diff --git a/data/SampleData/Ccda/PROBLEMS_in_Empty_C-CDA_2.1-C-CDAR2.1.ccda b/data/SampleData/Ccda/PROBLEMS_in_Empty_C-CDA_2.1-C-CDAR2.1.ccda index ca4fef596..794638f70 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Ccda/PROBLEMS_in_Empty_C-CDA_2.1-C-CDAR2.1.ccda +++ b/data/SampleData/Ccda/PROBLEMS_in_Empty_C-CDA_2.1-C-CDAR2.1.ccda @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ displayName="Burn by Fire"/> - + - + diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A01-01.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A01-01.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A01-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A01-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A01-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A01-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A02-01.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A02-01.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A02-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A02-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A02-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A02-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-01.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-01.hl7 index d0d9da6f0..18337fa66 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-01.hl7 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfs PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-02.hl7 similarity index 91% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-02.hl7 index 4fcc32726..07996926f 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14-2.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A03-02.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A14^ADT_A14|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A03^ADT_A03|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-01.hl7 similarity index 96% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-01.hl7 index a7ffd33be..a4c79baee 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-01.hl7 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M1 PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital -PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT|||||20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..159c8a138 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A04-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A04^ADT_A04|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..564da192f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A05^ADT_A05|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT|||||20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 +DG1|1|I9|422504002^Ischemic stroke(disorder)^SCT|Stroke|20040125114025+0420|A|||||||||1|005454^DIAG^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DI20^Diagnosis^DTUI^CLIP|A|^^UI^CLIP +PR1|1||76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT|Biopsy of colon, which was part of colonoscopy|200501251140+0100|D^Diagnostic Procedure^HL70230|2|1210^ANES^MARK^B|||121188^Patrick^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&L^L^9^M10^DN^&Good Health Hospital.Community Health and Hospitals&L^A|12345689^Everyman2^Adam2^A^III^DR^PHD^ADT01^^L^4^M11^MR|||799008^Sigmoid colon ulcer^SCT||||PR1006||||OT^201||PR1001 +GT1|1|1516^4^M11^test^MR^Unity Hospital^19241011^19241012|RADIANT^LUCY^^|Rebecca^Jonas|1619 SOUTH UNIVERSITY^^MADISON^WI^53703^US|6082517777^^Internet^8484~717171^^PH|021212^^MD|20010412|F|P/F|SEL|G-SSN-12|20010410|20010415|2|EHS GENERIC EMPLOYER|1979 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|082719000^^PH|55121^^^^FI|3|Jupiter Hospital|N|SLF|20000725111420|N||||1231^^^^BC|M|20091010|20101010||||ger||||||MothersMaiden|||Ben^Charles~Ben2|000352^^CP~00121^^FX|Urgent requirement||||GEOrg|||||Germany +IN1|1|BAV^Blue Advantage HMO|IC-1.31^24^BCV^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.1&ISO^NIIP^^19291011^19291012|Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas|1979 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|Henry&&&&Roth^Rony^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19251012|(555)555-5555^BPN^PH|PUBSUMB|SelfPay||Sam P. Hil|19891001|20501001||HMO^health maintenance organization policy|Doe^Rosallie^John^III^Mrs.^Bachelors^R|SPO^Spouse|19750228|3857 Velvet Treasure Terrace^^Midnight^NC^27878^US|||||||||||||||||PN-145|150&USD^DC||||||F^Female|2000 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|||B||HMO-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.3&ISO^NI +IN2|1117^4^M11^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.4&ISO^EI^University Hospital~1118^^^^BC|425-57-9745|||I^Insurance company|Medicare-12345|Jack&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm|MCN-008||MI-12345||||||||||||||||||||||||eng^English|||||||||||||||Richard^Paul|254622222^^PH|||||||||||PNM1234^4^M11^PM&2.6.1&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012||0005245^WPN^Internet~^^CP|555777888^^FX~^^PH||||||Max Life Insurance||02^Spouse +RF1|P^Pending^HL7283|A^ASAP^HL7280|EXTERNAL|||123-1^name|||19900501120100+0515|R-1^Reason^C4|123-2^Testname|||Patient has a spinal fracture|||||AuthProvider^L^4.4^3^M10^CMS^LR^^^A|114^Beverly^Crusher^An^Mr^Dr.^AHP^^2.3^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al||||Check for metastatic disease|U \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1898b4772 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A05-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A05^ADT_A05|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A08-01.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A08-01.hl7 index 1cdf2a84f..3c4b989f6 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A08-01.hl7 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfs PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A08-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A08-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A08-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A08-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56522398b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A11^ADT_A11|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT|||||20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8082f8fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A11-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A11^ADT_A11|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-01.hl7 similarity index 99% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-01.hl7 index 3d3800f9f..f589d8b53 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-01.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A05^ADT_A05|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A13^ADT_A13|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d80b03bbf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A13-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A13^ADT_A13|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-01.hl7 similarity index 93% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-01.hl7 index 07dcce042..7dbe40ce3 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-01.hl7 @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfs PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital -PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT|||||20150208113419|20150209113419||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b61cd544b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A14-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A14^ADT_A14|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A15-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A15-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95be90cde --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A15-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A15^ADT_A15|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A15-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A15-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A15-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A15-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-01.hl7 similarity index 96% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-01.hl7 index 95dd0c7cb..a3f111acd 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-01.hl7 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M1 PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital -PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||20150210113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-02.hl7 similarity index 86% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-02.hl7 index ffb8f8006..55d80aad3 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A16-2.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A16-02.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A16^ADT_A16|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||20150210113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-01.hl7 similarity index 98% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-01.hl7 index 30fd9f5ce..cf1094892 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-01.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A15^ADT_A15|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A25^ADT_A25|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e68d494a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A25-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A25^ADT_A25|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5899be53 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A26^ADT_A26|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-02.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-02.hl7 index 9f6aefaa7..88febdcd2 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A03-2.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A26-02.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A03^ADT_A03|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A26^ADT_A26|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac4a4eab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A27^ADT_A27|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113420+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT|||||20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ba5fa7e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A27-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A27^ADT_A27|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A28-01.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A28-01.hl7 index 5d225a70e..69964ba26 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A28-01.hl7 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfs PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A28-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A28-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A28-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A28-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc08c368c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A29^ADT_A29|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-02.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-02.hl7 index b995abc80..0f8e24634 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A05-2.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A29-02.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A05^ADT_A05|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A29^ADT_A29|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A31-01.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A31-01.hl7 index 914ce19ae..212f11620 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A31-01.hl7 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfs PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 NK1|1|Evan&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D|EMC^test^ACR^CHD^^^9.0^10.0|2222&HOME&STREET^Highway^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020^US^BI^^jkdha&test^^^^20000110^20050111~111&Duck ST^^Fowl|78788788^WPN^Internet^5555^^^^^^^^^20010110^20020110^^^^18~121111^PRN^CP|88888888^PRN^CP^5555^^^^^^^^878777^20010110^20020110^^^^18~6666666^^BP|O|20210818|20211218|||12345567^4^M11^T1&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|TestOrg^^O12^^^^EI^^^Org12||F^^^M|19620110045504||||ara||||||||||Green^John^A^II^DR^MD^D^^^19241012^G~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L|898989898^^FX~88888888^^CP|Street1&Palkstreet~ST-2|I-123^^^^BA~I-222^^^^DI||2106-3^test^FDDC||Security no-23|||1515151515^WPN^CP^555544^^^^^^^^777^20010110^20020110^^^^1|444444^^CP -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C DB1|1|PT|DB123^4^M11^t&1.12&ISO^MR^UH^19241011^19241012|Y|20210830|20210930| OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A31-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A31-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A31-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A31-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c6256c92 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A45^ADT_A45|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-02.hl7 similarity index 97% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-02.hl7 index 01242018e..a4a3651a1 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A04-2.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A45-02.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A04^ADT_A04|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A45^ADT_A45|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A47.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A47-01.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A47.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A47-01.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A47-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A47-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A47-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A47-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A60.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A60-01.hl7 similarity index 96% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A60.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A60-01.hl7 index 0114015f2..88ebf7d8c 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A60.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A60-01.hl7 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFac SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet -PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110|20150209113419+0110|||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C IAM|1|FA^Food allergy^HL70127|12345^Peanut Allergy^L|||A^Add/Insert^HL70206|56789^Cona_Health^^ISO||SE^Side Effect||201805||202010051600|Doe^Rosallie^John^III^Mrs.^Bachelors^R|SPO^Spouse||C^Confirmed or verified||||||9941339108^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|202010101600+0215||202010151600+0215|91935009^Allergy to Peanuts^SNM3 NTE|1||Allergy to peanuts observed.||9941339108^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|202010101600+0215| diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A60-2.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A60-02.hl7 similarity index 100% rename from data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT_A60-2.hl7 rename to data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT-A60-02.hl7 diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT01-28.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT01-28.hl7 index 6a0277165..2c4b5dd17 100644 --- a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT01-28.hl7 +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ADT01-28.hl7 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -MSH|^~\&|ADT1|GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL|GHH LAB, INC.|GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL|198808181126|SECURITY|ADT^A01^ADT_A01|MSG00001|P|2.5.1|| +MSH|^~\&|ADT1|GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL|GHH LAB, INC.|GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL|198810181126|SECURITY|ADT^A01^ADT_A01|MSG00001|P|2.5.1|| EVN|A01|200708181123|| PID|1||PATID1234^5^M11^ADT1^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS||EVERYMAN^ADAM^A^III||19610615|M||C|2222 HOME STREET^^GREENSBORO^NC^27401-1020|GL|(555) 555-2004|(555)555-2004||S||PATID12345001^2^M10^ADT1^AN^A|444333333|987654^NC| NK1|1|NUCLEAR^NELDA^W|SPO^SPOUSE||||NK^NEXT OF KIN diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce1a6f9df --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +MSH|^~\&|PROSOLV|XYZHOSPITAL|SYSTEM|XYZHOSPITAL|200801311600+0215||MDM^T02|PS1-20080131160038|P|2. +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|T10|200801311600+0215|||C08^Woolfson^Kathleen +PID|1|987654321|987654321||PROSOLV^SAMPLE||19721201|M||||||||||10000001|111-22-3333 +PV1|1|I|CCU^2000^1|||CCU^2003^1|1234^HIPPOCRATES^KOS|9099^KEVORKIAN^JACK|8888^HOUSE^GREGORY||||||||||10000001 +ORC|SC|00012345|1-1 +TQ1|1|54^&lbs|ACM&Before Breakfast&HL7xxx^HD^^^12^min^^ACM^120^s|11:30:05~11:45:05|30^s|150^&kg|202110091600-0800|202111091600-0800|A|This is condition text|Please follow the text instructions||2^hr|5 +OBR|1|00012345|1-1|02585^TransthoracicEcho^PCV4||20060131155500|20080131155500+0215|||||||||||||||200801311600|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +TXA|1|DI|TX|200801311555+0215||200801311600+0215|||IvanDoctorovich|||1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131160038|1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131155715|00012345|1-1||AU|||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^^^^^^^^^^^^200801311600 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..563eec6a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T01-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +MSH|^~\&|PROSOLV|XYZHOSPITAL|SYSTEM|XYZHOSPITAL|200801311600+0215||MDM^T01^MDM_T01|PS1-20080131160038|P|2.8 +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|T10|200801311600+0215|||C08^Woolfson^Kathleen +PID|1|987654321|987654321||PROSOLV^SAMPLE||19721201|M||||||||||10000001|111-22-3333 +PV1|1|I|CCU^2000^1|||CCU^2003^1|1234^HIPPOCRATES^KOS|9099^KEVORKIAN^JACK|8888^HOUSE^GREGORY||||||||||10000001 +ORC|SC|00012345|1-1 +TQ1|1|54^&lbs|ACM&Before Breakfast&HL7xxx^HD^^^12^min^^ACM^120^s|11:30:05~11:45:05|30^s|150^&kg|202110091600-0800|202111091600-0800|A|This is condition text|Please follow the text instructions||2^hr|5 +OBR|1|00012345|1-1|02585^TransthoracicEcho^PCV4|||20080131155500+0215|||||||||||||||200801311600+0215|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +ORC|SC|00012367|1-1 +OBR|1|00012367|1-1|02588^3D echo cardigram^PCV4|||20080131164500+0215|||||||||||||||20080131164500+0215|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +TXA|1|DI|TX|200801311555+0215||200801311600+0215|||IvanDoctorovich|||1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131160038|1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131155715|00012345|1-1||AU|||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^^^^^^^^^^^^200801311600 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c41fffac --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +MSH|^~\&|PROSOLV|XYZHOSPITAL|SYSTEM|XYZHOSPITAL|200801311600+0215||MDM^T02^MDM_T02|PS1-20080131160038|P|2.8 +EVN|T10|200801311600+0215|||C08^Woolfson^Kathleen +PID|1|987654321|987654321||PROSOLV^SAMPLE||19721201|M||||||||||10000001|111-22-3333 +PV1|1|I|CCU^2000^1|||CCU^2003^1|1234^HIPPOCRATES^KOS|9099^KEVORKIAN^JACK|8888^HOUSE^GREGORY||||||||||10000001 +ORC|SC|00012345|1-1 +TQ1|1|54^&lbs|ACM&Before Breakfast&HL7xxx^HD^^^12^min^^ACM^120^s|11:30:05~11:45:05|30^s|150^&kg|202110091600-0800|202111091600-0800|A|This is condition text|Please follow the text instructions||2^hr|5 +OBR|1|00012345|1-1|02585^TransthoracicEcho^PCV4||20060131155500|20080131155500+0215|||||||||||||||200801311600+0215|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +TXA|1|DI|TX|200801311555+0215||200801311600+0215|||IvanDoctorovich|||1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131160038|1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131155715|00012345|1-1||AU|||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^^^^^^^^^^^^200801311600+0215 +OBX|1|HD|113014^DICOM Study^DCM||1.2.840.317.5947431.51||||||O +NTE|1||Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +OBX|2|ED|02585^TransthoracicEcho^PCV4||^application^pdf^Base64^||||||F diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96b76bfcd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|PROSOLV|XYZHOSPITAL|SYSTEM|XYZHOSPITAL|200801311600+0215||MDM^T02^MDM_T02|PS1-20080131160038|P|2.8 +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|T10|200801311600+0215|||C08^Woolfson^Kathleen +PID|1|987654321|987654321||PROSOLV^SAMPLE||19721201|M||||||||||10000001|111-22-3333 +PV1|1|I|CCU^2000^1|||CCU^2003^1|1234^HIPPOCRATES^KOS|9099^KEVORKIAN^JACK|8888^HOUSE^GREGORY||||||||||10000001 +ORC|SC|00012345|1-1 +TQ1|1|54^&lbs|ACM&Before Breakfast&HL7xxx^HD^^^12^min^^ACM^120^s|11:30:05~11:45:05|30^s|150^&kg|202110091600-0800|202111091600-0800|A|This is condition text|Please follow the text instructions||2^hr|5 +OBR|1|00012345|1-1|02585^TransthoracicEcho^PCV4|||20080131155500+0215|||||||||||||||200801311600+0215|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +ORC|SC|00012367|1-1 +OBR|1|00012367|1-1|02588^3D echo cardigram^PCV4||20060131164500+0215|20080131164500+0215|||||||||||||||20080131164500+0215|||F||||||796.4^^I9M~786.09^^I9M~414.8^^I9M||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^ +TXA|1|DI|TX|200801311555+0215||200801311600+0215|||IvanDoctorovich|||1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131160038|1.2.840.317.5947431.51.20080131155715|00012345|1-1||AU|||||54321^Doctorovich^Ivan^^^^^^^^^^^^200801311600 +OBX|1|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Toilet cylinder crackers model step-mother visor opening communication||||||F|||||| +OBX|2|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Columnist draft inn brown income ikebana circulation prince||||||F|||||| diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-03.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-03.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8416a776e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM-T02-03.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SIMHOSP|SFAC|RAPP|RFAC|20210801090642+0215||MDM^T02^MDM_T02|112|T|2.3|||AL||44|ASCII +EVN|T02|20210801090642+0215|||C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^DRNBR^REL^^^ORGDR| +PID|1|3196695816^^^SIMULATOR MRN^MRN|3196695816^^^SIMULATOR MRN^MRN~6597923189^^^NHSNBR^NHSNMBR||Clark^Frederick^^^Mr^^A||19300122000000+0215|M|||19 Blocker House^Restaurant Square^Ilford^^WI3 7KU^GBR^HOME||073 0075 3040^BPN^PH|||||||||A^White - British^^^|||||||| +PV1|1|O||28b|||C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^DRNBR^REL^^^ORGDR|||MED|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| +ORC|NW||986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|PGN-04||||ORC-8.1&ORC8.1.2^ORC8.2|202009101700+0215||||||204010101700+0215||||||MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY - MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY^L|307 W MCCARTY ST^^JEFFERSON CITY^MO^65101^USA^B|^WPN^PH^^1^^5555555|St-24, Greenwood^Building2|||||O^Outpatient Facility||orc-31 +OBR|1|845439^GHH OE|986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^Enteric Culture|R|202010101700+0215|200202150730+0215||150^lb&lb&ANSI+|10535^van Beethoven&van^Ludwig^A^III^Dr^PHD^^&MPI.Community Health and Hospitals&L^L^3^M10^MR^& Good Health Hospital.Community Health and Hospitals&L^A|G|||200202120730+0215|SP15&1.2&L^ACDA^Collection Method^BN&223.3&L|||Placer 1|Placer 2|Filler 1|Filler 2|200203150730+0215||BLB|F||||PAI-29||444^HIPPOCRATES^HOWARD H^^^^MD|Harry&Raud&Geny&&Mr.&Dr.^^^Poc-32^Room-4^Bed3^Facility-3&1.2&ISO^^^Building-4^FL-2||Richa&&&&Mr.&Md.^^^Poc-34^Rm-4^Bed2^Facility-4&1.22&ISO^^^Building-3^FL-3|35&Samuel^20021111^20021112^Area23||||Collector's comment|||||||PSS-46^Placer service^L|FSS-47^Filler service^L|||50^11.22^AR|||APON-53^4^M11^ORU^MR^University Hospital +TXA|1|DS||20210801090642+0215|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^DRNBR^REL^^^ORGDR|202108030000+0215||20210801090642+0215||||2RWRVAJ627408|||||IP|||||| +OBX|1|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Toilet cylinder crackers model step-mother visor opening communication||||||F|||||| +OBX|2|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Columnist draft inn brown income ikebana circulation prince||||||F|||||| +OBX|3|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Taxicab creator film therapist shelter||||||F|||||| +OBX|4|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Naming grandmother ruth||||||F|||||| +OBX|5|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Cesspool dress crystallography processing sphynx conspirator plate tool||||||F|||||| +OBX|6|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Let nothing neuropathologist grass||||||F|||||| +OBX|7|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|James flavor source sweats perfume spasm||||||F|||||| +OBX|8|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Stopsign||||||F|||||| +OBX|9|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Neat rugby sound evening hostel curio chastity pulley wallet xylophone||||||F|||||| +OBX|10|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Tomorrow survey raffle epee cash herb hovel frame||||||F|||||| +OBX|11|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Wish orangutan caddy mayor knowledge guilt tight criteria||||||F|||||| +OBX|12|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Thong||||||F|||||| +OBX|13|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Scimitar gall-bladder economy orange trade sing town||||||F|||||| +OBX|14|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Vinyl people junk skiing north irony sing scorn cameo||||||F|||||| +OBX|15|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Math pimp wave leather national nurture responsibility suppression||||||F|||||| +OBX|16|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Sash area||||||F|||||| +OBX|17|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Search eyelids||||||F|||||| +OBX|18|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Suffocation face convert soup cricket||||||F|||||| +OBX|19|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Step-Grandmother||||||F|||||| +OBX|20|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Pheasant shot disembodiment||||||F|||||| +OBX|21|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|White feature||||||F|||||| +OBX|22|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Duster||||||F|||||| +OBX|23|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Science cycle demand||||||F|||||| +OBX|24|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Charm official||||||F|||||| +OBX|25|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Airport manservant||||||F|||||| +OBX|26|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Lanai flute unique plain feature parking pressure||||||F|||||| +OBX|27|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Instance buggy colt route pier menorah ingrate garb||||||F|||||| +OBX|28|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Character press mini comic||||||F|||||| +OBX|29|TX|obs-id^obs-text^coding-system^^|1|Reminder shofar congo vibration mother-in-law bondsman suspect||||||F|||||| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM_01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM_01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..440a5203c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/MDM_01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A01^ADT_A01|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SFT|Orion||Rhapsody|2.4.3|Testactivity|20070725111624 +EVN|A01|20290801070624+0115|20290801070724|01^Patient request^HL70062|C08^Woolfson^Kathleen^2ndname^Jr^Dr^MD^^DRNBR&W1.2&ISO^L^^^ANON|20210817151943.4+0200|Cona_Health^^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +ORC|NW||986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|PGN-04|CM||||202009101700+0215||||||||||||MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY - MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY^L|307 W MCCARTY ST^^JEFFERSON CITY^MO^65101^USA^B|^WPN^PH^^1^^5555555|St-24, Greenwood^Building2|||||O^Outpatient Facility +TQ1|||||||||A^ASAP|202101251600|202101251700 +OBR|1|845439^GHH OE|986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^LN^^^^2.33^^Enteric Culture|A|202010101700+0215|200202150730+0215||150^lb&lb&ANSI+|10535^van Beethoven&van^Ludwig^A^III^Dr^PHD^^&MPI.Community Health and Hospitals&L^L^3^M10^MR^& Good Health Hospital.Community Health and Hospitals&L^A||||200202120730+0215|SP15&1.2&L^ACDA^Collection Method^BN&223.3&L|||Placer 1|Placer 2|Filler 1|Filler 2|200203150730+0215||BLB|F||12&lb^BID&12:30:05^S50^20020315^20030315^^^Annotation text^^^^21||PAI-291^FAI-292||444^HIPPOCRATES^HOWARD H^^^^MD|Harry&Raud&Geny&&Mr.&Dr.^^^Poc-32^Room-4^Bed3^Facility-3&1.2&ISO^^^Building-4^FL-2||Richa&&&&Mr.&Md.^^^Poc-34^Rm-4^Bed2^Facility-4&1.22&ISO^^^Building-3^FL-3|35&Samuel^20021111^20021112^Area23||||Collector's comment|||||||PSS-46^Placer service^L|FSS-47^Filler service^L|||50^11.22^AR|||APON-53^4^M11^ORU^MR^University Hospital +NTE|1|L|Enteric culture includes testing for Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, E.coli O157:H7 \T\ other STECs, and Aeromonas|RE^Remark^HL70364^^^^2.5.1 +TXA|1|DIS||201011101818+0215|John Smith|201011030000+0215||201011031346+0215|Chris Rock|Emma Watson||018840|1307506^test|||54302-DEX|AU|R|AV|||||radiology report|string ofCharacters +ORC||||2222 +OBR||||5555 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b25a8db6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ORDApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202110201126+0215|SECURITY|OML^O21^OML_O21|MSG00019|P|2.6|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|LABUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||TraumaCentre^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^GHH1|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||202110201126+0215| +IN1|1|BAV^Blue Advantage HMO|Org-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.1&ISO^NIIP|Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas|1979 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|Roger^Dann|(555)555-5555^^PH|Grp-12345|BCBS HMO|Tel-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.2&ISO^EN|Telstra|19981101|||HMO^health maintenance organization policy|Doe^Rosallie^John^III^Mrs.^Bachelors^R|SPO^Spouse|19750228|3857 Velvet Treasure Terrace^^Midnight^NC^27878^US|||||||||||||||||548851236L|150&USD^DC||||||F^Female|2000 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|||||HMO-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.3&ISO^NI||||||A +IN2|EI-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.4&ISO^EI|425-57-9745|||I^Insurance company|Medicare-12345||||MI-12345||||||||||||||||||||||||en^English|||||||||||||||Richard^Paul|(555)555-1234^^PH|||||||||||MB-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.5&ISO^MB||(555)123-1234^^PH|(555)123-5678^^PH||||||||02^Spouse +GT1|1|1516^^^^LN|RADIANT^LUCY^^||1619 SOUTH UNIVERSITY^^MADISON^WI^53703^US|(608)251-7777^^PH^^^|(608)2517777^^PH|20010412|F|P/F|MTH|2245367687|20160101|||EHS GENERIC EMPLOYER|1979 MILKYWAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|(608)271-9000^^PH^^^608^2719000|19290207^^^^EI|1||N|||| +AL1|1|FA^Food allergy^HL70127|12345^Peanut Allergy^L|MI^Mild^HL70128|moderate|20210121 +ORC|NW|1101^GHHPlacer|1201^GHHFiller||SC||||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201200+0215||||||||||||||O| +TQ1|1||Once^^^^1^d&Day&ANS+^^AC^1^hr&Hour&ANS+|||1^d&Day&ANS+|||R|Pain|Fasting Sugar||15^min&minute&ANS+|1 +OBR|1|||57698-3^Lipid panel with direct LDL - Serum or Plasma^LN||202110201200+0215|202110201200+0215|||||||||005454^LAB^ROBIN^B|||||||||S|||||||005454&ROBIN^^^LABUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||| +NTE|1||Urgent|| +CTD|C^Emergency Contact^HL70131|Abbot^Adam^A^III^DR^^L^^^^^^^PHD|1000 Hospital Lane^Ste.123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^B^^WA^||^WPN^PH^^^^^^^^^(626)555-1234| +DG1|1||E10.9^Diabetes Mellitus Type 1^I10|Diabetes|20200501123009+0215|F|||||||||1|005454^LAB^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DG1002||| +OBX|1|CWE|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27268008^Salmonella^SCT^^^^20090731^^Salmonella species|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL70078^^^^2.5|||P|||20120301|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|^^^^^^^^Bacterial Culture|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|201203140957|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||State Hygienic Laboratory^L^^^^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO^FI^^^16D0648109|State Hygienic Laboratory^UI Research Park -Coralville^Iowa City^IA^52242-5002^USA^B^^19103|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +OBX|1|RP|1063-7^Serum or Plasma^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|https://testurl.com^^image^PICT||||||O +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +SPM|1|2012545^2012999999&IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222.|PAI12^FAI12|ASERU^Serum^^FUR^^^^^Blood||STUTM^Stuart transport medium^^PHENOL^Stool^L^20|BCAE|BAP^^HL70488^^^^^^Specimen source site||||40^&lbs||This is a specimen resource|AMB^Ambient Temperature^HL70376~DRY^dry^HL70376||20110103143428-0800^20111103143428-0800|20120301||Y||||AUT^Autolyzed^HL70493^CLOT~HEM|||T-container^ContainerType^ABC|||AI-30^^^IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&ISO^PI^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO|OSI-31^^^IPHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&GUID^PI^PH Lab&16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&UUID|ShipID-32^Shipment^SID-32^CLIP +OBX|2|NM|8867-4^Bacteria identified^LN^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27~25||||||I diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf60c3837 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/OML-O21-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ORDApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202110201126+0215|SECURITY|ORM^O01^ORM_O01|MSG00018|P|2.6|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +PID|1||PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS||EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M||2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234||1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|LABUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||TraumaCentre^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^GHH1|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||202110201126+0215| +ORC|NW|1101^GHHPlacer|1201^GHHFiller||SC||||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201200+0215||||||||||||||O| +TQ1|1||Once^^^^1^d&Day&ANS+^^AC^1^hr&Hour&ANS+|||1^d&Day&ANS+|||R|Pain|Fasting Sugar||15^min&minute&ANS+|1 +OBR|1|||57698-3^Lipid panel with direct LDL - Serum or Plasma^LN||202110201200+0215|202110201200+0215|||||||||005454^LAB^ROBIN^B|||||||||S|||||||005454&ROBIN^^^LABUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||| +NTE|1||Urgent|| +CTD|C^Emergency Contact^HL70131|Abbot^Adam^A^III^DR^^L^^^^^^^PHD|1000 Hospital Lane^Ste.123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^B^^WA^||^WPN^PH^^^^^^^^^(626)555-1234| +DG1|1||E10.9^Diabetes Mellitus Type 1^I10|Diabetes|20200501123009+0215|F|||||||||1|005454^LAB^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DG1002||| +OBX|1|CWE|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27268008^Salmonella^SCT^^^^20090731^^Salmonella species|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL70078^^^^2.5|||P|||20120301|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|^^^^^^^^Bacterial Culture|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|201203140957|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||State Hygienic Laboratory^L^^^^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO^FI^^^16D0648109|State Hygienic Laboratory^UI Research Park -Coralville^Iowa City^IA^52242-5002^USA^B^^19103|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +NTE|1||Submission of serum||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101600+0215| +SPM|1|2545^2012999999&IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222.|PAI12^FAI12|ASERU^Serum^^FUR^^^^^Blood||STUTM^Stuart transport medium^^PHENOL^Stool^L^20|BCAE|BAP^^HL70488^^^^^^Specimen source site||||40^&lbs||This is a specimen resource|AMB^Ambient Temperature^HL70376~DRY^dry^HL70376||20110103143428-0800^20111103143428-0800|20120301||Y||||AUT^Autolyzed^HL70493^CLOT~HEM|||T-container^ContainerType^ABC|||AI-30^^^IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&ISO^PI^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO|OSI-31^^^IPHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&GUID^PI^PH Lab&16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&UUID|ShipID-32^Shipment^SID-32^CLIP +ORC|NW|2203^GHHPlacer|2301^GHHFiller||SC||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201300+0215||||||||||||||O| +OBR|1|||24590-2^MR Brain^LN||202110201300+0215|202110201300+0215|||||||||005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||||||||S||1^^^202110201300+0215^^^||PAI-291^FAI-292|||005454&ROBIN^^^RADUnit02^Room02^^GHH||||||||||||||||||test50 +OBX|1|RP|1063-7^Serum or Plasma^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|https://testurl.com^^image^PICT||||||O +SPM|1|2012545^2012999999&IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222.|PAI12^FAI12|ASERU^Serum^^FUR^^^^^Blood||STUTM^Stuart transport medium^^PHENOL^Stool^L^20|BCAE|BAP^^HL70488^^^^^^Specimen source site||||40^&lbs||This is a specimen resource|AMB^Ambient Temperature^HL70376~DRY^dry^HL70376||20110103143428-0800^20111103143428-0800|20120301||Y||||AUT^Autolyzed^HL70493^CLOT~HEM|||T-container^ContainerType^ABC|||AI-30^^^IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&ISO^PI^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO|OSI-31^^^IPHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&GUID^PI^PH Lab&16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&UUID|ShipID-32^Shipment^SID-32^CLIP +OBX|2|NM|8867-4^Bacteria identified^LN^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27~25||||||I \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c37c00da --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ORDApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202110201126+0215|SECURITY|ORM^O01^ORM_O01|MSG00018|P|2.6|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||TraumaCentre^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^GHH1|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||202110201200+0215| +AL1|1|EA|P^PENICILLIN^ICDO|MI|CODE16|20210824 +ORC|NW|1101^GHHPlacer|1201^GHHFiller||SC||12&lb^BID&12:30:05^S50^20020315^20030315^^^Annotation text^^^^21||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||2010201200+0215||||||||||||||O| +OBR|1|||24725-4^CT Head^LN|||202110201200+0215|||||||||005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||||||||S|||||||005454&ROBIN^^^RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH2|||| +CTD|C^Emergency Contact^HL70131|Doe^Rosallie|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L||^WPN^PH^^^^^^^^^(608)271-9001|O^Office Phone Number^HL70185 +DG1|1||S06.9^TBI(traumatic brain injury^I10|Traumatic brain injury|20200501123009+0215|F|||||||||1|005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DG1002||| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92d416838 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ORDApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202110201126+0215|SECURITY|ORM^O01^ORM_O01|MSG00019|P|2.6|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||TraumaCentre^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^GHH1|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||202110201200+0215| +IN1|1|BAV^Blue Advantage HMO|Org-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.1&ISO^NIIP|Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas|1979 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|Roger^Dann|(555)555-5555^^PH|Grp-12345|BCBS HMO|Tel-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.2&ISO^EN|Telstra|19981101|||HMO^health maintenance organization policy|Doe^Rosallie^John^III^Mrs.^Bachelors^R|SPO^Spouse|19750228|3857 Velvet Treasure Terrace^^Midnight^NC^27878^US|||||||||||||||||548851236L|150&USD^DC||||||F^Female|2000 MILKY WAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|||||HMO-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.3&ISO^NI||||||A +IN2|EI-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.4&ISO^EI|425-57-9745|||I^Insurance company|Medicare-12345||||MI-12345||||||||||||||||||||||||en^English|||||||||||||||Richard^Paul|(555)555-1234^^PH|||||||||||MB-12345^^^&2.16.840.1.113883.1.5&ISO^MB||(555)123-1234^^PH|(555)123-5678^^PH||||||||02^Spouse +GT1|1|1516|RADIANT^LUCY^^||1619 SOUTH UNIVERSITY^^MADISON^WI^53703^US|(608)251-7777^^PH^^^|(608)2517777^^PH|20010412|F|P/F|MOT|2245367687|20160101|||EHS GENERIC EMPLOYER|1979 MILKYWAY^^VERONA^WI^53593^US|(608)271-9000^^^^^608^2719000|19290207|1||N|||| +AL1||DA^DrugAllergy^HL7127|XYZallergen|MI^Mild^Hl7128|moderate|20210121| +ORC|NW|1101^GHHPlacer|1201^GHHFiller||SC||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201200+0215||||||||||||||O| +OBR|1|||24725-4^CT Head^LN||202110201200+0215|202110201200+0215|||||||||005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||||||||S||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^|||||005454&ROBIN^^^RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||| +NTE|1||CT Scan to be done urgent|| +CTD|C^Emergency Contact^HL70131|Abbot^Adam^A^III^DR^^L^^^^^^^PHD|1000 Hospital Lane^Ste.123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^B^^WA^||^WPN^PH^^^^^^^^^(626)555-1234| +DG1|1||S06.9^TBI(traumatic brain injury^I10|Traumatic brain injury|20200501123009+0215|F|||||||||1|005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DG1002||| +OBX|1|CWE|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27268008^Salmonella^SCT^^^^20090731^^Salmonella species|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL70078^^^^2.5|||P|||20120301|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|^^^^^^^^Bacterial Culture|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|201203140957|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||State Hygienic Laboratory^L^^^^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO^FI^^^16D0648109|State Hygienic Laboratory^UI Research Park -Coralville^Iowa City^IA^52242-5002^USA^B^^19103|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +OBX|1|RP|1063-7^Serum or Plasma^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|https://testurl.com^^image^PICT||||||O +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-03.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-03.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..380797273 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORM-O01-03.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ORDApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202110201126+0215|SECURITY|ORM^O01^ORM_O01|MSG00018|P|2.6|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||TraumaCentre^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^GHH1|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||202110201200+0215| +ORC|NW|1101^GHHPlacer|1201^GHHFiller||SC||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201200+0215||||||||||||||O| +OBR|1|||24725-4^CT Head^LN||202110201200+0215|202110201200+0215|||||||||005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||||||||S||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^|||||005454&ROBIN^^^RADUnit01^Room01^^GHH|||| +DG1|1||S06.9^TBI(traumatic brain injury^I10|Traumatic brain injury|20200501123009+0215|F|||||||||1|005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DG1002||| +ORC|NW|2203^GHHPlacer|2301^GHHFiller||SC||1^^^202110201126+0215^^^||202110201126+0215|2304^ENTER^MARY^C|3301^VERIFY^PETER^K|3850^ORDPROVIDER^JONES^A^^^|||202110201300+0215||||||||||||||O| +OBR|1|||24590-2^MR Brain^LN||202110201300+0215|202110201300+0215|||||||||005454^RAD^ROBIN^B|||||||||S||1^^^202110201300+0215^^^||PAI-291^FAI-292|||005454&ROBIN^^^RADUnit02^Room02^^GHH||| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORU-R01-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORU-R01-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..543f20b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/ORU-R01-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +MSH|^~\&|IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|IA Public Health Lab^2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411^ISO|IA.DOH.IDSS^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|IA DOH^2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.3650^ISO|201203141259-0215||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|2.16.840.1.114222.|T|2.5.1|||AL|NE|USA||||PHLabReport-Ack^^2.16.840.1.113883.9.10^ISO +SFT|Orion Health^L||Rhapsody|||20070725111624 +PID|1||14^^^IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222.^PI^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO||Finn^Huckleberry^^^^^L||19630815|M||2106-3^White^CDCREC^^^^04/24/2007~1002-5^American Indian or Alaska Native^CDCREC^^^^04/24/2007|721 SPRING STREET^^GRINNELL^IA^50112^USA^H|||||M^Married^HL70002^^^^2.5.1||||||H^Hispanic or Latino^HL70189^^^^2.5.1 +OBX||RP|8867-4^heartrate^LN||https://testurl.com^^SD^PICT||||||F|||19990702||1111^^Zafar^Mahen^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERLt^B^^^BR|||||EI21obx1^OII||ABC Hospital|A city^Florida^VA^22031^USA| +ORC|NW||986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|PGN-04|CM|||PAI-8.1^FAI-8.2|202009101700+0215||||||201510101700+0215||||||MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY - MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH LABORATORY^L|307 W MCCARTY ST^^JEFFERSON CITY^MO^65101^USA^B|^WPN^PH^^1^^5555555|St-24, Greenwood^Building2|||||O^Outpatient Facility||PUSI^parent Identifier^AR +OBX||ED|||App5^NS^Octet-stream^Base64| +TXA|1|DIS||201011101818+0215|John Smith|201011030000+0215||201011031346+0215|Chris Rock|Emma Watson||018840|1307506^test|||54302-DEX|AU|R|AV|||||radiology report|string ofCharacters +OBR|1|845439^GHH OE|986^IA PHIMS Stage^2.16.840.1.114222.^ISO|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^Enteric Culture|R|202010101700+0215|200202150730+0215||150^lb&lb&ANSI+|10535^van Beethoven&van^Ludwig^A^III^Dr^PHD^^&MPI.Community Health and Hospitals&L^L^3^M10^MR^& Good Health Hospital.Community Health and Hospitals&L^A||||200202120730+0215|SP15&1.2&L^ACDA^Collection Method^BN&223.3&L|||Placer 1|Placer 2|Filler 1|Filler 2|200203150730+0215||BLB|F||||||444^Reason for study^L^^^^MD|Harry&Raud&Geny&&Mr.&Dr.^^^Poc-32^Room-4^Bed3^Facility-3&1.2&ISO^^^Building-4^FL-2||Richa&&&&Mr.&Md.^^^Poc-34^Rm-4^Bed2^Facility-4&1.22&ISO^^^Building-3^FL-3|35&Samuel^20021111^20021112^Area23||||Collector's comment|||||||PSS-46^Placer service^L|FSS-47^Filler service^L||||||APON-53^4^M11^ORU^MR^University Hospital +NTE|1|L|Enteric culture includes testing for Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, E.coli O157:H7 \T\ other STECs, and Aeromonas|RE^Remark^HL70364^^^^2.5.1 +NTE|1||Allergy to peanuts observed.||9941339108^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|202010101600+0215| +TQ1|1|54^&lbs|ACM&Before Breakfast&HL7xxx^HD^^^12^min^^ACM^120^s|11:30:05~11:45:05|30^s|150^&kg|202110091600-0800|202111091600-0800|A|This is condition text|Please follow the text instructions||2^hr|5 +CTD|C^Emergency Contact^HL70131|Doe^Rosallie|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L||^WPN^PH^^^^^^^^^(608)271-9001|O^Office Phone Number^HL70185 +OBX|1|CWE|625-4^Bacteria identified in Stool by Culture^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27268008^Salmonella^SCT^^^^20090731^^Salmonella species|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL70078^^^^2.5|||P|||20120301|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|^^^^^^^^Bacterial Culture|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|201203140957|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||State Hygienic Laboratory^L^^^^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO^FI^^^16D0648109|State Hygienic Laboratory^UI Research Park -Coralville^Iowa City^IA^52242-5002^USA^B^^19103|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +NTE|1||Submission of serum||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101600+0215| +NTE|1||No Antibodies Detected||MLEE^ATTEND^AARON^A^^^MD|202010101500+0215| +SPM|1|2012545^2012999999&IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222.