ configMap:
+ name: istio-services-grafana-dashboards
+ - name: storage
+ emptyDir: {}
+apiVersion: v1
+ istio-performance-dashboard.json: |
+ {
+ "annotations": {
+ "list": [
+ {
+ "builtIn": 1,
+ "datasource": "-- Grafana --",
+ "enable": true,
+ "hide": true,
+ "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
+ "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
+ "type": "dashboard"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "editable": false,
+ "gnetId": null,
+ "graphTooltip": 0,
+ "links": [],
+ "panels": [
+ {
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 1,
+ "w": 24,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 0
+ },
+ "id": 21,
+ "panels": [
+ {
+ "content": "The charts on this dashboard are intended to show Istio main components cost in terms resources utilization under steady load.\n\n- **vCPU/1k rps:** shows vCPU utilization by the main Istio components normalized by 1000 requests/second. When idle or low traffic, this chart will be blank. The curve for istio-proxy refers to the services sidecars only.\n- **vCPU:** vCPU utilization by Istio components, not normalized.\n- **Memory:** memory footprint for the components. Telemetry and policy are normalized by 1k rps, and no data is shown when there is no traffic. For ingress and istio-proxy, the data is per instance.\n- **Bytes transferred/ sec:** shows the number of bytes flowing through each Istio component.\n\n\n",
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 6,
+ "w": 24,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 1
+ },
+ "id": 19,
+ "links": [],
+ "mode": "markdown",
+ "timeFrom": null,
+ "timeShift": null,
+ "title": "Performance Dashboard README",
+ "transparent": true,
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "title": "Performance Dashboard Notes",
+ "type": "row"
+ },
+ {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 1,
+ "w": 24,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 1
+ },
+ "id": 6,
+ "panels": [],
+ "title": "vCPU Usage",
+ "type": "row"
+ },
+ {
+ "aliasColors": {},
+ "bars": false,
+ "dashLength": 10,
+ "dashes": false,
+ "datasource": "Prometheus",
+ "fill": 1,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 8,
+ "w": 12,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 2
+ },
+ "id": 4,
+ "legend": {
+ "avg": false,
+ "current": false,
+ "max": false,
+ "min": false,
+ "show": true,
+ "total": false,
+ "values": false
+ },
+ "lines": true,
+ "linewidth": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "nullPointMode": "null",
+ "percentage": false,
+ "pointradius": 2,
+ "points": false,
+ "renderer": "flot",
+ "seriesOverrides": [],
+ "spaceLength": 10,
+ "stack": false,
+ "steppedLine": false,
+ "targets": [
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-telemetry-.*\",container=~\"mixer|istio-proxy\"}[1m]))/ (round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])), 0.001)/1000))/ (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\"}[1m])) >bool 10)",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "hide": false,
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-telemetry",
+ "refId": "A"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-ingressgateway-.*\",container=\"istio-proxy\"}[1m])) / (round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\", reporter=\"source\"}[1m])), 0.001)/1000))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "hide": false,
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-ingressgateway",
+ "refId": "B"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace!=\"istio-system\",container=\"istio-proxy\"}[1m]))/ (round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])), 0.001)/1000))/ (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\"}[1m])) >bool 10)",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-proxy",
+ "refId": "C"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-policy-.*\",container=~\"mixer|istio-proxy\"}[1m]))/ (round(sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])), 0.001)/1000))/ (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\"}[1m])) >bool 10)",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-policy",
+ "refId": "D"
+ }
+ ],
+ "thresholds": [],
+ "timeFrom": null,
+ "timeRegions": [],
+ "timeShift": null,
+ "title": "vCPU / 1k rps",
+ "tooltip": {
+ "shared": true,
+ "sort": 0,
+ "value_type": "individual"
+ },
+ "type": "graph",
+ "xaxis": {
+ "buckets": null,
+ "mode": "time",
+ "name": null,
+ "show": true,
+ "values": []
+ },
+ "yaxes": [
+ {
+ "format": "short",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "format": "short",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "yaxis": {
+ "align": false,
+ "alignLevel": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "aliasColors": {},
+ "bars": false,
+ "dashLength": 10,
+ "dashes": false,
+ "datasource": "Prometheus",
+ "fill": 1,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 8,
+ "w": 12,
+ "x": 12,
+ "y": 2
+ },
+ "id": 7,
+ "legend": {
+ "avg": false,
+ "current": false,
+ "max": false,
+ "min": false,
+ "show": true,
+ "total": false,
+ "values": false
