This is my personal list of free (or paid and free) online resources, such as illustrations, icons, fonts and tools. Feel free to add links and other resources.
Invision App: Free Design Resources
Icons8: Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools
UnDraw: Illustrations
Paaatterns: Svg and Png geometrical patterns
ManyPixel: Illustrations and Icons
Drawkit: Illustrations (2D, 3D, animated) and Icons
Humaaans: Illustrations
Avaaatars: avatars gallery
Reshot: Free Illustrations
Blush: Free Illustrations (customizable)
OpenDoodles: Free doodles and illustrations
OpenPeeps: Hand drawn illustrations
FreeIllustrations: Free Illustrations
Handz: Free collections of 3D hands
Ouch (icons8): Illustrations 2D and 3D (not free)
PaperSize: comprehensive resource listing of all paper sizes, dimensions, and formats.
Haikei: design assets generators (blob, curves, waves, ...)
Tabbied: Random background pattern generator
MeshGradient: Generate mesh gradients
Shots: create beautiful mockup
100L5: a list of useful online tools
AnimXYZ: Generatore di animazioni