diff --git a/.all-contributorsrc b/.all-contributorsrc index a96940963..5912b36ba 100644 --- a/.all-contributorsrc +++ b/.all-contributorsrc @@ -548,6 +548,107 @@ "design", "userTesting" ] + }, + { + "login": "jepster-dk", + "name": "jepster-dk", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/7010555?v=4", + "profile": "http://jepster.dk", + "contributions": [ + "code", + "ideas" + ] + }, + { + "login": "xanderjakeq", + "name": "Xander Jake de los Santos", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/13279523?v=4", + "profile": "https://xanderjakeq.page/", + "contributions": [ + "ideas" + ] + }, + { + "login": "catarak", + "name": "Cassie Tarakajian", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/6063380?v=4", + "profile": "https://github.com/catarak", + "contributions": [ + "bug", + "infra", + "ideas" + ] + }, + { + "login": "dcbriccetti", + "name": "Dave Briccetti", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/55099?v=4", + "profile": "http://davebsoft.com", + "contributions": [ + "bug" + ] + }, + { + "login": "Sblob1", + "name": "Sblob1", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/38335473?v=4", + "profile": "https://github.com/Sblob1", + "contributions": [ + "bug" + ] + }, + { + "login": "jwilber", + "name": "Jared Wilber", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/8595819?v=4", + "profile": "https://www.jwilber.me/", + "contributions": [ + "example", + "ideas", + "code" + ] + }, + { + "login": "tezzutezzu", + "name": "danilo", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/135866?v=4", + "profile": "https://github.com/tezzutezzu", + "contributions": [ + "code", + "ideas" + ] + }, + { + "login": "EmmaGoodliffe", + "name": "Emma Goodliffe", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/32788926?v=4", + "profile": "https://github.com/EmmaGoodliffe", + "contributions": [ + "ideas", + "question", + "maintenance" + ] + }, + { + "login": "EonYang", + "name": "Yang", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/9332910?v=4", + "profile": "http://yangyang.blog", + "contributions": [ + "code", + "bug" + ] + }, + { + "login": "lydiajessup", + "name": "Lydia Jessup", + "avatar_url": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/26204298?v=4", + "profile": "https://github.com/lydiajessup", + "contributions": [ + "code", + "ideas", + "example" + ] } ], "contributorsPerLine": 7, diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md index 5ffb6cc03..ac9047132 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md @@ -1,23 +1,57 @@ -## β†’ Description πŸ“ + -A clear and concise description of what the issue is about. Let us know if you: +Dear ml5 community, -- found a bug πŸ› -- want to suggest an update πŸ’‘ -- have an idea for a new feature πŸ†• +I'm submitting a new issue. Please see the details below. -## β†’ Screenshots πŸ–Ό -(Any relevant screenshots, sketches, or helpful concept diagrams) +### β†’ Step 1: Describe the issue πŸ“ +> Did you find a bug? Want to suggest an idea for feature? -## β†’ Helpful Information πŸ¦„ -A list of relevant information for this issue. This will help people navigate the project and offer some clues of where to start. Depending on the nature of this issue, important and helpful information might include: -- **Web browser and version** (e.g. Firefox version 65, Chrome version 71.0) -- **Operating System** (e.g. MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu) -- Steps to reproduce the issue -- ml5 version you're using -- Links to example code in the [p5 web editor](https://editor.p5js.org) or other online shareable code editor +### β†’ Step 2: Screenshots or Relevant Documentation πŸ–Ό +> Here's some helpful screenshots and/or documentation of the new feature + + + +### β†’ Step 3: Share an example of the issue πŸ¦„ +> Here's some example code or a demonstration of in https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples OR in the https://editor.p5js.org or codepen/jsfiddle/etc... + + + + + + +**Other relevant information, if applicable** + +### β†’ Describe your setup πŸ¦„ +> Here's some helpful information about my setup... + +- **Web browser & version**: +- **Operating System**: +- **ml5 version you're using**: +- **Any additional notes** + + + + + diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md index 45766b101..7e42d1dfe 100644 --- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @@ -1,31 +1,55 @@ - -## β†’ Submit changes to the relevant branch 🌲 + -We have 2 branches you can submit to, **development** or **release**. You'd make us so happy 😊 if you submitted your pull request to the branch that is most relevant for your submission. +Dear ml5 community, -- for pull requests related to **new features** πŸ†• make sure to use the **development** branch -- for pull requests related to bug πŸ›fixes of the existing stable release, make sure your pull request goes to the **release** branch. +I'm making a Pull Request(PR). Please see the details below. -## β†’ Description πŸ“ +**A good PR 🌟** -A clear and concise description of what the pull request is about. Let us know if you are: +### β†’ Step 1: Which branch are you submitting to? 🌲 +> Development (for new features or updates), Release (for bug fixes), or ___________? -- fixing a bug πŸ› -- adding an update πŸ›  -- submitting a new feature πŸ†• -## β†’ Screenshots πŸ–Ό -(Any relevant screenshots, sketches, or helpful concept diagrams - these are helpful for our release notes and for getting people excited about your super cool feature and/or fix!) +### β†’ Step 2: Describe your Pull Request πŸ“ +> Fixing a Bug? Adding an Update? Submitting a New Feature? Does it introduce a breaking change? -## β†’ Relevant Example or Paired Pull Request to [ml5-examples](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples) πŸ¦„ -In order to help the ml5 team understand your pull request, we ask that you please submit an example to [ml5-examples](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples) showcasing how your integrated feature works. You're also welcome to show how this works by providing code that can be easily run by others. -## β†’ Relevant documentation 🌴 -Write a few notes about your pull request. Document any functionality that might be helpful for others who want to run and test your changes. If we don't know how to make use of your contribution, we won't be able t integrate it! πŸ™ + +**A great PR 🌟🌟** + +### β†’ Step 3: Share a Relevant Example πŸ¦„ +> Here's some example code or a link to another PR in https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples OR in the https://editor.p5js.org or codepen/jsfiddle/etc... + + + + +**The best PR 🌟🌟🌟** + +### β†’ Step 4: Screenshots or Relevant Documentation πŸ–Ό +> Here's some helpful screenshots and/or documentation of the new feature + + + + + + diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md index f286305e7..24cbf27d2 100644 --- a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -1,10 +1,60 @@ -# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct +# ml5.js Community Statement and Code of Conduct -## Our Pledge +## ml5.js Community Statement + +Adapted from the [p5.js community statement](http://p5js.org/community/). + +ml5.js is a community interested in exploring the creation of art and design with technology. + +We are a community of, and in solidarity with, people from every gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, language, neuro-type, size, ability, class, religion, culture, subculture, political opinion, age, skill level, occupation, and background. We acknowledge that not everyone has the time, financial means, or capacity to actively participate, but we recognize and encourage involvement of all kinds. We facilitate and foster access and empowerment. We are all learners. + +We like these hashtags: #noCodeSnobs (because we value community over efficiency), #newKidLove (because we all started somewhere), #unassumeCore (because we don't assume knowledge), and #BlackLivesMatter (because of course). + + +**In practice:** + + +- We are not code snobs. We do not assume knowledge or imply there are things that somebody should know. +- We insist on actively engaging with requests for feedback regardless of their complexity. +- We welcome newcomers and prioritize the education of others. We strive to approach all tasks with the enthusiasm of a newcomer. Because we believe that newcomers are just as valuable in this effort as experts. +- We consistently make the effort to actively recognize and validate multiple types of contributions. +- We are always willing to offer help or guidance. + + +**In times of conflict:** + +- We listen. +- We clearly communicate while acknowledging other's feelings. +- We admit when we're wrong, apologize, and accept responsibility for our actions. +- We are continuously seeking to improve ourselves and our community. +- We keep our community respectful and open. +- We make everyone feel heard. +- We are mindful and kind in our interactions. + + +**In the future:** + +- The future is now. + + +### Contribute + +Our community is always looking for enthusiasts to help in all different ways. + +- **Develop**. [GitHub](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library) is the main place where code is collected, issues are documented, and discussions about code are had. Check out the [contributing documentation to get started](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md) with developing the library. +- **Document**. Everyone loves documentation. Help is needed porting examples, and adding documentation, and creating tutorials. +- **Teach**. Teach a workshop, a class, a friend, a collaborator! Tag [@ml5js on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ml5js?lang=en) and we will do our best to share what you're doing. +- **Create**. ml5.js is looking for designers, artists, coders, programmers to bring your creative and amazing work to show and inspire other people. Submit your work to info@ml5js.org. +- **Donate**. ml5.js is a free and open source and made by artists. While ml5.js is not currently accepting donations, you can help support the development of ml5.js through a donation to other adjacent open source projects and endeavors such as the [Processing Foundation](https://processingfoundation.org/support). + + +## Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +### Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. -## Our Standards +### Our Standards Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: @@ -22,23 +72,29 @@ Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: * Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission * Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting -## Our Responsibilities +### Our Responsibilities Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. -## Scope +### Scope This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. -## Enforcement +### Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team: + +* @shiffman, Dan Shiffman - info@ml5js.org. +* @AshleyJaneLewis, AshleyJaneLewis - hello@ml5js.org + -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at info@ml5js.org. The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. +The project team will review and investigate all complaints and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. -## Attribution +### Attribution This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version] diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index f3cd7abfd..df592d8d5 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ ml5.js is comprised a number of sister repositories which you can find at the [m + [ml5-examples](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples) * the ml5-examples repo showcases the functionality of the ml5-library. When submitting new features or updates to the ml5 library, you should also make a pull request to the ml5-examples repo to showcase how your new feature works. Usually examples are submitted in a simple p5.js sketch, but they can also be in vanilla javascript. + [ml5-website](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-website) - * the ml5-website is what you see here: https://ml5js.org/. As we make changes to the ml5 API and examples, the website also needs to be updated. For now, we're working with a manual process to updating changes, but we're working on development processes to help sync all these efforts. For now, make sure to update the ml5-examples and ml5-website when making changes to ml5-library and vice-versa. + * the ml5-website is what you see here: https://ml5js.org/. As we make changes to the ml5 API and examples, the website also needs to be updated. For now, we're working with a manual process to updating changes, but we're working on development processes to help sync all these efforts. For now, make sure to update the ml5-examples and ml5-website when making changes to ml5-library and vice-versa. - **Data and models**: + [ml5-data-and-models](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models) * This repository stores data sets and pre-trained models you can use in ml5.js. + [pix2pix_models](https://github.com/ml5js/pix2pix_models): - * A collection of pix2pix models + * A collection of pix2pix models + **Training your own models**: + [training-lstm](https://github.com/ml5js/training-lstm) * Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for character-level language models in Python using Tensorflow and modified to work with tensorflow.js and ml5js + [training-word2vec](https://github.com/ml5js/training-word2vec) - * How to train your own word2vec model for use with ml5.js + * How to train your own word2vec model for use with ml5.js + [training-styletransfer](https://github.com/ml5js/training-styletransfer) * This repository contains a slightly modified version of Fast Style Transfer in TensorFlow. It trains a neural network on the style of any image you provide it and outputs a model you can use in ml5.js with the ml5.styleTransfer() method. + [training-pix2pix](https://github.com/ml5js/training-pix2pix) @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Preamble: If you're interested in to contribute to the ml5 project, just know yo If you want to help develop this library, here are the steps to get started: -### Setup +### Setup We use node.js as our development environment for bundling code, running tests, and more. If you've never used node.js before, here's the steps to get node up and running on your machine. Installation requirements differ according to your computer's operating system. Please refer to the correct setup section for your specific environment @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ We use node.js as our development environment for bundling code, running tests, #### For macOS Users -For mac users, we recommend installing nodejs through homebrew which is a package manager. Even further, we recommend installing nodejs using nvm which is a node version manager so that you can install different versions of nodejs and switch between them. You can skip all that and use install nodejs - https://nodejs.org/en/download/ - but we do recommend using homebrew, etc. +For mac users, we recommend installing nodejs through homebrew which is a package manager. Even further, we recommend installing nodejs using nvm which is a node version manager so that you can install different versions of nodejs and switch between them. You can skip all that and use install nodejs - https://nodejs.org/en/download/ - but we do recommend using homebrew, etc. This is how you can do this: @@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ NVM_HOMEBREW="/usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" ``` ![image of terminal window with webpack message](/assets/ml5-webpack-build.png) ![localhost:8080/ml5.js shows compiled library](/assets/ml5-localhost.png) - + If you see this message, it means the project is actively being built by Webpack's `webpack-dev-server`. Any changes you make to any file in the `/src` folder will automatically rebuild the `ml5.js` and `ml5.min.js` libraries as long as the server continues to run. 4. Develop! - Run this command from the root of the project: + Run this command from the root of the project: ```bash npm run manual-test @@ -235,11 +235,123 @@ NVM_HOMEBREW="/usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" Just be sure to add files before running commitizen! -7. (OPTIONAL) Push your code and submit a Pull Request! Remember if you make a pull request on a new features or feature update you should make a parallel pull request to the ml5-examples repo so that others can use your new feature and test it out. +7. (OPTIONAL) Push your code and submit a Pull Request! Remember if you make a pull request on a new features or feature update you should make a parallel pull request to the ml5-examples repo so that others can use your new feature and test it out. ## Running Unit Tests -WIP + +We’re still rolling out all of our unit tests, but if you want to contribute to their development or just test with the models that have more robust unit tests in place: + + - To run all tests continuously as you update + ```npm run test``` + + - To run all tests once + ```npm run test:single``` + + - To run a test on a single model + ```npm run test -- --model:YourModelNameHere``` + +This last one is case sensitive! + + +## Making Releases (For the ml5 core team) + +Work in progress - we are working on making a few scripts to make it easier to make releases and deployments. For now, to address the long-winded process noted in https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/issues/387, we are experimenting with some devOps scripts. + +In the instance you're ready to make a new release from `development` to `release`: + +Steps: + +1. change the version number and checkout a new branch: + +``` +newversion=0.3.2 npm run release:prep +``` + +you'll be now in: `v0.3.2` + +2. update the readme + +``` +pversion=0.3.1 npm run update:readme +``` + +3. Run install & build + +``` +npm run release:build +``` + +4. Add and commit and push changes + +``` +npm run release:commitAndPush +``` + +5. Add tags and push + +``` +npm run release:tag +``` + +Go to Github and wait for tests to pass, then `squash and merge` the newly created `v0.3.2` branch to `development`; + +6. Go back to your terminal: + + ``` + npm run development:sync + ``` + +7. Now go back to github and make a PR from `development` to `release`, wait for tests to pass, then `squash and merge` `development` into `release` + +8. Go back to your terminal: + + ``` + npm run release:sync + ``` + + +9. publish to npm + +``` +npm run publish:npm +``` + +7. Enter your multi-factor auth when prompted where it says `OTP` (one time password): `your OTP code` +8. Your new npm version should be released! + +Now what is important is that you: + +1. go to Github and document that new release with `release notes`. +2. go to `ml5-examples` and make sure you have the latest development branch stuff: + + ``` + git checkout development + git fetch + git pull + ``` + +3. then make a new branch for deployment e.g. `new-release-v0.3.2` and update the ml5 references on all examples: + + ``` + git checkout -b new-release-v0.3.2 + npm run update-ml5 0.3.2 + git add . + git commit -m "update examples to v0.3.2" + ``` + +4. Fix any merge conflicts if necessary + + ``` + git push origin new-release-v0.3.2 + git tag v0.3.2 + git push --tags + ``` + +5. Merge `new-release-v0.3.2` with `release` +6. Add release notes to the latest release +7. Merge `release` with `master` (for the github pages & website) + ## Additional Resources diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f6339197d..2629983ae 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # ![ml5](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10605821/41332516-2ee26714-6eac-11e8-83e4-a40b8761e764.png) -[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-50-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors) -[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-1-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors) +[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-60-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors) + [![BrowserStack Status](https://www.browserstack.com/automate/badge.svg?badge_key=QVNDdlkvMzNYSmhRRWlweXlIOTBENkd0MDBCOUJlbmFVZFRneFIzNlh4az0tLXA4S0loSGNlVUc2V2I3cVdLdXBKdGc9PQ==--8a5e5bfd3eafbba0702c02ec57ffec9d627a78ef)](https://www.browserstack.com/automate/public-build/QVNDdlkvMzNYSmhRRWlweXlIOTBENkd0MDBCOUJlbmFVZFRneFIzNlh4az0tLXA4S0loSGNlVUc2V2I3cVdLdXBKdGc9PQ==--8a5e5bfd3eafbba0702c02ec57ffec9d627a78ef)[![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ml5.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ml5) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/espadrine.svg?style=social&label=Follow)](https://twitter.com/ml5js) @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ## Friendly machine learning for the web! -ml5.js aims to make machine learning approachable for a broad audience of artists, creative coders, and students. The library provides access to machine learning algorithms and models in the browser, building on top of [TensorFlow.js](https://js.tensorflow.org/) with no other external dependencies. +ml5.js aims to make machine learning approachable for a broad audience of artists, creative coders, and students. The library provides access to machine learning algorithms and models in the browser, building on top of [TensorFlow.js](https://js.tensorflow.org/). The library is supported by code examples, tutorials, and sample data sets with an emphasis on ethical computing. Bias in data, stereotypical harms, and responsible crowdsourcing are part of the documentation around data collection and usage. @@ -21,50 +21,50 @@ ml5.js is heavily inspired by [Processing](https://processing.org/) and [p5.js]( There are several ways you can use the ml5.js library: -* You can use the latest version (0.3.1) by adding it to the head section of your HTML document: -**v0.3.1** -```javascript - -``` -* If you need to use an earlier version for any reason, you can change the version number. -**v0.3.0** -```javascript - -``` -**v0.2.3** -```javascript - -``` -**v0.1.3** +

-```javascript - -``` +* You can use the latest version (0.4.0) by adding it to the head section of your HTML document: -* You can also reference "latest", but we do not recommend this as your code may break as we update ml5. +**v0.4.0** -```javascript - + + +

+ + + + + + +* If you need to use an earlier version for any reason, you can change the version number. The [previous versions of ml5 can be found here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ml5). You can use those previous versions by replacing `` with the ml5 version of interest: + +```js + ``` -* Finally, you can download the [minified](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-library/master/dist/ml5.min.js) and include the file: +For example: +```js + +``` + +* You can also reference "latest", but we do not recommend this as your code may break as we update ml5. ```javascript - + ``` ## Resources -- [Getting Started](https://ml5js.org/docs/getting-started) -- [API Reference](https://ml5js.org/docs/ImageClassifier) -- [Examples](https://ml5js.org/docs/quick-start) -- [Learn](https://ml5js.org/docs/glossary-machine-learning) -- [Experiments](https://ml5js.org/en/experiments) +- [Getting Started](https://ml5js.org/getting-started/) +- [API Reference](https://ml5js.org/reference/) +- [Examples](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples) +- [Community](https://ml5js.org/community) +- [FAQ](https://ml5js.org/getting-started/faq/) ## Standalone Examples @@ -92,7 +92,86 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/d -
Daniel Shiffman
Daniel Shiffman

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ“† πŸ‘€ ⚠️ πŸ“Ή
CristΓ³bal Valenzuela
CristΓ³bal Valenzuela

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ”§ ⚠️
Yining Shi
Yining Shi

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ”§ ⚠️ πŸ›
Hannah Davis
Hannah Davis

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Joey Lee
Joey Lee

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ–‹ ⚠️

πŸ“ 🎨 πŸ“‹ πŸ–‹
Ellen Nickles
Ellen Nickles

πŸ“ πŸ–‹ πŸ€” βœ…
Itay Niv
Itay Niv

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Nikita Huggins
Nikita Huggins

πŸ“ πŸ–‹ πŸ€”
Arnab Chakravarty
Arnab Chakravarty

πŸ–‹ πŸ““
Aidan Nelson
Aidan Nelson

πŸ’» πŸ’‘

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧 πŸ€”
Darius Kazemi
Darius Kazemi

πŸ€” πŸ’¬
Dingsu Wang
Dingsu Wang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘

πŸ–‹ πŸ“ πŸ€” πŸ““
Gene Kogan
Gene Kogan

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Hayley Hwang
Hayley Hwang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Lisa Jamhoury
Lisa Jamhoury

πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Alejandro Matamala Ortiz
Alejandro Matamala Ortiz

🎨 πŸ–‹ πŸ“
Maya Man
Maya Man

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Mimi Onuoha
Mimi Onuoha

πŸ€” πŸ–‹ πŸ‘€
Yuuno, Hibiki
Yuuno, Hibiki

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧
Dan Oved
Dan Oved

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ’¬ πŸ€”
Stephanie Koltun
Stephanie Koltun

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ–‹ πŸ“ 🎨
YG Zhang
YG Zhang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Wenqi Li
Wenqi Li

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸš‡
Brent Bailey
Brent Bailey

⚠️ πŸ’» πŸ’‘

Jasmine Otto
Jasmine Otto

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ’‘
Zaid Alyafeai
Zaid Alyafeai

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸ’¬
Jacob Foster
Jacob Foster

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ ⚠️
Memo Akten
Memo Akten

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Mohamed Amine
Mohamed Amine

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” ⚠️
Oliver Wright
Oliver Wright

πŸ’» ⚠️
Marshal Hayes
Marshal Hayes

Reiichiro Nakano
Reiichiro Nakano

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ’‘
Nikhil Thorat
Nikhil Thorat

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸš‡
Irene Alvarado
Irene Alvarado

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧 πŸ€”
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”


πŸ’» πŸ’‘ ⚠️

πŸ’‘ πŸ“– πŸ–‹
Junya Ishihara
Junya Ishihara

🚧 πŸ’»

aarΓ³n montoya-moraga
aarΓ³n montoya-moraga

🚧 πŸ’‘

πŸ’» πŸš‡
Aditya Sharma
Aditya Sharma




πŸ–‹ 🎨 πŸ““
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Daniel Shiffman
Daniel Shiffman

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ“† πŸ‘€ ⚠️ πŸ“Ή
CristΓ³bal Valenzuela
CristΓ³bal Valenzuela

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ”§ ⚠️
Yining Shi
Yining Shi

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ”§ ⚠️ πŸ›
Hannah Davis
Hannah Davis

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Joey Lee
Joey Lee

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ‘€ πŸ–‹ ⚠️

πŸ“ 🎨 πŸ“‹ πŸ–‹
Ellen Nickles
Ellen Nickles

πŸ“ πŸ–‹ πŸ€” βœ…
Itay Niv
Itay Niv

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Nikita Huggins
Nikita Huggins

πŸ“ πŸ–‹ πŸ€”
Arnab Chakravarty
Arnab Chakravarty

πŸ–‹ πŸ““
Aidan Nelson
Aidan Nelson

πŸ’» πŸ’‘

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧 πŸ€”
Darius Kazemi
Darius Kazemi

πŸ€” πŸ’¬
Dingsu Wang
Dingsu Wang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘

πŸ–‹ πŸ“ πŸ€” πŸ““
Gene Kogan
Gene Kogan

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Hayley Hwang
Hayley Hwang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Lisa Jamhoury
Lisa Jamhoury

πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Alejandro Matamala Ortiz
Alejandro Matamala Ortiz

🎨 πŸ–‹ πŸ“
Maya Man
Maya Man

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Mimi Onuoha
Mimi Onuoha

πŸ€” πŸ–‹ πŸ‘€
Yuuno, Hibiki
Yuuno, Hibiki

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧
Dan Oved
Dan Oved

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ’¬ πŸ€”
Stephanie Koltun
Stephanie Koltun

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ–‹ πŸ“ 🎨
YG Zhang
YG Zhang

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”
Wenqi Li
Wenqi Li

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸš‡
Brent Bailey
Brent Bailey

⚠️ πŸ’» πŸ’‘

Jasmine Otto
Jasmine Otto

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ’‘
Zaid Alyafeai
Zaid Alyafeai

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸ’¬
Jacob Foster
Jacob Foster

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ ⚠️
Memo Akten
Memo Akten

πŸ’» πŸ’‘
Mohamed Amine
Mohamed Amine

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” ⚠️
Oliver Wright
Oliver Wright

πŸ’» ⚠️
Marshal Hayes
Marshal Hayes

Reiichiro Nakano
Reiichiro Nakano

πŸ’» ⚠️ πŸ’‘
Nikhil Thorat
Nikhil Thorat

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸš‡
Irene Alvarado
Irene Alvarado

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ 🚧 πŸ€”
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee

πŸ’» πŸ’‘ πŸ€”


πŸ’» πŸ’‘ ⚠️

πŸ’‘ πŸ“– πŸ–‹
Junya Ishihara
Junya Ishihara

🚧 πŸ’»

aarΓ³n montoya-moraga
aarΓ³n montoya-moraga

🚧 πŸ’‘

πŸ’» πŸš‡
Aditya Sharma
Aditya Sharma




πŸ–‹ 🎨 πŸ““

πŸ’» πŸ€”
Xander Jake de los Santos
Xander Jake de los Santos

Cassie Tarakajian
Cassie Tarakajian

πŸ› πŸš‡ πŸ€”
Dave Briccetti
Dave Briccetti


Jared Wilber
Jared Wilber

πŸ’‘ πŸ€” πŸ’»