+ },
+ "lines": true,
+ "linewidth": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "nullPointMode": "null",
+ "percentage": false,
+ "pointradius": 2,
+ "points": false,
+ "renderer": "flot",
+ "seriesOverrides": [],
+ "spaceLength": 10,
+ "stack": false,
+ "steppedLine": false,
+ "targets": [
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-telemetry-.*\",container=~\"mixer|istio-proxy\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-telemetry",
+ "refId": "A"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-ingressgateway-.*\",container=\"istio-proxy\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-ingressgateway",
+ "refId": "B"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace!=\"istio-system\",container=\"istio-proxy\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-proxy",
+ "refId": "C"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~\"istio-policy-.*\",container=~\"mixer|istio-proxy\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-policy",
+ "refId": "D"
+ }
+ ],
+ "thresholds": [],
+ "timeFrom": null,
+ "timeRegions": [],
+ "timeShift": null,
+ "title": "vCPU",
+ "tooltip": {
+ "shared": true,
+ "sort": 0,
+ "value_type": "individual"
+ },
+ "type": "graph",
+ "xaxis": {
+ "buckets": null,
+ "mode": "time",
+ "name": null,
+ "show": true,
+ "values": []
+ },
+ "yaxes": [
+ {
+ "format": "short",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "format": "short",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "yaxis": {
+ "align": false,
+ "alignLevel": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 1,
+ "w": 24,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 10
+ },
+ "id": 13,
+ "panels": [],
+ "title": "Memory and Data Rates",
+ "type": "row"
+ },
+ {
+ "aliasColors": {},
+ "bars": false,
+ "dashLength": 10,
+ "dashes": false,
+ "datasource": "Prometheus",
+ "fill": 1,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 8,
+ "w": 12,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 11
+ },
+ "id": 902,
+ "legend": {
+ "avg": false,
+ "current": false,
+ "max": false,
+ "min": false,
+ "show": true,
+ "total": false,
+ "values": false
+ },
+ "lines": true,
+ "linewidth": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "nullPointMode": "null",
+ "percentage": false,
+ "pointradius": 2,
+ "points": false,
+ "renderer": "flot",
+ "seriesOverrides": [],
+ "spaceLength": 10,
+ "stack": false,
+ "steppedLine": false,
+ "targets": [
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{pod=~\"istio-telemetry-.*\"}) / (sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])) / 1000)) / (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\"}[1m])) >bool 10)",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-telemetry / 1k rps",
+ "refId": "A"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{pod=~\"istio-ingressgateway-.*\"}) / count(container_memory_usage_bytes{pod=~\"istio-ingressgateway-.*\",container!=\"POD\"})",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "per istio-ingressgateway",
+ "refId": "B"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace!=\"istio-system\",container=\"istio-proxy\"}) / count(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace!=\"istio-system\",container=\"istio-proxy\"})",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "per istio proxy",
+ "refId": "C"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{pod=~\"istio-policy-.*\"}) / (sum(irate(istio_requests_total[1m])) / 1000))/ (sum(irate(istio_requests_total{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\"}[1m])) >bool 10)",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-policy / 1k rps",
+ "refId": "D"
+ }
+ ],
+ "thresholds": [],
+ "timeFrom": null,
+ "timeRegions": [],
+ "timeShift": null,
+ "title": "Memory Usage",
+ "tooltip": {
+ "shared": true,
+ "sort": 0,
+ "value_type": "individual"
+ },
+ "type": "graph",
+ "xaxis": {
+ "buckets": null,
+ "mode": "time",
+ "name": null,
+ "show": true,
+ "values": []
+ },
+ "yaxes": [
+ {
+ "format": "bytes",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "format": "short",
+ "label": null,
+ "logBase": 1,
+ "max": null,
+ "min": null,
+ "show": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "yaxis": {
+ "align": false,
+ "alignLevel": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "aliasColors": {},
+ "bars": false,
+ "dashLength": 10,
+ "dashes": false,
+ "datasource": "Prometheus",
+ "fill": 1,
+ "gridPos": {
+ "h": 8,
+ "w": 12,
+ "x": 12,
+ "y": 11
+ },
+ "id": 11,
+ "legend": {
+ "avg": false,
+ "current": false,
+ "max": false,
+ "min": false,
+ "show": true,
+ "total": false,
+ "values": false
+ },
+ "lines": true,
+ "linewidth": 1,
+ "links": [],
+ "nullPointMode": "null",
+ "percentage": false,
+ "pointradius": 2,
+ "points": false,
+ "renderer": "flot",
+ "seriesOverrides": [],
+ "spaceLength": 10,
+ "stack": false,
+ "steppedLine": false,
+ "targets": [
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(irate(istio_response_bytes_sum{destination_workload=\"istio-telemetry\"}[1m])) + sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_sum{destination_workload=\"istio-telemetry\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-telemetry",