|PAI12^FAI12|ASERU^Serum^^FUR^^^^^Blood||STUTM^Stuart transport medium^^PHENOL^Stool^L^20|BCAE|BAP^^HL70488^^^^^^Specimen source site||||40^&lbs||This is a specimen resource|AMB^Ambient Temperature^HL70376~DRY^dry^HL70376||20110103143428-0800^20111103143428-0800|20120301||Y||||AUT^Autolyzed^HL70493^CLOT~HEM|||T-container^ContainerType^ABC|||AI-30^^^IA PHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&ISO^PI^IA Public Health Lab&2.16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&ISO|OSI-31^^^IPHIMS Stage&2.16.840.1.114222&GUID^PI^PH Lab&16.840.1.114222.4.1.10411&UUID|ShipID-32^Shipment^SID-32^CLIP +OBX|1|RP|1063-7^Serum or Plasma^XYZ^^^^2.33^^result1|1|https://testurl.com^^image^PICT||||||O +OBX|2|NM|8867-4^Bacteria identified^LN^^^^2.33^^result1|1|27~25||||||I \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d5e3717c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109141120+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S12^SIU_S12|MSG00012|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment booked for emergency procedure +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PV1|1|O|055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|||GENOPD^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^^^^|0210^ATTEND^AARON^A|0310^REFER^LINDA^C|||||||||03410^ADMIT^LINDA^C||5001^^^AccMgr^VN|||||||||||||||||||||||||20210115160010+0215| +PV2|||116290004^Acute abdominal pain^SCT||||||||||||||||||||||^^^2^Urgent^HL70217|||||||||||||A +OBX|1|NM|8867-4^Heart rate^LN||72|beats/min^^ISO|60-120||||F|||20210914||1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud| +DG1|1||64766004^Ulcerative colitis(disorder)^SCT|Ulcerative Colitis|20210825114025+0420|A|||||||||1|005454^DIAG^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DI20^Diagnosis^DTUI^CLIP|A|^^UI^CLIP +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Patient bowel preparation for the procedure| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - light meal or liquid diet a day before procedure| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Check if this particular equipment is available|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Location ready and disinfected before procedure| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d474ca680 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108101130+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S12^SIU_S12|MSG00012|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment for annual checkup +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12_1.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12_1.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e92444f95 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S12_1.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S12^SIU_S12|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked +TQ1|||||||202010041126+0215|202010081126+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment specific instructions +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||111^Hemogram^L| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^Cell Counter^L^^^^|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment specific Notes1 +AIL|1||4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^||||||||| +NTE|1||Location specific notes1 +AIP|1||400^Tim^G^^^^||||||| +NTE|1||Provider specific notes +NTE|2||||| +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||220^Chest X-Ray^L|||||| +AIS|2||215^CT Scan^L|| +NTE|1||Service specific instructions +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +AIG|2||1010^ABC CT Scan Machine^L|||| +NTE|1||Equipment specific Notes2 +AIL|1||11&X-Ray Room&L||||| +AIL|2||22&CT Scan Room&L|| +NTE|1||Location specific notes2 +AIP|1||500^Robert^C^^^^||||||| +NTE|1||Provider specific notes +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||55&OPD 01&L|||||| +NTE|1||Location specific notes3 +AIP|1||600^Linda^R^^^^||||||| +NTE|1||Provider specific notes \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81692e3cb --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109201126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S13^SIU_S13|MSG00013|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||The patient cannot make previous appointment scheduled on Sept 20.Apointment rescheduled on Sept 24. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Patient bowel preparation for the procedure| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - light meal or liquid diet a day before procedure| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Check if this particular equipment is available|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Location ready and disinfected before procedure| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98276f9d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S13-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108181130+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S13^SIU_S13|MSG00013|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked +TQ1|||||||202108201130+0215|202108201230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment rescheduled for annual checkup on Aug 20 instead of Aug 18 as per patient's request. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..413381df1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109201126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S14^SIU_S14|MSG00014|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||Appointment modified by filler application for change of location from Room01 to Room02. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Patient bowel preparation for the procedure| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - light meal or liquid diet a day before procedure| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Check if this particular equipment is available|| +AIL|001||055^Room02^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|1||Location ready and disinfected before procedure| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d1d909b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S14-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108171130+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S14^SIU_S14|MSG00014|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Booked +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment for annual checkup modified by filler application for change in location from LabUnit101 to LabUnit102 +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit102^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Booked| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..933350008 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109231126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S15^SIU_S15|MSG00015|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Cancelled| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||Appointment cancelled. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Cancelled|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Appointment cancelled| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - Appointment cancelled| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Cancelled| +NTE|1||Equipment is available for other Practitioner as the appointment is cancelled|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Cancelled| +NTE|1||Location available as appointment is cancelled| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Cancelled| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b6b3adca --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S15-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108181030+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S15^SIU_S15|MSG00015|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Cancelled +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment for annual checkup cancelled as GP is not available on Aug 18. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71b944a9d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S16^SIU_S16|MSG00016|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Dc| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||Appointment discontinued due to equipment malfunction. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Dc|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Appointment discontinued due to equipment malfunction| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - Appointment discontinued due to equipment malfunction| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Dc| +NTE|1||Equipment malfunction|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Dc| +NTE|1||Location available for next slot as appointment is discontinued| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Dc| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57e82884b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S16-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108101200+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S16^SIU_S16|MSG00016|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Dc +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment for annual checkup discontinued due to power failure at the facility. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Dc| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Dc| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c842a3be --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109231126+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S17^SIU_S17|MSG00017|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Deleted| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||Appointment deleted as it was booked for the wrong patient. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Deleted|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Appointment deleted| +NTE|2||Patient instructions - Appointment deleted| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Deleted| +NTE|1||Equipment available|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Deleted| +NTE|1||Location available for next slot as appointment is deleted| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Deleted| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe2d45360 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S17-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108101030+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S17^SIU_S17|MSG00017|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Deleted +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Appointment for annual checkup deleted as it was assigned to wrong patient. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID566^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Deleted| +NTE|1||Fasting for Blood sugar before appointment +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Deleted| +NTE|1||Patient Instructions - wear loose comfortable clothes,keep metallic objects away and leave jewellery at home +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment booked for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for checkup \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-01.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-01.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11dea2840 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-01.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202109241000+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S26^SIU_S26|MSG00026|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|EMERGENCY|Normal|60|s|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Noshow| +TQ1|||||||20210924093000+0215|20210924102000+0215|A +NTE||Patient did not show up for the appointment. +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|001| +AIS|001|A|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT^1212^Biopsy|20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Noshow|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L +NTE|1||Nursing staff instructions - Patient did not show up for the appointment| +AIG|001|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L^5002^Video|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Noshow| +NTE|1||Equipment available|| +AIL|001||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Noshow| +NTE|1||Location available as patient did not show up| +AIP|001||1210^GE^Robert^C|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000+0215|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Noshow| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-02.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-02.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b007a6a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU-S26-02.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +MSH|^~\&|SCHApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Aux^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|202108181130+0215|SECURITY|SIU^S26^SIU_S26|MSG00026|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH|12345|36996||||Add|CHECKUP|Normal|70|Min|2^^2 hours^202010011126+0215^202010091126+0215^R|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9941339109^Smith&Mr.&Smith^Adam^Mellie^Jr^Dr^MD^^NPIID&2.16.840.1.113883.4.6&ISO^L^^^NPI^^^^^^20100115^20200115^GP|(608)271-9000^^PH|115 MAINSTREET^^GOODTOWN^KY^42010^USA^L|^^^FACILITY2^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR2^^^|9^DENT^COREY^|(610)271-9000^^PH|^^^FACILITY3&1.23&ISO^^^BUILDING2^FLOOR1^^^|||Noshow +TQ1|||||||202108181130+0215|202108181230+0215|A +NTE|1||Patient did not show up for the annual checkup +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor ^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|||20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||||||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +RGS|1|| +AIS|1||58410-2^CBC Panel-Blood by Automated Count^LN|||||||Noshow| +NTE|1||Lab Staff Instructions - Patient did not show up +AIG|1||123^ABC Cell Counter^L|011^Lab Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment available for lab test +AIL|1||LabUnit101^Lab Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||||||| +NTE|1||Location available for lab test +AIP|1||400^PB^Tim^G^|019^Phlebotomist^L|||||| +NTE|1||Phlebotomist available for lab test +RGS|2|| +AIS|1||42272-5^XR Chest PA and Lateral^LN|||||||Noshow| +NTE|1||Radiology Staff Instructions - Patient did not show up +AIG|1||1001^XYZ X-Ray Machine^L|015^Imaging Equipment^L|||||||| +NTE|1||Equipment available for imaging +AIL|1||DiagnosticUnit201^Imaging Room 01^^GHH Hospital||||| +NTE|1||Location available for imaging +AIP|1||500^RT^Robert^C|021^Radiology Technician^L|||||| +NTE|1||Radiology Technician available for imaging +RGS|3|| +AIL|1||OPD12^Room 55^^GHH Hospital|||||| +NTE|1||Location available for checkup +AIP|1||600^GP^Linda^R|011^General Practitioner^L|||||| +NTE|1||GP available for next checkup - as previously booked patient did not show up \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU_12.hl7 b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU_12.hl7 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..980da4c9c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/SampleData/Hl7v2/SIU_12.hl7 @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MSH|^~\&|ADTApp|GHHSFacility^2.16.840.1.122848.1.30^ISO|EHRApp^1.Edu^ISO|GHHRFacility^2.16.840.1.1122848.1.32^ISO|198908181126+0215|SECURITY|ADT^A60^ADT_A60|MSG00001|P|2.8|||||USA||en-US|||22 GHH Inc.|23 GHH Inc.|24GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.20^ISO|25GHH^2.16.840.1.114884.10.23^ISO +SCH||||||||||||||||||||||||||123-1^name|123-1^name +PID|1|1234567^4^M11^test^MR^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|PATID1234^5^M11^test1&2.16.1&HCD^MR^GOOD HEALTH HOSPITAL~123456789^^^USSSA^SS|PATID567^^^test2|EVERYMAN&&&&Aniston^ADAM^A^III^Dr.^MD^D^^^19241012^^^^PF^Addsm~Josh&&&&Bing^^stanley^^^^L^^^^^19241010^19241015|SMITH^Angela^L|198808181126+0215|M|elbert^Son|2106-3^White^HL70005~2028-9^Asian^HL70005|1000&Hospital Lane^Ste. 123^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^M^^&W^^^20000110&20000120^^^^^^^Near Highway|GL|78788788^^CP^5555^^^1111^^^^^2222^20010110^20020110^^^^18~12121212^^CP|7777^^CP~1111^^TDD|ara^^HL70296^eng^English-us^HL70296^v2^v2.1^TextInEnglish|M^Married|AME|4000776^^^AccMgr&2.4&ISO^VN^1^19241011^19241012|PSSN123121234|DLN-123^US^20010123|1212121^^^NTH&rt23&HCD^AND^^19241011^19241012|N^NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO^HL70189|St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side|N|2|US^United States of America^ISO3166_1|Vet123^retired^ART|BT^Bhutan^ISO3166_1|20080825111630+0115|Y|||20050110015014+0315||125097000^Goat^SCT|4880003^Beagle^SCT|||CA^Canada^ISO3166_1|89898989^WPN^Internet +PD1|S^^ACR||LINDAS TEST ORGANIZATION^^SIISCLIENT818|88^Hippo^rold^H^V^Dr^MD^^TE^^^M10^DN^^||||||||||Methodist Church|||20150202^20150202 +PV1|1|P|HUH AE OMU&9.8&ISO^OMU B^Bed 03^HOMERTON UNIVER^^C^Homerton UH^Floor5|E|1234567^4^M11^t&2.16.840.1.113883.19&HCD^ANON^University Hospital^19241011^19241012|4 East, room 136, bed B 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^|1122334^Alaz^Mohammed^Mahi^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSONNELt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al|C006^Woolfson^Kathleen^^^Dr^^^TEST&23.2&HCD^MSK^^^BA|C008^Condoc^leen^^^Dr^^^&2.8&ISO^NAV^^^BR|SUR|||R|NHS Provider-General (inc.A\T\E-this Hosp)||VIP^Very Important Person^L^IMP^^DCM^v1.1^v1.2^Inportant Person|37^DISNEY^WALT^^^^^^AccMgr^^^^ANC|Inpatient|40007716^^^AccMng&1.2&HCD^AM|||||||||||||||||Admitted as Inpatient^Sample^ACR|22&Homes&FDK|Vegan^Vegetarian|HOMERTON UNIVER||Active|POC^Room-2^Bed-103^^^C^Greenland|Nursing home^^^^^^Rosewood|20150208113419+0110||||||50^^^T123&r2.3&ISO^MR||Othhel^^^^^^^^testing&&HCD||EOC124^5^M11^Etest&2.16.1&HCD^MR^CommunityHospital +PV2|^ROOM1&2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1108&ISO^BED1^FACILITY1^^^BUILDING1^FLOOR1^^^||140004^Chronic pharyngitis^SCT||||||||2|Health Checkup|12188^Hippocrates^Harold^H^IV^Dr^MD^^TE&Provider Master.Community Health and Hospitals&DNS^^^M10^DN^^|||||||||N|||2^^^3^^^V1.2^V1.3|||||||||||||C +OBX|27|NM|8867-4^heartrate^LN||60~120|beats/min^^ISO|70-80|A^A^HL7nnnn~B^B|||S|||19990702|Org15^ID of producer^CAS|1134^Aly^Zafar^Mahendra^JR^Dr.^MD^^PERSt&1.23&HCD^B^^^BR^^^^^^19241010^19241015^Al~2234^Pauly^Berrie^Raud|OBS^This is test method^AS4|EI12.3^NI2^UI2^GUID~^^UI1^ISO|19990702|BU^Observation site^E5|EI21^OII||FairOaks Hspital|Research Park^Fairfax^VA^22031^USA|MD-25^Atchinson^Christopher^^MD|||||||PAI-1^FAI-1 +DG1|1|I9|422504002^Ischemic stroke(disorder)^SCT|Stroke|20040125114025+0420|A|||||||||1|005454^DIAG^ROBIN^B|||20200501133015+0215|DI20^Diagnosis^DTUI^CLIP|A|^^UI^CLIP +RGS|1|| +AIS|1|E|76164006^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT|20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L~5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L| +NTE|||ABXXYZ||1210^GE^Robert^C^^^^^TEST&23.2&HCD|198908181128+0215| +AIG|1|A|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|101^Equipment^L||||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +NTE|||ABC|||198908181126+0215| +AIL|1||055^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked +NTE|||ABC|| +AIP|1||1210^GE^Robert^C^^^^^TEST&23.2&HCD|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +RGS|2|| +AIS|2|E|76164007^Biopsy of colon (procedure)^SCT|20210924093011|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L~5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|5001^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L| +AIG|2|A|5002^EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope^L|102^Equipment^L||||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| +AIL|2||056^Room01^^GH Clinic^^^|C^Clinic^HL70305||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked +AIP|2||1211^GE^Robert^C^^^^^TEST&23.2&HCD|010^Gastroenterologist^L||20210924093000|||50|min^Minutes^ISO||Booked| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.liquid index ab7bedb2d..d93d25b87 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A01.liquid @@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ {% assign accSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ACC' -%} {% assign ub1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB1' -%} {% assign ub2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB2' -%} -{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} -{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A01' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -355,14 +356,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -495,7 +490,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.liquid index afed1d6d4..d09ffaf9e 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A02.liquid @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A02' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.liquid index a1733a63c..4a0f7ea5a 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A03.liquid @@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ {% assign autSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AUT' -%} {% assign rf1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RF1' -%} {% assign accSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ACC' -%} -{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} -{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A03' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -347,14 +348,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -480,8 +475,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.liquid index 1048026cf..f4f623a49 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A04.liquid @@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ {% assign accSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ACC' -%} {% assign ub1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB1' -%} {% assign ub2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB2' -%} -{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} -{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A04' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -349,14 +350,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -481,8 +476,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.liquid index 5a6291fca..01c1542a5 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A05.liquid @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ {% assign accSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ACC' -%} {% assign ub1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB1' -%} {% assign ub2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB2' -%} -{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A05' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -348,14 +348,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -481,8 +475,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.liquid index 17f31f42c..ec606d1be 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A08.liquid @@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ {% assign accSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ACC' -%} {% assign ub1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB1' -%} {% assign ub2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'UB2' -%} -{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} -{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} - +{% assign pdaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PDA' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -349,14 +348,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -483,8 +476,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A11.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A11.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efaf3ee68 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A11.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A11', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A11', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A11' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A11', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor %} + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A13.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A13.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3200fc91f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A13.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,609 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2|DRG|ACC|UB1|UB2|PDA' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign arvSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ARV' -%} +{% assign rolSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ROL' -%} +{% assign nk1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NK1' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% assign al1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AL1' -%} +{% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DG1' -%} +{% assign pr1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PR1' -%} +{% assign gt1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'GT1' -%} +{% assign in1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'IN1' -%} +{% assign in2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'IN2' -%} +{% assign in3SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'IN3' -%} +{% assign autSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AUT' -%} +{% assign rf1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RF1' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A13', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A13', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for gt1SegmentLists in gt1SegmentLists.GT1 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.11.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: patientId, NK1_PER: nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0] -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.29.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.29, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.51 and nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0].7.1.Value == "E" -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.51 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1_51: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 -%} + {% assign Organization_GT1_51 = Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_GT1_51 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate gt1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: gt1relatedPersonId, GT1: gt1SegmentLists -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: accountId, REF_PATIENT: fullPatientId, REF_RELATED_PERSON: gt1relatedPersonId, REF_ORG: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A13' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A13', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pr1Segment in pr1SegmentLists.PR1 -%} + {% if pr1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pr1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pr1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pr1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pr1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pr1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pr1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PR1_8 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pr1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PR1: pr1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PR1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PR1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pr1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PR1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pr1Segment.11 -%} + {% if pr1Segment.11.9.1 != "" and pr1Segment.11.9.1 != null and pr1Segment.11.9.2 != "" and pr1Segment.11.9.2 != null and pr1Segment.11.9.3 != "" and pr1Segment.11.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PR1_11 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pr1Segment.11.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PR1: pr1Segment.11.9, ID: Organization_ID_PR1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PR1_11 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pr1Segment.11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.11, ID: practitionerId_PR1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pr1Segment.12 -%} + {% if pr1Segment.12.9.1 != "" and pr1Segment.12.9.1 != null and pr1Segment.12.9.2 != "" and pr1Segment.12.9.2 != null and pr1Segment.12.9.3 != "" and pr1Segment.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PR1_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pr1Segment.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PR1: pr1Segment.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_PR1_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PR1_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pr1Segment.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} + {% endif %} + + {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} + {% evaluate Procedure_ID_PR1_25 using 'ID/Procedure' PR1: pr1Segment.25, baseId: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Procedure' PR1_25: pr1Segment.25, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, Procedure_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: Procedure_ID_PR1_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate procedureId using 'ID/Procedure' PR1: pr1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Procedure' PR1: pr1Segment, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, Procedure_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: procedureId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for nk1Segment in nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% evaluate relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_NK1_13 using 'ID/Organization' XON: nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: organizationId_NK1_13 -%} + {% assign Organization_NK1_13 = organizationId_NK1_13 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_NK1_13 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "EMR" or nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "CGV" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "E" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="F" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "I" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="S" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% include 'Extensions/RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, NK1: nk1Segment -%} + {% if nk1Segment.12.4.1 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.1 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk1Segment.12.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_12: nk1Segment.12, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for nk33 in nk1Segment.33.Repeats -%} + {% if nk33.4.1 != "" and nk33.4.1 != null and nk33.4.2 != "" and nk33.4.2 != null and nk33.4.3 != "" and nk33.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk33.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_33: nk33, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for al1Segment in al1SegmentLists.AL1 -%} + {% evaluate allergyIntoleranceId using 'ID/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, ID: allergyIntoleranceId, AllergyIntolerance_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + {% if dg1Segment.22 -%} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} + {% if rf1Segment.19 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_RF1_19 using 'ID/Organization' XON: rf1Segment.19 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' RF1: rf1Segment.19, ID: Organization_ID_RF1_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if rf1Segment.20 -%} + {% if rf1Segment.20.9.1 != "" and rf1Segment.20.9.1 != null and rf1Segment.20.9.2 != "" and rf1Segment.20.9.2 != null and rf1Segment.20.9.3 != "" and rf1Segment.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_RF1_20_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: rf1Segment.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', RF1_20: rf1Segment.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_RF1_20_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_RF1_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: rf1Segment.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' RF1: rf1Segment.20, ID: Practitioner_ID_RF1_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' RF1: rf1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' RF1: rf1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1Segment in in1SegmentLists.IN1 -%} + + {% evaluate coverageId using 'ID/Coverage' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN1: in1Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Beneficiary' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + + {% for in1_49 in in1Segment.49.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_49.4.1 != "" and in1_49.4.1 != null and in1_49.4.2 != "" and in1_49.4.2 != null and in1_49.4.3 != "" and in1_49.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_49.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_49: in1_49, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1_3 in in1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_3.4.1 != "" and in1_3.4.1 != null and in1_3.4.2 != "" and in1_3.4.2 != null and in1_3.4.3 != "" and in1_3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_3: in1_3, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1_10 in in1Segment.10.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_10.4.1 != "" and in1_10.4.1 != null and in1_10.4.2 != "" and in1_10.4.2 != null and in1_10.4.3 != "" and in1_10.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_10.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_10: in1_10, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if in1Segment.4 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.4 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% assign org_in1_4 = Organization_ID_in1_4 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Payor' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if in1Segment.11 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.11 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' CX_IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_11: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% assign org_in1_11 = Organization_ID_in1_11 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID_IN1: firstSegments.PID, IN1: in1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% evaluate in1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN1: in1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% assign rel_in1_17 = in1relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: rel_in1_17 -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% for in2Segment in in2SegmentLists.IN2 -%} + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN2: in2Segment -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% unless in1Segment.10 and in1Segment.11 -%} + {% if in2Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate in2relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN2: in2Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if in2Segment.3.9.1 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.1 != null and in2Segment.3.9.2 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.2 != null and in2Segment.3.9.3 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_3: in2Segment.3.9, ID: Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in2relatedPersonId, IN2_3: in2Segment -%} + {% assign relatedperson_3 = in2relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: relatedperson_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if in1Segment.10 == null and in1Segment.11 == null and in2Segment.3 == null -%} + {% if in2Segment.70 -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_IN2_70 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in2Segment.70 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' IN2_70: in2Segment, ID: organization_Id_IN2_70 -%} + {% assign org_in2_70 = organization_Id_IN2_70 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in2_70 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_49: in2Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN2: in2Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2_6: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + + {% for in2_1 in in2Segment.1.Repeats -%} + {% if in2_1.4.1 != "" and in2_1.4.1 != null and in2_1.4.2 != "" and in2_1.4.2 != null and in2_1.4.3 != "" and in2_1.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2_1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_1: in2_1, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if in2Segment.61 -%} + {% if in2Segment.61.4.1 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.1 != null and in2Segment.61.4.2 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.2 != null and in2Segment.61.4.3 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.61.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_61: in2Segment.61, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.liquid index 6515c302f..abb4f00ff 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A14.liquid @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A14' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -343,14 +343,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -476,8 +470,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.liquid index cf3469775..3cd61fbf8 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A15.liquid @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A15' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.liquid index 275bf6b08..cf34823b3 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A16.liquid @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A16' -%} {% endif -%} {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} @@ -342,14 +342,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -475,8 +469,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A25.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A25.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5cbebb62d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A25.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A25', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A25', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A25' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A25', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A26.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A26.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e862d9216 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A26.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A26', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A26', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% comment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + {% endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A26' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A26', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A27.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A27.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..284f537d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A27.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'PID|PD1|PV1|PV2|UAC|EVN|MSH' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A27', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A27', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A27' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A27', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.liquid index 023c6f9dd..cf13199a4 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A28.liquid @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ {% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} {% assign pr1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PR1' -%} {% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} - { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", @@ -344,14 +343,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -477,8 +470,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A29.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A29.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3dfc73bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A29.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'PID|PD1|PV1|PV2|UAC|EVN|MSH' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign db1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'DB1' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ADT_A29', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId, Root_Template_1: 'ADT_A29' -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A29', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ADT_A29', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId, Root_Template_1: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for db1Segment in db1SegmentLists.DB1 -%} + {% if db1Segment.2.1.Value == "PT" %} + {% for db in db1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if db.4.1 != "" and db.4.1 != null and db.4.2 != "" and db.4.2 != null and db.4.3 != "" and db.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DB1_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: db.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DB1: db.4, ID: Organization_ID_DB1_3, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, DB1: db1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' DB1: db1Segment, ID: patientId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId, Root_Template: 'ADT_A29' -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endfor -%} + + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.liquid index ac83c2823..731d86135 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ADT_A31.liquid @@ -345,14 +345,8 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PR1: pr1Segment.12, ID: practitionerId_PR1_12 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_1: pr1Segment.23.1, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_1-%} - {% else %} - {% if pr1Segment.23.2 %} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: pr1Segment.23.2 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL_2: pr1Segment.23.2, ID: Location_ID_PR1_23_2-%} - {% endif %} + {% if pr1Segment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pr1Segment.23-%} {% endif %} {% if pr1Segment.25 -%} @@ -478,8 +472,8 @@ {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} {% endif -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} {% for rf1Segment in rf1SegmentLists.RF1 -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/CodeSystem/CodeSystem.json b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/CodeSystem/CodeSystem.json index 1a060f3e2..0ea369d43 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/CodeSystem/CodeSystem.json +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/CodeSystem/CodeSystem.json @@ -1573,6 +1573,48 @@ "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/specimen-status" } }, + "CodeSystem/SpecimenCondition": { + "AUT": { + "code": "AUT", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "CFU": { + "code": "CFU", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "LIVE": { + "code": "LIVE", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "CLOT": { + "code": "CLOT", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "CON": { + "code": "CON", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "COOL": { + "code": "COOL", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "FROZ": { + "code": "FROZ", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "HEM": { + "code": "HEM", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "ROOM": { + "code": "ROOM", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + }, + "SNR": { + "code": "SNR", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0493" + } + }, "CodeSystem/SecurityLabelHandlingInstructions": {}, "CodeSystem/Yes_No": { "Y": { @@ -2250,7 +2292,63 @@ "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131" } }, - "CodeSystem/DurationUnit": {}, + "CodeSystem/DurationUnit": { + "s": { + "code": "s", + "display": "second", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "Min": { + "code": "min", + "display": "minute", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "Hr": { + "code": "h", + "display": "hour", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "d": { + "code": "d", + "display": "day", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "wk": { + "code": "wk", + "display": "week", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "mo": { + "code": "mo", + "display": "month", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "yr": { + "code": "a", + "display": "year", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "ann": { + "code": "a", + "display": "year", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "sec": { + "code": "s", + "display": "second", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "min": { + "code": "min", + "display": "minute", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + }, + "hr": { + "code": "h", + "display": "hour", + "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org" + } + }, "CodeSystem/AllergyType": { "AA": { "code": "allergy", @@ -3209,63 +3307,262 @@ "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0315" } }, + "CodeSystem/DiagnosticReportStatus": { + "C": { + "code": "corrected", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "D": { + "code": "cancelled", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "F": { + "code": "final", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "I": { + "code": "preliminary", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "N": { + "code": "unknown" + }, + "O": { + "code": "unknown" + }, + "P": { + "code": "preliminary", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "S": { + "code": "partial", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "R": { + "code": "unknown" + }, + "X": { + "code": "cancelled", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + }, + "U": { + "code": "unknown" + }, + "W": { + "code": "entered-in-error", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" + } + }, "CodeSystem/ResultStatus": { "A": { "code": "partial", - "display": "Partial", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "C": { - "code": "corrected", - "display": "Corrected", + "code": "corrected", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "F": { "code": "final", - "display": "Final", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "I": { "code": "registered", - "display": "Registered", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "O": { "code": "registered", - "display": "Registered", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "P": { "code": "preliminary", - "display": "Preliminary", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "S": { "code": "registered", - "display": "Registered", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "R": { "code": "partial", - "display": "Partial", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "Y": { - "code": "", - "display": "", - "system": "" + "code": "unknown", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "X": { "code": "cancelled", - "display": "Cancelled", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" }, "Z": { - "code": "", - "display": "", - "system": "" + "code": "unknown", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/diagnostic-report-status" } }, + + "CodeSystem/DiagnosticServiceSection": { + "AU": { + "code": "AU", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "BG": { + "code": "BG", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "BLB": { + "code": "BLB", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "CG": { + "code": "CG", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "CUS": { + "code": "CUS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "CTH": { + "code": "CTH", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "CT": { + "code": "CH", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "CP": { + "code": "CP", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "EC": { + "code": "EC", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "EN": { + "code": "EN", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "GE": { + "code": "GE", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "HM": { + "code": "HM", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "ICU": { + "code": "ICU", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "IMM": { + "code": "IMM", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "LAB": { + "code": "LAB", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "MB": { + "code": "MB", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "MCB": { + "code": "MCB", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "MYC": { + "code": "MYC", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "NMS": { + "code": "NMS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "NMR": { + "code": "NMR", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "NRS": { + "code": "NRS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "OUS": { + "code": "OUS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "OT": { + "code": "OT", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "OTH": { + "code": "OTH", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "OSL": { + "code": "OSL", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "PHR": { + "code": "PHR", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "PT": { + "code": "PT", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "PHY": { + "code": "PHY", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "PF": { + "code": "PF", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "RAD": { + "code": "RAD", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "RX": { + "code": "RX", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "RUS": { + "code": "RUS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "RC": { + "code": "RC", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "RT": { + "code": "RT", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "SR": { + "code": "SR", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "SP": { + "code": "SP", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "TX": { + "code": "TX", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "VUS": { + "code": "VUS", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "VR": { + "code": "VR", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + }, + "VXC": { + "code": "VXC", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/ConsentRelationship": { "3": { "code": "N", @@ -4038,6 +4335,53 @@ "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" } }, + "CodeSystem/EpisodeOfCareStatus": { + "E": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "I": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "O": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "P": { + "code": "planned", + "display": "Planned", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "R": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "B": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "C": { + "code": "active", + "display": "Active", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "N": { + "code": "cancelled", + "display": "Cancelled", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + }, + "U": { + "code": "", + "display": "", + "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status" + } + }, "CodeSystem/AllergyIntoleranceCriticality": { "SV": { "code" : "high", @@ -4796,6 +5140,533 @@ "display" : "Grandparent", "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0344" } + }, + "CodeSystem/FillerStatusServiceRequestStatus": { + "Pending" : { + "code" : "draft", + "display" : "Draft", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Waitlist" : { + "code" : "draft", + "display" : "Draft", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Booked" : { + "code" : "active", + "display" : "Active", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Started" : { + "code" : "active", + "display" : "Active", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Complete" : { + "code" : "completed", + "display" : "Completed", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Cancelled" : { + "code" : "revoked", + "display" : "Revoked", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Dc" : { + "code" : "revoked", + "display" : "Revoked", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Deleted" : { + "code" : "entered-in-error", + "display" : "Entered In Error", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Blocked" : { + "code" : "draft", + "display" : "Draft", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Overbook" : { + "code" : "draft", + "display" : "Draft", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + }, + "Noshow" : { + "code" : "revoked", + "display" : "Revoked", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/request-status" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/FillerStatusAppointmentParticipantStatus": { + "Pending" : { + "code" : "tentative", + "display" : "Tentative", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Waitlist" : { + "code" : "tentative", + "display" : "Tentative", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Booked" : { + "code" : "accepted", + "display" : "Accepted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Started" : { + "code" : "accepted", + "display" : "Accepted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Complete" : { + "code" : "accepted", + "display" : "Accepted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Cancelled" : { + "code" : "declined", + "display" : "Declined", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Dc" : { + "code" : "declined", + "display" : "Declined", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Deleted" : { + "code" : "declined", + "display" : "Declined", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Blocked" : { + "code" : "needs-action", + "display" : "Needs Action", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Overbook" : { + "code" : "needs-action", + "display" : "Needs Action", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + }, + "Noshow" : { + "code" : "declined", + "display" : "Declined", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/participationstatus" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/LocationRoleType": { + "C" : { + "code" : "C", + "display" : "Clinic", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-LocationRoleType" + }, + "D" : { + "code" : "D", + "display" : "Department", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-LocationRoleType" + }, + "H" : { + "code" : "H", + "display" : "Home", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-LocationRoleType" + }, + "N" : { + "code" : "N", + "display" : "Nursing Unit", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-LocationRoleType" + }, + "O" : { + "code" : "PROFF", + "display" : "Provider's Office", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode" + }, + "P" : { + "code" : "P", + "display" : "Phone", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-LocationRoleType" + }, + "S" : { + "code" : "SNF", + "display" : "Skilled nursing facility", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/AppointmentType": { + "ROUTINE" : { + "code" : "ROUTINE", + "display" : "Routine appointment - default if not valued", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276" + }, + "WALKIN" : { + "code" : "WALKIN", + "display" : "A previously unscheduled walk-in visit", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276" + }, + "CHECKUP" : { + "code" : "CHECKUP", + "display" : "A routine check-up, such as an annual physical", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276" + }, + "FOLLOWUP" : { + "code" : "FOLLOWUP", + "display" : "A follow up visit from a previous appointment", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276" + }, + "EMERGENCY" : { + "code" : "EMERGENCY", + "display" : "Emergency appointment", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/FillerStatus" : { + "Pending" : { + "code" : "pending", + "display" : "Proposed", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Waitlist" : { + "code" : "waitlist", + "display" : "Waitlisted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Booked" : { + "code" : "booked", + "display" : "Booked", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Started" : { + "code" : "checked-in", + "display" : "Checked In", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Complete" : { + "code" : "fulfilled", + "display" : "Fulfilled", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Cancelled" : { + "code" : "cancelled", + "display" : "Cancelled", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Dc" : { + "code" : "cancelled", + "display" : "Cancelled", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Deleted" : { + "code" : "entered-in-error", + "display" : "Entered In Error", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Blocked" : { + "code" : "waitlist", + "display" : "Waitlisted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Overbook" : { + "code" : "waitlist", + "display" : "Waitlisted", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + }, + "Noshow" : { + "code" : "noshow", + "display" : "No Show", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-appointmentstatus.html" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/DocumentAvailabilityStatus" : { + "AV" : { + "code" : "current", + "display" : "Current", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/document-reference-status" + }, + "CA" : { + "code" : "entered-in-error", + "display" : "Entered in Error", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/document-reference-status" + }, + "OB" : { + "code" : "entered-in-error", + "display" : "Entered in Error", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/document-reference-status" + }, + "UN" : { + "code" : "current", + "display" : "Current", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/document-reference-status" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/SecurityLableHandingInstructions": { + "R" : { + "code" : "R", + "display" : "restricted", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-Confidentiality" + }, + "U" : { + "code" : "U", + "display" : "unrestricted", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-Confidentiality" + }, + "V" : { + "code" : "V", + "display" : "very restricted", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-Confidentiality" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/DocumentCompletionStatus" : { + "AU" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "DI" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "DO" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "IN" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "IP" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "LA" : { + "code" : "final", + "display" : "Final", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + }, + "PA" : { + "code" : "preliminary", + "display" : "Preliminary", + "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status" + } + }, + "CodeSystem/MimeType": { + "AP" : { + "code" : "application", + "display" : "pdf", + "system" : "urn:ietf:bcp:13" + }, + "AU" : { + "code" : "audio", + "display" : "basic", + "system" : "urn:ietf:bcp:13" + }, + 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: "HS", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "IC" : { + "code" : "C", + "display" : "C", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "ICD" : { + "code" : "CD", + "display" : "CD", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "ICM" : { + "code" : "CM", + "display" : "CM", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "ICV" : { + "code" : "CV", + "display" : "CV", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "PC" : { + "code" : "PC", + "display" : "PC", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "PCD" : { + "code" : "PCD", + "display" : "PCD", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "PCM" : { + "code" : "PCM", + "display" : "PCM", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "PCV" : { + "code" : "PCV", + "display" : "PCV", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + }, + "WAKE" : { + "code" : "WAKE", + "display" : "WAKE", + "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent" + } } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CECodeableConcept.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CECodeableConcept.liquid index 82616a385..53a5014eb 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CECodeableConcept.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CECodeableConcept.liquid @@ -4,7 +4,14 @@ { {% if mapping -%} "code":"{{ CE.1.Value | get_property: mapping, 'code' }}", - "display":"{{ CE.1.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}", + {% capture displayURL %}{{ CE.1.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}{% endcapture %} + "display":"{{ displayURL }}", + {% if displayURL == CE.1.Value %} + "display":"{{ CE.2.Value }}", + {% endif %} + {% if CE.3 %} + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CE.3.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", + {% 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@@ { {% if mapping -%} "code":"{{CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'code' }}", - "display":"{{CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}", - "system":"{{CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'system' }}", + {% capture displayURL %}{{ CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}{% endcapture %} + "display":"{{ displayURL }}", + {% if displayURL == CF.4.Value %} + "display":"{{ CF.5.Value }}", + {% endif %} + {% if CF.6 %} + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CF.6.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", + {% endif %} + "system":"{{ CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'system' }}", "version":"{{CF.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'version' }}", "version":"{{CF.8.Value }}", {% else -%} "code":"{{CF.4.Value }}", "display":"{{CF.5.Value }}", {% if CF.6 %} - "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CF.6.Value}}", + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CF.6.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", {% endif %} {% capture 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-25,7 +32,14 @@ { {% if mapping -%} "code":"{{ CWE.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'code' }}", - "display":"{{ CWE.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}", + {% capture displayURL %}{{ CWE.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}{% endcapture %} + "display":"{{ displayURL }}", + {% if displayURL == CWE.4.Value %} + "display":"{{ CWE.5.Value }}", + {% endif %} + {% if CWE.6 %} + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE.6.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", + {% endif %} "system":"{{ CWE.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'system' }}", "version":"{{ CWE.4.Value | get_property: mapping, 'version' }}", "version":"{{ CWE.8.Value }}", @@ -33,7 +47,7 @@ "code":"{{ CWE.4.Value }}", "display":"{{ CWE.5.Value }}", {% if CWE.6 %} - "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE.6.Value}}", + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE.6.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", {% endif %} {% capture temp %}{{ CWE.6.Value | 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SYSTEM_PROPERTY_VALUE -%} "system":"{{SYSTEM_PROPERTY_VALUE}}", {% endif %} + {% if systemHardcodedUrl and CWE.12-%} + "system":"{{systemHardcodedUrl}}", + {% endif %} "version":"{{ CWE.13.Value }}", {% endif -%} }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..442649014 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +{% if CWE -%} + { + {% if mapping -%} + "code":"{{ CWE.1.Value | get_property: mapping, 'code' }}", + {% capture displayURL %}{{ CWE.1.Value | get_property: mapping, 'display' }}{% endcapture %} + "display":"{{ displayURL }}", + {% if displayURL == CWE.1.Value %} + "display":"{{ CWE.2.Value }}", + {% endif %} + {% if CWE.3 %} + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE.3.Value | replace: ' ', '-'}}", + {% endif %} + "system":"{{ CWE.1.Value | 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"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE_InternalValue.6.Value}}", + {% endif %} + }, + { + "value": "{{CWE_InternalValue.10.Value}}", + {% if CWE_InternalValue.12.Value %} + "system": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/{{CWE_InternalValue.12.VAlue}}", + {% endif %} + }, +], +{% endif -%} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_EDAttachment1.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_EDAttachment1.liquid index 0c585892b..2b59e216a 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_EDAttachment1.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_EDAttachment1.liquid @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ {% if ED -%} - "contentType":"{{ ED.2.Value }}", + {% assign mimetype = ED.2.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/MimeType', 'code' -%} + {% if ED.3 -%} + {% if ED.3.Value == "Octet-stream" or ED.3.Value == "PostScript" -%} + {% assign mimesubtype = ED.2.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/MimeType', 'display' -%} + {% else -%} + {% assign mimesubtype = ED.3.Value 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-%} + {% elseif NDL.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_NDL using 'ID/Location' PL: NDL.7 -%} + {% elseif NDL.10 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_NDL using 'ID/Location' PL: NDL.10 -%} + {% elseif NDL.11 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_NDL using 'ID/Location' PL: NDL.11 -%} + {% endif %} + "location" : [ + { + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_NDL }}", + } + ], + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_RITiming.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_RITiming.liquid index e89180b91..e712c04c8 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_RITiming.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_RITiming.liquid @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ {% if RI -%} {% comment -%} Placeholder provided for customization by users. If left empty, it will be removed in post-processing. {% endcomment -%} - "code": + "code": { + "coding": + [ + { + "code": "{{RI.1}}", + } + ] }, "repeat": { @@ -11,3 +17,22 @@ ], }, {% endif -%} +{% if RI_val -%} + {% comment -%} Placeholder provided for customization by users. 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get_property: 'CodeSystem/DurationUnit', 'code' -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'min' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + "offset" : {{ RPT.9.Value }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 's' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + "offset" : {{ RPT.9.Value | divide: 60 | truncate_number }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'h' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + {% assign hour = RPT.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = hour | times: 60 %} + "offset" : {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'd' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + {% assign day = RPT.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = day | times: 1440 %} + "offset" : {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'wk' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + {% assign wk = RPT.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = wk | times: 10080 %} + "offset" : {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'mo' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + {% assign mo = RPT.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = mo | times: 302400 %} + "offset" : {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if durationunit == 'a' -%} + {% if RPT.9 -%} + {% assign year = RPT.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = year | times: 3628800 %} + "offset" : {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} +{% endif -%} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_TQServiceRequest.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_TQServiceRequest.liquid index d9423d59e..d86b320b2 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_TQServiceRequest.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/DataType/_TQServiceRequest.liquid @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ "count":"{{ TQ.12.Value }}", }, }, -{% endif -%} +{% endif -%} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/Specimen/_SpecimenExtension.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/Specimen/_SpecimenExtension.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..935b5a316 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/Specimen/_SpecimenExtension.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "resource":{ + "resourceType": "Specimen", + "id":"{{ ID }}", + "collection": { + "extension": + [ + {% if SPM.15 -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Specimen-SpecialHandling' SPL_HANDLING: SPM.15 -%}, + {% endif -%} + ], + }, + }, +}, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_ObservationStatus.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_ObservationStatus.liquid index 23c1636d3..4129f8c1c 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_ObservationStatus.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_ObservationStatus.liquid @@ -1,13 +1,7 @@ { "url": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/Observation_Status", "valueCodeableConcept": { - "coding": - [ - { - {% include 'DataType/IDCodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/ObservationStatus-ext', ID: ID -%} - }, - ], - "text": "{{ ID.1.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/ObservationStatus-ext', 'display' }}", -}, - + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/ObservationStatus-ext', CWE: ID -%} + "text": "{{ ID.1.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/ObservationStatus-ext', 'display' }}", + }, } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_Specimen-SpecialHandling.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_Specimen-SpecialHandling.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c3be698a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Extensions/_Specimen-SpecialHandling.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + {% if SPL_HANDLING -%} + "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/specimen-specialHandling", + "valueCodeableConcept": + { + "coding": + [ + {% for specimen in SPL_HANDLING.Repeats -%} + {% if specimen -%} + {% assign hardcodedUrl = "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0376" %} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptRepeatable' CWE:specimen, systemHardcodedUrl: hardcodedUrl %} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + ], + } + {% endif -%} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Appointment.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Appointment.liquid index 80c5174cf..a5989c91a 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Appointment.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Appointment.liquid @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ {% capture identifiers -%} {% if NTE -%} {{NTE.3.Value}} + {% elsif SCH.1 -%} + {{SCH.1.Value}} + {% elsif SCH.2 -%} + {{SCH.2.Value}} + {% elsif SCH -%} + {{SCH.Value}} {% endif -%} {% endcapture -%} {{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'Appointment', true, baseId | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Device.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Device.liquid index 3ca8779fc..1d2a0996e 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Device.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Device.liquid @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ {{SFT.Value}} {% elsif EI -%} {{EI.Value}} + {% elsif AIG.3 -%} + {{AIG.3.Value}} + {% elsif AIG.4 -%} + {{AIG.4.Value}} {% endif -%} {% endcapture -%} {{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'Device', false | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DiagnosticReport.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DiagnosticReport.liquid index a7315b9c7..c715105c5 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DiagnosticReport.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DiagnosticReport.liquid @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ {{ORC.2.3.Value}},{{ORC.2.4.Value}} {% elsif ORC -%} {{ORC.Value}} + {% elsif OBX -%} + {{OBX.Value}} {% endif -%} {% endcapture -%} {{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'DiagnosticReport', false, baseId | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DocumentReference.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DocumentReference.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b9cd0228 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_DocumentReference.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{% capture identifiers -%} + {% if EI.1 and EI.3 -%} + {{EI.1.Value}},{{EI.3.Value}} + {% elsif EI -%} + {{EI.Value}} + {% endif -%} +{% endcapture -%} +{{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'DocumentReference', false | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Provenance.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Provenance.liquid index e31110fcd..1495b1e20 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Provenance.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Provenance.liquid @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% capture identifiers -%} {% if MSH.3 -%} - {{MSH.4.Value}} + {{MSH.3.Value}} {% elsif MSH.3 and MSH.24-%} {{MSH.3.Value}},{{MSH.24.Value}} {% elsif MSH.5 and MSH.25-%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_ServiceRequest.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_ServiceRequest.liquid index 1bdf8e98a..35be94af6 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_ServiceRequest.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_ServiceRequest.liquid @@ -13,10 +13,24 @@ {{OBR.2.3.Value}},{{OBR.2.4.Value}} {% elsif OBR -%} {{OBR.Value}} + {% elsif OBR_29_1 -%} + {{OBR_29_1.Value}} + {% elsif OBR_29_2 -%} + {{OBR_29_2.Value}} + {% elsif OBR_29 -%} + {{OBR_29.Value}} + {% elsif OBR_29.1 and OBR_29.2 -%} + {{OBR_29.1.Value}}, {{OBR_29.2.Value}} + {% elsif OBR_50 -%} + {{OBR_50.Value}} {% elsif NTE -%} {{NTE.Value}} {% elsif RF1 -%} {{RF1.Value}} + {% elsif AIS.3 -%} + {{AIS.3.Value}} + {% elsif AIS -%} + {{AIS.Value}} {% endif -%} {% endcapture -%} {{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'ServiceRequest', true, baseId | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Specimen.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Specimen.liquid index 9986eeeb2..b5de5ce3f 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Specimen.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ID/_Specimen.liquid @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ {{SPM.2.1.3}},{{SPM.2.1.4}} {% elsif SPM -%} {{SPM.Value}} + {% elsif OBR -%} + {{OBR.Value}} {% endif -%} {% endcapture -%} {{ identifiers | generate_id_input: 'Specimen', false, baseId | generate_uuid }} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T01.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T01.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba4b0551e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T01.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PV1|TXA' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign orcSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ORC' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'MDM_T01', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'MDM_T01', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA -%} + + {% evaluate documentreferenceID using 'ID/DocumentReference' EI: firstSegments.TXA.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/DocumentReference' TXA: firstSegments.TXA, ID: documentreferenceID -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA.5 -%} + {% for txa_5 in firstSegments.TXA.5.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_5.9.1 != "" and txa_5.9.1 != null and txa_5.9.2 != "" and txa_5.9.2 != null and txa_5.9.3 != "" and txa_5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_5.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_5.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_5, ID: practitionerId_TXA_5 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.TXA.9 -%} + {% for txa_9 in firstSegments.TXA.9.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_9.Value != null and txa_9.Value != "" -%} + {% if txa_9.9.1 != "" and txa_9.9.1 != null and txa_9.9.2 != "" and txa_9.9.2 != null and txa_9.9.3 != "" and txa_9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_9.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_9.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_9, ID: practitionerId_TXA_9 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA9 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_9, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign txa_10 = firstSegments.TXA.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if txa_10.9.1 != "" and txa_10.9.1 != null and txa_10.9.2 != "" and txa_10.9.2 != null and txa_10.9.3 != "" and txa_10.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_10.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_10.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_10, ID: practitionerId_TXA_10 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA10 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = 0 -%} + {% for orcSegment in orcSegmentLists.ORC -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBR' -%} + {% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'TQ1' -%} + + {% for obrSegment in obrSegmentLists.OBR -%} + {% assign checkParent = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBR', {{obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc}}, 'ORC' -%} + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc | plus: 1 -%} + + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId_orc using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent.ORC.31, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if obrSegment.29.Value == null %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.8 and checkParent.ORC.31 %} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ORC: checkParent.ORC, ID: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, type_msg: "MDM_T01" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% evaluate specimenId_obr using 'ID/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_obr = specimenId_obr | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_child: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29: parentServiceRequestId, ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ID: serviceRequestId, type_msg: "MDM_T01" -%} + + {% assign fullDocumentreferenceID = documentreferenceID | prepend: 'DocumentReference/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDocumentreferenceID -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerId_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if obrSegment.16 -%} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_OBR_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, requestor_practitioner1: practitionerId_OBR_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 -%} + {% assign fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12 %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_ORC_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORCXCN_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_practitioner2: practitionerId_ORC_12, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.21 %} + {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == null or checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == "" and obrSegment.16 == null or obrSegment.16 == "" %} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORC_SEG_22: checkParent.ORC.22, ORC_SEG_23: checkParent.ORC.23, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% endif %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_organization: organizationId_ORC_21, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% endif %} + + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' REF: fullSpecimenId_obr, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if obrSegment.29 %} + {% if obrSegment.50 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_parent: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: parentServiceRequestId, type_msg: "MDM_T01" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% assign fullParentServiceRequestId = parentServiceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + + {% assign nteSegmentLists1 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment1 in nteSegmentLists1.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment1.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_NTE: nteSegment1.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment1.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment1, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + + {% if obrSegment.10 %} + {% if obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0], ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_10 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, collection_collector_practitioner: practitionerId_obr_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Collection_Collector' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_10, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% unless tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_tq1: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0], ORC_tq1: orcSegment -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% for tq1Segment in tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' TQ1: tq1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_timeday: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0] -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T02.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T02.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca7377017 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/MDM_T02.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|EVN|PID|PV1|TXA' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign orcSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ORC' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'MDM_T02', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if firstSegments.EVN -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' EVN: firstSegments.EVN, EVNTEXT: firstSegments.MSH.9, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_EVN_7 using 'ID/Location' HD: firstSegments.EVN.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.7, ID: locationId_EVN_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'MDM_T02', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA -%} + + {% evaluate documentreferenceID using 'ID/DocumentReference' EI: firstSegments.TXA.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/DocumentReference' TXA: firstSegments.TXA, ID: documentreferenceID -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA.5 -%} + {% for txa_5 in firstSegments.TXA.5.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_5.9.1 != "" and txa_5.9.1 != null and txa_5.9.2 != "" and txa_5.9.2 != null and txa_5.9.3 != "" and txa_5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_5.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_5.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_5, ID: practitionerId_TXA_5 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.TXA.9 -%} + {% for txa_9 in firstSegments.TXA.9.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_9.Value != null and txa_9.Value != "" -%} + {% if txa_9.9.1 != "" and txa_9.9.1 != null and txa_9.9.2 != "" and txa_9.9.2 != null and txa_9.9.3 != "" and txa_9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_9.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_9.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_9, ID: practitionerId_TXA_9 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA9 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_9, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.TXA.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign txa_10 = firstSegments.TXA.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if txa_10.9.1 != "" and txa_10.9.1 != null and txa_10.9.2 != "" and txa_10.9.2 != null and txa_10.9.3 != "" and txa_10.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_10.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_10.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_10, ID: practitionerId_TXA_10 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA10 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = 0 -%} + {% for orcSegment in orcSegmentLists.ORC -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBR' -%} + {% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'TQ1' -%} + + {% for obrSegment in obrSegmentLists.OBR -%} + {% assign checkParent = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBR', {{obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc}}, 'ORC' -%} + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc | plus: 1 -%} + + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId_orc using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent.ORC.31, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if obrSegment.29.Value == null %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.8 and checkParent.ORC.31 %} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ORC: checkParent.ORC, ID: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, type_msg: "MDM_T02" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% evaluate specimenId_obr using 'ID/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_obr = specimenId_obr | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_child: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29: parentServiceRequestId, ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ID: serviceRequestId, type_msg: "MDM_T02" -%} + + {% assign fullDocumentreferenceID = documentreferenceID | prepend: 'DocumentReference/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDocumentreferenceID -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerId_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if obrSegment.16 -%} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_OBR_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, requestor_practitioner1: practitionerId_OBR_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 -%} + {% assign fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12 %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_ORC_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORCXCN_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_practitioner2: practitionerId_ORC_12, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.21 %} + {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == null or checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == "" and obrSegment.16 == null or obrSegment.16 == "" %} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORC_SEG_22: checkParent.ORC.22, ORC_SEG_23: checkParent.ORC.23, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% endif %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_organization: organizationId_ORC_21, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% endif %} + + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' REF: fullSpecimenId_obr, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if obrSegment.29 %} + {% if obrSegment.50 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_parent: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: parentServiceRequestId, type_msg: "MDM_T02" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% assign fullParentServiceRequestId = parentServiceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + + {% assign nteSegmentLists1 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment1 in nteSegmentLists1.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment1.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_NTE: nteSegment1.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment1.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment1, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + + {% if obrSegment.10 %} + {% if obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0], ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_10 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, collection_collector_practitioner: practitionerId_obr_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Collection_Collector' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_10, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% unless tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_tq1: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0], ORC_tq1: orcSegment -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% for tq1Segment in tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' TQ1: tq1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_timeday: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0] -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate obx_diagnosticReportID using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% else %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% assign nteSegmentLists2 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obxSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment2 in nteSegmentLists2.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment2.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_NTE: nteSegment2.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment2.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' NTE: nteSegment2, ID: observationId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/OML_O21.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/OML_O21.liquid index 54beccb0b..5ac71fff9 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/OML_O21.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/OML_O21.liquid @@ -1,8 +1,13 @@ -{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'PID|PD1|PV1|PV2|ORC|MSH' -%} -{% assign al1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AL1' -%} +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2|ORC' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} {% assign nk1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NK1' -%} +{% assign in1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'IN1' -%} +{% assign gt1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'GT1' -%} +{% assign al1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AL1' -%} {% assign orcSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ORC' -%} -{% assign spmSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SPM' -%} + +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} { "resourceType": "Bundle", @@ -14,107 +19,157 @@ { "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", "entry": [ - {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} - {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderID -%} - + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} - {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} - - {% evaluate practitionerId10_ORC_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.ORC.10 -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId10_ORC_11 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.ORC.11 -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId10_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.ORC.12 -%} - - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: practitionerId10_ORC_10 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: practitionerId10_ORC_11 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: practitionerId10_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'OML_O21', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} - {% endif -%} - - {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} - {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} - {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% for gt1SegmentLists in gt1SegmentLists.GT1 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.11.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: patientId, NK1_PER: nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0] -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.29.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.29, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.51 and nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0].7.1.Value == "E" -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.51 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1_51: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 -%} + {% assign Organization_GT1_51 = Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_GT1_51 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate gt1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: gt1relatedPersonId, GT1: gt1SegmentLists -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: accountId, REF_PATIENT: fullPatientId, REF_RELATED_PERSON: gt1relatedPersonId, REF_ORG: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} {% endfor -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} - {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} {% endif -%} {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} @@ -125,148 +180,626 @@ {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} {% endif -%} - - {% evaluate locationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Location' XON: firstSegments.ORC.21 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Location' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: locationId_ORC_21 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} - {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} - {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} - {% endif -%} - - {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} - {% endif -%} - - {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} - {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} - {% endif -%} - - {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'OML_O21', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} - {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'OML_021', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} - {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} - - {% for al1Segment in al1SegmentLists.AL1 -%} - {% evaluate allergyIntoleranceId using 'ID/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, ID: allergyIntoleranceId, AllergyIntolerance_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} - {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} - {% for nk1Segment in nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_NK1_13 using 'ID/Organization' XON: nk1Segment.13 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: organizationId_NK1_13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% include 'Resource/Patient' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: relatedPersonId -%} - {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} - {% for orcSegment in orcSegmentLists.ORC -%} - {% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'TQ1' -%} - {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBR' -%} - {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBX' -%} - {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'DG1' -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' CWE: orcSegment.21 -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_17 using 'ID/Organization' CWE: orcSegment.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC: orcSegment, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC: orcSegment, ID: organizationId_ORC_17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: orcSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} - {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' ORC: orcSegment, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' ORC: orcSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Provenance' ORC: orcSegment, ID: provenanceId -%} - {% include 'Reference/Provenance/Target' ID: provenanceId, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} - {% for tq1Segment in tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' TQ1: tq1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} - {% endfor -%} + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'OML_O21', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} - {% for obrSegment in obrSegmentLists.OBR -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR: obrSegment, ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% for nk1Segment in nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% evaluate relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_NK1_13 using 'ID/Organization' XON: nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: organizationId_NK1_13 -%} + {% assign Organization_NK1_13 = organizationId_NK1_13 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_NK1_13 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "EMR" or nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "CGV" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "E" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="F" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "I" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="S" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% include 'Extensions/RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, NK1: nk1Segment -%} + {% if nk1Segment.12.4.1 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.1 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk1Segment.12.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_12: nk1Segment.12, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% for nk33 in nk1Segment.33.Repeats -%} + {% if nk33.4.1 != "" and nk33.4.1 != null and nk33.4.2 != "" and nk33.4.2 != null and nk33.4.3 != "" and nk33.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk33.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_33: nk33, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} - {% if obxSegment.24 or obxSegment.25 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obxSegment, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% for al1Segment in al1SegmentLists.AL1 -%} + {% evaluate allergyIntoleranceId using 'ID/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, ID: allergyIntoleranceId, AllergyIntolerance_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1Segment in in1SegmentLists.IN1 -%} + {% assign in2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: in1Segment, 'IN2' -%} + {% evaluate coverageId using 'ID/Coverage' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN1: in1Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Beneficiary' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + + {% for in1_49 in in1Segment.49.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_49.4.1 != "" and in1_49.4.1 != null and in1_49.4.2 != "" and in1_49.4.2 != null and in1_49.4.3 != "" and in1_49.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_49.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_49: in1_49, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 -%} {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.16 -%} - {% if obxSegment.16 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% for in1_3 in in1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_3.4.1 != "" and in1_3.4.1 != null and in1_3.4.2 != "" and in1_3.4.2 != null and in1_3.4.3 != "" and in1_3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_3: in1_3, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 -%} {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} - {% if obxSegment.16 or obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBX: obxSegment, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% for in1_10 in in1Segment.10.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_10.4.1 != "" and in1_10.4.1 != null and in1_10.4.2 != "" and in1_10.4.2 != null and in1_10.4.3 != "" and in1_10.