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File metadata and controls

215 lines (189 loc) · 10.5 KB


a declarative, data-lineage-centric ETL framework that enforces data engineering best practices

EToiLe is an opinionated ETL framework that enforces a set of hard constraints and provides rich guarantees as a results.

Here are some of the properties of the framework:

  • declarative in nature: EToiLe is a way to express large graphs of data structures and data transformations
  • compute translator translations of the DSL into real execution plan on multiple platforms (Hive, Spark, Presto, ...) are in scope for the project. Escape hatches are also provided for when going to a lower level is needed, but lineage metadata should still provided to the framework in those cases.
  • metadata centric:
    • hollistic data lineage: EToiLe is fully aware of column and block-level lineage information
    • task instance metadata: captures every task instance detail, with the exact version of logic that was executed, input and output blocks. While the DAG specification or shape changes over time, EToiLE keeps tab of everything that ever took place
    • operational metadata: captures compute and storage information, helping to inform capacity planning and predict backfill costs
    • multi-tenant / ownership-aware able to inform downstream crowds of upstream changes
  • metadata driven:
    • scheduling: EToiLe works like a compiler. Given changes on logic or the mutation of data blocks, it knows exactly what needs to be [re]processed
    • compute accumulation: EToiLe knows and can report on which blocks are "dirty" (need to be recomputed) based on upstream changes. "Dirt" can be enumerated for each block, table, or subDAG, and can be accumulated over time until paying the [estimatable] cost of reconciliation is triggered
    • schema aware: knowing your expectations around schemas, EToiLe can move your schema forward through dynamic DDL to do things like add new columns to your tables. When columns are removed on the logical layer, they are kept in the physical layer.
  • functional: enforces functional programming concepts to batch processing
    • pure-tasks: akin to pure functions as units of computation with no side-effects
    • immutability: of all data blocks if enforced
    • idempotency: all tasks use a set of blocks as input, and outputs one block, given the same task version and input blocks, will always give the same output block
  • data aware:
    • block level statistics: EToiLe, can compute statistics as it commits new blocks of data specified statistics about the data based on a stats rule engine. These statistics can be leveraged to enforce data quality checks and for anomaly detection
  • time window aware: heterogenous scheduling batch sizes are fully supported, and mixing schedule in a pipeline is allowed. The DAG references time-related blocks as specified in task definition. A task may specify a dependency on 24 individual hourly blocks as well as it's own previous execution's block
  • historical: In theory, the full target state of the entire data warehouse is declared. Provided the raw (external) source blocks, the state of the warehouse at any point can be fully recomputed. Note that it is also possible to declare different logic to be applied to different, non-overlapping time periods on the same dataset. Historical jobs not only exist in source control, but are serialized into the database for quick retrieval where needed (UI / auto-generated audits document). Optionally all raw source data can be marked as such and kept indefinitely, to insure that along with logic history being systematically kept, all states in history are "auditable" and reproducible
  • garbage collection / retention: overwritten blocks can be kept around and archived for reproducibility. When re-computing occurs, the user can specify the retention policy for the overwritten block (delete, keep forever, keep for N days, ...)
  • namespacing / sandboxing: beyond the main "production" namespace, users can spawn subdags into alternative namespaces. Someone may want to execute a certain portion in their own developement namespace using alternate logic but source data out of production. Subdags expressions can be defined, and portions of subdags can be overwritten.
  • logical nodes with bindings: possibility to attach arbitrary logical nodes of different types for say- reports and dashboards
  • stream abstractions: while streams don't really comply to the functional paradigm associated with batch processing, they can be represented here logically for lineage and enventualy consumed and landed into batches. Many of the guarantees and features of the framework will be limited to batch nodes, but the framework can be batch-aware
  • virtual / physical: each node can be flagged as virtual or physical, and potentially decisions around what needs to be materialized can be done manually, algorithmically, or a mix of both