+ "refId": "A"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(irate(istio_response_bytes_sum{source_workload=\"istio-ingressgateway\", reporter=\"source\"}[1m]))",
+ "format": "time_series",
+ "intervalFactor": 1,
+ "legendFormat": "istio-ingressgateway",
+ "refId": "B"
+ },
+ {
+ "expr": "sum(irate(istio_response_bytes_sum{source_workload_namespace!=\"istio-system\", reporter=\"source\"}[1m])) + sum(irate(istio_response_bytes_sum{destination_workload_namespace!=\"istio-system\", reporter=\"destination\"}[1m])) + sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_sum{source_workload_namespace!=\"istio-system\", reporter=\"source\"}[1m])) + sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_sum{destination_workload_namespace!=\"istio-system\", reporter=\"destination\"}[1m]))",
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+ 1,\n \"max\": null,\n \"min\": null,\n \"show\": true\n
+ \ }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"aliasColors\": {},\n \"bars\":
+ false,\n \"dashLength\": 10,\n \"dashes\": false,\n \"datasource\":
+ \"Prometheus\",\n \"fill\": 1,\n \"gridPos\": {\n \"h\": 6,\n
+ \ \"w\": 12,\n \"x\": 12,\n \"y\": 47\n },\n \"id\":
+ 78,\n \"legend\": {\n \"avg\": false,\n \"current\": false,\n
+ \ \"max\": false,\n \"min\": false,\n \"show\": true,\n \"total\":
+ false,\n \"values\": false\n },\n \"lines\": true,\n \"linewidth\":
+ 1,\n \"links\": [],\n \"nullPointMode\": \"null\",\n \"percentage\":
+ false,\n \"pointradius\": 5,\n \"points\": false,\n \"renderer\":
+ \"flot\",\n \"seriesOverrides\": [],\n \"spaceLength\": 10,\n \"stack\":
+ false,\n \"steppedLine\": false,\n \"targets\": [\n {\n \"expr\":
+ \"round(sum(irate(istio_tcp_received_bytes_total{reporter=\\\"source\\\", connection_security_policy=\\\"mutual_tls\\\",
+ source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\", source_workload=~\\\"$workload\\\",
+ destination_service=~\\\"$dstsvc\\\"}[1m])) by (destination_service), 0.001)\",\n
+ \ \"format\": \"time_series\",\n \"intervalFactor\": 1,\n \"legendFormat\":
+ \"{{ destination_service }} (\U0001F510mTLS)\",\n \"refId\": \"A\",\n
+ \ \"step\": 2\n },\n {\n \"expr\": \"round(sum(irate(istio_tcp_received_bytes_total{reporter=\\\"source\\\",
+ connection_security_policy!=\\\"mutual_tls\\\", source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\",
+ source_workload=~\\\"$workload\\\", destination_service=~\\\"$dstsvc\\\"}[1m]))
+ by (destination_service), 0.001)\",\n \"format\": \"time_series\",\n
+ \ \"intervalFactor\": 1,\n \"legendFormat\": \"{{ destination_service
+ }}\",\n \"refId\": \"B\",\n \"step\": 2\n }\n ],\n
+ \ \"thresholds\": [],\n \"timeFrom\": null,\n \"timeShift\": null,\n
+ \ \"title\": \"Bytes Received from Outgoing TCP Connection\",\n \"tooltip\":
+ {\n \"shared\": true,\n \"sort\": 0,\n \"value_type\": \"individual\"\n
+ \ },\n \"type\": \"graph\",\n \"xaxis\": {\n \"buckets\":
+ null,\n \"mode\": \"time\",\n \"name\": null,\n \"show\":
+ true,\n \"values\": []\n },\n \"yaxes\": [\n {\n \"format\":
+ \"Bps\",\n \"label\": null,\n \"logBase\": 1,\n \"max\":
+ null,\n \"min\": \"0\",\n \"show\": true\n },\n {\n
+ \ \"format\": \"short\",\n \"label\": null,\n \"logBase\":
+ 1,\n \"max\": null,\n \"min\": null,\n \"show\": true\n
+ \ }\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"refresh\": \"10s\",\n \"schemaVersion\":
+ 16,\n \"style\": \"dark\",\n \"tags\": [],\n \"templating\": {\n \"list\":
+ [\n {\n \"allValue\": null,\n \"current\": {},\n \"datasource\":
+ \"Prometheus\",\n \"hide\": 0,\n \"includeAll\": false,\n \"label\":
+ \"Namespace\",\n \"multi\": false,\n \"name\": \"namespace\",\n
+ \ \"options\": [],\n \"query\": \"query_result(sum(istio_requests_total)
+ by (destination_workload_namespace) or sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total) by (destination_workload_namespace))\",\n
+ \ \"refresh\": 1,\n \"regex\": \"/.*_namespace=\\\"([^\\\"]*).*/\",\n
+ \ \"sort\": 0,\n \"tagValuesQuery\": \"\",\n \"tags\": [],\n
+ \ \"tagsQuery\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"query\",\n \"useTags\":
+ false\n },\n {\n \"allValue\": null,\n \"current\": {},\n
+ \ \"datasource\": \"Prometheus\",\n \"hide\": 0,\n \"includeAll\":
+ false,\n \"label\": \"Workload\",\n \"multi\": false,\n \"name\":
+ \"workload\",\n \"options\": [],\n \"query\": \"query_result((sum(istio_requests_total{destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (destination_workload) or sum(istio_requests_total{source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (source_workload)) or (sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total{destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (destination_workload) or sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total{source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (source_workload)))\",\n \"refresh\": 1,\n \"regex\": \"/.*workload=\\\"([^\\\"]*).*/\",\n
+ \ \"sort\": 1,\n \"tagValuesQuery\": \"\",\n \"tags\": [],\n
