Up-to-data flow for booting kernel with openrisc on de0_nano board.
Ubuntu 16.4
- use tcsh and source setup.sh at first.
- make : this will show all the predefined commands.
- suggest use option1 to start install toolchains.
Download and install all or1k toolchain submodules.
- or1k-src
- ork1-gcc
- linux : Kernel source files
- or1ksim : or1k simulator
- openOCD : GDB debug tool for or1k
- mor1kx_dev_env : source codes and FPGA build env for mor1kx
Build linux kernel
Bootup kernel on simulator (or1ksim)
Bootup kernel on real hardware DE0-NANO
- Altera Quartus Lite Free Install: Please follow below Steps to download and install: https://hardwaregeeksblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/quartus_setup.pdf Env setup for tcsh: setenv ALTERA_PATH "/eda/intelFPGA_lite/17.1" setenv QSYS_ROOTDIR "/eda/intelFPGA_lite/17.1/quartus/sopc_builder/bin"
set path = ($path $ALTERA_PATH/quartus/bin)
- Set Env varaibles for tcsh setenv TOOLCHAIN_ROOT /opt/toolchain setenv PREFIX $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/or1k-elf #PREFIX is the path where you want to install the toolchain. setenv ARCH openrisc setenv CROSS_COMPILE or1k-elf-
set path = ($path $PREFIX/bin $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/or1ksim/bin $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/openocd) Please make sure $PREFIX is already there and already chown to $USER.
For setup toolchian, there are two options:
Build and install toolchain from scratch make toolchian_download #clone all toolchains from github source install_toolchain.sh Detail please refer https://github.com/juliusbaxter/mor1kx-dev-env/wiki/OpenRISC-tool-chain-installation-guide This will take very long time to download and build
Direct download prebuild toolchains and just untar to the $PREFIX dir. make prebuild_toolchain_download #direct download prebuild toolchains make tools_download Detail please refer https://github.com/openrisc/tutorials You can download other version toolchains through below link: https://github.com/openrisc/newlib/releases
Download and install other tools : mor1kx openocd linux or1ksim make tools_download source install_tools.sh For mor1kx install please refer https://github.com/juliusbaxter/mor1kx-dev-env/wiki/OpenRISC-tool-chain-installation-guide [NOTE] In this step, it will also auto compile a linux kernel. If don't want to auto compile linux, please comment out last few lines in install_tools.sh and type "make vmlinux-build" manully.
Simulate Kernel by or1ksim make vmlinux-sim