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Releases: mindbody/Conduit

Release 0.5.0

21 Sep 01:36
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  • Minimum language version is now Swift 4
  • OAuth2Token protocol no longer inherits from NSCoding, removes isValid
  • All usage of BearerOAuth2Token and BasicOAuth2Token have been replaced with BearerToken and BasicToken
  • OAuth2TokenStore now requires generic OAuth2Token & DataConvertible types
  • RequestSerializer signature renamed according to Swift style guidelines


  • All targets now require app-extension-safe API
  • Added BearerToken struct that leverages Swift-friendly Codable and Decodable protocols for storage
  • Added BasicToken struct with limited responsibility and usage
  • Added migration extension for BearerOAuth2Token => BearerToken
  • Added backwards-compatibility for BearerOAuth2Token
  • Deprecated BearerOAuth2Token and BasicOAuth2Token
  • Added test hosts for iOS 11 keychain support

Bug Fixes

  • None

Release 0.4.1

11 Sep 18:56
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  • None


  • Improved network logging, including a static request counter

Bug Fixes

  • None

Release 0.4.0

06 Sep 18:38
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  • RequestSerializer no longer handles query parameters
  • XMLNode value getters have been updated to conform to XMLTextNodeInitializable.


  • FormEncodedRequestSerializer now exposes query formatting options for body parameters
  • QueryStringFormattingOptions now encodes plus symbols by default
  • XMLTextNodeInitializable protocol has been added.

Bug Fixes

  • None

Release 0.3.0

09 Aug 17:27
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  • Auth shared URLSessionClient defaults to background operation queue.
  • Update URLSessionClient to return HTTPURLResponse for easy retrieval of HTTP status codes.
  • Changes on XMLNode:
    • Rename value property to text.
    • Update XMLNode subscript method to return XMLNode?.
    • Add .firstLevel traversal for XMLNode to retrieve direct children only.
    • Remove xmlValue() in favor of description.
    • Conform to LosslessStringConvertible protocol.
    • Rename value() to getValue().
    • Rename get(named:) to getValue(named:).
  • Changes on XML:
    • Remove xmlValue() in favor of description.
    • Conform to LosslessStringConvertible protocol.
  • Remove XMLNodeIndex.


  • Shared URLSessionClient with default background operation queue.
  • Enhancements to XMLNode class:
    • value passed to init can be any CustomStringConvertible.
    • node(named:) retrieves the first descendant found with the given name and throws an exception if no matches found.
    • XMLNode can be created from Swift dictionaries of [String: CustomStringConvertible] (aka. XMLDictionary).
    • Add optional counterparts for getValue() and getValue(named:)

Bug Fixes

  • None

Release 0.2.0

09 Aug 17:27
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  • Remove unnecessary casting to NSError on SessionTaskCompletion.
  • XMLNode.children is no longer optional, defaults to empty array.


Enhancements to XMLNode class:

  • init has been improved to allow passing value, attributes and/or children (optional parameters).
  • nodes(named:) method finds an retrieves a list of descendant nodes matching the given name.
  • getValue() generic method returns the node text value, if any, converted to any given type that can be constructed from a string by conforming to LosslessStringConvertible.
  • get(_:) generic method returns the value of the first descendant node matching the given name, converted to any given type that can be constructed from a string by conforming to LosslessStringConvertible.

Bug Fixes

  • None

Initial Release

26 Jul 19:43
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Initial minor version must be above 0