+ \ \"tagsQuery\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"query\",\n \"useTags\":
+ false\n },\n {\n \"allValue\": null,\n \"current\": {},\n
+ \ \"datasource\": \"Prometheus\",\n \"hide\": 0,\n \"includeAll\":
+ true,\n \"label\": \"Inbound Workload Namespace\",\n \"multi\":
+ true,\n \"name\": \"srcns\",\n \"options\": [],\n \"query\":
+ \"query_result( sum(istio_requests_total{reporter=\\\"destination\\\", destination_workload=\\\"$workload\\\",
+ destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"}) by (source_workload_namespace)
+ or sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total{reporter=\\\"destination\\\", destination_workload=\\\"$workload\\\",
+ destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"}) by (source_workload_namespace))\",\n
+ \ \"refresh\": 1,\n \"regex\": \"/.*namespace=\\\"([^\\\"]*).*/\",\n
+ \ \"sort\": 2,\n \"tagValuesQuery\": \"\",\n \"tags\": [],\n
+ \ \"tagsQuery\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"query\",\n \"useTags\":
+ false\n },\n {\n \"allValue\": null,\n \"current\": {},\n
+ \ \"datasource\": \"Prometheus\",\n \"hide\": 0,\n \"includeAll\":
+ true,\n \"label\": \"Inbound Workload\",\n \"multi\": true,\n \"name\":
+ \"srcwl\",\n \"options\": [],\n \"query\": \"query_result( sum(istio_requests_total{reporter=\\\"destination\\\",
+ destination_workload=\\\"$workload\\\", destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\",
+ source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$srcns\\\"}) by (source_workload) or sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total{reporter=\\\"destination\\\",
+ destination_workload=\\\"$workload\\\", destination_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\",
+ source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$srcns\\\"}) by (source_workload))\",\n \"refresh\":
+ 1,\n \"regex\": \"/.*workload=\\\"([^\\\"]*).*/\",\n \"sort\": 3,\n
+ \ \"tagValuesQuery\": \"\",\n \"tags\": [],\n \"tagsQuery\":
+ \"\",\n \"type\": \"query\",\n \"useTags\": false\n },\n {\n
+ \ \"allValue\": null,\n \"current\": {},\n \"datasource\":
+ \"Prometheus\",\n \"hide\": 0,\n \"includeAll\": true,\n \"label\":
+ \"Destination Service\",\n \"multi\": true,\n \"name\": \"dstsvc\",\n
+ \ \"options\": [],\n \"query\": \"query_result( sum(istio_requests_total{reporter=\\\"source\\\",
+ source_workload=~\\\"$workload\\\", source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (destination_service) or sum(istio_tcp_sent_bytes_total{reporter=\\\"source\\\",
+ source_workload=~\\\"$workload\\\", source_workload_namespace=~\\\"$namespace\\\"})
+ by (destination_service))\",\n \"refresh\": 1,\n \"regex\": \"/.*destination_service=\\\"([^\\\"]*).*/\",\n
+ \ \"sort\": 4,\n \"tagValuesQuery\": \"\",\n \"tags\": [],\n
+ \ \"tagsQuery\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"query\",\n \"useTags\":
+ false\n }\n ]\n },\n \"time\": {\n \"from\": \"now-5m\",\n \"to\":
+ \"now\"\n },\n \"timepicker\": {\n \"refresh_intervals\": [\n \"5s\",\n
+ \ \"10s\",\n \"30s\",\n \"1m\",\n \"5m\",\n \"15m\",\n
+ \ \"30m\",\n \"1h\",\n \"2h\",\n \"1d\"\n ],\n \"time_options\":
+ [\n \"5m\",\n \"15m\",\n \"1h\",\n \"6h\",\n \"12h\",\n
+ \ \"24h\",\n \"2d\",\n \"7d\",\n \"30d\"\n ]\n },\n \"timezone\":
+ \"\",\n \"title\": \"Istio Workload Dashboard\",\n \"uid\": \"UbsSZTDik\",\n
+ \ \"version\": 1\n}\n"
+kind: ConfigMap
+ creationTimestamp: null
+ name: istio-services-grafana-dashboards
+ namespace: istio-system
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/addons/jaeger.yaml b/istio/config_templates/addons/jaeger.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5af3f58c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/addons/jaeger.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: jaeger
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ app: jaeger
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: jaeger
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: jaeger
+ annotations:
+ sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
+ prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
+ prometheus.io/port: "14269"
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: jaeger
+ image: "docker.io/jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.18"
+ env:
+ value: "false"
+ value: "badger"
+ value: "/badger/data"
+ value: "/badger/key"
+ value: "9411"
+ value: "50000"
+ value: /jaeger
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /
+ port: 14269
+ readinessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /
+ port: 14269
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: data
+ mountPath: /badger
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ cpu: 10m
+ volumes:
+ - name: data
+ emptyDir: {}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ name: tracing
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ app: jaeger
+ type: LoadBalancer
+ ports:
+ - name: http-query
+ port: 16686
+ protocol: TCP
+ targetPort: 16686
+ selector:
+ app: jaeger
+# Jaeger implements the Zipkin API. To support swapping out the tracing backend, we use a Service named Zipkin.
