diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs index ba44e75..b950a8a 100644 --- a/.eslintrc.cjs +++ b/.eslintrc.cjs @@ -60,5 +60,6 @@ module.exports = { { blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: ["interface", "type"] }, { blankLine: "always", prev: ["interface", "type"], next: "*" }, ], + "complexity": ["error", 10], }, }; diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml index 0524f89..f83d1db 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ jobs: timeout-minutes: 1 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: diff --git a/Q&A.ts b/Q&A.ts index 1e4518d..d22c04c 100644 --- a/Q&A.ts +++ b/Q&A.ts @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +// computed字段的一些特性 /** - * 1. 泛型无默认值有字段提示,提升全 + * 1. 泛型无默认值有字段提示 */ function foo>(obj: T) { obj; @@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ foo1({ }); type Options = { - computed: TComputed & ThisType<{ data: ComputedReturnType }>; -}; + computed: TComputed; +} & ThisType<{ data: ComputedReturnType }>; /** * 3. 泛型字段为`Record void>`时,若要通过this相互间引用,需要加默认值。 @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ type Obj = { }; /** - * 4. 接上 TComputed约束有具体字段时,返回字面量需要加上const才可以(如num),且没有第二字段提示,且不可以相互this引用。 + * 4. TComputed约束有具体字段时,不允许相互依赖(且返回字面量需要加上const才可以(如num),且没有第二字段提示)。 */ function foo3< TComputed extends { [k in keyof Obj]?: () => Obj[k] } = {}, @@ -77,74 +78,99 @@ foo3({ str() { return "b"; }, + xxx() { + return 123; + }, literalNum() { return 123 as const; // 需要加const }, - _aaa_other() { // 任意字段可以引用存在字段。 + _aaa_other() { // 非约束字段可引用其他字段。 return this.data.str; }, + }, +}); + +foo3({ + computed: { + str() { + return "123"; + }, + // @ts-ignore num 不允许依赖xxx num() { - return 123; + // @ts-ignore num 不允许依赖xxx + return +this.data.str; }, }, }); -foo3({ +// 最终解决方案 +type ComputedConstraint = Record any>; + +type Validator1> = { + [ + k in keyof TComputed as k extends keyof TObj ? never : k + ]: "多余字段"; +}; + +type OptionAA< + TComputed extends ComputedConstraint, + TObj extends Record, + ComputedReturnType, +> = { + computed?: + & TComputed + & ValidatorOfReturnType + & Validator1; +} & ThisType<{ data: ComputeObj }>; + +export type ValidatorOfReturnType> = { + [ + k in keyof TComputed as TComputed[k] extends (() => TCompare[k]) ? never : k + ]: "类型错误"; +}; + +type getReturnType any>> = { [k in keyof T]: ReturnType }; + +function foo4< + TComputed extends ComputedConstraint = {}, + ComputedReturnType = getReturnType, +>( + obj: OptionAA, +): void { + obj; + + return {} as any; +} + +type ComputeObj = T extends unknown ? { [k in keyof T]: T[k] } : never; + +// 正常写法 +foo4({ computed: { - _aaa_other() { - return 123; + str() { + return this.data.bbb; + }, + num() { + return +this.data.str; }, - // @ts-expect-error 存在字段不可以引用其他字段 + }, +}); + +// 类型错误 +foo4({ + computed: { + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 num() { - // @ts-expect-error 存在字段不可以引用其他字段 - return this.data._aaa_other; + return "123"; }, }, }); -// type Validator = { [k in keyof TComputed as ReturnType extends TObj[k]?never:k]:()=> TObj[k]}; - -// type Option = { -// computed?: -// & TComputed -// & ThisType<{ data: ComputedReturnType }> -// & Validator< TComputed, TObj>; -// }; - -// // -// function foo4< -// TComputed extends Record any> = {}, -// // @ts-ignore 忽略ReturnType报错 -// ComputedReturnType extends object = { [k in keyof TComputed]: ReturnType }, -// >( -// obj: Option, -// ): ComputedReturnType { -// obj; - -// return {} as any; -// } - -// const aaa = foo4({ -// computed: { -// num() { -// return 123; -// }, -// str() { -// return 123; -// }, - -// }, -// }); - -// RootComponent({ -// properties: { -// aaa: { -// type: String, -// value: 123, -// }, -// bbb: { -// type: Number, -// value: "123", -// }, -// }, -// }); +foo4({ + computed: { + // @ts-ignore 多余字段 + xxx() { + return 444; + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/jest.config.ts b/jest.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bfd6d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +/* + * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property and type check, visit: + * https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration + */ +import type { Config } from "@jest/types"; +exports.default = { + clearMocks: true, + testEnvironment: "jsdom", + collectCoverage: false, + coverageDirectory: "coverage", + testMatch: [ + "/jest/**/*.test.ts", + ], + transform: { + "\\.ts?$": "ts-jest", // 添加的 + }, + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "C:\\Users\\missannil\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest", + + // Automatically clear mock calls, instances, contexts and results before every test + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + // collectCoverageFrom: undefined, + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + // coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\" + // ], + + // Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage + // coverageProvider: "babel", + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: undefined, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: undefined, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, @commitlint/load + + // The default configuration for fake timers + // fakeTimers: { + // "enableGlobally": false + // }, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: undefined, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: undefined, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + // moduleDirectories: [ + // "node_modules" + // ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "mjs", + // "cjs", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "json", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: undefined, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state before every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + // testMatch: [ + // "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", + // "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jest-circus/runner", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, +} satisfies Config.InitialOptions; +// export default config; diff --git a/jest/computed/computed.json b/jest/computed/computed.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/computed/computed.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "component": true +} diff --git a/jest/computed/computed.test.ts b/jest/computed/computed.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..800717a --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/computed/computed.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import { load, render } from "miniprogram-simulate"; +import path from "path"; + +describe("computed-test", () => { + const id = load(path.resolve(__dirname, "computed")); // 此处必须传入绝对路径 + const comp = render(id); // 渲染成自定义组件树实例 + + const parent = document.createElement("parent-wrapper"); // 创建挂载(父)节点 + + comp.attach(parent); // attach 到父亲节点上,此时会触发自定义组件的 attached 钩子 + + test("age字段--依赖了未初始化的计算属性(copyUser1)的子属性age", () => { + expect(comp.data.age).toBe(21); + }); + + test("copyUser1字段--依赖了未初始化的计算属性(copyUser)", () => { + expect(comp.data.copyUser1).toStrictEqual({ name: "zhao", age: 20 }); + }); + + test("copyUser字段--依赖data字段", () => { + expect(comp.data.copyUser).toStrictEqual({ name: "zhao", age: 20 }); + }); + + test("properties-user改变时,root和sub的计算属性都改变", () => { + comp.setData({ + user: { name: "lili", age: 30 }, + }); + + expect(comp.data.age).toBe(31); + + expect(comp.data.aaa_user).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 30 }); + + expect(comp.data.copyUser1).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 30 }); + + expect(comp.data.copyUser).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 30 }); + }); + + test("properties-user.age改变时", async () => { + comp.setData({ + "user.age": 40, + }); + + expect(comp.data.aaa_user).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 40 }); + + expect(comp.data.copyUser1).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 40 }); + + expect(comp.data.copyUser).toStrictEqual({ name: "lili", age: 40 }); + }); +}); diff --git a/jest/computed/computed.ts b/jest/computed/computed.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..850957e --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/computed/computed.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import { DefineComponent, RootComponent, type SpecificType, SubComponent } from "../../src"; + +type User = { name: string; age: number }; + +const sub = SubComponent()({ + computed: { + aaa_num() { + return this.data.num; + }, + aaa_user() { + return this.data.user; + }, + }, +}); + +type Root = typeof rootComponent; + +const rootComponent = RootComponent()({ + properties: { + user: { + type: Object as SpecificType, + value: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + }, + }, + data: { + // user: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + num: 1, + }, + computed: { + age() { + // 情况2 + return (this.data.copyUser1?.age || 20) + this.data.num; + }, + copyUser1() { + // 情况1 + return this.data.copyUser; + }, + copyUser() { + return this.data.user; + }, + }, +}); + +DefineComponent({ + name: "computed", + rootComponent, + subComponents: [sub], +}); diff --git a/jest/computed/computed.wxml b/jest/computed/computed.wxml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/computed/computed.wxss b/jest/computed/computed.wxss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/state/state.json b/jest/state/state.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/state/state.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "component": true +} diff --git a/jest/state/state.test.ts b/jest/state/state.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00cfc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/state/state.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import { load, render, sleep } from "miniprogram-simulate"; +import { runInAction } from "mobx"; +import path from "path"; +import type { InstanceInner } from "../../src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/types"; +import { user } from "./user"; +describe("state-test", () => { + const id = load(path.resolve(__dirname, "state")); + const comp = render(id); + + const parent = document.createElement("parent-wrapper"); + + comp.attach(parent); + + type InstanceData = { age: number; aaa_name: string }; + + const instance = comp.instance as unknown as (InstanceInner & { data: InstanceData }); + + test("state数据初始化在attached周期", () => { + expect(instance.data.age).toBe(10); + + expect(instance.data.aaa_name).toBe("zhao"); + }); + + test("state数据变化时自动setData(默认异步的)", async () => { + runInAction(() => { + user.age++; + + user.name = "lili"; + }); + + await sleep(0); + + expect(instance.data.age).toBe(11); + + expect(instance.data.aaa_name).toBe("lili"); // 测试渲染结果 + }); + + test("state数据变化时,可通过实例方法applySetData实现同步自动setData", () => { + runInAction(() => { + user.age++; + + user.name = "maliang"; + }); + + instance.applySetData(); + + expect(instance.data.age).toBe(12); + + expect(instance.data.aaa_name).toBe("maliang"); // 测试渲染结果 + }); + + test("实例方法disposer可取消对state变化的监控", () => { + for (const key in instance.disposer) { + instance.disposer[key](); + } + runInAction(() => { + user.age++; + + user.name = ""; + }); + + expect(comp.instance.data.age).toBe(12); + + expect(comp.instance.data.aaa_name).toBe("maliang"); + }); +}); diff --git a/jest/state/state.ts b/jest/state/state.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e51fb64 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/state/state.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import { DefineComponent, RootComponent, SubComponent } from "../../src"; +import { user } from "./user"; + +const subA = SubComponent()({ + state: { + aaa_name: () => user.name, + }, +}); +const rootComponent = RootComponent()({ + state: { + age: () => user.age, + }, +}); + +DefineComponent({ + name: "test", + rootComponent, + subComponents: [subA], +}); diff --git a/jest/state/state.wxml b/jest/state/state.wxml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/state/state.wxss b/jest/state/state.wxss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/state/user.ts b/jest/state/user.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df63bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/state/user.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { observable } from "mobx"; + +export const user = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 10, +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/computed/computed.json b/jest/watch/computed/computed.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/computed/computed.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "component": true +} diff --git a/jest/watch/computed/computed.test.ts b/jest/watch/computed/computed.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fd22ac --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/computed/computed.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import { load, render, sleep } from "miniprogram-simulate"; +import path from "path"; +describe("watch-compputed", () => { + const id = load(path.resolve(__dirname, "computed")); // 此处必须传入绝对路径 + const comp = render(id); // 挂载周期 位于created和attached之间 + + const parent = document.createElement("parent-wrapper"); // 创建挂载(父)节点 + + comp.attach(parent); // attach 到父亲节点上,此时会触发自定义组件的 attached 钩子 + + test("计算字段改变时--触发watch,从上到下,从root到sub", async () => { + const oldNum = 123; + const oldUser = { name: "zhao", age: 20 }; + const newNum = 456; + const newUser = { name: "lili", age: 30 }; + + // 根组件 watch computed字段 + expect(comp.data["root-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, oldNum]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, oldUser]); + + // 子组件 watch computed字段 + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, oldNum]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, oldUser]); + + // 监控对象子字段 rootUser.name + await sleep(0); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-rootUser.name"]).toStrictEqual(["zhao", "lili"]); + }); +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/computed/computed.ts b/jest/watch/computed/computed.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca72515 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/computed/computed.ts @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import { DefineComponent, RootComponent, SubComponent } from "../../../src"; + +type User = { name: string; age: number }; + +const sub = SubComponent()({ + computed: { + sub_num() { + return this.data.num; + }, + sub_user() { + return this.data.user; + }, + }, + watch: { + sub_num(a: number, b: number) { + this.data["sub-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + sub_user(a: User, b: User) { + this.data["sub-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, +}); + +type Root = typeof rootComponent; + +const rootComponent = RootComponent()({ + data: { + num: 123, + user: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + }, + computed: { + rootNum() { + return this.data.num; + }, + rootUser() { + return this.data.user; + }, + }, + watch: { + rootNum(a: number, b: number) { + this.data["root-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + rootUser(a: User, b: User) { + this.data["root-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + "rootUser.name"(a: string, b: string) { + this.data["root-watch-rootUser.name"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + this.setData({ + num: 456, + user: { name: "lili", age: 30 }, + }); + + setTimeout(() => { + this.setData({ + "user.name": "zhao", + }); + }, 0); + }, + }, +}); + +DefineComponent({ + name: "computed", + rootComponent, + subComponents: [sub], +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/computed/computed.wxml b/jest/watch/computed/computed.wxml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/watch/computed/computed.wxss b/jest/watch/computed/computed.wxss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/watch/data/data.json b/jest/watch/data/data.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/data/data.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "component": true +} diff --git a/jest/watch/data/data.test.ts b/jest/watch/data/data.