πŸ’» πŸ€”
Emma Goodliffe
Emma Goodliffe

πŸ€” πŸ’¬ 🚧

πŸ’» πŸ›
Lydia Jessup
Lydia Jessup

πŸ’» πŸ€” πŸ’‘
diff --git a/docs/.nojekyll b/docs/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a860570a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +# ml5.js - Friendly Machine Learning for the Web + +Welcome to the ml5.js documentation. Here you'll find everything you need to get up and started with ml5. + +## Getting Started {docsify-ignore} + + +Take a ride on the Coding Train to watch Dan Shiffman's ["A Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning with ml5.js"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmznx0Q1fP0). Here Dan explains what ml5.js is and where it all comes from. + +ml5.js is machine learning _for the web_ in your web browser. Through some clever and exciting advancements, the folks building [TensorFlow.js](https://www.tensorflow.org/js) figured out that it is possible to use the web browser's built in graphics processing unit (GPU) to do calculations that would otherwise run very slowly using central processing unit (CPU). A really nice explantion of what is happening with GPUs can be found [here - Why are shaders fast?](https://thebookofshaders.com/01/). ml5 strives to make all these new developments in machine learning on the web more approachable for everyone. + + +### Quickstart + +The fastest way to get started exploring the creative possibilities of ml5.js are to either: + +1. Download a ml5.js project boilerplate. You can download a zip file here: [ml5 project boilerplate](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-boilerplate/releases).
Or... +2. Open this [p5 web editor sketch with ml5.js added](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/oYweRi2H7). +3. You can also copy and paste the cdn link to the ml5 library here: + + ``` + + ``` + +*** +#### Quickstart: Plain JavaScript + +Reference the [latest version](https://unpkg.com/ml5@0.4.0/dist/ml5.min.js) of ml5.js using a script tag in an HTML file as below: + + +In an **index.html** file, copy and paste the following and open up that file in your web browser. + +```HTML + + + + Getting Started with ml5.js and p5.js + + + + + + + + +``` + +*** + +*** +#### Quickstart: Powered with p5.js + +If you're familiar with [p5.js](https://p5js.org/), ml5.js has been designed to play very nicely with p5. You can use the following boilerplate code to get started: + + +In an **index.html** file, copy and paste the following and open up that file in your web browser. + +```html + + + + Getting Started with ml5.js + + + + + + + + + + + + + +``` + +*** + +
+ + + +## Join Our Community {docsify-ignore} + +Coming soon + + +## Contribute to ml5.js {docsify-ignore} + +ml5 is an open source project that values all contributions. ml5 contributions often take the shape of workshops, design contributions, helping to answer people's questions on Github, flagging bugs in code, fixing bugs, adding new features, and more. + +If you'd like to contribute, you're welcome to browse through the issues in our [Github](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/issues) or create a new issue. If you're still unsure of where to start, feel free to ping us at [@ml5js on twitter](https://twitter.com/ml5js), hello@ml5js.org + +## Support {docsify-ignore} + +ml5 is always on the look out for grants and funding to support the maintenance and development of the ml5 project (including our educational and community based initiatives). If you are an educational institution, grant funding organization, or otherwise interested in funding the ml5 community of students, researchers, artists, educators, designers, and developers, we'd love to hear from you. + +Feel free to reach out at hello@ml5js.org. + +## Acknowledgements {docsify-ignore} + +ml5.js is supported by the time and dedication of open source developers from all over the world. Funding and support is generously provided by a [Google Education grant](https://edu.google.com/why-google/our-commitment/?modal_active=none%2F) at [NYU's ITP/IMA program](https://itp.nyu.edu/). + +Many thanks [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/) for providing testing support. + + diff --git a/docs/_media/GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png b/docs/_media/GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea6ff545a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_media/GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png differ diff --git a/docs/_media/reference__header-bodypix.png b/docs/_media/reference__header-bodypix.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b9235d8f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_media/reference__header-bodypix.png differ diff --git a/docs/_media/reference__header-charrnn.png b/docs/_media/reference__header-charrnn.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0b32703e Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_media/reference__header-charrnn.png differ diff --git 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b/docs/_media/reference__header-yolo.png differ diff --git a/docs/_sidebar.md b/docs/_sidebar.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48f37dc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_sidebar.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + + +* **Welcome** 🌈 + + + * [Getting Started](/) + * [FAQ](/faq.md) + + + +* **Tutorials** 🧠 + + + * [Introduction to ml5.js](/tutorials/hello-ml5.md) + * [Running a local web server](/tutorials/local-web-server) + * [Promises and Callbacks in ml5](/tutorials/promises-and-callbacks.md) + +* **Reference** πŸ“ + + + * [Overview](/reference/index.md) + * **Helpers** ✨ + * [NeuralNetwork](/reference/neural-network.md) + * [FeatureExtractor](/reference/feature-extractor.md) + * [KNNClassifier](/reference/knn-classifier.md) + * [kmeans](/reference/kmeans.md) + * **Image** πŸ–Ό + * [ImageClassifier](/reference/image-classifier.md) + * [PoseNet](/reference/posenet.md) + * [BodyPix](/reference/bodypix.md) + * [UNET](/reference/unet.md) + * [FaceApi](/reference/face-api.md) + * [StyleTransfer](/reference/style-transfer.md) + * [pix2pix](/reference/pix2pix.md) + * [CVAE](/reference/cvae.md) + * [DCGAN](/reference/dcgan.md) + * [SketchRNN](/reference/sketchrnn.md) + * [YOLO](/reference/yolo.md) + * **Sound** πŸ“» + * [SoundClassification](/reference/sound-classifier.md) + * [PitchDetection](/reference/pitch-detection.md) + * **Text** πŸ“• + * [CharRNN](/reference/charrnn.md) + * [Sentiment](/reference/sentiment.md) + * [Word2Vec](/reference/word2vec.md) + * [SketchRNN](/reference/sketchrnn.md) + +* **Contributing** πŸ— + + + * [Contributor Notes](/styleguide/contributor-notes.md) + * [Maintenance Notes](/styleguide/maintenance-notes.md) + * Style Guide + * [Reference guidelines](/styleguide/reference-guidelines.md) + * [Development guidelines](/styleguide/development-guidelines.md) + * [Design guidelines](/styleguide/design-guidelines.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/faq.md b/docs/faq.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b609099d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/faq.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) + +### Can I use ml5.js in the [p5 web editor](editor.p5js.org)? + +Mostly. + +A number of the ml5 sketches don't currently work in the p5 web editor due to some of the ways that the editor handles data files and some of the network communication regarding making requests to external data (e.g. the big model files that allow ml5.js to run things like image detection, etc). + +There are lots of developments in the p5 web editor as well as in ml5 to make sure these environments all play nicely together. If something doesn't work in the web editor, the best thing to do is to try and run things locally if possible. See [running a local web server tutorial](/docs/tutorials/local-web-server.md). + +Thanks! + +### Can I use ml5.js with node.js? + +No. Not at the moment. + +ml5.js uses TensorFlow.js which uses the browser's GPU to run all the calculations. As a result, all of the ml5.js functionality is based around using the browser GPU. We hope to have ml5.js run in node-js sometime in the near future (especially now that [node support for TensorFlow is a thing](https://www.tensorflow.org/js/guide/nodejs) but the current ml5 setup does not support node.js. We hope to support this in the future. + + +[For more discussion about node and ml5.js, visit this issue thread.](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/issues/377) + + +### Can I contribute? + +Yes! Absolutely. We welcome all forms of socially and technically driven contributions. No contribution is too small. + +Please contact us at [@ml5js on twitter](https://twitter.com/ml5js), hello@ml5js.org, or [Github](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/issues). + +### How can I contribute? + +Please refer to the contributor documentation [on Github](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dfc973051 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ + + + + + ml5 - A friendly machine learning library for the web. + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/reference/bodypix.md b/docs/reference/bodypix.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..134907a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/bodypix.md @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +# BodyPix + + +
+ BodyPix Header Image of Harriet Tubman +
+ + +## Description +As written by the developers of BodyPix: + +"Bodypix is an open-source machine learning model which allows for person and body-part segmentation in the browser with TensorFlow.js. In computer vision, image segmentation refers to the technique of grouping pixels in an image into semantic areas typically to locate objects and boundaries. The BodyPix model is trained to do this for a person and twenty-four body parts (parts such as the left hand, front right lower leg, or back torso). In other words, BodyPix can classify the pixels of an image into two categories: 1) pixels that represent a person and 2) pixels that represent background. It can further classify pixels representing a person into any one of twenty-four body parts." + +## Quickstart + +```js +const bodypix = ml5.bodyPix(modelReady) + +function modelReady() { + // segment the image given + bodypix.segment(img, gotResults) +} + +function gotImage(error, result) { + if (error) { + console.log(error); + return; + } + // log the result + console.log(result.maskBackground); +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const bodyPix = new ml5.bodyPix(?video, ?options, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **video**: OPTIONAL. An HTMLVideoElement +* **callback**: REQUIRED. A function to run once the model has been loaded. +* **options**: OPTIONAL. An object to change the defaults (shown below). The available options are: + ``` + { + "multiplier": 0.75, // 1.0, 0.75, or 0.50, 0.25 + "outputStride": 16, // 8, 16, or 32, default is 16 + "segmentationThreshold": 0.5, // 0 - 1, defaults to 0.5 + "palette":{ + "leftFace": { + "id": 0, + "color": [110, 64, 170] + }, + "rightFace": { + "id": 1, + "color": [106, 72, 183] + }, + "rightUpperLegFront": { + "id": 2, + "color": [100, 81, 196] + }, + "rightLowerLegBack": { + "id": 3, + "color": [92, 91, 206] + }, + "rightUpperLegBack": { + "id": 4, + "color": [84, 101, 214] + }, + "leftLowerLegFront": { + "id": 5, + "color": [75, 113, 221] + }, + "leftUpperLegFront": { + "id": 6, + "color": [66, 125, 224] + }, + "leftUpperLegBack": { + "id": 7, + "color": [56, 138, 226] + }, + "leftLowerLegBack": { + "id": 8, + "color": [48, 150, 224] + }, + "rightFeet": { + "id": 9, + "color": [40, 163, 220] + }, + "rightLowerLegFront": { + "id": 10, + "color": [33, 176, 214] + }, + "leftFeet": { + "id": 11, + "color": [29, 188, 205] + }, + "torsoFront": { + "id": 12, + "color": [26, 199, 194] + }, + "torsoBack": { + "id": 13, + "color": [26, 210, 182] + }, + "rightUpperArmFront": { + "id": 14, + "color": [28, 219, 169] + }, + "rightUpperArmBack": { + "id": 15, + "color": [33, 227, 155] + }, + "rightLowerArmBack": { + "id": 16, + "color": [41, 234, 141] + }, + "leftLowerArmFront": { + "id": 17, + "color": [51, 240, 128] + }, + "leftUpperArmFront": { + "id": 18, + "color": [64, 243, 116] + }, + "leftUpperArmBack": { + "id": 19, + "color": [79, 246, 105] + }, + "leftLowerArmBack": { + "id": 20, + "color": [96, 247, 97] + }, + "rightHand": { + "id": 21, + "color": [115, 246, 91] + }, + "rightLowerArmFront": { + "id": 22, + "color": [134, 245, 88] + }, + "leftHand": { + "id": 23, + "color": [155, 243, 88] + } + } + } + ``` + +### Properties + +*** +#### .video +> *Object*. HTMLVideoElement if given in the constructor. Otherwise it is null. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> *Object*. The bodyPix model. +*** + +*** +#### .modelReady +> *Boolean*. Truthy value indicating the model has loaded. +*** + +*** +#### .modelPath +> *String*. The path to the model. +*** + +*** +#### .config +> *Object*. The configuration options of bodyPix. +*** + + + +### Methods + +*** +#### .segment() +> Allows you to segment a person from the background. + +```js +bodyPix.segment(?input, ?options, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: HTMLImageElement | | HTMLVideoElement | ImageData | HTMLCanvasElement. NOTE: Videos can be added in the constructor. +* **options**: Object. You can change the `outputStride and `segmentationThreshold` +* **callback**: Function. A function to handle the results of `.segment()`. Likely a function to do something with the segmented image. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an Object. "{raw}", "{maskBackground}", and "{maskPerson}". The returns will either be a UInt8 array corresponding to the image array or a p5Image if p5.js is available. + +*** + +*** +#### .segmentWithParts() + + +> Allows you to get the segmented body parts of the person. + + +```js +bodyPix.segmentWithParts(?input, ?options, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | ImageData | HTMLCanvasElement. NOTE: Videos can be added in the constructor. +* **options**: Object. You can change the `outputStride and `segmentationThreshold` +* **callback**: Function. A function to handle the results of `.segment()`. Likely a function to do something with the segmented image. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an Object. "{raw}". The returns will either be a UInt8 array corresponding to the image array or a p5Image if p5.js is available. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [BodyPix_Image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/BodyPix/BodyPix_Image) +* [BodyPix_Webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/BodyPix/BodyPix_Webcam) +* [BodyPix_Webcam_Parts](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/BodyPix/BodyPix_Webcam_Parts) +* [BodyPix_p5Instance](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/BodyPix/BodyPix_p5Instance) + +**p5 web editor** +* none yet + +**plain javascript** +* [BodyPix_Image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/BodyPix/BodyPix_Image) +* [BodyPix_Webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/BodyPix/BodyPix_Webcam) +* [BodyPix_Webcam_Parts](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/BodyPix/BodyPix_Webcam_Parts) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Ported to ml5.js by [Joey Lee](https://jk-lee.com). + +**Credits**: + * The BodyPix model was developed by [Dan Oved](https://www.danioved.com/) and [Tyler Zhu](https://ai.google/research/people/TylerZhu) and their [additional contributors](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/body-pix#acknowledgement). Learn more about BodyPix: + * [BodyPix on Github](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/body-pix#acknowledgement) + * [BodyPix blog post release](https://medium.com/tensorflow/introducing-bodypix-real-time-person-segmentation-in-the-browser-with-tensorflow-js-f1948126c2a0) + + +## Source Code + +* [/src/BodyPix](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/BodyPix) diff --git a/docs/reference/charrnn.md b/docs/reference/charrnn.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e9535a56 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/charrnn.md @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +# NameOfFeature + + +
+ image of book with text that says, 'you are designing for humans not machines' +
+ + +## Description + +RNN and LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory networks) are a type of Neural Network architecture useful for working with sequential data (like characters in text or the musical notes of a song) where the order of the that sequence matters. This class allows you run a model pre-trained on a body of text to generate new text. + +You can train your own models using this tutorial or use this set of pre trained models. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create the character level generator with a pre trained model +const rnn = ml5.charRNN("models/bolaΓ±o/", modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// Generete content +rnn.generate({ seed: "the meaning of pizza is" }, function(err, results) { + console.log(results); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const charrnn = ml5.charRNN(model, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. An absolute or relative path to the charRNN model files. +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A callback to be called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .ready +> Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + +*** +#### .state +> The current state of the model. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> The pre-trained charRNN model. +*** + +*** +#### .vocabSize +> The vocabulary size (or total number of possible characters). +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .generate() +> Generates content in a stateless manner, based on some initial text (known as a "seed"). Returns a string. + +```js +charrnn.generate(options, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **options**: REQUIRED. An object specifying the input parameters of seed, length and temperature. Default length is 20, temperature is 0.5 and seed is a random character from the model. The object should look like this + ``` + { + seed: 'The meaning of pizza is' + length: 20, + temperature: 0.5 + } + ``` +* **callback**: Optional. Function. A function to be called when the model has generated content. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has generated new content. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an object. {sample: generated,state: this.state}. + +*** + + +*** +#### .predict() +> Feed a string of characters to the model state. + +```js +charrnn.predict(temperature, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **seed**: REQUIRED. Predict the next character based on the model's current state. +* **callback**: Optional. Function. A function to be called when the model finished adding the seed. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the prediction has been generated. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an object `{sample, probabilities}`; + +*** + +*** +#### .feed() +> Given an image, will make objects in the image disappear + +```js +charrnn.feed(seed, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **seed**: REQUIRED. A string to feed the charRNN model state. +* **callback**: Optional. Function.Optional. A function to be called when the model finished adding the seed. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once seed has been fed.. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Image**: Returns an image. + +*** + +*** +#### .reset() +> Reset the model state + +```js +charrnn.reset() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* none + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* none + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [CharRNN_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/CharRNN/CharRNN_Interactive) +* [CharRNN_Text](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/CharRNN/CharRNN_Text) +* [CharRNN_Text_Stateful](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/CharRNN/CharRNN_Text_Stateful) + +**p5 web editor** + +* [CharRNN_Interactive](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/u7FVGffzX) +* [CharRNN_Text](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/fAzNrafbpa) +* [CharRNN_Text_Stateful](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/AmPtRcgoX7) + +**plain javascript** +* [CharRNN_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/CharRNN/CharRNN_Interactive) +* [CharRNN_Text](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/CharRNN/CharRNN_Text) +* [CharRNN_Text_Stateful](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/CharRNN/CharRNN_Text_Stateful) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Cristobal Valenzuela and Memo Atken + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/CharRnn]() diff --git a/docs/reference/cvae.md b/docs/reference/cvae.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff32601a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/cvae.md @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +# CVAE: Condtional Variational Autoencoder + + +
+ generated images from google quickdraw +
+ + +## Description + +An autoencoder is an neural network that learns how to encode data (like the pixels of an image) into a smaller representation. This is akin to image compression (although classic image compression algorithms are better!) A Variational Autoencoder (VAE) takes this idea one step further and is trained generate new images in the style of training data by sprinkling in a little bit of randomness. Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) is an extension of this idea with the ability to be more specific about what is generated. From [Two Minute Papers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdpbnd0pCiI), the author explains that:
+ +*"Autoencoders are neural networks that are capable of creating sparse representations of the input data and can therefore be used for image compression. There are denoising autoencoders that after learning these sparse representations, can be presented with noisy images. What is even better is a variant that is called the variational autoencoder that not only learns these sparse representations, but can also draw new images as well. We can, for instance, ask it to create new handwritten digits and we can actually expect the results to make sense!"* + + +## Quickstart + +```js +const cvae = ml5.CVAE('model/quick_draw/manifest.json', modelReady); + +function modelReady() { + // generate an image of an airplane + cvae.generate('airplane', gotImage); +} + +function gotImage(error, result) { + if (error) { + console.log(error); + return; + } + // log the result + console.log(result); +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const magic = ml5.CVAE(?model, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. The url path to your model. Can be an absolute or relative path. +* **callback**: REQUIRED. A function to run once the model has been loaded. + + +### Properties + +*** +#### .ready +> *BOOLEAN*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .generate(label, callback); +> Given a label, will generate an image. + +```js +cvae.generate(label, callback); +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **label**: REQUIRED. String. A label of the feature your want to generate. +* **callback**: REQUIRED. Function. A function to handle the results of ".generate()". Likely a function to do something with the generated image data. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns "raw", "blob", and "tensor". If p5.js is available, a "p5Image" will be returned as well. + +*** + + + + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [CVAE_QuickDraw](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/CVAE/CVAE_QuickDraw) + +**p5 web editor** +* [CVAE_QuickDraw]() + +**plain javascript** +* [CVAE_QuickDraw](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/CVAE/CVAE_QuickDraw) + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Wenhe Li & Dingsu (Derek) Wang + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + + +## Source Code + +[/src/CVAE/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/CVAE) diff --git a/docs/reference/dcgan.md b/docs/reference/dcgan.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..033edfa80 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/dcgan.md @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +# DCGAN: Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks + + +
+ generated map images +
+ + +## Description + +You can use neural networks to generate new content. A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a machine learning architecture where two neural networks are adversaries competing. One neural network is a "generator", it makes new images. The other is a "discriminator" and tries to guess if the image is "fake" (made by the generator) or "real" (from the training data). Once the discriminator can no longer guess correctly, the model is trained! A DCGAN is a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network. + +ml5.js provides a few default pre-trained models for DCGAN, but you may consider training your own DCGAN to generate images of things you're interested in. +## Quickstart + +```js +const dcgan = ml5.DCGAN('model/geo/manifest.json', modelReady); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelReady() { + // Generate a new image + dcgan.generate(gotImage); +} + +function gotImage(err, result) { + if (err) { + console.log(err); + return; + } + // The generated image is in the result + console.log(result); +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const dcgan = ml5.DCGAN(modelPath, callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **modelPath**: REQUIRED. This will be a JSON object called `manifest.json` that contains information about your pre-trained GAN and the url to the `model.json` file that contains your pre-trained model. The `model` property can also point to an absolute URL e.g. `"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/master/models/dcgan/face/model.json"` + + ```json + { + "description": "Aerial Images of Santiago, Chile 64x64 (16 MB)", + "model": "model/geo/model.json", + "modelSize": 64, + "modelLatentDim": 128 + } + ``` +* **callback**: Required. A function to run once the model has been loaded. + + +### Properties + + + +*** +#### .modelReady +> *Boolean*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + + +*** +#### .model +> *Object*. An object that specifies the model properties +*** + +*** +#### .modelPath +> *String*. The name of the model being used to generate images +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .generate() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +dcgan.generate(callback, ?latentVector); +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **callback**: REQUIRED. Function. A function to handle the results of ".generate()". Likely a function to do something with the generated image data. +* **latentVector**: OPTIONAL. An array. A vector to explore the latent space of the model. If no latentVector is given, then a random "location" in the latent space is returned. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns "raw", "blob", and "tensor". If p5.js is available, a "p5Image" will be returned as well. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**plain javascript** +* [DCGAN_LatentVector](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector) +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_RandomWalk](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector_RandomWalk) +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_Slider](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector_Slider) +* [DCGAN_Random](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/DCGAN/DCGAN_Random) + + +**p5.js** +* [DCGAN_LatentVector](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector) +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_RandomWalk](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector_RandomWalk) +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_Slider](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/DCGAN/DCGAN_LatentVector_Slider) +* [DCGAN_Random](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/DCGAN/DCGAN_Random) + +**p5 web editor** +* [DCGAN_LatentVector]() +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_RandomWalk]() +* [DCGAN_LatentVector_Slider]() +* [DCGAN_Random]() + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * YG Zhang & Rui An + * Additional contributions by Joey Lee + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + + +## Source Code + +* [/src/MagicFeature]() diff --git a/docs/reference/face-api.md b/docs/reference/face-api.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d63e87f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/face-api.md @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +# Face-Api + +**currently in development - coming soon to the ml5 release** + + +
+ face landmark detection +
+ + +## Description + +ml5.js has created an API to [face-api.js](https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js/blob/master/README.md) that allows you to access face and face landmark detection. + +The ml5.js implementation of face-api does not support `expressions`, `age`, or `gender` estimation. + +## Quickstart + +```js +const detection_options = { + withLandmarks: true, + withDescriptors: false, +} +// Initialize the magicFeature +const faceapi = ml5.faceApi(detection_options, modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log('Model Loaded!'); + + // Make some sparkles + faceapi.detect(myImage, function(err, results) { + console.log(results); + }); +} + + +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const faceapi = ml5.faceApi(videoOrOptionsOrCallback, optionsOrCallback?, cb?) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **videoOrOptionsOrCallback**: REQUIRED. Notice there is no question mark in front of the input. +* **optionsOrCallback**: OPTIONAL. Notice the `?` indicates an optional parameter. +* **cb**: OPTIONAL. A description of some kind of object with some properties. Notice the `?` indicates an optional parameter. + + ``` + { + withLandmarks: true, + withDescriptors: true, + minConfidence: 0.5, + MODEL_URLS: { + Mobilenetv1Model: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/ssd_mobilenetv1_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmarkModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmark68TinyNet: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_tiny_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceRecognitionModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_recognition_model-weights_manifest.json', + } + } + ``` + +### Properties + +*** +#### .video +> **Object**: An HTML5Video object if one is passed in the constructor +*** + +*** +#### .model +> **Object**: the model +*** + +*** +#### .modelReady +> **Boolean**: true when model is ready and loaded, false when it is not +*** + +*** +#### .config +> **Object** object of configurations of the model +*** + +*** +#### .ready +> **Boolean**: true when model is ready and loaded, false when it is not +*** + + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .detect() +> Given an image, will run face detection. If a video was passed in the contructor, then it only a callback is necessary to handle the results. + +```js +faceapi.detect(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **optionsOrCallback**: Required. Image | Object | Function. If given an image, this is the image that the face detection will be applied. If given an object, it is to set the configuration. If given a callback, this is to handle the results of the `.detect()` method. +* **configOrCallback**: Optional. Object | Function. If an image is given as the first parameter, then this will either be an object or a function. If given an object, it is to set the configuration. If given a callback, this is to handle the results of the `.detect()` method. +* **cb**: Optional. Function. A function to handle the results of `.makeSparkles()`. Likely a function to do something with the results of makeSparkles. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{alignedRect, detection, landmarks, unshiftedLandmarks}`. + +*** + +*** +#### .detectSingle() +> Given an image, will run face detection. If a video was passed in the contructor, then it only a callback is necessary to handle the results. `.detectSingle()` is more accurate. + +```js +faceapi.detectSingle(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **optionsOrCallback**: Required. Image | Object | Function. If given an image, this is the image that the face detection will be applied. If given an object, it is to set the configuration. If given a callback, this is to handle the results of the `.detect()` method. +* **configOrCallback**: Optional. Object | Function. If an image is given as the first parameter, then this will either be an object or a function. If given an object, it is to set the configuration. If given a callback, this is to handle the results of the `.detect()` method. +* **cb**: Optional. Function. A function to handle the results of `.makeSparkles()`. Likely a function to do something with the results of makeSparkles. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{alignedRect, detection, landmarks, unshiftedLandmarks}`. + +*** + + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [FaceApi_Image_Landmarks](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/FaceApi/FaceApi_Image_Landmarks) +* [FaceApi_Video_Landmarks](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/FaceApi/FaceApi_Video_Landmarks) +* [FaceApi_Video_Landmarks_LocalModels](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/FaceApi/FaceApi_Video_Landmarks_LocalModels) + +**p5 web editor** +* [FaceApi_Image_Landmarks]() - coming soon +* [FaceApi_Video_Landmarks]() - coming soon + +**plain javascript** +* [FaceApi_Image_Landmarks](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/FaceApi/FaceApi_Image_Landmarks/) +* [FaceApi_Video_Landmarks](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/FaceApi/FaceApi_Video_Landmarks/) +* [FaceApi_Video_Landmarks_LocalModels](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/FaceApi/FaceApi_Video_Landmarks_LocalModels/) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Ported by [Joey Lee](https://jk-lee.com) + +**Credits**: + * [Face-api.js](https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js/blob/master/README.md) is an open source project built by [Vincent MΓΌhler](https://github.com/justadudewhohacks). + +## Source Code + +* [/src/FaceApi](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/FaceApi) + diff --git a/docs/reference/feature-extractor.md b/docs/reference/feature-extractor.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1a33a8c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/feature-extractor.md @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +# FeatureExtractor + + +
+ Illustration of a brain being sent through a funnel +
+ + +## Description + +You can use neural networks to recognize the content of images. Most of the time you will be using a "pre-trained" model trained on a large dataset to classify an image into a fixed set of categories. However you can also use a part of the pre-trained model: the [features](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_extraction). Those features allow you to 'retrain' or 'reuse' the model for a new custom task. This is known as [Transfer Learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_learning). + +This class allows you to extract features of an image via a pre-trained model and re-train that model with new data. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Extract the already learned features from MobileNet +const featureExtractor = ml5.featureExtractor("MobileNet", modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// Create a new classifier using those features and with a video element +const classifier = featureExtractor.classification(video, videoReady); + +// Triggers when the video is ready +function videoReady() { + console.log("The video is ready!"); +} + +// Add a new image with a label +classifier.addImage(document.getElementById("dogA"), "dog"); + +// Retrain the network +classifier.train(function(lossValue) { + console.log("Loss is", lossValue); +}); + +// Get a prediction for that image +classifier.classify(document.getElementById("dogB"), function(err, result) { + console.log(result); // Should output 'dog' +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +// initial without options +const featureExtractor = ml5.featureExtractor(model, ?callback) +// OR with options included +const featureExtractor = ml5.featureExtractor(model, ?options, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. The model from which extract the learned features. Case-insensitive +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A function to be executed once the model has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. +* **options**: OPTIONAL. An object containing custom options. For the MobileNet model these are the custom options you can reset. + + ``` + { + version: 1, + alpha: 1.0, + topk: 3, + learningRate: 0.0001, + hiddenUnits: 100, + epochs: 20, + numLabels: 2, + batchSize: 0.4, + } + ``` + +### Properties + +*** +#### .modelLoaded +> Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + +*** +#### .hasAnyTrainedClass +> Boolean value that specifies if new data has been added to the model +*** + +*** +#### .usageType +> String that specifies how is the Extractor being used. Possible values are 'regressor' and 'classifier' +*** + +*** +#### .isPredicting +> Boolean value to check if the model is predicting. +*** + + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .classification(**?video**, **?callback**) +> Use the features of MobileNet as a classifier + +```js +featureExtractor.classification(?video, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **video**: Optional. An HTML video element or a p5.js video element. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to be called once the video is ready. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the video element has loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .regression() +> Use the features of MobileNet as a regressor + +```js +featureExtractor.regression(?video, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **video**: Optional. An HTML video element or a p5.js video element. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to be called once the video is ready. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the video element has loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .addImage() +> Adds a new image element to the featureExtractor for training + +```js +featureExtractor.addImage(label, ?callback) +// OR +featureExtractor.addImage(input, label, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input** - Optional. An HTML image or video element or a p5 image or video element. If not input is provided, the video element provided in the method-type will be used. +* **label** - The label to associate the new image with. When using the classifier this can be strings or numbers. For a regressor, this needs to be a number. +* **callback** - Optional. A function to be called once the new image has been added to the model. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the image has been added. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .train() +> Retrain the model with the provided images and labels using the models original features as starting point. + +```js +featureExtractor.train(?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **callback** - Optional. A function to be called to follow the progress of the training. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .classify() +> Classifies an an image based on a new retrained model. `.classification()` needs to be used with this. + +```js +featureExtractor.classify(?callback) +// OR +featureExtractor.classify(input, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input** - Optional. An HTML image or video element or a p5 image or video element. If not input is provided, the video element provided in the method-type will be used. +* **callback** - Optional. A function to be called once the input has been classified. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has classified the image. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** +* **Object** - returns the {label, confidence} + +*** + + + +*** +#### .predict() +> Predicts a continuous value based on a new retrained model. `.regression()` needs to be used with this. + +```js +featureExtractor.predict(?callback) +// OR +featureExtractor.predict(input, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input** - Optional. An HTML image or video element or a p5 image or video element. If not input is provided, the video element provided when creating the regression will be used. +* **callback** - Optional. A function to be called once the input has been predicted. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has predicted the image. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** +* **Object** - an object with {value}. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Regression](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/FeatureExtractor/FeatureExtractor_Image_Regression) +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Classification](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/FeatureExtractor/FeatureExtractor_Image_Classification) + +**p5 web editor** +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Classification](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/4AWAKkeZBx) +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Regression](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/AAA54W1ajd) + +**plain javascript** +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Regression](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/FeatureExtractor/FeatureExtractor_Image_Regression) +* [FeatureExtractor_Image_Classification](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/FeatureExtractor/FeatureExtractor_Image_Classification) + + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### ml5.js Feature Extractor Classification via CodingTrain + + +### ml5.js Transfer Learning with Feature Extractor via CodingTrain + + +### ml5.js Feature Extractor Regression via CodingTrain + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Yining Shi & Cristobal Valenzuela + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +[src/FeatureExtractor](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/FeatureExtractor) + diff --git a/docs/reference/image-classifier.md b/docs/reference/image-classifier.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77a7b27f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/image-classifier.md @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +# ImageClassifier + + +