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ name: zipkin
+ name: zipkin
+ namespace: istio-system
+ ports:
+ - port: 9411
+ targetPort: 9411
+ name: http-query
+ selector:
+ app: jaeger
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/addons/prometheus.yaml b/istio/config_templates/addons/prometheus.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08585de31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/addons/prometheus.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-serviceaccount.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ namespace: istio-system
+ annotations:
+ {}
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-configmap.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ namespace: istio-system
+ alerting_rules.yml: |
+ {}
+ alerts: |
+ {}
+ prometheus.yml: |
+ global:
+ evaluation_interval: 1m
+ scrape_interval: 15s
+ scrape_timeout: 10s
+ rule_files:
+ - /etc/config/recording_rules.yml
+ - /etc/config/alerting_rules.yml
+ - /etc/config/rules
+ - /etc/config/alerts
+ scrape_configs:
+ - job_name: prometheus
+ static_configs:
+ - targets:
+ - localhost:9090
+ - bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
+ job_name: kubernetes-apiservers
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: endpoints
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: default;kubernetes;https
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
+ - __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name
+ scheme: https
+ tls_config:
+ ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
+ insecure_skip_verify: true
+ - bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
+ job_name: kubernetes-nodes
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: node
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
+ - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
+ target_label: __address__
+ - regex: (.+)
+ replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ scheme: https
+ tls_config:
+ ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
+ insecure_skip_verify: true
+ - bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
+ job_name: kubernetes-nodes-cadvisor
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: node
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
+ - replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
+ target_label: __address__
+ - regex: (.+)
+ replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_node_name
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ scheme: https
+ tls_config:
+ ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
+ insecure_skip_verify: true
+ - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: endpoints
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: true
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (https?)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
+ target_label: __scheme__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (.+)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
+ replacement: $1:$2
+ source_labels:
+ - __address__
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
+ target_label: __address__
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_name
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_node
+ - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints-slow
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: endpoints
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: true
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (https?)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
+ target_label: __scheme__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (.+)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
+ replacement: $1:$2
+ source_labels:
+ - __address__
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
+ target_label: __address__
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_name
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_node
+ scrape_interval: 5m
+ scrape_timeout: 30s
+ - honor_labels: true
+ job_name: prometheus-pushgateway
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: service
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: pushgateway
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
+ - job_name: kubernetes-services
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: service
+ metrics_path: /probe
+ params:
+ module:
+ - http_2xx
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: true
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
+ - source_labels:
+ - __address__
+ target_label: __param_target
+ - replacement: blackbox
+ target_label: __address__
+ - source_labels:
+ - __param_target
+ target_label: instance
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
+ - source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ - source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_name
+ - job_name: kubernetes-pods
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: pod
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: true
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (.+)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
+ replacement: $1:$2
+ source_labels:
+ - __address__
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
+ target_label: __address__
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
+ - job_name: kubernetes-pods-slow
+ kubernetes_sd_configs:
+ - role: pod
+ relabel_configs:
+ - action: keep
+ regex: true
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape_slow
+ - action: replace
+ regex: (.+)
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
+ target_label: __metrics_path__
+ - action: replace
+ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
+ replacement: $1:$2
+ source_labels:
+ - __address__
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
+ target_label: __address__
+ - action: labelmap
+ regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ - action: replace
+ source_labels:
+ - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
+ target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
+ scrape_interval: 5m
+ scrape_timeout: 30s
+ recording_rules.yml: |
+ {}
+ rules: |
+ {}
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-clusterrole.yaml
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: ClusterRole
