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Change Log

Swiper 2.7.0 - Updated on August 30, 2014

  • New API parameters "swipeToNext", "swipeToPrev" to enable/disable one-direction swipes
  • "cssWidthAndHeight" parameter could also accept "width" or "height" strings
  • Better support for form elements on touch devices
  • Lot of minor fixes

Swiper 2.6.1 - Updated on May 6, 2014

  • Fix for fireCallback function when it is called externally

Swiper 2.6.0 - Updated on April 9, 2014

  • New methods to enable/disable mousewheel control: enableMousewheeControl/disableMousewheeControl
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 2.5.5 - Updated on March 23, 2014

  • New API parameter: roundLengths
  • Lot of minor fixes

Swiper 2.5.0 - Updated on March 6, 2014

  • New API parameter: slidesPerViewFit
  • New API methods: disableKeyboardControl, enableKeyboardControl
  • Require JS support
  • JS Hinted
  • Lot of minor fixes

Swiper 2.4.3 - Updated on January 29, 2014

  • Fix loop and autoplay bug

Swiper 2.4.2 - Updated on January 19, 2014

  • New api parameters: autoplayStopOnLast, longSwipesRatio, eventTarger, preventLinksPropagation
  • Now "looped" slides have additional "swiper-slide-duplicate" class
  • Updated onProgressChange callback to work with new Callbacks API
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 2.4.1 - Updated on December 15, 2013

  • Mousewheel fixes, new mousewheelForceToAxis parameter
  • Improved old IE animation timings
  • Updated Swiper's CSS with content-box property on .swiper-wrapper

Swiper 2.4.0 - Updated on December 6, 2013

  • New callbacks onSlideNext, onSlidePrev
  • New additive callbacks API
  • Highly improved mouse wheel behavior, especially for OSX inertia scrolling in usual mode, and now it returns page scrolling for edge positions in scrollContainer mode
  • Fully reworked autoplay with new ability to restart it using new autoplayDisableOnInteraction parameter
  • Updated Scrollbar plugin, fix for centeredSlides mode
  • A bit of IE fixes

Swiper 2.3.0 - Updated on November 2, 2013

  • Small fixes and code improvements
  • New callbacks onSetWrapperTransition, onSetWrapperTransform, onSwiperCreated
  • Updated Scrollbar plugin, now scrollbar will be invisible when it is not required
  • New amazing Smooth Progress plugin.
  • New Hash Navigation plugin.

Swiper 2.2.0 - Updated on September 15, 2013

  • Many fixes and code improvements
  • Updated Scrollbar plugin
  • Fixed links and events in loop mode
  • A bit improved freeMode logic
  • Improved "noSwiping" logic
  • Other minor fixes

Swiper 2.1.0 - Updated on August 22, 2013

  • Many fixes and improvements
  • Updated Scrollbar plugin with new onScrollbarDrag callback
  • New API inFirstInit and onInit callbacks
  • New Pull To Refresh demo
  • Improved "noSwiping" logic
  • Fixed clickedSlideIndex for IE7-8
  • Fixed "calculateHeight" logic
  • Other minor fixes

Swiper 2.0.0 - Updated on June 22, 2013

  • Many new features, new functionality, new core, new API
  • Better old IE support, now it supports even IE 7 (jQuery required)
  • Lot of major and minor fixes

Swiper 1.9.4 - Updated on May 23, 2013

  • Fixed Autoplay in non loop mode with slidesPerSlide more than 1
  • Ability to enable/disable callback queues to get more control over the callbacks
  • Minor Fixes

Swiper 1.9.3 - Updated on April 30, 2013

  • Few important fixes including IE8 improvements
  • Updated Scrollbar plugin to be compatible with IE8

Swiper 1.9.2 - Updated on April 19, 2013

  • New API features:
    • New feature to enable 100% resitance with nopeek parameter
    • New feature to disable "swiping" on some slide with additional NoSwiping element's class
    • .activeSlide became .activeIndex
    • .previousSlide became .previousIndex
  • IE9 fix for with in percents
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Swiper 1.9.1 - Updated on April 6, 2013

  • New API features:
    • New feature to disable short swipes with shortSwipes parameter
    • New feature to add "start" threshold moveStartThreshold parameter
    • New feature to use left/top wrapper position offset instead of use of css3 transforms useCSS3Transforms parameter
  • Updates CSS file
  • Minor fixes and improvements