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_10.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_10: in1_10, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 -%} {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if in1Segment.4 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.4 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% assign org_in1_4 = Organization_ID_in1_4 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Payor' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if in1Segment.11 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.11 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' CX_IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_11: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% assign org_in1_11 = Organization_ID_in1_11 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' HD: obxSegment.18 -%} - {% if obxSegment.18 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Device' OBX: obxSegment, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID_IN1: firstSegments.PID, IN1: in1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% evaluate in1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN1: in1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% assign rel_in1_17 = in1relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: rel_in1_17 -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% for in2Segment in in2SegmentLists.IN2 -%} + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN2: in2Segment -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% unless in1Segment.10 and in1Segment.11 -%} + {% if in2Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate in2relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN2: in2Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if in2Segment.3.9.1 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.1 != null and in2Segment.3.9.2 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.2 != null and in2Segment.3.9.3 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_3: in2Segment.3.9, ID: Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in2relatedPersonId, IN2_3: in2Segment -%} + {% assign relatedperson_3 = in2relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: relatedperson_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if in1Segment.10 == null and in1Segment.11 == null and in2Segment.3 == null -%} + {% if in2Segment.70 -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_IN2_70 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in2Segment.70 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' IN2_70: in2Segment, ID: organization_Id_IN2_70 -%} + {% assign org_in2_70 = organization_Id_IN2_70 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in2_70 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_49: in2Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN2: in2Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2_6: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + + {% for in2_1 in in2Segment.1.Repeats -%} + {% if in2_1.4.1 != "" and in2_1.4.1 != null and in2_1.4.2 != "" and in2_1.4.2 != null and in2_1.4.3 != "" and in2_1.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2_1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_1: in2_1, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if in2Segment.61 -%} + {% if in2Segment.61.4.1 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.1 != null and in2Segment.61.4.2 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.2 != null and in2Segment.61.4.3 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.61.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_61: in2Segment.61, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} - {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% for orcSegment in orcSegmentLists.ORC -%} + {% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'TQ1' -%} + {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBR' -%} + {% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'PID' -%} + + {% assign obrSegment = obrSegmentLists.OBR[0] %} + {% assign checkParent = orcSegment %} + + {% assign ctdSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'CTD' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'DG1' -%} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign spmSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'SPM' -%} + + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId_orc using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent.31, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if obrSegment.29.Value == null %} + {% if checkParent.8 and checkParent.31 %} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ORC: checkParent, ID: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, type_msg: "OML" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent, baseId: patientId -%} + {% evaluate specimenId_obr using 'ID/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_obr = specimenId_obr | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_child: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29: parentServiceRequestId, ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ID: serviceRequestId, type_msg: "OML" -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerId_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: checkParent.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if obrSegment.16 -%} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.24, ID: practitionerId_OBR_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, requestor_practitioner1: practitionerId_OBR_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 -%} + {% assign fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.12 %} + {% if checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG_12: checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_ORC_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC_SEG: checkParent, ORCXCN_12: checkParent.12.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.24, ID: practitionerId_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.12.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent, requestor_practitioner2: practitionerId_ORC_12, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.21 %} + {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: checkParent.21.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if checkParent.12.Repeats[0] == null or checkParent.12.Repeats[0] == "" and obrSegment.16 == null or obrSegment.16 == "" %} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG: checkParent, ORC_SEG_22: checkParent.22, ORC_SEG_23: checkParent.23, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% endif %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.21.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent, requestor_organization: organizationId_ORC_21, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% endif %} - {% assign fullObservationId = observationId | prepend: 'Observation/' -%} - {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/SupportingInfo' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullObservationId -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' REF: fullSpecimenId_obr, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if obrSegment.29 %} + {% if obrSegment.50 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_parent: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: parentServiceRequestId, type_msg: "OML" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% assign fullParentServiceRequestId = parentServiceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + + {% assign nteSegmentLists1 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment1 in nteSegmentLists1.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment1.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_NTE: nteSegment1.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment1.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment1, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if obrSegment %} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obrSegment.10 %} + {% if obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0], ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_10 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, collection_collector_practitioner: practitionerId_obr_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Collection_Collector' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_10, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for ctdSegment in ctdSegmentLists.CTD -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' CTD: ctdSegment, ID: patientId -%} {% endfor -%} {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} - + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: obxSegment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + {% assign fullConditionId = conditionId | prepend: 'Condition/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' REF: fullConditionId, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + {% if dg1Segment.22 -%} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} - {% assign fullConditionId = conditionId | prepend: 'Condition/' -%} - {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullConditionId -%} {% endfor -%} - {% for spmSegment in spmSegmentLists.SPM -%} - {% evaluate specimenId using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, ID: specimenId -%} + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate obx_diagnosticReportID using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment, DiagnosticReport_ServiceRequest_ID: serviceRequestId, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% else %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, Observation_ServiceRequest_ID : serviceRequestId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% assign nteSegmentLists2 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obxSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment2 in nteSegmentLists2.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment2.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_NTE: nteSegment2.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment2.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' NTE: nteSegment2, ID: observationId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% unless tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_tq1: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0], ORC_tq1: orcSegment -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% for tq1Segment in tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' TQ1: tq1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_timeday: obrSegmentLists.OBR[0] -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% assign fullSpecimenId = specimenId | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} - {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullSpecimenId -%} + {% for spmSegment in spmSegmentLists.SPM -%} + {% evaluate specimenId_spm using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, ID: specimenId_spm -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Request' ID: specimenId_spm, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + + {% if spmSegment.3 %} + {% for spmSegment_3 in spmSegment.3.Repeats %} + {% evaluate spm_specimenId_3 using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM_parent: spmSegment_3, ID: spm_specimenId_3 -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_spm3 = spm_specimenId_3 | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Parent' ID: specimenId_spm, REF: fullSpecimenId_spm3 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% endif %} + {% if spmSegment.30 -%} + {% if spmSegment.30.4.1 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.1 != null and spmSegment.30.4.2 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.2 != null and spmSegment.30.4.3 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SPM_30_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spmSegment.30.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' SPM: spmSegment.30.4, ID: Organization_ID_SPM_30_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spmSegment.31 -%} + {% for spm_31 in spmSegment.31.Repeats %} + {% if spm_31.4.1 != "" and spm_31.4.1 != null and spm_31.4.2 != "" and spm_31.4.2 != null and spm_31.4.3 != "" and spm_31.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SPM_31_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_31.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' SPM: spm_31.4, ID: Organization_ID_SPM_31_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% endif -%} + + {% include 'Extensions/Specimen/SpecimenExtension' ID: specimenId_spm, SPM: spmSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_spm = specimenId_spm | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + + {% assign checkParentSPM = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBX', {{obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm}}, 'SPM' -%} + {% assign obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm = obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm | plus: 1 -%} + {% assign spm_obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: spmSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% for spm_obxSegment in spm_obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or spm_obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for spm_obx_16 in spm_obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if spm_obx_16.9.1 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.1 != null and spm_obx_16.9.2 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.2 != null and spm_obx_16.9.3 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: spm_obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16 = practitionerId_spm_obx_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 or spm_obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: spm_obxSegment.23, OBX_24: spm_obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate spm_obx_diagnosticReportID using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: spm_obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: spm_obxSegment, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: spm_obx_diagnosticReportID -%} + {% if checkParentSPM %} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' DiagnosticReport_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: spm_obx_diagnosticReportID %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% for spm_obx_16 in spm_obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if spm_obx_16.9.1 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.1 != null and spm_obx_16.9.2 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.2 != null and spm_obx_16.9.3 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: spm_obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16 = practitionerId_spm_obx_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: spm_obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: spm_obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 or spm_obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: spm_obxSegment.23, OBX_24: spm_obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: spm_obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: spm_obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, SPM_Observation_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: observationId -%} + {% if checkParentSPM %} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' Observation_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: spm_obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORM_O01.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORM_O01.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e07e4cd94 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORM_O01.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,637 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|PID|PD1|PV1|PV2' -%} + +{% assign gt1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'GT1' -%} +{% assign in1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'IN1' -%} +{% assign al1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'AL1' -%} +{% assign orcSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'ORC' -%} +{% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBX' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ORM_O01', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for gt1SegmentLists in gt1SegmentLists.GT1 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.11.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: patientId, NK1_PER: nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0] -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.29.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.29.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.29, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_29 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.51 and nk1SegmentLists.NK1[0].7.1.Value == "E" -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.51 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1_51: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 -%} + {% assign Organization_GT1_51 = Organization_ID_gt1_XON_51 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_GT1_51 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate gt1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: gt1relatedPersonId, GT1: gt1SegmentLists -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.19, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_19 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: gt1SegmentLists.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} + {% if gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.1 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.2 != null and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != "" and gt1SegmentLists.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: gt1SegmentLists.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: gt1SegmentLists.2, ID: Organization_ID_gt1_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' GT1: gt1SegmentLists, ID: accountId, REF_PATIENT: fullPatientId, REF_RELATED_PERSON: gt1relatedPersonId, REF_ORG: Organization_ID_gt1_XON_21 -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PID.2 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in firstSegments.PID.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: firstSegments.PID, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.PD1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} + {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ORM_O01', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for in1Segment in in1SegmentLists.IN1 -%} + {% assign in2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: in1Segment, 'IN2' -%} + {% evaluate coverageId using 'ID/Coverage' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN1: in1Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Beneficiary' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + + {% for in1_49 in in1Segment.49.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_49.4.1 != "" and in1_49.4.1 != null and in1_49.4.2 != "" and in1_49.4.2 != null and in1_49.4.3 != "" and in1_49.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_49.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_49: in1_49, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_49 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1_3 in in1Segment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_3.4.1 != "" and in1_3.4.1 != null and in1_3.4.2 != "" and in1_3.4.2 != null and in1_3.4.3 != "" and in1_3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_3: in1_3, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for in1_10 in in1Segment.10.Repeats -%} + {% if in1_10.4.1 != "" and in1_10.4.1 != null and in1_10.4.2 != "" and in1_10.4.2 != null and in1_10.4.3 != "" and in1_10.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in1_10.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_10: in1_10, ID: Organization_ID_in1_CX_10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if in1Segment.4 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.4 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_4 using 'ID/Organization' CX: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_4 -%} + {% assign org_in1_4 = Organization_ID_in1_4 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Payor' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if in1Segment.11 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in1Segment.11 -%} + {% else -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in1_11 using 'ID/Organization' CX_IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN1_11: in1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% assign org_in1_11 = Organization_ID_in1_11 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID_IN1: firstSegments.PID, IN1: in1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% evaluate in1relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN1: in1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN1: in1Segment -%} + {% assign rel_in1_17 = in1relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/Subscriber' ID: coverageId, REF: rel_in1_17 -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% for in2Segment in in2SegmentLists.IN2 -%} + {% if in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless in1Segment.17.1.Value == "SEL" or in1Segment.17.Value == "" -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in1relatedPersonId, IN2: in2Segment -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% unless in1Segment.10 and in1Segment.11 -%} + {% if in2Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate in2relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' IN2: in2Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if in2Segment.3.9.1 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.1 != null and in2Segment.3.9.2 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.2 != null and in2Segment.3.9.3 != "" and in2Segment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_3: in2Segment.3.9, ID: Organization_ID_IN2_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: in2relatedPersonId, IN2_3: in2Segment -%} + {% assign relatedperson_3 = in2relatedPersonId | prepend: 'RelatedPerson/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: relatedperson_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if in1Segment.10 == null and in1Segment.11 == null and in2Segment.3 == null -%} + {% if in2Segment.70 -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_IN2_70 using 'ID/Organization' XON: in2Segment.70 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' IN2_70: in2Segment, ID: organization_Id_IN2_70 -%} + {% assign org_in2_70 = organization_Id_IN2_70 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Coverage/PolicyHolder' ID: coverageId, REF: org_in2_70 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_49: in2Segment, ID: Organization_ID_in1_11 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Coverage' IN2: in2Segment, ID: coverageId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' IN2_6: in2Segment, ID: patientId -%} + + {% for in2_1 in in2Segment.1.Repeats -%} + {% if in2_1.4.1 != "" and in2_1.4.1 != null and in2_1.4.2 != "" and in2_1.4.2 != null and in2_1.4.3 != "" and in2_1.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2_1.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_1: in2_1, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_1 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if in2Segment.61 -%} + {% if in2Segment.61.4.1 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.1 != null and in2Segment.61.4.2 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.2 != null and in2Segment.61.4.3 != "" and in2Segment.61.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: in2Segment.61.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', IN2_61: in2Segment.61, ID: Organization_ID_in2_CX_61 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for al1Segment in al1SegmentLists.AL1 -%} + {% evaluate allergyIntoleranceId using 'ID/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, ID: allergyIntoleranceId, AllergyIntolerance_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for orcSegment in orcSegmentLists.ORC -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBR' -%} + {% assign ctdSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'CTD' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'DG1' -%} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists1 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: orcSegment, 'NTE' -%} + + {% assign obrSegment = obrSegmentLists.OBR[0] %} + {% assign checkParent = orcSegment %} + + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId_orc using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent.31, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if obrSegment.29.Value == null %} + {% if checkParent.8 and checkParent.31 %} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ORC: checkParent, ID: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, type_msg: "ORM" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign reasonRefrenceServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId -%} + {% evaluate specimenId_obr using 'ID/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_obr = specimenId_obr | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_child: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29: parentServiceRequestId, ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ID: serviceRequestId, type_msg: "ORM" -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerId_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: checkParent.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if obrSegment.16 -%} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.24, ID: practitionerId_OBR_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, requestor_practitioner1: practitionerId_OBR_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 -%} + {% assign fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.12 %} + {% if checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG_12: checkParent.12.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_ORC_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC_SEG: checkParent, ORCXCN_12: checkParent.12.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.24, ID: practitionerId_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.12.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent, requestor_practitioner2: practitionerId_ORC_12, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.21 %} + {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: checkParent.21.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if checkParent.12.Repeats[0] == null or checkParent.12.Repeats[0] == "" and obrSegment.16 == null or obrSegment.16 == "" %} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG: checkParent, ORC_SEG_22: checkParent.22, ORC_SEG_23: checkParent.23, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% endif %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.21.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent, requestor_organization: organizationId_ORC_21, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% endif %} + + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' REF: fullSpecimenId_obr, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if obrSegment.29 %} + {% if obrSegment.50 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_parent: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: parentServiceRequestId, type_msg: "ORM" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% assign fullParentServiceRequestId = parentServiceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + + {% for nteSegment1 in nteSegmentLists1.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment1.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_NTE: nteSegment1.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment1.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment1, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if obrSegment %} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obrSegment.10 %} + {% if obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0], ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_10 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, collection_collector_practitioner: practitionerId_obr_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Collection_Collector' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_10, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for ctdSegment in ctdSegmentLists.CTD -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' CTD: ctdSegment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + {% assign fullConditionId = conditionId | prepend: 'Condition/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' REF: fullConditionId, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + {% if dg1Segment.22 -%} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate obx_diagnosticReportID using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment, DiagnosticReport_ServiceRequest_ID: serviceRequestId, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId-%} + {% else %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, Observation_ServiceRequest_ID : serviceRequestId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% assign nteSegmentLists2 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obxSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment2 in nteSegmentLists2.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment2.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_NTE: nteSegment2.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment2.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' NTE: nteSegment2, ID: observationId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORU_R01.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORU_R01.liquid index 9ce2dbed1..ff5084f8f 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORU_R01.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/ORU_R01.liquid @@ -1,25 +1,77 @@ -{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'PID|PD1|NK1|PV1|PV2|MSH' -%} -{% assign nk1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NK1' -%} +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|UAC|ORC' -%} +{% assign sftSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'SFT' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} {% assign obrSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'OBR' -%} - +{% assign ctdSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'CTD' -%} +{% assign txaSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TXA' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} { "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} - "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", {% endif -%} "identifier": { "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", "entry": [ - {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} - {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderID -%} - {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, type: 'First' -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} - {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: firstSegments.PID, PD1: firstSegments.PD1, ID: patientId -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: firstSegments.PID, PV1: firstSegments.PV1 -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ORU_R01', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + {%- comment -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ORU_R01', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: provenanceId -%} {% evaluate practitionerId10_ORC_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.ORC.10 -%} {% evaluate practitionerId10_ORC_11 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.ORC.11 -%} @@ -29,207 +81,732 @@ {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: practitionerId10_ORC_11 -%} {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: practitionerId10_ORC_12 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.5 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.5.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.5.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% evaluate locationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Location' XON: firstSegments.ORC.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: locationId_ORC_21 -%} +{%- endcomment -%} + {% for sftSegment in sftSegmentLists.SFT -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_SFT using 'ID/Device' SFT: sftSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' SFT:sftSegment, ID: deviceId_SFT -%} + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, SFT:sftSegment, ID: messageHeaderID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign nk1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'NK1' -%} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign ctdSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'CTD' -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% for ctdSegment in ctdSegmentLists.CTD -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' CTD: ctdSegment, ID: patientId -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.19 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.19.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.19.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} - {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.7.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.7.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.7 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.8.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.8.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.8 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.9.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.9.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% for nk1Segment in nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% evaluate relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_NK1_13 using 'ID/Organization' XON: nk1Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: organizationId_NK1_13 -%} + {% assign Organization_NK1_13 = organizationId_NK1_13 | prepend: 'Organization/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Patient/Contact_Organization' REF:Organization_NK1_13 , ID: patientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% unless nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "EMR" or nk1Segment.3.1.Value == "CGV" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "E" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="F" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value == "I" or nk1Segment.7.1.Value =="S" -%} + {% include 'Resource/Patient' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID -%} + {% include 'Extensions/RelatedPerson/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, NK1: nk1Segment -%} + {% if nk1Segment.12.4.1 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.1 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.2 != null and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != "" and nk1Segment.12.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk1Segment.12.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_12: nk1Segment.12, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21 -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' ID: relatedPersonId, PID: firstSegments.PID, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% if firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PID.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PID.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: firstSegments.PID.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.17.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.17.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.17 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% for nk33 in nk1Segment.33.Repeats -%} + {% if nk33.4.1 != "" and nk33.4.1 != null and nk33.4.2 != "" and nk33.4.2 != null and nk33.4.3 != "" and nk33.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nk33.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', NK1_33: nk33, ID: Organization_ID_nk_CX_33 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.50 -%} - {% for p in firstSegments.PV1.50.Repeats -%} - {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate obx_diagnosticReportID1 using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID1, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% else %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} {% endfor -%} - {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.52.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.52.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV1.52 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV2.13.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV2.13.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: firstSegments.PV2.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PV2.13 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: firstSegments.PV2.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} - {% if firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.1 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.2 != null and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.EVN.5.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.EVN.5.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_EVN_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.EVN.5 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' EVN: firstSegments.EVN.5, ID: practitionerId_EVN_5 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.1 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.2 != null and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.PD1.4.9.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PD1.4.9 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: firstSegments.PD1.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.PD1.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: firstSegments.PD1.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate locationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Location' XON: firstSegments.ORC.21 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Location' ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: locationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.3 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.3-%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.6 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} - {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: firstSegments.PV1.37 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.42 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.42-%} - {% endif -%} - - {% if firstSegments.PV1.43 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV1.43-%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV2.1 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.PV2.1-%} - {% endif -%} - - {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'ORU_R01', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ORC: firstSegments.ORC, ID: provenanceId -%} + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: firstSegments.PID.3 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: firstSegments.PID, ID: accountId -%} - {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% if firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.1 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.2 != null and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.PV1.54.4.3 != null -%} - {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.PV1.54.4 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1.54 -%} - {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: firstSegments.PV1, baseId: patientId -%} - {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} - {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ORU_R01', PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, ID: encounterId -%} - {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} - {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: firstSegments.PV1, PV2: firstSegments.PV2, -%} + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} - {% for nk1Segment in nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_NK1_13 using 'ID/Organization' XON: nk1Segment.13 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: organizationId_NK1_13 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} - {% include 'Resource/Patient' NK1: nk1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'ORU_R01', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate relatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' NK1: nk1Segment, RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: relatedPersonId -%} {% endfor -%} + {% assign txaSegmentPositionIndex = 0 -%} + {% for txaSegment in txaSegmentLists.TXA -%} + {% assign checkParentOBX = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'TXA', {{txaSegmentPositionIndex}}, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign txaSegmentPositionIndex = txaSegmentPositionIndex | plus: 1 -%} + + {% evaluate documentreferenceID using 'ID/DocumentReference' EI: txaSegment.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/DocumentReference' TXA: txaSegment, OBX: checkParentOBX.OBX, ID: documentreferenceID -%} + {% if txaSegment.5 -%} + {% for txa_5 in txaSegment.5.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_5.9.1 != "" and txa_5.9.1 != null and txa_5.9.2 != "" and txa_5.9.2 != null and txa_5.9.3 != "" and txa_5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_5.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_5.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_5, ID: practitionerId_TXA_5 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if txaSegment.9 -%} + {% for txa_9 in txaSegment.9.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_9.Value != null and txa_9.Value != "" -%} + {% if txa_9.9.1 != "" and txa_9.9.1 != null and txa_9.9.2 != "" and txa_9.9.2 != null and txa_9.9.3 != "" and txa_9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_9.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_9.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_9, ID: practitionerId_TXA_9 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA9 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_9, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if txaSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign txa_10 = txaSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if txa_10.9.1 != "" and txa_10.9.1 != null and txa_10.9.2 != "" and txa_10.9.2 != null and txa_10.9.3 != "" and txa_10.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: txa_10.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', TXA: txa_10.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_TXA_10_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' TXA: txa_10, ID: practitionerId_TXA_10 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_10 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' practitionerId_TXA: practitionerId_TXA_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_TXA10 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = 0 -%} + {% assign obxSegmentPositionIndex_obr = 0 -%} + {% assign obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm = 0 -%} {% for obrSegment in obrSegmentLists.OBR -%} + {% assign checkParent = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBR', {{obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc}}, 'ORC' -%} + {% assign obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc = obrSegmentPositionIndex_orc | plus: 1 -%} {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'OBX' -%} {% assign spmSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'SPM' -%} - - {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR: obrSegment, ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} - - {% evaluate diagnosticId using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBR: obrSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBR: obrSegment, DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId, ID: diagnosticId -%} - - {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} - {% comment -%}{% endcomment -%} - {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} - {% if obxSegment.24 or obxSegment.25 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_ORU: obxSegment, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} - {% endif -%} - {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.16 -%} - {% if obxSegment.16 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId_orc using 'ID/ServiceRequest' ORC: checkParent.ORC.8, baseId: patientId -%} + {% if obrSegment.29 == null %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.8 and checkParent.ORC.31 %} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, ORC: checkParent.ORC, ID: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, type_msg: "ORU" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR: obrSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% evaluate specimenId_obr using 'ID/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_obr = specimenId_obr | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_child: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29: parentServiceRequestId, ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8: parentServiceRequestId_orc, ID: serviceRequestId, type_msg: "ORU" -%} + {% if serviceRequestId and documentreferenceID %} + {% assign fullDocumentreferenceID = documentreferenceID | prepend: 'DocumentReference/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/ReasonReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDocumentreferenceID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% evaluate practitionerId_ORC_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if obrSegment.16 -%} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_16: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_OBR_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.16.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, requestor_practitioner1: practitionerId_OBR_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 -%} + {% assign fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_16 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullpractitionerRoleId_OBR_16, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12 %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_ORC_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORCXCN_12: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0], ORC_SEG_24: checkParent.ORC.24, ID: practitionerId_ORC_12 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_practitioner2: practitionerId_ORC_12, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_12 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_12, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% else %} + {% if checkParent.ORC.21 %} + {% evaluate organizationId_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' XON: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == null or checkParent.ORC.12.Repeats[0] == "" and obrSegment.16 == null or obrSegment.16 == "" %} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' ORC_SEG: checkParent.ORC, ORC_SEG_22: checkParent.ORC.22, ORC_SEG_23: checkParent.ORC.23, ID: organizationId_ORC_21 -%} + {% endif %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: checkParent.ORC.21.Repeats[0]-%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' ORC: checkParent.ORC, requestor_organization: organizationId_ORC_21, ID: practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 -%} + {% assign fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21 = practitionerRoleId_ORC_21 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Requester' REF: fullPractitionerRoleId_ORC_21, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endif %} {% endif -%} + {% endif %} + + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Specimen' REF: fullSpecimenId_obr, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + + {% if obrSegment.29 %} + {% if obrSegment.50 -%} + {% evaluate parentServiceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' OBR_29: obrSegment.29, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' OBR_parent: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: parentServiceRequestId, type_msg: "ORU" -%} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% assign fullParentServiceRequestId = parentServiceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + + {% evaluate diagnosticId using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBR: obrSegment -%} + + {% assign nteSegmentLists1 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment1 in nteSegmentLists1.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment1.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment1.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment1.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_NTE: nteSegment1.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE1_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment1.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment1.