+ image classification of bird +
+ + +## Description +You can use neural networks to recognize the content of images. ml5.imageClassifier() is a method to create an object that classifies an image using a pre-trained model. + +It should be noted that the pre-trained model provided by the example below was trained on a database of approximately 15 million images (ImageNet). The ml5 library accesses this model from the cloud. What the algorithm labels an image is entirely dependent on that training data -- what is included, excluded, and how those images are labeled (or mislabeled). + +**Train your own image classification model with Teachable Machine**: If you'd like to train your own custom image classification model, try [Google's Teachable Machine - coming soon!](https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/io19) + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Initialize the Image Classifier method with MobileNet +const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet', modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log('Model Loaded!'); +} + +// Make a prediction with a selected image +classifier.classify(document.getElementById('image'), function(err, results) { + console.log(results); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier(model, ?video, ?options, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. A String value of a valid model OR a url to a model.json that contains a pre-trained model. Case insensitive. Models available are: 'MobileNet', 'Darknet' and 'Darknet-tiny','DoodleNet', or any image classification model trained in Teachable Machine. Below are some examples of creating a new image classifier: + * `mobilenet`: + ```js + const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet', modelReady) + ``` + * `Darknet`: + ```js + const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('Darknet', modelReady) + ``` + * `DoodleNet`: + ```js + const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('DoodleNet', modelReady) + ``` + * Custom Model from Teachable Machine: + ```js + const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('path/to/custom/model.json', modelReady) + ``` +* **video**: OPTIONAL. An HTMLVideoElement +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A function to run once the model has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. +* **options**: OPTIONAL. An object to change the defaults (shown below). The available options are: + ``` + { + version: 1, + alpha: 1.0, + topk: 3 + } + ``` + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .video +> *Object*. HTMLVideoElement if given in the constructor. Otherwise it is null. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> *Object*. The image classifier model specified in the constructor. +*** + +*** +#### .modelName +> *String*. The name of the image classifier model specified in the constructor +*** + +*** +#### .modelUrl +> *String*. The absolute or relative URL path to the input model. +*** + + +### Methods + +*** +#### .classify() +> Given an image or video, returns an array of objects containing class names and probabilities + +If you DID NOT specify an image or video in the constructor... +```js +classifier.classify(input, ?numberOfClasses,?callback) +``` + +If you DID specify an image or video in the constructor... +```js +classifier.classify(?numberOfClasses ,?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: HTMLImageElement | ImageData | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement. NOTE: Videos can also be added in the constructor and then do not need to be specified again as an input. +* **numberOfClasses**: Number. The number of classes you want to return. +* **callback**: Function. A function to handle the results of `.segment()`. Likely a function to do something with the segmented image. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{label, confidence}`. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [ImageClassification](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification) +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Canvas](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Canvas) +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Video) +* [ImageClassification_MultipleImages](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_MultipleImages) +* [ImageClassification_Teachable-Machine](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_Teachable-Machine) +* [ImageClassification_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_Video) +* [ImageClassification_VideoScavengerHunt](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoScavengerHunt) +* [ImageClassification_VideoSound](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoSound) +* [ImageClassification_VideoSoundTranslate](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoSoundTranslate) +* [ImageClassification_Video_Load](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_Video_Load) + +**p5.js Web Editor** + +* [ImageClassification](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/DUxe1Z0DXG) +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Canvas]() - coming soon +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Video]() - coming soon +* [ImageClassification_MultipleImages](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/f3rqIqNey5) +* [ImageClassification_Teachable-Machine]() - coming soon +* [ImageClassification_Video](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/IlF1JFvWjc) +* [ImageClassification_VideoScavengerHunt](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/APzpeXOuEQ) +* [ImageClassification_VideoSound](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/Ry7EL4JvA3) + +**plain javascript** +* [ImageClassification](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification) +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Canvas](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Canvas) +* [ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_DoodleNet_Video) +* [ImageClassification_MultipleImages](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_MultipleImages) +* [ImageClassification_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_Video) +* [ImageClassification_VideoScavengerHunt](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoScavengerHunt) +* [ImageClassification_VideoSound](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoSound) +* [ImageClassification_VideoSoundTranslate](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_VideoSoundTranslate) +* [ImageClassification_Video_Load](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/ImageClassification/ImageClassification_Video_Load) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### Webcam Image Classification via CodingTrain + + +### Image Classification with MobileNet via CodingTrain + + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * [Cristobal Valenzuela](https://cvalenzuelab.com/) + * [Yining Shi](https://1023.io) + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/ImageClassifier](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/ImageClassifier) diff --git a/docs/reference/index.md b/docs/reference/index.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a5d01f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Reference + +Welcome to the ml5.js reference page! Here you can browse the various categories of functionality that ml5.js provides. We have categorized the functionality of ml5.js based on the types of input and output that you might be interested to work with. + +We currently have 4 categories: + +* **Helpers**: + * The ml5 *helpers* category groups ml5 features that are broadly related to machine learning data, working with data, manipulating data, and training a model with data. Part of our helpers includes the [ml5.neuralNetwork](neural-network.md) which allows you to build and train your own neural network right in the browser. You can also explore the [ml5.featureExtractor](feature-extractor.md) to do [transfer learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_learning). +* **Image**: + * The ml5 *image* category groups ml5 features that are related to applying machine learning to images or video. +* **Sound** + * The ml5 *sound* category groups ml5 features that are related to applying machine learning to audio. +* **Text** + * The ml5 *text* category groups ml5 features that are related to applying machine learning to text. + +See the sidebar for more information. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/reference/kmeans.md b/docs/reference/kmeans.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f7677151 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/kmeans.md @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +# Kmeans Clustering + +
+ groups of points colored depending on which cluster it has been categorized into by the kmeans algorithm +
+ + +## Description + +The KMeans clustering algorithm. Read more about it [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) + +## Quickstart + +```js +const data = [{x: 0, y:0}, {x:0, y:1},{x:1, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}] +const options = { + 'k': 3, + 'maxIter': 4, + 'threshold': 0.5, +}; +// Initialize the magicFeature +const kmeans = ml5.kmeans(data, options, clustersCalculated); + +// When the model is loaded +function clustersCalculated() { + console.log('Points Clustered!'); + console.log(kmeans.dataset) +} + +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const kmeans = ml5.kmeans(data, ?options, ?callback); +``` + +#### Parameters +* **data**: REQUIRED. JSON object | Data URL. Can be a CSV or JSON dataset. Your data might look like: + * csv: + ```js + x1,y1 + 1,2 + 3,4 + 5,6 + ``` + * json: + ```js + [{x: 0, y:0}, {x:0, y:1},{x:1, y:0}, {x:1, y:1}] + ``` +* **options**: OPTIONAL. Sets the options including: + * `k`: the number of clusters + * `maxIter`: Max number of iterations to try before forcing convergence. + * `threshold`: Threshold for updated centriod distance before declaring convergence. +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A callback function that is called once the kmeans clusters have been calculated. + + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .config +> *Object*: object containing the configuration of the kmeans +*** + +*** +#### .dataset +> **Array**: an array of objects containing the original data where each object is a "row" of data with a property called `centroid` indicating which cluster this point belongs to. +*** +*** +#### .dataTensor +> **Tensor**: an tensorflow tensor representing the `.dataset` property +*** +*** +#### .centroids +> **Tensor**: an tensorflow tensor representing the `.centroids` +*** + + + +### Methods + + +* The ml5.kmeans() calculates the kmeans clusters of the input data. See usage above. + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [KMeans_imageSegmentation](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/KMeans/KMeans_imageSegmentation/) + +**p5 web editor** +* coming soon + +**plain javascript** +* coming soon + +**d3.js** +* [KMeans_GaussianClusterDemo](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/d3/KMeans/KMeans_GaussianClusterDemo) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * [Jared Wilber](https://www.jwilber.me/) + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/KMeans](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/KMeans) + + diff --git a/docs/reference/knn-classifier.md b/docs/reference/knn-classifier.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9a968462 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/knn-classifier.md @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +# KNNClassifier: K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier + + +
+ Illustration of hands making the signs of rock, paper, and scissors on top of different labels +
+ + +## Description + +*"In pattern recognition, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression.[1] In both cases, the input consists of the k closest training examples in the feature space."* - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-nearest_neighbors_algorithm) + +This class allows you to create a classifier using the [K-Nearest Neighbors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-nearest_neighbors_algorithm) algorithm. It's a little different from other classes in this library, because it doesn't provide a model with weights, but rather a utility for constructing a KNN model using outputs from another model or any other data that could be classified. + +For example, you could get features of an image by calling `FeatureExtractor.infer()`, and feed the features to KNNClassifier to classify an image. + +You can also collect any kind of data, construct them into an array of numbers and feed them to KNNClassifier. Check out this [example](/docs/knnclassifier-posenet) that uses KNNClassifier to classify data from [PoseNet](/docs/PoseNet) model. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a KNN classifier +const knnClassifier = ml5.KNNClassifier(); + +// Create a featureExtractor that can extract features of an image +const featureExtractor = ml5.featureExtractor("MobileNet", modelReady); + +// Get the features of an image +const features = featureExtractor.infer(myImg); + +// Add an example with a label to the KNN Classifier +knnClassifier.addExample(features, label); + +// Use KNN Classifier to classify these features +knnClassifier.classify(features, function(err, result) { + console.log(result); // result.label is the predicted label +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const knnClassifier = ml5.KNNClassifier(); +``` + +#### Parameters +* no inputs needed + +### Properties + + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .addExample() +> Adding an example to a class. + +```js +knnClassifier.addExample(example, indexOrLabel) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **example**: Required. An example to add to the dataset, usually an activation from another model +* **indexOrLabel**: Required. String | Number. The class index(number) or label(string) of the example. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + + +*** +#### .classify() +> Classify an new input. + +```js +knnClassifier.classify(input, callback?) +// OR +knnClassifier.classify(input, k?, callback?) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input**: REQUIRED. An example to make a prediction on, could be an activation from another model or an array of numbers. +* **k**: Optional. Number. The K value to use in K-nearest neighbors. The algorithm will first find the K nearest examples from those it was previously shown, and then choose the class that appears the most as the final prediction for the input example. Defaults to 3. If examples < k, k = examples. +* **callback**: Optional. Function. A function to be called once the input has been classified. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has classified the new input. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: It returns an object with a top classIndex and label, confidences mapping all class indices to their confidence, and confidencesByLabel mapping all classes' confidence by label. + +*** + + +*** +#### .clearLabel() +> Clears the specified label. + +```js +knnClassifier.clearLabel(indexOrLabel) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input**: REQUIRED. The class index or label, a number or a string. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .clearAllLabels() +> Clear all examples in all labels + +```js +knnClassifier.clearAllLabels() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + +*** +#### .getCountByLabel() +> Get the example count for each label. It returns an object that maps class label to example count for each class. + +```js +knnClassifier.getCountByLabel() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + +*** +#### .getCount() +> Get the example count for each class. It returns an object that maps class index to example count for each class. + +```js +knnClassifier.getCount() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + +*** +#### .getNumLabels() +> It returns the total number of labels. + +```js +knnClassifier.getNumLabels() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + +*** +#### .save() +> Download the whole dataset as a JSON file. It's useful for saving state. + +```js +knnClassifier.save(fileName?) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **fileName**: Optional. The name of the JSON file that will be downloaded. e.g. "myKNN" or "myKNN.json". If no fileName is provided, the default file name is "myKNN.json". + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* Saved file + +*** + +*** +#### .load() +> Load a dataset from a JSON file. It's useful for restoring state. + +```js +knnClassifier.load(path, callback?) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **path**: The path for a valid JSON file. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the dataset has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the dataset has loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [KNNClassification_PoseNet](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_PoseNet) +* [KNNClassification_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_Video) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSound](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_VideoSound) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSquare](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_VideoSquare) + +**p5 web editor** +* [KNNClassification_PoseNet](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/4c7Fgs7baz) +* [KNNClassification_Video](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/ZIDZyjW5LM) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSound](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/It5-jyEY2R) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSquare](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/S3JfKStZ8I) + + +**plain javascript** +* [KNNClassification_PoseNet](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_PoseNet) +* [KNNClassification_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_Video) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSound](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_VideoSound) +* [KNNClassification_VideoSquare](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/KNNClassification/KNNClassification_VideoSquare) + + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### KNN Classification Part 1 via CodingTrain + + +### KNN Classification Part 2 via CodingTrain + + +### KNN Classification Part 3 via CodingTrain + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Yining Shi & Cristobal Valenzuela + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +[/src/KNNClassifier/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/KNNClassifier) diff --git a/docs/reference/neural-network.md b/docs/reference/neural-network.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b257adbab --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/neural-network.md @@ -0,0 +1,486 @@ +# NeuralNetwork + +**currently in development - coming soon to the ml5 release** + + +
+ Illustration of brain +
+ + +## Description + +Create your own neural network and train in the browser with the ml5.neuralNetwork. Collect data to train your neural network or use existing data to train your neural network in real-time. Once it is trained, your neural network and do `classification` or `regression` tasks. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Initialize the the neural network +const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(1, 1); + +// add in some data +for(let i = 0; i < 100; i+=1){ + const x = i; + const y = i * 2; + neuralNetwork.data.addData( [x], [y]) +} + +// normalize your data +neuralNetwork.data.normalize(); +// train your model +neuralNetwork.train(finishedTraining); + +// when it is done training, run .predict() +function finishedTraining(){ + neuralNetwork.predict( [50], (err, results) => { + console.log(results); + }) +} + + +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +// Option 1: specifying the inputs and outputs with the intention of adding data later +const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(3, 2) +// OR Option 2: specifying the inputs and outputs in an options object +const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(inputsOrOptions) +// OR Option 3: specifying the inputs, outputs, and dataUrl, with a callback +const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(inputsOrOptions, outputsOrCallback) + +``` + +#### Parameters +* **inputsOrOptions**: REQUIRED. An `options` object or a number specifying the number of inputs. +* **outputsOrCallback**: OPTIONAL. A callback to be called after your data is loaded as specified in the `options.dataUrl` or a `number` specifying the number of `outputs`. + +The options that can be specified are: + + ```js + const DEFAULTS = { + dataUrl: 'data.csv' // can be a url path or relative path + task: 'regression', + activationHidden: 'sigmoid', + activationOutput: 'sigmoid', + debug: false, + learningRate: 0.25, + inputs: 2, // or the names of the data properties ['temperature', 'precipitation'] + outputs: 1, // or the names of the data properties ['thermalComfort'] + noVal: null, + hiddenUnits: 1, + modelMetrics: ['accuracy'], + modelLoss: 'meanSquaredError', + modelOptimizer: null, + batchSize: 64, + epochs: 32, + } + ``` + +* For your reference, a few typical uses are showcased below: + * Example 1: + ```js + const options = { + inputs: 1, + outputs: 1, + type:'regression` + } + const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(options) + ``` + * Example 2: loading data as a csv + ```js + const options = { + dataUrl: 'weather.csv' + inputs: ['avg_temperature', 'humidity'], + outputs: ['rained'], + type:'classification` + } + const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(options, modelLoaded) + ``` + * Example 3: loading data as a json + ```js + /** + The weather json looks something like: + {"data": [ + {"xs": {"avg_temperature":20, "humidity": 0.2}, "ys": {"rained": "no"}}, + {"xs": {"avg_temperature":30, "humidity": 0.9}, "ys": {"rained": "yes"}} + ] } + **/ + const options = { + dataUrl: 'weather.json' + inputs: ['avg_temperature', 'humidity'], + outputs: ['rained'], + type:'classification` + } + const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(options, modelLoaded) + ``` + * Example 4: specifying labels for a blank neural network + ```js + const options = { + inputs: ['x', 'y'], + outputs: ['label'], + type:'classification` + } + const neuralNetwork = ml5.neuralNetwork(options) + ``` + + +### Properties + +*** +#### .config +> *Object*: a configuration object that organizes the input options for the model and data. A high level structure of the config object is as follows: {debug, {architecture}, {training}, {dataOptions} } +*** +*** +#### .vis +> *Object*: allows access to the tf.vis functionality and the `NeuralNetworkVis` object. +*** +*** +#### .data +> *Object*: allows access to the `NeuralNetworkData` object. +*** +*** +#### .ready +> *Boolean*: set to true if the model is loaded and ready, false if it is not. +*** +*** +#### .model +> *Object*: the model. +*** + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .addData() +> If you are not uploading data using the `dataUrl` property of the options given to the constructor, then you can add data to a "blank" neural network class using the `.addData()` function. + +```js +neuralNetwork.addData(xs, ys) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **xs**: Required. Array | Object. + * If an array is given, then the inputs must be ordered as specified in the constructor. If no labels are given in the constructor, then the order that your data are added here will set the order of how you will pass data to `.predict()` or `.classify()`. + * If an object is given, then feed in key/value pairs. +* **ys**: Required. Array | Object. + * If an array is given, then the inputs must be ordered as specified in the constructor. + * If an object is given, then feed in key/value pairs. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: adds data to `neuralNetwork.data.data.raw` + +*** + +*** +#### .normalizeData() +> normalizes the data on a scale from 0 to 1. The data being normalized are part of the `NeuralNetworkData` class which can be accessed in: `neuralNetwork.data.data.raw` + +```js +neuralNetwork.normalizeData() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: normalizes the data in `neuralNetwork.data.data.raw` and adds `inputs` and `output` tensors to `neuralNetwork.data.data.tensor` as well as the `inputMin`, `inputMax`, `outputMin`, and `outputMax` as tensors. The `inputMin`, `inputMax`, `outputMin`, and `outputMax` are also added to `neuralNetwork.data.data` as Numbers. + +*** + + +*** +#### .train() +> trains the model with the data loaded during the instantiation of the `NeuralNetwork` or the data added using `neuralNetwork.addData()` + +```js +neuralNetwork.train(?optionsOrCallback, ?optionsOrWhileTraining, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **optionsOrCallback**: Optional. + * If an object of options is given, then `optionsOrCallback` will be an object where you can specify the `batchSize` and `epochs`: + ```js + {batchSize: 24, epochs:32} + ``` + * If a callback function is given here then this will be a callback that will be called when the training is finished. + ```js + function doneTraining(){ + console.log('done!'); + } + ``` + * If a callback function is given here and a second callback function is given, `optionsOrCallback` will be a callback function that is called after each `epoch` of training, and the `optionsOrWhileTraining` callback function will be a callback function that is called when the training has completed: + ```js + function whileTraining(epoch, loss){ + console.log(`epoch: ${epoch}, loss:${loss}`); + } + function doneTraining(){ + console.log('done!'); + } + neuralNetwork.train(whileTraining, doneTraining) + ``` +* **optionsOrWhileTraining**: Optional. + * If an object of options is given as the first parameter, then `optionsOrWhileTraining` will be a callback function that is fired after the training as finished. + * If a callback function is given as the first parameter to handle the `whileTraining`, then `optionsOrWhileTraining` will be a callback function that is fired after the training as finished. +* **callback**: Optional. Function. + * If an object of options is given as the first parameter and a callback function is given as a second parameter, then this `callback` parameter will be a callback function that is fired after the training as finished. + ```js + const trainingOptions = { + batchSize: 32, + epochs: 12, + } + function whileTraining(epoch, loss){ + console.log(`epoch: ${epoch}, loss:${loss}`); + } + function doneTraining(){ + console.log('done!'); + } + neuralNetwork.train(trainingOptions, whileTraining, doneTraining) + + ``` + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: Here, `neuralNetwork.model` is created and the model is trained. + +*** + + + +*** +#### .predict() +> Given an input, will return an array of predictions. + +```js +neuralNetwork.predict(inputs, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **inputs**: Required. Array | Object. + * If an array is given, then the input values should match the order that the data are specifed in the `inputs` of the constructor options. + * If an object is given, then the input values should be given as a key/value pair. The keys must match the keys given in the inputs of the constructor options and/or the keys added when the data were added in `.addData()`. +* **callback**: Required. Function. A function to handle the results of `.predict()`. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{value, label}`. + +*** + +*** +#### .predictMultiple() +> Given an input, will return an array of arrays of predictions. + +```js +neuralNetwork.predictMultiple(inputs, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **inputs**: Required. Array of arrays | Array of objects. + * If an array of arrays is given, then the input values of each child array should match the order that the data are specifed in the `inputs` of the constructor options. + * If an array of objects is given, then the input values of each child object should be given as a key/value pair. The keys must match the keys given in the inputs of the constructor options and/or the keys added when the data were added in `.addData()`. +* **callback**: Required. Function. A function to handle the results of `.predictMultiple()`. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of arrays. Each child array contains objects. Each object contains `{value, label}`. + +*** + +*** +#### .classify() +> Given an input, will return an array of classifications. + +```js +neuralNetwork.classify(inputs, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **inputs**: Required. Array | Object. + * If an array is given, then the input values should match the order that the data are specifed in the `inputs` of the constructor options. + * If an object is given, then the input values should be given as a key/value pair. The keys must match the keys given in the inputs of the constructor options and/or the keys added when the data were added in `.addData()`. +* **callback**: Required. Function. A function to handle the results of `.classify()`. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{label, confidence}`. + +*** + +*** +#### .classifyMultiple() +> Given an input, will return an array of arrays of classifications. + +```js +neuralNetwork.classifyMultiple(inputs, callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **inputs**: Required. Array of arrays | Array of objects. + * If an array of arrays is given, then the input values of each child array should match the order that the data are specifed in the `inputs` of the constructor options. + * If an array of objects is given, then the input values of each child object should be given as a key/value pair. The keys must match the keys given in the inputs of the constructor options and/or the keys added when the data were added in `.addData()`. +* **callback**: Required. Function. A function to handle the results of `.classifyMultiple()`. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of arrays. Each child array contains objects. Each object contains `{label, confidence}`. + +*** + + +*** +#### .saveData() +> Saves the data that has been added + +```js +neuralNetwork.saveData(?outputName, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **outputName**: Optional. String. An output name you'd like your data to be called. If no input is given, then the name will be `data_YYYY-MM-DD_mm-hh`. +* **callback**: Optional. function. A callback that is called after the data has been saved. + + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: downloads the data to a `.json` file in your `downloads` folder. + +*** + +*** +#### .loadData() +> loads the data to `neuralNetwork.data.data.raw` + +```js +neuralnetwork.loadData(?filesOrPath, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **filesOrPath**: REQUIRED. String | InputFiles. A string path to a `.json` data object or InputFiles from html input `type="file"`. Must be structured for example as: `{"data": [ { xs:{input0:1, input1:2}, ys:{output0:"a"}, ...]}` +* **callback**: Optional. function. A callback that is called after the data has been loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: set `neuralNetwork.data.data.raw` to the array specified in the `"data"` property of the incoming `.json` file. + +*** + + +*** +#### .save() +> Saves the trained model + +```js +neuralNetwork.save(?outputName, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **outputName**: Optional. String. An output name you'd like your model to be called. If no input is given, then the name will be `model`. +* **callback**: Optional. function. A callback that is called after the model has been saved. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: downloads the model to a `.json` file and a `model.weights.bin` binary file in your `downloads` folder. + +*** + +*** +#### .load() +> Loads a pre-trained model + +```js +neuralNetwork.load(?filesOrPath, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **filesOrPath**: REQUIRED. String | InputFiles. + * If a string path to the `model.json` data object is given, then the `model.json`, `model_meta.json` file and its accompanying `model.weights.bin` file will be loaded. Note that the names must match. + * If InputFiles from html input `type="file"`. Then make sure to select ALL THREE of the `model.json`, `model_meta.json` and the `model.weights.bin` file together to upload otherwise the load will throw an error. + * Method 1: using a json object. In this case, the paths to the specific files are set directly. + ```js + const modelInfo = { + model: 'path/to/model.json', + metadata: 'path/to/model_meta.json', + weights: 'path/to/model.weights.bin' + } + neuralNetwork.load(modelInfo, modelLoadedCallback) + ``` + * Method 2: specifying only the path to th model.json. In this case, the `model_meta.json` and the `model.weights.bin` are assumed to be in the same directory, named exactly like `model_meta.json` and `model.weights.bin`. + ```js + neuralNetwork.load('path/to/model.json', modelLoadedCallback) + ``` + * Method 3: using the `` +* **callback**: Optional. function. A callback that is called after the model has been loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a: loads the model to `neuralNetwork.model` + + +*** + + + +## Examples + + +**p5.js** +- [NeuralNetwork_Simple-Classification](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_Simple-Classification) +- [NeuralNetwork_Simple-Regression](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_Simple-Regression) +- [NeuralNetwork_XOR](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_XOR) +- [NeuralNetwork_basics](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_basics) +- [NeuralNetwork_co2net](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_co2net) +- [NeuralNetwork_color_classifier](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_color_classifier) +- [NeuralNetwork_load_model](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_load_model) +- [NeuralNetwork_load_saved_data](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_load_saved_data) +- [NeuralNetwork_lowres_pixels](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_lowres_pixels) +- [NeuralNetwork_multiple-layers](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_multiple-layer) +- [NeuralNetwork_musical_face](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_musical_face) +- [NeuralNetwork_musical_mouse](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_musical_mouse) +- [NeuralNetwork_pose_classifier](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_pose_classifier) +- [NeuralNetwork_titanic](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_titanic) +- [NeuralNetwork_xy_classifier](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetwork_xy_classifier) + +**p5 web editor** +* coming soon + +**plain javascript** + +* coming soon + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * [Dan Shiffman](https://github.com/shiffman) + * [Joey Lee](https://github.com/joeyklee/) + * [Yining Shi](https://github.com/yining1023/) + * [Lydia Jessup](https://github.com/lydiajessup) + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/NeuralNetwork](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/NeuralNetwork) + + diff --git a/docs/reference/pitch-detection.md b/docs/reference/pitch-detection.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee24954ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/pitch-detection.md @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# PitchDetection + + +
+ illustration of sound waves +
+ + +## Description + +A pitch detection algorithm is a way of estimating the pitch or fundamental frequency of an audio signal. This method allows to use a pre-trained machine learning pitch detection model to estimate the pitch of sound file. + +At present ml5.js only supports the CREPE model. This model is a direct port of [github.com/marl/crepe](https://github.com/marl/crepe) and only works with direct input from the browser microphone. + +## Quickstart + +```js +const audioContext = new AudioContext(); +// const MicStream = MicStream +const pitch = ml5.pitchDetection( + "./model/", + audioContext, + MicStream, + modelLoaded +); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +pitch.getPitch(function(err, frequency) { + console.log(frequency); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const detector = ml5.pitchDetection(model, audioContext, stream, callback); +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. The path to the trained model. Only [CREPE](https://github.com/marl/crepe) is available for now. Case insensitive. +* **audioContext**: REQUIRED. The browser audioContext to use. +* **stream MediaStream**: REQUIRED. The media stream to use. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback to be called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .audioContext +> the AudioContext instance. Contains sampleRate, currentTime, state, baseLatency. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> the pitch detection model. +*** + +*** +#### .results +> the current pitch prediction results from the classification model. +*** + +*** +#### .running +> a boolean value stating whether the model instance is running or not. +*** + +*** +#### .stream +> the MediaStream instance. Contains an id and a boolean `active` value. +*** + + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .getPitch() +> gets the pitch. + +```js +detector.getPitch(?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **callback**: Optional. A function to be called when the model has generated content. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has predicted the pitch. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns the pitch from the model attempting to predict the pitch. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [PitchDetection](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PitchDetection/PitchDetection) +* [PitchDetection_Game](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PitchDetection/PitchDetection_Game) +* [PitchDetection_Piano](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PitchDetection/PitchDetection_Piano) + +**p5 web editor** +* [PitchDetection](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/RmX1EsBzKi) +* [PitchDetection_Game](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/kQ-qvPySiw-) +* [PitchDetection_Piano](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/fzc0dAdUpMs) + +**plain javascript** +* [PitchDetection](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PitchDetection/PitchDetection) +* [PitchDetection_Game](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PitchDetection/PitchDetection_Game) +* [PitchDetection_Piano](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PitchDetection/PitchDetection_Piano) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Hannah Davis + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +[/src/PitchDetection](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/PitchDetection) diff --git a/docs/reference/pix2pix.md b/docs/reference/pix2pix.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64716d2a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/pix2pix.md @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +# Pix2Pix + + +
+ image of drawing converted to the Pokemon character, Pikachu using Pix2Pix +
+ +Image: Image of drawing converted to the Pokemon character, Pikachu using Pix2Pix trained on Pikachu images. Trained by [Yining Shi](https://1023.io); + +## Description + +Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets, or pix2pix, is a machine learning technique developed by +[Isola et al](https://github.com/phillipi/pix2pix) that learns how to map input images to output images. + +*The pix2pix model works by training on pairs of images such as building facade labels to building facades, and then attempts to generate the corresponding output image from any input image you give it. [Source](https://affinelayer.com/pixsrv/)* + +The original pix2pix TensorFlow implementation was made by [affinelayer](https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow). +This version is heavily based on [Christopher Hesse TensorFlow.js implementation](https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow/tree/master/server) + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a pix2pix model using a pre trained network +const pix2pix = ml5.pix2pix("models/customModel.pict", modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// Transfer using a canvas +pix2pix.transfer(canvas, function(err, result) { + console.log(result); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const styleTransfer = ml5.pix2pix(model, ?callback); +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. The path for a valid model. +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A function to run once the model has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + +*** +#### .ready +> Boolean to check if the model has loaded +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .transfer() +> Given an canvas element, applies image-to-image translation using the provided model. Returns an image. + +```js +styleTransfer.transfer(canvas, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **canvas**: Required. A HTML canvas element. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the model has made the transfer. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has made the transfer. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Image**: returns an HTMLImageObject + +*** + + +## Examples + + +**p5.js** +* [Pix2Pix_callback](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/Pix2Pix/Pix2Pix_callback) +* [Pix2Pix_promise](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/Pix2Pix/Pix2Pix_promise) + +**p5 web editor** +* [Pix2Pix_callback](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/WIvXUJj5fz9) +* [Pix2Pix_promise](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/6TX98ozmRf-) + +**plain javascript** +* [Pix2Pix_callback](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/Pix2Pix/Pix2Pix_callback) +* [Pix2Pix_promise](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/Pix2Pix/Pix2Pix_promise) + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Yining Shi + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +[/src/Pix2pix](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/Pix2pix) diff --git a/docs/reference/posenet.md b/docs/reference/posenet.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aaff83daa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/posenet.md @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +# PoseNet + + +
+ pose detection +