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e98afc --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/data/data.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import { load, render } from "miniprogram-simulate"; +import path from "path"; +describe("watch", () => { + const id = load(path.resolve(__dirname, "data")); // 此处必须传入绝对路径 + const comp = render(id); // 挂载周期 位于created和attached之间 + + const parent = document.createElement("parent-wrapper"); // 创建挂载(父)节点 + + comp.attach(parent); // attach 到父亲节点上,此时会触发自定义组件的 attached 钩子 + + test("data字段时--触发watch,从上到下,从root到sub", () => { + const oldNum = 123; + const oldUser = { name: "zhao", age: 20 }; + const newNum = 456; + const newUser = { name: "lili", age: 30 }; + + // 根组件 watch 根组件data字段 + expect(comp.data["root-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, oldNum]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, oldUser]); + + // 子组件 watch 根组件data字段 + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, oldNum]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, oldUser]); + + // 子组件 watch 自身data字段 + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-sub_num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, oldNum]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-sub_user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, oldUser]); + }); +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/data/data.ts b/jest/watch/data/data.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..197cb2e --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/data/data.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import { DefineComponent, RootComponent, SubComponent } from "../../../src"; + +type User = { name: string; age: number }; + +const sub = SubComponent()({ + data: { + sub_num: 123, + sub_user: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + }, + watch: { + num(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + user(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + sub_num(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-sub_num"] = [a, b]; + }, + sub_user(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-sub_user"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + this.setData({ + sub_num: 456, + sub_user: { name: "lili", age: 30 }, + }); + }, + }, +}); + +type Root = typeof rootComponent; + +const rootComponent = RootComponent()({ + data: { + num: 123, + user: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + }, + watch: { + num(a, b) { + this.data["root-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + user(a, b) { + this.data["root-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + this.setData({ + num: 456, + user: { name: "lili", age: 30 }, + }); + }, + }, +}); + +DefineComponent({ + name: "computed", + rootComponent, + subComponents: [sub], +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/data/data.wxml b/jest/watch/data/data.wxml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/watch/data/data.wxss b/jest/watch/data/data.wxss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/watch/properties/properties.json b/jest/watch/properties/properties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/properties/properties.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "component": true +} diff --git a/jest/watch/properties/properties.test.ts b/jest/watch/properties/properties.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42c8f75 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/properties/properties.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import { load, render, sleep } from "miniprogram-simulate"; +import path from "path"; +describe("watch", () => { + const id = load(path.resolve(__dirname, "properties")); // 此处必须传入绝对路径 + const num = 123; + const user = { name: "zhao", age: 20 }; + const comp = render(id, { num, user }); // 挂载周期 位于created和attached之间 + + const parent = document.createElement("parent-wrapper"); // 创建挂载(父)节点 + + comp.attach(parent); // attach 到父亲节点上,此时会触发自定义组件的 attached 钩子 + + const newNum = 456; + const newUser = { name: "lili", age: 30 }; + + // 模拟再次传入properties + setTimeout(() => { + comp.setData({ + num: newNum, + user: newUser, + }); + }, 1000); + + test("properties改变时--触发watch,从上到下,从根组件到子组件", async () => { + expect(comp.data["root-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([num, 0]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([user, null]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user.age"]).toStrictEqual([20, null]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([num, 0]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([user, null]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user.name"]).toStrictEqual([user.name, null]); + + await sleep(1000); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, num]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, user]); + + expect(comp.data["root-watch-user.age"]).toStrictEqual([30, 20]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-num"]).toStrictEqual([newNum, num]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user"]).toStrictEqual([newUser, user]); + + expect(comp.data["sub-watch-user.name"]).toStrictEqual([newUser.name, user.name]); + }); +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/properties/properties.ts b/jest/watch/properties/properties.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e4c971 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest/watch/properties/properties.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import { DefineComponent, RootComponent, type SpecificType, SubComponent } from "../../../src"; + +type User = { name: string; age: number }; + +const sub = SubComponent()({ + data: { + aaa_num: 123, + aaa_user: { name: "zhao", age: 20 }, + }, + watch: { + num(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + user(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + "user.name"(a, b) { + this.data["sub-watch-user.name"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, +}); + +type Root = typeof rootComponent; + +const rootComponent = RootComponent()({ + properties: { + num: Number, + user: Object as SpecificType, + }, + + watch: { + num(a, b) { + this.data["root-watch-num"] = [a, b]; + }, + user(a, b) { + this.data["root-watch-user"] = [a, b]; + }, + "user.age"(a, b) { + this.data["root-watch-user.age"] = [a, b]; + }, + }, +}); + +DefineComponent({ + name: "computed", + rootComponent, + subComponents: [sub], +}); diff --git a/jest/watch/properties/properties.wxml b/jest/watch/properties/properties.wxml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/jest/watch/properties/properties.wxss b/jest/watch/properties/properties.wxss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 41ab52e..2e76403 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "@commitlint/config-conventional": 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"../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import { DefineComponent } from "../.."; const OnlyPropsRootDoc = RootComponent()({ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const compDocOnlyProperties = DefineComponent({ type CompDocOnlyPropertiesExpected = { path: "/pages/index/index"; properties: { - optionalObj?: Mock_User; + optionalObj?: Mock_User | null; optionalObjOrNull?: Mock_User | null; str: string; obj: Mock_User; // 去除了 OnlyPropsRootDoc加入的null diff --git a/src/api/DefineComponent/index.ts b/src/api/DefineComponent/index.ts index b31c7f5..4574bf9 100644 --- a/src/api/DefineComponent/index.ts +++ b/src/api/DefineComponent/index.ts @@ -1,6 +1,20 @@ import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; -import type { WMCompLifetimes, WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../types/officialAlias"; -import { configIntegration, rootComponentHandle, subComponentsHandle } from "../../utils/preprocessingOptions"; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import { BBeforeCreate } from "../../behaviors/BbeforeCreated"; +import { BComputedAndWatch } from "../../behaviors/BComputedAndWatch"; +import { BState } from "../../behaviors/BState"; +import type { WMComponent, WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../types/officialCorrelation"; +import { isEmptyObject } from "../../utils/isEmptyObject"; +import { + addStateConfigToMethods, + excludeFields, + funcConfigHandle, + onLoadHijack, + onLoadReceivedDataHandle, + rootComponentFieldHandle, + subComponentsHandle, +} from "../../utils/preprocessingOptions"; +import type { LifetimesConstraint } from "../RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesConstraint"; import type { RootComponentDoc } from "../RootComponent/RootComponentDoc"; import type { SubComponentDoc } from "../SubComponent/SubComponentDoc"; import type { NameOrPageOption as NameOrPathOption } from "./NameOrPage/NameOrPathOption"; @@ -9,9 +23,7 @@ import type { CreatePageDoc } from "./ReturnType/CreatePageDoc"; import type { RootComponentOption } from "./RootComponent/RootComponentOption"; import type { SubComponentsOption } from "./SubComponents/SubComponentsOption"; -type Path = `/${string}`; - -type Options< +type RootOptions< TRootComponentDoc extends RootComponentDoc, TSubComponentTuple extends SubComponentDoc[], TName extends string, @@ -21,14 +33,14 @@ type Options< & RootComponentOption & SubComponentsOption; -interface Constructor { +interface DefineComponentConstructor { < TRootComponentDoc extends RootComponentDoc = {}, TSubComponentTuple extends SubComponentDoc[] = [], TName extends string = "", TPath extends Path = "/", >( - options: Options, + options: RootOptions, ): // ReturnType 为 PageDoc or ComponentDoc IfExtends< "", @@ -40,53 +52,80 @@ interface Constructor { >; } -export type FinalOptions = { - data: Record; - computed: Record; - event: Record; - methods: Record; - watch: Record; - lifetimes: WMCompLifetimes["lifetimes"]; - pageLifetimes: Partial; +/** + * 临时的函数配置项 + * 把根组件与子组件中配置类型为函数的相同字段配置收集在一起(数组) + */ +export type FuncConfig = { + pageLifetimes?: Record; + lifetimes?: Record; + watch?: Record; +}; + +/** + * 传入原生Component的配置项 + */ +export type ComponentOptions = { + options?: WMComponent.Options; + properties?: object; + data?: object; + state?: object; + computed?: Record; + observers?: Record; + behaviors?: string[]; + methods?: Record & { __stateConfig__?: Func }; + watch?: Record; + lifetimes?: LifetimesConstraint; + pageLifetimes?: Partial; +}; + +export type Path = `/${string}`; + +export type DefineComponentOptions = { + path?: Path; + name?: string; + rootComponent?: RootComponentDoc; + subComponents?: SubComponentDoc[]; }; -export const DefineComponent: Constructor = function(options): any { - options; - - const finalOptions: FinalOptions = { - data: {}, - computed: {}, - event: {}, - methods: {}, - watch: {}, - lifetimes: {}, - pageLifetimes: {}, +export const DefineComponent: DefineComponentConstructor = function(options): any { + console.log("------------------------------------------------分割线------------------------------------------------"); + + // 最终的配置 + const componentOptions: ComponentOptions = { + options: { + // addGlobalClass: true, + multipleSlots: true, + pureDataPattern: /^_/, + virtualHost: true, + }, + // default behaviors + behaviors: [BState, BComputedAndWatch], }; + /** + * 有些选项配置是函数,且可能分布在根组件和子组件中,tempConfig 用于收集这些配置,最终再一起整合进componentOptions配置。rootComponentHandle和subComponentsHandle都会收集配置,funcConfigHandle整理配置。 + */ + const funcConfig: FuncConfig = {}; + + if (options.rootComponent && !isEmptyObject(options.rootComponent)) { + rootComponentFieldHandle(options.rootComponent, componentOptions, funcConfig); + } + + if (options.subComponents && !isEmptyObject(options.subComponents)) { + subComponentsHandle(componentOptions, options.subComponents, funcConfig); + } + if (!isEmptyObject(funcConfig)) { + funcConfigHandle(componentOptions, options.rootComponent?.isPage, funcConfig); + } + addStateConfigToMethods(componentOptions); + + componentOptions.methods && excludeFields(componentOptions.methods, ["disposer", "applySetData"]); + + componentOptions.behaviors!.push(BBeforeCreate); + + onLoadHijack(componentOptions, [onLoadReceivedDataHandle], []); - configIntegration(finalOptions, options, [ - rootComponentHandle, - subComponentsHandle, - ]); - - // 合并 subComponents到options - - // fieldsHandle(options, [ - // mainComponentHandle, - // mergeInjectOption, - // deleteNameFiled, - // initInherit, - // customEventsHandle, - // eventsHandle, - // pageLifetimesHandle, - // transformSubComponentsToBehaviors, - // addBehaviors([BinitResponseData, BAddIsSetDataToIns, BComputedAndWatch, beforeCreateAndAttach]), - // ]); - - // attachedHijack(options as any, [createResponseData, isPageCheck, collectCompLifetime_load, collectInherit]); - // detachedHijack(options as any, [destroyResponsive]); - // compLoadHijack(options as any, [compInheritCacheHandle]); - // pageOnLoadHijack(options as any, [PageReceivedDataHandle, pageInheritCacheHandle], [triggerCompLoad]); - // return Component(options as any); + Component(componentOptions as any); }; export type PageOptions = { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Computed/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Computed/test/normal.test.ts index 1cd2359..d01816c 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Computed/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Computed/test/normal.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/expected/normalRequired"; /** * computed字段约束为 [ComputedConstraint](../ComputedConstraint.ts) diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/DataOption.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/DataOption.ts index 30302ab..2e5654f 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/DataOption.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/DataOption.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export type DataOption = { * { * //... * data:{ - * reactive_user:() => UserStore.user + * reactive_user:() => UserState.user * } * } * ``` diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/error.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/error.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3e2a5f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/error.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; + +/** + * 1 与properties字段重复 + */ +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + aaa: String, + }, + data: { + // @ts-expect-error ⚠️与properties字段重复⚠️ + aaa: 123, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/normal.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/normal.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9da4201 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/expected/normal.ts @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; + +import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; + +const RootDoc = RootComponent()({ + data: { + gender: <"male" | "female"> "male", + num: 123, + _innernalFields: false, + }, + methods: { + foo() { + // 1 this.data 类型检查 + Checking, Test.Pass>; + }, + }, +}); + +type RootDocExpected = { + gender: "male" | "female"; + num: number; + _innernalFields: boolean; +}; + +// 2 返回文档中的data字段类型检查 +Checking; + +/** + * data字段配置为空对象时 + */ +const EmptyDataRootDoc = RootComponent()({ + data: {}, + methods: { + M1() { + // 3 this.data为 `{}`类型 + Checking; + }, + }, +}); + +// 4 返回文档中无data字段 +Checking void } }, Test.Pass>; + +/** + * 无data字段配置时 + */ +const noDataRootDoc = RootComponent()({ + methods: { + M1() { + // 5 data为空对象时 this.data为{}类型 + Checking; + }, + }, +}); + +// 6 返回文档中无data字段 +Checking void } }, Test.Pass>; + +// 1 如果在组件A构建前初始化A组件的计算属性,可以在A组件并入子组件B时传递给组件B计算属性值,但由于A组件的计算属性可能依赖properties字段,所以B组件的watch字段监控的properties(即A传递的计算属性)是无意义的。 + +// 2 如果在created字段初始化A组件的计算属性.与上述一样效果 + +// 3 如果在attached初始化计算属性那么 那么会导致子组件B 接受properties时报警告,因为A组件的计算属性还为生效即为undefined。 + +// 4 watch 的建立时机问题: 一定是在created之前 + +// 问题时watch的建立需要计算属性初始化的数据依赖情况。