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment1, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} - {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} - {% if obxSegment.16 or obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 -%} - {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBX: obxSegment, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} - {% endif -%} + {% if obrSegment.32 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_obrSegment_32 using 'ID/Practitioner' CNN: obrSegment.32.1 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: obrSegment.32 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obrSegment_32 = practitionerId_obrSegment_32 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% assign full_practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32 = practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR: obrSegment, CNN_OBR_32: obrSegment.32, ID: practitionerId_obrSegment_32 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR_32: obrSegment.32, ID: practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32 -%} + {% include 'DataType/NDLLocation' NDL: obrSegment.32 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_obrSegment_32, ID: practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32 -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/ResultsInterpreter' REF: full_practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_32, ID: diagnosticId %} + {% endif -%} + {% for obr_34 in obrSegment.34.Repeats -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_obr_34 using 'ID/Practitioner' CNN: obr_34.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR: obrSegment, CNN_OBR_34_1: obr_34.1, ID: practitionerId_obr_34 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_obr_34 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: obr_34 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_34 = practitionerId_obr_34 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% assign full_practitionerRoleId_obr_34 = practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_34 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR_34: OBR_34, ID: practitionerRoleId_obr_34 -%} + {% include 'DataType/NDLLocation' NDL: obr_34 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_34, ID: practitionerRoleId_obr_34 -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Performer' REF: full_practitionerRoleId_obr_34, ID: diagnosticId %} + {% endfor %} + {% for obr_35 in obrSegment.35.Repeats -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_obr_35 using 'ID/Practitioner' CNN: obr_35.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR: obrSegment, CNN_OBR_35_1: obr_35.1, ID: practitionerId_obr_35 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_obr_35 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: obr_35 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_35 = practitionerId_obr_35 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% assign full_practitionerRoleId_obr_35 = practitionerRoleId_obrSegment_35 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR_35: OBR_35, ID: practitionerRoleId_obr_35 -%} + {% include 'DataType/NDLLocation' NDL: obr_35 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_35, ID: practitionerRoleId_obr_35 -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Performer' REF: full_practitionerRoleId_obr_35, ID: diagnosticId %} + {% endfor %} + + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBR: obrSegment, parentSegment: checkParent.ORC, DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId, ID: diagnosticId, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/BasedOn' ID: diagnosticId, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Specimen' ID: diagnosticId, REF: fullSpecimenId_obr -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' OBR: obrSegment, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + + {% if obrSegment.10 %} + {% if obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBR10 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBR_SEG_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_OBR10 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBR_SEG: obrSegment, OBRXCN_10: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0], ID: practitionerId_OBR_10 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obrSegment.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_obr_10 = practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 | prepend: 'PractitionerRole/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBR: obrSegment, collection_collector_practitioner: practitionerId_obr_10, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBR_10 -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Collection_Collector' REF: full_practitionerId_obr_10, ID: specimenId_obr -%} + {% endif -%} - {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' HD: obxSegment.18 -%} - {% if obxSegment.18 -%} - {% include 'Resource/Device' OBX: obxSegment, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% assign checkParentOBR = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBX', {{obxSegmentPositionIndex_obr}}, 'OBR' -%} + {% assign obxSegmentPositionIndex_obr = obxSegmentPositionIndex_obr | plus: 1 -%} + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate obx_diagnosticReportID2 using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: obxSegment, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID2 -%} + {% if serviceRequestId %} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' DiagnosticReport_ServiceRequest_ID: serviceRequestId, ID: obx_diagnosticReportID2 %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% if serviceRequestId %} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' Observation_ServiceRequest_ID: serviceRequestId, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% assign nteSegmentLists2 = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obxSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% for nteSegment2 in nteSegmentLists2.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment2.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment2.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment2.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_NTE: nteSegment2.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_NTE2_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment2.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment2.5, ID: practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' NTE: nteSegment2, ID: observationId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% assign fullObservationId = observationId | prepend: 'Observation/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Result' ID: diagnosticId, REF: fullObservationId -%} {% endif -%} - - {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} - - {% assign fullObservationId = observationId | prepend: 'Observation/' -%} - {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Result' ID: diagnosticId, REF: fullObservationId -%} {% endfor -%} + {% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: obrSegment, 'TQ1' -%} + {% unless tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_tq1: obrSegment, ORC_tq1: checkParent.ORC -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% for tq1Segment in tq1SegmentLists.TQ1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' TQ1: tq1Segment, ID: serviceRequestId, OBR_timeday: obrSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% for spmSegment in spmSegmentLists.SPM -%} - {% evaluate specimenId using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, baseId: patientId -%} - {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, ID: specimenId -%} - - {% assign fullSpecimenId = specimenId | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} - {% include 'Reference/DiagnosticReport/Specimen' ID: diagnosticId, REF: fullSpecimenId -%} + {% evaluate specimenId_spm using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment, ID: specimenId_spm -%} + {% if spmSegment.3 %} + {% for spmSegment_3 in spmSegment.3.Repeats %} + {% evaluate spm_specimenId_3 using 'ID/Specimen' SPM: spmSegment_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Specimen' SPM_parent: spmSegment_3, ID: spm_specimenId_3 -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_spm3 = spm_specimenId_3 | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Specimen/Parent' ID: specimenId_spm, REF: fullSpecimenId_spm3 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% endif %} + {% if spmSegment.30 -%} + {% if spmSegment.30.4.1 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.1 != null and spmSegment.30.4.2 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.2 != null and spmSegment.30.4.3 != "" and spmSegment.30.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SPM_30_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spmSegment.30.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' SPM: spmSegment.30.4, ID: Organization_ID_SPM_30_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spmSegment.31 -%} + {% for spm_31 in spmSegment.31.Repeats %} + {% if spm_31.4.1 != "" and spm_31.4.1 != null and spm_31.4.2 != "" and spm_31.4.2 != null and spm_31.4.3 != "" and spm_31.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SPM_31_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_31.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' SPM: spm_31.4, ID: Organization_ID_SPM_31_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + {% endif -%} + + {% include 'Extensions/Specimen/SpecimenExtension' ID: specimenId_spm, SPM: spmSegment -%} + {% assign fullSpecimenId_spm = specimenId_spm | prepend: 'Specimen/' -%} + + {% assign checkParentSPM = hl7v2Data | get_parent_segment: 'OBX', {{obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm}}, 'SPM' -%} + {% assign obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm = obxSegmentPositionIndex_spm | plus: 1 -%} + {% assign spm_obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: spmSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% for spm_obxSegment in spm_obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.2.Value == 'ED' or spm_obxSegment.2.Value == 'RP' %} + {% for spm_obx_16 in spm_obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if spm_obx_16.9.1 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.1 != null and spm_obx_16.9.2 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.2 != null and spm_obx_16.9.3 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: spm_obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16 = practitionerId_spm_obx_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 or spm_obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: spm_obxSegment.23, OBX_24: spm_obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate spm_obx_diagnosticReportID using 'ID/DiagnosticReport' OBX: spm_obxSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' OBX: spm_obxSegment, DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: spm_obx_diagnosticReportID -%} + {% if checkParentSPM %} + {% include 'Resource/DiagnosticReport' DiagnosticReport_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: spm_obx_diagnosticReportID %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% for spm_obx_16 in spm_obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if spm_obx_16.9.1 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.1 != null and spm_obx_16.9.2 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.2 != null and spm_obx_16.9.3 != "" and spm_obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: spm_obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: spm_obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16 = practitionerId_spm_obx_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_spm_obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_spm_obx_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: spm_obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: spm_obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 or spm_obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: spm_obxSegment, OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: spm_obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: spm_obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: spm_obxSegment.23, OBX_24: spm_obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if spm_obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: spm_obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: spm_obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, SPM_Observation_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: observationId -%} + {% if checkParentSPM %} + {% include 'Resource/Observation' Observation_Specimen_ID: fullSpecimenId_spm, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: spm_obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + {% endif %} {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Reference/ServiceRequest/_BasedOn.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Reference/ServiceRequest/_BasedOn.liquid index f3f73a35c..59c7f284c 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Reference/ServiceRequest/_BasedOn.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Reference/ServiceRequest/_BasedOn.liquid @@ -2,6 +2,31 @@ "resource":{ "resourceType": "ServiceRequest", "id":"{{ ID }}", + "identifier": + [ + {% if OBR %} + { + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR.29.1 and OBR.50 == null -%} + "code": "PLAC", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203" + {% elsif OBR.29.2 and OBR.50 == null %} + "code": "FILL", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203" + {% elsif OBR.50 %} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR.50 %} + {% endif %} + } + ], + }, + }, + {% endif -%} + ], + "basedOn": [ { diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Account.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Account.liquid index 00a66350c..0d0a35a81 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Account.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Account.liquid @@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Account/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Appointment.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Appointment.liquid index c4789b613..45f3d3c16 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Appointment.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Appointment.liquid @@ -1,12 +1,284 @@ + +{% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: AIP.3 -%} +{% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' CWE: AIG.3 -%} +{% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: SCH.12 -%} +{% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: SCH.16 -%} +{% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: SCH.20 -%} + { "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", "resource":{ "resourceType" : "Appointment", "id": "{{ ID }}", + "identifier": + [ + {% if SCH.1 -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: SCH.1 -%} + "type":{ + "coding": [ + { + "code": "PLAC", + "display": "Placer Identifier", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + } + ] + }, + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.2 -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: SCH.2 -%} + "type":{ + "coding": [ + { + "code": "FILL", + "display": "Filler Identifier", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + } + ] + }, + }, + {% endif -%} + ], + "appointmentType" : { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/AppointmentType', CWE: SCH.7 -%} + }, + {% if TQ1.9.1 -%} + {% if TQ1.9.1.Value == "S" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "Stat" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "stat" -%} + "priority" : 1, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "A" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "ASAP" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "asap" -%} + "priority" : 2, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "R" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "Routine" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "routine" -%} + "priority" : 3, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "P" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "Preop" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "preop" -%} + "priority" : 4, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "C" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "Callback" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "callback" -%} + "priority" : 5, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "T" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "Timing critical" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "timing critical" -%} + "priority" : 6, + {% elsif TQ1.9.1.Value == "PRN" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "As needed" or TQ1.9.1.Value == "as needed" -%} + "priority" : 7, + {% else -%} + {% assign textvalue = TQ1.9.1.Value | slice: 0 -%} + {% if textvalue == "T" or textvalue == "t" -%} + "priority" : 6, + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% else -%} + {% if SCH.11.6.Value == "S" or SCH.11.6.Value == "Stat" or SCH.11.6.Value == "stat" -%} + "priority" : 1, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "A" or SCH.11.6.Value == "ASAP" or SCH.11.6.Value == "asap" -%} + "priority" : 2, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "R" or SCH.11.6.Value == "Routine" or SCH.11.6.Value == "routine" -%} + "priority" : 3, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "P" or SCH.11.6.Value == "Preop" or SCH.11.6.Value == "preop" -%} + "priority" : 4, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "C" or SCH.11.6.Value == "Callback" or SCH.11.6.Value == "callback" -%} + "priority" : 5, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "T" or SCH.11.6.Value == "Timing critical" or SCH.11.6.Value == "timing critical" -%} + "priority" : 6, + {% elsif SCH.11.6.Value == "PRN" or SCH.11.6.Value == "As needed" or SCH.11.6.Value == "as needed" -%} + "priority" : 7, + {% else -%} + {% assign textvalue = SCH.11.6.Value | slice: 0 -%} + {% if textvalue == "T" or textvalue == "t" -%} + "priority" : 6, + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% if TQ1.7 -%} + "start" : "{{ TQ1.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% else -%} + "start" : "{{ SCH.11.4.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if TQ1.8 -%} + "end" : "{{ TQ1.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% else -%} + "end" : "{{ SCH.11.5.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'Min' or SCH.10 == 'min' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + "minutesDuration": {{ SCH.9.Value }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if SCH.10.Value == 's' or SCH.10.Value == 'sec' or SCH.10 == null -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + "minutesDuration": {{ SCH.9.Value | divide: 60 | truncate_number }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'Hr' or SCH.10.Value == 'hr' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + {% assign hour = SCH.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = hour | times: 60 %} + "minutesDuration": {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'ann' or SCH.10.Value == 'yr' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + {% assign year = SCH.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = year | times: 3628800 %} + "minutesDuration": {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'd' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + {% assign day = SCH.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = day | times: 1440 %} + "minutesDuration": {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'wk' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + {% assign wk = SCH.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = wk | times: 10080 %} + "minutesDuration": {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.10.Value == 'mo' -%} + {% if SCH.9 -%} + {% assign mo = SCH.9.Value | times: 1.0 %} + {% assign minutesDuration = mo | times: 302400 %} + "minutesDuration": {{ minutesDuration }}, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if SCH -%} + {% unless type_sch -%} + {% if SCH.25 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/FillerStatus', CWE: SCH.25 -%}, + {% else -%} + "status": "booked", + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + {% if type_sch -%} + {% if type_sch == "15" or type_sch == "16" -%} + "status": "cancelled", + {% elsif type_sch == "17" -%} + "status": "entered-in-error", + {% elsif type_sch == "26" -%} + "status": "noshow", + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + "supportingInformation" : [ + {% if SCH.12 -%} + { + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 }}" + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.16 -%} + { + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 }}" + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH.20 -%} + { + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 }}" + }, + {% endif -%} + ], "comment": "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + "participant" : [ + {% if AIG -%} + { + {% if AIG.3 -%} + "actor" : { + "reference":"Device/{{ device_ID_AIG_3 }}" + }, + {% endif -%} + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: AIG.4-%} + }, + ], + "period" : { + "start" : "{{ AIG.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + {% if AIG.14 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/FillerStatusAppointmentParticipantStatus', CWE: AIG.14 -%}, + {% else -%} + "status": "tentative", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if AIL -%} + { + {% if AIL.3 -%} + "actor" : { + {% if AIL.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.1 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% elseif AIL.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.2 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% elseif AIL.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.3 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% elseif AIL.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.4 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% elseif AIL.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.7 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% elseif AIL.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: AIL.3.8 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_AIL_3 }}", + {% endif %} + }, + {% endif -%} + "period" : { + "start" : "{{ AIL.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + {% if AIL.12 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/FillerStatusAppointmentParticipantStatus', CWE: AIL.12 -%}, + {% else -%} + "status": "tentative", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if AIP -%} + { + {% if AIP.3 -%} + "actor" : { + "reference":"Practitioner/{{ practitioner_ID_AIP_3 }}" + }, + {% endif -%} + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: AIP.4 -%} + }, + ], + "period" : { + "start" : "{{ AIP.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + {% if AIP.12 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/FillerStatusAppointmentParticipantStatus', CWE: AIP.12 -%}, + {% else -%} + "status": "tentative", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if pidseg -%} + {% for pidSegment in pidseg.PID -%} + { + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + "actor" : { + "reference":"{{ fullPatientId }}" + }, + "status" : "accepted", + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + ], }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", "url":"Appointment/{{ ID }}", }, -} \ No newline at end of file +}, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Coverage.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Coverage.liquid index e209b704c..eaad20c04 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Coverage.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Coverage.liquid @@ -149,11 +149,6 @@ {% include 'DataType/CX' CX: in2_61 -%} }, {% endfor -%} - {% for in1_49 in IN1.49.Repeats -%} - { - {% include 'DataType/CX' CX: in1_49 -%} - }, - {% endfor -%} ], "costToBeneficiary" : [ { diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Device.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Device.liquid index 610c17857..343fd53e9 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Device.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Device.liquid @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Device_Parent_ID: A resource Id used to fill "parent.reference" property. {% include 'DataType/HDDevice' HD: MSH.3 -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'DataType/CWEIdentifier' CWE_InternalValue: AIG.3 -%} + "identifier": [ {% for ei_obx18 in EI_OBX18.Repeats -%} @@ -53,7 +55,18 @@ Device_Parent_ID: A resource Id used to fill "parent.reference" property. "type": "manufacturer-name", } {% endif -%} + {% if AIG.3.2 -%} + { + "name":"{{AIG.3.2.Value}}", + "type": "model-name", + } + {% endif -%} ], + {% if AIG.2.Value == "D" -%} + "status": "entered-in error", + {% elsif AIG.2.Value == "A" or AIG.2.Value == "U" or AIG.2.Value == "X"%} + "status": "active", + {% endif -%} "version": [ { @@ -62,9 +75,11 @@ Device_Parent_ID: A resource Id used to fill "parent.reference" property. ], "modelNumber": "{{SFT.4.Value}}", "note": [ - { - "text": "{{SFT.5.Value}}", - } + { + "text": "{{SFT.5.Value}}", + "text": "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + "time": "{{NTE.6.Value | format_as_date_time}}", + }, ], "manufactureDate":"{{ PRT.17.Value | format_as_date_time }}", "expirationDate":"{{ PRT.18.Value | format_as_date_time }}", @@ -99,6 +114,9 @@ Device_Parent_ID: A resource Id used to fill "parent.reference" property. }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Device/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DiagnosticReport.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DiagnosticReport.liquid index f6ffac648..52115f252 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DiagnosticReport.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DiagnosticReport.liquid @@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ DiagnosticReport_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" pro DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" property. {% endcomment -%} -{% evaluate Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: OBR.10 -%} +{%- comment -%} +{% evaluate Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: OBR_child.10 -%} +{%- endcomment -%} +{% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_32 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: OBR.32 -%} +{% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: OBX.23 -%} +{% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: OBX.25 -%} { "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", @@ -19,45 +24,78 @@ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" "identifier": [ { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.2 -%} - "type": - { - "coding": - [ + {% if OBR.2 == null %} + {% if parentSegment.2 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.2 -%} + "type": { - {% if ORC.2 -%} - "code":"PLAC", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.2 -%} - "code":"PLAC", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.3 -%} - "code":"FILL", - {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.2 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.2 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.3 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], }, - ], - }, + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.2 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR.2 -%} + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} }, { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.3 -%} + {% if OBR.3 == null %} + {% if parentSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.3 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.3 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR.3 -%} + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + }, + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.4 -%} "type": { "coding": [ { - {% if ORC.3 -%} - "code":"FILL", + {% if parentSegment.4 -%} + "code":"PGN", {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.3 -%} + {% if parentSegment.4 -%} "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", {% endif -%} }, @@ -65,33 +103,32 @@ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" }, }, { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.4 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBX.21 -%} + }, + { "type": { "coding": [ { - {% if ORC.4 -%} - "code":"PGN", - {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.4 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% if OBX.21 -%} + "code":"FILL", {% endif -%} }, ], }, }, - { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.2 -%} - }, - { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.3 -%} - }, ], "effectiveDateTime":"{{ ORC.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", {% if OBR.8 == null -%} "effectiveDateTime":"{{ OBR.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", {% endif -%} + "code": + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBX.3 -%} + }, + "status": "{{ OBX.11.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/DiagnosticReportStatus', 'code' }}", + "effectiveDateTime":"{{ OBX.14.Value | format_as_date_time }}", "basedOn": [ { @@ -99,6 +136,11 @@ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" "reference":"ServiceRequest/{{ ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_2 }}", {% endif -%} }, + { + {% if DiagnosticReport_ServiceRequest_ID %} + "reference":"ServiceRequest/{{ DiagnosticReport_ServiceRequest_ID }}", + {% endif %} + }, ], "code": { @@ -111,32 +153,88 @@ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" {% endif -%} "end":"{{ OBR.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", }, + "issued":"{{ OBR.22.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "category": - [ - { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR.24 -%} - }, + + "category": [ + { + {% include 'DataType/IDCodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/DiagnosticServiceSection', ID: OBR.24 -%} + }, ], - "status":"{{ OBR.25.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/ResultStatus', 'code' }}", - "specimen": + {% if OBR.25 %} + "status": "{{ OBR.25.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/ResultStatus', 'code' }}", + {% endif %} + + {% unless OBR.25 -%} + "status": "unknown", + {% endunless -%} + "resultsInterpreter" : [{ + {% if OBR.32 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_32 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_32 }}", + {% endif -%} + }], + + "performer": [ + {% for obx_Segment_16 in OBX.16.Repeats %} + { + {% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_Segment_16 -%} + {% if obx_Segment_16 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_16 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_16 }}", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endfor %} { - {% if OBR.10 and Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 -%} - "reference":"Practitioner/{{ Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 }}", + {% if OBX.25 == null and OBX.23 and Organization_ID_OBX_23 -%} + "reference":"Organization/{{ Organization_ID_OBX_23 }}", {% endif -%} + {% if OBX.23 and OBX.25 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_25 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_25 }}", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% for obx_Segment_34 in OBR.34.Repeats %} + { + {% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_34 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: obx_Segment_34 -%} + {% if obx_Segment_34 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_34 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_34 }}", + {% endif -%} }, + {% endfor %} + {% for obx_Segment_35 in OBR.35.Repeats %} + { + {% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_35 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' NDL: obx_Segment_35 -%} + {% if obx_Segment_35 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_35 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBX_35 }}", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endfor %} ], - "performer": - [ - { - {% if OBR.34 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_34 -%} - "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_34 }}", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.35 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_35 -%} - "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_35 }}", - {% endif -%} + "presentedForm" : [ + {% if OBX.2.Value == "ED" and OBX.5.4.Value == "Base64" %} + { + {% include 'DataType/EDAttachment1' ED: OBX.5 %} }, + {% elsif OBX.2.Value == "RP" %} + { + {% include 'DataType/RPAttachment' RP: OBX.5 %} + }, + {% endif %} + ], + {%- comment -%} + {% for nte_3 in NTE.3.Repeats %} + {% if nte_3 %} + {% capture conclusionstring %}{{ conclusionstring | append: nte_3.Value | append: ";" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor %} + "conclusion": "{{ conclusionstring | split: ";" | join: "+"}}", + {%- endcomment -%} + "specimen": + [ + { + {% if DiagnosticReport_Specimen_ID %} + "reference":"{{ DiagnosticReport_Specimen_ID }}", + {% endif %} + }, ], "subject": { @@ -146,6 +244,7 @@ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" { "reference":"{{ DiagnosticReport_Encounter_ID }}", }, + }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DocumentReference.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DocumentReference.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78b151853 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_DocumentReference.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +{ + "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", + "resource":{ + "resourceType": "DocumentReference", + "id":"{{ ID }}", + "type" :{ + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: TXA.2 -%} + }, + "context" : { + "period" : { + "start" : "{{ TXA.4.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + {% if TXA.5 -%} + "related" : [ + {% for txa_5 in TXA.5.Repeats -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_TXA_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: txa_5 -%} + { + "reference" : "Practitioner/{{practitionerId_TXA_5}}", + }, + {% endfor -%} + ] + {% endif -%} + }, + "content" : [ + { + "attachment" : { + {% if OBX.2.Value == "ED" and OBX.14 == null -%} + "creation" : "{{ TXA.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + {% unless OBX.Value %} + "creation" : "{{ TXA.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endunless %} + + "title": "{{OBX.3.2.Value}}", + {% if OBX.2.Value == "RP" -%} + {% include 'DataType/RPAttachment' RP: OBX.5 %} + {% endif -%} + {% if OBX.2.Value == "ED" and OBX.5.4.Value == "Base64" -%} + {% include 'DataType/EDAttachment1' ED: OBX.5 %} + {% endif -%} + }, + } + ], + + "meta": { + "lastUpdated" : "{{ TXA.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + "author" : [ + {% if TXA.9 -%} + {% for txa_9 in TXA.9.Repeats -%} + {% if txa_9.Value != null and txa_9.Value != "" -%} + { + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA9 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: txa_9 -%} + "reference" : "PractitionerRole/{{practitionerRoleId_TXA9}}", + }, + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + ], + "authenticator" : { + {% if TXA.10.Repeats[0] -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_TXA10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: TXA.10.Repeats[0]-%} + "reference" : "PractitionerRole/{{practitionerRoleId_TXA10}}", + {% endif -%} + }, + "masterIdentifier" : { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: TXA.12 -%} + }, + "identifier" : [ + {% if TXA.16 -%} + { + "value" : "{{ TXA.16.Value }}", + "type" : { + "coding": [ + { + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-identifertype", + "code" : "DOCI", + "display" : "Document unique identifier" + } + ], + "text" : "Document unique file name", + } + } + {% endif -%} + ], + "relatesTo" : [ + {% if TXA.13 -%} + { + "code" : "appends", + "target" : { + "identifier": + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: TXA.13 -%} + } + } + } + {% endif -%} + ], + "docStatus" : "{{ TXA.17.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/DocumentCompletionStatus', 'code' }}", + "securityLabel" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/IDCodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/SecurityLableHandingInstructions' , ID: TXA.18 -%} + } + ], + "status" : "{{ TXA.19.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/DocumentAvailabilityStatus', 'code' }}", + {% unless TXA.19 -%} + "status": "current", + {% endunless -%} + "category" : [ + {% for txa_24 in TXA.24.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: txa_24 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + ], + {% capture textstring %}{{TXA.25.Value | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ textstring }}" + }, + "request":{ + "method":"PUT", + "url":"DocumentReference/{{ ID }}", + }, +}, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Encounter.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Encounter.liquid index 9b837d92d..0228e1085 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Encounter.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Encounter.liquid @@ -12,41 +12,6 @@ Practitioner_ID_PV1_17: A resource Id, used to fill "participant.individual.refe Practitioner_ID_PV1_52: A resource Id, used to fill "participant.individual.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "PV1.52" HL7 V2 identifier. {% endcomment -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.2 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.3 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_4 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.4 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_7 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.7 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3_8 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.8 -%} - -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.2 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.3 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_4 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.4 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_7 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.7 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6_8 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.8 -%} - -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.2 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.3 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_4 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.4 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_7 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.7 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_42_8 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.42.8 -%} - -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.2 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.3 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_4 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.4 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_7 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.7 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_43_8 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.43.8 -%} - -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.2 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.3 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_4 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.4 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_7 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.7 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1_8 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.8 -%} - {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: PV1.37 -%} {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: PV1.7 -%} @@ -73,337 +38,188 @@ Practitioner_ID_PV1_52: A resource Id, used to fill "participant.individual.refe {% if PV1.45 -%} "status":"finished", {% endif -%} + + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template =="ADT_A27" -%} + "status":"cancelled", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A13" or Root_Template =="ADT_A15" or Root_Template =="ADT_A16" or Root_Template =="ADT_A25" or Root_Template =="ADT_A26" or Root_Template == "ADT_A01" or Root_Template == "ADT_A02" or Root_Template == "ADT_A04" -%} + "status":"in-progress", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A03" -%} + "status":"finished", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A05" or Root_Template =="ADT_A14" -%} + "status":"planned", + {% endif -%} + "location": - [ - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_1 -%} - "status":"active", - {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_1 -%} - "status":"planned", - {% endif -%} - "location": - { - {% if PV1.3.1 and Location_ID_PV1_3_1 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_1 }}", - {% endif -%} - }, - }, - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_2 -%} - "status":"active", - {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_2 -%} - "status":"planned", - {% endif -%} - "location": - { - {% if PV1.3.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3_2 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_2 }}", - {% endif -%} - }, - }, - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_3 -%} - "status":"active", - {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_3 -%} - "status":"planned", - {% endif -%} - "location": - { - {% if PV1.3.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3_3 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_3 }}", + [ + {% if PV1.3 -%} + { + {% if PV1.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.1 -%} + {% elseif PV1.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.2 -%} + {% elseif PV1.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.3 -%} + {% elseif PV1.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.4 -%} + {% elseif PV1.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.7 -%} + {% elseif PV1.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template == "ADT_A27" -%} + {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3 -%} + "status":"active", {% endif -%} - }, - }, - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_4 -%} - "status":"active", - {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_4 -%} - "status":"planned", - {% endif -%} - "location": - { - {% if PV1.3.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3_4 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_4 }}", + {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3 -%} + "status":"planned", {% endif -%} - }, - }, - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_7 -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A01" or Root_Template == "ADT_A02" or Root_Template == "ADT_A04" or Root_Template == "ADT_A13" or Root_Template == "ADT_A15" or Root_Template == "ADT_A16" or Root_Template == "ADT_A25" or Root_Template == "ADT_A26" -%} "status":"active", {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_7 -%} - "status":"planned", - {% endif -%} - "location": - { - {% if PV1.3.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3_7 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_7 }}", - {% endif -%} - }, - }, - { - {% if PV1.2.1.Value != "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_8 -%} - "status":"active", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A03" -%} + "status":"completed", {% endif -%} - {% if PV1.2.1.Value == "P" and Location_ID_PV1_3_8 -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A14" -%} "status":"planned", {% endif -%} + "location": { - {% if PV1.3.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3_8 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3_8 }}", + {% if PV1.3 and Location_ID_PV1_3 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_3 }}", {% endif -%} }, }, + {% endif %} - { - {% if PV1.6.1 and Location_ID_PV1_6_1 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_1 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.6.2 and Location_ID_PV1_6_2 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_2 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.6.3 and Location_ID_PV1_6_3 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_3 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.6.4 and Location_ID_PV1_6_4 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_4 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.6.7 and Location_ID_PV1_6_7 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_7 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.6.8 and Location_ID_PV1_6_8 -%} - "status":"completed", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6_8 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, + {% if PV1.6 -%} + { + {% if PV1.6.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.1 -%} + {% elseif PV1.6.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.2 -%} + {% elseif PV1.6.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.3 -%} + {% elseif PV1.6.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.4 -%} + {% elseif PV1.6.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.7 -%} + {% elseif PV1.6.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV1_6 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV1.6.8 -%} + {% endif %} - { - {% if PV1.42.1 and Location_ID_PV1_42_1 -%} - "status":"planned", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_42_1 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - }, - { - {% if PV1.42.2 and Location_ID_PV1_42_2 -%} - "status":"planned", + {% if PV1.6 and Location_ID_PV1_6 -%} + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template == "ADT_A27" -%} + "status":"completed", + {% endunless -%} "location": { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_42_2 }}", + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_6 }}", }, {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' 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PV1.43.8 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if PV1.43 and Location_ID_PV1_43 -%} + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template == "ADT_A27" -%} + "status":"completed", + {% endunless -%} "location": { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV2_1_7 }}", + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV1_43 }}", }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} + {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'true' -%} {% endif -%} + }, - { - {% if PV2.1.8 and Location_ID_PV2_1_8 -%} - "status":"planned", - "location": - { - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV2_1_8 }}", - }, - {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} - {% endif -%} - } + {% endif %} + + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A26" -%} + {% if PV2.1 -%} + { + {% if PV2.1.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.1 -%} + {% elseif PV2.1.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.2 -%} + {% elseif PV2.1.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.3 -%} + {% elseif PV2.1.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.4 -%} + {% elseif PV2.1.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.7 -%} + {% elseif PV2.1.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PV2_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PV2.1.8 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if PV2.1 and Location_ID_PV2_1 -%} + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template == "ADT_A27" -%} + "status":"planned", + {% endunless -%} + "location": + { + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PV2_1 }}", + }, + {% include 'Extensions/TemporaryLocation' , status: 'false' -%} + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endif %} + {% endunless -%} ], "type": [ @@ -636,8 +452,19 @@ Practitioner_ID_PV1_52: A resource Id, used to fill "participant.individual.refe ], "period": { + "start":"{{ PV1.44.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "end":"{{ PV1.45.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + + {% unless Root_Template == "ADT_A25" or Root_Template == "ADT_A13" -%} + "end":"{{ PV1.45.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endunless -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A05" or Root_Template == "ADT_A14" or Root_Template == "ADT_A04" or Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template == "ADT_A27" -%} + "start":"{{ PV2.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "end":"{{ PV2.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A16" -%} + "end":"{{ PV2.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} }, "reasonCode": [ @@ -702,6 +529,9 @@ Practitioner_ID_PV1_52: A resource Id, used to fill "participant.individual.refe }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Encounter/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_EpisodeOfCare.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_EpisodeOfCare.liquid index 585a4cd38..39827da14 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_EpisodeOfCare.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_EpisodeOfCare.liquid @@ -4,11 +4,25 @@ "resourceType": "EpisodeOfCare", "id":"{{ ID }}", {% if PV1.45 == null -%} - "status": "{{ PV1.2.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/EncounterStatus', 'code' }}", + "status": "{{ PV1.2.