image via: https://pdm.com.co/tag/posenet/

+ + +## Description + +PoseNet is a machine learning model that allows for Real-time Human Pose Estimation. + +PoseNet can be used to estimate either a single pose or multiple poses, meaning there is a version of the algorithm that can detect only one person in an image/video and one version that can detect multiple persons in an image/video. + +The original PoseNet model was ported to TensorFlow.js by Dan Oved. Check out his blog post. + +## Quickstart + +```js +const video = document.getElementById("video"); + +// Create a new poseNet method +const poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} +// Listen to new 'pose' events +poseNet.on("pose", function(results) { + poses = results; +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize +There are a couple ways to initialize `ml5.poseNet`. +```js +// Initialize with video, type and callback +const poseNet = ml5.poseNet(?video, ?type, ?callback); +// OR Initialize with video, options and callback +const poseNet = ml5.poseNet(?video, ?options, ?callback); +// OR Initialize WITHOUT video. Just options and callback here +const poseNet = ml5.poseNet(?callback, ?options); +``` + +#### Parameters +* **video**: OPTIONAL. Optional HTMLVideoElement input to run poses on. +* **type**: OPTIONAL. A String value to run `single` or `multiple` estimation. Changes the `detectionType` property of the options. Default is `multiple`. +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A function that is called when the model is loaded. +* **options**: OPTIONAL. A object that contains properties that effect the posenet model accuracy, results, etc. + + ``` + { + architecture: 'MobileNetV1', + imageScaleFactor: 0.3, + outputStride: 16, + flipHorizontal: false, + minConfidence: 0.5, + maxPoseDetections: 5, + scoreThreshold: 0.5, + nmsRadius: 20, + detectionType: 'multiple', + inputResolution: 513, + multiplier: 0.75, + quantBytes: 2 + } + ``` + +### Properties + +*** +#### .net +> The poseNet model +*** + +*** +#### .video +> The optional video added to the +*** + +*** +#### .architecture +> The model architecture +*** + +*** +#### .detectionType +> The detection type +*** + +*** +#### .imageScaleFactor +> The image scale factor +*** + +*** +#### .outputStride +> Can be one of 8, 16, 32 (Stride 16, 32 are supported for the ResNet architecture and stride 8, 16, 32 are supported for the MobileNetV1 architecture). It specifies the output stride of the PoseNet model. The smaller the value, the larger the output resolution, and more accurate the model at the cost of speed. Set this to a larger value to increase speed at the cost of accuracy. +*** + +*** +#### .flipHorizontal +> Boolean. Flip the image horizontal or not. +*** + +*** +#### .scoreThreshold +> The threshold for returned values. Between 0 and 1. Only return instance detections that have root part score greater or equal to this value. Defaults to 0.5. +*** + + +*** +#### .maxPoseDetections +> the maximum number of poses to detect. Defaults to 5. +*** + +*** +#### .multiplier +> Can be one of 1.01, 1.0, 0.75, or 0.50 (The value is used only by the MobileNetV1 architecture and not by the ResNet architecture). It is the float multiplier for the depth (number of channels) for all convolution ops. The larger the value, the larger the size of the layers, and more accurate the model at the cost of speed. Set this to a smaller value to increase speed at the cost of accuracy. +*** + +*** +#### .inputResolution +> Can be one of 161, 193, 257, 289, 321, 353, 385, 417, 449, 481, 513, and 801. Defaults to 257. It specifies the size the image is resized to before it is fed into the PoseNet model. The larger the value, the more accurate the model at the cost of speed. Set this to a smaller value to increase speed at the cost of accuracy. +*** + +*** +#### .quantBytes +>This argument controls the bytes used for weight quantization. The available options are: 4. 4 bytes per float (no quantization). Leads to highest accuracy and original model size (~90MB). 2. 2 bytes per float. Leads to slightly lower accuracy and 2x model size reduction (~45MB). 1. 1 byte per float. Leads to lower accuracy and 4x model size reduction (~22MB). +*** + +*** +#### .nmsRadius +> Non-maximum suppression part distance. It needs to be strictly positive. Two parts suppress each other if they are less than nmsRadius pixels away. Defaults to 20. +*** + + +### Methods + +*** +#### .on('pose', ...) +> An event listener that returns the results when a pose is detected. You can use this with `.singlePose()` or `.multiPose()` or just listen for poses if you pass in a `video` into the constructor. + +```js +poseNet.on('pose', callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **callback**: REQUIRED. A callback function to handle the results when a pose is detected. For example. + + ```js + poseNet.on('pose', function(results) { + // do something with the results + console.log(results); + }) + ``` + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. See documentation for `.singlePose()` and `.multiPose` + +*** + + +*** +#### .singlePose() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +poseNet.singlePose(?input) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: Optional. A HTML video or image element or a p5 image or video element. If no input is provided, the default is to use the video given in the constructor. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. A sample is included below. + + ``` + [ + { + pose: { + keypoints: [{position:{x,y}, score, part}, ...], + leftAngle:{x, y, confidence}, + leftEar:{x, y, confidence}, + leftElbow:{x, y, confidence}, + ... + } + } + ] + ``` +*** + +*** +#### .multiPose() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +poseNet.multiPose(?input) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: Optional. Number. A HTML video or image element or a p5 image or video element. If no input is provided, the default is to use the video given in the constructor. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Array**: Returns an array of objects. A sample is included below. + + ``` + [ + { + pose: { + keypoints: [{position:{x,y}, score, part}, ...], + leftAngle:{x, y, confidence}, + leftEar:{x, y, confidence}, + leftElbow:{x, y, confidence}, + ... + } + }, + { + pose: { + keypoints: [{position:{x,y}, score, part}, ...], + leftAngle:{x, y, confidence}, + leftEar:{x, y, confidence}, + leftElbow:{x, y, confidence}, + ... + } + } + ] + ``` +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [PoseNet_image_single](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PoseNet/PoseNet_image_single) +* [PoseNet_part_selection](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PoseNet/PoseNet_part_selection) +* [PoseNet_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/PoseNet/PoseNet_webcam) + +**p5 web editor** +* [PoseNet_image_single](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/MmUoz2_thEa) +* [PoseNet_part_selection](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/I-alLCVhX3S) +* [PoseNet_webcam](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/5FZeotHo76R) + +**plain javascript** +* [PoseNet_image_single](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PoseNet/PoseNet_image_single) +* [PoseNet_part_selection](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PoseNet/PoseNet_part_selection) +* [PoseNet_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/PoseNet/PoseNet_webcam) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### PoseNet featured on Hour of Code via CodingTrain + + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Cristobal Valenzuela, Maya Man, Dan Oved + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/PoseNet](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/PoseNet) diff --git a/docs/reference/sentiment.md b/docs/reference/sentiment.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..265a7d6c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/sentiment.md @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +# Sentiment + + +
+ illustration of hand drawing a heart +
+ + +## Description + +Sentiment is a model trained to predict the sentiment of any given text. The default model, currently 'moviereviews', is trained using IMDB reviews that have been truncated to a maximum of 200 words, only the 20000 most used words in the reviews are used. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a new Sentiment method +const sentiment = ml5.sentiment('movieReviews', modelReady); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelReady() { + // model is ready + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// make the prediction +const prediction = sentiment.predict(text); +console.log(prediction); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const magic = ml5.Sentiment(model, ?callback ) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: REQUIRED. Defaults to 'moviereviews'. You can also use a path to a `manifest.json` file via a relative or absolute path. +* **callback**: OPTIONAL. A callback function that is called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + +*** +#### .ready +> Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> The model being used. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .predict() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +sentiment.predict(text) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **text**: Required. String. A string of text to predict + + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Scores the sentiment of given text with a value between 0 ("negative") and 1 ("positive"). + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [Sentiment_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/Sentiment/Sentiment_Interactive) + +**p5 web editor** +* [Sentiment_Interactive]() - coming soon + +**plain javascript** +* [Sentiment_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/Sentiment/Sentiment_Interactive) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Itay Niv + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + + +## Source Code + +[/src/Sentiment/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/Sentiment) + diff --git a/docs/reference/sketchrnn.md b/docs/reference/sketchrnn.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f335249d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/sketchrnn.md @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +# SketchRnn + + +
+ AI generated cat drawings +
+ + +## Description + +SketchRNN is a recurrent neural network model trained on millions of doodles collected from the [Quick, Draw! game](https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/). The SketchRNN model can create new drawings (from a list of categories) based on an initial path. + +This original paper and implementation of SketchRNN was made in TensorFlow and ported to [Magenta.js](https://magenta.tensorflow.org/get-started/#magenta-js) by [David Ha](https://twitter.com/hardmaru). The ml5.js implementation was ported by [Reiichiro Nakano](https://github.com/reiinakano). + +The ml5 library includes [a list of supported SketchRNN models](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/blob/master/src/SketchRNN/models.js). + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a new SketchRNN Instance +const model = ml5.sketchRNN("cat", modelReady); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelReady() { + console.log("SketchRNN Model Loaded!"); +} +// Reset the model's current stat +model.reset(); +// Generate a new stroke +model.generate(gotSketch); + +function gotSketch(err, result) { + // Do something with the result +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const sketchrnn = ml5.sketchRNN(model, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: The name of the model to use. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to be called once the model is loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + +### Properties + +*** +#### .ready +> *Boolean*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .reset() +> Reset the model's current state + +```js +sketchrnn.reset() +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* n/a + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* n/a + +*** + + + + +*** +#### .generate() +> Generates a new sample with the current state. + +```js +sketchrnn.generate(?seed, ?options, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **seed**: Optional. A seed to be passed to the model before generating a new stroke. +* **options**: Optional. An object describing the options of the model. +* **callback**: Optional. A function that will return a generated stroke. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved with a generated stroke. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: an object with the x and y location, if the pen is down, up, or if it has ended `{s.dx, s.dy, down, up, end}`. + +*** + + + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [SketchRNN_basic](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/SketchRNN/SketchRNN_basic) +* [SketchRNN_interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/SketchRNN/SketchRNN_interactive) + +**p5 web editor** +* [SketchRNN_basic](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/vSQRE1Sl7F_) +* [SketchRNN_interactive](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/uk4JsSRQgIY) + +**plain javascript** +* [SketchRNN_basic](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/SketchRNN/_basic) +* [SketchRNN_interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/SketchRNN/SketchRNN_interactive) + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Name 1 + * Name 2 + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + + + +## Source Code + +* [/src/SketchRNN/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/SketchRNN) + diff --git a/docs/reference/sound-classifier.md b/docs/reference/sound-classifier.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..026a288a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/sound-classifier.md @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +# SoundClassifier + + +
+ placeholder +
+ + +## Description + +The ml5.soundClassifier() allows you to classify audio. With the right pre-trained models, you can detect whether a certain noise was made (e.g. a clapping sound or a whistle) or a certain word was said (e.g. Up, Down, Yes, No). At this moment, with the ml5.soundClassifier(), you can use your own custom pre-trained speech commands or use the the "SpeechCommands18w" which can recognize "the ten digits from "zero" to "nine", "up", "down", "left", "right", "go", "stop", "yes", "no", as well as the additional categories of "unknown word" and "background noise"." + +**Train your own sound classifier model with Teachable Machine**: If you'd like to train your own custom sound classification model, try [Google's Teachable Machine - coming soon!](https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/io19) + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Options for the SpeechCommands18w model, the default probabilityThreshold is 0 +const options = { probabilityThreshold: 0.7 }; +const classifier = ml5.soundClassifier('SpeechCommands18w', options, modelReady); + +function modelReady() { + // classify sound + classifier.classify(gotResult); +} + +function gotResult(error, result) { + if (error) { + console.log(error); + return; + } + // log the result + console.log(result); +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const soundclassifier = ml5.soundClassifier(?model, ?options, ?callback) +``` + +By default the soundClassifier will start the default microphone. + +#### Parameters +* **model**: Optional. Model name or URL path to a `model.json`. Here are some options: + * `SpeechCommands18w`: loads the 18w speech commands + ```js + const classifier = ml5.soundClassifier('SpeechCommands18w', modelReady); + ``` + * Custom model made in Google's Teachable Machine: + ```js + const classifier = ml5.soundClassifier('path/to/model.json', modelReady); + ``` +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the model has been loaded. +* **options**: Optional. An object describing a model accuracy and performance. The available parameters are: + + ``` + { + probabilityThreshold: 0.7 // probabilityThreshold is 0 + } + ``` + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .model +> *Object*. The model. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .classify() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +soundclassifier.classify(callback); +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **callback**: A function to handle the results of the classification + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** +* **Array**: Returns an array with "label" and "confidence". + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/SoundClassification/SoundClassification_speechcommand) +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand_load](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/SoundClassification/SoundClassification_speechcommand_load) + +**p5 web editor** +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand]() - coming soon +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand_load]() - coming soon + +**plain javascript** +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/SoundClassification/SoundClassification_speechcommand) +* [SoundClassification_speechcommand_load](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/SoundClassification/SoundClassification_speechcommand_load) + + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### ml5.js: Sound Classification via CodingTrain + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Yining Shi + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + + + + +## Source Code + +* [/src/SoundClassifier/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/SoundClassifier) diff --git a/docs/reference/style-transfer.md b/docs/reference/style-transfer.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48623580c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/style-transfer.md @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +# StyleTransfer + + +
+ Transfered style of paintings onto mountain image +
+ + +## Description + +Style Transfer is a machine learning technique that allows to transfer the style of one image into another one. This is a two step process, first you need to train a model on one particular style and then you can apply this style to another image. + +You can train your own images following [this tutorial](/docs/training-styletransfer). + +This implementation is heavily based on [fast-style-transfer-deeplearnjs](https://github.com/reiinakano/fast-style-transfer-deeplearnjs) by [Reiichiro Nakano](https://github.com/reiinakano). +The [original TensorFlow implementation](https://github.com/lengstrom/fast-style-transfer) was developed by [Logan Engstrom](https://github.com/lengstrom) + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a new Style Transfer Instance +const style = ml5.styleTransfer("data/myModel/", modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} +// Grab a img element and generate a new image. +style.transfer(document.getElementById("img"), function(err, resultImg) { + img.src = resultImg.src; +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const styletransfer = ml5.styleTransfer(model, ?callback) +// OR +const styletransfer = ml5.styleTransfer(model, ?video, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: The path to Style Transfer model. +* **video**: Optional. A HTML video element or a p5 video element. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to be called once the model is loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .ready +> *Boolean*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .transfer() +> Apply style transfer to an input. + +```js +styletransfer.transfer(?callback) +// OR +styletransfer.transfer(input, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: A HTML video or image element or a p5 image or video element. If no input is provided, the default is to use the video element given in the constructor. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the model has made the transfer. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has made the transfer. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Image**: Returns an HTML img element. + +*** + + +## Examples + + +**p5.js** +* [StyleTransfer_Image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/StyleTransfer/StyleTransfer_Image) +* [StyleTransfer_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/StyleTransfer/StyleTransfer_Video) + +**p5 web editor** +* [StyleTransfer_Image](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/BgZzKWNk9) +* [StyleTransfer_Video](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/J5NL3u4LJ) + +**plain javascript** +* [StyleTransfer_Image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/StyleTransfer/StyleTransfer_Image) +* [StyleTransfer_Video](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/StyleTransfer/StyleTransfer_Video) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Yining Shi + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/StyleTransfer/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/StyleTransfer) diff --git a/docs/reference/unet.md b/docs/reference/unet.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e7825139 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/unet.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +# UNET + + +
+ Illustration of a background masked behind a person +
+ + +## Description + +The U-Net is a convolutional neural network that was developed for biomedical image segmentation at the Computer Science Department of the University of Freiburg, Germany.[1] The network is based on the fully convolutional network [2] and its architecture was modified and extended to work with fewer training images and to yield more precise segmentations. + +UNET allows you to segment an image. + +The ml5 unet `face` allows you to remove, for example, the background from video of the upper body of person. + + +## Quickstart + +```js +// load your model... +const uNet = ml5.uNet('face'); + +// assuming you have an HTMLVideo feed... +uNet.segment(video, gotResult); + +function gotResult(error, result) { + // if there's an error return it + if (error) { + console.error(error); + return; + } + // log your result + console.log(result) +} +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const unet = ml5.uNet(model) +// OR +const unet = ml5.uNet(model, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: A string to the path of the JSON model. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .ready +> *Boolean*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .segment() +> segments the image + +```js +unet.segment(?video, ?callback); +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **video**: Optional. A HTML video element or a p5 video element. +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the model has been loaded. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{something, anotherThing}`. + +*** + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [UNET_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/UNET/UNET_webcam) + +**p5 web editor** +* [UNET_webcam]() + +**plain javascript** +* [UNET_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/UNET/UNET_webcam) + + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Developed by [Zaid Alyafeai](https://github.com/zaidalyafeai) + * Additional contributions by [Joey Lee](https://github.com/joeyklee) + +**Credits**: + * UNET 'face' was trained by [Zaid Alyafeai](https://github.com/zaidalyafeai) using [mut1ny - Face/Head segmentation dataset](http://www.mut1ny.com/face-headsegmentation-dataset). + +## Source Code + +* [/src/UNET/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/UNET) diff --git a/docs/reference/word2vec.md b/docs/reference/word2vec.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01214df94 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/word2vec.md @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +# Word2Vec + + +
+ illustration of an equation with egg plus cat equals kitten +
+ + +## Description + +Word2vec is a group of related models that are used to produce [word embeddings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word2vec). This method allows you to perform vector operations on a given set of input vectors. + +You can use the word models [we provide](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/master/p5js/Word2Vec/data), trained on a corpus of english words (watch out for bias data!), or you can train your own vector models following [this tutorial](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-training/tree/master/training). More of this soon! + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Create a new word2vec method +const wordVectors = ml5.word2vec("data/wordvecs.json", modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// Find the closest word to 'rainbow' +wordVectors.nearest("rainbow", function(err, results) { + console.log(results); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const word2vec = ml5.Word2Vec(model, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **model**: A string to the path of the JSON model. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + + + +*** +#### .ready +> *Boolean*. Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded. +*** + +*** +#### .model +> *Object*. The model being used. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .add() +> Add a series of word vectors. + +```js +word2vec.add(inputs, ?max, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **inputs**: An array of strings containing the inputs to be added +* **max**: Optional. The maximum results to return. Defaults to 1. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns the closest vector of that sum. + +*** + +*** +#### .subtract() +> Subtract a series of vectors. + +```js +word2vec.subtract(inputs, ?max, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **inputs**: An array of strings containing the inputs to be subtracted. +* **max**: Optional. The maximum results to return. Defaults to 1. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns the closest vector of that sum. + +*** + + +*** +#### .average() +> Average a series of vectors. + +```js +word2vec.average(inputs, ?max, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **inputs**: An array of strings containing the inputs to be averaged. +* **max**: Optional. The maximum results to return. Defaults to 1. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns the closest vector of that average. + +*** + +*** +#### .average() +> Average a series of vectors. + +```js +word2vec.average(inputs, ?max, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **inputs**: An array of strings containing the inputs to be averaged. +* **max**: Optional. The maximum results to return. Defaults to 1. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns the closest vector of that average. + +*** + + +*** +##### .nearest() +> Find the nearest vector. Returns `max` array of values. + +```js +word2vec.nearest(inputs, ?max, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input**: The input vector string. +* **max**: Optional. The maximum results to return. Defaults to 10. +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns `max` array of values. +*** + +*** +##### .getRandomWord() +> Find a random vector in the loaded model. + +```js +word2vec.getRandomWord(?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **callback**: Optional. A callback function that is called once the model has made the operation. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once operation is completed. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **String**: Returns a string. +*** + + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [Word2Vec_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/Word2Vec/Word2Vec_Interactive) + +**p5 web editor** +* [Word2Vec_Interactive]() + +**plain javascript** +* [Word2Vec_Interactive](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/Word2Vec/Word2Vec_Interactive) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Cristobal Valenzuela, Dan Shiffman, and Jenna Xu + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/Word2vec/](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/Word2vec) diff --git a/docs/reference/yolo.md b/docs/reference/yolo.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5eb8f507e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/yolo.md @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +# YOLO + + +
+ cat detected by yolo +
+ + +## Description + +You only look once ([YOLO](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/)) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. + +From the [creators](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/) website: + +*Prior detection systems repurpose classifiers or localizers to perform detection. They apply the model to an image at multiple locations and scales. High scoring regions of the image are considered detections.* + +*We use a totally different approach. We apply a single neural network to the full image. This network divides the image into regions and predicts bounding boxes and probabilities for each region. These bounding boxes are weighted by the predicted probabilities. [Source](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/)* + +This implementation is heavily derived from [ModelDepot](https://github.com/ModelDepot/tfjs-yolo-tiny). + +## Quickstart + +```js +const video = document.getElementById("video"); + +// Create a YOLO method +const yolo = ml5.YOLO(video, modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log("Model Loaded!"); +} + +// Detect objects in the video element +yolo.detect(function(err, results) { + console.log(results); // Will output bounding boxes of detected objects +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const yolo = ml5.YOLO(); +// OR +const yolo = ml5.YOLO(video); +// OR +const yolo = ml5.YOLO(video, ?options, ?callback) +// OR +const yolo = ml5.YOLO(?options, ?callback) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **video**: Optional. A HTML video element or a p5 video element. +* **options**: Optional. An object describing a model accuracy and performance. For MobileNet this are: `{ filterBoxesThreshold: 0.01, IOUThreshold: 0.4, classProbThreshold: 0.4 }` +* **callback**: Optional. A function to run once the model has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + + +### Properties + + +*** +#### .isPredicting +> *Boolean*. Boolean to check if the model is currently predicting +*** + + +*** +#### .modelReady +> *Object*. Boolean to check if the model has loaded +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .detect() +> Given an image or video, returns an array of objects containing class names, bounding boxes and probabilities. + +```js +yolo.detect(input, ?callback) +// OR +yolo.detect(?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **input**: A HTML video or image element or a p5 image or video element. If no input is provided, the default is to use the video given in the constructor. +* **callback**: A function to run once the model has made the prediction. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has made a prediction. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: returns an array of objects containing class names, bounding boxes and probabilities. + +*** + + +## Examples + + +**p5.js** +* [YOLO_single_image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/YOLO/YOLO_single_image) +* [YOLO_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/p5js/YOLO/YOLO_webcam) + +**p5 web editor** +* [YOLO_single_image](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/3cfHZs_0HcL) +* [YOLO_webcam](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/IE_P4q2m0LV) + +**plain javascript** +* [YOLO_single_image](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/YOLO/YOLO_single_image) +* [YOLO_webcam](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/development/javascript/YOLO/YOLO_webcam) + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +No tutorials yet - contribute one today! + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Cristobal Valenzuela + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/YOLO](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/tree/development/src/YOLO) diff --git a/docs/styleguide/contributor-notes.md b/docs/styleguide/contributor-notes.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a2b70ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/styleguide/contributor-notes.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Contributor Notes (External) + +coming soon - notes for contributors \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/styleguide/design-guidelines.md b/docs/styleguide/design-guidelines.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12e444db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/styleguide/design-guidelines.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Design Guidelines + +coming soon + +## Colors + + +## Typography + + +## Logos + + +## Iconography + + + +## Illustration + + + + diff --git a/docs/styleguide/development-guidelines.md b/docs/styleguide/development-guidelines.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9656bb8f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/styleguide/development-guidelines.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Development Guidelines + +## Principles for ml5.js source code + +Here are some principles that we try to uphold while developing `ml5-library`: + +| Guideline | description | +| ------------- | ------------ | +| **Clarity over Complexity** | We strive to make using and maintaining ml5 as approachable as possible. This means that we prefer to define sensible `defaults` (more on that later), simple short function names, and hiding data wrangling steps from the user. | +| **Readibility over Fanciness** | We're all for supporting the latest and greatest, but the reality is that the maintainers of ml5 come from a wide background of skills and levels. To promote contributions from all levels, we favor more readable code than the most efficient or streamlined. | +| **Property and function names** | A guideline drawn from Processing is that function and property names should not be more than 2 words mashed together in camelCase. We try our best to adhere to this, except in cases where were are aligning as closely as possible to the API or pretrained model we've wrapped up. This is totally TBD | +| **modelNames** | Our general rule of thumb is to use camelCase for models -- e.g. `ml5.bodyPix()` or `ml5.poseNet()`. In some cases, the rules aren't entirely clear, but this is what we strive for. | +| **Indentation & Code Formatting** | The easiest thing to do here is use a code formatter. You can see our settings in the [.vscode]() file. | + + + +## Principles for ml5.js examples + +In addition to the principles above, we try our best to write our `ml5-examples`: + +| Guideline | description | +| ------------- | ------------ | +| **Beginner friendly first** | We try to make sure the examples are as beginner friendly as possible. For example, this means using `for loops` rather than *fancy (but lovely) javascript array methods* when possible, or sometimes doing things in multiple steps. | +| **With as little HTML markup as possible** | We try to focus as much of the example in javascript as possible. That being said, it is not always possible to avoid HTML markup or advantageous to do so. When possible, add elements with javascript. | + + +## Valuing contributions + +We use the all-contributor's bot to add contributors to the various ml5-repositories. + +When a community member whether it is someone who flags an issue in a helpful way, makes a PR, hosts an event or workshop, etc in a way that is considered to the ml5 team as a "contribution", we add them by posting a comment in the respective PR or github issue: + +``` +@all-contributors please add @ for +``` + +All of the key words for the all-contributors bot can be found here: https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/styleguide/maintenance-notes.md b/docs/styleguide/maintenance-notes.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d9efc9e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/styleguide/maintenance-notes.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Maintenance Guidelines & DevOps (Internal) + +coming soon - notes for ml5 team \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/styleguide/reference-guidelines.md b/docs/styleguide/reference-guidelines.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acc85e21f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/styleguide/reference-guidelines.md @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +# NameOfFeature + + +
+ image classification of bird +
+ + +## Description + +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod +tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, +quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo +consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse +cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non +proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. + +## Quickstart + +```js +// Initialize the magicFeature +const magic = ml5.magicFeature('sparkles', modelLoaded); + +// When the model is loaded +function modelLoaded() { + console.log('Model Loaded!'); +} + +// Make some sparkles +magic.makeSparkles(100, function(err, results) { + console.log(results); +}); +``` + + +## Usage + +### Initialize + +```js +const magic = ml5.magicFeature(requiredInput, ?optionalInput1, ?optionalInput2) +``` + +#### Parameters +* **requiredInput**: REQUIRED. Notice there is no question mark in front of the input. +* **optionalInput1**: OPTIONAL. Notice the `?` indicates an optional parameter. +* **optionalInput2**: OPTIONAL. A description of some kind of object with some properties. Notice the `?` indicates an optional parameter. + + ``` + { + sparkleCount: 100, + delightFactor: 1.0, + party: true + } + ``` + +### Properties + + + +*** +#### .property1 +> *String*. A description of the property associated with the new model instance. +*** + + +*** +#### .property2 +> *Object*. A description of the property associated with the new model instance. +*** + +*** +#### .property3 +> *Object*. A description of the property associated with the new model instance. +*** + + +### Methods + + +*** +#### .makeSparkles() +> Given a number, will make magicSparkles + +```js +classifier.makeSparkles(?numberOfSparkles, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** + +* **numberOfSparkles**: Optional. Number. The number of sparkles you want to return. +* **callback**: Optional. Function. A function to handle the results of `.makeSparkles()`. Likely a function to do something with the results of makeSparkles. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Object**: Returns an array of objects. Each object contains `{something, anotherThing}`. + +*** + + + + +*** +#### .makeDisappear() +> Given an image, will make objects in the image disappear + +```js +classifier.makeDisappear(input, ?numberOfObjects, ?callback) +``` + +πŸ“₯ **Inputs** +* **input**: REQUIRED. HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | ImageData | HTMLCanvasElement. The image or video you want to run the function on. +* **numberOfObjects**: Optional. Number. The number of objects you want to disappear. +* **callback**: Optional. Function. A function to handle the results of `.makeDisappear()`. Likely a function to do something with the results of the image where objects have disappeared. + +πŸ“€ **Outputs** + +* **Image**: Returns an image. + +*** + + + +## Examples + +**p5.js** +* [Example 1]() +* [Example 2]() + +**p5 web editor** +* [Example 1]() +* [Example 2]() + +**plain javascript** +* [Example 1]() +* [Example 2]() + +## Demo + +No demos yet - contribute one today! + +## Tutorials + +### MagicFeature Tutorial 1 via CodingTrain + + +### MagicFeature Tutorial 2 via CodingTrain + + + +## Acknowledgements + +**Contributors**: + * Name 1 + * Name 2 + +**Credits**: + * Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc + +## Source Code + +* [/src/MagicFeature]() + + diff --git a/docs/tutorials/hello-ml5.md b/docs/tutorials/hello-ml5.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45d44f311 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tutorials/hello-ml5.md @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +# Hello ml5.js - A gentle introduction to ml5 + + +Hello there! If you've landed here, that probably means you're interested in building your first ml5.js project. If so, wonderful! We invite you to read on. + +
+ +ml5.js is being developed to make machine learning more accessible to a wider audience. Along with supporting education and critical engagement with machine learning, the ml5 team is working actively to wrap exciting machine learning functionality in friendlier and easier-to-use way. The following example introduces you ml5.js through a classic application of machine learning: **image classification**. + +
+ +This example showcases how you can use a [pre-trained model](https://youtu.be/yNkAuWz5lnY?t=33) called [MobileNet](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/mobilenet) -- a machine learning model trained to recognize the content of certain images -- in ml5.js. The example aims to highlight a general pattern for how ml5.js projects are setup. + +
+ +ml5.js is growing every day, so be sure to see some of the other applications of ml5 in the [reference](/reference) section and their accompanying examples for the latest offerings. + +## Setup + +If you've arrived here, we assume you've checked out our [quickstart](/getting-started) page to get a simple ml5.js project set up. To get this to run, you'll need: + +> + πŸ“ A text editor (e.g. [Atom](https://atom.io/), [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/), [Sublimetext](https://www.sublimetext.com/)) +> + πŸ’» Your web browser: Chrome & Firefox preferred +> + πŸ–Ό An image to run your classification on + + +Your project directory should look something like this: + +``` +|_ /hello-ml5 + |_ πŸ“‚/images + |_ πŸ–Ό bird.png + |_ πŸ—’index.html + |_ πŸ—’sketch.js +``` + +**Where**: + +* πŸ“‚**/hello-ml5**: is the root project folder + *   πŸ“‚**/images**: is a folder that contains your image + *       πŸ–Ό **bird.png**: is a .png image of a bird (it can also be something else!) + *   πŸ—’**index.html**: is an .html file that has your html markup and library references + *   πŸ—’**sketch.js**: is where you'll be writing your javascript + +## Demo + +This example is built with p5.js. You can also find the same example without p5.js [here](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/release/javascript/ImageClassification). + +
+ + + + +
+ +## Code + +### Your index.html + +Here you can see that we read in the javascript libraries. This includes our ml5.js version as well as p5.js. You can copy and paste this into your **index.html** file or for good practice you can type it all out. Make sure to save the file and refresh your browser after saving. + +```html + + + + + Image classification using MobileNet and p5.js + + + + + + + +

