Releases: meshery/meshery-istio
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.22
What's new ?
- Added title to oam_ref_schema @Revolyssup (#327)
- Skip dynamic component generation if the version is avaiable statically @Revolyssup (#300)
- Solved failing security checks @Revolyssup (#328)
- Added title to oam_ref_schema @Revolyssup (#325)
- Customizing URL and Method of dynamic component generation through environmental variables @Revolyssup (#299)
- [Cl] Slack Workflow @theBeginner86 (#319)
- [Cl] Make Slack Workflow Consistent @theBeginner86 (#315)
- how to fix a misused meshkit logger @DelusionalOptimist (#301)
- Bump from 0.1.24 to 0.1.25 @dependabot (#302)
- [WIP] Bump version tags to fix CVEs @alphaX86 (#316)
- Avoid throwing error in case a patch doesn't exist @Revolyssup (#317)
- Slack notification @theBeginner86 (#303)
🧰 Maintenance
- Seperate e2e test for addons @Revolyssup (#318)
- E2etests @Revolyssup (#313)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @Revolyssup, @alphaX86, @dependabot, @leecalcote and @theBeginner86
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.21
What's new ?
- Fixed failing tests due to use of wrong instance of adapter during test @Revolyssup (#310)
- removed extra metdata from pre-generated components @sayantan1413 (#285)
- Removed three fields from old components @Revolyssup (#311)
- Fix the gosec-307 @Aisuko (#308)
- Bump from 0.2.31 to 0.2.34 @dependabot (#304)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Aisuko, @DelusionalOptimist, @Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote and @sayantan1413
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.20
What's new ?
- changes according to latest meshkit version @Revolyssup (#294)
- No panic while enabling sidecar injection on new namespace @Shreyas220 (#290)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @Revolyssup, @Shreyas220 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.19
What's new ?
- updated meshkit version @Revolyssup (#286)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.18
What's new ?
- added runtime component generation @Revolyssup (#269)
- Bump from 0.1.22 to 0.1.24 @dependabot (#282)
- Bump from 0.2.21 to 0.2.28 @dependabot (#281)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote and @Utkarsh-pro
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.17
What's new ?
🧰 Maintenance
- add label commenter workflow @Shatakshi0805 (#280)
- [build] nodejs compatible base img @DelusionalOptimist (#274)
- added make test @piyushsingariya (#275)
- [CI] update pattern glob @iamsdas (#272)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @Shatakshi0805, @iamsdas, @leecalcote and @piyushsingariya
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.16
What's new ?
- [CI] fix creation of commits in error codes utility workflow @iamsdas (#268)
- Adding components for older istio versions @Shreyas220 (#266)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CI] Upgrade golang version in Docker builder stage @leecalcote (#270)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @Shreyas220, @iamsdas and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.15
What's new ?
- Fix Helm certificate issue @Utkarsh-pro (#264)
- [lifecycle] Fix install operation @DelusionalOptimist (#262)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @leecalcote and @Utkarsh-pro
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.14
What's new ?
- [patterns] correct version in pattern components generator @DelusionalOptimist (#258)
🚀 Features
- Utkarsh pro/patterns/mesh core support @Utkarsh-pro (#259)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@DelusionalOptimist, @leecalcote and @Utkarsh-pro
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.13
What's new ?
- SMP protos compliant operation name for istio @sayantan1413 (#257)
- [Patterns] generate components with mesh name @DelusionalOptimist (#253)
- Added error descriptions @dhruv0000 (#252)
- changed istio apis @umairnsr87 (#250)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CI] add error code utility runner workflows @bariqhibat (#255)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Anita-ihuman, @DelusionalOptimist, @bariqhibat, @dhruv0000, @leecalcote, @sayantan1413, @umairnsr87 and @Utkarsh-pro