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/EpisodeOfCareStatus', 'code' }}", {% endif -%} {% if PV1.45 -%} "status":"finished", {% endif -%} + + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A11" or Root_Template =="ADT_A27" -%} + "status":"cancelled", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A13" or Root_Template =="ADT_A15" or Root_Template =="ADT_A16" or Root_Template =="ADT_A25" or Root_Template =="ADT_A26" or Root_Template == "ADT_A01" or Root_Template == "ADT_A02" or Root_Template == "ADT_A04" -%} + "status":"active", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A03" -%} + "status":"finished", + {% endif -%} + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A05" or Root_Template =="ADT_A14" -%} + "status":"planned", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": [ { @@ -46,6 +60,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"EpisodeOfCare/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Location.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Location.liquid index bb0a00b56..b38d99ffb 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Location.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Location.liquid @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_MessageHeader.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_MessageHeader.liquid index 8f31e6c8a..90e0ef9a5 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_MessageHeader.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_MessageHeader.liquid @@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ MessageHeader_Response_Details_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "response.details }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"MessageHeader/{{ ID }}", }, }, 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comment -%} "encounter": { "reference":"{{ Observation_Encounter_ID }}", }, - "specimen": - { - "reference":"{{ Observation_Specimen_ID }}", - }, - {%- endcomment -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Observation/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Organization.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Organization.liquid index a888197bc..ab3fbe5db 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Organization.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Organization.liquid @@ -22,11 +22,43 @@ {% if MSHXON2 -%} {% include 'DataType/XONOrganization' XON: MSHXON2 -%} {% endif -%} + + {% if OBR_NTE -%} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBR_NTE -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if OBX_NTE -%} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBX_NTE -%} + {% endif -%} {% if OBX_23 -%} {% include 'DataType/XONOrganization' XON: OBX_23 -%} {% endif -%} + {% if OBR_SEG_10 %} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBR_SEG_10 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR_SEG_16 %} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBR_SEG_16 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR_SEG_34 %} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBR_SEG_34 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR_SEG_35 %} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: OBR_SEG_35 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if ORC_SEG.21 %} + {% include 'DataType/XONOrganization' XON: ORC_SEG.21 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if SPM -%} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: SPM -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if PID -%} {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: PID.4 -%} {% endif -%} @@ -51,6 +83,10 @@ {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: IN2_61.4 -%} {% endif -%} + {% if TXA -%} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: TXA -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if PV1 -%} {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: PV1 -%} {% endif -%} @@ -126,6 +162,8 @@ {% include 'DataType/XONOrganization' XON: IN2_70.70.Repeats[0] -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'DataType/HDOrganization_InternalValue' HD: AIP -%} + {% if MSHHD1 %} {% if MSH.22 and organization_ID_MSH_22 -%} "partOf": @@ -146,23 +184,27 @@ [ { "country":"{{ MSH.17.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/Countries', 'code' }}", - }, + }, + { + {% if ORC_SEG_22 %} + {% for orc22 in ORC_SEG_22.Repeats %} + {% include 'DataType/XADAddress' XAD: orc22 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif %} + }, + { + {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: OBX_ORU.24 -%} + }, { {% if OBX_24 -%} {% include 'DataType/XADAddress' XAD: OBX_24 -%} {% endif -%} }, - { - {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: OBX_ORU.24 -%} - }, {% if OBX_ORU.25 -%} { {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: OBX_ORU.24 -%} }, {% endif -%} - { - {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: ORC.22.Repeats[0] -%} - }, {% for gt1_5 in GT1.5.Repeats -%} { {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: gt1_5 -%} @@ -198,6 +240,11 @@ {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: gt1_46 -%} }, {% endfor -%} + {% for orc23 in ORC_SEG_23.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: orc23 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} ], "address": { @@ -254,9 +301,6 @@ ], "telecom": [ - { - {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: ORC.23.Repeats[0] -%} - }, {% for gt1_6 in GT1.6.Repeats -%} { {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: gt1_6 -%} @@ -340,6 +384,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Organization/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PLLocation.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PLLocation.liquid index 8d2178341..9c5644e64 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PLLocation.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PLLocation.liquid @@ -17,6 +17,19 @@ {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.1 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -28,6 +41,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_1 }}", }, }, @@ -45,6 +61,19 @@ {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.2 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -56,6 +85,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_2 }}", }, }, @@ -73,6 +105,19 @@ {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.3 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -84,6 +129,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_3 }}", }, }, @@ -96,6 +144,19 @@ "id":"{{ locationId_PL_4 }}", {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.4 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -107,6 +168,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_4 }}", }, }, @@ -124,6 +188,19 @@ {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.7 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -135,6 +212,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_7 }}", }, }, @@ -152,6 +232,19 @@ {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/PL_HDLocation' HD: PL.8 -%}, "mode":"instance", + {% assign PLValue= PL.Value%} + {% capture textstring %}{{ PLValue | split: "^" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture specomp %}{{ textstring | split: "~" | join: "+" }}{% endcapture -%} + {% capture description %}{{ specomp | split: "&" | join: "--" }}{% endcapture -%} + "description" : "{{ description }}", + "alias" : [ + "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + ], + "type" : [ + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/LocationRoleType', CWE: AIL_4 -%} + }, + ], "physicalType":{ "coding":[ { @@ -163,6 +256,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ locationId_PL_8 }}", }, }, @@ -183,15 +279,17 @@ "code":"lvl" } ] - }, + }, }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ ID }}", }, }, {% endif -%} - {% if PL_2 -%} { "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", @@ -211,7 +309,10 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Location/{{ ID }}", }, }, -{% endif -%} \ No newline at end of file +{% endif -%} diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Patient.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Patient.liquid index 48eb50c36..5b1f44b6d 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Patient.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Patient.liquid @@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ Patient_ManagingOrganization_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "managingOrganizati {% if NK1_PER.7.1.Value == "E" -%} {% include 'DataType/XPN' XPN: GT1.16.Repeats[0] -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'DataType/XPN' XPN: CTD.2.Repeats[0] -%} }, "address": { @@ -409,6 +410,7 @@ Patient_ManagingOrganization_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "managingOrganizati {% if NK1_PER.7.1.Value == "E" -%} {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: GT1.17.Repeats[0] -%} {% endif -%} + {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: CTD.3.Repeats[0] -%} }, "telecom": [ @@ -434,12 +436,22 @@ Patient_ManagingOrganization_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "managingOrganizati { {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: NK1.41 -%} }, + {% for ctd5 in CTD.5.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: ctd5 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} ], "relationship": [ { {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/ContactRole', CWE: NK1.7 -%} }, + {% for ctd1 in CTD.1.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/ContactRole', CWE: ctd1 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} ], "period": { @@ -506,6 +518,9 @@ Patient_ManagingOrganization_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "managingOrganizati }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Patient/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Practitioner.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Practitioner.liquid index 07437619b..dc4ef469f 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Practitioner.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Practitioner.liquid @@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ "address": [ + {% if ORC_SEG_24 %} + {% for orc24 in ORC_SEG_24.Repeats %} + { + {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: orc24 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% endif %} { {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: ROL.11 -%} }, @@ -32,11 +39,58 @@ { {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: ORC.24.Repeats[0] -%} }, + {% for sch_14 in SCH_12.14.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: sch_14 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for sch_18 in SCH_16.18.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XAD' XAD: sch_18 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} ], - + "telecom": + [ + {% for sch_13 in SCH_12.13.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: sch_13 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for sch_17 in SCH_16.17.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: sch_17 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for sch_21 in SCH_20.21.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/XTN' XTN: sch_21 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + ], {% if OBXXCN1 %} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: OBXXCN1 -%} {% endif %} + {% if OBR_SEG %} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: OBRXCN_10 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_SEG %} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: OBRXCN_16 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if ORC_SEG %} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: ORCXCN_12 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if CNN_OBR_32 %} + {% include 'DataType/CNN' CNN_val: CNN_OBR_32.1 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if CNN_OBR_34_1 %} + {% include 'DataType/CNN' CNN_val: CNN_OBR_34_1 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if CNN_OBR_35_1 %} + {% include 'DataType/CNN' CNN_val: CNN_OBR_35_1 -%} + {% endif %} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: DG1.16.Repeats[0] -%} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: PR1 -%} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: ORC.10 -%} @@ -50,6 +104,11 @@ {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: NTE -%} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: RF1 -%} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: IAM -%} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: AIP -%} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: SCH_12.12.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: SCH_16.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: SCH_20.20.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitioner' XCN: TXA -%} {% if IAM_NAME -%} @@ -62,6 +121,9 @@ }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Practitioner/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PractitionerRole.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PractitionerRole.liquid index 37086e05f..c5957de8b 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PractitionerRole.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_PractitionerRole.liquid @@ -13,8 +13,33 @@ Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "organization.reference" pro "resource":{ "resourceType": "PractitionerRole", "id":"{{ ID }}", - {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitionerRole' XCN: PD1.4 -%} - + {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitionerRole' XCN: PD1.4 -%} + {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR_32 -%} + {% if OBR_34 %} + "code": [ + { + "coding": [ + { + "code": "TECH", + }, + ], + } + ], + {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR_34 -%} + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_35 %} + "code": [ + { + "coding": [ + { + "code": "TRANS", + }, + ], + } + ], + {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR_35 -%} + {% endif %} + "identifier": [ { @@ -39,9 +64,29 @@ Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "organization.reference" pro "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/PractitionerRole", } {% endif %} + {% if SCH_12.12 %} + { + "code" : "placer-contact", + "display" : "Placer Contact", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-practitioner-role", + } + {% endif %} + {% if SCH_16.16 %} + { + "code" : "filler-contact", + "display" : "Filler Contact", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-practitioner-role", + } + {% endif %} + {% if SCH_20.20 %} + { + "code" : "enterer", + "display" : "Enterer", + "system" : "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-practitioner-role", + } + {% endif %} ], - }, - + }, { {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/Role', CWE: ROL.3 -%} {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/Participation', CWE: ROL.4 -%} @@ -73,6 +118,105 @@ Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "organization.reference" pro "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_ROL_13 }}", {% endif -%} }, + {% if SCH_12.15 -%} + {% if SCH_12.15.1 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.1 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_12.15.2 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.2 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_12.15.3 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.3 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_12.15.4 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.4 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_12.15.7 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.7 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_12.15.8 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_12.15.8 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_12 }}", + }, + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if SCH_16.19 -%} + {% if SCH_16.19.1 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.1 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_16.19.2 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.2 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_16.19.3 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.3 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_16.19.4 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.4 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_16.19.7 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.7 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_16.19.8 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_16.19.8 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_16 }}", + }, + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} + {% if SCH_20.22 -%} + {% if SCH_20.22.1 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.1 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_20.22.2 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.2 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_20.22.3 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.3 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_20.22.4 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.4 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_20.22.7 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.7 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% elseif SCH_20.22.8 -%} + { + {% evaluate Location_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Location' PL: SCH_20.22.8 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_SCH_20 }}", + }, + {% endif %} + {% endif -%} ], {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitionerRole' XCN: ROL.4 -%} @@ -81,8 +225,8 @@ Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "organization.reference" pro {% if PRT.8 and Organization_ID_PRT_8 -%} "reference":"Organization/{{ Organization_ID_PRT_8 }}", {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.21 and Organization_ID_ORC_21 -%} - "reference":"Organization/{{ Organization_ID_ORC_21 }}", + {% if requestor_organization %} + "reference":"Organization/{{requestor_organization}}", {% endif -%} }, {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitionerRole' XCN: PRT.5.Repeats[0] -%} @@ -92,13 +236,38 @@ Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "organization.reference" pro {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: PRT.6 -%} }, ], + {%- comment -%} {% include 'DataType/XCNPractitionerRole' XCN: ORC.12.Repeats[0] -%} - {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR.32 -%} - {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR.34 -%} - {% include 'DataType/NDLPractitionerRole' NDL: OBR.35 -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + "practitioner" : { + {% if requestor_practitioner1 %} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{requestor_practitioner1}}", + {% elsif requestor_practitioner2 %} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{requestor_practitioner2}}", + {% endif %} + {% if collection_collector_practitioner %} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{collection_collector_practitioner}}", + {% endif %} + {% if REF_SCH_12 -%} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{REF_SCH_12}}", + {% endif -%} + {% if REF_SCH_16 -%} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{ REF_SCH_16 }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if REF_SCH_20 -%} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{ REF_SCH_20 }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if practitionerId_TXA -%} + "reference":"Practitioner/{{ practitionerId_TXA }}", + {% endif -%} + + }, }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"PractitionerRole/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Procedure.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Procedure.liquid index 617289fbb..646e7bd78 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Procedure.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Procedure.liquid @@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ Procedure_Asserter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "asserter.reference" property {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PR1_11 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: PR1.11 -%} {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PR1_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: PR1.12 -%} {% evaluate Procedure_ID_PR1_25 using 'ID/Procedure' PR1: PR1.25, baseId: Procedure_Subject_ID -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_1 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.1 -%} -{% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23_2 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.2 -%} { "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", @@ -124,15 +122,28 @@ Procedure_Asserter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "asserter.reference" property }, ], "location": - { - {% if PR1.23.1 -%} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PR1_23_1 }}", - {% else %} - {% if PR1.23.2 %} - "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PR1_23_2 }}", + { + {% if PR1.23 -%} + {% if PR1.23.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.1 -%} + {% elseif PR1.23.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.2 -%} + {% elseif PR1.23.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.3 -%} + {% elseif PR1.23.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.4 -%} + {% elseif PR1.23.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.7 -%} + {% elseif PR1.23.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_PR1_23 using 'ID/Location' PL: PR1.23.8 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if PR1.23 and Location_ID_PR1_23 -%} + "reference":"Location/{{ Location_ID_PR1_23 }}", + {% endif -%} {% endif %} - {% endif %} - }, + }, + "partOf": [ { diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Provenance.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Provenance.liquid index d600f22c1..52df045c2 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Provenance.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Provenance.liquid @@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ Device_ID_MSH_3: A resource Id, used to fill "entity.what.reference" property. T }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template_1 == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"Provenance/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_RelatedPerson.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_RelatedPerson.liquid index c8a52a6b8..5e794bd5d 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_RelatedPerson.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_RelatedPerson.liquid @@ -328,6 +328,9 @@ RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "patient.reference" proper }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", + {% if Root_Template == "ADT_A29" -%} + "method":"DELETE", + {% endif -%} "url":"RelatedPerson/{{ ID }}", }, }, diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_ServiceRequest.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_ServiceRequest.liquid index 30d769150..8eb75b2b2 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_ServiceRequest.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_ServiceRequest.liquid @@ -2,268 +2,815 @@ The following reference IDs are accepted by this template. Practitioner_ID_NTE_5: A resource Id, used to fill "note.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "NTE.5" HL7 V2 identifier. -PractitionerRole_ID_ORC_12: A resource Id, used to fill "requester.reference" property. The resource is of "PractitionerRole" type and generated based on "ORC.12" HL7 V2 identifier. -Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "requester.reference" property. The resource is of "Organization" type and generated based on "ORC.21" HL7 V2 identifier. -Practitioner_ID_OBR_10: A resource Id, used to fill "specimen.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "OBR.10" HL7 V2 identifier. -Specimen_ID_OBR_15: A resource Id, used to fill "specimen.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "OBR.15" HL7 V2 identifier. +PractitionerRole_ID_ORC_12: A resource Id, used to fill "requester.reference" property. The resource is of "PractitionerRole" type and generated based on "parentSegment.ORC.12" HL7 V2 identifier. +Organization_ID_ORC_21: A resource Id, used to fill "requester.reference" property. The resource is of "Organization" type and generated based on "parentSegment.ORC.21" HL7 V2 identifier. +Practitioner_ID_OBR_10: A resource Id, used to fill "specimen.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "OBR_child.10" HL7 V2 identifier. +Specimen_ID_OBR_15: A resource Id, used to fill "specimen.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "OBR_child.15" HL7 V2 identifier. ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "encounter.reference" property. {% endcomment -%} {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: NTE.5 -%} -{% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' CWE: ORC.21 -%} -{% evaluate Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: OBR.10 -%} +{% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_ORC_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: parentSegment.12 -%} +{% evaluate Organization_ID_ORC_21 using 'ID/Organization' CWE: parentSegment.21 -%} {% evaluate Organization_ID_RF1_19 using 'ID/Organization' XON: RF1.19 -%} {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_RF1_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: RF1.20 -%} { + "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", "resource":{ "resourceType": "ServiceRequest", "id":"{{ ID }}", - - "status":"{{ ORC.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/OrderStatus', 'code' }}", - - {% if RF1.1 -%} - "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/RequestStatus', CWE: RF1.1 -%}, - {% endif -%} - {% if RF1.25.Value == "D" -%} - "status": "entered-in-error", - {% endif -%} + {% if OBR_parent == null %} + {% if parentSegment or OBR_child %} + {% if parentSegment.5 -%} + "status":"{{ parentSegment.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/OrderStatus', 'code' }}", + {% else -%} + "status": "active", + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% if RF1.1 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/RequestStatus', CWE: RF1.1 -%}, + {% endif -%} - {% if RF1 -%} - "intent": "order", - {% endif%} - - {% if ORC.1 -%} - "intent":"order", - {% endif -%} - - {% if OBR.11.Value%} - {% if OBR.11.Value == "G" -%} - "intent":"reflex-order", - {% else -%} - "intent":"order", + {% if AIS -%} + {% if AIS.10 -%} + "status": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/FillerStatusServiceRequestStatus', CWE: AIS.10 -%}, + {% else -%} + "status": "draft", + {% endif -%} + {% if AIS.2.Value == "D"-%} + "status": "entered-in-error", + {% endif -%} + "intent": "filler-order", {% endif -%} - {% endif -%} - - "identifier": - [ - {% if OBR %} - { - {% if OBR.2 == null -%} - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.2 -%} + + {% if RF1.25.Value == "D" -%} + "status": "entered-in-error", + {% endif -%} + + {% if RF1 -%} + "intent": "order", + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR_child or parentSegment %} + {% if OBR_child.11.Value == "G" -%} + "intent":"reflex-order", + {% elsif OBR_child and type_msg == 'ORU' -%} + "intent":"filler-order", + {% else -%} + "intent":"order", {% endif -%} - "type": + {% endif -%} + + "orderDetail" : [ + {% for o in OBR_child.46.Repeats -%} { - "coding": - [ + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: o -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for o in OBR_child.47.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: o -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for a in AIS.11.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: a -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for a in AIS.12.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: a -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + ], + + "identifier": + [ + { + {% if OBR_child.2 == null %} + {% if parentSegment.2 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.2 -%} + "type": { - {% if OBR.2 == null -%} - "code":"PLAC", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.2 -%} - "code":"PLAC", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.3 -%} - "code":"FILL", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.53 -%} - "code":"PLAC", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.2 == null -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.2 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.3 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.53 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], }, - ], - }, + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR_child.2 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR_child.2 -%} + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} }, - {% endif %} { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.3 -%} - "type": - { - "coding": - [ + {% if OBR_child.3 == null %} + {% if parentSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.3 -%} + "type": { - {% if ORC.3 -%} - "code":"FILL", - {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.3 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", - {% endif -%} + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], }, - ], - }, - }, + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR_child.3 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR_child.3 -%} + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + }, { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: ORC.4 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: parentSegment.4 -%} "type": { "coding": [ { - {% if ORC.4 -%} + {% if parentSegment.4 -%} "code":"PGN", {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.4 -%} + {% if parentSegment.4 -%} "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", {% endif -%} }, ], }, }, - {% if OBR.2 -%} - { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.2 -%} - }, - {% endif -%} - { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.3 -%} - }, { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.53 -%} + {% if OBR_child.53 -%} + "value" : "{{OBR_child.53.1.Value}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif -%} }, { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: RF1.6 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: RF1.6 -%} }, - {% for r in RF1.11.Repeats -%} - {% if r.Value != RF1.6.Value -%} + {% for r in RF1.11.Repeats -%} + {% if r.Value != RF1.6.Value -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: r -%} + }, + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + ], + {% if parentSegment.1.Value == 'NW' -%} + "authoredOn":"{{ parentSegment.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "authoredOn":"{{ RF1.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% unless RF1.7.Value -%} + "authoredOn":"{{ RF1.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endunless -%} + {% if OBR_child.29 %} + "basedOn": + [ { - {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: r -%} + {% if OBR_child.50 and OBR_child.29 %} + "reference":"ServiceRequest/{{ ServiceRequest_ID_OBR_29 }}", + {% endif %} + {% unless OBR_child.50 %} + "type": "ServiceRequest", + "identifier": + { + {% if OBR_child.29.1 -%} + {% if OBR_child.29.1.1 %} + "value" : "{{OBR_child.29.1.1}}", + {% endif %} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + {% unless OBR_child.29.1 %} + {% if OBR_child.29.2.1 %} + "value" : "{{OBR_child.29.2.1}}", + {% endif %} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endunless -%} + }, + {% endunless %} + } + ], + {% endif %} + {% unless OBR_child.29 %} + {% if parentSegment.8 %} + "basedOn": + [ + { + {% if parentSegment.31 and parentSegment.8 %} + "reference":"ServiceRequest/{{ ServiceRequest_ID_ORC_8 }}", + {% endif %} + {% unless parentSegment.31 %} + "type": "ServiceRequest", + "identifier": + { + {% if parentSegment.8.1 and parentSegment.8.2 or parentSegment.8.1 %} + "value" : "{{parentSegment.8.1.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% elsif parentSegment.8.2 %} + "value" : "{{parentSegment.8.2.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endunless %} + } + ], + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + "performer": [ + {% if RF1.19 and Organization_ID_RF1_19 -%} + { + "reference": "Organization/{{Organization_ID_RF1_19}}", + }, + {% endif -%} + {% if RF1.20 and Practitioner_ID_RF1_20-%} + { + "reference": "Practitioner/{{Practitioner_ID_RF1_20}}", }, + {% endif -%} + ], + "performerType" : { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: RF1.3 -%} + }, + + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' %} + {% if OBR_child.27 == null -%} + "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ OBR_child.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if OBR_child.6 == null and OBR_child.27 == null and parentSegment.7 == null -%} + "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ parentSegment.15.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif %} {% endif -%} - {% endfor -%} + + {% if OBR_tq1.6 == null and OBR_tq1.27 == null -%} + "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ ORC_tq1.15.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif %} - ], - {% if ORC.1.Value -%} - "authoredOn":"{{ ORC.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - {% endif -%} - "authoredOn":"{{ RF1.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - {% unless RF1.7.Value -%} - "authoredOn":"{{ RF1.9.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - {% endunless -%} - "performer": [ - {% if RF1.19 and Organization_ID_RF1_19 -%} + {% if OBR_tq1.27 == "" or OBR_tq1.27 == null -%} + "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ OBR_tq1.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif %} + + "locationCode": + [ + {% if OBR_child.24 %} + { + {% include 'DataType/IDCodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/DiagnosticServiceSection', ID: OBR_child.24 -%} + }, + {% endif %} + {% if parentSegment.29 %} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/OrderType', CWE: parentSegment.29 -%} + }, + {% endif %} + ], + "note": [ + {% if NTE %} { - "reference": "Organization/{{Organization_ID_RF1_19}}", + "text": "{{NTE.3.Value}}", + "time": "{{ NTE.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% if Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 %} + "authorReference": + { + "reference":"Practitioner/{{ Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 }}", + } + {% endif %} }, - {% endif -%} - {% if RF1.20 and Practitioner_ID_RF1_20-%} + {% endif %} { - "reference": "Practitioner/{{Practitioner_ID_RF1_20}}", + "text": "{{ RF1.24.Value }}", }, - {% endif -%} - ], - "performerType" : { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: RF1.3 -%} - }, - "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ ORC.15.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "occurrenceDateTime":"{{ OBR.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "locationCode": - [ + {% if OBR_child.18 %} { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' mapping: 'CodeSystem/OrderType', CWE: ORC.29 -%} + "text": "{{ OBR_child.18.Value }}", + "authorString": "Placer Field 1", }, - ], - "note": [ - { - "text": "{{NTE.3.Value}}", - "text": "{{ RF1.24.Value }}", - "time": "{{ NTE.6.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - {% if Practitioner_ID_NTE_5%} - "authorReference": + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_child.19 %} { - "reference":"Practitioner/{{ Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 }}", - } + "text": "{{ OBR_child.19.Value }}", + "authorString": "Placer Field 2", + }, {% endif %} - } - ], - "requester": - { - {% if ORC.12 and PractitionerRole_ID_ORC_12 -%} - "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_ORC_12 }}", - {% endif -%} - {% if ORC.21 and Organization_ID_ORC_21 -%} - "reference":"Organization/{{ Organization_ID_ORC_21 }}", - {% endif -%} - }, - "quantityQuantity": - { - {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ: TQ1.2 -%} - }, - "occurrenceTiming": - { - "repeat": + {% if OBR_child.20 %} { - "boundsDuration": + "text": "{{ OBR_child.20.Value }}", + "authorString": "Filler Field 1", + }, + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_child.21 %} { - {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ: TQ1.6 -%} + "text": "{{ OBR_child.21.Value }}", + "authorString": "Filler Field 2", }, - "boundsPeriod": + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_child.27.8 %} { - "start":"{{ TQ1.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "end":"{{ TQ1.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "text": "{{ OBR_child.27.8.Value }}", + }, + {% endif %} + { + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0] -%} + "text": "{{ parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].8.Value }}", + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} }, - {% include 'DataType/CQServiceRequestduration' CQ: TQ1.13 -%} - "count":"{{ TQ1.14.Value }}", + { + "text": "{{ TQ1.11.Value }}", + }, + ], + "asNeededCodeableConcept": { + "text": "{{ TQ1.10.Value }}", }, - }, - "priority":"{{ TQ1.9.Value }}", - {% if RF1.2 -%} - "priority": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/RequestPriority', CWE: RF1.2 -%}, - {% endif -%} - "priority":"{{ OBR.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/Priority', 'code' }}", - - "code": - { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR.4 -%} - }, - "reasonCode": - [ + "quantityQuantity": { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR.31 -%} + {% if TQ1 -%} + {% if TQ1.2 == null -%} + "value": 1, + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ: TQ1.2 -%} + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ_val: OBR_child.27.1 -%} + + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0] -%} + + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ_val: parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].1 -%} + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} + }, + "occurrencePeriod" : { + "start" : "{{ AIS.4.Value | format_as_date_time }}", }, - {% for r in RF1.10.Repeats -%} + "occurrenceTiming": + { + + "code": { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptInternalValues' CWE: TQ1.3.Repeats[0].1 -%} + }, + {% if TQ1.3 == null -%} + {% include 'DataType/RITiming' RI_val: OBR_timeday.27.2 -%} + {% include 'DataType/RITiming' RI_val: OBR_child.27.2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if type_msg == "ORM" -%} + {% include 'DataType/RITiming' RI_val: OBR_child.27.2 -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% unless OBR_child.6 %} + {% include 'DataType/RITiming' RI_val: parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].2 -%} + {% endunless %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} + "repeat": { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: r -%} - {% if r.9.Value == null or r.9.Value == '' -%} - "text":"{{ RF1.14.Value }}", + {% include 'DataType/RPTTiming' RPT: TQ1.3.Repeats[0] -%} + "boundsDuration": + { + {% if TQ1.7 == null and TQ1.8 == null -%} + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ_duration: TQ1.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + }, + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% unless OBR_child.6 %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0] -%} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3 %} + {% assign durationUnitsValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 0 -%} + {% if durationUnitsValue == "S" %} + "durationUnit": "s", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "M" %} + "durationUnit": "min", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "H" %} + "durationUnit": "h", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "D" %} + "durationUnit": "d", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,3 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "W" %} + "durationUnit": "wk", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "L" %} + "durationUnit": "mo", + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "X" %} + {% assign durationValue = parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "frequency": "{{durationValue}}", + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].12 %} + "count": {{ parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].12.Value }}, + {% endif %} + + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} + "timeOfDay": + [ + {% if TQ1.3.Repeats[0].5 == null and TQ1.3.Repeats[0].8 == null and TQ1.4 == null -%} + "{{ OBR_timeday.27.2.2 }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if TQ1.3.Repeats[0].5 == null and TQ1.3.Repeats[0].8 == null -%} + {% for tq1_4 in TQ1.4.Repeats -%} + "{{ tq1_4.Value }}", + {% endfor %} + {% endif -%} + {% if type_msg == "ORM" -%} + "{{ OBR_child.27.2.2 }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% unless OBR_child.6 %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0] -%} + "{{ parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].2.2 }}", + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} + ], + {% if TQ1.3.Repeats[0].5 == null -%} + {% if TQ1.5 -%} + "period" : {{ TQ1.5.Repeats[0].1.Value }}, + "periodUnit" : {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/DurationUnit', CWE_internal: TQ1.5.Repeats[0].2 -%}, + {% endif -%} {% endif -%} + {% if OBR_child.27.3 %} + {% assign durationUnitsValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 0 -%} + {% if durationUnitsValue == "S" %} + "durationUnit": "s", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "M" %} + "durationUnit": "min", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "H" %} + "durationUnit": "h", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "D" %} + "durationUnit": "d", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,3 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "W" %} + "durationUnit": "wk", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "L" %} + "durationUnit": "mo", + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "duration": {{durationValue}}, + {% elsif durationUnitsValue == "X" %} + {% assign durationValue = OBR_child.27.3.Value | slice: 1,2 -%} + "frequency": "{{durationValue}}", + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + "boundsPeriod": + { + "start":"{{ TQ1.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "start":"{{ OBR_child.27.4.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% if type_msg == 'ORM' -%} + {% unless OBR_child.27 %} + {% unless OBR_child.6 %} + {% if parentSegment.7.Repeats[0] -%} + "start": "{{ parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].4.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "end": "{{ parentSegment.7.Repeats[0].5.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif %} + {% endunless %} + {% endunless %} + {% endif -%} + "end":"{{ TQ1.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "end":"{{ OBR_child.27.5.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + + {% include 'DataType/CQServiceRequestduration' CQ: TQ1.13 -%} + {% if TQ1.14 -%} + "count":{{ TQ1.14.Value }}, + {% endif %} + {% if OBR_child.27.12 %} + "count": {{ OBR_child.27.12.Value }}, + {% endif %} }, - {% endfor -%} - ], - "specimen": - [ + }, + {% if TQ1 -%} + {% if TQ1.9 -%} + "priority":{% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/RequestPriority', CWE: TQ1.9 -%}, + {% else -%} + "priority": "routine", + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if OBR_child.5 %} + "priority":"{{ OBR_child.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/RequestPriority', 'code' }}", + {% endif %} + {% if RF1.2 -%} + "priority": {% include 'DataType/CWECode' mapping: 'CodeSystem/RequestPriority', CWE: RF1.2 -%}, + {% endif -%} + + "code": + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: AIS.3 -%} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR_child.4 -%} + }, + "reasonCode": + [ + {% for OBR_31 in OBR_child.31.Repeats %} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR_31 -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + {% for r in RF1.10.Repeats -%} + { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept', CWE: r -%} + {% if r.9.Value == null or r.9.Value == '' -%} + "text":"{{ RF1.14.Value }}", + {% endif -%} + }, + {% endfor -%} + ], + "subject": + { + "reference":"{{ ServiceRequest_Subject_ID }}", + }, + "encounter": { - {% if OBR.10 and Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 -%} - "reference":"Practitioner/{{ Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 }}", + "reference":"{{ ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID }}", + }, + {% endif %} + +{% comment %} The below mapping is for the new service request created from OBR. This coding is for reference service request created from OBR {% endcomment -%} + + {% if OBR_parent -%} + {% if OBR_parent.29 %} + "identifier": + [ + {% if OBR_parent.29.1 %} + { + {% if OBR_parent.29.1.1 %} + "value" : "{{OBR_parent.29.1.1}}", + {% endif %} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + }, {% endif -%} - {% if OBR.15 and Specimen_ID_OBR_15 -%} - "reference":"Specimen/{{ Specimen_ID_OBR_15 }}", + {% if OBR_parent.29.2 %} + { + {% if OBR_parent.29.2.1 %} + "value" : "{{OBR_parent.29.2.1}}", + {% endif %} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + }, + {% endif %} + { + "type" : { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: OBR_parent.50 %} + }, + }, + ], + {% endif %} + {% unless OBR_parent.29 -%} + {% if parentSegment.8 %} + "identifier": + [ + { + {% if parentSegment.8.1 %} + "value" : "{{parentSegment.8.1.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + {% endif -%} + }, + }, + { + {% if parentSegment.8.2 %} + "value" : "{{parentSegment.8.2.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + }, + ], + {% endif %} + {% endunless -%} + + + {% if parentSegment.5 -%} + "status":"{{ parentSegment.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/OrderStatus', 'code' }}", + {% else -%} + "status": "active", + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR_parent.11.Value == "G" -%} + "intent":"reflex-order", + {% elsif OBR_parent and type_msg == 'ORU' -%} + "intent":"filler-order", + {% else -%} + "intent":"order", + {% endif -%} + "subject": + { + "reference":"{{ ServiceRequest_Subject_ID }}", + }, + {% endif %} + +{% comment %} End of mapping for the new service request created from OBR. This coding is for reference service request created from OBR {% endcomment -%} + + +{% comment %} The below mapping is for the new service request created from ORC. This coding is for reference service request created from RC {% endcomment -%} + + {% if ORC -%} + {% if ORC.8 %} + "identifier": + [ + { + {% if ORC.8.1 %} + "value" : "{{ORC.8.1.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, {% endif -%} }, + { + {% if ORC.8.2 %} + "value" : "{{ORC.8.2.1}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif %} + }, + { + "type" : { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: ORC.31 %} + }, + }, ], + {% endif %} + + + {% if ORC.5 -%} + "status":"{{ ORC.5.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/OrderStatus', 'code' }}", + {% else -%} + "status": "active", + {% endif %} + + {% if OBR.11.Value == "G" -%} + "intent":"reflex-order", + {% elsif OBR and type_msg == 'ORU' -%} + "intent":"filler-order", + {% else -%} + "intent":"order", + {% endif -%} + + {% comment %} + {% if OBR.11.Value == "G" -%} + "intent":"reflex-order", + {% elsif parentSegment and type_msg == 'ORU' -%} + "intent":"filler-order", + {% elsif parentSegment and type_msg == 'ORM' or type_msg == 'OML' -%} + "intent":"order", + {% endif -%} + {% endcomment %} "subject": { "reference":"{{ ServiceRequest_Subject_ID }}", }, - "encounter": - { - "reference":"{{ ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID }}", - }, - }, + {% endif %} + +{% comment %} End of mapping for the new service request created from OBR. This coding is for reference service request created from OBR {% endcomment -%} + + +}, "request":{ "method":"PUT", "url":"ServiceRequest/{{ ID }}", diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Specimen.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Specimen.liquid index 6347e63a5..27f3f0b45 100644 --- a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Specimen.liquid +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/Resource/_Specimen.liquid @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ The following reference IDs are accepted by this template. Practitioner_ID_OBR_10: A resource Id, used to fill "collection.collector.reference" property. The resource is of "Practitioner" type and generated based on "OBR.10" HL7 V2 identifier. Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. + +{% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: NTE.5 -%} {% endcomment -%} +{% evaluate PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_10 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: OBR.10 -%} { "fullUrl":"urn:uuid:{{ ID }}", @@ -12,48 +15,125 @@ Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. "id":"{{ ID }}", "collection": { - {% comment -%} Placeholder provided for customization by users. If left empty, it will be removed in post-processing. {% endcomment -%} - "quantity": + "quantity": { + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ: OBR.9 -%} + {% include 'DataType/CQ' CQ: SPM.12 -%} }, "collector": { - {% if OBR.10 and Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 -%} - "reference":"Practitioner/{{ Practitioner_ID_OBR_10 }}", + {% if OBR.10 and PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_10 -%} + "reference":"PractitionerRole/{{ PractitionerRole_ID_OBR_10 }}", {% endif -%} }, + + "bodySite": { + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptInternalValues' CWE: OBR.15.4 -%} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: SPM.8 -%} + }, + "method": { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: SPM.7 -%} + "coding": + [ + {% if SPM.7 -%} + {% assign hardcodedUrl = "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0488" %} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL' CWE: SPM.7, systemHardcodedUrl: hardcodedUrl -%} + {% endif -%} + ], + "text": "{{ SPM.7.9.Value }}", + "text": "{{ OBR.15.3.Value }}", }, + {% if OBR.7 and OBR.8 -%} + "collectedPeriod": + { + "start": "{{ OBR.