Image classification using MobileNet and p5.js

+ + + + +``` + + +### Your sketch.js + +Inside your **sketch.js** file you can type out (or copy and paste) the following code. Notice in this example we have a reference to "images/bird.png". You'll replace this with the name of your image. + +```javascript +// Initialize the Image Classifier method with MobileNet. A callback needs to be passed. +let classifier; + +// A variable to hold the image we want to classify +let img; + +function preload() { + classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet'); + img = loadImage('images/bird.png'); +} + +function setup() { + createCanvas(400, 400); + classifier.classify(img, gotResult); + image(img, 0, 0); +} + +// A function to run when we get any errors and the results +function gotResult(error, results) { + // Display error in the console + if (error) { + console.error(error); + } else { + // The results are in an array ordered by confidence. + console.log(results); + createDiv('Label: ' + results[0].label); + createDiv('Confidence: ' + nf(results[0].confidence, 0, 2)); + } +} +``` + +## Our sketch.js explained in 4 steps + +### Step 1: Define your variables + +Here we define our variables that we will assign our classifier and image to. + +```javascript +// Initialize the Image Classifier method with MobileNet. A callback needs to be passed. +let classifier; + +// A variable to hold the image we want to classify +let img; +``` + +### Step 2: Load your imageClassifier and image + +Use p5's **preload()** function to load our imageClassifier model and our bird image before running the rest of our code. Since machine learning models can be large, it can take time to load. We use **preload()** in this case to make sure our imageClassifier and image are ready to go before we can apply the image classification in the next step. + +```javascript +function preload() { + classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet'); + img = loadImage('images/bird.png'); +} +``` + +### Step 3: Setup, classify, and display + +In p5.js we use the **setup()** function for everything in our program that just runs once. In our program, we use the **setup()** function to: +1. create a canvas to render our image +2. call .classify() on our classifier to classify our image +3. render the image to the canvas + +You will notice that the **.classify()** function takes two parameters: 1. the image you want to classify, and 2. a callback function called **gotResult**. Let's look at what **gotResult** does. + +```javascript +function setup() { + createCanvas(400, 400); + classifier.classify(img, gotResult); + image(img, 0, 0); +} +``` + +### Step 4: Define the gotResult() callback function + +The **gotResult()** function takes two parameters: 1. error, and 2. results. These get passed along to **gotResult()** when the **.classify()** function finishes classifying the image. If there is an error, then an **error** will be logged. If our classifier manages to recognize the content of the image, then a **result** will be returned. + +
+ +In the case of our program, we create a **div** that displays the **label** and the **confidence** of the content of the image that has been classified. The **[nf()](https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/nf)** function is a p5 function that formats our number to a nicer string. + +```javascript +// A function to run when we get any errors and the results +function gotResult(error, results) { + // Display error in the console + if (error) { + console.error(error); + } else { + // The results are in an array ordered by confidence. + console.log(results); + createDiv('Label: ' + results[0].label); + createDiv('Confidence: ' + nf(results[0].confidence, 0, 2)); + } +} +``` + +## And voila! + +You've just made a simple machine learning powered program that: +1. takes an image, +2. classifies the content of that image, and +3. displays the results all in your web browser! + +Not all of our examples are structured exactly like this, but this provides a taste into how ml5.js is trying to make machine learning more approachable. Try using different images and seeing what kinds of things get returned. + +
+ +Some guiding questions you might start to think about are: + +1. When classifying an image with MobileNet, does the computer see people? If not, why do you think that is? +2. Do you notice that MobileNet is better at classifying some animals over others? Why do you think that is? + +## [Source](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/master/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification) + +- [ml5.js image classification on Github](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/tree/master/p5js/ImageClassification/ImageClassification) +- [ml5.js image classification on p5 web editor](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches/ImageClassification) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/tutorials/local-web-server.md b/docs/tutorials/local-web-server.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c4c33732 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tutorials/local-web-server.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Running a local web server + +If you've looked at our [quickstart](/getting-started/) and [introduction to ml5](/getting-started/hello-ml5), you will have dipped your toes into the ml5 universe. + +
+ +A big part of the ml5 project is to create lots of examples as launching points for all your creative project ideas. You can find all of the ml5.js examples at out Github page: [ml5-examples](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples). If you start to explore these examples you can see how the different ml5 functions are used to accomplish different outcomes. We try our best to keep the examples as simple as possible so you can easily start to build your ideas on top of them. + +You can check out all the examples running: +> - [on this massive list](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples#examples-index) +> - [on the p5 web editor](https://editor.p5js.org/ml5/sketches) + +If you'd like to download the examples and run them locally, download the [ml5-examples github repo](https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-examples) and run a local web server at the root directory (if this sentence sounds foreign to you, see the How-To section below). The fastest way to do this is: + +
+ +with **python3** installed on your computer: +```bash +cd /path/to/ml5-examples +python -m http.server 8081 +``` + +
+ +with **python2.7** installed on your computer: + +```bash +cd /path/to/ml5-examples +python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081 +``` + +Then open up your web browser to the url: **localhost:8081** + +
+ +Here we set the port number to **8081**, but you can change the port number to something else like **3000** (then: **localhost:3030**), **3001** (then: **localhost:3031**) for example. + + +## How to: Run examples and develop "locally" + +Coming soon! In the meantime, you can watch [CodingTrain - getting set up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCHzlUiDD10) for a nice intro on getting set up with writing code for the web. diff --git a/docs/tutorials/promises-and-callbacks.md b/docs/tutorials/promises-and-callbacks.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7ef7567b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tutorials/promises-and-callbacks.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# Promises and Callback support in ml5 + +ml5.js is heavily inspired by the syntax, patterns and style of the [p5.js](https://p5js.org/) library. However, there are several differences in how asynchronous operations are handled by ml5.js. ml5.js supports both error-first callbacks and Promises in all methods. + +## Using Callbacks + +In [p5.js](https://p5js.org/), [callbacks](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Callback_function) are passed as arguments to functions that often perform some asynchronous operation. For example, [p5.js](https://p5js.org/) defines the [**loadJSON()**](https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/loadJSON) function as the following: + +```javascript +loadJSON("http//example.com/data.json", function(results) { + // Do something with the results +}); +``` + +Notice that the results from the callback in [p5.js](https://p5js.org/) are given as the only argument to the function. There is no error argument in the callback. + +ml5.js, on the other hand, uses a pattern referred to as an error-first callback: + +> With this pattern, a callback function is passed to the method as an argument. When the operation either completes or an error is raised, the callback function is called with the Error object (if any) passed as the first argument. If no error was raised, the first argument will be passed as null. [Taken from the Node.js documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_error_first_callbacks) + +For example if you are using the **imageClassifier()** method, you will need to construct it in the following way: + +```javascript +// Pass a callback function to constructor +const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet', function(err, model) { + console.log('Model Loaded!'); +} + +// Make a prediction with the selected image and pass a callback function with two arguments +classifier.predict(image, function(err, results) { + // Check for errors. If no errors, then do something with the results +}); +``` + +Error first callbacks is a convention common to many JavaScript libraries that we have chosen to adopt. The language JavaScript itself does not enforce this pattern. Keep in mind that most ml5.js methods and functions are asynchronous (machine learning models can take significant amounts of time to process inputs and generate outputs!). You will need to use the error-first callback pattern if you want to use callbacks. + +##Β Using Promises + +ml5.js also supports [Promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise). If no callback is provided to any asynchronous function then a Promise is returned. + +With Promises, the image classification example can be used in the following way: + +```javascript +// No callback needs to be passed to use Promises. +ml5 + .imageClassifier("MobileNet") + .then(classifier => classifier.predict(image)) + .then(results => { + // Do something with the results + }); +``` + +For some video tutorials about Promises, you can find this [Coding Train playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6bKLPQvPRNNE65kBL62mVfx). 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process.exit(22); + } +} + +function updatePackageVersion(fpath){ + checkVersionGiven(); + let packageJson = fs.readFileSync(fpath); + packageJson = JSON.parse(packageJson); + packageJson.version = newVersionNumber; + + + fs.writeFileSync(fpath, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2)); + +} +updatePackageVersion('./package.json') + +// module.exports = updatePackageVersion; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/updateReadme.js b/scripts/updateReadme.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec7f00634 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/updateReadme.js @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +const fs = require('fs'); + +function getReadme(fpath){ + + const readme = fs.readFileSync(fpath, 'utf8'); + + return readme; +} + +function readPackageJson(fpath){ + let output = fs.readFileSync(fpath); + output = JSON.parse(output); + return output; +} + +function makeNewVersionString(newVersionNumber){ + + const newVersionString = ` +

+ +* You can use the latest version (${newVersionNumber}) by adding it to the head section of your HTML document: + +**v${newVersionNumber}** + + + +

+ ` + + return newVersionString; +} + + +function make(){ + + const packageJson = readPackageJson('./package.json'); + const newVersionNumber = packageJson.version; + const newVersionString = makeNewVersionString(newVersionNumber); + + console.log(`---- updating README to version ${newVersionNumber} ----`) + + const readme = getReadme('./README.md'); + const newReadme = readme.replace(/

