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Library Rewrite Using Sqlite

RJ Skerry-Ryan edited this page Aug 13, 2009 · 32 revisions

Library Rewrite Using SQLite

Summary and Rationale

Status: This specification is in drafting. Feel free to add ideas to this page.

This project is already in progress! Check it out on launchpad in the lp:~mixxxdevelopers/mixxx/features_sqlite branch.

Use Cases

  • DJ Bill wants DJ software that has a good library. He's tried Mixxx but its library does not scale to his large collection of music. It is also buggy, and often gets corrupted so he cannot build up quality metadata about his music.
  • Your use case here


Work Breakdown

This work breakdown structure (WBS) will become more detailed as the design above becomes more thorough and complete.

Current Progress

The meat of the project is done. There's still a solid body of work left, but much of it is polish and restoring old features.

From the Mixxx 1.8.0 developer meeting, some of the remaining issues are:

  • rewrite the track editor
  • searches still block the GUI, make them asynchronous
  • Library rescanning needs work
  • Playlist support
  • Crate support
  • tagging
  • abstraction of track sources (e.g. to allow for ipod source)
  • browse mode
  • Cue/loop storage in the DB
  • bling-bling delegates
  • XML migration strategy (is this even worth it?)
  • bulk BPM detection and other library-wide things


If you're interested in helping to code this feature, sign up your name below:

  • Albert Santoni
  • RJ Ryan
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