- ⬇️ downgrade pdfjs-dist to support older browser versions
- remove beta tag
- use legacy build of pdfjs-dist
- ⬆️ update pdfjs-dist to v4.10.38
- 🔇 remove console.log
- 🔨 disable cache when fetching annotation image
- ✨ Add support to HEIC and TIFF formats
- 👷 add lint & publish workflow with GA
- 🔧 move to vite
- ✅ improve test coverage
- ⬆️ update typescript, react and cypress
- 🔧 migrate from yarn to pnpm
- ✅ rework tests
- 🏷️ remove unnecessary any types
- 🔧 update eslint and prettier configs
- 🐛 handle getImagesFromPDF exceptions
- 🐛 🐛 fix multi-selection behavior
- 🐛 rework getImagesFromPDF function to filter rejected pages
- 📄 change license to MIT
- ✨ add dynamic zoom
- 🐛 add image cross origin header
- ✨ add toBase64 utility function
chg: 🚸 AnnotationViewer - add OS X support to multi selection event key
- 💥 replace web-components by pure React components
- 💥 Change AnnotationViewer & AnnotationLens props
- ♻️ refactor utility functions code
- ⚡️ improve canvas rendering performance
- 📝 replace docs library - use docusaurus
- ✅ add visual testing using cypress
- 👷 add github test workflow
- 📝 change the website docs url in README
- 🎉 1.2.0 official release
- 🔧 update configuration files
- 📦 update packages
- 📝 change docs
- ✨ add AnnotationForm
- 🙈 add .gitignore and .eslintignore
- 🚸 add typescript support
- 💥 re-create base components using mindee-js
- 💥 change components API
- 📝 update documentation
- 🔥 delete legacy files
- 🚸 update generateImagesFromShapes resolution
- 🐛 Rework promises in getImagesFromPDF function
- 🚸 AnnotationSidebar - prevent event propagation on item click
- 🚸 Add more options for user
- 🚸 Add "active" className to annotationExplorer items
- 🐛 AnnotationViewer should resize correctly
- ⚡️ Fire resize event on canvas on fullscreen change
- ⚡️ Allow drag with zomm outside canvas
- 🎉 First release