([\s\S]*)<\/p data-id="latest-version">/g, newVersionString); + + fs.writeFileSync('./README.md', newReadme); + +} +make(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/BodyPix/index.js b/src/BodyPix/index.js index 62dd1665f..c231cfd7a 100644 --- a/src/BodyPix/index.js +++ b/src/BodyPix/index.js @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; import * as bp from '@tensorflow-models/body-pix'; import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; -import * as p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils'; +import p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils'; const DEFAULTS = { "multiplier": 0.75, @@ -255,25 +255,19 @@ class BodyPix { imgToSegment = this.video; callback = optionsOrCallback; // clean the following conditional statement up! - } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement - ) { + } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { + imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)){ imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement - ) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement - ) { + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { + imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image } else if (!(this.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { // Handle unsupported input throw new Error( @@ -304,6 +298,7 @@ class BodyPix { * @return {Object} a result object with maskBackground, maskPerson, raw */ async segmentInternal(imgToSegment, segmentationOptions) { + await this.ready; await tf.nextFrame(); @@ -350,31 +345,25 @@ class BodyPix { let imgToSegment = this.video; let callback; let segmentationOptions = this.config; - + // Handle the image to predict if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { imgToSegment = this.video; callback = optionsOrCallback; // clean the following conditional statement up! - } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement - ) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { - imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement - ) { + } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { + imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)){ imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if ( - typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && - optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement - ) { + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { + imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image } else if (!(this.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { // Handle unsupported input throw new Error( diff --git a/src/BodyPix/index_test.js b/src/BodyPix/index_test.js index a3d8279b6..b1c767a31 100644 --- a/src/BodyPix/index_test.js +++ b/src/BodyPix/index_test.js @@ -31,6 +31,22 @@ describe('bodyPix', () => { return canvas; } + async function getImageData() { + const arr = new Uint8ClampedArray(40000); + + // Iterate through every pixel + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 4) { + arr[i + 0] = 0; // R value + arr[i + 1] = 190; // G value + arr[i + 2] = 0; // B value + arr[i + 3] = 255; // A value + } + + // Initialize a new ImageData object + const img = new ImageData(arr, 200); + return img; + } + beforeEach(async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000; bp = await bodyPix(); @@ -42,6 +58,14 @@ describe('bodyPix', () => { expect(bp.config.segmentationThreshold).toBe(BODYPIX_DEFAULTS.segmentationThreshold); }); + it('segment takes ImageData', async () => { + const img = await getImageData(); + const results = await bp.segment(img); + // 200 * 50 == 10,000 * 4 == 40,000 the size of the array + expect(results.raw.width).toBe(200); + expect(results.raw.height).toBe(50); + }); + describe('segmentation', () => { it('Should segment an image of a Harriet Tubman with a width and height of 128', async () => { const img = await getImage(); diff --git a/src/CharRNN/index_test.js b/src/CharRNN/index_test.js index 04be17df6..573c64e2c 100644 --- a/src/CharRNN/index_test.js +++ b/src/CharRNN/index_test.js @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const RNN_DEFAULTS = { const RNN_OPTIONS = { seed: 'the meaning of pizza is: ', - length: 30, + length: 10, temperature: 0.7 } @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ describe('charRnn', () => { it('generates content that follows the set options', async() => { const result = await rnn.generate(RNN_OPTIONS); - expect(result.sample.length).toBe(30); + expect(result.sample.length).toBe(RNN_OPTIONS.length); }); }); }); diff --git a/src/DCGAN/index.js b/src/DCGAN/index.js index a706523bc..7fe91adf1 100644 --- a/src/DCGAN/index.js +++ b/src/DCGAN/index.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This version is based on alantian's TensorFlow.js implementation: https://github import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; -import * as p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils'; +import p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils'; // Default pre-trained face model @@ -57,21 +57,33 @@ class DCGANBase { /** * Generates a new image * @param {function} callback - a callback function handle the results of generate + * @param {object} latentVector - an array containing the latent vector; otherwise use random vector * @return {object} a promise or the result of the callback function. */ - async generate(callback) { + async generate(callback, latentVector) { await this.ready; - return callCallback(this.generateInternal(), callback); + return callCallback(this.generateInternal(latentVector), callback); } /** * Computes what will become the image tensor * @param {number} latentDim - the number of latent dimensions to pass through + * @param {object} latentVector - an array containing the latent vector; otherwise use random vector * @return {object} a tensor */ - async compute(latentDim) { + async compute(latentDim, latentVector) { const y = tf.tidy(() => { - const z = tf.randomNormal([1, latentDim]); + let z; + if(Array.isArray(latentVector) === false) { + z = tf.randomNormal([1, latentDim]); + } + else { + const buffer = tf.buffer([1, latentDim]); + for(let count = 0; count < latentDim; count+=1) { + buffer.set(latentVector[count], 0, count); + } + z = buffer.toTensor(); + } // TBD: should model be a parameter to compute or is it ok to reference this.model here? const yDim = this.model.predict(z).squeeze().transpose([1, 2, 0]).div(tf.scalar(2)).add(tf.scalar(0.5)); return yDim; @@ -82,13 +94,14 @@ class DCGANBase { /** * Takes the tensor from compute() and returns an object of the generate image data + * @param {object} latentVector - an array containing the latent vector; otherwise use random vector * @return {object} includes blob, raw, and tensor. if P5 exists, then a p5Image */ - async generateInternal() { + async generateInternal(latentVector) { const { modelLatentDim } = this.modelInfo; - const imageTensor = await this.compute(modelLatentDim); + const imageTensor = await this.compute(modelLatentDim, latentVector); // get the raw data from tensor const raw = await tf.browser.toPixels(imageTensor); @@ -126,7 +139,6 @@ class DCGANBase { } const DCGAN = (modelPath, cb) => { - if (typeof modelPath !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Please specify a path to a "manifest.json" file: \n "models/face/manifest.json" \n\n diff --git a/src/FaceApi/index.js b/src/FaceApi/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4294eb50c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/FaceApi/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + +/* eslint prefer-destructuring: ["error", {AssignmentExpression: {array: false}}] */ +/* eslint no-await-in-loop: "off" */ + +/* + * FaceApi: real-time face recognition, and landmark detection + * Ported and integrated from all the hard work by: https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js?files=1 + */ + +import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import * as faceapi from 'face-api.js'; +import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; + +const DEFAULTS = { + withLandmarks: true, + withDescriptors: true, + minConfidence: 0.5, + MODEL_URLS: { + Mobilenetv1Model: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/ssd_mobilenetv1_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmarkModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmark68TinyNet: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_tiny_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceRecognitionModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_recognition_model-weights_manifest.json', + } +} + +class FaceApiBase { + /** + * Create FaceApi. + * @param {HTMLVideoElement} video - An HTMLVideoElement. + * @param {object} options - An object with options. + * @param {function} callback - A callback to be called when the model is ready. + */ + constructor(video, options, callback) { + this.video = video; + this.model = null; + this.modelReady = false; + this.config = { + minConfidence: this.checkUndefined(options.minConfidence, DEFAULTS.minConfidence), + withLandmarks: this.checkUndefined(options.withLandmarks, DEFAULTS.withLandmarks), + withDescriptors: this.checkUndefined(options.withDescriptors, DEFAULTS.withDescriptors), + MODEL_URLS: { + Mobilenetv1Model: this.checkUndefined(options.Mobilenetv1Model, DEFAULTS.MODEL_URLS.Mobilenetv1Model), + FaceLandmarkModel: this.checkUndefined(options.FaceLandmarkModel, DEFAULTS.MODEL_URLS.FaceLandmarkModel), + FaceLandmark68TinyNet: this.checkUndefined(options.FaceLandmark68TinyNet, DEFAULTS.MODEL_URLS.FaceLandmark68TinyNet), + FaceRecognitionModel: this.checkUndefined(options.FaceRecognitionModel, DEFAULTS.MODEL_URLS.FaceRecognitionModel), + } + } + + this.ready = callCallback(this.loadModel(), callback); + } + + /** + * Load the model and set it to this.model + * @return {this} the BodyPix model. + */ + async loadModel() { + const modelOptions = [ + "Mobilenetv1Model", + "FaceLandmarkModel", + "FaceLandmark68TinyNet", + "FaceRecognitionModel", + ]; + + Object.keys(this.config.MODEL_URLS).forEach(item => { + if (modelOptions.includes(item)) { + this.config.MODEL_URLS[item] = this.getModelPath(this.config.MODEL_URLS[item]); + } + }); + + const { + Mobilenetv1Model, + FaceLandmarkModel, + FaceRecognitionModel, + } = this.config.MODEL_URLS; + + this.model = faceapi; + + const SsdMobilenetv1Options = this.model.SsdMobilenetv1Options({ minConfidence: this.minConfidence }) + await this.model.loadSsdMobilenetv1Model(Mobilenetv1Model, SsdMobilenetv1Options) + await this.model.loadFaceLandmarkModel(FaceLandmarkModel) + // await this.model.loadFaceLandmarkTinyModel(FaceLandmark68TinyNet) + await this.model.loadFaceRecognitionModel(FaceRecognitionModel) + + this.modelReady = true; + return this; + } + + + /** + * .detect() - classifies multiple features by default + * @param {*} optionsOrCallback + * @param {*} configOrCallback + * @param {*} cb + */ + async detect(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) { + let imgToClassify = this.video; + let callback; + let faceApiOptions = this.config; + + // Handle the image to predict + if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { + imgToClassify = this.video; + callback = optionsOrCallback; + // clean the following conditional statement up! + } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)){ + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (!(this.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { + // Handle unsupported input + throw new Error( + 'No input image provided. If you want to classify a video, pass the video element in the constructor. ', + ); + } + + if (typeof configOrCallback === 'object') { + faceApiOptions = configOrCallback; + } else if (typeof configOrCallback === 'function') { + callback = configOrCallback; + } + + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + callback = cb; + } + + return callCallback(this.detectInternal(imgToClassify, faceApiOptions), callback); + } + + /** + * Detects multiple internal function + * @param {HTMLImageElement || HTMLVideoElement} imgToClassify + * @param {Object} faceApiOptions + */ + async detectInternal(imgToClassify, faceApiOptions) { + await this.ready; + await tf.nextFrame(); + + if (this.video && this.video.readyState === 0) { + await new Promise(resolve => { + this.video.onloadeddata = () => resolve(); + }); + } + + // sets the return options if any are passed in during .detect() or .detectSingle() + this.config = this.setReturnOptions(faceApiOptions); + + const { + withLandmarks, + withDescriptors, + } = this.config + + let result; + + if (withLandmarks) { + if (withDescriptors) { + result = await this.model.detectAllFaces(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); + } else { + result = await this.model.detectAllFaces(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks() + } + + } else if (!withLandmarks) { + result = await this.model.detectAllFaces(imgToClassify) + } else { + result = await this.model.detectAllFaces(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); + } + + + // always resize the results to the input image size + result = this.resizeResults(result, imgToClassify.width, imgToClassify.height) + // assign the {parts} object after resizing + result = this.landmarkParts(result); + + return result + } + + /** + * .detecSinglet() - classifies a single feature with higher accuracy + * @param {*} optionsOrCallback + * @param {*} configOrCallback + * @param {*} cb + */ + async detectSingle(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) { + let imgToClassify = this.video; + let callback; + let faceApiOptions = this.config; + + // Handle the image to predict + if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { + imgToClassify = this.video; + callback = optionsOrCallback; + // clean the following conditional statement up! + } else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)){ + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + imgToClassify = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (!(this.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { + // Handle unsupported input + throw new Error( + 'No input image provided. If you want to classify a video, pass the video element in the constructor. ', + ); + } + + if (typeof configOrCallback === 'object') { + faceApiOptions = configOrCallback; + } else if (typeof configOrCallback === 'function') { + callback = configOrCallback; + } + + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + callback = cb; + } + + return callCallback(this.detectSingleInternal(imgToClassify, faceApiOptions), callback); + } + + /** + * Detects only a single feature + * @param {HTMLImageElement || HTMLVideoElement} imgToClassify + * @param {Object} faceApiOptions + */ + async detectSingleInternal(imgToClassify, faceApiOptions) { + await this.ready; + await tf.nextFrame(); + + if (this.video && this.video.readyState === 0) { + await new Promise(resolve => { + this.video.onloadeddata = () => resolve(); + }); + } + + // sets the return options if any are passed in during .detect() or .detectSingle() + this.config = this.setReturnOptions(faceApiOptions); + + const { + withLandmarks, + withDescriptors + } = this.config + + let result; + if (withLandmarks) { + if (withDescriptors) { + result = await this.model.detectSingleFace(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptor(); + } else { + result = await this.model.detectSingleFace(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks() + } + + } else if (!withLandmarks) { + result = await this.model.detectSingleFace(imgToClassify) + } else { + result = await this.model.detectSingleFace(imgToClassify).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptor(); + } + + // always resize the results to the input image size + result = this.resizeResults(result, imgToClassify.width, imgToClassify.height) + + // assign the {parts} object after resizing + result = this.landmarkParts(result); + + return result + } + + /** + * Check if the given _param is undefined, otherwise return the _default + * @param {*} _param + * @param {*} _default + */ + checkUndefined(_param, _default) { + return _param !== undefined ? _param : _default; + } + + /** + * Checks if the given string is an absolute or relative path and returns + * the path to the modelJson + * @param {String} absoluteOrRelativeUrl + */ + getModelPath(absoluteOrRelativeUrl) { + const modelJsonPath = this.isAbsoluteURL(absoluteOrRelativeUrl) ? absoluteOrRelativeUrl : window.location.pathname + absoluteOrRelativeUrl + return modelJsonPath; + } + + /** + * Sets the return options for .detect() or .detectSingle() in case any are given + * @param {Object} faceApiOptions + */ + setReturnOptions(faceApiOptions) { + const output = Object.assign({}, this.config); + const options = ["withLandmarks", "withDescriptors"]; + + options.forEach(prop => { + if (faceApiOptions[prop] !== undefined) { + this.config[prop] = faceApiOptions[prop] + } else { + output[prop] = this.config[prop]; + } + }) + + return output; + } + + /** + * Resize results to size of input image + * @param {*} str + */ + resizeResults(detections, width, height) { + if (width === undefined || height === undefined) { + throw new Error('width and height must be defined') + } + return this.model.resizeResults(detections, { + "width": width, + "height": height + }) + } + + /* eslint class-methods-use-this: "off" */ + isAbsoluteURL(str) { + const pattern = new RegExp('^(?:[a-z]+:)?//', 'i'); + return !!pattern.test(str); + } + + /** + * get parts from landmarks + * @param {*} result + */ + landmarkParts(result) { + let output; + // multiple detections is an array + if (Array.isArray(result) === true) { + output = result.map(item => { + // if landmarks exist return parts + const newItem = Object.assign({}, item); + if (newItem.landmarks) { + const { + landmarks + } = newItem; + newItem.parts = { + mouth: landmarks.getMouth(), + nose: landmarks.getNose(), + leftEye: landmarks.getLeftEye(), + leftEyeBrow: landmarks.getLeftEyeBrow(), + rightEye: landmarks.getRightEye(), + rightEyeBrow: landmarks.getRightEyeBrow(), + jawOutline: landmarks.getJawOutline(), + } + } else { + newItem.parts = { + mouth: [], + nose: [], + leftEye: [], + leftEyeBrow: [], + rightEye: [], + rightEyeBrow: [], + jawOutline: [], + } + } + return newItem; + }) + // single detection is an object + } else { + output = Object.assign({}, result); + if (output.landmarks) { + const { + landmarks + } = result; + output.parts = { + mouth: landmarks.getMouth(), + nose: landmarks.getNose(), + leftEye: landmarks.getLeftEye(), + leftEyeBrow: landmarks.getLeftEyeBrow(), + rightEye: landmarks.getRightEye(), + rightEyeBrow: landmarks.getRightEyeBrow() + } + } else { + output.parts = { + mouth: [], + nose: [], + leftEye: [], + leftEyeBrow: [], + rightEye: [], + rightEyeBrow: [] + } + } + } + + return output; + } + +} + +const faceApi = (videoOrOptionsOrCallback, optionsOrCallback, cb) => { + let video; + let options = {}; + let callback = cb; + + if (videoOrOptionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { + video = videoOrOptionsOrCallback; + } else if ( + typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'object' && + videoOrOptionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + ) { + video = videoOrOptionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle a p5.js video element + } else if (typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'object') { + options = videoOrOptionsOrCallback; + } else if (typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'function') { + callback = videoOrOptionsOrCallback; + } + + if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object') { + + options = optionsOrCallback; + console.log(options) + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { + callback = optionsOrCallback; + } + + const instance = new FaceApiBase(video, options, callback); + return callback ? instance : instance.ready; +} + +export default faceApi; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/FaceApi/index_test.js b/src/FaceApi/index_test.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35b965733 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/FaceApi/index_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2018 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + +const { + faceApi +} = ml5; + +const FACEAPI_DEFAULTS = { + withLandmarks: true, + withDescriptors: true, + MODEL_URLS: { + Mobilenetv1Model: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/ssd_mobilenetv1_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmarkModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceLandmark68TinyNet: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_landmark_68_tiny_model-weights_manifest.json', + FaceRecognitionModel: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-data-and-models/face-api/models/faceapi/face_recognition_model-weights_manifest.json', + } +} + + +describe('faceApi', () => { + let faceapi; + + async function getImage() { + const img = new Image(); + img.crossOrigin = true; + img.src = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/development/p5js/FaceApi/FaceApi_Image_Landmarks/assets/frida.jpg'; + await new Promise((resolve) => { + img.onload = resolve; + }); + return img; + } + + // async function getCanvas() { + // const img = await getImage(); + // const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); + // canvas.width = img.width; + // canvas.height = img.height; + // canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0); + // return canvas; + // } + + beforeEach(async () => { + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 15000; + faceapi = await faceApi(); + }); + + it('Should create faceApi with all the defaults', async () => { + expect(faceapi.config.withLandmarks).toBe(FACEAPI_DEFAULTS.withLandmarks); + expect(faceapi.config.withDescriptors).toBe(FACEAPI_DEFAULTS.withDescriptors); + }); + + describe('landmarks', () => { + it('Should get landmarks for Frida', async () => { + const img = await getImage(); + await faceapi.detectSingle(img) + .then(results => { + expect(results.landmarks).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)); + }) + }); + }); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/FeatureExtractor/Mobilenet.js b/src/FeatureExtractor/Mobilenet.js index 99d1372c7..cfd392897 100644 --- a/src/FeatureExtractor/Mobilenet.js +++ b/src/FeatureExtractor/Mobilenet.js @@ -336,10 +336,16 @@ class Mobilenet { let imgToPredict; let callback; - if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback; } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && - (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { + (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback.elt; // p5.js image element } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'function') { imgToPredict = this.video; @@ -385,10 +391,16 @@ class Mobilenet { async predict(inputOrCallback, cb) { let imgToPredict; let callback; - if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback; } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && - (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { + (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback.elt; // p5.js image element } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'function') { imgToPredict = this.video; @@ -520,9 +532,15 @@ class Mobilenet { infer(input, endpoint) { let imgToPredict; let endpointToPredict; - if (input instanceof HTMLImageElement || input instanceof HTMLVideoElement || input instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || input instanceof ImageData) { + if (input instanceof HTMLImageElement + || input instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || input instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || input instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = input; - } else if (typeof input === 'object' && (input.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || input.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || input.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { + } else if (typeof input === 'object' && (input.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || input.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || input.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || input.elt instanceof ImageData)) { imgToPredict = input.elt; // p5.js image/canvas/video element } else { throw new Error('No input image found.'); diff --git a/src/ImageClassifier/darknet.js b/src/ImageClassifier/darknet.js index ceda257b2..b07e2ea30 100644 --- a/src/ImageClassifier/darknet.js +++ b/src/ImageClassifier/darknet.js @@ -17,9 +17,15 @@ const DEFAULTS = { function preProcess(img, size) { let image; if (!(img instanceof tf.Tensor)) { - if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement || img instanceof HTMLVideoElement || img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement + || img instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || img instanceof ImageData) { image = tf.browser.fromPixels(img); - } else if (typeof img === 'object' && (img.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || img.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || img.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { + } else if (typeof img === 'object' && (img.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || img.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || img.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || img.elt instanceof ImageData)) { image = tf.browser.fromPixels(img.elt); // Handle p5.js image and video. } } else { diff --git a/src/ImageClassifier/doodlenet.js b/src/ImageClassifier/doodlenet.js index 3bfc3e922..924676b1f 100644 --- a/src/ImageClassifier/doodlenet.js +++ b/src/ImageClassifier/doodlenet.js @@ -15,9 +15,15 @@ const DEFAULTS = { function preProcess(img, size) { let image; if (!(img instanceof tf.Tensor)) { - if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement || img instanceof HTMLVideoElement || img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement + || img instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || img instanceof ImageData) { image = tf.browser.fromPixels(img); - } else if (typeof img === 'object' && (img.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || img.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || img.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { + } else if (typeof img === 'object' && (img.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || img.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || img.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || img.elt instanceof ImageData)) { image = tf.browser.fromPixels(img.elt); // Handle p5.js image, video and canvas. } } else { @@ -28,8 +34,9 @@ function preProcess(img, size) { if (normalized.shape[0] !== size || normalized.shape[1] !== size) { resized = tf.image.resizeBilinear(normalized, [size, size]); } - const [r, g, b] = tf.split(resized, 3, 2); - const gray = (r.add(g).add(b)).div(tf.scalar(3)).round(); // Get average r,g,b color value and round to 0 or 1 + + const [r, g, b] = tf.split(resized, 3, 3); + const gray = (r.add(g).add(b)).div(tf.scalar(3)).floor(); // Get average r,g,b color value and round to 0 or 1 const batched = gray.reshape([1, size, size, 1]); return batched; } diff --git a/src/ImageClassifier/index.js b/src/ImageClassifier/index.js index 708c6548f..1359ca68b 100644 --- a/src/ImageClassifier/index.js +++ b/src/ImageClassifier/index.js @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { imgToTensor } from '../utils/imageUtilities'; const DEFAULTS = { mobilenet: { - version: 1, + version: 2, alpha: 1.0, topk: 3, }, @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const MODEL_OPTIONS = ['mobilenet', 'darknet', 'darknet-tiny', 'doodlenet']; class ImageClassifier { /** * Create an ImageClassifier. - * @param {modelNameOrUrl} modelNameOrUrl - The name or the URL of the model to use. Current model name options + * @param {modelNameOrUrl} modelNameOrUrl - The name or the URL of the model to use. Current model name options * are: 'mobilenet', 'darknet', 'darknet-tiny', and 'doodlenet'. * @param {HTMLVideoElement} video - An HTMLVideoElement. * @param {object} options - An object with options. @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class ImageClassifier { */ async loadModel(modelUrl) { if (modelUrl) this.model = await this.loadModelFrom(modelUrl); - else this.model = await this.modelToUse.load(this.version, this.alpha); + else this.model = await this.modelToUse.load({version: this.version, alpha: this.alpha}); + return this; } @@ -87,16 +88,44 @@ class ImageClassifier { if (r.ml5Specs) { this.mapStringToIndex = r.ml5Specs.mapStringToIndex; } + }) + // When loading model generated by Teachable Machine 2.0, the r.ml5Specs is missing, + // which is causing imageClassifier failing to display lables. + // In this case, labels are stored in path/./metadata.json + // Therefore, I'm fetching the metadata and feeding the labels into this.mapStringToIndex + // by Yang Yang, yy2473@nyu.edu, Oct 2, 2019 + .then(()=>{ + if (this.mapStringToIndex.length === 0) { + const split = path.split("/"); + const prefix = split.slice(0, split.length - 1).join("/"); + const metadataUrl = `${prefix}/metadata.json`; + fetch(metadataUrl) + .then((res) => { + if (!res.ok) { + console.log("Tried to fetch metadata.json, but it seems to be missing."); + throw Error(res.statusText); + } + return res; + }) + .then(metadataJson => metadataJson.json()) + .then((metadataJson)=> { + if (metadataJson.labels){ + this.mapStringToIndex = metadataJson.labels; + } + }) + .catch(() => console.log("Error when loading metadata.json")); + } }); + // end of the Oct 2, 2019 fix this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel(path); return this.model; } /** * Classifies the given input and returns an object with labels and confidence - * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement} imgToPredict - + * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement} imgToPredict - * takes an image to run the classification on. - * @param {number} numberOfClasses - a number of labels to return for the image + * @param {number} numberOfClasses - a number of labels to return for the image * classification. * @return {object} an object with {label, confidence}. */ @@ -119,11 +148,13 @@ class ImageClassifier { }); } + // Process the images + const imageResize = [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE]; + const processedImg = imgToTensor(imgToPredict, imageResize); + if (this.modelUrl) { await tf.nextFrame(); const predictedClasses = tf.tidy(() => { - const imageResize = [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE]; - const processedImg = imgToTensor(imgToPredict, imageResize); const predictions = this.model.predict(processedImg); return Array.from(predictions.as1D().dataSync()); }); @@ -136,16 +167,17 @@ class ImageClassifier { }).sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence); return results; } + return this.model - .classify(imgToPredict, numberOfClasses) + .classify(processedImg, numberOfClasses) .then(classes => classes.map(c => ({ label: c.className, confidence: c.probability }))); } /** * Classifies the given input and takes a callback to handle the results - * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} inputNumOrCallback - + * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} inputNumOrCallback - * takes any of the following params - * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} numOrCallback - + * @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} numOrCallback - * takes any of the following params * @param {function} cb - a callback function that handles the results of the function. * @return {function} a promise or the results of a given callback, cb. @@ -162,32 +194,21 @@ class ImageClassifier { } else if (typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'number') { imgToPredict = this.video; numberOfClasses = inputNumOrCallback; - } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement) { - imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && - inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement - ) { - imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputNumOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback; } else if ( typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && - inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement - ) { - imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image - } else if ( - typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && - inputNumOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + (inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData) ) { + imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image + } else if (typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && inputNumOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image - } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { - imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback; - } else if ( - typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && - inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement - ) { - imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js video } else if (!(this.