The relay can be configured with various specific parameters. This document discusses the optional parameters and their impact.
chainID = "<insert solana chain id>"
ocr2ProgramID = "<insert solana ocr2 program ID>"
transmissionsID = "<insert solana ocr2 transmissions account>"
storeProgramID = "<insert solana ocr2 store account>"
Parameter | Description | Default | Options |
chainID |
chainID is used to find corresponding chains/nodes for endpoints and configuration, based on genesis blockhash, unrecognized hashes default to localnet |
required | mainnet , testnet , devnet , localnet |
ocr2ProgramID |
the deployed OCR2 program (for production services typically: cjg3oHmg9uuPsP8D6g29NWvhySJkdYdAo9D25PRbKXJ) | required | |
transmissionsID |
the transmission account for the specific feed | required | |
storeProgramID |
the deployed OCR2 program (for production services typically: HEvSKofvBgfaexv23kMabbYqxasxU3mQ4ibBMEmJWHny) | required |
Additional configuration for the solana chain and endpoints are handled via the nodes and chains configuration in the Chainlink core node
chainlink chains solana create --id=<chain-id> {}
chainlink chains solana configure --id=<chain-id> <parameter>=<value> <parameter>=<value> ...
chainlink nodes solana create --name=<node-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --url=<url>
Parameter | Description | Default | Options |
BalancePollPeriod |
rate for polling SOL balance and updating Prometheus metric | 5s | |
ConfirmPollPeriod |
rate for polling for signature confirmation | 500ms | |
OCR2CachePollPeriod |
rate for polling state for OCR2 cache | 1s | |
OCR2CacheTTL |
stale OCR2 cache deadline | 1m | |
TxTimeout |
timeout to send tx to rpc endpoint | 1m | |
TxRetryTimeout |
duration for tx to be rebroadcast to rpc, txm stops rebroadcast after timeout | 10s | |
TxConfirmTimeout |
duration when confirming a tx signature before signature is discarded as unconfirmed | 30s | |
SkipPreflight |
enable or disable preflight checks when sending tx | true |
true , false |
Commitment |
Confirmation level for solana state and transactions. (documentation) | confirmed |
processed , confirmed , finalized |
MaxRetries |
Parameter when sending transactions, how many times the RPC node will automatically rebroadcast a tx, default = 0 for custom txm rebroadcasting method, set to -1 to use the RPC node's default retry strategy |
0 |