即properties是否被依赖 diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/test/normal.test.ts index 0b11282..56fdc21 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Data/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Data/test/normal.test.ts @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ const RootDoc = RootComponent()({ data: { gender: <"male" | "female"> "male", // 联合字面量 num: 123, - reactiveNum: () => 123, // 外部响应式字段 _innernalFields: 123, // 内部字段无法在wxml中使用 }, methods: { @@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ const RootDoc = RootComponent()({ // 1. data配置类型为函数时,this.data中变为函数返回类型 Checking< typeof this.data, - ReadonlyDeep<{ gender: "male" | "female"; num: number; reactiveNum: 123; _innernalFields: number }>, + ReadonlyDeep<{ gender: "male" | "female"; num: number; _innernalFields: number }>, Test.Pass >; }, @@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ const RootDoc = RootComponent()({ type RootDocExpected = { gender: "male" | "female"; num: number; - reactiveNum: 123; _innernalFields: number; }; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Events/EventsConstraint.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Events/EventsConstraint.ts index 42b5aec..a69f5e9 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Events/EventsConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Events/EventsConstraint.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import type { Select } from "hry-types/src/Object/_api"; -import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; import type { CustomEventsDoc } from "../CustomEvents/CustomEventsDoc"; import type { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Events/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Events/test/normal.test.ts index 02fe444..79d3e26 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Events/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Events/test/normal.test.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import type { TargetDataset, WMBaseEvent, WMCustomEvent, -} from "../../../../types/officialAlias"; +} from "../../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; import type { Bubbles, Capture } from "../../CustomEvents/CustomEventsTag"; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance.ts index 8de3a93..5d46c95 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance.ts @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -import type { O } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type { ComputeIntersection } from "hry-types/src/Object/ComputeIntersection"; import type { IReactionDisposer } from "mobx"; -import type { WMInstanceMethods, WMInstanceProperties } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; -import type { GetDataDoc } from "../Data/GetDataDoc"; +import type { WMInstanceMethods } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { WMComponentInstance, WMPageInstance } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { CustomEventMethods } from "./CustomEventMethods"; import type { CustomSetData } from "./CustomSetData"; - export type RootComponentInstance< - TMethods, + TIsPage extends boolean, + TMethods extends object, TData extends object, AllData extends object, CustomEventsDoc extends object, - ResponsiveData = GetDataDoc, + StateDoc extends object, > = // 官方实例属性is options dataset等 - & WMInstanceProperties + & IfExtends // 官方实例方法去除setData,因其类型宽泛 & Omit, "setData"> // 加入自定义setData方法 - & CustomSetData> - & IfExtends< - {}, - ResponsiveData, - unknown, - { - __disposer: { [k in keyof ResponsiveData]: IReactionDisposer }; - _applySetData: (callback?: Function) => void; - } - > + & CustomSetData + & IfExtends<{}, StateDoc, unknown, { + disposer?: { [k in keyof StateDoc]: IReactionDisposer }; + applySetData: Func; + }> & TMethods & CustomEventMethods - & { data: ReadonlyDeep> }; + & { data: ReadonlyDeep> }; + +export type ComponentInstance = RootComponentInstance; + +export type PageInstance = RootComponentInstance; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/CustomEventsDoc.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/CustomEventsDoc.test.ts index df24f45..af46697 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/CustomEventsDoc.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/CustomEventsDoc.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; -import type { SpecificType } from "../../../../types/SpecificType"; +import type { SpecificType } from "../../../.."; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; - RootComponent()({ customEvents: { str: String, diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/error.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d711b12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/error.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import { RootComponent } from "../../../../.."; + +RootComponent()({ + customEvents: { + eventA: String, + }, + methods: { + test() { + // @ts-expect-error 不可调用不存在的自定义事件 + this.eventB(); + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/normal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d224683 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/customEvents/normal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import type { SpecificType } from "../../../../.."; +import { RootComponent } from "../../.."; +RootComponent()({ + customEvents: { + str: String, + num: Number as SpecificType<1 | 2>, + union: [String as SpecificType<"male" | "femal">, Number], + null: null, + bubbles: { + detailType: String, + options: { + bubbles: true, + }, + }, + capturePhase: { + detailType: Number, + options: { + capturePhase: true, + }, + }, + bubblesComposed: { + detailType: Number, + options: { + bubbles: true, + composed: true, + }, + }, + capturePhaseComposed: { + detailType: Number, + options: { + capturePhase: true, + composed: true, + }, + }, + bubblesCapturePhaseComposed: { + detailType: null, + options: { + bubbles: true, + capturePhase: true, + composed: true, + }, + }, + }, + methods: { + M1() { + Checking<(detail: string) => void, typeof this.str, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: 1 | 2) => void, typeof this.num, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: "male" | "femal" | number) => void, typeof this.union, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<() => void, typeof this.null, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: string) => void, typeof this.str, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: number) => void, typeof this.capturePhase, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: number) => void, typeof this.bubblesComposed, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<(detail: number) => void, typeof this.capturePhaseComposed, Test.Pass>; + + Checking<() => void, typeof this.bubblesCapturePhaseComposed, Test.Pass>; + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/error.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76d3fba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/error.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { RootComponent } from "../../../../.."; + +RootComponent()({ + methods: { + M1() { + return 1; + }, + + M2() { + // @ts-expect-error 不可调用不存在的方法 + this.M3(); + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/mormal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/mormal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdd8a8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/methods/mormal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import { RootComponent } from "../../../../.."; + +RootComponent()({ + methods: { + M1() { + return 1; + }, + + M2(str: string) { + Checking 1, Test.Pass>; + + Checking string, Test.Pass>; + + return str; + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/properties/mormal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/properties/mormal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6521d81 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/properties/mormal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/ReadonlyDeep"; +import { RootComponent, type SpecificType } from "../../../../.."; + +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + obj: Object, + optionalObj: { + type: Object as SpecificType<{ name: string }>, + value: null, + }, + }, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + Checking | null, Test.Pass>; + + Checking; + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/error.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..070df32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/error.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import { RootComponent } from "../../.."; + +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + Pobj: Object, + }, + data: { + str: "str", + num: 123, + literal: <456 | 789> 456, + bool: true, + arr: [1, 2, 3], + obj: { num: 1, str: "str" }, + }, + state: { + Snum: () => 123, + }, + computed: { + Cnum() { + return this.data.Snum; + }, + }, + methods: { + M1() { + this.setData({ + // @ts-expect-error 不可对properties字段setData + Pobj: {}, + }); + + this.setData({ + // @ts-expect-error 不可对State字段setData + Snum: 123, + }); + + this.setData({ + // @ts-expect-error 不可对computed字段setData + Cnum: 123, + }); + + // 对data字段set时有类型检查 + this.setData({ + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 string + str: 123, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 number + num: "str", + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 456 | 789 + literal: 123, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 boolean + bool: 123, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 number[] + arr: [1, 2, 3, "a"], + obj: { + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 number + num: "str", + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 number + str: 123, + }, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 number + "obj.num": "str", + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 string + "obj.str": 123, + }); + }, + }, +}); + +RootComponent()({ + state: {}, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + // @ts-expect-error 没有state字段时不可以调用applySetData + this.applySetData(); + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/normal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14ee2d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Instance/test/setData/normal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import { observable, runInAction } from "mobx"; +import { RootComponent } from "../../.."; + +// 可以对data数据进行setData +RootComponent()({ + data: { + str: "str", + num: 123, + literal: <456 | 789> 456, + bool: true, + arr: [1, 2, 3], + obj: { a: 1, b: "str" }, + }, + + methods: { + M1() { + // 可以对data数据进行setData + this.setData({ + str: "string", + num: 456, + bool: false, + literal: 456, + arr: [1, 2, 3], + obj: { + a: 456, + b: "str", + }, + "obj.a": 456, + "obj.b": "str", + }); + }, + }, +}); + +const state = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 20, +}); + +RootComponent()({ + state: { + name: () => state.name, + }, + lifetimes: { + attached() { + runInAction(() => { + state.name = "liil"; + }); + + // 有state字段时可以调用applySetData + this.applySetData(); + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesConstraint.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesConstraint.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5eb74da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesConstraint.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import type { WMCompLifetimes } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; + +export type LifetimesConstraint = // 官方组件生命周期 + WMCompLifetimes["lifetimes"]; +// & { +// /** +// * 建立组件时的真正配置对象 +// */ +// beforeCreate?: (options: WMTrivialOption) => void; +// }; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesOption.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesOption.ts index b9cb31f..679e338 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesOption.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/LifetimesOption.ts @@ -1,16 +1,8 @@ -import type { WMCompLifetimes, WMTrivialOption } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { LifetimesConstraint } from "./LifetimesConstraint"; export type LifetimesOption = TIsPage extends false // 组件开通lifetimes字段 ? { - lifetimes?: - // 官方组件生命周期 - & WMCompLifetimes["lifetimes"] - & { - /** - * 建立组件时的真正配置对象 - */ - beforeCreate?: (options: WMTrivialOption) => void; - }; + lifetimes?: LifetimesConstraint; } // 页面关闭lifetimes字段(其实也可以开启) : unknown; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/error.test.ts index 8cb4577..42e335e 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/error.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/error.test.ts @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { RootComponent } from "../.."; */ RootComponent()({ lifetimes: { - beforeCreate() {}, + // beforeCreate() {}, created() {}, diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/normal.test.ts index c7289d1..e7b02f6 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Lifetimes/test/normal.test.ts @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import { RootComponent } from "../../../.."; RootComponent()({ lifetimes: { // 新增声明周期用于查看实例初始化之前的配置文件 - beforeCreate(opitons) { - opitons; - }, + // beforeCreate(opitons) { + // opitons; + // }, created() { }, attached() { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/MethodsConstraint.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/MethodsConstraint.ts index dfd19d8..926600f 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/MethodsConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/MethodsConstraint.ts @@ -1 +1,3 @@ -export type MethodsConstraint = Record; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; + +export type MethodsConstraint = Record; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/test/error.test.ts index 420ff99..d6a8540 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/test/error.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Methods/test/error.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { RootComponent } from "../.."; /** - * 1 重复字段错误 + * 重复字段错误 */ RootComponent()({ events: { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/PageLifetimesOption.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/PageLifetimesOption.ts index d3c4cf8..738a22a 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/PageLifetimesOption.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/PageLifetimesOption.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; import type { ComputeIntersection } from "hry-types/src/Object/ComputeIntersection"; -import type { WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { RemoveNullOfRequired } from "../../../types/RemoveNullOfRequired"; export type PageLifetimesOption = IfExtends< diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts index 46ec758..ca129b6 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/PageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import { RootComponent, type SpecificType } from "../../../.."; import type { RemoveNullOfRequired } from "../../../../types/RemoveNullOfRequired"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/expected/normalRequired"; /** * 组件时 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ RootComponent()({ value: { id: "001", name: "zhao" }, }, optionalObject: { - type: Object as SpecificType, + type: Object as SpecificType, value: null, }, }, @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ RootComponent()({ typeof props, Required< RemoveNullOfRequired<{ - union?: Mock_User; + union?: Mock_User | null; optionalObject?: Mock_User | null; str: string; obj: object | null; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/PropertiesConstraint.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/PropertiesConstraint.ts index bef3377..7dead3d 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/PropertiesConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/PropertiesConstraint.ts @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export type OptionalType = { /** * Properties 字段类型 */ -type PropertiesTypes = OptionalType | RequiredType; +export type PropertiesTypes = OptionalType | RequiredType; /** * RootComponent API properties 字段约束 diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/error.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/error.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..771ba71 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/error.