Releases: mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs
Releases · mhenrixon/sidekiq-unique-jobs
Remove development dependency on ActiveSupport
It was causing trouble with jRuby
Completely refactored locking mechanism
This release is full of breaking changes. Please refer to the readme on how to use the gem starting from 4.0.0
Improve thread safety
See #66 for details
Fix `yield config`
v3.0.10 Bump to 3.0.10
Fixed that worker_class was a string when a class was expected
- Fixed that worker_class was a string when a class was expected
Release v3.0.3
Fixes unlocking uniqueness when testing inline and faking
Adds unique payload to the redis message
This ensures that workers no using ruby can get access to the payload and decide wether or not to process/add a unique job.
Sidekiq 3 compatibility
v3.0.1 Bump to 3.0.1
Mocking redis when testing in fake mode.
We now mock redis when Sidekiq::Testing has been set to .fake!