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File metadata and controls

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Kernel Memory as a Service

This folder contains Kernel Memory Service, used to manage memory settings, ingest data and query for answers.

The service is composed by two main components:

  1. A web service to upload files, to ask questions.
  2. A background asynchronous data pipeline to process the files uploaded.

If you need deploying and scaling the webservice and the pipeline handlers separately, you can enable/disable each of them via configuration.

Once the service is up and running, you can use the Kernel Memory web client or simply interact with the Web API. The API schema is available at when running the service locally with OpenAPI enabled.

▶️ Docker support

If you're looking for a Docker image, we publish a build here and you can use the Dockerfile in the repo for custom builds.

You can test the image in demo mode passing the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable:

docker run -e OPENAI_API_KEY="..." -p 9001:9001 -it --rm kernelmemory/service

otherwise for a full setup, after creating a configuration file:

on Windows:

docker run --volume .\appsettings.Development.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json -it --rm -p 9001:9001 kernelmemory/service

on macOS/Linux:

docker run --volume ./appsettings.Development.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json -it --rm -p 9001:9001 kernelmemory/service

⚙️ Configuration

To quickly set up the service, run the following command and follow the questions on screen.

dotnet run setup

The wizard will create a configuration file appsettings.Development.json that you can customize. Look at the comments in appsettings.json for details and more advanced options.

Configuration settings can be saved in multiple places, each source can also override the previous (ie environment variables can be used to override settings in the config files):

  1. appsettings.json: although possible, it's not recommended, to avoid risks of leaking secrets in source code repositories. The file is mandatory and is used only for default settings.
  2. appsettings.Development.json: this is used only when the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is set to Development.
  3. appsettings.Production.json: this is used only when the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is set to Production.
  4. .NET Secret Manager
  5. using env vars: preferred method for credentials. Any setting in appsettings.json can be overridden by env vars. The env var name corresponds to the configuration key name, using __ (double underscore) as a separator instead of :. For instance:
    • Logging:LogLevel:Default is set with Logging__LogLevel__Default.
    • KernelMemory:DataIngestion:EmbeddingGeneratorTypes is an array and for setting its first value use KernelMemory__DataIngestion__EmbeddingGeneratorTypes__0. If the array contains 2 elements the second would be __1, and so on.

▶️ Start the service from source

To run the Kernel Memory service:

On WSL / Linux / MacOS:

cd service/Service

On Windows:

cd service\Service

The scripts internally use the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT env var, so the code will use the settings stored in appsettings.Development.json.

⚙️ Dependencies

The service depends on three main components:

  • Document storage: this is where the application stores files, chats, emails, cache, async job status, and temporary files used during the memory ingestion. The solution supports Azure Blobs, local filesystem, MongoDb, and in-memory volatile filesystem. The volatile file system is used by default, but should be avoided in Production and used only for demos and tests.

  • Memory storage: service used to persist embeddings and memory records. The service supports Azure AI Search, Postgres, Qdrant, Redis, SQL Server and other engines, plus a very basic in memory vector storage with support for persistence on disk called SimpleVectorDb. Unless configured differently, KM uses SimpleVectorDb storing data in memory only.

  • Embedding generator: all the documents uploaded are automatically partitioned (aka "chunked") and indexed for vector search, generating several embedding vectors for each file. We recommend using OpenAI ADA v2 model, though you can easily plug in any embedding generator if needed.

  • Text generator (aka LLM): during document ingestion and when asking questions, the service requires an LLM to execute prompts, e.g. to generate synthetic data, and to generate answers. The service has been tested with OpenAI GPT3.5 and GPT4 which we recommend. The number of tokens available is also an important factor affecting summarization and answer generations, so you might get better results with 16k, 32k and bigger models.

  • Data ingestion orchestration: this can run in memory and in the same process, e.g. when working with small files, or run as a service, in which case it requires persistent queues like Azure Queues or RabbitMQ. The Core assembly/package includes also a basic in memory queue called SimpleQueues that might be useful for tests and demos.

    When running the service, we recommend persistent queues for reliability and horizontal scaling, like Azure Queues and RabbitMQ.