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { RootComponent, type SpecificType } from "../../../../index"; +import type { Mock_Cart } from "./normalRequired"; + +// 1 非法字段 +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + num: { + type: Number, + // @ts-expect-error 非法字段 values多了`s` + values: 123, + }, + bool: { + type: Boolean, + value: true, + // @ts-expect-error 非法字段 optionalType少了`s` + optionalType: [String], + }, + union: { + type: Number, + value: 123, + optionalTypes: [String], + // @ts-expect-error 非法字段 observable + observable: "", + }, + }, +}); + +// 2 value 类型错误 +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + str: { + type: String, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 + value: 123, + }, + obj: { + type: Object as SpecificType, + value: null, + }, + str_num: { + type: String, + // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 应该写type字段类型(string)而非optionalTypes中的类型 + value: 123, + optionalTypes: [Number], + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalEmpty.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalEmpty.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..609db1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalEmpty.ts @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; + +/** + * Properties配置为`{}`时 + */ +const emptyObj = RootComponent()({ + properties: {}, + methods: { + foo() { + // 1 this.data 为空对象类型 + Checking; + }, + }, +}); + +// 2 返回文档类型无properties字段 +Checking void } }, Test.Pass>; + +/** + * 无Properties配置时 + */ +const noProperties = RootComponent()({ + methods: { + foo() { + // 3 this.data 为空对象类型 + Checking; + }, + }, +}); + +// 4 返回文档类型无properties字段 +Checking; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalOptional.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalOptional.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd65ce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalOptional.ts @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; +import type { SpecificType } from "../../../../types/SpecificType"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; +import { type Mock_User } from "./normalRequired"; + +/** + * 1 properties字段选传类型配置 类型为[OptionalType](../PropertiesConstraint.ts) + */ +const OptionalDoc = RootComponent()({ + properties: { + optional_num: { // 普通类型 + type: Number, + value: 123, + }, + optional_gender: { + type: String as SpecificType<"male" | "female">, // 同类字面量联合类型 + value: "male", + }, + optional_tuple: { + type: Array as unknown as SpecificType<[number, string, boolean]>, // 元组类型 + value: [1, "a", true] as [number, string, boolean], + }, + optional_obj: { + type: Object as SpecificType, // 对象类型 + value: { + id: "id", + age: 20, + }, + }, + optional_objOrNull: { + type: Object as SpecificType, + value: null, + }, + optional_union: { // 非同类联合类型 string | number + type: String, + value: "string", + optionalTypes: [Number], + }, + }, + methods: { + foo() { + // 2. 内部this.data中的类型(去除可选) + Checking< + typeof this.data, + ReadonlyDeep<{ + optional_num: number; + optional_gender: "male" | "female"; + optional_tuple: [number, string, boolean]; + optional_obj: Mock_User | null; + optional_objOrNull: Mock_User | null; + optional_union: string | number; + }>, + Test.Pass + >; + }, + }, +}); + +type OptionalDocExpected = { + // 3. 预期返回类型 key为可选(带`?`) + + optional_num?: number; + optional_gender?: "male" | "female"; + optional_tuple?: [number, string, boolean]; + optional_obj?: Mock_User | null; + optional_objOrNull?: Mock_User | null; + optional_union?: string | number; +}; + +Checking; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab71e37 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired.ts @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; +import type { SpecificType } from "../../../../types/SpecificType"; + +import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; +import type { RequiredSingle, RequiredType, RequiredUnion } from "../PropertiesConstraint"; + +/** + * 公共测试对象类型 + */ +export type Mock_User = { + id: string; + age?: number; +}; + +/** + * 公共测试对象类型 + */ +export type Mock_Cart = { + id: string; + selectedCount: number; +}; + +/** + * properties 必传单一类型配置 + */ +export const mock_requiredSingle = { + str: String, + num: Number, + bool: Boolean, + arr: Array, + obj: Object, + tuple: Array as unknown as SpecificType<[string, number, boolean]>, + union_str: String as SpecificType<"male" | "female">, + union_num: Number as SpecificType<0 | 1 | 2>, + union_bool: Boolean as SpecificType, + union_arr: Array as SpecificType, + union_obj: Object as SpecificType, +} satisfies Record; + +/** + * properties 必传联合类型配置 + */ +export const mock_requiredUnion = { + union_str_num_bool: { + type: String, + optionalTypes: [Number, Boolean], + }, + union_literalStr_Literalnum: { + type: String as SpecificType<"male" | "female">, + optionalTypes: [Number as SpecificType<0 | 1 | 2>], + }, + union_mockUser_num: { + type: Object as SpecificType, + optionalTypes: [Number], + }, + union_num_mockUser: { + type: Number, + optionalTypes: [Object as SpecificType], + }, +} satisfies Record; + +/** + * properties 必传字段全配置(单一类型 + 联合类型) + */ +export const mock_requiredTypes = { + ...mock_requiredSingle, + ...mock_requiredUnion, +} satisfies Record; + +type RequiredTypeExpected = { + str: string; + num: number; + bool: boolean; + arr: unknown[]; + obj: object | null; + tuple: [string, number, boolean]; + union_str: "male" | "female"; + union_num: 0 | 1 | 2; + union_bool: boolean; + union_arr: number[] | string[]; + union_obj: Mock_User | Mock_Cart | null; + union_str_num_bool: string | number | boolean; + union_literalStr_Literalnum: 0 | 1 | 2 | "male" | "female"; + union_mockUser_num: number | Mock_User | null; + union_num_mockUser: number | Mock_User | null; +}; + +const RequiredDoc = RootComponent()({ + properties: mock_requiredTypes, + methods: { + foo() { + // 1 this.data中的类型(对象类型加null) + Checking, Test.Pass>; + }, + }, +}); + +// 2 properties文档类型中对象类型加入null(与this.data一致) +Checking; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/error.test.ts index 5088883..aa2ca3e 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/error.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/error.test.ts @@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ RootComponent()({ value: 123, }, obj: { - // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 value 想为null 必须为 `Mock_Cart | null` type: Object as SpecificType, - // @ts-expect-error 类型错误 value 想为null 必须为 `Mock_Cart | null` value: null, }, str_num: { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/normalOptional.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/normalOptional.test.ts index 8148313..31a01bc 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/normalOptional.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Properties/test/normalOptional.test.ts @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ const OptionalDoc = RootComponent()({ optional_num: number; optional_gender: "male" | "female"; optional_tuple: [number, string, boolean]; - optional_obj: Mock_User; + optional_obj: Mock_User | null; optional_objOrNull: Mock_User | null; optional_union: string | number; }>, @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type OptionalDocExpected = { optional_num?: number; optional_gender?: "male" | "female"; optional_tuple?: [number, string, boolean]; - optional_obj?: Mock_User; + optional_obj?: Mock_User | null; optional_objOrNull?: Mock_User | null; optional_union?: string | number; }; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/RootComponentDoc.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/RootComponentDoc.ts index c65a04e..fa4de86 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/RootComponentDoc.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/RootComponentDoc.ts @@ -1,11 +1,19 @@ +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type { WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../types/officialCorrelation"; +import type { LifetimesConstraint } from "./Lifetimes/LifetimesConstraint"; + type _RootComponentDoc = { - isPage?: true; + isPage?: boolean; properties?: object; data?: object; computed?: object; customEvents?: object; methods?: object; events?: object; + state?: object; + watch?: Record; + lifetimes?: LifetimesConstraint; + pageLifetimes?: Partial; }; // 验证key是否合法 @@ -19,6 +27,7 @@ type _Validator> = [ErrKe * isPage?: true; * properties?: object; * data?: object; + * state?:object; * computed?: object; * customEvents?: object; * methods?: object; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/State/GeTStateDoc.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/State/GeTStateDoc.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18cccc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/State/GeTStateDoc.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import type { StateConstraint } from "./StateConstraint"; + +export type GeTStateDoc = { [k in keyof TState]: ReturnType }; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateConstraint.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateConstraint.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc403f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateConstraint.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export type StateConstraint = Record unknown>; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateOption.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateOption.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42504ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/State/StateOption.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import type { V } from "hry-types"; +import type { StateConstraint } from "./StateConstraint"; + +export type StateOption = { + state?: + & TState + & V.DuplicateFieldValidator; +}; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/error.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf0e36b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/error.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import { observable } from "mobx"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; +const user = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 20, +}); + +// 约束错误 +RootComponent()({ + state: { + // @ts-expect-error 不能将类型“string”分配给类型“() => unknown” + userName: user.name, + }, +}); + +// 重复字段错误 +RootComponent()({ + properties: { + userName: String, + }, + data: { + userAge: 20, + }, + state: { + // @ts-expect-error 1 与properties字段重复 + userName: () => user.name, + // @ts-expect-error 2 与userAge字段重复 + userAge: () => user.age, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/normal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efb87f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/State/test/normal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import { observable } from "mobx"; +import { RootComponent } from "../.."; +const user = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 20, +}); + +RootComponent()({ + state: { + userName: () => user.name, + userAge: () => user.age, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchComputed.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchComputed.test.ts index 79b04a9..50ad736 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchComputed.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchComputed.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { SpecificType } from "../../../../types/SpecificType"; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; -import { type Mock_User } from "../../Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import { type Mock_User } from "../../Properties/expected/normalRequired"; /** * 1 computed字段时需要手写类型,可悬停鼠标到key查看类型,深度只读 diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchData.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchData.test.ts index b65bb9d..4ab3b1e 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchData.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchData.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,13 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; +import { observable } from "mobx"; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../Properties/expected/normalRequired"; + +const obj = observable({ + gender: <"male" | "female"> "male", +}); /** * watch data字段 深度只读 @@ -11,7 +16,9 @@ RootComponent()({ data: { num: 123, obj: {} as Mock_User, - reactiveLiteral: () => "str", + }, + state: { + reactiveLiteral: () => obj.gender, reactiveNumber: () => ({} as number), reactiveUser: () => ({} as Mock_User), }, @@ -32,9 +39,9 @@ RootComponent()({ Checking; }, reactiveLiteral(newValue, oldValue) { - Checking<"str", typeof newValue, Test.Pass>; + Checking<"male" | "female", typeof newValue, Test.Pass>; - Checking<"str", typeof oldValue, Test.Pass>; + Checking<"male" | "female", typeof oldValue, Test.Pass>; }, reactiveUser(newValue, oldValue) { Checking, typeof newValue, Test.Pass>; diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchProperties.test.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchProperties.test.ts index 4aa3496..71eabf3 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchProperties.test.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/Watch/test/WatchProperties.test.ts @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import { RootComponent } from "../.."; import type { SpecificType } from "../../../.."; -import type { OptionalType } from "../../Properties/PropertiesConstraint"; import { type Mock_Cart, mock_requiredTypes, mock_requiredUnion, type Mock_User, -} from "../../Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +} from "../../Properties/expected/normalRequired"; +import type { OptionalType } from "../../Properties/PropertiesConstraint"; const mock_optional = { optional_num: { type: Number, @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const mock_optional = { }, }, optional_objOrNull: { - type: Object as SpecificType, // 可选类型可定义null + type: Object as SpecificType, // 可选类型可定义null value: null, }, } satisfies Record; @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ RootComponent()({ optional_obj(newValue, oldValue) { Checking, typeof newValue, Test.Pass>; - Checking, typeof oldValue, Test.Pass>; + Checking | null, typeof oldValue, Test.Pass>; }, // 对象的二段key "optional_obj.age"(newValue, oldValue) { diff --git a/src/api/RootComponent/index.ts b/src/api/RootComponent/index.ts index 8985400..5b9bbea 100644 --- a/src/api/RootComponent/index.ts +++ b/src/api/RootComponent/index.ts @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; import type { EmptyObject } from "hry-types/src/Misc/EmptyObject"; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; import type { ComputeIntersectionDeep } from "hry-types/src/Object/_api"; -import type { WMCompLifetimes, WMCompPageLifetimes } from "../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { WMCompOtherOption } from "../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; import type { ComputedConstraint } from "./Computed/ComputedConstraint"; import type { ComputedOption } from "./Computed/ComputedOption"; @@ -10,7 +11,6 @@ import type { CustomEventConstraint } from "./CustomEvents/CustomEventConstraint import type { CustomEventsOption } from "./CustomEvents/CustomEventsOption"; import type { GetCustomEventDoc } from "./CustomEvents/GetCustomEventDoc"; import type { DataOption } from "./Data/DataOption"; -import type { GetDataDoc } from "./Data/GetDataDoc"; import type { EventsConstraint } from "./Events/EventsConstraint"; import type { EventsOption } from "./Events/EventsOption"; import type { RootComponentInstance } from "./Instance/RootComponentInstance"; @@ -22,22 +22,12 @@ import type { PageLifetimesOption } from "./PageLifetimes/PageLifetimesOption"; import type { GetPropertiesDoc } from "./Properties/GetPropertiesDoc"; import type { PropertiesConstraint } from "./Properties/PropertiesConstraint"; import type { PropertiesOption } from "./Properties/PropertiesOption"; +import type { GeTStateDoc } from "./State/GeTStateDoc"; +import type { StateConstraint } from "./State/StateConstraint"; +import type { StateOption } from "./State/StateOption"; import type { WatchOption } from "./Watch/WatchOption"; -export type RootCompOptions = { - isPage?: true; - properties?: PropertiesConstraint; - data?: object; - computed?: ComputedConstraint; - customEvents?: CustomEventConstraint; - events?: EventsConstraint; - methods?: MethodsConstraint; - watch?: object; - lifetimes?: WMCompLifetimes["lifetimes"]; - pageLifetimes?: Partial; -}; - -type Options< +type RootComponentOptions< TReceivedComponentDoc extends object, TEvents extends object, TIsPage extends boolean, @@ -45,11 +35,13 @@ type Options< TMethods extends MethodsConstraint, TProperties extends PropertiesConstraint, TData extends object, - TComputed extends Record any>, - EventsDoc, + TState extends StateConstraint, + TComputed extends Record, + EventsDoc extends object, CustomEventsDoc extends object, PropertiesDoc extends object, DataDoc extends object, + StateDoc extends object, ComputedDoc extends object, > = & MethodsOption @@ -58,15 +50,27 @@ type Options< & CustomEventsOption & EventsOption> & DataOption - & ComputedOption & DataDoc, ComputedDoc> + & StateOption + & ComputedOption & DataDoc & StateDoc, ComputedDoc> & PageLifetimesOption & LifetimesOption & WatchOption< & ComputedDoc & Required & DataDoc + & StateDoc > - & ThisType & ComputedDoc, CustomEventsDoc>>; + & Partial> + & ThisType< + RootComponentInstance< + TIsPage, + TMethods, + DataDoc, + DataDoc & Required & StateDoc & ComputedDoc, + CustomEventsDoc, + StateDoc + > + >; type RootComponentConstructor = { < @@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ type RootComponentConstructor = {}, TData extends object = {}, + TState extends StateConstraint = {}, TComputed extends ComputedConstraint = {}, // 页面时自定义事件无意义 TCustomEvents extends IfExtends = {}, @@ -89,10 +94,11 @@ type RootComponentConstructor, TEvents, {}, TEvents>, CustomEventsDoc extends object = GetCustomEventDoc, PropertiesDoc extends object = GetPropertiesDoc, - DataDoc extends object = GetDataDoc, + DataDoc extends object = TData, + StateDoc extends object = GeTStateDoc, ComputedDoc extends object = GetComputedDoc, >( - options: Options< + options: RootComponentOptions< TReceivedComponentDoc, TEvents, TIsPage, @@ -100,11 +106,13 @@ type RootComponentConstructor, ): // 返回类型 RootComponentDoc @@ -112,6 +120,7 @@ type RootComponentConstructor & IfExtends & IfExtends + & IfExtends & IfExtends & IfExtends & IfExtends diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/GetSubComputedDoc.