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ - apiGroups:
+ - ""
+ resources:
+ - nodes
+ - nodes/proxy
+ - nodes/metrics
+ - services
+ - endpoints
+ - pods
+ - ingresses
+ - configmaps
+ verbs:
+ - get
+ - list
+ - watch
+ - apiGroups:
+ - "extensions"
+ - "networking.k8s.io"
+ resources:
+ - ingresses/status
+ - ingresses
+ verbs:
+ - get
+ - list
+ - watch
+ - nonResourceURLs:
+ - "/metrics"
+ verbs:
+ - get
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-clusterrolebinding.yaml
+apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ - kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: prometheus
+ namespace: istio-system
+ apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
+ kind: ClusterRole
+ name: prometheus
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-service.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ namespace: istio-system
+ ports:
+ - name: http
+ port: 9090
+ protocol: TCP
+ targetPort: 9090
+ selector:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ sessionAffinity: None
+ type: "LoadBalancer"
+# Source: prometheus/templates/server-deployment.yaml
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ name: prometheus
+ namespace: istio-system
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ replicas: 1
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ component: "server"
+ app: prometheus
+ release: prometheus
+ chart: prometheus-11.7.0
+ heritage: Helm
+ spec:
+ serviceAccountName: prometheus
+ containers:
+ - name: prometheus-server-configmap-reload
+ image: "jimmidyson/configmap-reload:v0.3.0"
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ args:
+ - --volume-dir=/etc/config
+ - --webhook-url=
+ resources:
+ {}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: config-volume
+ mountPath: /etc/config
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: prometheus-server
+ image: "prom/prometheus:v2.19.0"
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ args:
+ - --storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d
+ - --config.file=/etc/config/prometheus.yml
+ - --storage.tsdb.path=/data
+ - --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries
+ - --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles
+ - --web.enable-lifecycle
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: 9090
+ readinessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /-/ready
+ port: 9090
+ initialDelaySeconds: 0
+ periodSeconds: 5
+ timeoutSeconds: 30
+ failureThreshold: 3
+ successThreshold: 1
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /-/healthy
+ port: 9090
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
+ periodSeconds: 15
+ timeoutSeconds: 30
+ failureThreshold: 3
+ successThreshold: 1
+ resources:
+ {}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: config-volume
+ mountPath: /etc/config
+ - name: storage-volume
+ mountPath: /data
+ subPath: ""
+ securityContext:
+ fsGroup: 65534
+ runAsGroup: 65534
+ runAsNonRoot: true
+ runAsUser: 65534
+ terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
+ volumes:
+ - name: config-volume
+ configMap:
+ name: prometheus
+ - name: storage-volume
+ emptyDir:
+ {}
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/addons/zipkin.yaml b/istio/config_templates/addons/zipkin.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b868175a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/addons/zipkin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: zipkin
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ app: zipkin
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: zipkin
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: zipkin
+ annotations:
+ sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: zipkin
+ image: openzipkin/zipkin-slim:2.20.0
+ env:
+ value: "mem"
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ name: tracing
+ namespace: istio-system
+ labels:
+ app: zipkin
+ type: LoadBalancer
+ ports:
+ - name: http-query
+ port: 9411
+ protocol: TCP
+ targetPort: 9411
+ selector:
+ app: zipkin
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ name: zipkin
+ name: zipkin
+ namespace: istio-system
+ ports:
+ - port: 9411
+ targetPort: 9411
+ name: http-query
+ selector:
+ app: zipkin
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/bookinfo-dr.yaml b/istio/config_templates/bookinfo-dr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96be6993a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/bookinfo-dr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
+kind: DestinationRule
+ name: productpage
+ host: productpage
+ subsets:
+ - name: v1
+ labels:
+ version: v1
+apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
+kind: DestinationRule
+ name: reviews
+ host: reviews
+ subsets:
+ - name: v1
+ labels:
+ version: v1
+ - name: v2
+ labels:
+ version: v2
+ - name: v3
+ labels:
+ version: v3
+apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
+kind: DestinationRule
+ name: ratings
+ host: ratings
+ subsets:
+ - name: v1
+ labels:
+ version: v1
+ - name: v2
+ labels:
+ version: v2
+ - name: v2-mysql
+ labels:
+ version: v2-mysql
+ - name: v2-mysql-vm
+ labels:
+ version: v2-mysql-vm
+apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
+kind: DestinationRule
+ name: details
+ host: details
+ subsets:
+ - name: v1
+ labels:
+ version: v1
+ - name: v2
+ labels:
+ version: v2
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/mtls/deny-all.yaml b/istio/config_templates/mtls/deny-all.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32ddb6928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/mtls/deny-all.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
+kind: AuthorizationPolicy
+ name: deny-all
+ {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/mtls/disable.yaml b/istio/config_templates/mtls/disable.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fccbfa542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/mtls/disable.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
+kind: PeerAuthentication
+ name: disable
+ mtls:
+ mode: DISABLE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/mtls/permissive.yaml b/istio/config_templates/mtls/permissive.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9d59dffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/mtls/permissive.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