Semantics & Concepts

  • dataset is a table or collection of blocks that have a forward compatible schema
  • task is a piece of logic that source from a collection of blocks and target a single block
  • run is a single schedule and is time bound, it represents the left bound of the time interval of related task runs
  • task run is a single run of a single task
  • block commit is a block that was existed at some point in time, it may be active, archived, or deleted and has an effective duration (start and open ended timestamp)
  • subdag is any subset of the graph, defined by a graph-subset-expression
  • column sets is a set of columns that can be referenced as a group and evolve over time adding a new column to a set may be all you have to
  • metric expression corresponds
  • hoarding-mode if all raw data (logs, db scrapes, externaly sourced data is marked as such, the system can insure that all history on those table is hoarded forever and thus all derived datasets in history can be recomputed at will (but at a cost!)
  • reconciliation: a reconciliation defines a batch of computation that move the state of a set of blocks forward. It targets a subdag, and is defined by a git SHA (to avoid a moving target) for a certain schedule ranges. It's essentially a well scoped backfill

Views as pointers in history

Let's explore a crazy powerful idea. First image that all table are partitioned by both schedule and fingerprint (something unique to the block). Now assume that every time we reprocess something, we allow for keepin the previous block in the table, in effect duplicating the data for the schedule that got mutated. Now overtime, every time something is re-processed, we duplicate the data, keeping previous history. Now that table as a whole is somewhat useless because of a lot of duplicated data.

Now knowing what we know about the block, we can start creating views dynamically that simply have a WHERE fingerprint IN ({list of none overlapping fingerprints}) clause that represent a version of the truth at a point in time. Knowing the lifespan of every block, we can create a view that represents a version of the table as of any point in time, assuming the underlying blocks have been kept around.

This view layer is also how columns would be "deleted" by simply omitting the column name from the view definition.

Since Presto and Hive views are incompatible, in environment that use both we'd have to generate both.

Guarantees & potential

All of this metadata will make for a limitless UI.

  • Navigate your current and historical DAGs of computation
  • Navigate your table statistics
  • Everything is fully reproduceable
  • It's just one big DAG, no logical boundaries
  • effortless to add columns
  • intricate rules around garbage collection

Parser / transform / DSL

  • Use [a subset] of SQLAlchemy's SQL expression language?
  • Eventually write a SQL parser
  • Most common SQL operations (inner join, left join, full outer join, union all, groupbing) would be supported
  • Bolt in support for common, translatable DATE functions (probably just pick a decent, known one say MySQL as a base, write translations)
  • Add support for hints for things like
    • "DIMENSION JOIN", which implies one-to-many relationship
  • special handling around schedule-related special (partitioned) date field

Decisions to be made

  • schedule centric?! enforce time-constrained schedules as opposed to batch ids (most likely YES)
  • use a graph database? GraphQL? (most likely NO)


  • Allow for specifying logical, dynamic named subdags. A logical subdag may be "all descendants of X", or "lineage between A and B", or "all of the ancestors of A and B"
  • all dates are truncated on schedule
  • targets can be virtual or materialized
  • configs HAVE to be serializable so that they can stored in a database. While the current target for the warehouse lives in source control, the history of what ran is made available

Subpartition handling

Somehow subpartioning beyond the schedule-related partition needs to be possible. Logically though, EToiLe would only be aware of the first-level partioning.

A compiler?

Conceptually EToiLe is a "data compiler" where:

  • individual data blocks (think of them as partitions) are "compiled" (ie computed)
  • instead of a DAG of files to be compiled, we have a DAG of data blocks
  • when a file is changed, the compiler knows that the downstream blocks need to be recomputed
  • data quality is enforced, akin to unit-tests

Reltionship with Airflow?

Perhaps Airflow would know how to schedule and run EToiLe specs. EToiLe should still be self-standing and not require Airflow.

Litmus tests

If the framework is well built, these things should be very easy

  • Adding a column and making it flow a root to leaf should be very easy, and require no DDL at all
  • For any given table or block, know if it's in sync with the repo, and if not, see a list of changes that need to be computed
  • It should be easy to apply slightly different logic for a date range, and have that date range only recomputed
  • It should be easy to scope any backfill on a subset of the DAG, scope and follow the progress of that backfill

DB models

#task task_SHA target (ix) task_json is_current

#task run target schedule_dttm(ix) state [none, running, success, failure] repo_SHA task_SHA (fk)

  target: "some_table",
  eql: "SELECT a, b, c FROM source_table",

  schedule: "1D",
  effective_date: "2016-01-01"

  target: "some_table",
  eql: "SELECT a, b, c FROM source_table",

  schedule: "1D",
  effective_date: "2017-01-01"
  end_date: "2017"