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Azure Services Naming Convention

Rick Rainey edited this page Mar 22, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page documents the naming convention being used for all azure services created as part of this project.

Name Segments

The convention consists of the following segments. Each segment is separated by hyphens when allowed. Should the resource type not allow hyphens, then no special characters are used to separate the segments.

Segment Max Length Description
app 4 name for the application, product, or module which owns the resource
location 4 The abbreviated name of the location to which the resource is deployed
resource type 4 The abbreviated name of the resource
suffix 8 A user defined suffix that qualifies the resource

Suffix Examples

The following are example suffix approaches.


In this approach an hash string is generated from a string value. This hash is then used to represent the original string value. That hash could then be interpreted as the original longer string it represents. For example, a resource group id (which includes the subscription id) could be hashed. Then the hash would indicate to what resource group and subscription a resource belongs.

Environment + Organization

In this approach, an abbreviated representation of the environment is used to qualify to which logical environment a resource belongs. The org portion is used to add additional and readable entropy to a resource such that it is globally unique across all of azure.

This approach could be used in combination with the hash method. The hash used could indicate to which environment and org a resource belongs with potentially fewer characters.



The core module's East US resource group. Suffix in this example uses a hash to qualify the name


The compute module's West US storage account. The suffix in this case is a string that indicates the environment and org to which the storage account belongs. Since storage accounts do not support hyphens, the segments are concatenated without hyphens.

Resource Type Abbreviations

The following table defines the abbreviation that should be used for each azure service.

Abbr Resource Type
rg Resource Group
sp Active Directory Service Principal
vm Virtual Machine
vmss Virtual Machine Scale Sets
aks Kubernetes Service
aci Container Instances
sf Service Fabric
acr Container Registry
avs Availability Set
as App Service
asp App Service Plan
ase App Service Environment
asd App Service Domain
agw Application Gateway
ai Application Insights
apim API Management Services
cos Cosmos DB
psql Azure DB for PostgreSQL
msql Azure DB for MySQL
sqld SQL Database
sqls SQL Server
dw SQL Data Warehouse
df Data Factory
rdc Redis Cache
eh Event Hub
eg Event Grid
ioth IOT Hub
sa Stream Analytics
pbi Power BI
func Function App
vnet Virtual Network
lb Load Balancer
tm Traffic Manager
fd Front Door
la Log Analytics
lapp Logic App
dnsz DNS Zones
nw Network Watcher
nsg Network Security Group
pip Public IP Address
nic Network Interface
er ExpressRoute
cdn Content Delivery Network
stg Storage Account
bai Batch AI
cogs Cognitive Services

Location Abbreviations

The following table defines the abbreviation that should be used for each azure location.

Abbr Location
asea eastasia
assw southeastasia
usce centralus
usea eastus
use2 eastus2
uswe westus
usw2 westus2
usnc northcentralus
ussc southcentralus
uswc westcentralus
euno northeurope
euwe westeurope
jawe japanwest
jaea japaneast
brso brazilsouth
auea australiaeast
ause australiasoutheast
inso southindia
ince centralindia
inwe westindia
cace canadacentral
caea canadaeast
ukso uksouth
ukwe ukwest
koce koreacentral
koso koreasouth
frce francecentral
frso francesouth
auce australiacentral
auc2 australiacentral2
sano southafricanorth
sawe southafricawest
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