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + "end": "{{ OBR.8.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + }, + {% elsif OBR.7 and OBR.8 == null -%} + "collectedDateTime": "{{ OBR.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + {% if SPM.17.2 -%} "collectedPeriod": - { - {% if SPM.17.2 -%} + { {% include 'DataType/DR' DR: SPM.17 -%} - {% endif -%} - }, + }, + {% endif -%} {% if SPM.17.2 == null -%} "collectedDateTime":"{{ SPM.17.Value | format_as_date_time }}", {% endif -%} }, "receivedTime":"{{ OBR.14.Value | format_as_date_time }}", "receivedTime":"{{ SPM.18.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - "receivedTime":"{{ OBR.13.Value | format_as_date_time }}", - {% comment -%} Placeholder provided for customization by users. If left empty, it will be removed in post-processing. {% endcomment -%} - "note": - [ - ], - "identifier": - [ + + "identifier":[ { - {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP: SPM.2 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.2 -%} + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR.2 -%} + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, }, + { + {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: OBR.3 -%} + "type": { - {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP: SPM.3 -%} + "coding": + [ + { + {% if OBR.3 -%} + "code":"FILL", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + {% endif -%} + }, + ], + }, + }, + { + {% if OBR.53 -%} + "value" : "{{OBR.53.1.Value}}", + "type": + { + "coding": + [ + { + "code":"PLAC", + "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + }, + ], + }, + {% endif -%} + }, + { + {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP_Specimen_child1: SPM.2.1 -%} }, { - {% include 'DataType/CX' CX: SPM.31 -%} + {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP_Specimen_child2: SPM.2.2 -%} }, + {% if SPM_parent %} + { + {% if SPM_parent.1 %} + {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP_Specimen_parent1: SPM_parent.1 -%} + {% elsif SPM_parent.2 %} + {% include 'DataType/EIPIdentifier' EIP_Specimen_parent2: SPM_parent.2 -%} + {% endif %} + }, + {% endif %} + + {% for spm_31 in SPM.31.Repeats %} + { + {% include 'DataType/CX' CX: spm_31 -%} + }, + {% endfor %} + { {% include 'DataType/EIIdentifier' EI: SPM.32 -%} "type": @@ -62,7 +142,8 @@ Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. [ { {% if SPM.32 -%} - "system":"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203", + "code": "SHIP", + "system":"http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/additional-identifierType", {% endif -%} }, ], @@ -71,14 +152,31 @@ Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. ], "type": { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: SPM.4 -%} + "coding": + [ + {% if SPM.4 -%} + {% assign hardcodedUrl = "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0487" %} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL' CWE: SPM.4, systemHardcodedUrl: hardcodedUrl -%} + {% endif -%} + ], + "text": "{{SPM.4.9.Value}}", + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptInternalValues' CWE: OBR.15.1 -%} + }, "container": [ { "additiveCodeableConcept": { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: SPM.6 -%} + "coding": + [ + {% if SPM.6 -%} + {% assign hardcodedUrl = "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0371" %} + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept_hardcodedURL' CWE: SPM.6, systemHardcodedUrl: hardcodedUrl -%} + {% endif -%} + ], + "text": "{{SPM.6.9.Value}}", + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptInternalValues' CWE: OBR.15.2 -%} }, "type": { @@ -87,12 +185,21 @@ Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. }, ], "status":"{{ SPM.20.Value | get_property: 'CodeSystem/SpecimenAvailability', 'code' }}", - "condition": - [ - { - {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConcept' CWE: SPM.24 -%} - }, - ], + + {% if SPM.24 -%} + "condition": + [ + {% for spm_24 in SPM.24.Repeats %} + { + "coding": + [ + {% include 'DataType/CWECodeableConceptRepeatable' mapping: 'CodeSystem/SpecimenCondition', CWE: spm_24 -%} + ], + "text": "{{spm_24.9.Value}}", + }, + {% endfor %} + ], + {% endif %} "accessionIdentifier": { {% include 'DataType/CX' CX: SPM.30.Repeats[0] -%} @@ -101,6 +208,20 @@ Specimen_Subject_ID: A resource Id, used to fill "subject.reference" property. { "reference":"{{ Specimen_Subject_ID }}", }, + "note": [ + {% if OBR.39-%} + {% for OBR_39 in OBR.39.Repeats %} + { + "text": "{{OBR_39.Value}}", + }, + {% endfor %} + {% endif %} + {% if SPM.14-%} + { + "text": "{{SPM.14.Value}}", + } + {% endif %} + ], }, "request":{ "method":"PUT", diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S12.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S12.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4388e4e93 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S12.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S12', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0] -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S12', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S13.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S13.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1fde434a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S13.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S13', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0] -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S13', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S14.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S14.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a97cc666 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S14.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S14', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0] -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S14', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S15.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S15.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68c5c2556 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S15.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S15', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0], type_sch: 15 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S15', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S16.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S16.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e7aa99fd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S16.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S16', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0], type_sch: 16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S16', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S17.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S17.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c64c02e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S17.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S17', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0], type_sch: 17 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S17', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S26.liquid b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S26.liquid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b32446c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/Templates/Hl7v2/SIU_S26.liquid @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +{% assign firstSegments = hl7v2Data | get_first_segments: 'MSH|SCH' -%} +{% assign tq1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'TQ1' -%} +{% assign pidSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'PID' -%} +{% assign rgsSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'RGS' -%} +{% evaluate bundleID using 'ID/Bundle' Data: firstSegments.MSH.10 -%} + +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + {% if firstSegments.MSH.7 -%} + "timestamp":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.7.Value | format_as_date_time }}", + {% endif -%} + "identifier": + { + "value":"{{ firstSegments.MSH.10.Value }}", + }, + "id":"{{ bundleID }}", + "entry": [ + + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% evaluate messageHeaderId using 'ID/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH -%} + + {% include 'Resource/MessageHeader' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: messageHeaderId -%} + {% evaluate provenanceId using 'ID/Provenance' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance' Root_Template: 'SIU_S26', MSH: firstSegments.MSH, REF_BUNDLE: bundleID, ID: provenanceId -%} + + {%- comment -%} + {% assign transformation_val = 'provenance_transformation' %} + {% evaluate provenanceOrganizationId using 'ID/Organization', prov_id: firstSegments.MSH -%} + {% evaluate provenanceTransformationId using 'ID/Provenance_transformation' prov_id: transformation_val -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' org_name: 'Microsoft Corporation', ID: provenanceOrganizationId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Provenance_transformation' Root_Template: 'ADT_A01', Provenance_Organization_ID: provenanceOrganizationId, REF_MSH: messageHeaderId, provenanceOrganizationId, ID: provenanceTransformationId -%} + {%- endcomment -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_MSH_4 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD1: firstSegments.MSH.4, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_ID_MSH_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.1 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.2 != null or firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.6.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_6 using 'ID/Organization' HD: firstSegments.MSH.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHHD2: firstSegments.MSH.6, MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: organization_Id_MSH_6 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.22.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_22 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.22 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON1: firstSegments.MSH.22, ID: organization_Id_MSH_22 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23 %} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != "" and firstSegments.MSH.23.1 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_Id_MSH_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: firstSegments.MSH.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' MSHXON2: firstSegments.MSH.23, ID: organization_Id_MSH_23 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.MSH.3 and firstSegments.MSH.24 %} + {% evaluate device_Id_MSH_3 using 'ID/Device' HD: firstSegments.MSH.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' MSH: firstSegments.MSH, ID: device_Id_MSH_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% endif -%} + + {% if firstSegments.SCH -%} + {% assign nteSegmentSchLists = hl7v2Data | get_segment_lists: 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate appointmentID using 'ID/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, baseId: patientId-%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' SCH: firstSegments.SCH, ID: appointmentID, pidseg: pidSegmentLists, TQ1:tq1SegmentLists.TQ1[0], NTE: nteSegmentSchLists.NTE[0], type_sch: 26 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.12.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_12 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.12.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.12.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_12 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_12 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_12 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.12 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_12: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_12, REF_SCH_12: practitionerId_SCH_12 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.15 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.16.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_16: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_16, REF_SCH_16: practitionerId_SCH_16 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.19 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% if firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.1 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.2 != null and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != "" and firstSegments.SCH.20.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_SCH_20 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: firstSegments.SCH.20.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: firstSegments.SCH.20.9, ID: Organization_ID_SCH_20 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_SCH_20 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_SCH_20 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: firstSegments.SCH.20 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' SCH_20: firstSegments.SCH, ID: practitionerRoleId_SCH_20, REF_SCH_20: practitionerId_SCH_20 -%} + + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: firstSegments.SCH.22 -%} + + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% for pidSegment in pidSegmentLists.PID -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegment, type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + + {% assign pd1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PD1' -%} + {% assign pd1Segment = pd1SegmentLists.PD1[0] %} + {% assign pv1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV1' -%} + {% assign pv1Segment = pv1SegmentLists.PV1[0] %} + {% assign pv2SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'PV2' -%} + {% assign pv2Segment = pv2SegmentLists.PV2[0] %} + {% assign obxSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'OBX' -%} + {% assign dg1SegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: pidSegment, 'DG1' -%} + + + {% include 'Resource/Patient' PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, ID: patientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Patient/PatientExtension' ID: PatientId, PID: pidSegment, PD1: pd1Segment, PV1: pv1Segment -%} + + {% if pidSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate accountId using 'ID/Account' CX: pidSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Account' PID: pidSegment, ID: accountId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Account/Subject' ID: accountId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% if pidSegment.18.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.1 != null and pidSegment.18.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.2 != null and pidSegment.18.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.18.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.18.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.18, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pidSegment.2 -%} + {% if pidSegment.2.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.1 != null and pidSegment.2.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.2 != null and pidSegment.2.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.2.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.2.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.2, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_2 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for pid3 in pidSegment.3.Repeats -%} + {% if pid3.4.1 != "" and pid3.4.1 != null and pid3.4.2 != "" and pid3.4.2 != null and pid3.4.3 != "" and pid3.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pid3.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pid3, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% if pidSegment.4 -%} + {% if pidSegment.4.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.1 != null and pidSegment.4.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.2 != null and pidSegment.4.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.4.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.4.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.4, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% unless nk1SegmentLists.NK1 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21 -%} + {% if pidSegment.21.4.1 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.1 != null and pidSegment.21.4.2 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.2 != null and pidSegment.21.4.3 != "" and pidSegment.21.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pidSegment.21.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PID: pidSegment.21, ID: Organization_ID_pid_CX_21 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate pidrelatedPersonId using 'ID/RelatedPerson' PID: pidSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/RelatedPerson' RelatedPerson_Patient_ID: fullPatientId, ID: pidrelatedPersonId, PID: pidSegment -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endunless -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_3 using 'ID/Organization' XON: pd1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' PD1: pd1Segment, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% if pd1Segment.4.9.1 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.1 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.2 != null and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != "" and pd1Segment.4.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pd1Segment.4.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PD1_4: pd1Segment.4.9, ID: Organization_ID_PD1_4_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pd1Segment.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PD1: pd1Segment.4, ID: Practitioner_ID_PD1_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% if pv1Segment -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.5.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.5.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.5.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.5.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_5_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.19 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.19.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.19.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.19.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.19.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_19_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.7.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.7.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.7.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.7.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_7_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_7 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.7 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.7, ID: practitionerId_PV1_7 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.8.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.8.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.8.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.8.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_8_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_8 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.8 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.8, ID: practitionerId_PV1_8 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.9.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.9.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.9.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.9.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_9_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_9 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.9, ID: practitionerId_PV1_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.17.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.17.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.17.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.17.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_17_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_17 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.17 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.17, ID: practitionerId_PV1_17 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.50 -%} + {% for p in pv1Segment.50.Repeats -%} + {% if p.4.1 != "" and p.4.1 != null and p.4.2 != "" and p.4.2 != null and p.4.3 != "" and p.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: p.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: p.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_50_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.52.9.1 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.1 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.2 != null and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != "" and pv1Segment.52.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.52.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.52.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_52_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV1_52 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv1Segment.52 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv1Segment.52, ID: practitionerId_PV1_52 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% if pv2Segment.13.9.1 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.1 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.2 != null and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != "" and pv2Segment.13.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv2Segment.13.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: pv2Segment.13.9, ID: Organization_ID_PV2_13_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_PV2_13 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: pv2Segment.13 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' PV1: pv2Segment.13, ID: practitionerId_PV2_13 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.3-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.6 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% evaluate location_ID_PV1_37 using 'ID/Location' DLD: pv1Segment.37 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Location' PV1: pv1Segment.37, ID: location_ID_PV1_37-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.42 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.42-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.43 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv1Segment.43-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv2Segment.1 -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: pv2Segment.1-%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% if pv1Segment.54.4.1 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.1 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.2 != null and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != "" and pv1Segment.54.4.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: pv1Segment.54.4 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV1: pv1Segment.54.4, ID: Organization_ID_PV1_54_4 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate EpisodeOfCare_ID using 'ID/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment.54 -%} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' PV1: pv1Segment, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID, patientRefrenceID: fullPatientId -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate encounterId using 'ID/Encounter' PV1: pv1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% assign fullEncounterId = encounterId | prepend: 'Encounter/' -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' Root_Template: 'SIU_S26', PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment, ID: encounterId -%} + {% include 'Reference/Encounter/Subject' ID: encounterId, REF: fullPatientId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Encounter/EncounterExtension' ID: encounterId, PV1: pv1Segment, PV2: pv2Segment -%} + {% endif -%} + + + {% for obxSegment in obxSegmentLists.OBX -%} + + {% for obx_16 in obxSegment.16.Repeats -%} + {% if obx_16.9.1 != "" and obx_16.9.1 != null and obx_16.9.2 != "" and obx_16.9.2 != null and obx_16.9.3 != "" and obx_16.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_OBX_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: obx_16.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX: obx_16.9, ID: Organization_ID_OBX_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerId_OBX_16 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obx_16 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_16 = practitionerId_OBX_16 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN1: obx_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_16, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_16 -%} + {% endfor %} + + {% if obxSegment.18 -%} + {% evaluate deviceId_OBX_18 using 'ID/Device' EI: obxSegment.18.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' EI_OBX18: obxSegment.18, ID: deviceId_OBX_18 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% if obxSegment.23 or obxSegment.25 %} + {% evaluate practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 using 'ID/PractitionerRole' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_OBX_25 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: obxSegment.25 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' OBX: obxSegment, OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerId_OBX_25 -%} + {% assign full_practitionerId_OBX_25 = practitionerId_OBX_25 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' %} + {% include 'Resource/PractitionerRole' OBXXCN2: obxSegment.25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Practitioner' REF: full_practitionerId_OBX_25, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% if obxSegment.23 -%} + {% evaluate organizationId_OBX_23 using 'ID/Organization' XON: obxSegment.23 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization' OBX_23: obxSegment.23, OBX_24: obxSegment.24, ID: organizationId_OBX_23 -%} + {% if obxSegment.25 -%} + {% assign full_organizationId_OBX_23 = organizationId_OBX_23 | prepend: 'Organization/' %} + {% include 'Reference/PractitionerRole/Organization' REF: full_organizationId_OBX_23, ID: practitionerRoleId_OBX_25 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate observationId using 'ID/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + + {% include 'Resource/Observation' OBX: obxSegment, Observation_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ID: observationId -%} + {% include 'Extensions/Observation/ObservationExtension' OBX: obxSegment, ID: observationId %} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for dg1Segment in dg1SegmentLists.DG1 -%} + + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] %} + {% if dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.1 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.2 != null and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != "" and dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_DG1_16 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', DG1: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0].9, ID: Organization_ID_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitionerId_DG1_16 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: dg1Segment.16.Repeats[0] -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' DG1: dg1Segment, ID: practitionerId_DG1_16 -%} + {% endif -%} + + {% evaluate conditionId using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment, Condition_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, baseId: patientId, ID: conditionId -%} + + {% if encounterId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Encounter' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: encounterId -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if EpisodeOfCare_ID %} + {% include 'Resource/EpisodeOfCare' DG1: dg1Segment, conditionId: conditionId, ID: EpisodeOfCare_ID -%} + {% endif %} + + {% if dg1Segment.22 %} + {% evaluate conditionId_DG1_22 using 'ID/Condition' DG1: dg1Segment.22, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/Condition' DG1_22: dg1Segment.22, Condition_Subject_ID_DG1_22: fullPatientId, ID: conditionId_DG1_22 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Extensions/Condition/ConditionExtension' DG1: dg1Segment, ID_DG1_22:conditionId_DG1_22, ID: conditionId %} + {% endfor -%} + + {% endfor -%} + + {% for rgsSegment in rgsSegmentLists.RGS -%} + {% evaluate patientId using 'ID/Patient' PID: pidSegmentLists.PID[0], type: 'First' -%} + {% assign fullPatientId = patientId | prepend: 'Patient/' -%} + {% assign aisSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIS' -%} + {% assign ailSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIL' -%} + {% assign aigSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIG' -%} + {% assign aipSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: rgsSegment, 'AIP' -%} + + {% for aisSegment in aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aisSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate serviceRequestId using 'ID/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, baseId: patientId -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' AIS: aisSegment, ID: serviceRequestId, ServiceRequest_Subject_ID: fullPatientId, ServiceRequest_Encounter_ID: fullEncounterId -%} + {% assign fullServiceRequestId = serviceRequestId | prepend: 'ServiceRequest/' -%} + {% include 'Reference/Appointment/BasedOn' ID: appointmentID, REF: fullServiceRequestId -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% if nteSegment.5 -%} + {% if nteSegment.5.9.1 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.1 != null and nteSegment.5.9.2 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.2 != null and nteSegment.5.9.3 != "" and nteSegment.5.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: nteSegment.5.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', PV2: nteSegment.5.9, ID: Organization_ID_EVN_5_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: nteSegment.5 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' NTE: nteSegment.5, ID: Practitioner_ID_NTE_5 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/ServiceRequest' NTE: nteSegment, ID: serviceRequestId -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aigSegment in aigSegmentLists.AIG -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: aigSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% evaluate device_Id_AIG_3 using 'ID/Device' AIG: aigSegment -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' AIG: aigSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIG: aigSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% assign fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 = device_Id_AIG_3 | prepend: 'Device/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullDevice_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/Device' NTE: nteSegment, ID: device_Id_AIG_3 -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for ailSegment in ailSegmentLists.AIL -%} + {% assign nteSegmentLists = hl7v2Data | get_related_segment_list: ailSegment, 'NTE' -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, AIL_4: ailSegment.4 -%} + {% for nteSegment in nteSegmentLists.NTE -%} + {% include 'Resource/PLLocation' PL: ailSegment.3, NTE: nteSegment -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% if ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.1 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.2 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.3 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.4 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.7 -%} + {% elseif ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% evaluate Location_ID_AIL_3 using 'ID/Location' PL: ailSegment.3.8 -%} + {% endif %} + {% assign fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 = Location_ID_AIL_3 | prepend: 'Location/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/LocationReference' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullLocation_ID_AIL_3 -%} + {% endif %} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIL: ailSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + + {% for aipSegment in aipSegmentLists.AIP -%} + {% if aipSegment.3 -%} + {% if aipSegment.3.9.1 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.1 != null and aipSegment.3.9.2 != "" and aipSegment.3.2 != null and aipSegment.3.9.3 != "" and aipSegment.3.9.3 != null -%} + {% evaluate organization_ID_AIP_3_9 using 'ID/Organization' HDORG: aipSegment.3.9 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Organization', AIP: aipSegment.3.9, ID: organization_ID_AIP_3_9 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% evaluate practitioner_ID_AIP_3 using 'ID/Practitioner' XCN: aipSegment.3 -%} + {% include 'Resource/Practitioner' AIP: aipSegment.3, ID: practitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% assign fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 = practitioner_ID_AIP_3 | prepend: 'Practitioner/' -%} + {% if aisSegmentLists.AIS -%} + {% include 'Reference/ServiceRequest/Performer' ID: serviceRequestId, REF: fullPractitioner_ID_AIP_3 -%} + {% endif -%} + {% endif -%} + {% include 'Resource/Appointment' AIP: aipSegment, ID: appointmentID -%} + {% endfor -%} + {% endfor -%} + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/release.yml b/release.yml index f8dcf5de6..623aba57c 100644 --- a/release.yml +++ b/release.yml @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ trigger: pr: - dotliquid - main -- xoriant/* +- templates/* variables: solution: '**/*.sln' @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ variables: functionalTests: "**/*FunctionalTests/*.csproj" buildConfiguration: 'Release' major: 4 - minor: 3 + minor: 4 patch: 0 buildnum: $[counter(format('{0}.{1}.{2}',variables['major'],variables['minor'], variables['patch']), 1)] version: $(major).$(minor).$(patch).$(buildnum) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/FunctionalTests.cs b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/FunctionalTests.cs index 5f8434b38..449c51fa2 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/FunctionalTests.cs +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/FunctionalTests.cs @@ -24,32 +24,74 @@ public static IEnumerable GetDataForHl7v2() { var data = new List { - new[] { @"ADT_A01", @"ADT_A01.hl7", @"ADT-A01-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A01", @"ADT_A01-2.hl7", @"ADT-A01-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A02", @"ADT_A02.hl7", @"ADT-A02-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A02", @"ADT_A02-2.hl7", @"ADT-A02-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A03", @"ADT_A03.hl7", @"ADT-A03-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A03", @"ADT_A03-2.hl7", @"ADT-A03-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A04", @"ADT_A04.hl7", @"ADT-A04-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A04", @"ADT_A04-2.hl7", @"ADT-A04-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A05", @"ADT_A05.hl7", @"ADT-A05-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A05", @"ADT_A05-2.hl7", @"ADT-A05-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A08", @"ADT_A08.hl7", @"ADT-A08-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A08", @"ADT_A08-2.hl7", @"ADT-A08-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A14", @"ADT_A14.hl7", @"ADT-A14-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A14", @"ADT_A14-2.hl7", @"ADT-A14-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A15", @"ADT_A15.hl7", @"ADT-A15-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A15", @"ADT_A15-2.hl7", @"ADT-A15-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A16", @"ADT_A16.hl7", @"ADT-A16-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A16", @"ADT_A16-2.hl7", @"ADT-A16-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A28", @"ADT_A28.hl7", @"ADT-A28-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A28", @"ADT_A28-2.hl7", @"ADT-A28-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A31", @"ADT_A31.hl7", @"ADT-A31-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A31", @"ADT_A31-2.hl7", @"ADT-A31-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A47", @"ADT_A47.hl7", @"ADT-A47-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A47", @"ADT_A47-2.hl7", @"ADT-A47-expected-2.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A60", @"ADT_A60.hl7", @"ADT-A60-expected.json" }, - new[] { @"ADT_A60", @"ADT_A60-2.hl7", @"ADT-A60-expected-2.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A01", @"ADT-A01-01.hl7", @"ADT-A01-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A01", @"ADT-A01-02.hl7", @"ADT-A01-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A02", @"ADT-A02-01.hl7", @"ADT-A02-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A02", @"ADT-A02-02.hl7", @"ADT-A02-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A03", @"ADT-A03-01.hl7", @"ADT-A03-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A03", @"ADT-A03-02.hl7", @"ADT-A03-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A04", @"ADT-A04-01.hl7", @"ADT-A04-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A04", @"ADT-A04-02.hl7", @"ADT-A04-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A05", @"ADT-A05-01.hl7", @"ADT-A05-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A05", @"ADT-A05-02.hl7", @"ADT-A05-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A08", @"ADT-A08-01.hl7", @"ADT-A08-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A08", @"ADT-A08-02.hl7", @"ADT-A08-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A11", @"ADT-A11-01.hl7", @"ADT-A11-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A11", @"ADT-A11-02.hl7", @"ADT-A11-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A13", @"ADT-A13-01.hl7", @"ADT-A13-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A13", @"ADT-A13-02.hl7", @"ADT-A13-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A14", @"ADT-A14-01.hl7", @"ADT-A14-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A14", @"ADT-A14-02.hl7", @"ADT-A14-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A15", @"ADT-A15-01.hl7", @"ADT-A15-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A15", @"ADT-A15-02.hl7", @"ADT-A15-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A16", @"ADT-A16-01.hl7", @"ADT-A16-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A16", @"ADT-A16-02.hl7", @"ADT-A16-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A25", @"ADT-A25-01.hl7", @"ADT-A25-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A25", @"ADT-A25-02.hl7", @"ADT-A25-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A26", @"ADT-A26-01.hl7", @"ADT-A26-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A26", @"ADT-A26-02.hl7", @"ADT-A26-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A27", @"ADT-A27-01.hl7", @"ADT-A27-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A27", @"ADT-A27-02.hl7", @"ADT-A27-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A28", @"ADT-A28-01.hl7", @"ADT-A28-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A28", @"ADT-A28-02.hl7", @"ADT-A28-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A29", @"ADT-A29-01.hl7", @"ADT-A29-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A29", @"ADT-A29-02.hl7", @"ADT-A29-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A31", @"ADT-A31-01.hl7", @"ADT-A31-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A31", @"ADT-A31-02.hl7", @"ADT-A31-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A47", @"ADT-A47-01.hl7", @"ADT-A47-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A47", @"ADT-A47-02.hl7", @"ADT-A47-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A60", @"ADT-A60-01.hl7", @"ADT-A60-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ADT_A60", @"ADT-A60-02.hl7", @"ADT-A60-02-expected.json" }, + + new[] { @"SIU_S12", @"SIU-S12-01.hl7", @"SIU-S12-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S12", @"SIU-S12-02.hl7", @"SIU-S12-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S13", @"SIU-S13-01.hl7", @"SIU-S13-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S13", @"SIU-S13-02.hl7", @"SIU-S13-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S14", @"SIU-S14-01.hl7", @"SIU-S14-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S14", @"SIU-S14-02.hl7", @"SIU-S14-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S15", @"SIU-S15-01.hl7", @"SIU-S15-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S15", @"SIU-S15-02.hl7", @"SIU-S15-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S16", @"SIU-S16-01.hl7", @"SIU-S16-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S16", @"SIU-S16-02.hl7", @"SIU-S16-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S17", @"SIU-S17-01.hl7", @"SIU-S17-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S17", @"SIU-S17-02.hl7", @"SIU-S17-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S26", @"SIU-S26-01.hl7", @"SIU-S26-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"SIU_S26", @"SIU-S26-02.hl7", @"SIU-S26-02-expected.json" }, + + new[] { "ORU_R01", "ORU-R01-01.hl7", @"ORU-R01-01-expected.json"}, + + new[] { @"ORM_O01", @"ORM-O01-01.hl7", @"ORM-O01-01-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ORM_O01", @"ORM-O01-02.hl7", @"ORM-O01-02-expected.json" }, + new[] { @"ORM_O01", @"ORM-O01-03.hl7", @"ORM-O01-03-expected.json" }, + + new[] { "MDM_T01", "MDM-T01-01.hl7", @"MDM-T01-01-expected.json"}, + new[] { "MDM_T01", "MDM-T01-02.hl7", @"MDM-T01-02-expected.json"}, + new[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-01.hl7", @"MDM-T02-01-expected.json"}, + new[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-02.hl7", @"MDM-T02-02-expected.json"}, + new[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-03.hl7", @"MDM-T02-03-expected.json"}, + + new[] { "OML_O21", "OML-O21-01.hl7", @"OML-O21-01-expected.json"}, + 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"ADT_A04", "ADT_A04-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A05", "ADT_A05.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A05", "ADT_A05-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A08", "ADT_A08.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A08", "ADT_A08-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A14", "ADT_A14.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A14", "ADT_A14-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A15", "ADT_A15.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A15", "ADT_A15-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A16", "ADT_A16.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A16", "ADT_A16-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A28", "ADT_A28.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A28", "ADT_A28-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A31", "ADT_A31.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A31", "ADT_A31-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A47", "ADT_A47.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A47", "ADT_A47-2.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A60", "ADT_A60.hl7" }, - new object[] { "ADT_A60", "ADT_A60-2.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A01", "ADT-A01-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A01", "ADT-A01-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A02", "ADT-A02-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A02", "ADT-A02-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A03", "ADT-A03-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A03", "ADT-A03-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A04", "ADT-A04-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A04", "ADT-A04-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A05", "ADT-A05-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A05", "ADT-A05-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A08", "ADT-A08-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A08", "ADT-A08-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A11", "ADT-A11-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A11", "ADT-A11-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A13", "ADT-A13-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A13", "ADT-A13-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A14", "ADT-A14-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A14", "ADT-A14-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A15", "ADT-A15-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A15", "ADT-A15-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A16", "ADT-A16-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A16", "ADT-A16-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A25", "ADT-A25-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A25", "ADT-A25-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A26", "ADT-A26-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A26", "ADT-A26-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A27", "ADT-A27-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A27", "ADT-A27-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A28", "ADT-A28-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A28", "ADT-A28-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A29", "ADT-A29-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A29", "ADT-A29-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A31", "ADT-A31-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A31", "ADT-A31-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A47", "ADT-A47-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A47", "ADT-A47-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A60", "ADT-A60-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ADT_A60", "ADT-A60-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ORU_R01", "ORU-R01-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S12", "SIU-S12-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S12", "SIU-S12-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S13", "SIU-S13-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S13", "SIU-S13-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S14", "SIU-S14-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S14", "SIU-S14-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S15", "SIU-S15-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S15", "SIU-S15-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S16", "SIU-S16-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S16", "SIU-S16-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S17", "SIU-S17-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S17", "SIU-S17-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S26", "SIU-S26-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "SIU_S26", "SIU-S26-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ORM_O01", "ORM-O01-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ORM_O01", "ORM-O01-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "ORM_O01", "ORM-O01-03.hl7" }, + + new object[] { "MDM_T01", "MDM-T01-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "MDM_T01", "MDM-T01-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-02.hl7" }, + new object[] { "MDM_T02", "MDM-T02-03.hl7" }, + + new object[] { "OML_O21", "OML-O21-01.hl7" }, + new object[] { "OML_O21", "OML-O21-02.hl7" }, new object[] { "ADT_A01", "ADT01-23.hl7" }, new object[] { "ADT_A01", "ADT01-28.hl7" }, @@ -415,6 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b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/TestData/Expected/Hl7v2/ADT_A01/ADT-A01-01-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81f5eb19c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/TestData/Expected/Hl7v2/ADT_A01/ADT-A01-01-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,4623 @@ +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + "timestamp": "1989-08-18T14:41:00+05:30", + "identifier": { + "value": "MSG00001" + }, + "id": "513a3d06-5e87-6fbc-ad1b-170ab430499f", + "entry": [ + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:b4ca189b-51ae-33df-cbe2-559b4423a321", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "MessageHeader", + "id": "b4ca189b-51ae-33df-cbe2-559b4423a321", + "source": { + "name": "24GHH", + "endpoint": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114884.10.20", + "version": "", + "software": "Rhapsody" + }, + "destination": [ + { + "name": "25GHH", + "endpoint": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114884.10.23", + "receiver": { + "reference": "Organization/527280c1-34d1-c639-e9ba-61986d28e266" + } + } + 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Resource bundle generated on 2021-11-08T05:55:14.38Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A01.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T11:38:42.01Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A11.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-07T12:37:12.345Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A01.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T11:42:14.552Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A13.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-07T13:22:27.454Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A14.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T11:43:58.205Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A14.