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/GetSubComputedDoc.ts index 1249ef2..9e7eb42 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/GetSubComputedDoc.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/GetSubComputedDoc.ts @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ import type { SubComputedConstraint } from "./SubComputedConstraint"; export type GetSubComputedDoc = { - // @ts-ignore TComputed[k] 必为函数 [k in keyof TComputed]: ReturnType; }; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedConstraint.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedConstraint.ts index d60f32f..2a94d71 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedConstraint.ts @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -export type SubComputedConstraint = { - [k in keyof T]?: () => T[k]; -}; +export type SubComputedConstraint = Record any>; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedOption.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedOption.ts index aee382a..a6bdbad 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedOption.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubComputedOption.ts @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ import type { V } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { ComputeIntersection } from "hry-types/src/Object/ComputeIntersection"; +import type { ValidatorOfReturnType } from "../../../types/ValidatorOfReturnType"; import type { SubComputedConstraint } from "./SubComputedConstraint"; export type SubComputedOption< TComputed extends SubComputedConstraint, - TThisData extends object, - legalOption extends object, + OtherData extends object, + legal extends Record, > = { computed?: & TComputed - & ThisType<{ data: ReadonlyDeep> }> - & V.IllegalFieldValidator; - // & ValidatorOfReturnType; + & ThisType<{ data: ReadonlyDeep> }> + & V.IllegalFieldValidator + & ValidatorOfReturnType; }; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/test/normal.test.ts index 26e1c13..a522020 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubComputed/test/normal.test.ts @@ -1,13 +1,28 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; type OnlyCustomCompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ customEvents: { aaa_str: string }; }>; +type User = { name: string; age: number }; + +type Root = { + properties: { + num: number; + user?: User | null; + }; + data: { + str: string; + }; + computed: { + bool: boolean; + }; +}; + SubComponent<{}, OnlyCustomCompDoc>()({ // 1 CompDoc的properties为空时,可以写{} computed: {}, @@ -22,84 +37,34 @@ type OnlyPropsCompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ }; }>; -SubComponent<{ properties: { aaa: 123 } }, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ +SubComponent()({ inherit: { - aaa_num: "aaa", + aaa_num: "num", }, data: { aaa_str: "a", }, - // 2 可写字段为组件去除inherit和computed的剩余字段,返回类型应为对应的文档类型 + // 2 可写字段为组件去除inherit和data的剩余字段,返回类型应为对应的文档类型 computed: { aaa_obj() { - return { id: "123" }; + return {} as Mock_User | null; }, aaa_num123() { - // ⚠️字面量必须加const,TS的原因 - return 123 as const; - }, - }, -}); - -// 3 书写第一个计算字段有提示(默认约束为{}导致)。 -SubComponent<{ properties: { aaa_123: number } }, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ - data: { - aaa_str: "a", - }, - // 3.1 输入aaa 提示 3个字段 - computed: { - aaa_num() { return 123; }, }, }); -SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ - inherit: { - aaa_num: "wxml", - }, - // 3.2 输入aaa 提示 2个字段 - computed: { - aaa_obj: () => null, - aaa_str() { - return "a" as const; - }, - }, -}); - -SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ - inherit: { - aaa_num: "wxml", - }, - data: { - aaa_str: () => "a", - }, - // 3.3 输入aaa 提示 1个字段 - computed: { - aaa_obj: () => null, - }, -}); - -// 4 ⚠️ 字面量类型需要加const. 未知的原因 -SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ - computed: { - aaa_str() { - return "a" as const; // 不加const报错 - }, - }, -}); - -// -SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ +SubComponent()({ computed: { aaa_num() { - return 123; + return 123 as number; }, aaa_num123() { - return 123 as const; + return 123; }, aaa_str() { - return "a" as const; // 不加const报错 + return "a"; }, aaa_obj() { this.data; @@ -108,9 +73,13 @@ SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ Checking< typeof this.data, ReadonlyDeep<{ - aaa_str: "a"; + num: number; + user: User | null; + str: string; + bool: boolean; aaa_num: number; aaa_num123: 123; + aaa_str: "a"; aaa_obj: Mock_User; }>, Test.Pass @@ -119,15 +88,19 @@ SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ return {} as Mock_User; }, }, - methods: { - aaa_ddd() { + lifetimes: { + attached() { // 5 this.data 深度只读 Checking< typeof this.data, ReadonlyDeep<{ - aaa_str: "a"; + num: number; + user: User | null; + str: string; + bool: boolean; aaa_num: number; aaa_num123: 123; + aaa_str: "a"; aaa_obj: Mock_User; }>, Test.Pass @@ -135,3 +108,26 @@ SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ }, }, }); + +// 计算属性可互相引用 !!!但是没有自动提示!!! +type CompDoc = ComponentDoc< + { properties: { aaa_num: number; aaa_user: User | null; aaa_xxx: number; aaa_age: number } } +>; + +SubComponent()({ + data: { + aaa_xxx: 123, + }, + computed: { + aaa_num() { + return this.data.aaa_xxx; + }, + aaa_user() { + return this.data.user; + }, + aaa_age() { + // 输入aaa_num时无提示,但完成后不报错。因为类型的计算在输入完成后才生效。 + return this.data.aaa_num; + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/SubDataConstraint.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/SubDataConstraint.ts index b97248a..d1c5812 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/SubDataConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/SubDataConstraint.ts @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ export type SubDataConstraint< O extends object, > = { // 加入响应式数据类型 - [k in (keyof O)]?: O[k] | (() => O[k]); + [k in (keyof O)]?: O[k]; }; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/error.test.ts index 4a9d3b4..cb62070 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/error.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/error.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; type OnlyCustomCompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ SubComponent<{}, OnlyPropsCompDoc>()({ }, data: { aaa_num: 123, // ok - aaa_obj: () => null, // ok + aaa_obj: null, // ok // @ts-expect-error "⚠️ Inherit字段重复 ⚠️" aaa_str: "123", // @ts-expect-error "⚠️ 组件文档无需字段 ⚠️" diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/normal.test.ts index 6f30467..a75cd38 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubData/test/normal.test.ts @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { Wm } from "../../../../thirdLib"; import type { CompDocExtends } from "../../../../types/CompDocExtends"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; type CompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ type CompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ }; }>; -// 1 data字段的key提示为:组件文档字段去除inherit字段后的字段.值类型为:文档对应字段类型或函数返回类型(表示引入的store数据)。或临时字段(内部运算所用字段,无法渲染到页面)key,值类型为unknown +// 1 data字段的key提示为:组件文档字段去除inherit字段后的字段.值类型为:文档对应字段类型或函数返回类型(表示引入的State数据)。或临时字段(内部运算所用字段,无法渲染到页面)key,值类型为unknown SubComponent<{}, CompDoc>()({ inherit: { aaa_obj: "wxml", }, data: { aaa_str: "a", - aaa_num: () => 123, + aaa_num: 123, _aaa_template: "internal", // 内部临时数据 }, }); @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ const res = SubComponent<{}, viewExtends>()({ view_class: "h-full", view_hover_class: "none", // 拓展的字段 - view_obj: () => ({} as Mock_User | null), - view_str: () => "a", - view_ddd: () => 123, + view_obj: {} as Mock_User | null, + view_str: "a", + view_ddd: 123, }, }); diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/SubEventsConstraint.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/SubEventsConstraint.ts index 121ba9e..5026725 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/SubEventsConstraint.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/SubEventsConstraint.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import type { Contains } from "hry-types/src/Any/Contains"; import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; -import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; import type { Bubbles, Capture, CustomEventsTags } from "../../RootComponent/CustomEvents/CustomEventsTag"; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/test/normal.test.ts index cbe3094..39b9d6b 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubEvents/test/normal.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { Wm } from "../../../../thirdLib"; -import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { Detail, WMBaseEvent } from "../../../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; import type { Bubbles, diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/SubInstance.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/SubInstance.ts index 5ca3b77..1d106f2 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/SubInstance.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/SubInstance.ts @@ -1,35 +1,9 @@ -import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; - -import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; -import type { ComputeIntersection } from "hry-types/src/Object/ComputeIntersection"; -import type { IReactionDisposer } from "mobx"; -import type { WMInstanceMethods, WMInstanceProperties } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; -import type { GetDataDoc } from "../../RootComponent/Data/GetDataDoc"; -import type { CustomEventMethods } from "../../RootComponent/Instance/CustomEventMethods"; -import type { CustomSetData } from "../../RootComponent/Instance/CustomSetData"; +import type { RootComponentInstance } from "../../RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance"; export type SubInstance< - TAllMethods, + TAllMethods extends object, TData extends object, AllData extends object, AllCustomEventsDoc extends object, - ResponsiveData = GetDataDoc, -> = - // 官方实例属性is options dataset等 - & WMInstanceProperties - // 官方实例方法去除setData,因其类型宽泛 - & Omit, "setData"> - // 加入自定义setData方法 - & CustomSetData> - & IfExtends< - {}, - ResponsiveData, - unknown, - { - __disposer: { [k in keyof ResponsiveData]: IReactionDisposer }; - _applySetData: (callback?: Function) => void; - } - > - & TAllMethods - & CustomEventMethods - & { data: ReadonlyDeep> }; + SubStateDoc extends object, +> = RootComponentInstance; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/test/normal.test.ts index cb7a908..e156f81 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubInstance/test/normal.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import type { RootComponentDoc } from "../../../RootComponent/RootComponentDoc"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ type CompDoc = ComponentDoc<{ SubComponent()({ data: { aaa_str: "str", + }, + state: { _aaa_SubReactive: () => 123, }, computed: {}, diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubLifetimes/SubLifetimesOption.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubLifetimes/SubLifetimesOption.ts index 9c581cd..e643a12 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubLifetimes/SubLifetimesOption.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubLifetimes/SubLifetimesOption.ts @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -import type { WMCompLifetimes } from "../../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { WMCompLifetimes } from "../../../types/officialCorrelation"; export type SubLifetimesOption = Partial; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubPageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubPageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts index ce39c26..a8e579e 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubPageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubPageLifetimes/test/normal.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import type { RootComponentDoc } from "../../../RootComponent/RootComponentDoc"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; @@ -66,5 +66,8 @@ SubComponent()({ onHide() { console.log("onHide"); }, + onResize(options) { + console.log("onResize", options); + }, }, }); diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubDataConstraint.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubDataConstraint.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f19872 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubDataConstraint.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/** + * 子组件Data字段约束 + * @returns 当剩余对象不为空对象,约束对象的key为剩余key,类型为剩余key对应的文档类型或函数返回类型。 + */ +export type SubStateConstraint< + O extends object, +> = { + [k in keyof O]?: () => O[k]; +}; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubStateOption.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubStateOption.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d06f7b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/SubStateOption.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import type { V } from "hry-types"; + +export type SubStateOption = { + state?: + & TSubState + & V.IllegalFieldValidator< + TSubState, + legalKeys | `_${TPrefix}_${string}`, + 0, + "", + "⚠️ 子组件无需此字段或为字段重复 ⚠️" + >; +}; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/error.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/error.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d70c89a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/error.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +import { observable } from "mobx"; + +import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; +import { SubComponent } from "../.."; +const user = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 20, +}); + +type DocA = ComponentDoc<{ + properties: { + aaa_str: string; + aaa_num: number; + }; +}>; + +SubComponent<{ + properties: { + aaa_str: string; + aaa_num: number; + }; +}, DocA>()({ + inherit: { + aaa_str: "aaa_str", + }, + data: { + aaa_num: 20, + }, + state: { + // @ts-expect-error 1 与 inherit 字段重复 + aaa_str: () => user.name, + // @ts-expect-error 2 与 data 字段重复 + aaa_num: () => user.age, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/normal.