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { // Handle unsupported input throw new Error( diff --git a/src/ImageClassifier/index_test.js b/src/ImageClassifier/index_test.js index cd9b4ec00..31b0b4bdb 100644 --- a/src/ImageClassifier/index_test.js +++ b/src/ImageClassifier/index_test.js @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const DEFAULTS = { batchSize: 0.4, topk: 3, alpha: 1, - version: 1, + version: 2, }; describe('imageClassifier', () => { @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe('imageClassifier', () => { } beforeEach(async () => { - jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000; + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 15000; classifier = await imageClassifier('MobileNet', undefined, {}); }); diff --git a/src/KMeans/index.js b/src/KMeans/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d450828d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/KMeans/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + +/* eslint "no-param-reassign": [2, { "props": false }] */ +/* +K-Means Algorithm (with Euclidian distance). +*/ + +import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; +import { randomSample } from '../utils/random'; + +const DEFAULTS = { + 'k': 3, + 'maxIter': 5, + 'threshold': 0.5, +}; + +/** +* Read in a csv file from a path to its location. +* @param {string} path +*/ +async function readCsv(path) { + const myCsv = tf.data.csv(path); + const loadedData = await myCsv.toArray(); + return loadedData; +} + +/** +* Load and flatten an array of arrays, an array of objects, or a string +* path to a csv. +* @param {string || array || object} inputData +*/ +async function loadDataset(inputData) { + let data; + if (typeof inputData === 'string') { + data = await readCsv(inputData); + } else { + data = inputData; + } + const dataFlat = data.map((d) => { + return Object.values(d) + }); + return dataFlat; +} + + +class KMeans { + /** + * Create a K-Means. + * @param {String || array || object} dataset - The dataset to cluster. + * @param {options} options - An object describing a model's parameters: + * - k: number of clusters + * - maxIter: Max number of iterations to try before forcing convergence. + * - threshold: Threshold for updated centriod distance before declaring convergence. + * @param {function} callback - Optional. A callback to be called once + * the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a + * promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded. + */ + constructor(dataset, options, callback) { + this.config = { + k: options.k || DEFAULTS.k, + maxIter: options.maxIter || DEFAULTS.maxIter, + threshold: options.threshold || DEFAULTS.threshold + }; + this.ready = callCallback(this.load(dataset), callback); + } + + /** + * Load dataset, find initial centroids, and run model. + * @param {string || array || object} dataset + */ + async load(dataset) { + this.dataset = await loadDataset(dataset); + this.dataTensor = tf.tensor2d(this.dataset); + this.dataset.forEach(d => { + const tensors = tf.tensor1d(Object.values(d)); + d.tensor = tensors; + }); + this.centroids = tf.tensor2d(randomSample(this.dataset, this.config.k, false)); + this.fit(); + return this; + } + + /** + * Run K-Means algorithm. + */ + fit() { + this.getClosestCentroids() + this.recenterCentroids(); + let centroidDistance = KMeans.getEuclidianDistance(this.centroids, this.centroidsOld); + let iteration = 0; + while(centroidDistance > this.config.threshold && iteration < this.config.maxIter) { + this.getClosestCentroids(); + this.recenterCentroids(); + centroidDistance = KMeans.getEuclidianDistance(this.centroids, this.centroidsOld); + iteration += 1; + } + } + + /** + * Find closest centroids to each observation and store as attribute. + */ + getClosestCentroids() { + // find closest initial tensor + this.dataset.forEach(d => { + const minCentroid = this.closestCentroid(d.tensor); + d.centroid = minCentroid; + }) + } + + /** + * Load and flatten an array of arrays, an array of objects, or a string + * path to a csv. + * @param {string || array || object} inputData + */ + closestCentroid(dataTensor) { + const dist = this.centroids.squaredDifference(dataTensor).sum(1).sqrt(); + const minCentroid = dist.argMin().arraySync(); + return minCentroid; + } + + /** + * Assing `value` to a cluster. + * @param {array || object} value + */ + classify(value) { + // input must be array or object + const valueTensor = tf.tensor1d(Object.values(value)); + const minCentroid = this.closestCentroid(valueTensor); + return minCentroid; + } + + /** + * Recenter each centroid. + */ + recenterCentroids() { + // store previous run's centroids for convergence + this.centroidsOld = this.centroids; + // recenter each centroid + this.centroids = tf.stack(this.centroids.unstack().map((centroid, k) => { + // subset centroid to its cluster + const centroidK = this.dataset.filter(d => d.centroid === k); + // conver to tensor + const centroidKTensor = centroidK.map(d => d.tensor); + if (centroidKTensor.length === 0) { + return centroid; + } else if (centroidKTensor.length === 1) { + return centroidKTensor[0]; + } + // grab mean for for cluster + const newCentroids = tf.tidy(() => tf.stack(centroidKTensor).mean(0)); + return newCentroids + })) + } + + /** + * Calculate the Euclidian distance between two tensors. + * @param {tf.tensor} tensor1 + * @param {tf.tensor} tensor2 + */ + static getEuclidianDistance(tensor1, tensor2) { + // calculate euclidian distance between two arrays + const distTensor = tf.tidy(() => { + const distance = tf.squaredDifference(tensor1, tensor2).sum().sqrt(); + return distance.dataSync() + }) + return distTensor[0]; + } +} + +const kmeans = (dataset, options, callback) => new KMeans(dataset, options, callback); + +export default kmeans; diff --git a/src/KMeans/index_test.js b/src/KMeans/index_test.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c90cb960c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/KMeans/index_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + +const { + kmeans +} = ml5; + +const KMEANS_DEFAULTS = { + 'k': 2, + 'maxIter': 5, + 'threshold': 0.5, +}; + +describe('kMeans', () => { + let kmeansModel; + const dataurl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ml5js/ml5-examples/development/d3/KMeans/KMeans_GaussianClusterDemo/data/gaussian2d_2clusters.csv' + beforeEach(async () => { + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; + kmeansModel = await kmeans(dataurl, KMEANS_DEFAULTS, (err, result) => { + return; + }); + await kmeansModel.load(dataurl) + }); + + + it('Should create kmeans with all the defaults', async () => { + expect(kmeansModel.config.k).toBe(KMEANS_DEFAULTS.k); + expect(kmeansModel.config.maxIter).toBe(KMEANS_DEFAULTS.maxIter); + expect(kmeansModel.config.threshold).toBe(KMEANS_DEFAULTS.threshold); + }); + + it('kmeans dataset gaussian 2d: Should have length 200', async () => { + // await kmeansModel.load(dataurl) + expect(kmeansModel.dataset.length).toBe(200); + }); + + it('kmeans dataset gaussian 2d: Should have 2 unique centroids', async () => { + // await kmeansModel.load(dataurl) + const centroids = kmeansModel.dataset.map(val => val.centroid); + const unique = [...new Set(centroids)].length + expect(unique).toBe(2); + }); + + + + + + + + +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkData.js b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkData.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b58b4bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkData.js @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@ +import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import { + saveBlob +} from '../utils/io'; +// import * as tfvis from '@tensorflow/tfjs-vis'; +// import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; + +/* eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "exceptMethods": ["shuffle", "normalizeArray"] }] */ +class NeuralNetworkData { + constructor(options) { + this.config = options; + this.meta = { + // number of units - varies depending on input data type + inputUnits: null, + outputUnits: null, + // objects describing input/output data by property name + inputs: {}, // { name1: {dtype}, name2: {dtype} } + outputs: {}, // { name1: {dtype} } + isNormalized: false, + } + + this.data = { + raw: [], + tensor: { + inputs: null, // tensor + outputs: null, // tensor + inputMax: null, // tensor + inputMin: null, // tensor + outputMax: null, // tensor + outputMin: null, // tensor + }, + inputMax: null, // array or number + inputMin: null, // array or number + outputMax: null, // array or number + outputMin: null, // array or number + } + + // TODO: temp fix - check normalizationOptions + if (options.dataOptions.normalizationOptions !== null && options.dataOptions.normalizationOptions !== undefined) { + const items = ['inputMax', 'inputMin', 'outputMax', 'outputMin']; + items.forEach(prop => { + if (options.dataOptions.normalizationOptions[prop] !== null && options.dataOptions.normalizationOptions[prop] !== undefined) { + this.data[prop] = options.dataOptions.normalizationOptions[prop] + } + }) + } + + } + + + + + /** + * load data + */ + async loadData() { + const { + dataUrl + } = this.config.dataOptions; + if (dataUrl.endsWith('.csv')) { + await this.loadCSVInternal(); + } else if (dataUrl.endsWith('.json')) { + await this.loadJSONInternal(); + } else if (dataUrl.includes('blob')) { + await this.loadBlobInternal() + } else { + console.log('Not a valid data format. Must be csv or json') + } + } + + /** + * load csv + * TODO: pass to loadJSONInternal() + */ + async loadCSVInternal() { + const path = this.config.dataOptions.dataUrl; + const myCsv = tf.data.csv(path); + const loadedData = await myCsv.toArray(); + const json = { + entries: loadedData + } + this.loadJSONInternal(json); + } + + /** + * load json data + * @param {*} parsedJson + */ + async loadJSONInternal(parsedJson) { + const { + dataUrl + } = this.config.dataOptions; + const outputLabels = this.config.dataOptions.outputs; + const inputLabels = this.config.dataOptions.inputs; + + let json; + // handle loading parsedJson + if (parsedJson instanceof Object) { + json = parsedJson; + } else { + const data = await fetch(dataUrl); + json = await data.json(); + } + + // TODO: recurse through the object to find + // which object contains the + let parentProp; + if (Object.keys(json).includes('entries')) { + parentProp = 'entries' + } else if (Object.keys(json).includes('data')) { + parentProp = 'data' + } else { + console.log(`your data must be contained in an array in \n + a property called 'entries' or 'data'`); + return; + } + + const dataArray = json[parentProp]; + + this.data.raw = dataArray.map((item) => { + + const output = { + xs: {}, + ys: {} + } + // TODO: keep an eye on the order of the + // property name order if you use the order + // later on in the code! + const props = Object.keys(item); + + props.forEach(prop => { + if (inputLabels.includes(prop)) { + output.xs[prop] = item[prop] + } + + if (outputLabels.includes(prop)) { + output.ys[prop] = item[prop] + } + }) + + return output; + }) + + // set the data types for the inputs and outputs + this.setDTypes(); + + } + + /** + * load a blob and check if it is json + */ + async loadBlobInternal() { + try { + const data = await fetch(this.config.dataUrl); + const text = await data.text(); + if (this.isJsonString(text)) { + const json = JSON.parse(text); + await this.loadJSONInternal(json); + } else { + const json = this.csvJSON(text); + await this.loadJSONInternal(json); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log('mmm might be passing in a string or something!', err) + } + } + + /** + * sets the data types of the data we're using + * important for handling oneHot + */ + setDTypes() { + // this.meta.inputs + const sample = this.data.raw[0]; + const xs = Object.keys(sample.xs); + const ys = Object.keys(sample.ys); + + xs.forEach((prop) => { + this.meta.inputs[prop] = { + dtype: typeof sample.xs[prop] + } + }); + + ys.forEach((prop) => { + this.meta.outputs[prop] = { + dtype: typeof sample.ys[prop] + } + }); + + } + + /** + * Get the input and output units + * + */ + getIOUnits() { + let inputUnits = 0; + let outputUnits = 0; + + // TODO: turn these into functions! + // calc the number of inputs/output units + Object.entries(this.meta.inputs).forEach(arr => { + const { + dtype + } = arr[1]; + const prop = arr[0]; + if (dtype === 'number') { + inputUnits += 1; + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const uniqueVals = [...new Set(this.data.raw.map(obj => obj.xs[prop]))] + // Store the unqiue values + this.meta.inputs[prop].uniqueValues = uniqueVals; + const onehotValues = [...new Array(uniqueVals.length).fill(null).map((item, idx) => idx)]; + + const oneHotEncodedValues = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d(onehotValues, 'int32'), uniqueVals.length); + const oneHotEncodedValuesArray = oneHotEncodedValues.arraySync(); + + this.meta.inputs[prop].legend = {}; + uniqueVals.forEach((uVal, uIdx) => { + this.meta.inputs[prop].legend[uVal] = oneHotEncodedValuesArray[uIdx] + }); + + // increment the number of inputs/outputs + inputUnits += uniqueVals.length; + } + }) + + + // calc the number of inputs/output units + Object.entries(this.meta.outputs).forEach(arr => { + const { + dtype + } = arr[1]; + const prop = arr[0]; + if (dtype === 'number') { + outputUnits += 1; + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const uniqueVals = [...new Set(this.data.raw.map(obj => obj.ys[prop]))] + // Store the unqiue values + this.meta.outputs[prop].uniqueValues = uniqueVals; + const onehotValues = [...new Array(uniqueVals.length).fill(null).map((item, idx) => idx)]; + + const oneHotEncodedValues = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d(onehotValues, 'int32'), uniqueVals.length); + const oneHotEncodedValuesArray = oneHotEncodedValues.arraySync(); + + this.meta.outputs[prop].legend = {}; + uniqueVals.forEach((uVal, uIdx) => { + this.meta.outputs[prop].legend[uVal] = oneHotEncodedValuesArray[uIdx] + }); + + // increment the number of inputs/outputs + outputUnits += uniqueVals.length; + } + }) + + this.meta.inputUnits = inputUnits; + this.meta.outputUnits = outputUnits; + } + + /** + * Takes in a number or array and then either returns + * the array or returns an array of ['input0','input1'] + * the array or returns an array of ['output0','output1'] + * @param {*} val + * @param {*} inputType + */ + // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this + createNamedIO(val, inputType) { + const arr = (val instanceof Array) ? val : [...new Array(val).fill(null).map((item, idx) => `${inputType}${idx}`)] + return arr; + } + + /** + * checks whether or not a string is a json + * @param {*} str + */ + // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this + isJsonString(str) { + try { + JSON.parse(str); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + + /** + * Creates a csv from a strin + * @param {*} csv + */ + // via: http://techslides.com/convert-csv-to-json-in-javascript + // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this + csvJSON(csv) { + + const lines = csv.split("\n"); + + const result = []; + + const headers = lines[0].split(","); + + for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i += 1) { + + const obj = {}; + const currentline = lines[i].split(","); + + for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j += 1) { + obj[headers[j]] = currentline[j]; + } + result.push(obj); + } + + return { + entries: result + } + } + + /** + * Takes data as an array + * @param {*} xArray + * @param {*} yArray + */ + addData(xInputs, yInputs) { + let inputs = {}; + let outputs = {}; + + + + if(Array.isArray(xInputs)){ + xInputs.forEach((item, idx) => { + // TODO: get the label from the inputs? + // const label = `input${idx}`; + const label = this.config.dataOptions.inputs[idx]; + inputs[label] = item; + }); + } else if (typeof xInputs === 'object') { + inputs = xInputs; + } else { + console.log('input provided is not supported or does not match your output label specifications'); + } + + if(Array.isArray(yInputs)){ + yInputs.forEach((item, idx) => { + // TODO: get the label from the outputs? + // const label = `output${idx}`; + const label = this.config.dataOptions.outputs[idx]; + outputs[label] = item; + }); + } else if (typeof yInputs === 'object') { + outputs = yInputs; + } else { + console.log('input provided is not supported or does not match your output label specifications'); + } + + this.data.raw.push({ + xs: inputs, + ys: outputs + }); + } + + /** + * normalize the data.raw + */ + normalize() { + + // always make sure to check set the data types + this.setDTypes(); + // always make sure that the IO units are set + this.getIOUnits(); + + // do the things...! + const { + inputTensor, + outputTensor + } = this.convertRawToTensor(); + + // run normalize on the new tensors + const { + normalizedInputs, + normalizedOutputs, + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin + } = this.normalizeInternal(inputTensor, outputTensor); + + // set the tensor data to the normalized inputs + this.data.tensor = { + inputs: normalizedInputs, + outputs: normalizedOutputs, + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin, + } + + // set the input/output Min and max values as numbers + this.data.inputMin = inputMin.arraySync(); + this.data.inputMax = inputMax.arraySync(); + this.data.outputMax = outputMax.arraySync(); + this.data.outputMin = outputMin.arraySync(); + + // set isNormalized to true if this function is called + this.meta.isNormalized = true; + } + + /** + * + */ + normalizeInternal(inputTensor, outputTensor) { + // inputTensor.print() + // outputTensor.print() + + // 4. Get the min and max values for normalization + // TODO: allow people to submit their own normalization values! + const { + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin} = this.setIOStats(inputTensor, outputTensor); + + // 5. create a normalized tensor + const normalizedInputs = inputTensor.sub(inputMin).div(inputMax.sub(inputMin)); + const normalizedOutputs = outputTensor.sub(outputMin).div(outputMax.sub(outputMin)); + + return { + normalizedInputs, + normalizedOutputs, + inputMin, + inputMax, + outputMax, + outputMin + } + } + + /** + * Assemble the data for training + */ + warmUp() { + // always make sure to check set the data types + this.setDTypes(); + // always make sure that the IO units are set + this.getIOUnits(); + + // do the things...! + const { + inputTensor, + outputTensor + } = this.convertRawToTensor(); + + const { + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin} = this.setIOStats(inputTensor, outputTensor); + + this.data.tensor = { + inputs: inputTensor, + outputs: outputTensor, + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin, + } + + // set the input/output Min and max values as numbers + this.data.inputMin = inputMin.arraySync(); + this.data.inputMax = inputMax.arraySync(); + this.data.outputMax = outputMax.arraySync(); + this.data.outputMin = outputMin.arraySync(); + + } + + /** + * get the min and max values of the input and output data + * @param {*} inputTensor + * @param {*} outputTensor + */ + setIOStats(inputTensor, outputTensor){ + let inputMax; + let inputMin; + let outputMax; + let outputMin; + // TODO: this is terrible and can be handled way better! + // REFACTOR THIS!!! + if (this.config.architecture.task === 'regression') { + if (this.config.dataOptions.normalizationOptions instanceof Object) { + // if there is an object with normalizationOptions + inputMax = this.data.inputMax !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.inputMax) : inputTensor.max(0); + inputMin = this.data.inputMin !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.inputMin) : inputTensor.min(0); + outputMax = this.data.outputMax !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.outputMax) : outputTensor.max(0); + outputMin = this.data.outputMin !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.outputMin) : outputTensor.min(0); + } else { + // if the task is a regression, return all the + // output stats as an array + inputMax = inputTensor.max(0); + inputMin = inputTensor.min(0); + outputMax = outputTensor.max(0); + outputMin = outputTensor.min(0); + } + } else if (this.config.architecture.task === 'classification') { + if (this.config.dataOptions.normalizationOptions instanceof Object) { + // if there is an object with normalizationOptions + inputMax = this.data.inputMax !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.inputMax) : inputTensor.max(0); + inputMin = this.data.inputMin !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.inputMin) : inputTensor.min(0); + outputMax = this.data.outputMax !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.outputMax) : outputTensor.max(); + outputMin = this.data.outputMin !== null ? tf.tensor1d(this.data.outputMin) : outputTensor.min(); + } else { + // if the task is a classification, return the single value + inputMax = inputTensor.max(0); + inputMin = inputTensor.min(0); + outputMax = outputTensor.max(); + outputMin = outputTensor.min(); + } + } + // return the values calculated here + return { + inputMax, + inputMin, + outputMax, + outputMin + } + } + + /** + * onehot encode values + */ + convertRawToTensor() { + // console.log(this.meta) + + // Given the inputs and output types, + // now create the input and output tensors + // 1. start by creating a matrix + const inputs = [] + const outputs = []; + + // 2. encode the values + // iterate through each entry and send the correct + // oneHot encoded values or the numeric value + this.data.raw.forEach((item) => { + let inputRow = []; + let outputRow = []; + const { + xs, + ys + } = item; + + // Create the inputs matrix + Object.entries(xs).forEach((valArray) => { + const prop = valArray[0]; + const val = valArray[1]; + const { + dtype + } = this.meta.inputs[prop]; + + if (dtype === 'number') { + inputRow.push(val); + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const oneHotArray = this.meta.inputs[prop].legend[val]; + inputRow = [...inputRow, ...oneHotArray]; + } + + }); + + // Create the outputs matrix + Object.entries(ys).forEach((valArray) => { + const prop = valArray[0]; + const val = valArray[1]; + const { + dtype + } = this.meta.outputs[prop]; + + if (dtype === 'number') { + outputRow.push(val); + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const oneHotArray = this.meta.outputs[prop].legend[val]; + outputRow = [...outputRow, ...oneHotArray]; + } + + }); + + inputs.push(inputRow); + outputs.push(outputRow); + + }); + + // console.log(inputs, outputs) + // 3. convert to tensors + const inputTensor = tf.tensor(inputs, [this.data.raw.length, this.meta.inputUnits]); + const outputTensor = tf.tensor(outputs, [this.data.raw.length, this.meta.outputUnits]); + + return { + inputTensor, + outputTensor + } + + } + + + async saveData(name){ + const today = new Date(); + const date = `${String(today.getFullYear())}-${String(today.getMonth()+1)}-${String(today.getDate())}`; + const time = `${String(today.getHours())}-${String(today.getMinutes())}-${String(today.getSeconds())}`; + const datetime = `${date}_${time}`; + + let dataName = datetime; + if (name) dataName = name; + + const output = { + data: this.data.raw + } + + await saveBlob(JSON.stringify(output), `${dataName}.json`, 'text/plain'); + } + + +} // end of class + + +export default NeuralNetworkData; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkDefaults.js b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkDefaults.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b81ded55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkDefaults.js @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +const DEFAULTS = { + task: 'regression', + activationHidden: 'sigmoid', + activationOutput: 'sigmoid', + debug: false, + learningRate: 0.25, + inputs: 2, + outputs: 1, + noVal: null, + hiddenUnits: 16, + modelMetrics: ['accuracy'], + modelLoss: 'meanSquaredError', + modelOptimizer: null, + batchSize: 64, + epochs: 32, +} + +export default DEFAULTS; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkVis.js b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkVis.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e24d80cad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/NeuralNetwork/NeuralNetworkVis.js @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import * as tfvis from '@tensorflow/tfjs-vis'; +// https://js.tensorflow.org/api_vis/latest/#render.barchart + +class NeuralNetworkVis { + + constructor() { + // TODO: + this.config = { + height: 300, + }; + + // store tfvis here for now so people can access it + // through ml5? + this.tfvis = tfvis; + } + + /** + * creates a scatterplot from 1 input variable and 1 output variable + * @param {*} inputLabel + * @param {*} outputLabel + * @param {*} data + */ + scatterplot(inputLabel, outputLabel, data) { + + const values = data.map(item => { + return { + x: item.xs[inputLabel], + y: item.ys[outputLabel] + } + }); + + const visOptions = { + name: 'debug mode' + } + const chartOptions = { + xLabel: 'X', + yLabel: 'Y', + height: this.config.height + } + + tfvis.render.scatterplot(visOptions, values, chartOptions) + + } + + /** + * creates a scatterplot from all input variables and all output variables + * @param {*} inputLabels + * @param {*} outputLabels + * @param {*} data + */ + scatterplotAll(inputLabels, outputLabels, data) { + let values = []; + + inputLabels.forEach(inputLabel => { + outputLabels.forEach(outputLabel => { + + const val = data.map(item => { + return { + x: item.xs[inputLabel], + y: item.ys[outputLabel] + } + }); + + values = [...values, ...val]; + }) + }) + + const visOptions = { + name: 'debug mode' + } + + const chartOptions = { + xLabel: 'X', + yLabel: 'Y', + height: this.config.height + } + + tfvis.render.scatterplot(visOptions, values, chartOptions) + } + + /** + * creates a barchart from 1 input label and 1 output label + * @param {*} inputLabel + * @param {*} outputLabel + * @param {*} data + */ + barchart(inputLabel, outputLabel, data) { + + const values = data.map(item => { + return { + value: item.xs[inputLabel], + index: item.ys[outputLabel] + } + }); + + const chartOptions = { + xLabel: 'label', + yLabel: 'value', + height: this.config.height + } + + console.log(chartOptions) + // Render to visor + const surface = { + name: 'Bar chart' + }; + tfvis.render.barchart(surface, values); + } + + /** + * create a confusion matrix + * @param {*} inputLabels + * @param {*} outputLabels + * @param {*} data + */ + // confusionMatrix(inputLabels, outputLabels, data) { + + // } + + + /** + * Visualize the training of the neural net + */ + trainingVis(){ + return tfvis.show.fitCallbacks({ + name: 'Training Performance' + }, + ['loss', 'accuracy'], { + height: this.config.height, + callbacks: ['onEpochEnd'] + } + ) + } + + +} + +export default NeuralNetworkVis \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/NeuralNetwork/index.js b/src/NeuralNetwork/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eaf39da75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/NeuralNetwork/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,940 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + +/* +Generic NeuralNetwork class +*/ + +import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; +import { + saveBlob +} from '../utils/io'; +// import { input } from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; +import DEFAULTS from './NeuralNetworkDefaults'; +import NeuralNetworkData from './NeuralNetworkData'; +import NeuralNetworkVis from './NeuralNetworkVis'; + +class NeuralNetwork { + /** + * Create a Neural Network. + * @param {object} options - An object with options. + */ + constructor(options, callback) { + // model config + this.config = { + // debugging + debug: options.debug || DEFAULTS.debug, + // architecture + architecture: { + task: options.task || DEFAULTS.task, + // array of layers, the last is always the output layer + layers: options.layers || [], + // array of activations corresponding to the layer number + activations: [], + // hiddenUnits + hiddenUnits: options.hiddenUnits || DEFAULTS.hiddenUnits, + // the units of the layers will come from the config.dataOptions + }, + training: { + // defined either on instantiation or in .train(options) + batchSize: options.batchSize || DEFAULTS.batchSize, + epochs: options.epochs || DEFAULTS.epochs, + // will depend on the config.architecture.task + learningRate: options.learningRate || DEFAULTS.learningRate, + modelMetrics: options.modelMetrics || DEFAULTS.modelMetrics, + modelLoss: options.modelLoss || DEFAULTS.modelLoss, + modelOptimizer: options.modelOptimizer || DEFAULTS.modelOptimizer, + }, + // data + dataOptions: { + dataUrl: options.dataUrl || null, + inputs: options.inputs || DEFAULTS.inputs, + outputs: options.outputs || DEFAULTS.outputs, + // TODO: adding option for normalization + normalizationOptions: options.normalizationOptions || null + }, + + } + + + // TODO: maybe we create a set of configs for + // regression vs. classification + // set the default activations: + if (this.config.architecture.task === 'regression') { + // current defaults are for regression + const activationHidden = options.activationHidden || DEFAULTS.activationHidden; + const activationOutput = options.activationOutput || DEFAULTS.activationOutput; + + this.config.training.modelOptimizer = options.modelOptimizer || tf.train.adam(this.config.training.learningRate); + this.config.architecture.activations = [activationHidden, activationOutput]; + } else if (this.config.architecture.task === 'classification') { + // set classification specs different from regression in DEFAULTS + const activationHidden = options.activationHidden || DEFAULTS.activationHidden; + const activationOutput = options.activationOutput || 'softmax'; + + this.config.architecture.activations = [activationHidden, activationOutput]; + this.config.training.modelLoss = options.modelLoss || 'categoricalCrossentropy'; + this.config.training.modelOptimizer = options.modelOptimizer || tf.train.sgd(this.config.training.learningRate); + } else { + console.log(`task not defined. please set task: classification OR regression`); + } + + // vis class + this.vis = new NeuralNetworkVis(); + // data class + this.data = new NeuralNetworkData(this.config); + // check if the model is ready + this.ready = false; + // the model + this.model = null; + + // initialize + this.init(callback); + + } + + /** + * ---------------------------------------- + * --- model creation / initialization ---- + * ---------------------------------------- + */ + + /** + * Initialize the model creation + */ + init(callback) { + // Create the model based on data or the inputs/outputs + if (this.config.dataOptions.dataUrl !== null) { + this.ready = this.createModelFromData(callback); + } else { + // --- set the input/output units --- + const inputIOUnits = this.initializeIOUnits(this.config.dataOptions.inputs, 'inputs'); + this.data.meta.inputUnits = inputIOUnits.units; + this.data.config.dataOptions.inputs = inputIOUnits.labels; + + const outputIOUnits = this.initializeIOUnits(this.config.dataOptions.outputs, 'outputs'); + this.data.meta.outputUnits = outputIOUnits.units; + this.data.config.dataOptions.outputs = outputIOUnits.labels; + + this.ready = true; + } + } + + /** + * if the inputs is a number + * then set the inputUnits as the number + * and then create an array of input labels + * if not, then use what is given + * @param {*} input + * @param {*} ioType + */ + initializeIOUnits(input, ioType) { + let units; + let labels; + let ioLabel; + + if (ioType === 'outputs') { + ioLabel = 'output' + } else { + ioLabel = 'input' + } + + if (typeof input === 'number') { + units = input; + labels = this.data.createNamedIO(input, ioLabel); + } else if (Array.isArray(input)) { + units = input.length; + labels = input; + } else { + console.log(`${ioType} in this format are not supported`) + } + + return { + units, + labels + }; + + } + + /** + * create Model + */ + createModel() { + + switch (this.config.architecture.task) { + case 'regression': + // if the layers are not defined default to a + // neuralnet with 2 layers + this.defineModelLayers(); + return this.createModelInternal(); + case 'classification': + // if the layers are not defined default to a + // neuralnet with 2 layers + this.defineModelLayers(); + return this.createModelInternal(); + default: + console.log('no model exists for this type of task yet!'); + return tf.sequential(); + } + } + + /** + * Define the model layers + */ + defineModelLayers() { + if (!this.config.architecture.layers.length > 0) { + this.config.architecture.layers = []; + + const { + activations, + hiddenUnits + } = this.config.architecture; + + const hidden = tf.layers.dense({ + units: hiddenUnits, + inputShape: [this.data.meta.inputUnits], + activation: activations[0], + }); + + const output = tf.layers.dense({ + units: this.data.meta.outputUnits, + activation: activations[1], + }); + + this.config.architecture.layers = [hidden, output]; + + } + } + + + createModelInternal() { + const model = tf.sequential(); + + // add the layers to the model as defined in config.architecture.layers + this.config.architecture.layers.forEach(layer => { + model.add(layer); + }); + + // compile the model + const { + modelOptimizer, + modelLoss, + modelMetrics + } = this.config.training; + + model.compile({ + optimizer: modelOptimizer, + loss: modelLoss, + metrics: modelMetrics, + }); + + return model; + } + + /** + * create model from data + * @param {*} callback + */ + createModelFromData(callback) { + return callCallback(this.createModelFromDataInternal(), callback) + } + + /** + * Creates model architecture from the loaded data + */ + async createModelFromDataInternal() { + // load the data + await this.data.loadData(); + // check the input columns for data type to + // calculate the total number of inputs + // and outputs + this.data.getIOUnits(); + } + + /** + * ---------------------------------------- + * ----- adding data / training ----------- + * ---------------------------------------- + */ + /** + * Adds an endpoint to call data.addData() + * @param {*} xs + * @param {*} ys + */ + addData(xs, ys) { + this.data.addData(xs, ys); + } + + /** + * normalize the data.raw + */ + normalizeData() { + this.data.normalize(); + } + + + /** + * User-facing neural network training + * @param {*} optionsOrCallback + * @param {*} callback + */ + train(optionsOrCallback, optionsOrWhileTraining, callback) { + let options; + let whileTrainingCb; + let finishedTrainingCb; + if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && + typeof optionsOrWhileTraining === 'function' && + typeof callback === 'function' + ) { + options = optionsOrCallback; + whileTrainingCb = optionsOrWhileTraining; + finishedTrainingCb = callback; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && + typeof optionsOrWhileTraining === 'function') { + options = optionsOrCallback; + whileTrainingCb = null; + finishedTrainingCb = optionsOrWhileTraining; + } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' && + typeof optionsOrWhileTraining === 'function' + ) { + options = {}; + whileTrainingCb = optionsOrCallback; + finishedTrainingCb = optionsOrWhileTraining; + } else { + options = {}; + whileTrainingCb = null; + finishedTrainingCb = optionsOrCallback; + } + + return callCallback(this.trainInternal(options, whileTrainingCb), finishedTrainingCb); + } + + /** + * Train the neural network + * @param {*} options + */ + async trainInternal(options, whileTrainingCallback) { + // get batch size and epochs + const batchSize = options.batchSize || this.config.batchSize; + const epochs = options.epochs || this.config.epochs; + + // placeholder for whiletraining callback; + let whileTraining; + // if debug is true, show tf vis during model training + // if not, then use whileTraining + let modelFitCallbacks; + + // Get the inputs and outputs from the data object + const { + inputs, + outputs + } = this.data.data.tensor; + + // placeholder for xs and ys data for training + let xs; + let ys; + + // check if data are normalized, run the data.warmUp before training + if (!this.data.meta.isNormalized) { + this.data.warmUp(); + } + + // Create the model when train is called + // important that this comes after checking if .isNormalized + this.model = this.createModel(); + + // check if a whileTrainingCallback was passed + if (typeof whileTrainingCallback === 'function') { + whileTraining = whileTrainingCallback; + } else { + whileTraining = () => null; + } + + // check if the inputs are tensors, if not, convert! + if (!