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T11:45:27.133Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A15.

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Visit Description:

" + "div": "

Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T10:14:07.714Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A26.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T10:14:50.627Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A26.

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Visit Description:

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T10:35:13.183Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A27.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T10:35:48.22Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A27.

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-07T13:33:25.099Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A28.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T10:36:37.507Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ADT_A28.

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description: Health Checkup

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description:

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T09:22:23.425Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: MDM_T02.

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description:

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-07T13:59:20.123Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: ORU_R01.

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Visit Description:

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Visit Description:

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Used by US Department of Defense.", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0301" + } + ] + } + } + ], + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/9e909e52-61a1-be50-1878-a12ef8c36346" + } + }, + "request": { + "method": "PUT", + "url": "Condition/98e2ecfc-6e04-bc30-6624-4f3686214b22" + } + }, + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:377d8e6d-3ee4-7509-6f8b-6279da04eb6b", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "ServiceRequest", + "id": "377d8e6d-3ee4-7509-6f8b-6279da04eb6b", + "status": "active", + "intent": "filler-order", + "orderDetail": [ + { + "coding": [ + { + "code": "5001", + "display": "EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope", + "system": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/L" + } + ] + }, + { + "coding": [ + { + "code": "5001", + "display": "EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope", + "system": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/L" + } + ] + } + ], + "occurrencePeriod": { + "start": "2021-09-24T12:45:00+05:30" + }, + "code": { + "coding": [ + { + "code": "76164006", + "display": "Biopsy of colon (procedure)", + "system": "http://snomed.info/sct" + }, + { + "code": "1212", + "display": "Biopsy" + } + ] + }, + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/9e909e52-61a1-be50-1878-a12ef8c36346" + }, + "encounter": { + "reference": "Encounter/da6f322f-ef5e-4f2c-c1f8-6e38dffbf995" + }, + "note": [ + { + "text": "Nursing staff instructions - Patient bowel preparation for the procedure" + }, + { + "text": "Patient instructions - light meal or liquid diet a day before procedure" + } + ], + "performer": [ + { + "reference": "Device/0434a8f4-6ef0-5dc7-d1a1-91ad4b080b00" + }, + { + "reference": "Practitioner/cf8dbd4d-8d1c-57fc-1609-c069ee81b4cb" + } + ], + "locationReference": [ + { + "reference": "Location/b13417bd-d0fb-e50f-b65a-cd07396a0608" + } + ] + }, + "request": { + "method": "PUT", + "url": "ServiceRequest/377d8e6d-3ee4-7509-6f8b-6279da04eb6b" + } + }, + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:0434a8f4-6ef0-5dc7-d1a1-91ad4b080b00", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "Device", + "id": "0434a8f4-6ef0-5dc7-d1a1-91ad4b080b00", + "identifier": [ + { + "value": "5001", + "system": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhir-converter/CodeSystem/L" + }, + { + "value": "5002" + } + ], + "deviceName": [ + { + "name": "EVIS X12 Video Colonoscope", + "type": "model-name" + } + ], + "status": "active", + "note": [ + { + "text": "Check if this particular equipment is available" + } + ] + }, + "request": { + "method": "PUT", + "url": "Device/0434a8f4-6ef0-5dc7-d1a1-91ad4b080b00" + } + }, + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:cf8dbd4d-8d1c-57fc-1609-c069ee81b4cb", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "Practitioner", + "id": "cf8dbd4d-8d1c-57fc-1609-c069ee81b4cb", + "identifier": [ + { + "value": "1210" + } + ], + "name": [ + { + "family": "GE", + "given": [ + "Robert", + "C" + ] + } + ] + }, + "request": { + "method": "PUT", + "url": "Practitioner/cf8dbd4d-8d1c-57fc-1609-c069ee81b4cb" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/TestData/Expected/Hl7v2/SIU_S12/SIU-S12-02-expected.json b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/TestData/Expected/Hl7v2/SIU_S12/SIU-S12-02-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1557678d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.FunctionalTests/TestData/Expected/Hl7v2/SIU_S12/SIU-S12-02-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,1639 @@ +{ + "resourceType": "Bundle", + "type": "batch", + "timestamp": "2021-08-10T14:45:00+05:30", + "identifier": { + "value": "MSG00012" + }, + "id": "40a1916e-f6ff-36b1-dc5f-f94ad8ccb715", + "entry": [ + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:84fede5c-45a5-87f6-e613-122c708147b1", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "MessageHeader", + "id": "84fede5c-45a5-87f6-e613-122c708147b1", + "source": { + "name": "24GHH", + "endpoint": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114884.10.20" + }, + "destination": [ + { + "name": "25GHH", + "endpoint": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114884.10.23", + "receiver": { + "reference": "Organization/527280c1-34d1-c639-e9ba-61986d28e266" + } + } + ], + "meta": { + "security": [ + { + "display": "SECURITY", + "system": "http://example.com/v2-to-fhirconverter/security-label" + } + ], + "tag": [ + { + "code": "P", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0103" + } + ] + }, + "eventCoding": { + "code": "S12", + "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0003", + "display": "SIU^S12^SIU_S12" + }, + "language": "en-US", + "sender": { + "reference": "Organization/4356fb81-6ecd-2d70-57b1-47812638e785" + }, + "responsible": { + "reference": "Organization/33532a82-d220-4c0d-1abe-53e48951c201" + } + }, + "request": { + "method": "PUT", + "url": "MessageHeader/84fede5c-45a5-87f6-e613-122c708147b1" + } + }, + { + "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:09e54df1-8856-96ca-cdbf-4bdbd94a26a3", + "resource": { + "resourceType": "Provenance", + "id": "09e54df1-8856-96ca-cdbf-4bdbd94a26a3", + "text": { + "status": "generated", + "div": "

Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T08:39:40.333Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: SIU_S12.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T08:40:48.961Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: SIU_S13.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T08:45:54.523Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: SIU_S17.

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Resource bundle generated on 2021-10-29T08:47:17.095Z using Microsoft FHIR Converter.Template Version: TEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER.Template URL: https://github.com/microsoft/FHIR-Converter/releases/download/vTEMPLATE_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/Hl7v2DefaultTemplates.tar.gz.Root template: VXU_V04.

" }, "occurredDateTime": "2015-06-24T19:17:27.655+05:30", "recorded": "2015-06-24T19:17:27.655+05:30", @@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ }, "request": { "method": "PUT", - "url": "Provenance/e07c0451-5793-a1b1-e817-578764a7cc5b" + "url": "Provenance/87847f45-4a99-9d88-c439-65574d8fd20b" } }, { @@ -519,6 +520,9 @@ ] }, "effectiveDateTime": "2015-06-24", + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/8dc947ee-0db3-5fa2-04bb-16fd7680cfbe" + }, "partOf": [ { "reference": "Immunization/c0f2ddcb-f061-279f-d5e1-7b54b437e9db" @@ -564,6 +568,9 @@ } ] }, + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/8dc947ee-0db3-5fa2-04bb-16fd7680cfbe" + }, "partOf": [ { "reference": "Immunization/c0f2ddcb-f061-279f-d5e1-7b54b437e9db" @@ -600,6 +607,9 @@ ] }, "effectiveDateTime": "2015-06-24", + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/8dc947ee-0db3-5fa2-04bb-16fd7680cfbe" + }, "partOf": [ { "reference": "Immunization/c0f2ddcb-f061-279f-d5e1-7b54b437e9db" @@ -628,6 +638,9 @@ }, "valueDateTime": "2015-06-24", "effectiveDateTime": "2015-06-24", + "subject": { + "reference": "Patient/8dc947ee-0db3-5fa2-04bb-16fd7680cfbe" + }, "partOf": [ { "reference": "Immunization/c0f2ddcb-f061-279f-d5e1-7b54b437e9db" diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/DateFiltersTests.cs b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/DateFiltersTests.cs index cdb5d195a..8f2013466 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/DateFiltersTests.cs +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/DateFiltersTests.cs @@ -15,12 +15,45 @@ public class DateFiltersTests { public static IEnumerable GetValidDataForAddHyphensDate() { - yield return new object[] { null, null }; - yield return new object[] { string.Empty, string.Empty }; - yield return new object[] { @"2001", @"2001" }; - yield return new object[] { @"200101", @"2001-01" }; - yield return new object[] { @"19241010", @"1924-10-10" }; - yield return new object[] { @"19850101000000", @"1985-01-01" }; + yield return new object[] { null, "local", null }; + yield return new object[] { string.Empty, "local", string.Empty }; + yield return new object[] { @"2001", "preserve", @"2001" }; + yield return new object[] { @"200101", "preserve", @"2001-01" }; + yield return new object[] { @"19241010", "local", @"1924-10-10" }; + yield return new object[] { @"19850101000000", "local", @"1985-01-01" }; + } + + // We assume the local timezone is +08:00. + public static IEnumerable GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForAddHyphensDateWithUtcTimeZoneHandling() + { + yield return new object[] { @"200101", "utc", @"2000-12" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20010102", "utc", @"2001-01-01" }; + yield return new object[] { @"19850101000000", "utc", @"1984-12-31" }; + } + + public static IEnumerable GetValidDataForAddSeconds() + { + yield return new object[] { null, 60, "local", null }; + yield return new object[] { string.Empty, 60, "local", string.Empty }; + + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00.000+10:00", -60, "utc", @"1969-12-31T14:00:00.000Z" }; + + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00Z", 60.123, "preserve", @"1970-01-01T00:02:00.123Z" }; + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00+06:00", 60.000, "preserve", @"1970-01-01T00:02:00+06:00" }; + yield return new object[] { @"2001-01", 60, "preserve", @"2001-01-01T00:01:00" }; + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00+14:00", 60, "utc", @"1969-12-31T10:02:00Z" }; + + // Skip this test in pipeline, as the local time zone is different + // yield return new object[] { @"1924-10-10", 60000, "utc", @"1924-10-10T08:40:00Z" }; + // yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00+06:00", 60, "local", @"1970-01-01T02:02:00+08:00" }; + // yield return new object[] { @"1924-10-10", 60000, "local", @"1924-10-10T16:40:00" }; + } + + // We assume the local timezone is +08:00. + public static IEnumerable GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForAddSecondsWithUtcTimeZoneHandling() + { + yield return new object[] { @"1924-10-10", 60000, "utc", @"1924-10-10T08:40:00Z" }; + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01", 60, "utc", @"1969-12-31T16:01:00Z" }; } public static IEnumerable GetValidDataForFormatAsDateTime() @@ -33,10 +66,8 @@ public static IEnumerable GetValidDataForFormatAsDateTime() yield return new object[] { string.Empty, "utc", string.Empty }; yield return new object[] { string.Empty, "local", string.Empty }; yield return new object[] { @"2001", "preserve", @"2001" }; - yield return new object[] { @"2001", "utc", @"2001" }; yield return new object[] { @"2001", "local", @"2001" }; yield return new object[] { @"200101", "preserve", @"2001-01" }; - yield return new object[] { @"200101", "utc", @"2001-01" }; yield return new object[] { @"200101", "local", @"2001-01" }; // If no time zone provided, it is treated as local @@ -50,11 +81,21 @@ public static IEnumerable GetValidDataForFormatAsDateTime() yield return new object[] { @"19701231115959+0600", "utc", @"1970-12-31T05:59:59Z" }; // Skip this test in pipeline, as the local time zone is different + // yield return new object[] { @"2001", "utc", @"2000" }; // yield return new object[] { @"20050110045253", "utc", @"2005-01-09T20:52:53Z" }; // yield return new object[] { @"20110103143428-0800", "local", @"2011-01-04T06:34:28+08:00" }; // yield return new object[] { @"19701231115959+0600", "local", @"1970-12-31T13:59:59+08:00" }; } + // We assume the local timezone is +08:00. + public static IEnumerable GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForFormatAsDateTimeWithUtcTimeZoneHandling() + { + yield return new object[] { @"200101", "utc", @"2000-12" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20050110045253", "utc", @"2005-01-09T20:52:53Z" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20110103143428", "utc", @"2011-01-03T06:34:28Z" }; + yield return new object[] { @"19701231115959", "utc", @"1970-12-31T03:59:59Z" }; + } + public static IEnumerable GetInvalidDataForAddHyphensDate() { yield return new object[] { @"20badInput" }; @@ -90,22 +131,84 @@ public static IEnumerable GetInvalidTimeZoneHandling() yield return new object[] { @"19701231115959+0600", "abc" }; } + public static IEnumerable GetInvalidDataForAddSeconds() + { + yield return new object[] { @"20badInput" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20140130080051--0500" }; + yield return new object[] { @"2014.051-0500" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20140130080051123+0500" }; + yield return new object[] { @"20201" }; + yield return new object[] { @"2020060" }; + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01:00" }; + yield return new object[] { @"1970-01-01T00:01" }; + yield return new object[] { @"2001-01T" }; + } + + [Theory] + [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataForAddSeconds))] + public void GivenSeconds_WhenAddOnValidDateTime_CorrectDateTimeStringShouldBeReturned(string originalDateTime, double seconds, string timeZoneHandling, string expectedDateTime) + { + var result = Filters.AddSeconds(originalDateTime, seconds, timeZoneHandling); + Assert.Equal(expectedDateTime, result); + } + + [Theory] + [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForAddSecondsWithUtcTimeZoneHandling))] + public void GivenSeconds_WhenAddOnValidDataWithoutTimeZone_CorrectDateTimeShouldBeReturned(string originalDateTime, double seconds, string timeZoneHandling, string expectedDateTime) + { + var result = Filters.AddSeconds(originalDateTime, seconds, timeZoneHandling); + var dateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Parse(result); + dateTimeOffset = dateTimeOffset.AddHours(TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours - 8); + var dateTimeString = dateTimeOffset.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); + Assert.Equal(expectedDateTime, dateTimeString); + } + + [Theory] + [MemberData(nameof(GetInvalidDataForAddSeconds))] + public void GivenSeconds_WhenAddOnInvalidDateTime_ExceptionShouldBeThrow(string originalDateTime) + { + var exception = Assert.Throws(() => Filters.AddSeconds(originalDateTime, 0)); + Assert.Equal(FhirConverterErrorCode.InvalidDateTimeFormat, exception.FhirConverterErrorCode); + } + [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataForAddHyphensDate))] - public void GivenADate_WhenAddHyphensDate_ConvertedDateShouldBeReturned(string input, string expected) + public void GivenADate_WhenAddHyphensDate_ConvertedDateShouldBeReturned(string input, string timeZoneHandling, string expected) { - var result = Filters.AddHyphensDate(input); + var result = Filters.AddHyphensDate(input, timeZoneHandling); Assert.Equal(expected, result); } + [Theory] + [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForAddHyphensDateWithUtcTimeZoneHandling))] + public void GivenAValidDataWithoutTimeZone_WhenAddHyphensDate_CorrectDateTimeShouldBeReturned(string input, string timeZoneHandling, string expected) + { + var result = Filters.AddHyphensDate(input, timeZoneHandling); + var dateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Parse(result); + dateTimeOffset = dateTimeOffset.AddHours(TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours - 8); + var dateTimeString = dateTimeOffset.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); + Assert.Contains(expected, dateTimeString); + } + [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataForFormatAsDateTime))] - public void GivenADateTime_WhenFormatAsDateTime_ConvertedDateShouldBeReturned(string input, string timeZoneHandling, string expected) + public void GivenADateTime_WhenFormatAsDateTime_ConvertedDateTimeStringShouldBeReturned(string input, string timeZoneHandling, string expected) { var result = Filters.FormatAsDateTime(input, timeZoneHandling); Assert.Equal(expected, result); } + [Theory] + [MemberData(nameof(GetValidDataWithoutTimeZoneForFormatAsDateTimeWithUtcTimeZoneHandling))] + public void GivenAValidDataWithoutTimeZone_WhenFormatAsDateTime_ConvertedDateTimeShouldBeReturned(string input, string timeZoneHandling, string expectedDateTime) + { + var result = Filters.FormatAsDateTime(input, timeZoneHandling); + var dateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Parse(result); + dateTimeOffset = dateTimeOffset.AddHours(TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours - 8); + var dateTimeString = dateTimeOffset.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); + Assert.Contains(expectedDateTime, dateTimeString); + } + [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(GetInvalidDataForAddHyphensDate))] public void GivenAnInvalidDateTime_WhenAddHyphensDate_ExceptionShouldBeThrown(string input) diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/StringFiltersTests.cs b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/StringFiltersTests.cs index bf7d3a461..85ba98ce7 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/StringFiltersTests.cs +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests/Filters/StringFiltersTests.cs @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.UnitTests.FilterTests { public class StringFiltersTests { + [Fact] + public void ToDoubleTest() + { + Assert.Equal(0, Filters.ToDouble("0")); + Assert.Equal(1000, Filters.ToDouble("1000")); + Assert.Equal(50.05, Filters.ToDouble("50.05")); + + Assert.Throws(() => Filters.ToDouble("invalid")); + Assert.Throws(() => Filters.ToDouble(null)); + } + [Fact] public void CharAtTest() { diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter/Filters/DateFilters.cs b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter/Filters/DateFilters.cs index e0fcde9b1..983bc4054 100644 --- a/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter/Filters/DateFilters.cs +++ b/src/Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter/Filters/DateFilters.cs @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; -using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Exceptions; using Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Models; @@ -15,114 +14,86 @@ namespace Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter /// public partial class Filters { - private static readonly Regex DateTimeRegex = new Regex(@"^((?\d{4})((?\d{2})((?\d{2})(?