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/normal.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0459aff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubState/test/normal.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import { observable } from "mobx"; + +import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; +import { SubComponent } from "../.."; +const user = observable({ + name: "zhao", + age: 20, +}); + +type DocA = ComponentDoc<{ + properties: { + aaa_str: string; + aaa_num: number; + }; +}>; + +SubComponent<{}, DocA>()({ + state: { + aaa_str: () => user.name, + + aaa_num: () => user.age, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchRootData.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchRootData.test.ts index 16d3ab1..1986ae2 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchRootData.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchRootData.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../../../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/test/normalRequired.test"; +import type { Mock_User } from "../../../RootComponent/Properties/expected/normalRequired"; import { SubComponent } from "../.."; type TestObj = { @@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ type RootDoc = { */ SubComponent()({ data: { + aaa_str: "str", + }, + state: { aaa_num() { return 123; }, - aaa_str: "str", }, watch: { // properties 字段 diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchSubData.test.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchSubData.test.ts index d038c55..90e1bed 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchSubData.test.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/SubWatch/test/WatchSubData.test.ts @@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ SubComponent<{}, CompDoc>()({ SubComponent<{}, CompDoc>()({ data: { aaa_str: "123", - aaa_num: () => 123, + _aaa_other: 123, }, + state: { + aaa_num: () => 123, + }, watch: { aaa_str(newValue, oldValue) { Checking<"123", typeof newValue, Test.Pass>; diff --git a/src/api/SubComponent/index.ts b/src/api/SubComponent/index.ts index a4df1cc..26e3a9e 100644 --- a/src/api/SubComponent/index.ts +++ b/src/api/SubComponent/index.ts @@ -4,9 +4,14 @@ import type { RequiredKeys } from "hry-types/src/Object/RequiredKeys"; import type { ExtractDocPrefix } from "../../types/GetComponentPrefix"; import type { ReplacePrefix } from "../../types/ReplacePrefix"; import type { ComponentDoc } from "../DefineComponent/ReturnType/ComponentDoc"; -import type { GetDataDoc } from "../RootComponent/Data/GetDataDoc"; -import type { WMCompLifetimes, WMCompPageLifetimes, WMPageLifetimes } from "../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type { + WMCompLifetimes, + WMCompOtherOption, + WMCompPageLifetimes, + WMPageLifetimes, +} from "../../types/officialCorrelation"; import type { RootComponentDoc } from "../RootComponent/RootComponentDoc"; import type { GetSubComputedDoc } from "./SubComputed/GetSubComputedDoc"; import type { SubComputedConstraint } from "./SubComputed/SubComputedConstraint"; @@ -22,6 +27,8 @@ import type { SubMethodsConstraint } from "./SubMethods/SubMethodsConstraint"; import type { SubMethodsOption } from "./SubMethods/SubMethodsOption"; import type { SubPageLifetimesOption } from "./SubPageLifetimes/SubPageLifetimesOption"; import type { CreateSubComponentDoc } from "./SubReturnType/CreateSubComponentDoc"; +import type { SubStateConstraint } from "./SubState/SubDataConstraint"; +import type { SubStateOption } from "./SubState/SubStateOption"; import type { SubWatchOption } from "./SubWatch/SubWatchOption"; type Options< @@ -32,11 +39,13 @@ type Options< AllRootDataDoc extends object, TInherit extends object, TSubData extends object, + TSubState extends object, TSubComputed extends SubComputedConstraint, TEvents extends object, TSubMethods extends object, InheritDoc extends object, SubDataDoc extends object, + SubStateDoc extends object, SubComputedDoc extends SubComputedConstraint, SubEventsDoc extends object, SubMethodsDoc extends object, @@ -47,11 +56,16 @@ type Options< Exclude, Prefix > + & SubStateOption< + TSubState, + Exclude, + Prefix + > & SubComputedOption< TSubComputed, - AllRootDataDoc & SubDataDoc & SubComputedDoc, + AllRootDataDoc & SubDataDoc & SubDataDoc & SubComputedDoc, // 合法的配置 - Omit + Omit > & SubEventsOption> & SubMethodsOption @@ -61,13 +75,16 @@ type Options< & SubComputedDoc & SubDataDoc & AllRootDataDoc + & SubStateDoc > + & Partial> & ThisType< SubInstance< SubMethodsDoc & RootDoc["methods"], TSubData, - AllRootDataDoc & SubDataDoc & SubComputedDoc, - RootDoc["customEvents"] & {} + AllRootDataDoc & SubDataDoc & SubComputedDoc & SubStateDoc, + RootDoc["customEvents"] & {}, + SubStateDoc > >; @@ -94,17 +111,22 @@ type SubComponentConstructor< < TInherit extends InheritConstraint, TSubData extends SubDataConstraint, keyof InheritDoc>>, + TSubState extends SubStateConstraint, keyof (InheritDoc & SubDataDoc)>>, TEvents extends SubEventsConstraint, - TSubComputed extends SubComputedConstraint< - Omit, keyof InheritDoc | keyof SubDataDoc> - > = {}, + TSubComputed extends SubComputedConstraint = {}, TSubMethods extends SubMethodsConstraint = {}, InheritDoc extends object = IfExtends, TInherit, {}, TInherit>, SubDataDoc extends object = IfExtends< SubDataConstraint, keyof InheritDoc>>, TSubData, {}, - GetDataDoc + TSubData + >, + SubStateDoc extends object = IfExtends< + SubStateConstraint, keyof (InheritDoc & SubDataDoc)>>, + TSubState, + {}, + { [k in keyof TSubState]: ReturnType } >, // 无效的计算 // SubComputedDoc extends ComputedConstraint = GetSubComputedDoc, @@ -118,7 +140,7 @@ type SubComponentConstructor< // 缺失的必传字段(配置中inhrit,data,computed的字段不包含的必传字段) MissingRequiredField extends PropertyKey = Exclude< RequiredKeys, - keyof (InheritDoc & SubDataDoc & GetSubComputedDoc) + keyof (InheritDoc & SubDataDoc & SubStateDoc & GetSubComputedDoc) >, >( options: Options< @@ -129,11 +151,13 @@ type SubComponentConstructor< AllRootDataDoc, TInherit, TSubData, + TSubState, TSubComputed, TEvents, TSubMethods, InheritDoc, SubDataDoc, + SubStateDoc, GetSubComputedDoc, SubEventsDoc, SubMethodsDoc @@ -153,13 +177,14 @@ export function SubComponent< return ((options: any) => options) as any; } +// 相比与 export type TrivialOption = Options<{},...>,更直观字段和类型,但断耦合,注意类型是否正确.这是为最终生成官方Component API 的options参数而生。 export type SubComponentOptions = { inhrit?: string; data?: Record; - computed?: Record; - event?: Record; - methods?: Record; - watch?: Record; + computed?: Record; + events?: Record; + methods?: Record; + watch?: Record; lifetimes?: WMCompLifetimes["lifetimes"]; - pageLifetimes?: Partial; + pageLifetimes?: Partial; }; diff --git a/src/api/navigateTo.ts b/src/api/navigateTo.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1063ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/navigateTo.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import type { IfEquals } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfEquals"; +import type { IfExtends } from "hry-types/src/Any/IfExtends"; +import type { NoInfer } from "hry-types/src/Generic/NoInfer"; +import type { WMNavigateToOption } from "../types/officialCorrelation"; +import type { RequiredKeys } from "../types/RequiredKeys"; +import { INNERMARKER } from "../utils/InnerMarker"; +import type { PageDoc } from "./DefineComponent/ReturnType/PageDoc"; + +type NavigateToOption = + & { + url: T["path"]; + } + & IfExtends< + unknown, + T["properties"], + unknown, + IfEquals< + RequiredKeys>, + never, + { + data?: T["properties"]; + }, + { + data: T["properties"]; + } + > + > + & Omit; + +/** + * 对象中可以使用 `"; / ? : @ & = + $ `, #"做为数据的一部分 + */ +function _encodeURIComponent( + option: Omit & { url: string; data: object }, +): WechatMiniprogram.NavigateToOption { + const result: WMNavigateToOption = { + url: `${option.url}?${INNERMARKER.url}=${ + encodeURIComponent( + JSON.stringify(option.data), + ) + }`, + }; + + Reflect.deleteProperty(option, "url"); + + Reflect.deleteProperty(option, "data"); + + return Object.assign(result, option); +} + +/** + * 页面onload参数中接受的数据值是传递的url解析后的字符串。例如:A页面通过`wx.navigateTo({url:'/pages/test/test?num=123&obj={"name":"zhao"}'})` + * test页面onLoad(data)的参数data接受内容为` data = {num:"123",obj:"{"name":"zhao"}"}`即默认的url传的数据值为字符串,需要在接收时自行解析(JSON.parse)。且url采取ASCII编码只能接受0x20-0x7e区间的符号。无法使用一些特殊符号 如 ` :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;= `。 + * navigateTo API 为 wx.navigateTo的语法糖,增加了data字段,最终的url数据拼接了通过encodeURIComponent编码(支持默认忽略的特殊符号)的data字段,在跳转页面的onload中通过decodeURIComponent解析url赋值给实例的data对象。为求使用时更加方便(无需对参数data解析再赋值)。且有ts类型提示。 + */ +export function navigateTo( + option: NoInfer>, +) { + if (!option["data"]) { + return wx.navigateTo(option); + } else { + return wx.navigateTo( + _encodeURIComponent(option as NavigateToOption & { data: object }), + ); + } +} diff --git a/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/data-tracer.ts b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/data-tracer.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8ccc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/data-tracer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import type { ComputedDependence } from "./initComputed"; + +export function deepProxy( + data: object, + dependences: ComputedDependence[], + basePath: string[] = [], +): object { + const handler = { + set() { + throw Error("计算属性中不可以改变data对象的值"); + }, + get(target: object, prop: string) { + // // 得到原始的对象 在unwrap时使用 + // console.log(target, prop); + + if (prop === "__rawObject__") return target; + + const val = target[prop]; + + // console.log("获取依赖", prop, val); + + // 依赖长度不为0时 去重 + if (basePath.length !== 0) { + // 依赖去重 + const lastDependences = dependences[dependences.length - 1]; // 倒数第一个是当前依赖。2022 at(-1) + // 只留最后一个路径。比如 return this.data.obj.user.name 得到的是最后1个路径 ['obj','user','name'] 减少无效依赖,提高性能。 而非3个 ['obj'], ['obj','user'],['obj','user','name'] + if (lastDependences.paths.toString() === basePath.toString()) { + // console.log('删除', lastDependences) + dependences.pop(); + } + } + const curPath = basePath.concat(prop); + + dependences.push({ paths: curPath, val: unwrap(val) }); + + // 自身方法或原型属性不代理 + if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, prop) || typeof val === "function") { + // 原型链上的属性不代理,函数加bind。如 this.data.arr.slice() this.data.arr.forEach(...) + return typeof val === "function" ? val.bind(target) : val; + } + // 非对象不代理 + if (typeof val !== "object" || val === null) return val; + + return deepProxy(val, dependences, curPath); + }, + }; + + return new Proxy(data, handler); +} + +export function unwrap(wrapped: any): unknown { + // 非引用值 直接返回 + if (typeof wrapped !== "object" || wrapped === null) { + return wrapped; + } + // 是引用值 取原值 + const originalValue = wrapped.__rawObject__; + if (originalValue) { + wrapped = originalValue; + } + + return wrapped; +} diff --git a/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/index.ts b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af71855 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type { ComponentOptions } from "../../api/DefineComponent"; +import { isEmptyObject } from "../../utils/isEmptyObject"; +import { deepProxy, unwrap } from "./data-tracer"; +import { type ComputedDependence, initComputed } from "./initComputed"; + +import { deepClone } from "../../utils/deepClone"; +import { deleteProtoField } from "../../utils/deleteProtoField"; +import { isEqual } from "./isEqual"; +import type { InstanceInner, WatchOldValue } from "./types"; +/** + * 实现 + * 1. 计算属性初始化在attached之后(前版本在beforeCreate) + * 2. 通过observers.**(前版本劫持setData)更新计算属性。 + * 原因 + * 1. 之前版本放在beforeCreate好处是符合正常思维,即组件建立后(created)包含计算属性的data就应该都存在了。 + * 但由于properties字段数据实际有效是发生在attached之后。所以之前版本计算属性在挂载到上级组件时,依赖properties的计算属性更新有可能是无意义的。因为上级组件传递的properties有可能由它的上级组件传递而来。根本愿意是组件实例挂载是由内而外,而properties是由外到内传递数据。虽然这些无意义更新只发生在一次(onload之前). + * 2 当properties中有内部字段时(例如设置了pureDataPattern: /^_/,),无法通过设置properties下的observer属性来获知属性更新通知,从而无法劫持setData。才导致有这个最新版本出现。 + * 3. 子组件计算属性若依赖properties字段,当子组件挂载到父组件时,就会触发observers.**字段,从而进行一次无效的计算属性更新。解决方案是:实例默认一个__computedStatus__字段,当observers.**变化时,如果__computedStatus__为'初始化中'(表示计算属性还未初始化完毕),就不会进行计算属性更新。当attached周期后(计算属性初始化完毕)把__computedStatus__变为'待更新',再次触发observers.**字段则更新计算属性。 + */ +/** + * computed初始化值在组件建立后,这样能保证计算属性依赖properties字段时,properties必传字段一定有值,减少计算属性代码(不必考虑properties无值时的情况)。坏处是增加了组件初始化时运行的代码量。 + */ +function getPathsValue(this: InstanceInner, paths: string[]) { + return paths.reduce((pre: unknown, path) => { + // pre有可能为undefined,比如paths(['computedUser','name'])的首路径为还未初始化的计算属性,还有可能是properties的对象类型(默认为null) + return pre ? pre[path] : pre; + }, this.data); +} + +function computedUpdater(this: InstanceInner, isUpdated = false): boolean { + // console.log("computedUpdater开始"); + + // console.log("循环判断缓存中每个计算属性依赖是否有变化"); + + for (const key in this.__computedCache__) { + // console.log("当前计算属性为:", key); + + const itemCache = this.__computedCache__[key]; + let changed = false; + for (const dep of itemCache.dependences) { + const curVal = getPathsValue.call(this, dep.paths); + + // 检查依赖是否更新 + if (!isEqual(curVal, dep.val)) { + changed = true; + + break; + } + } + + if (changed) { + const newDependences: ComputedDependence[] = []; + + const newValue = itemCache.method.call({ + data: deepProxy(this.data, newDependences), + }); + + // 更新值不会立即再次进入**函数,而是当前**函数运行完毕后触发**函数, + this.setData({ + [key]: unwrap(newValue), + }); + + isUpdated = true; + + // 更新依赖 + this.__computedCache__[key].dependences = newDependences; + + // 有一个计算属性更新就重新更新所有计算互相,避免后置依赖导致前置依赖错误 + return computedUpdater.call(this, isUpdated); + } + } + + return isUpdated; +} +function initWatchOldValue(this: InstanceInner, watchConfig: object): WatchOldValue { + const watchOldValue = {}; + for (const key in watchConfig) { + watchOldValue[key] = deepClone(getPathsValue.call(this, key.split("."))); + } + + return watchOldValue; +} +export const BComputedAndWatch = Behavior({ + definitionFilter(options: ComponentOptions) { + const computedConfig = options.computed; + // computed handle + if (computedConfig && !isEmptyObject(computedConfig)) { + const methodsConfig = options.methods ||= {}; + + // 把计算属性配置保留在methods的__computedConfig__字段下带入到组件实例中。 + methodsConfig.__computedConfig__ = () => computedConfig; + + const observersConfig = options.observers ||= {}; + // 通过observers加入`**`字段来触发计算属性更新 + const originalFunc = observersConfig["**"] as Func | undefined; + + observersConfig["**"] = function(this: InstanceInner): undefined { + const computedStatus = this.__computedStatus__; + switch (computedStatus) { + case undefined: + // 1 触发来自attach时或没有计算属性时 + originalFunc && originalFunc.call(this); + + break; + case "初始化中": + // 2 触发来自计算属性初始化时的setData,什么都不需要做。 初始化后__computedStatus__变为待更新 + + break; + case "待更新": + // 3. 触发来自attached后的setData或properties更新 + { + const isUpdated = this.__computedUpdater__(); + if (isUpdated) { + // 更新了会再次触发自身转到 4 + this.__computedStatus__ = "更新完毕"; + } else { + // 无需更新计算属性 + originalFunc && originalFunc.call(this); + } + } + break; + case "更新完毕": + { + // 4 来自计算属性更新后的自身回调 + // console.log("来自计算属性更新后的自身回调"); + this.__computedStatus__ = "待更新"; + + originalFunc && originalFunc.call(this); + } + break; + } + }; + } + // watch handle + const watchConfig = options.watch; + if (watchConfig && !isEmptyObject(watchConfig)) { + const methodsConfig = options.methods ||= {}; + + // 把watch配置保留在methods的__watchConfig__字段下带入到组件实例中。 + methodsConfig.__watchConfig__ = () => watchConfig; + + const observersConfig = options.observers ||= {}; + for (const key in watchConfig) { + const watchHadle = watchConfig[key]; + + observersConfig[key] = function(this: InstanceInner, newValue: unknown) { + const watchOldValue = this.__watchOldValue__!; + const oldValue = watchOldValue[key]; + + if (oldValue === undefined) { + // oldValue为undefined时,表示key为计算属性关联的路径,触发是因为计算属性初始化导致。所以当前newValue为计算属性初始值。properties字段对象类型oldvalue为null + watchOldValue[key] = deepClone(newValue); + + // 这里返回表示不监控计算属性初始化时的赋值 + return; + } + if (isEqual(newValue, oldValue)) return; + watchOldValue[key] = deepClone(newValue); + + watchHadle.call(this, newValue, oldValue); + }; + } + } + }, + lifetimes: { + created(this: InstanceInner) { + // 初始化watch 生成OldValue + const watchConfig = this.