Presentation: Slides
- HandPose
New ml5js next gen handpose (ml5 next gen, All examples)
- handpose start and stop
- handpose keypoints
- handpose parts
- handpost image
- New body pose blaze pose Blazepose-keypoints-ml5-next-gen (more points, more stable)
Training hand pose model
Hand pose tracking + KNN Classification, p5 web editor code, demo video
Hand pose tracking + Neural Network, demo video
Multiple hands detection:
Handpose multiple hands with mediapipe If the webcam video is not loading, try open a incognito window, or set the camera access for the browser.
KNN Classifier on multiple hands: Change
if you would like to detect other hand numbers. Once clicking on "Add example" button, it will start collecting data in 5 seconds for 5 seconds.
- ml5.js: Pose Classification with PoseNet and ml5.neuralNetwork()
- Face and hand tracking in the browser with MediaPipe and TensorFlow.js
Use the HandPose model, and following the examples and ml5.js documentation experiment with controlling elements of a p5.js sketch (color, geometry, sound, text) with the output of the model. (You may also choose a ml5.js model not covered here if you like!)
Document your p5.js sketch in a blog post and add a link to the post / your p5 sketch on the homework wiki. In your blog post, include visual documentation such as a recorded screen capture / video / GIFs of your sketch.