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Outreachy late 2020 early 2021 project ideas

Owen Williams edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 29 revisions

Most of these projects are much too big for an internship. We should figure out ways to make them smaller.

AutoDJ rewrite

Too big on its own. Can we identify particular parts of autodj that an intern could work on?

Manual overhaul

Video tutorials

Screenreader UX

Owen thinks this would be a good project, it could mostly be filing bugs and figuring out common issues we're having

Touchscreen UX

Audio and controller hardware hotplug

(This feels much too hard for an intern)

Community Manager / Social Media

"Community Manager" is a real job, not an internship project. But an intern could work with Owen on some of these aspects and help give mixxx more of a presence.

  • facebook
  • twitter
  • forums
  • zulip?

RTL Support (Hebrew)

  • Applying a hebrew translation to see how things render
  • reversing skins?
  • reversing waveforms
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