__watchConfig__?.(); + + deleteProtoField(this, "__watchConfig__"); + + if (watchConfig) { + // 1 此时由于计算属性还未初始化所以计算属性的oldValue为undefined,后续 2 + this.__watchOldValue__ = initWatchOldValue.call(this, watchConfig); + } + }, + attached(this: InstanceInner) { + const computedConfig = this.__computedConfig__?.(); + + deleteProtoField(this, "__computedConfig__"); + + // 处理 computed + if (computedConfig) { + // 实例加入 __computedUpdateStatus__ 提高性能 + this.__computedStatus__ = "初始化中"; + + // 初始化计算属性(返回缓存) + this.__computedCache__ = initComputed.call( + this, + computedConfig, + Object.keys(computedConfig), + ); + + // 给原型上加入__computedUpdater__方法 在observers下的'**'配置中触发 + + this.__computedUpdater__ = computedUpdater.bind(this); + + this.__computedStatus__ = "待更新"; + + // // 2 为watchOldValue加入计算属性的初始值 + // const watchOldValue = this.__watchOldValue__; + // if (!watchOldValue) return; + // const computedCache = this.__computedCache__; + // for (const key in computedCache) { + // if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(watchOldValue, key)) { + // watchOldValue[key] = computedCache[key].value; + // } + // } + } + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/initComputed.ts b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/initComputed.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b10bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/initComputed.ts @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// import type { ComponentInstance } from "../../api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance"; +// import type { IsDependOnOthers } from "./data-tracer"; + +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import { deepProxy, unwrap } from "./data-tracer"; +import type { ComputedCache, InstanceInner } from "./types"; +export type ComputedDependence = { paths: string[]; val: unknown }; + +type ComputedInfo = { + dependences: ComputedDependence[]; + value: unknown; +}; + +/** + * 如果依赖列表某项的首个字段值为undefined并且字段为其他计算属性字段 返回false(即被依赖的计算字段写在了依赖他的计算字段后面), 否则返回ComputedInfo。 + */ +function isValidDependences(dependences: ComputedDependence[], computedKeys: string[]): boolean { + for (const { paths: path, val } of dependences) { + // 引用值为undefined时 + // console.log(path[0]); + if (val === undefined && computedKeys.includes(path[0])) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; // 依赖有效 +} + +export function getComputedInfo( + this: InstanceInner, + computedKeys: string[], + computedFunc: Func, + key: string, +): false | ComputedInfo { + // 建立当前计算字段的依赖 + const dependences: ComputedDependence[] = []; + let initValue: unknown; + try { + initValue = computedFunc.call({ + data: deepProxy(this.data, dependences), + }); + } catch (error) { + // 为js开发考虑使用了 this.data.xxx.age 当xxx为undefined时 + if (!isValidDependences(dependences, computedKeys)) { + // 情况2 依赖了未初始化的计算属性的子属性(会报错) 见computed测试文件 + return false; + } + // 其他错误正常报错 + throw error; + } + if (isValidDependences(dependences, computedKeys)) { + // 有效的依赖 + initValue = unwrap(initValue); + + this.setData({ + [key]: initValue, + }); + + return { dependences, value: initValue }; + } else { + // 情况1 依赖了其他未初始化的计算属性(不报错) 见computed测试文件 + return false; + } +} + +/** + * 依赖去重 + * @example + * ```ts + * const dependences = [{path:['a','b']}, {path:['a','b','c']}, {path:['d','e']}, {path:['d']}] + * const result = uniqueDependences(dependences) + * // result = [{path:['a','b'] } ,{ path:['d'] }] + * ``` + */ +function uniqueDependences(dependences: ComputedDependence[]): ComputedDependence[] { + if (dependences.length === 1) return dependences; + + for (let f = 0; f < dependences.length; f++) { + const firstPath = dependences[f].paths.join(".") + "."; + for (let i = f + 1; i < dependences.length; i++) { + const curPath = dependences[i].paths.join(".") + "."; + // console.log(firstPath,curPath) + if (firstPath.startsWith(curPath)) { + // console.log('删除:',f) + // 例如 path[0] = 'a.b.c',curPath = 'a.b' + dependences.splice(f, 1); + + return uniqueDependences(dependences); + } + if (curPath.startsWith(firstPath)) { + // console.log('删除:',i) + // 例如 curPath = 'a.b.c' path[0] = 'a.b', + dependences.splice(i, 1); + + return uniqueDependences(dependences); + } + } + } + + return dependences; +} +/** + * 初始化计算属性配置返回计算属性缓存 + * @param computedConfig - 计算属性配置 + * @param uninitedkeys - 未初始的计算属性keys + * @param computedCache - 计算属性缓存默认=`{}` + * @returns 计算属性缓存 + */ +export function initComputed( + this: InstanceInner, + computedConfig: Record, + uninitedkeys: string[], // + computedCache: ComputedCache = {}, +): ComputedCache { + // 收集依赖 + for (const key of uninitedkeys) { + const computedInfo = getComputedInfo.call(this, uninitedkeys, computedConfig[key], key); + + // 去除完成的依赖key + uninitedkeys = uninitedkeys.filter(ele => ele !== key); + + if (computedInfo === false) { + // 把当前依赖不正确的key放到后面去 + uninitedkeys.push(key); + } else { + computedCache[key] = { + // 去重 避免 如: ` age(){ return this.data.xxx.num + this.data.xxx.str + this.data.xxx} ` 造成的多个依赖相同情况。应就要一个 xxx + dependences: uniqueDependences(computedInfo.dependences), + method: computedConfig[key], + value: computedInfo.value, // 为了watch的oldValue + }; + } + } + // 看uninitedkey是否未空,空表示所有依赖收集完毕直接返回 + if (uninitedkeys.length === 0) { + return computedCache; + } + + // uninitedkey不为空,递归 + return initComputed.call(this, computedConfig, uninitedkeys, computedCache); +} diff --git a/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/isEqual.ts b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/isEqual.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..858a4f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/isEqual.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/** + * 深度判断2个值是否相等,NaN与NaN不等,+0与-0相等。 + */ +export function isEqual(value: unknown, other: unknown) { + if (value === other) { + return true; + } + // value和other有一个为null或不是对象 一定不相等 + if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null || typeof other !== "object" || other === null) { + return false; + } + const keys1 = Object.keys(value); + const keys2 = Object.keys(other); + // 对象类型长度不等,一定不相等 + if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { + return false; + } + // 递归比较存在的相同key是否相等 + for (const key of keys1) { + if (!keys2.includes(key) || !isEqual(value[key], other[key])) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; +} diff --git a/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/types.ts b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0ed7ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type { ComputedDependence } from "./initComputed"; + +export type InstanceInner = { + __pendingSetData__?: object | null; + applySetData: Func; + __stateConfig__?: () => Record unknown>; + __computedStatus__?: "初始化中" | "待更新" | "更新完毕"; + __computedUpdater__: Func; + __computedConfig__?: () => Record; + __computedCache__?: ComputedCache; + __watchOldValue__?: WatchOldValue; + __watchConfig__?: () => Record; + data: object; + disposer: Record; + setData: (opt: object, callback?: () => void) => void; +}; + +export type ComputedCache = Record< + string, + { + dependences: ComputedDependence[]; + method: Func; + value: unknown; + } +>; + +export type WatchOldValue = Record; diff --git a/src/behaviors/BState.ts b/src/behaviors/BState.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cbe416 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BState.ts @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import type mobx from "mobx"; +import { deepClone } from "../utils/deepClone"; +import { deleteProtoField } from "../utils/deleteProtoField"; +import type { InstanceInner } from "./BComputedAndWatch/types"; + +function applySetData(this: InstanceInner, callback?: Func) { + const setDataObj = this.__pendingSetData__!; + if (setDataObj === null) { + console.warn("没有待setData的数据"); + + return; + } + this.__pendingSetData__ = null; + + this.setData(setDataObj, callback); +} +/** + * 响应式数据默认一起setData,避免observers.**多次触发去更新计算属性,从而提高性能。 + */ +function scheduleSetData(this: InstanceInner, key: string, value: unknown) { + const pendingSetData = this.__pendingSetData__; + if (!pendingSetData) { + this.__pendingSetData__ = {}; + + wx.nextTick(this.applySetData); + } + this.__pendingSetData__![key] = value; +} +/** + * 响应式数据逻辑添加在attached生命周期,这样子组件计算属性(初始化在响应式数据后)在初始化时就得到准确的数据避免在attach时由于父组件传递的响应式值还没初始化。 + */ +export const BState = Behavior({ + lifetimes: { + attached(this: InstanceInner) { + // 取出通过addStateConfigToMethods函数带入的stateConfig + const stateConfig = this.__stateConfig__?.(); + if (!stateConfig) return; + const { comparer, reaction, toJS } = require("mobx") as typeof mobx; + const scheduleSetDataState = {}; + for (const key in stateConfig) { + scheduleSetDataState[key] = deepClone(toJS(stateConfig[key]())), this.disposer ||= {}; + + // 添加响应式逻辑 + this.disposer[key] = reaction( + stateConfig[key], + (value: unknown) => { + // 加入到待setData对象中 + scheduleSetData.call(this, key, toJS(value)); + }, + { + equals: comparer.structural, + }, + ); + } + // 初始化state + this.setData(scheduleSetDataState); + + deleteProtoField(this, "__stateConfig__"); + + // 为this上加applySetData方法(响应式数据变化时,默认是在nexttick进行setData的,可通过applySetData方法实现同步setData) + this.applySetData = applySetData.bind(this); + }, + detached(this: InstanceInner) { + // 清除state数据 + for (const key in this.disposer) { + this.disposer[key](); + } + }, + }, +}); diff --git a/src/behaviors/BbeforeCreated.ts b/src/behaviors/BbeforeCreated.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2587eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/behaviors/BbeforeCreated.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +export const BBeforeCreate = Behavior({ + definitionFilter(options) { + // 触发beforeCreate生命周期函数 + const beforeCreateFunc = options.lifetimes?.beforeCreate; + + beforeCreateFunc && beforeCreateFunc(options); + }, +}); diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index 0864049..4b4b5f8 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +export type { Vant, Wm } from "./thirdLib"; + +export type { Dataset, Detail, WMBaseEvent, WMCustomEvent } from "./types/officialCorrelation"; + +export { navigateTo } from "./api/navigateTo"; + export { DefineComponent } from "./api/DefineComponent"; export { RootComponent } from "./api/RootComponent"; @@ -5,3 +11,5 @@ export { RootComponent } from "./api/RootComponent"; export { SubComponent } from "./api/SubComponent"; export type { SpecificType } from "./types/SpecificType"; + +export type { ParamsEqual } from "./types/TwoParamsEqual"; diff --git a/src/thirdLib/wm/baseEvents.ts b/src/thirdLib/wm/baseEvents.ts index 2d25bbb..b1d2c3e 100644 --- a/src/thirdLib/wm/baseEvents.ts +++ b/src/thirdLib/wm/baseEvents.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import type { Bubbles } from "../../api/RootComponent/CustomEvents/CustomEventsTag"; -import type { WMBaseEvent } from "../../types/officialAlias"; +import type { WMBaseEvent } from "../../types/officialCorrelation"; export type BaseEvents = { /** diff --git a/src/thirdLib/wm/scrollView.ts b/src/thirdLib/wm/scrollView.ts index dc9773c..d8b72db 100644 --- a/src/thirdLib/wm/scrollView.ts +++ b/src/thirdLib/wm/scrollView.ts @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export type ScrollView = CreateComponentDoc<"scrollView", { // 自定义下拉刷新被触发 bindrefresherrefresh: EmptyObject; // 自定义下拉刷新被复位 - bindrefresherrestore: EmptyObject; + bindrefresherreState: EmptyObject; // 自定义下拉刷新被中止 bindrefresherabort: EmptyObject; }; diff --git a/src/types/InferSpecificType.ts b/src/types/InferSpecificType.ts index 09e2e84..34385b7 100644 --- a/src/types/InferSpecificType.ts +++ b/src/types/InferSpecificType.ts @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ export type InferSpecificType = T extends StringConstructor ? string : T extends BooleanConstructor ? boolean : T extends ArrayConstructor ? unknown[] : T extends ObjectConstructor ? object | null - : T extends SpecificType ? R - : T; + : T extends SpecificType ? R extends readonly unknown[] ? R : R extends object ? R | null : R + : never; diff --git a/src/types/RestorePropTypeOfList.ts b/src/types/RestorePropTypeOfList.ts index 6b389cf..2632e16 100644 --- a/src/types/RestorePropTypeOfList.ts +++ b/src/types/RestorePropTypeOfList.ts @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ import { Checking, type Test } from "hry-types"; import type { SpecificType } from "./SpecificType"; -export type RestorePropTypeOfList = L extends [infer Head, ...infer Rest] - ? RestorePropTypeOfList]> +export type ReStatePropTypeOfList = L extends [infer Head, ...infer Rest] + ? ReStatePropTypeOfList]> : R; -type Test1 = RestorePropTypeOfList<[number, string, { c: boolean }, boolean, string[]]>; +type Test1 = ReStatePropTypeOfList<[number, string, { c: boolean }, boolean, string[]]>; type Test1Expect = [ SpecificType, diff --git a/src/types/RestorePropertiesDoc.ts b/src/types/RestorePropertiesDoc.ts index bec2401..e7024dd 100644 --- a/src/types/RestorePropertiesDoc.ts +++ b/src/types/RestorePropertiesDoc.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // import type { Drop } from "./Drop"; // import type { ListOfSamePrimitive } from "./ListOfSamePrimitive"; -// import type { RestorePropTypeOfList } from "./RestorePropTypeOfList"; +// import type { ReStatePropTypeOfList } from "./ReStatePropTypeOfList"; // import type { SpecificType } from "./SpecificType"; /** @@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ * @example * ```ts * type doc = {properties:{a:'1'|'2',b:boolean,c:string[],d:{name:string}}} - * type test = RestorePropertiesDoc + * type test = ReStatePropertiesDoc * //=> {a: "1" | "2" | {type: "1" | "2"; value?: "1" | "2";}; b: boolean | {type: boolean; value?: boolean;}; c: string[] | {type: string[]; value?: string[];}; d: {name: string;} | {type: {name: string;}; value?: {name: string;};}} * ``` */ -// type RestorePropertiesDoc = { +// type ReStatePropertiesDoc = { // [k in keyof T]?: ListOfSamePrimitive extends infer R extends unknown[] // ? R["length"] extends 1 ? SpecificType | { type: SpecificType; value: R[0] } // : { // type: SpecificType; // value?: R[0]; -// optionalTypes?: RestorePropTypeOfList>[number][]; +// optionalTypes?: ReStatePropTypeOfList>[number][]; // } // : never; // }; diff --git a/src/types/TwoParamsEqual.ts b/src/types/TwoParamsEqual.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14d68d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/TwoParamsEqual.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import type { Equals } from "hry-types/src/Any/_api"; + +export type ParamsEqual extends true ? unknown : never> = true; diff --git a/src/types/ValidatorOfReturnType.ts b/src/types/ValidatorOfReturnType.ts index 5d9f97d..a348da7 100644 --- a/src/types/ValidatorOfReturnType.ts +++ b/src/types/ValidatorOfReturnType.ts @@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ import type { SubComputedConstraint } from "../api/SubComponent/SubComputed/SubC /** * 返回类型验证 */ -export type ValidatorOfReturnType = { +export type ValidatorOfReturnType< + TComputed extends SubComputedConstraint, + TCompare extends Record, +> = { [ - k in keyof TComputed as k extends keyof TCompare // @ts-ignore TComputed[k]必为函数 - ? ReturnType extends TCompare[k] ? never + k in keyof TComputed as ReturnType extends TCompare[k] ? never : k - : never ]: k extends keyof TCompare ? () => TCompare[k] : never; }; diff --git a/src/types/officialCorrelation.ts b/src/types/officialCorrelation.