A Python module that provides cross-platform access to 3dconnexion SpaceMouse Compact
- Import the SpaceMouse class from the package
from py3dcnx import SpaceMouse
- Create an event callback
def button(event):
- Create a new instance and assign the callback to the "button" event
sm = SpaceMouse()
sm.register_handler(button, "button")
Event dictionaries contain the information about their type and the corresponding data.
There are 3 types of supported events:
- button - data field (val) contains the bitmap of currently pressed buttons in the lowest 2 bits.
{'val': 2, 'type': 'button'}
- translate - data fields (x, y and z) contain 3-axis movement values
{'z': 54, 'y': 11, 'type': 'translate', 'x': -20}
- rotate - data fields (roll, pitch and yaw) explain rotation around axises x, y and z, respectively.
{'yaw': -10, 'roll': 9, 'pitch': 104, 'type': 'rotate'}
Returns a list of 3dconnexion SpaceNavigators connected to the system, and their paths. Linux example:
['/dev/hidraw2', '/dev/hidraw3']
Returns an event from the spacemouse, or None
after a timeout.
Optionally takes a device_number for identification and a value for the timeout. A timeout of -1
makes this call blocking until the next event occurs.