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Creating new chat messages

In this step, we'll continue to explore the idea of container and presentational components by passing a createMessage action from the <ChannelContainer /> into a presentational component. All the presentational component will do is invoke the action, without any concern for what the particulars of "saving a message" might entail.

Let's turn our attention to the app/components/channel-container.js file.

Let's begin by injecting the auth service, since we will need it in order to obtain the userId of the currently logged-in user.

   * @type {AuthService}
  @service auth;

Next, let's enhance our channel container by implementing a createMessage action. This should...

  • take a chat message body (a string) as an argument
  • make a POST API call with Content-Type: application/json header to the /api/messages endpoint, with a payload like { channelId: 'foo', teamId: 'bar', body: 'hello channel', userId: 123 }
  • throw an error if the HTTP response cannot be completed, or if the status code looks non-successful
  • add the new message that the server returns to the this.messages array
  async createMessage(body) {
    const {
      channel: { id: channelId, teamId },
    } = this.args;

    const resp = await fetch(`/api/messages`, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        userId: this.auth.currentUserId,
    if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
    if (!resp.ok) {
      throw new Error(
        'Problem creating message: ' + (await resp.text())

    const newMessage = await resp.json();
    if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;

    this.messages = [
      { ...newMessage, user: this.auth.currentUser },
    return newMessage;

In this component's template, let's create a new acts object that's yielded out, and pass our new action along as a property. Consumers can then do something like channel.acts.createMessage to access this function. Make the following change to app/templates/components/channel-container.hbs.

<main class="flex-1 flex flex-col bg-white overflow-hidden channel"
  {{did-insert this.loadMessages}}
  {{did-update this.loadMessages @channel}}
  {{yield (hash
+   acts=(hash
+     createMessage=this.createMessage
+   )

Consume this new action that's yielded out of the component in app/templates/teams/team/channel.hbs.


-  <ChannelFooter />
+  <ChannelFooter @createMessage={{ch.acts.createMessage}} />

We now have a function available to <ChannelFooter />, either as @createMessage in the component's .hbs file or this.args.createMessage within the .js file which, when passed a string, creates a new chat message for the current user, in the current channel.

Before we use it, let's stop and think about some other reasonable behavior we might want in this component:

  • The user should be able to "click" the "send" button to create the message, or Cmd + Enter
    • this is an indication that we probably want the "submitting" to happen via <form> and the onsubmit event.
  • The "send" button should be disabled unless the user actually types something in the message field
    • this is an indication that we need to keep track of the <input>'s value at all times, and create some derived state (isDisabled) based on it

Let's take care of the "disable send, if the message is blank" functionality first. Create a new file app/components/channel-footer.js that contains:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class ChannelFooterComponent extends Component {
  @tracked messageBody; // the state of the `<input>` value

  @action updateMessageBody(evt) {
    // action fired on `<input>`'s "input" event
    this.messageBody =; // updating our state
  // derived state: whether messageBody is empty or not
  get isDisabled() {
    return !this.messageBody;

We'll need to hook this up with a few changes to our existing hbs file for this component app/templates/components/channel-footer.hbs.

    <input id="message-input" class="channel-footer__message-input w-full px-4"
      placeholder="Message #general" type="text"
+     value={{this.messageBody}}
+     {{on "input" this.updateMessageBody}}

-   <button disabled
-     class="channel-footer__message-send-button font-bold uppercase opacity-50 bg-grey-dark text-white border-teal-dark p-2">
+   <button disabled={{this.isDisabled}}
+     class="channel-footer__message-send-button font-bold uppercase text-white border-teal-dark p-2 {{if this.isDisabled "bg-grey-dark opacity-50" "bg-teal-dark"}}">

Now let's hook up that submit event. Make one more change to app/templates/components/channel-footer.hbs, to use the {{on}} modifier to fire an this.onSubmit action whenever the <form> fires its "submit" event.

<!-- Channel Footer -->
<footer class="pb-6 px-4 flex-none channel-footer">
- <form class="flex w-full rounded-lg border-2 border-grey overflow-hidden" aria-labelledby="message-label">
+ <form class="flex w-full rounded-lg border-2 border-grey overflow-hidden" aria-labelledby="message-label"
+   {{on "submit" this.onSubmit}} >
    <h1 id="message-label" class="sr-only">
      Message Input

Go back to app/components/channel-footer.js and add the appropriate action.

  async onSubmit(evt) {
    await this.args.createMessage(this.messageBody); // call the fn we were passed as an arg
    if (!this.isDestroyed && !this.isDestroying) {
      this.messageBody = '';

You should now be able to create chat messages!

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