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f58d5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/officialCorrelation.ts @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +export type WMTriggerEventOption = WechatMiniprogram.Component.TriggerEventOption; + +export type WMCustomEvent< + Detail = object, + Mark extends object = object, + CurrentTargetDataset extends object = object, + TargetDataset extends object = CurrentTargetDataset, +> = WechatMiniprogram.CustomEvent< + Detail, + Mark, + CurrentTargetDataset, + TargetDataset +>; + +export type WMBaseEvent< + Mark extends object = object, + CurrentTargetDataset extends object = object, + TargetDataset extends object = CurrentTargetDataset, +> = WechatMiniprogram.BaseEvent; + +/** + * 事件触发组件的Dataset类型 + */ +export type Dataset< + TCurrentTargetDataset extends object, + TargetDataset extends object = TCurrentTargetDataset, + Detail = {}, +> = WMCustomEvent; + +/** + * 自定义事件Detail类型 + */ +export type Mark = WechatMiniprogram.CustomEvent< + {}, + TMark, + {}, + {} +>; + +/** + * 自定义事件Detail类型 + */ +export type Detail = WMCustomEvent; + +/** + * 当前事件组件Dataset + */ +export type CurrentTargetDataset = WMCustomEvent<{}, {}, T>; + +/** + * 触发事件组件Dataset + */ +export type TargetDataset = WMCustomEvent<{}, {}, {}, TargetDataset>; + +// export type WMTrivialOption< +// TData extends WechatMiniprogram.Component.DataOption, +// TProperty extends WechatMiniprogram.Component.PropertyOption, +// TMethod extends WechatMiniprogram.Component.MethodOption, +// TCustomInstanceProperty extends WechatMiniprogram.IAnyObject = {}, +// TIsPage extends boolean = false, +export type WMComponentOption = WechatMiniprogram.Component.TrivialOption; + +export type WMNavigateToSuccessCallbackResult = WechatMiniprogram.NavigateToSuccessCallbackResult; + +export type WMCompPageLifetimes = WechatMiniprogram.Component.PageLifetimes; + +export type WMComponentInstance = WechatMiniprogram.Component.InstanceProperties; + +export type WMPageInstance = WechatMiniprogram.Page.InstanceProperties; + +export type WMNavigateToOption = WechatMiniprogram.NavigateToOption; + +export type WMInstanceMethods = WechatMiniprogram.Component.InstanceMethods; + +export type WMCompLifetimes = WechatMiniprogram.Component.Lifetimes; + +export type WMCompOtherOption = WechatMiniprogram.Component.OtherOption; + +export type WMPageLifetimes = WechatMiniprogram.Page.ILifetime; + +export declare namespace WMComponent { + interface Options { + /** + * [启用多slot支持](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/wxml-wxss.html#组件wxml的slot) + */ + multipleSlots?: boolean; + /** + * 原始文档 [组件样式隔离](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/wxml-wxss.html#组件样式隔离) + * @deprecated glass-easel框架下被废弃 [兼容文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/glass-easel/migration.html#JSON-%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE) + */ + addGlobalClass?: boolean; + /** + * [组件样式隔离](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/wxml-wxss.html#组件样式隔离) + */ + styleIsolation?: + | "isolated" + | "apply-shared" + | "shared" + | "page-isolated" + | "page-apply-shared" + | "page-shared"; + /** + * [纯数据字段](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/pure-data.html) 是一些不用于界面渲染的 data 字段,可以用于提升页面更新性能。从小程序基础库版本 2.8.2 开始支持。 + */ + pureDataPattern?: RegExp; + /** + * [虚拟化组件节点](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/wxml-wxss.html#%E8%99%9A%E6%8B%9F%E5%8C%96%E7%BB%84%E4%BB%B6%E8%8A%82%E7%82%B9) 使自定义组件内部的第一层节点由自定义组件本身完全决定。从小程序基础库版本 [`2.11.2`](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/compatibility.html) 开始支持 */ + virtualHost?: boolean; + } +} diff --git a/src/utils/InnerMarker.ts b/src/utils/InnerMarker.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b6a301 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/InnerMarker.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +export const INNERMARKER = { + url: "__missannil__" satisfies `_${string}`, // url默认传值Data字段 必须是内部字段,因为会加入到实例的data下。 + // defUrl: "/xx&xx", // 标记 组件默认的的url类型 +}; diff --git a/src/utils/deepClone.ts b/src/utils/deepClone.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..408e6a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/deepClone.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/** + * 深度克隆 函数相同 原型一致 + */ +export function deepClone(value: T): T { + if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) { + return value; + } + const clone = (Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {}) as T; + + Object.setPrototypeOf(clone, Object.getPrototypeOf(value)); + + for (const key in value) { + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, key)) { + clone[key] = deepClone(value[key]); + } + } + + return clone; +} diff --git a/src/utils/deleteProtoField.ts b/src/utils/deleteProtoField.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e00581f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/deleteProtoField.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +/** + * 删除对象原型上的属性(只是上级原型) + */ +export function deleteProtoField(obj: T, key: keyof T) { + Reflect.deleteProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), key); +} diff --git a/src/utils/isEmptyObject.ts b/src/utils/isEmptyObject.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8913b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/isEmptyObject.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/** + * 判断一个值是否为空对象 `{}` + */ +export function isEmptyObject(obj: unknown) { + if ( + typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null || Array.isArray(obj) || obj instanceof Set || obj instanceof Map + || obj instanceof WeakSet || obj instanceof WeakMap + ) { + return false; + } + + return Reflect.ownKeys(obj).length === 0; +} diff --git a/src/utils/preprocessingOptions.ts b/src/utils/preprocessingOptions.ts index 3e164f1..05a7756 100644 --- a/src/utils/preprocessingOptions.ts +++ b/src/utils/preprocessingOptions.ts @@ -1,34 +1,334 @@ -import type { CompOptions, FinalOptions, PageOptions } from "../api/DefineComponent"; +import type { Func } from "hry-types/src/Misc/Func"; +import { comparer, reaction, toJS } from "mobx"; +import type { ComponentOptions, FuncConfig } from "../api/DefineComponent"; + +import type { FullCustomEvents, ShortCustomeEvents } from "../api/RootComponent/CustomEvents/CustomEventConstraint"; +import type { PageInstance } from "../api/RootComponent/Instance/RootComponentInstance"; +import type { RootComponentDoc } from "../api/RootComponent/RootComponentDoc"; import type { SubComponentOptions } from "../api/SubComponent"; +import type { InstanceInner } from "../behaviors/BComputedAndWatch/types"; +import { deepClone } from "./deepClone"; +import { INNERMARKER } from "./InnerMarker"; + +// 类型守卫 +function IsFullCustomEvents( + customEventOptions: FullCustomEvents | ShortCustomeEvents, +): customEventOptions is FullCustomEvents { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(customEventOptions) === "[object Object]"; +} +/** + * 把customEvents字段配置变成函数放入到componentOptions.methods中 + */ +function customEventsHandle(componentOptions: ComponentOptions, customEventsConfig: object) { + componentOptions.methods ||= {}; + + for (const key in customEventsConfig) { + const customEventOptions = customEventsConfig[key]; + if (IsFullCustomEvents(customEventOptions)) { + componentOptions.methods[key] = function(detail: unknown) { + this.triggerEvents(key, detail, customEventOptions.options); + }; + } else { + componentOptions.methods[key] = function(detail: unknown) { + this.triggerEvents(key, detail); + }; + } + } +} +/** + * 把customEvents字段配置变成函数放入到componentOptions.methods中 + */ +function eventsHandle(componentOptions: ComponentOptions, eventsConfig: object) { + componentOptions.methods ||= {}; + + Object.assign(componentOptions.methods, eventsConfig); +} +/** + * 把配置为函数的字段方法收集到funcConfig中 + */ +function funcFieldsCollect( + config: Record, + funcConfig: FuncConfig, + type: "pageLifetimes" | "lifetimes" | "watch", +) { + for (const key in config) { + const handler = config[key]; + // 收集声明周期函数 + const tempCache: object = funcConfig[type] ||= {}; + const filedList: Function[] = tempCache[key] ||= []; + + filedList.push(handler); + } +} +// 其他字段加入到componentOptions对应字段配置中 +function otherFieldsHandle( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + rootComponentOptions: Omit, +) { + for (const key in rootComponentOptions) { + const config = rootComponentOptions[key]; + if (Array.isArray(config)) { + componentOptions[key] ||= ([] as any[]).push(...config); + } else { + Object.assign(componentOptions[key] ||= {}, config); + } + } +} +export function rootComponentFieldHandle( + rootComponentConfig: RootComponentDoc, + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + funcConfig: FuncConfig, +) { + rootComponentConfig.customEvents && customEventsHandle(componentOptions, rootComponentConfig.customEvents); + + rootComponentConfig.events && eventsHandle(componentOptions, rootComponentConfig.events); + + rootComponentConfig.pageLifetimes + && funcFieldsCollect(rootComponentConfig.pageLifetimes, funcConfig, "pageLifetimes"); -export function rootComponentHandle(finalOptions: FinalOptions, options: PageOptions | CompOptions) { - if (options.rootComponent) { - Object.assign(finalOptions, options.rootComponent); + rootComponentConfig.lifetimes && funcFieldsCollect(rootComponentConfig.lifetimes, funcConfig, "lifetimes"); + + rootComponentConfig.watch && funcFieldsCollect(rootComponentConfig.watch, funcConfig, "watch"); + + otherFieldsHandle(componentOptions, rootComponentConfig); +} + +export function subComponentsHandle( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + subComponents: SubComponentOptions[], + funcConfig: FuncConfig, +) { + subComponents.forEach((subOption) => { + subOption.events && eventsHandle(componentOptions, subOption.events); + + subOption.pageLifetimes && funcFieldsCollect(subOption.pageLifetimes, funcConfig, "pageLifetimes"); + + subOption.lifetimes && funcFieldsCollect(subOption.lifetimes, funcConfig, "lifetimes"); + + subOption.watch && funcFieldsCollect(subOption.watch, funcConfig, "watch"); + + otherFieldsHandle(componentOptions, subOption); + }); +} + +/** + * 把函数配置放入一个配置中依次运行 + */ +function funcCofnigHandle(methodsConfig: object, configList: Record) { + for (const key in configList) { + methodsConfig[key] = function(...args: unknown[]) { + configList[key].forEach(ele => ele.call(this, ...args)); + }; + } +} + +export function funcConfigHandle( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + isPage: boolean | undefined, + funcConfig: FuncConfig, +) { + if (isPage) { + // 页面时 生命周期方法(即 on 开头的方法),(https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/custom-component/component.html) + funcConfig.pageLifetimes && funcCofnigHandle(componentOptions.methods ||= {}, funcConfig.pageLifetimes); + } else { + // 组件时 + funcConfig.pageLifetimes && funcCofnigHandle(componentOptions.pageLifetimes ||= {}, funcConfig.pageLifetimes); } + funcConfig.lifetimes && funcCofnigHandle(componentOptions.lifetimes ||= {}, funcConfig.lifetimes); + + funcConfig.watch && funcCofnigHandle(componentOptions.watch ||= {}, funcConfig.watch); } -export function subComponentsHandle(finalOptions: FinalOptions, options: PageOptions | CompOptions) { - options.subComponents && (options.subComponents as SubComponentOptions[]).forEach((subOption) => { - // 每一个子项配置并入finalOptions - Object.assign(finalOptions.data, subOption.data); +export function createdHijack( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + before: Function[] = [], + after: Function[] = [], +) { + const lifetimes = componentOptions.lifetimes ||= {}; + // const originalOptions = deepClone(options); + const originalCreatedFn = lifetimes.created; - Object.assign(finalOptions.computed, subOption.computed); + lifetimes.created = function() { + before.forEach((func) => { + func.call(this, componentOptions); + }); - Object.assign(finalOptions.event, subOption.event); + originalCreatedFn && originalCreatedFn.call(this); - Object.assign(finalOptions.methods, subOption.methods); + after.forEach((func) => { + func.call(this, componentOptions); + }); + }; +} - Object.assign(finalOptions.watch, subOption.watch); +/** + * 把computed配置加入到methods中,带入到组件实例中 + */ +export function addComputedFieldToMethods(componentOptions: ComponentOptions) { + componentOptions.methods ??= {}; - Object.assign(finalOptions.lifetimes, subOption.lifetimes); + componentOptions.methods.__computedConfig__ = () => componentOptions.computed; - Object.assign(finalOptions.pageLifetimes, subOption.pageLifetimes); + componentOptions.methods.xxx = () => ({ + a() { + return 123; + }, + b: 345, }); + // delete componentOptions.computed; +} + +/** + * 把state配置加入到methods中,带入到组件实例中 + */ +export function addStateConfigToMethods(componentOptions: ComponentOptions) { + // 把响应式数据配置保留在methods的__stateConfig__字段下带入到组件实例中(不用函数返回方式也可以,但不符合methods字段类型),后续再从原型上删除。 + componentOptions.methods ||= {}; + + const stateConfig = componentOptions.state; + + componentOptions.methods.__stateConfig__ = () => stateConfig; + + delete componentOptions.state; +} + +export function attachedHijack( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + beforeHandleList: Function[] = [], + afterHandleList: Function[] = [], +) { + componentOptions.lifetimes ??= {}; + + const originAttached = componentOptions.lifetimes.attached; + + componentOptions.lifetimes.attached = function() { + beforeHandleList.forEach(handleFunc => { + handleFunc.call(this); + }); + + originAttached && originAttached.call(this); + + afterHandleList.forEach(handleFunc => { + handleFunc.call(this); + }); + }; +} + +export function detachedHijack( + componentOptions: ComponentOptions, + beforeHandleList: Function[] = [], + afterHandleList: Function[] = [], +) { + componentOptions.lifetimes ??= {}; + + const originDetached = componentOptions.lifetimes.detached; + + componentOptions.lifetimes.detached = function() { + beforeHandleList.forEach(handleFunc => { + handleFunc.call(this); + }); + + originDetached && originDetached.call(this); + + afterHandleList.forEach(handleFunc => { + handleFunc.call(this); + }); + }; +} + +export function stateHandle(this: InstanceInner) { + // 取出通过methods带入的responsiveConfig + const responsiveConfig = this.__stateConfig__?.(); + if (!responsiveConfig) return; + for (const key in responsiveConfig) { + // 占用this的key,未对有可能的键冲突做处理 + this.disposer ||= {}; + + // 添加响应式逻辑 + this.disposer[key] = reaction( + responsiveConfig[key], + (value: unknown) => { + // 加入到待setData对象中 + this.setData({ + [key]: toJS(value), + }); + }, + { + equals: comparer.default, + // fireImmediately: false, + }, + ); + } + // methods属性是加载在实例原型上的 + Reflect.deleteProperty((this as any).__proto__, "__stateConfig__"); +} + +/** + * 配置中排除指定字段(报错) + */ +export function excludeFields(config: object, excludeKeys: string[]) { + const methodsConfigKeys = Object.keys(config); + for (const key of excludeKeys) { + if (methodsConfigKeys.includes(key)) { + throw Error(`${key}已被内部字段占用`); + } + } } /** - * 配置字段整合 + * onLoad生命周期劫持函数 */ -export function configIntegration(finalOptions: FinalOptions, options: unknown, funcList: AnyFunction[]) { - funcList.forEach((ele) => ele(finalOptions, options)); +export function onLoadHijack( + options: ComponentOptions, + before: AnyFunction[], + after: AnyFunction[] = [], +) { + options.methods ||= {}; + + const cloneOpt = deepClone(options); + const originalOnLoad: Func | undefined = options.methods.onLoad; + + options.methods.onLoad = function(opt: unknown) { + before.forEach((func) => { + func.call(this, opt, cloneOpt); + }); + + originalOnLoad?.call(this, opt); + + after.forEach((func) => { + func.call(this, opt, cloneOpt); + }); + }; +} + +/** + * 对页面onLoad的参数data处理 + * 1. 多余字段检测 + * 2. 少传字段报错 + * 3. 类型错误报错 + * 针对通过 navigateTo传过来的数据解析 + */ +/** + * @param option - option中的url是拼接了encodeURIComponent转码的data对象的,key为INNERMARKER.url + */ +export function onLoadReceivedDataHandle( + this: PageInstance, + option: Record, +) { + const innerData: string | undefined = option[INNERMARKER.url]; + // 未使用自定义的navigateTo + if (innerData === undefined) return; + const optionData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(innerData)); + + // 使用navigateTo + for (const key in optionData) { + option[key] = optionData[key]; + } + + // setData会触发计算属性 继承属性等 。 + this.setData(option as any); + + delete option[INNERMARKER.url]; + + delete this.data[INNERMARKER.url]; } diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 0babfed..918e66e 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, // 报告switch语句中漏接情况的错误 // 指定加载包的路径,默认加载所有@types下的包 包含上级目录 "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // esModuleInterop 为true时自动true - "types": ["./node_modules/missannil-api-typings", "./node_modules/hry-types", "./node_modules/mobx"] + "types": ["./node_modules/missannil-api-typings", "./node_modules/hry-types", "./node_modules/mobx", "jest"] }, "include": ["**/*.ts", "src/api/SubComponent/NonEmptyDoc/Inherit/test/normal.test.ts"] }