Swiper 1.9 - Updated on March 16, 2013

  • Added support for devices that can use both mouse and touch "pointers" at the same time, like many of Windows 8 tablets and notebooks
  • New API features:
    • New feature to set "group sliding" with slidesPerGroup parameter
    • Now you can hardcode resize event (for example "resize" instead of "orientationchange" for mobiles) with resizeEvent parameter
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed situation when slider can get stuck between slides when tapped during transition
    • Now clickedSlide will return correct slide in loop mode
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 1.8.8 - Updated on March 4, 2013

  • Improved cursors usablity with autmatic grab cursors for container and drag cursor for scrollbar
  • Improved mousewheel control for scroll container/free mode to have more native scrolling behavior
  • Snap functionality for scrollbar
  • Scrollbar plugin updated to version 1.2
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 1.8.7 - Updated on February 22, 2013

  • Fixed initialSlide/resize issue
  • New ability to use slides with fixed width in fluid container with a slidesPerSlide:'auto'
  • Pagination switch that appropriate to active slide index has additional "swiper-activeslide-switch"
  • Other minor fixes

Swiper 1.8.5 - Updated on February 5, 2013

  • New API features:
    • New keyboard arrows navigation with "keyboardControl" option
    • New mousewheel navigation with "mousewheelControl" option
  • Now it is possible to pass HTMLElement on initialization, not only css selector like before
  • Updated 3D Flow
  • Updated Scrollbar
  • Fixed small Android and IE8 bugs
  • Improved "scrollContainer" to be more responsive
  • Other minor core fixes

Swiper 1.8 - Updated on January 18, 2013

  • New huge and awesome Slides API
  • New API features:
    • New initialization option "initialSlide"
    • New methods: ".reInit()", ".currentSlide()", ".clickedSlide"
    • New callbacks: "onSlideClick" and "onSlideTouch"
  • Update 3D Flow plugin to work with new features
  • Lot of minor and few major core fixes

Swiper 1.7 - Updated on December 19, 2012

  • New API features
  • Scroll Container Improvements
  • Reworked internal plugins API
  • Windows Phone 8 Support
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 1.6 - Updated on December 11, 2012

  • New Scroll Container mode to use like simple scrollable area!
  • New API features
  • Highly improved nested behavior to create multi dimensional apps
  • Fixed auto play in loop mode
  • Fixed initialization "delay" in loop mode
  • New internal plugins API (beta). It allows to create own Swiper plugins
  • Improved Internet Explorer 8 support
  • Minor fixes

Swiper 1.5.5 - Updated on October 20, 2012

  • Internet Explorer 8 support (without animation)
  • FireFox below 11 support

Swiper 1.5 - Updated on October 6, 2012

  • A lot of major and minor fixes, core optimization
  • Now it works in Internet Explorer 9 (without animation) and Internet Explorer 10
  • Improved perfomance
  • New "loop" mode with infinite scroll (see demo below)
  • New carousel mode, now you can show few slides per slider container (see demo below)
  • New "smart" pagination, looks fun with loop and carousel modes
  • Now Swipers can be easily nested one into another (see demo below)
  • Added ability to disable automatic slider resize on windows resize
  • Updated CSS

Swiper 1.3 - Updated on April 15, 2012

  • External functions swipeNext, swipePrev, swipeTo now return true or false.
  • .previousSlide property returns the index of previously displayed slide
  • Added onSlideInitialize callback

Swiper 1.3 - Updated on April 2, 2012

  • Added onSlideChangeStart callback
  • Added onSlideReset callback
  • onSlideChange is renamed to onSlideChangeEnd
  • Now .swipeTo() method accepts 3 parameters - index (number), speed (number) and runCallbacks (boolean)
  • Now .swipeTo() method will produce 'onSlideChangeStart' and 'onSlideChangeEnd' callback functions (if "runCallbacks" is not equal to "false")
  • New mySwiper.destroy() method to release all events assigned by Swiper
  • Fixed serious bug when using fluid (responsive) Swiper to re-calculate slides' position on window resize

Swiper 1.2 - Updated on March 31, 2012

  • Improved mouse events to get the same behaviour as on touch devices

Swiper 1.1 - Updated on March 18, 2012

  • Added autoPlay parameter to enable auto play
  • mySwiper.startAutoPlay() - external function to start auto play
  • mySwiper.startAutoPlay() - external function to stop auto play
  • Optimized for usage as a fallback for upcoming **" S6"** 3D slider
  • Added small plugin to use Swiper with Zepto.js

Swiper 1.0 - Initial release on March 15, 2012