(inputs instanceof tf.Tensor)) { + xs = tf.tensor(inputs) + ys = tf.tensor(outputs) + } else { + xs = inputs; + ys = outputs; + } + + // check if the debug mode is on to specify model fit callbacks + if (this.config.debug) { + modelFitCallbacks = [ + this.vis.trainingVis(), + { + onEpochEnd: whileTraining + } + ] + } else { + modelFitCallbacks = [{ + onEpochEnd: whileTraining + }] + } + + // train the model + await this.model.fit(xs, ys, { + shuffle: true, + batchSize, + epochs, + validationSplit: 0.1, + callbacks: modelFitCallbacks + }); + // dispose of the xs and ys + xs.dispose(); + ys.dispose(); + } + + + /** + * ---------------------------------------- + * ----- prediction / classification------- + * ---------------------------------------- + */ + /** + * Classify() + * Runs the classification if the neural network is doing a + * classification task + * @param {*} input + * @param {*} callback + */ + classify(input, callback) { + return callCallback(this.predictInternal(input), callback); + } + + /** + * classifyMultiple() + * Runs the classification task on multiple inputs + * @param {*} input + * @param {*} callback + */ + classifyMultiple(input, callback) { + return callCallback(this.predictMultipleInternal(input), callback); + } + + /** + * User-facing prediction function + * @param {*} input + * @param {*} callback + */ + predict(input, callback) { + return callCallback(this.predictInternal(input), callback); + } + + /** + * User-facing prediction function for multiple inputs + * @param {*} input + * @param {*} callback + */ + predictMultiple(input, callback) { + return callCallback(this.predictMultipleInternal(input), callback); + } + + /** + * Make a prediction based on the given input + * @param {*} sample + */ + async predictMultipleInternal(sampleList) { + + // 1. Handle the input sample + const inputData = []; + sampleList.forEach(sample => { + let inputRow = []; + if (sample instanceof Array) { + inputRow = sample; + } else if (sample instanceof Object) { + // TODO: make sure that the input order is preserved! + const headers = this.data.config.dataOptions.inputs; + inputRow = headers.map(prop => { + return sample[prop] + }); + } + inputData.push(inputRow); + }); + + + // 2. onehot encode the sample if necessary + const encodedInput = []; + + sampleList.forEach(item => { + let encodedInputRow = []; + Object.entries(this.data.meta.inputs).forEach((arr) => { + const prop = arr[0]; + const { + dtype + } = arr[1]; + + // to ensure that we get the value in the right order + const valIndex = this.data.config.dataOptions.inputs.indexOf(prop); + const val = item[valIndex]; + + if (dtype === 'number') { + let normVal; + // if the data has not been normalized, just send in the raw sample + if (!this.data.meta.isNormalized) { + normVal = val; + } else { + const { + inputMin, + inputMax + } = this.data.data; + normVal = val; + if (inputMin && inputMax) { + normVal = (val - inputMin[valIndex]) / (inputMax[valIndex] - inputMin[valIndex]); + } + } + encodedInputRow.push(normVal); + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const { + legend + } = arr[1]; + const onehotVal = legend[val] + encodedInputRow = [...encodedInputRow, ...onehotVal] + } + + encodedInput.push(encodedInputRow); + }); + + }); + + + + // Step 3: make the prediction + const xs = tf.tensor(encodedInput, [encodedInput.length, this.data.meta.inputUnits]); + const ys = this.model.predict(xs); + + // ys.print(); + + // Step 4: Convert the outputs back to the recognizable format + let results = []; + + if (this.config.architecture.task === 'classification') { + const predictions = await ys.array(); + // TODO: Check to see if this fails with numeric values + // since no legend exists + const outputData = predictions.map(prediction => { + return Object.entries(this.data.meta.outputs).map((arr) => { + const { + legend + } = arr[1]; + // TODO: the order of the legend items matters + // Likey this means instead of `.push()`, + // we should do .unshift() + // alternatively we can use 'reverse()' here. + return Object.entries(legend).map((legendArr, idx) => { + const prop = legendArr[0]; + return { + label: prop, + confidence: prediction[idx] + } + }).sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence); + })[0]; + }) + // NOTE: we are doing a funky javascript thing + // setting an array as results, then adding + // .tensor as a property of that array object + results = outputData; + results.tensor = ys; + + } else if (this.config.architecture.task === 'regression') { + const predictions = await ys.array(); + + + + const outputData = predictions.map(prediction => { + return Object.entries(this.data.meta.outputs).map((item, idx) => { + const prop = item[0]; + const { + outputMin, + outputMax + } = this.data.data; + let val; + if (!this.data.meta.isNormalized) { + val = prediction[idx] + } else { + val = (prediction[idx] * (outputMax[idx] - outputMin[idx])) + outputMin[idx]; + } + + return { + value: val, + label: prop + } + }); + }) + + + // NOTE: we are doing a funky javascript thing + // setting an array as results, then adding + // .tensor as a property of that array object + results = outputData; + results.tensor = ys; + } + + xs.dispose(); + return results; + + } + + /** + * Make a prediction based on the given input + * @param {*} sample + */ + async predictInternal(sample) { + // 1. Handle the input sample + // either an array of values in order of the inputs + // OR an JSON object of key/values + // console.log(sample) + + let inputData = []; + if (sample instanceof Array) { + inputData = sample; + } else if (sample instanceof Object) { + // TODO: make sure that the input order is preserved! + const headers = this.data.config.dataOptions.inputs; + inputData = headers.map(prop => { + return sample[prop] + }); + } + + + // 2. onehot encode the sample if necessary + let encodedInput = []; + + Object.entries(this.data.meta.inputs).forEach((arr) => { + const prop = arr[0]; + const { + dtype + } = arr[1]; + + // to ensure that we get the value in the right order + const valIndex = this.data.config.dataOptions.inputs.indexOf(prop); + const val = inputData[valIndex]; + + if (dtype === 'number') { + let normVal; + // if the data has not been normalized, just send in the raw sample + if (!this.data.meta.isNormalized) { + normVal = val; + } else { + const { + inputMin, + inputMax + } = this.data.data; + normVal = val; + if (inputMin && inputMax) { + normVal = (val - inputMin[valIndex]) / (inputMax[valIndex] - inputMin[valIndex]); + } + } + encodedInput.push(normVal); + } else if (dtype === 'string') { + const { + legend + } = arr[1]; + const onehotVal = legend[val] + encodedInput = [...encodedInput, ...onehotVal] + } + + }) + + const xs = tf.tensor(encodedInput, [1, this.data.meta.inputUnits]); + const ys = this.model.predict(xs); + + let results = []; + + if (this.config.architecture.task === 'classification') { + const predictions = await ys.data(); + // TODO: Check to see if this fails with numeric values + // since no legend exists + const outputData = Object.entries(this.data.meta.outputs).map((arr) => { + const { + legend + } = arr[1]; + // TODO: the order of the legend items matters + // Likey this means instead of `.push()`, + // we should do .unshift() + // alternatively we can use 'reverse()' here. + return Object.entries(legend).map((legendArr, idx) => { + const prop = legendArr[0]; + return { + label: prop, + confidence: predictions[idx] + } + }).sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence); + })[0]; + + // NOTE: we are doing a funky javascript thing + // setting an array as results, then adding + // .tensor as a property of that array object + results = outputData; + results.tensor = ys; + + } else if (this.config.architecture.task === 'regression') { + const predictions = await ys.data(); + + + const outputData = Object.entries(this.data.meta.outputs).map((item, idx) => { + const prop = item[0]; + const { + outputMin, + outputMax + } = this.data.data; + let val; + if (!this.data.meta.isNormalized) { + val = predictions[idx] + } else { + val = (predictions[idx] * (outputMax[idx] - outputMin[idx])) + outputMin[idx]; + } + + return { + value: val, + label: prop + } + }); + + + // NOTE: we are doing a funky javascript thing + // setting an array as results, then adding + // .tensor as a property of that array object + results = outputData; + results.tensor = ys; + } + + xs.dispose(); + return results; + + + } + + + + + /** + * ---------------------------------------- + * ----- Exporting / Saving --------------- + * ---------------------------------------- + */ + + /** + * Calls this.data.saveData() to save data out to a json file + * @param {*} callback + * @param {*} name + */ + async saveData(nameOrCallback, callback) { + let cb; + let outputName; + + // check the inputs + if (typeof nameOrCallback === 'string' && callback) { + outputName = nameOrCallback + cb = callback; + } else if (typeof nameOrCallback === 'string' && !callback) { + cb = null; + outputName = nameOrCallback + } else if (typeof nameOrCallback === 'function') { + cb = nameOrCallback + outputName = undefined; + } + + // save the data out + await this.data.saveData(outputName); + + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + cb(); + } + } + + /** + * loadData from fileinput or path + * @param {*} filesOrPath + * @param {*} callback + */ + async loadData(filesOrPath = null, callback) { + + let loadedData; + if (typeof filesOrPath !== 'string') { + const file = filesOrPath[0]; + const fr = new FileReader(); + fr.readAsText(file); + if (file.name.includes('.json')) { + const temp = await file.text(); + loadedData = JSON.parse(temp); + } else { + console.log('data must be a json object containing an array called "data" or "entries') + } + } else { + loadedData = await fetch(filesOrPath); + const text = await loadedData.text(); + if (this.data.isJsonString(text)) { + loadedData = JSON.parse(text); + } else { + console.log('Whoops! something went wrong. Either this kind of data is not supported yet or there is an issue with .loadData') + } + } + + // check if a data or entries property exists + if (loadedData.data) { + this.data.data.raw = loadedData.data; + } else if (loadedData.entries) { + this.data.data.raw = loadedData.entries; + } else { + console.log('data must be a json object containing an array called "data" or "entries') + } + + if (callback) { + callback(); + } + } + + + /** + * Save the model and weights + * @param {*} callback + * @param {*} name + */ + async save(callback, name) { + this.model.save(tf.io.withSaveHandler(async (data) => { + let modelName = 'model'; + if (name) modelName = name; + + this.weightsManifest = { + modelTopology: data.modelTopology, + weightsManifest: [{ + paths: [`./${modelName}.weights.bin`], + weights: data.weightSpecs, + }] + }; + + const dataMeta = { + data: { + inputMin: this.data.data.inputMin, + inputMax: this.data.data.inputMax, + outputMin: this.data.data.outputMin, + outputMax: this.data.data.outputMax, + }, + meta: this.data.meta + } + + await saveBlob(data.weightData, `${modelName}.weights.bin`, 'application/octet-stream'); + await saveBlob(JSON.stringify(this.weightsManifest), `${modelName}.json`, 'text/plain'); + await saveBlob(JSON.stringify(dataMeta), `${modelName}_meta.json`, 'text/plain'); + if (callback) { + callback(); + } + })); + } + + /** + * Load the model and weights in from a file + * @param {*} filesOrPath + * @param {*} callback + */ + async load(filesOrPath = null, callback) { + + if (filesOrPath instanceof FileList) { + + const files = await Promise.all( + Array.from(filesOrPath).map( async (file) => { + if (file.name.includes('model.json')) { + return {name:"model", file} + } else if (file.name.includes('_meta.json')) { + const modelMetadata = await file.text(); + return {name: "metadata", file:modelMetadata} + } else if (file.name.includes('.bin')) { + return {name:"weights", file} + } + return {name:null, file:null} + }) + ) + + const model = files.find(item => item.name === 'model').file; + const modelMetadata = JSON.parse(files.find(item => item.name === 'metadata').file); + const weights = files.find(item => item.name === 'weights').file; + + // set the metainfo + this.data.data.inputMax = modelMetadata.data.inputMax; + this.data.data.inputMin = modelMetadata.data.inputMin; + this.data.data.outputMax = modelMetadata.data.outputMax; + this.data.data.outputMin = modelMetadata.data.outputMin; + this.data.meta = modelMetadata.meta; + + // load the model + this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel(tf.io.browserFiles([model, weights])); + + } else if(filesOrPath instanceof Object){ + // filesOrPath = {model: URL, metadata: URL, weights: URL} + + let modelMetadata = await fetch(filesOrPath.metadata); + modelMetadata = await modelMetadata.text(); + modelMetadata = JSON.parse(modelMetadata); + + let modelJson = await fetch(filesOrPath.model); + modelJson = await modelJson.text(); + const modelJsonFile = new File([modelJson], 'model.json', {type: 'application/json'}); + + let weightsBlob = await fetch(filesOrPath.weights); + weightsBlob = await weightsBlob.blob(); + const weightsBlobFile = new File([weightsBlob], 'model.weights.bin', {type: 'application/macbinary'}); + + this.data.data.inputMax = modelMetadata.data.inputMax; + this.data.data.inputMin = modelMetadata.data.inputMin; + this.data.data.outputMax = modelMetadata.data.outputMax; + this.data.data.outputMin = modelMetadata.data.outputMin; + this.data.meta = modelMetadata.meta; + + this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel(tf.io.browserFiles([modelJsonFile, weightsBlobFile])); + + } else { + const metaPath = `${filesOrPath.substring(0, filesOrPath.lastIndexOf("/"))}/model_meta.json`; + let modelMetadata = await fetch(metaPath); + modelMetadata = await modelMetadata.json(); + + this.data.data.inputMax = modelMetadata.data.inputMax; + this.data.data.inputMin = modelMetadata.data.inputMin; + this.data.data.outputMax = modelMetadata.data.outputMax; + this.data.data.outputMin = modelMetadata.data.outputMin; + this.data.meta = modelMetadata.meta; + + this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel(filesOrPath); + } + if (callback) { + callback(); + } + return this.model; + } + +} + + + + +/** + * Create an instance of the NeuralNetwork + * @param {*} inputsOrOptions + * @param {*} outputsOrCallback + * @param {*} callback + */ +const neuralNetwork = (inputsOrOptions, outputsOrCallback, callback) => { + + let options; + let cb; + + if (inputsOrOptions instanceof Object) { + options = inputsOrOptions; + cb = outputsOrCallback; + } else { + options = { + inputs: inputsOrOptions, + outputs: outputsOrCallback, + }; + cb = callback; + } + + const instance = new NeuralNetwork(options, cb); + return instance; +}; + +export default neuralNetwork; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/NeuralNetwork/index_test.js b/src/NeuralNetwork/index_test.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdb079270 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/NeuralNetwork/index_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5 +// +// This software is released under the MIT License. +// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + + +const { + neuralNetwork +} = ml5; + +const NN_DEFAULTS = { + task: 'regression', + activationHidden: 'sigmoid', + activationOutput: 'sigmoid', + debug: false, + learningRate: 0.25, + inputs: 2, + outputs: 1, + noVal: null, + hiddenUnits: 16, + modelMetrics: ['accuracy'], + modelLoss: 'meanSquaredError', + modelOptimizer: null, + batchSize: 64, + epochs: 32, +} + + +describe('neuralNetwork', () => { + let nn; + + beforeEach(async () => { + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 15000; + nn = await neuralNetwork(); + }); + + it('Should create neuralNetwork with all the defaults', async () => { + expect(nn.config.debug).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.debug); + // architecture defaults + expect(nn.config.architecture.task).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.task); + + // expect(nn.config.architecture.layers).toBe(); + // expect(nn.config.architecture.activations).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.activations); + + // training defaults + expect(nn.config.training.batchSize).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.batchSize); + expect(nn.config.training.epochs).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.epochs); + expect(nn.config.training.learningRate).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.learningRate); + + // expect(nn.config.training.modelMetrics).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.modelMetrics); + expect(nn.config.training.modelLoss).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.modelLoss); + // expect(nn.config.training.modelOptimizer).toBe(); + + // data defaults + // expect(nn.config.dataOptions.dataUrl).toBe(); + // expect(nn.config.dataOptions.inputs).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.inputs); + // expect(nn.config.dataOptions.outputs).toBe(NN_DEFAULTS.outputs); + + // expect(nn.config.dataOptions.normalizationOptions).toBe(); + + }); + +}); diff --git a/src/PoseNet/index.js b/src/PoseNet/index.js index 7a6fd49aa..184df5bfa 100644 --- a/src/PoseNet/index.js +++ b/src/PoseNet/index.js @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import * as posenet from '@tensorflow-models/posenet'; import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; const DEFAULTS = { + architecture: 'MobileNetV1', imageScaleFactor: 0.3, outputStride: 16, flipHorizontal: false, @@ -22,12 +23,16 @@ const DEFAULTS = { scoreThreshold: 0.5, nmsRadius: 20, detectionType: 'multiple', + inputResolution: 513, multiplier: 0.75, + quantBytes: 2 }; class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { /** * @typedef {Object} options + * @property {string} architecture - default 'MobileNetV1', + * @property {number} inputResolution - default 257, * @property {number} imageScaleFactor - default 0.3 * @property {number} outputStride - default 16 * @property {boolean} flipHorizontal - default false @@ -36,7 +41,8 @@ class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { * @property {number} scoreThreshold - default 0.5 * @property {number} nmsRadius - default 20 * @property {String} detectionType - default single - * @property {multiplier} nmsRadius - default 0.75 + * @property {multiplier} nmsRadius - default 0.75, + * @property {multiplier} quantBytes - default 2, */ /** * Create a PoseNet model. @@ -55,18 +61,42 @@ class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { * @type {String} * @public */ - this.detectionType = detectionType || DEFAULTS.detectionType; + this.architecture = options.architecture || DEFAULTS.architecture; + this.detectionType = detectionType || options.detectionType || DEFAULTS.detectionType; this.imageScaleFactor = options.imageScaleFactor || DEFAULTS.imageScaleFactor; this.outputStride = options.outputStride || DEFAULTS.outputStride; this.flipHorizontal = options.flipHorizontal || DEFAULTS.flipHorizontal; + this.scoreThreshold = options.scoreThreshold || DEFAULTS.scoreThreshold; this.minConfidence = options.minConfidence || DEFAULTS.minConfidence; + this.maxPoseDetections = options.maxPoseDetections || DEFAULTS.maxPoseDetections; this.multiplier = options.multiplier || DEFAULTS.multiplier; + this.inputResolution = options.inputResolution || DEFAULTS.inputResolution; + this.quantBytes = options.quantBytes || DEFAULTS.quantBytes; + this.nmsRadius = options.nmsRadius || DEFAULTS.nmsRadius; this.ready = callCallback(this.load(), callback); // this.then = this.ready.then; } async load() { - this.net = await posenet.load(this.multiplier); + let modelJson; + if(this.architecture.toLowerCase() === 'mobilenetv1'){ + modelJson = { + architecture: this.architecture, + outputStride: this.outputStride, + inputResolution: this.inputResolution, + multiplier: this.multiplier, + quantBytes: this.quantBytes + } + } else { + modelJson = { + architecture: this.architecture, + outputStride: this.outputStride, + inputResolution: this.inputResolution, + quantBytes: this.quantBytes + } + } + + this.net = await posenet.load(modelJson); if (this.video) { if (this.video.readyState === 0) { @@ -100,6 +130,26 @@ class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { return newPose; } + getInput(inputOr){ + let input; + if (inputOr instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOr instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOr instanceof HTMLCanvasElement + || inputOr instanceof ImageData) { + input = inputOr; + } else if (typeof inputOr === 'object' && (inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOr.elt instanceof ImageData)) { + input = inputOr.elt; // Handle p5.js image and video + } else if (typeof inputOr === 'object' && inputOr.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { + input = inputOr.canvas; // Handle p5.js image + } else { + input = this.video; + } + + return input; + } + /** * Given an image or video, returns an array of objects containing pose estimations * using single or multi-pose detection. @@ -108,16 +158,9 @@ class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { */ /* eslint max-len: ["error", { "code": 180 }] */ async singlePose(inputOr, cb) { - let input; - if (inputOr instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOr instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { - input = inputOr; - } else if (typeof inputOr === 'object' && (inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { - input = inputOr.elt; // Handle p5.js image and video - } else { - input = this.video; - } + const input = this.getInput(inputOr); - const pose = await this.net.estimateSinglePose(input, this.imageScaleFactor, this.flipHorizontal, this.outputStride); + const pose = await this.net.estimateSinglePose(input, {flipHorizontal: this.flipHorizontal}); const poseWithParts = this.mapParts(pose); const result = [{ pose:poseWithParts, skeleton: this.skeleton(pose.keypoints) }]; this.emit('pose', result); @@ -140,17 +183,15 @@ class PoseNet extends EventEmitter { * @param {function} cb */ async multiPose(inputOr, cb) { - let input; + const input = this.getInput(inputOr); - if (inputOr instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOr instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { - input = inputOr; - } else if (typeof inputOr === 'object' && (inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOr.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { - input = inputOr.elt; // Handle p5.js image and video - } else { - input = this.video; - } + const poses = await this.net.estimateMultiplePoses(input, { + flipHorizontal: this.flipHorizontal, + maxDetections: this.maxPoseDetections, + scoreThreshold: this.scoreThreshold, + nmsRadius: this.nmsRadius + }); - const poses = await this.net.estimateMultiplePoses(input, this.imageScaleFactor, this.flipHorizontal, this.outputStride); const posesWithParts = poses.map(pose => (this.mapParts(pose))); const result = posesWithParts.map(pose => ({ pose, skeleton: this.skeleton(pose.keypoints) })); this.emit('pose', result); @@ -184,11 +225,14 @@ const poseNet = (videoOrOptionsOrCallback, optionsOrCallback, cb) => { if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object') { options = optionsOrCallback; - } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { - callback = optionsOrCallback; } else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'string') { detectionType = optionsOrCallback; } + + if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') { + callback = optionsOrCallback; + } + return new PoseNet(video, options, detectionType, callback); }; diff --git a/src/PoseNet/index_test.js b/src/PoseNet/index_test.js index f6d3dd63b..29f2c3fe1 100644 --- a/src/PoseNet/index_test.js +++ b/src/PoseNet/index_test.js @@ -8,11 +8,18 @@ const { poseNet } = ml5; const POSENET_IMG = 'https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-adjacent/raw/master/02_ImageClassification_Video/starter.png'; const POSENET_DEFAULTS = { + architecture: 'MobileNetV1', imageScaleFactor: 0.3, + outputStride: 16, flipHorizontal: false, minConfidence: 0.5, + maxPoseDetections: 5, + scoreThreshold: 0.5, + nmsRadius: 20, detectionType: 'multiple', + inputResolution: 513, multiplier: 0.75, + quantBytes: 2 }; describe('PoseNet', () => { @@ -32,11 +39,12 @@ describe('PoseNet', () => { }); it('instantiates poseNet', () => { + expect(net.architecture).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.architecture); expect(net.imageScaleFactor).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.imageScaleFactor); - expect(net.flipHorizontal).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.flipHorizontal); - expect(net.minConfidence).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.minConfidence); - expect(net.detectionType).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.detectionType); + expect(net.outputStride).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.outputStride); + expect(net.inputResolution).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.inputResolution); expect(net.multiplier).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.multiplier); + expect(net.quantBytes).toBe(POSENET_DEFAULTS.quantBytes); }); // it('detects poses in image', async () => { diff --git a/src/StyleTransfer/index.js b/src/StyleTransfer/index.js index 658a4ba48..79f50743b 100644 --- a/src/StyleTransfer/index.js +++ b/src/StyleTransfer/index.js @@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ class StyleTransfer extends Video { inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { input = inputOrCallback; - } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement)) { + } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) { input = inputOrCallback.elt; } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'function') { input = this.video; diff --git a/src/UNET/index.js b/src/UNET/index.js index 879efe4b1..f6ecfdc0f 100644 --- a/src/UNET/index.js +++ b/src/UNET/index.js @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback'; import { array3DToImage } from '../utils/imageUtilities'; import Video from '../utils/Video'; +import p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils'; const URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zaidalyafeai/HostedModels/master/unet-128/model.json'; const imageSize = 128; @@ -40,10 +41,10 @@ class UNET extends Video { } // check if p5js - static checkP5() { - if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.p5 && window.p5.Image && typeof window.p5.Image === 'function') return true; - return false; - } + // static checkP5() { + // if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.p5 && window.p5.Image && typeof window.p5.Image === 'function') return true; + // return false; + // } async segment(inputOrCallback, cb) { await this.ready; @@ -51,9 +52,12 @@ class UNET extends Video { let callback = cb; if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement - || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback; - } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { + } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback.elt; } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'function') { imgToPredict = this.video; @@ -105,8 +109,10 @@ class UNET extends Video { const raw = await tf.browser.toPixels(tensor); let image; - if (UNET.checkP5()) { - image = window.loadImage(dom.src); + if (p5Utils.checkP5()) { + const blob1 = await p5Utils.rawToBlob(raw, imageSize, imageSize); + const p5Image1 = await p5Utils.blobToP5Image(blob1); + image = p5Image1; } return { diff --git a/src/YOLO/index.js b/src/YOLO/index.js index 822d3e339..9a9646c6c 100644 --- a/src/YOLO/index.js +++ b/src/YOLO/index.js @@ -74,9 +74,13 @@ class YOLOBase extends Video { let imgToPredict; let callback = cb; - if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { + if (inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback instanceof ImageData) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback; - } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) { + } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'object' && (inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement + || inputOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) { imgToPredict = inputOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image and video. } else if (typeof inputOrCallback === 'function') { imgToPredict = this.video; diff --git a/src/YOLO/index_test.js b/src/YOLO/index_test.js index ac72b7541..56293b2fc 100644 --- a/src/YOLO/index_test.js +++ b/src/YOLO/index_test.js @@ -23,6 +23,22 @@ describe('YOLO', () => { return img; } + async function getImageData() { + const arr = new Uint8ClampedArray(40000); + + // Iterate through every pixel + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 4) { + arr[i + 0] = 0; // R value + arr[i + 1] = 190; // G value + arr[i + 2] = 0; // B value + arr[i + 3] = 255; // A value + } + + // Initialize a new ImageData object + const img = new ImageData(arr, 200); + return img; + } + beforeEach(async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 100000; yolo = await YOLO(); @@ -40,4 +56,10 @@ describe('YOLO', () => { const detection = await yolo.detect(robin); expect(detection[0].label).toBe('bird'); }); + + it('detects takes ImageData', async () => { + const img = await getImageData(); + const detection = await yolo.detect(img); + expect(detection).toEqual([]); + }); }); diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js index e1c535829..076402c86 100644 --- a/src/index.js +++ b/src/index.js @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ import preloadRegister from './utils/p5PreloadHelper'; import { version } from '../package.json'; import sentiment from './Sentiment'; import bodyPix from './BodyPix'; +import neuralNetwork from './NeuralNetwork'; +import faceApi from './FaceApi'; +import kmeans from './KMeans'; +import p5Utils from './utils/p5Utils'; const withPreload = { charRNN, @@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ const withPreload = { DCGAN, featureExtractor, imageClassifier, + kmeans, soundClassifier, pitchDetection, pix2pix, @@ -40,13 +45,15 @@ const withPreload = { word2vec, YOLO, uNet, + sentiment, + bodyPix, + faceApi, }; -module.exports = Object.assign({}, preloadRegister(withPreload), { +module.exports = Object.assign({p5Utils}, preloadRegister(withPreload), { KNNClassifier, ...imageUtils, tf, version, - sentiment, - bodyPix, + neuralNetwork, }); diff --git a/src/utils/p5Utils.js b/src/utils/p5Utils.js index d14d21053..8c4ea62ee 100644 --- a/src/utils/p5Utils.js +++ b/src/utils/p5Utils.js @@ -3,64 +3,100 @@ // This software is released under the MIT License. // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +class P5Util { + constructor() { + this.p5Instance = window; + } -// This function will check if the p5 is in the environment -const checkP5 = () => { - if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.p5 && window.p5.Image && typeof window.p5.Image === 'function') return true; - return false; -}; + /** + * Set p5 instance globally. + * @param {Object} p5Instance + */ + setP5Instance(p5Instance) { + this.p5Instance = p5Instance; + } -// Convert a canvas to Blob -const getBlob = (inputCanvas) => { - return new Promise((resolve) => { - inputCanvas.toBlob((blob) => { - resolve(blob); - }); - }); -}; + /** + * This function will check if the p5 is in the environment + * Either it is in the p5Instance mode OR it is in the window + * @returns {boolean} if it is in p5 + */ + checkP5() { + // typeof this.p5Instance !== 'undefined' && this.p5Instance.p5 && this.p5Instance.p5.Image && typeof this.p5Instance.p5.Image === 'function' + if (typeof this.p5Instance !== 'undefined' && + typeof this.p5Instance.loadImage === 'function' || + typeof this.p5Instance.p5 !== 'undefined' && + typeof this.p5Instance.p5.Image !== 'undefined' && + typeof this.p5Instance.p5.Image === 'function') return true; + return false + } + /** + * Convert a canvas to Blob + * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} inputCanvas + * @returns {Blob} blob object + */ + /* eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "exceptMethods": ["getBlob"] }] */ + getBlob(inputCanvas) { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + inputCanvas.toBlob((blob) => { + resolve(blob); + }); + }); + }; -// Load Image Async -const loadAsync = (url) => { - return new Promise((resolve) => { - /* global loadImage */ - loadImage(url, (img) => { - resolve(img); + /** + * Load image in async way. + * @param {String} url + */ + loadAsync(url) { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + this.p5Instance.loadImage(url, (img) => { + resolve(img); + }); }); - }); -}; + }; -// Convert a bytes-array to a Blob Object -const rawToBlob = async (raws, x, y) => { - // console.log(raws, x, y) - const arr = Array.from(raws) - const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Consider using offScreenCanvas when it is ready? - const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); + /** + * convert raw bytes to blob object + * @param {Array} raws + * @param {number} x + * @param {number} y + * @returns {Blob} + */ + async rawToBlob(raws, x, y) { + const arr = Array.from(raws) + const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Consider using offScreenCanvas when it is ready? + const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); - canvas.width = x; - canvas.height = y; + canvas.width = x; + canvas.height = y; - const imgData = ctx.createImageData(x, y); - const { data } = imgData; + const imgData = ctx.createImageData(x, y); + const { data } = imgData; - for (let i = 0; i < x * y * 4; i += 1 ) data[i] = arr[i]; - ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); + for (let i = 0; i < x * y * 4; i += 1 ) data[i] = arr[i]; + ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); - const blob = await getBlob(canvas); - return blob; -}; + const blob = await this.getBlob(canvas); + return blob; + }; -// Conver Blob to P5.Image -const blobToP5Image = async (blob) => { - if (checkP5()) { - const p5Img = await loadAsync(URL.createObjectURL(blob)); - return p5Img; - } - return null; -}; + /** + * Conver Blob to P5.Image + * @param {Blob} blob + * @param {Object} p5Img + */ + async blobToP5Image(blob) { + if (this.checkP5()) { + const p5Img = await this.loadAsync(URL.createObjectURL(blob)); + return p5Img; + } + return null; + }; -export { - checkP5, - rawToBlob, - blobToP5Image } + +const p5Utils = new P5Util(); + +export default p5Utils; diff --git a/src/utils/random.js b/src/utils/random.js index 10e8fb919..38aad48d8 100644 --- a/src/utils/random.js +++ b/src/utils/random.js @@ -37,4 +37,19 @@ const randomGaussian = (mean = 0, sd = 1) => { return (y1 * sd) + mean; }; -export { randomFloat, randomInt, randomGaussian }; +// Returns a random sample (either with or without replacement) of size k from an array +const randomSample = (arr, k, withReplacement = false) => { + let sample; + if (withReplacement === true) { // sample with replacement + sample = Array.from({length: k}, () => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]); + } else { // sample without replacement + if (k > arr.length) { + throw new RangeError('Sample size must be less than or equal to array length when sampling without replacement.') + } + sample = arr.map(a => [a, Math.random()]).sort((a, b) => { + return a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1;}).slice(0, k).map(a => a[0]); + }; + return sample; +}; + +export { randomFloat, randomInt, randomGaussian, randomSample }; diff --git a/webpack.dev.babel.js b/webpack.dev.babel.js index 2d97397e5..489a79114 100644 --- a/webpack.dev.babel.js +++ b/webpack.dev.babel.js @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ export default merge(common, { devtool: 'inline-source-map', devServer: { watchContentBase: true, - contentBase: join(__dirname, './dist') + contentBase: join(__dirname, './dist'), + disableHostCheck: true, }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({