English | 简体中文
vue-fastapi-admin is a modern front-end and back-end separation development platform that combines FastAPI, Vue3, and Naive UI. It incorporates RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) management, dynamic routing, and JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication, making it ideal for rapid development of small to medium-sized applications and also serves as a valuable learning resource.
- Popular Tech Stack: The backend is developed with the high-performance asynchronous framework FastAPI using Python 3.11, while the front-end is powered by cutting-edge technologies such as Vue3 and Vite, complemented by the efficient package manager, pnpm.
- Code Standards: The project is equipped with various plugins for code standardization and quality control, ensuring consistency and enhancing team collaboration efficiency.
- Dynamic Routing: Backend dynamic routing combined with the RBAC model allows for fine-grained control of menus and routing.
- JWT Authentication: User identity verification and authorization are handled through JWT, enhancing the application's security.
- Granular Permission Control: Implements detailed permission management including button and interface level controls, ensuring different roles and users have appropriate permissions.
- URL:
- Username: admin
- Password: 123456
Please follow the instructions below for installation and configuration:
docker pull mizhexiaoxiao/vue-fastapi-admin:latest
docker run -d --restart=always --name=vue-fastapi-admin -p 9999:80 mizhexiaoxiao/vue-fastapi-admin
yum install -y docker-ce
systemctl start docker
git clone https://github.com/mizhexiaoxiao/vue-fastapi-admin.git
cd vue-fastapi-admin
docker build --no-cache . -t vue-fastapi-admin
docker run -d --restart=always --name=vue-fastapi-admin -p 9999:80 vue-fastapi-admin
The backend service requires the following environment:
- Python 3.11
- Install uv
pip install uv
- Create and activate virtual environment
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate # Linux/Mac
# or
.\.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
- Install dependencies
uv add pyproject.toml
- Start the backend service
python run.py
- Create a Python virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # Linux/Mac
# or
.\venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
- Install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the backend service:
python run.py
The backend service is now running, and you can visit http://localhost:9999/docs to view the API documentation.
The frontend project requires a Node.js environment (recommended version 18.8.0 or higher).
- node v18.8.0+
- Navigate to the frontend project directory:
cd web
- Install project dependencies (pnpm is recommended: https://pnpm.io/zh/installation)
npm i -g pnpm # If pnpm is already installed, skip this step
pnpm i # Or use npm i
- Start the frontend development server:
pnpm dev
├── app // Application directory
│ ├── api // API interface directory
│ │ └── v1 // Version 1 of the API interfaces
│ │ ├── apis // API-related interfaces
│ │ ├── base // Base information interfaces
│ │ ├── menus // Menu related interfaces
│ │ ├── roles // Role related interfaces
│ │ └── users // User related interfaces
│ ├── controllers // Controllers directory
│ ├── core // Core functionality module
│ ├── log // Log directory
│ ├── models // Data models directory
│ ├── schemas // Data schema/structure definitions
│ ├── settings // Configuration settings directory
│ └── utils // Utilities directory
├── deploy // Deployment related directory
│ └── sample-picture // Sample picture directory
└── web // Front-end web directory
├── build // Build scripts and configuration directory
│ ├── config // Build configurations
│ ├── plugin // Build plugins
│ └── script // Build scripts
├── public // Public resources directory
│ └── resource // Public resource files
├── settings // Front-end project settings
└── src // Source code directory
├── api // API interface definitions
├── assets // Static resources directory
│ ├── images // Image resources
│ ├── js // JavaScript files
│ └── svg // SVG vector files
├── components // Components directory
│ ├── common // Common components
│ ├── icon // Icon components
│ ├── page // Page components
│ ├── query-bar // Query bar components
│ └── table // Table components
├── composables // Composable functionalities
├── directives // Directives directory
├── layout // Layout directory
│ └── components // Layout components
├── router // Routing directory
│ ├── guard // Route guards
│ └── routes // Route definitions
├── store // State management (pinia)
│ └── modules // State modules
├── styles // Style files directory
├── utils // Utilities directory
│ ├── auth // Authentication related utilities
│ ├── common // Common utilities
│ ├── http // Encapsulated axios
│ └── storage // Encapsulated localStorage and sessionStorage
└── views // Views/Pages directory
├── error-page // Error pages
├── login // Login page
├── profile // Profile page
├── system // System management page
└── workbench // Workbench page