+kind: PeerAuthentication
+ name: permissive
+ mtls:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/istio/config_templates/mtls/strict.yaml b/istio/config_templates/mtls/strict.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48137d9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/istio/config_templates/mtls/strict.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1beta1
+kind: PeerAuthentication
+ name: strict
+ mtls:
+ mode: STRICT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/istio/install-istio.go b/istio/install-istio.go
index d8a3b19c5..162c9ebf0 100644
--- a/istio/install-istio.go
+++ b/istio/install-istio.go
@@ -32,18 +32,19 @@ const (
var (
localByPassFile = "/tmp/istio.tar.gz"
+ homepath = "/app/istio"
localFile = path.Join(os.TempDir(), "istio.tar.gz")
destinationFolder = path.Join(os.TempDir(), "istio")
- basePath = path.Join(destinationFolder, "%s")
+ basePath = path.Join(destinationFolder, fmt.Sprintf("istio-%s", os.Getenv("ISTIO_VERSION")))
installWithmTLSFile = path.Join(basePath, "install/kubernetes/istio-demo.yaml")
crdFolder = path.Join(basePath, "install/kubernetes/helm/istio-init/files/")
httpbinInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml")
httpbinGatewayInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/httpbin/httpbin-gateway.yaml")
- emojiVotoInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "istio/config_templates/emojivoto.yaml")
- emojiVotoGatewayInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "istio/config_templates/emojivoto-gateway.yaml")
+ emojiVotoInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/emojivoto.yaml")
+ emojiVotoGatewayInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/emojivoto-gateway.yaml")
bookInfoGatewayInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml")
bookInfoInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml")
@@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ var (
bookInfoInjectDelayForRatingsForJasonFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-ratings-test-delay.yaml")
bookInfoInjectHTTPAbortToRatingsForJasonFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-ratings-test-abort.yaml")
- prometheusInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/prometheus.yaml")
kialiInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/kiali.yaml")
- grafanaInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/grafana.yaml")
- jaegerInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/jaeger.yaml")
- zipkinInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/extras/zipkin.yaml")
+ prometheusInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/addons/prometheus.yaml")
+ grafanaInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/addons/grafana.yaml")
+ jaegerInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/addons/jaeger.yaml")
+ zipkinInstallFile = path.Join(homepath, "config_templates/addons/extras/zipkin.yaml")
operatorInstallFile = path.Join(basePath, "samples/addons/extras/prometheus-operator.yaml")
@@ -140,6 +141,11 @@ func (iClient *Client) executev173Install(ctx context.Context, arReq *meshes.App
return err
+ err = os.Setenv("ISTIO_VERSION", "1.7.3")
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
return nil
@@ -404,28 +410,84 @@ func (iClient *Client) getCRDsYAML() ([]string, error) {
return res, nil
+func (iClient *Client) getPolicyYaml(template string) (string, error) {
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/config_templates/mtls/%s", homepath, template))
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
+func (iClient *Client) getBookinfoDrYAML(template string) (string, error) {
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/config_templates/%s", homepath, template))
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getPrometheusYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(prometheusInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(prometheusInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getKialiYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(kialiInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(kialiInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getGrafanaYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(grafanaInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(grafanaInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getJaegerYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(jaegerInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(jaegerInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getZipkinYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(zipkinInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(zipkinInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getOperatorYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(operatorInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(operatorInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getLatestIstioYAML() (string, error) {
@@ -433,27 +495,63 @@ func (iClient *Client) getLatestIstioYAML() (string, error) {
func (iClient *Client) getBookInfoAppYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(bookInfoInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(bookInfoInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getBookInfoGatewayYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(bookInfoGatewayInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(bookInfoGatewayInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getHttpbinAppYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(httpbinInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(httpbinInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getHttpbinGatewayYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(httpbinGatewayInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(httpbinGatewayInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getEmojiVotoAppYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(emojiVotoInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(emojiVotoInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getEmojiVotoGatewayYAML() (string, error) {
- return iClient.getIstioComponentYAML(emojiVotoGatewayInstallFile)
+ fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(emojiVotoGatewayInstallFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read file")
+ logrus.Error(err)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return string(fileContents), nil
func (iClient *Client) getBookInfoDefaultDesinationRulesYAML() (string, error) {
diff --git a/istio/istio.go b/istio/istio.go
index f11810e00..df249d1d2 100644
--- a/istio/istio.go
+++ b/istio/istio.go
@@ -535,6 +535,66 @@ func (iClient *Client) ApplyOperation(ctx context.Context, arReq *meshes.ApplyRu
isCustomOp := false
switch arReq.OpName {
+ case bookInfoSubsets:
+ go func() {
+ yamlFileContents, err = iClient.getBookinfoDrYAML(op.templateName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ opName1 := "deploying"
+ if arReq.DeleteOp {
+ opName1 = "removing"
+ }
+ if err := iClient.applyConfigChange(ctx, yamlFileContents, arReq.Namespace, arReq.DeleteOp, isCustomOp); err != nil {
+ iClient.eventChan <- &meshes.EventsResponse{
+ OperationId: arReq.OperationId,
+ EventType: meshes.EventType_ERROR,
+ Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Error while %s \"%s\"", opName1, op.name),
+ Details: err.Error(),
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ opName := "deployed"
+ if arReq.DeleteOp {
+ opName = "removed"
+ }
+ iClient.eventChan <- &meshes.EventsResponse{
+ OperationId: arReq.OperationId,
+ EventType: meshes.EventType_INFO,
+ Summary: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" %s successfully", op.name, opName),
+ Details: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" %s successfully", op.name, opName),
+ }
+ }()
+ case strictMtls, mutualMtls, disableMtls:
+ go func() {
+ yamlFileContents, err = iClient.getPolicyYaml(op.templateName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ opName1 := "deploying"
+ if arReq.DeleteOp {
+ opName1 = "removing"
+ }
+ if err := iClient.applyConfigChange(ctx, yamlFileContents, arReq.Namespace, arReq.DeleteOp, isCustomOp); err != nil {
+ iClient.eventChan <- &meshes.EventsResponse{
+ OperationId: arReq.OperationId,
+ EventType: meshes.EventType_ERROR,
+ Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Error while %s \"%s\"", opName1, op.name),
+ Details: err.Error(),
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ opName := "deployed"
+ if arReq.DeleteOp {
+ opName = "removed"
+ }
+ iClient.eventChan <- &meshes.EventsResponse{
+ OperationId: arReq.OperationId,
+ EventType: meshes.EventType_INFO,
+ Summary: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" %s successfully", op.name, opName),
+ Details: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" %s successfully", op.name, opName),
+ }
+ }()
case enablePrometheus:
go func() {
opName1 := "deploying"
diff --git a/istio/supported_ops.go b/istio/supported_ops.go
index 1d965f86b..8924190cf 100644
--- a/istio/supported_ops.go
+++ b/istio/supported_ops.go
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ const (
installEmojiVoto = "install_emojivoto"
// Bookinfo
- installBookInfoCommand = "install_book_info"
- cbCommand = "cb1"
+ installBookInfoCommand = "install_book_info"
+ // cbCommand = "cb1"
googleMSSampleApplication = "google_microservices_demo_application"
bookInfoDefaultDestinationRules = "bookInfoDefaultDestinationRules"
bookInfoRouteToV1AllServices = "bookInfoRouteToV1AllServices"
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ const (
bookInfoInjectDelayForRatingsForJason = "bookInfoInjectDelayForRatingsForJason"
bookInfoInjectHTTPAbortToRatingsForJason = "bookInfoInjectHTTPAbortToRatingsForJason"
bookInfoProductPageCircuitBreaking = "bookInfoProductPageCircuitBreaking"
+ bookInfoSubsets = "bookinfo_subsets"
// HTTPbin
installHttpbinCommand = "install_http_bin"
@@ -120,11 +121,11 @@ var supportedOps = map[string]supportedOperation{
// appLabel: "istio-vet",
// returnLogs: true,
- cbCommand: {
- name: "httpbin: Configure circuit breaker with only one connection",
- opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
- templateName: "circuit_breaking.tmpl",
- },
+ // cbCommand: {
+ // name: "httpbin: Configure circuit breaker with only one connection",
+ // opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
+ // templateName: "circuit_breaking.tmpl",
+ // },
// bookInfoDefaultDestinationRules: {
// name: "BookInfo: Default BookInfo destination rules (defines subsets)",
// opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
@@ -204,25 +205,30 @@ var supportedOps = map[string]supportedOperation{
opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
denyAllPolicy: {
- name: "Deny-All policy on the namespace",
- opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE, // Yet to implement
+ name: "Deny-All policy on the namespace",
+ templateName: "deny-all.yaml",
+ opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
strictMtls: {
- name: "Strict Mtls policy",
- opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE, // Yet to implement
+ name: "Strict Mtls policy",
+ templateName: "strict.yaml",
+ opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
mutualMtls: {
- name: "Mutual Mtls policy",
- opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE, // Yet to implement
+ name: "Permissive Mtls policy",
+ templateName: "permissive.yaml",
+ opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
disableMtls: {
- name: "Disable Mtls policy",
- opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE, // Yet to implement
+ name: "Disable Mtls policy",
+ templateName: "disable.yaml",
+ opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
+ },
+ bookInfoSubsets: {
+ name: "Bookinfo subsets",
+ templateName: "bookinfo-dr.yaml",
+ opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
- // bookInfoRouteV1ForUser: {
- // name: "Configure bookinfo page to version v1",
- // opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
- // },
// bookInfoMirrorTrafficToV2: {
// name: "Configure bookinfo page mirror traffic from v1 to v2",
// opType: meshes.OpCategory_CONFIGURE,
diff --git a/scripts/install.sh b/scripts/install.sh
index 2884b5773..82674ed0e 100755
--- a/scripts/install.sh
+++ b/scripts/install.sh
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ else
-if ! mv istio-$ISTIO_VERSION /tmp/istio; then
+if ! mv istio-$ISTIO_VERSION /tmp/istio/.; then
exit 11